Monster Hunter World: how to kill all monsters, their weaknesses and rewards for killing. Poki-poki: strengths and weaknesses

Every meeting with Citra in Far Cry 3 is a significant event. The acquaintance with the ruler of the rakyat will occur according to the plot, when Dennis leads Jason to the temple at the southern tip of the island. Defeating the pirates alone is a disastrous idea, and the only potential allies are the rakyat. But no one will risk their lives to save strangers, so the only way to gain respect and get help is to become a warrior. The path of a warrior is difficult. There are several tests to go through, the main one of which will be the battle with the ink monster in the Temple of Zither. When the ancient dagger that once shed the blood of the Rakyat is delivered, and the dead are avenged, Citra will tell a beautiful legend about the island: “Once upon a time there was a lake with lotuses and clean water. Its banks were made of soft sand, and the air was filled with the scent of flowers. But beneath its surface lived a giant who ate anyone who approached the lake. A warrior from the northern kingdom found out about the giant and vowed to kill him. He applied tatau to his body, taking power from lands of the dead. Then he got ready and walked along the path to the lotus lake. The giant rose from its waters, and the warrior raised his dagger. With it he cut off the giant's head from his body. The giant's head fell to the ground and became our island. And the descendants of that warrior became our people..."

The next portion of the “witch’s brew,” which, as it turns out, is no worse than the hemp from Hoyt Walker’s burning fields and Dr. Earnhardt’s magic mushrooms, will take Jason straight to the battlefield with the ink monster. The legend will immediately become reality. A huge head will appear above the temple. Despite all the illusory nature of what is happening, the battle will be fought to the death. Simple tactics will help you defeat the ink monster. Of all the variety of weapons available in Far Cry 3, the test will have to make do with a small compound bow with endless explosive arrows. The set isn't impressive, but it's enough to win. The test is divided into three parts. In the first part, the ink monster will try to fry Jason with flames spewing from its mouth, in the second, it will be reborn into similar monsters that will appear in the temple square, and in the third, it will begin to throw ink stones. During the battle, we move from wall to wall, and when the enemy approaches within shooting distance, we shoot at the mask with a bow, trying to hit either the mouth or the eyes. Two dozen successful hits will eventually do the trick. When the monster collapses on the steps of the temple, we climb up his arm and finish off with blows of the dagger ([Space] key). The reward for the test will be worthy - Citra's tits and an army of Rakyat warriors...

R. L. Stein


Why do we have to go there? - I moaned from the back seat of the car. - Why?

Gretchen, I’ve already explained to you three times why,” Dad sighed. - Mom and I urgently need to go to Atlanta. On business!

“I know that,” I answered, leaning over the back of his seat. - Well, why can’t we come with you? Why should we stay with our grandparents?

"Because we said so." As soon as these fateful words are spoken, the dispute can be considered settled.

I leaned back in my seat.

Mom and Dad had some pressing business in Atlanta. They were called there this morning.

So unfair, I thought. They will visit a cool city like Atlanta. And Clark and I - this is my half-brother - will have to go to Mud-Grad.

Mud-Grad. Well, in fact, of course, it’s not called Gryaz-Grad. But the name is most appropriate. Because it's a swamp. Grandma Rose and Grandpa Eddie live in South Georgia - in the swamps.

Can you imagine?

In the swamps.

I stared out the window. We drove along the highway all day. Now we were moving along a narrow road through a swamp.

The day was approaching evening. And the cypress trees cast long shadows on the marsh grass.

I leaned out of the window. A wave of hot, humid air hit my face. I pulled my head back and turned to Clark. He sat with his nose buried in a comic book.

Clark is twelve - we are the same age. He is much shorter than me. Much lower. He also has curly brown hair, brown eyes and tons of freckles. He looks a lot like his mom.

I'm quite tall for my age. I have long, straight blond hair and green eyes. I look like my father.

My parents divorced when I was just two years old. So are Clark's parents. My dad and his mom got married right after our third birthdays, and we all moved into a new house together.

I love my stepmother. And I think Clark and I get along quite well. Sometimes he acts like a jerk. Even my friends say so. Well, their brothers probably act like idiots sometimes too.

I stared at Clark.

I watched him read.

His glasses slid down to the tip of his nose.

He corrected them.

Clark... - I started.

Shhh,” he waved me off. - I'm in the most interesting place.

Clark loves comics. Namely, horror films. But by nature he is a coward, so he finishes reading them barely alive from fear.

I looked out the window again.

I looked at the trees rushing past. On branches covered with long gray cobwebs. It hung from every tree like gray curtains. Because of this, the swamp looked especially gloomy.

Mom told me about the gray web this morning when we were packing. She knows a lot about swamps. She believes that the swamps have their own charm - albeit somewhat creepy.

Mom said that gray web is actually a swamp plant that grows right on trees.

“The plant grows on the plant. Strange, I thought. “Damn weird.”

It's almost as weird as grandma and grandpa.

Dad, how come my grandparents never visited us? - I asked. - We haven't seen them since they were four.

Well, they're a little eccentric. - Dad looked at me in the rearview mirror. - They don’t like traveling. They almost never leave their home. They live in the depths of swamps, so getting to them is not easy.

Well great! - I said. - We'll live with a couple of eccentric old hermits.

Smelly, eccentric old hermits,” Clark muttered, looking up from the comic.

Clark! Gretchen! - Mom was indignant. - Don’t you dare talk about your grandparents like that.

And they are not mine. They are hers. - Clark shook his head in my direction. - And they really stink. I still can’t forget.

I hit my brother on the arm with my fist. He was right though. Grandparents really stink. A kind of mixture of mold and mothballs.

I leaned back in my seat and yawned loudly.

It seemed like we had been traveling for several weeks. In addition, the back seat was too crowded - Clark, Charlie, and I were huddled together like sardines in a barrel. Charlie is our dog, a golden retriever.

I pushed Charlie aside and stretched.

Stop pushing him towards me! - Clark was indignant. His comic book fell to the floor.

“Sit still, Gretchen,” Mom muttered. - I know, we should have placed Charlie for a while.

“I tried to get him into a shelter,” Dad said. “But at the last minute no one could take it.”

Clark pushed Charlie off his lap and bent down to pick up the comic. But I grabbed him first.

“Oh, brother,” I groaned when I read the title. - “Creatures from the mud”? How can you read such trash?

And it’s not trash at all,” Clark snapped. - This is great. Much better than your stupid nature magazines.

What is it about? - I asked, flipping through the pages.

It's about such terrible monsters. Half-human, half-beast. They set traps to catch people. And then they hide in the quagmire. “Near the surface,” Clark explained. He snatched the comic from my hands.

What then? - I asked.

They are waiting. They wait as long as necessary - until people fall into their traps. - Clark's voice trembled. - And then they drag them deep into the swamps. And they turn you into slavery!

Clark shuddered. Looked out the window. I looked at the ominous silhouettes of cypress trees with long gray beards.

It was getting dark. The shadows of the trees slid across the tall grass.

Clark slid down the back of his chair. He has a wild imagination. He seriously believes in any nonsense he reads. Then he gets scared - just like now.

What else are they doing? - I asked. I wanted Clark to tell me more. He really scared himself.

Well, at night monsters crawl out of the quagmire,” he continued, sliding further down the back of the chair. “And they drag children out of their beds.” They drag them into the swamps. They are dragged into the quagmire. Nobody sees these children anymore. They disappear completely.

Clark was already quite a bit scared.

There really are such creatures in the swamps. “I read about them at school,” I lied. - Terrible monsters. Half human, half alligator. Everything is covered in swamp slurry. And underneath they have prickly scales. If you touch such a creature, it will strip you to the bone.

Gretchen, stop it,” Mom warned.

Clark pulled Charlie close to him.

Hey! Clark! - I pointed out the window, to the narrow old bridge ahead. Its wooden planks sank. It seemed like it was about to fall apart. “I bet a swamp monster is waiting for us under this bridge.”

Clark looked at the bridge from the window. And he hugged Charlie even tighter.

Dad carefully drove onto the dilapidated wooden deck. The boards rumbled and creaked under the weight of the car.

I held my breath as we slowly rolled forward.

“This bridge won’t support us,” I thought. “It won’t hold up for anything.”

Dad drove the car very, very slowly.

It seemed like we had been driving like this for an eternity.

Clark cuddled up to Charlie. He stared out the window, not taking his eyes off the bridge.

When we finally reached the end, I let out a long sigh of relief.

And then she almost suffocated - the car was rocked by a deafening explosion.

Nooo! - Clark and I screamed as the car skidded sharply.

The car lost control.

She crashed into the railing of the bridge, easily breaking through the rotten wood.

We...we are falling! - Dad shouted.

I closed my eyes as we plunged into the swamp.

We landed hard, with a loud “BOOM!”

Clark and Charlie were thrown up in their seats. When the car finally stopped, they were both sitting on top of me.

A manual, damn it, for beginners, practitioners and masters of their craft. It’s no secret that I periodically dream of war games, apocalypses and other destructions of the world - not ours, which is already a plus, but usually purely fantastic, but in the scenery of the real. Sometimes it can be scary, often funny, sometimes tiring. I won’t tell you in full, because the battle with invaders of all stripes went on for a long time, but it all ended with a big green dinosaur. He clicked his teeth at the level of the second floor, reached out with his clawed paws and ran quite quickly. Behind me and other people with the goal of breaking necks rather than having lunch. There was exactly one way to kill a fossil animal - you need to hit the left fang with an apple. Somewhere here my consciousness was trying to rebel - because we were already making the third circle around the yard in search of fruit, maybe it would be easier to shoot with a stick?

No,” the director laughed sarcastically, “there’s something bitten lying under the bench!”

In response, I screamed not quite decently, because it is one thing to pick up food in a single copy, and quite another to throw it so that it hits a certain tooth. We managed to get the apple into our mouth and we made another circle while waiting for the dinosaur, chewing its food, to push it to the right place. Since the condition for the murder was half fulfilled, the little green one was not going to drop dead, he simply plopped down on all fours next to the table in a stunned state. Massive, wooden. There was a bench near the table, with three previously stunned monsters on the benches. From the edge of the giantess. It was with her body that I decided to pin the unfinished enemy. There was no need to do anything special - she lightly pushed her in the back and the woman’s forehead met the back of the animal’s head. The dinosaur found itself pinned to the ground. The apple was slowly doing the same dirty thing to the tooth, the giantess was already in oblivion, and then, very conveniently, a table fell on top of them.

Good has won.

The next night I was visited by aliens. So round. Little white ones. One meter in diameter. And the eyes are like bowls. The only way to destroy this nasty thing was with eyebrow tweezers. Which, by the way, I use so rarely in everyday life that there’s nowhere else to go, but suddenly they came in handy. You stick the tweezers into the alien's eye and a white liquid flows out of the ball. After a period of time you repeat the action. And so on until all the milk runs out. An extremely tedious task. It’s good that there were only three aliens and one of them was already quite battered by life at the time of the meeting.

Outside the window, the sun rolled out from behind the horizon.

And then I got tired of it. How long can you watch nasty things in your sleep at night? You need to watch a good, colorful movie in reality and your brain will switch gears. I wanted cherry blossoms, gorgeous soundtracks, and beautiful fights against the backdrop of nature. Therefore, after looking through the list of films saved in my memory, I settled on *seven sisters*. My memory giggled, but insisted that it was Chinese-Japanese-Korean and everything would be very exciting there. Therefore, for the first ten minutes I picked up my jaw from the floor and returned my eyebrows that had flown to the ceiling. The film is English-French-Belgian. Ass. Agas. Crap. Movies about the distant future, where nature is green) are only found in chronicles and somewhere on the moon. Two. Approximately in the first half, fragile girls kill specially trained military men (who are holding machine guns) using an iron and a saucepan. In short, you understand, I was hysterical. And no, the girls did not have a special advantage in numbers. And there were even one fewer of them after the battle, and in general the screenwriter did not spare them. It was not for nothing that he initially came up with seven pieces.

Three. It helped me. I've been sleeping without dreams for at least two weeks now. Like a baby. Therefore, below is the official information about the film. And not entirely official.

The Secret of 7 Sisters (Seven Sisters) 2017

The film was shot in Romania.

The film was shot in 94 days.

In a world where married couples are only allowed to have one child, seven twin sisters are born. Grandfather with character decides to save everyone and gives the babies names in honor of the days of the week. This is how the girls appear in public - each on their own day. But one day Monday does not come home in the evening.