Migration law for Ukrainians. Stay of Ukrainians in Russia – migration regime

Hello. You need to go through the following stages: temporary residence permit - residence permit - Russian citizenship in a simplified manner.
The documents that will be required to obtain a residence permit are specified in paragraph 21 of Order of the Federal Migration Service dated April 22, 2013 N 215 “On approval Administrative regulations provided by the Federal Migration Service public services for issuing residence permits to foreign citizens and stateless persons Russian Federation»:
21.1. Application in two copies.
21.2. 4 Personal Photos 35 x 45 mm in size in black and white or color with a clear image of the face from the front without a headdress.
21.3. Identity document.
21.4. A document confirming the existence of a legal source of livelihood that allows one to support oneself in the Russian Federation within living wage, or a document confirming his inability to work. Such documents are: income certificate individual, a certificate from the place of work, a pension certificate, confirmation of receipt of alimony, a certificate of income of a person who is dependent on the applicant, a certificate of the presence of a bank deposit indicating the account number and amount of the deposit, another document confirming the receipt of income from activities not prohibited by law or disability.
The bank deposit must confirm that the foreign citizen has Money in an amount not lower than the subsistence level established by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the territory of which a foreign citizen applies for a residence permit for the period of provision of the public service.
21.5. A document confirming the availability of residential premises on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, if the information contained in it is not at the disposal of state bodies and local governments.
21.6. A document issued by an authorized healthcare institution of the Russian Federation, confirming the absence of drug addiction and infectious diseases that pose a danger to others, provided for in the list of infectious diseases that pose a danger to others and are the basis for refusing to issue or canceling a temporary residence permit for foreign citizens and persons without citizenship, or residence permit, or work permit in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 2, 2003 N 188, as well as a certificate of absence of disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection).
21.7. A document confirming the foreign citizen’s command of the Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Such documents include: a certificate of proficiency in the Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation; state document on education (at a level not lower than basic general education), issued educational institution on the territory of a state that was part of the USSR, until September 1, 1991; document on education and (or) qualifications issued to persons who have successfully passed the state final certification on the territory of the Russian Federation since September 1, 1991.
According to clause 18 of the Order of the Federal Migration Service of April 22, 2013 N 215 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Migration Service of public services for issuing residence permits in the Russian Federation to foreign citizens and stateless persons”:
The total period for providing public services is 6 months from the date of acceptance of the application.
There are no grounds for reducing the terms (such grounds include: participation in the resettlement program, the presence of political asylum, the presence of a terminated Russian citizenship, citizenship of the Republic of Belarus, as well as recognition as a highly qualified specialist).
Originals are required for all submitted documents.

With the outbreak of hostilities in the eastern part of Ukraine, Russia introduced preferential conditions of stay for citizens who left their homes and moved to the Russian Federation. After repeatedly extending their stay, Russian authorities in 2015 revised some migration rules for Ukrainian citizens, including residents of the occupied regions.

Legalization of stay

According to the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, the period of preferences - stay in Russia on preferential terms - for citizens registered in the occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions will not change.

Citizens of other regions of Ukraine have the right to stay in the Russian Federation without leaving for 90 days and receive a work permit on the same basis as other citizens of CIS member countries crossing the Russian border under a visa-free regime. However, the new migration rules for Ukrainians did not affect the regime of crossing the border of the Russian Federation - they can still use an internal passport.

The Russian Federal Migration Service warns guests from Ukraine that preferential migration regime for Ukrainians was canceled and the last date for extending their temporary stay in the Russian Federation was October 2015.

Until the end of October last year, Ukrainians from peaceful regions of the country should have contacted the territorial offices of the migration service and legalized their legal status.

In July last year, the head of the Russian Federal Migration Service, K. Romodanovsky, said that Ukrainian citizens who have not received permits risk being banned from entry for a period of three to ten years. This warning does not only apply to residents of the two areas mentioned above. According to Article 31, violation of migration rules may entail not only fines, but also administrative expulsion, deportation or readmission.

Coming to work

Despite the fighting taking place in eastern parts Ukraine, the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation does not make an exception for Ukrainians who arrived in Russia in order to improve their financial situation. To work on the territory of the Russian Federation, Ukrainian migrants must apply for a patent or obtain another status that gives them the right to engage in labor activities, for example, temporary residence permits. This rule applies to all citizens of Ukraine, including people from Donbass who have not applied for temporary asylum.

The migration regime for Ukrainians who come to work contains the following rules:

Citizens of Ukraine should pay attention: although the abolition of the preferential migration regime for Ukrainians still allows crossing the border with a civil passport, for applying for a patent it is often more preferable to have an “international” identity card - a foreign passport. Moreover, migration centers Some regions require you to provide this particular document.

New rules for residents of Donbass

The preferential migration regime for residents of Donbass has also been revised, although they can still count on the previous order of stay and stay on the territory of the Russian Federation longer than the specified 90 days. Vadim Yakovenko, deputy head of the FMS, said that all territorial divisions of the service were ordered to provide maximum assistance to citizens of Ukraine.

However, those arriving from the territories of the so-called Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics should take into account that in the coming year the number of applications approved by the Russian government for the provision/extension of temporary asylum status will decrease. In addition, the length of stay in temporary residence centers will be reduced.

New migration rules for Ukrainians: Video

Relations between Ukraine and Russia have deteriorated significantly recently. There are many reasons for this, but the main ones are the annexation of Crimea and military operations in eastern Ukraine. This inevitably affected their stay on the territory of the Russian Federation. Moreover, government authorities plan to introduce visa regime, which will further complicate the relationship. What rules for the stay of Ukrainians in Russia from January 1, 2017 did the Main Directorate for Migration and Migration (FMS) put into effect?

Today, rumors are actively spreading that the presence of Ukrainians in the Russian Federation will be carried out according to new rules. Thus, the planned changes will be that citizens of Ukraine will be able to cross the border only with a foreign passport, while previously an internal identity card was suitable. Such information came from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2017, but today there is no official confirmation of it.

However, since January 2017, some changes were made by the Main Directorate for Migration and Migration (FMS), but they did not affect Ukrainians. This is due to the fact that a large number of immigrants from Ukraine are forced to move to Russia, and therefore they require special treatment.

As you know, A Ukrainian can stay in Russia for 90 days without obtaining any permits or visas. After this, he must leave the country or apply for a temporary residence permit. However, if the period of stay does not exceed 3 months, then the person may not even register. To date, the only activity for recording foreigners who arrived under the visa-free regime is filling out. At the same time, you do not need to submit a notification to the Main Administration for Migration (FMS) of your arrival in Russia.

You need to take filling out a migration card in 2017 seriously. This is a document that contains information about the foreigner, the purpose of his visit, etc. It is extremely important to have a clear answer to the question regarding the purpose and timing of the visit, because the border guard at the checkpoint can ask it. It will also be a plus to have documents confirming the reservation of hotels or other accommodation for the duration of your stay in Russia. This will prove that you plan to comply with the rules of stay and will leave the country on time.

Read also About assistance to internally displaced persons in Ukraine

Features of being in the Russian Federation

So, after a Ukrainian ended up on Russian territory in 2017, he can work, study or engage in other activities. Current rules allow him to sign an employment contract for a period of no more than 1 year. As practice shows, this can be done an unlimited number of times as long as the passport is valid. Generally speaking, you can stay and work in Russia according to the following scheme:

  • cross the border and fill out a migration card;
  • sign an employment contract;
  • obtain a work permit;
  • register at your place of residence.

In addition, the employer must send a notification to the Main Directorate for Migration and Migration (FMS) that he plans to hire a resident of Ukraine. This can be done by mail or via the Internet. These stages must be completed every year. When a person has officially lived in Russia for 3 years, he will be able to obtain a residence permit. In 2017, it is issued for 5 years, and in the future you can obtain permanent residence status or become a citizen of the Russian Federation. Of course, for this you need to fulfill a number of conditions and meet the requirements.

In order to obtain a work permit in 2017, you must submit certain documents to the Main Administration for Migration (FMS):

  • international passport;
  • migration card;
  • set of photographs;
  • confirmation of Russian language proficiency;
  • medical certificate and certificate of absence of AIDS;
  • rental agreement;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

In some cases, additional documents may be required.

As for the training of Ukrainians in Russia in 2017, everything here follows a similar pattern. However, instead of an employment contract, you must present documents from the university confirming your enrollment.

A nice bonus in 2017 is that students can officially work during their studies. Since the residence permit is issued for a certain period, it must be renewed. For this purpose, representatives educational institution must fill out a corresponding petition and submit it to the Main Directorate for Migration and Migration (the former Migration Service). Moreover, the extension of status should occur immediately after filing the application, and not after its consideration.

Many foreigners most of which are citizens of CIS countries, travel to Russia not only for the purpose of tourism, but also for employment and further residence on its territory. To regulate the illegal flow of migrants, the country’s government has developed special rules of stay foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation. These norms regulate the procedure for entering the country, registration of migrants upon arrival in the state, and also establish a list of documents confirming the legal presence of foreign nationals in the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that, according to Russian migration legislation, the requirements for legalization in the country are not the same for all foreigners; everything depends on the category of persons to which the migrant belongs.

  1. Persons who require a visa to enter the Russian Federation;
  2. Citizens who have the right to cross the Russian border without a permit. Such persons include nationals of those countries that have concluded international agreements with Russia, giving foreigners the right to visa-free entry to the territory of the Russian Federation. Besides, visa-free regime available to citizens of the states of the former union.

So, let's start with the conditions for entry into Russia.

Conditions for entry into Russia

First of all, it must be said that fulfilling the requirements for legalization in Russia is a mandatory condition for staying on its territory. Migration movement is under constant control of special bodies. Violation of the established rules threatens to bring the illegal immigrant to justice in the form of fines and even deportation; as a rule, the punishment depends on the seriousness of the offense.

If you want to be free in Russia and, accordingly, not have problems with law enforcement agencies, follow the requirements of the law, observe social principles, and also show respect for the traditions and customs of its inhabitants.

According to the migration rules, foreigners who do not need a visa to cross the Russian border enter the territory of the Russian Federation with a national passport, say, as citizens of Ukraine, or on the basis of a foreign identity card (citizens of Uzbekistan). All representatives of this category are required to fill out and present a migrant card during border control.

Citizens of those states that, like Russia, are part of the single economic space enjoy special privileges. These countries include:

  1. Belarus;
  2. Kazakhstan;
  3. Armenia;
  4. Kyrgyzstan.

Nationals of the above states can not only move freely within these four countries, but also get a job without having additional work permits.

Thanks to the existence of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation concluded between Belarus and Russia, Belarusian citizens are not required to comply with the rules of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation. Besides, When crossing the border, Belarusians are exempt from such duties as:

  1. Walkthrough passport control;
  2. Entering data into the migration card.

In the future, they have the right to live freely in Russia and work in any region. However, you do not need to obtain a patent to get a job.

Requirements regarding the period of stay of foreigners in Russia

The second most important rule, failure to comply with which leads to the imposition of sanctions, is compliance with the permitted period of stay in the country. The length of time one can stay on the territory of the Russian Federation legally is established by the relevant permitting documents.

Foreign citizens arriving in Russia on a visa, must leave the country in accordance with the time limits specified in the permit. That is, the period of stay in the Russian Federation directly depends on the validity of the visa.

Regarding the visa-free category of foreigners, then there are several rules, the calculation of the terms for which depends on the content of the international agreement concluded between the governments of Russia and the country of which the migrant is a citizen. According to general rule, You can stay on the territory of the Russian Federation without registering for 7 days. If circumstances develop in such a way that it is necessary to stay, then the migrant will have to register at the place of temporary residence.

Features of the migrant registration procedure:

  • A representative of the receiving party assumes responsibility for completing the registration;
  • The migrant is required to have a copy of his passport and migration card;
  • The owner of the house (apartment) located at the temporary registration address of the migrant must provide title documents for housing, as well as a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

According to the 90/180 rule, in 2016, the period of stay of foreign citizens in Russia cannot exceed 3 months over six months, therefore, after a migrant has completed the registration procedure, he will be able to stay in the Russian Federation for no longer than this period.

Grounds for long-term stay of migrants in Russia

For a long stay in the country for a period of 90 days or more, you will need to obtain a temporary residence permit (TRP), which will allow you to legally reside in Russia for 3 years. Permission is expressed in the form of a stamp, which is affixed to the migrant’s passport by migration service employees.

  1. Belarusian subjects;
  2. Citizens of Turkmenistan;
  3. Stateless people;
  4. Highly qualified specialists and members of their families.

It should be noted that there is a quota for the provision of temporary residence permits. However, there are persons who have the right to obtain a permit outside of quotas. This:

  1. Nationals of former Soviet countries;
  2. Incapacitated citizens whose children are Russian citizens;
  3. Persons whose parents are incompetent Russian citizens;
  4. Spouse of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  5. Citizens serving in the Russian army;
  6. Investors;
  7. Participants of the “Compatriot” program;
  8. Children whose parents have applied for a temporary residence permit.

For a longer stay in Russia, you will need to obtain a residence permit. The document gives the right to live in the Russian Federation for 5 years. After this period, it can be extended if there are appropriate grounds for this.

According to the new rules for the stay of Ukrainians in Russia, starting from 08/01/2015, all persons arriving from Ukraine had to determine their legal status within 120 days from this date. Otherwise, from November 1, 2015, they are prohibited from entering the territory of the Russian state with all the ensuing consequences.

What benefits could Ukrainians enjoy?

The introduction of preferential treatment was caused by the beginning of well-known events in Donbass. Due to this :

  1. Until the beginning of August, they could stay in the Russian Federation for an unlimited time.
  2. To carry out work they did not need to receive.

Now, the only category of citizens who can continue to enjoy such concessions are those from the east of Ukraine. Everyone else will have to confirm their status and legalize their stay in the country.

  • apply for a working patent.

Now only those citizens who have legal grounds to do so will be able to take advantage of Russian hospitality.


According to the new rules for the stay of Ukrainians in Russia in 2015, starting from August 1, all persons arriving from Ukraine must determine their identity within 120 days from this date. Otherwise, from November 1 of this year, they will be denied entry into the territory of the Russian state with all the ensuing consequences.

Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a three-year penalty. Now the correct one becomes mandatory: with an exact indication of the date of entry and exit, as well as the purpose of the visit, which must fully correspond to the true intentions of citizens crossing the Ukrainian-Russian border.

The order of stay of Ukrainians in Russia now implies:

In order to prolong the period of stay on Russian territory, you can use the following grounds:

  • obtain a working patent;
  • enter into an agreement with the employer;
  • enlist in the army under a contract;
  • be accepted into the ranks.

To register the temporary stay of Ukrainian citizens in the Russian Federation, you will have to pay 1,600 rubles, for registration - 3,500 rubles.

Conditions of employment

Special requirements are also put forward for the procedure for hiring Ukrainians. The first step should be to indicate the purpose of the visit to migration card- "Job". Without this, it will not be possible to issue a patent. Today this document is issued for a period from 1 month to 1 year with the right to extend it.

Another innovation in obtaining permits concerns passing an exam in the Russian language, as well as the history of Russia. Without, it is impossible to get hired. Having lived on basis of the temporary residence permit in Russia for three years, Ukrainians will be able to apply for a five-year and then for .

The situation with Ukrainian migrants

According to the competent authorities, the number of immigrants from Ukraine today is about 2.6 million citizens, of which only . Of this half, only 570 thousand Ukrainians received official permits for further stay within the Russian state, and another 100 thousand took advantage of it.

According to officials, the rules introduced by the Federal Migration Service for the stay of Ukrainians in Russia will reduce the flow from Ukrainian territory, who, taking this opportunity, are trying to legalize their position, without having anything to do with the regions where hostilities are taking place.

This is unlikely to completely stop the flow of visitors, but it will help to weed out those who really need shelter and help, and those who simply quietly want to integrate into Russian society, fleeing instability within the Ukrainian state. Ukrainians are not yet a big competition in Russia, but measures need to be taken today.

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