Settlements of Kamchatka (dates of occurrence, names, renaming, abolition; brief toponymy of Kamchatka). General information Kamchatka settlements names

Kamchatka is a land of contrasts, quite unlike Central Russia. This is the land of volcanoes and glaciers, hot springs and boiling geysers, rushing rivers, lakes and waterfalls. There are 414 glaciers and 160 volcanoes, 29 of which are active.

The territory of the Kamchatka region covers the Kamchatka Peninsula and the northern mainland adjacent to it, as well as the Commander and Karaginsky Islands. The peninsula is washed in the west by the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, in the northeast by the Bering Sea and by the Pacific Ocean in the southeast. These seas are cold, stormy, ice keeps on them for 7-8 months a year.

The main types of recreation: adventure tourism, sightseeing tours, water tourism (river rafting, boat trips, diving), ecological tourism, ski and mountaineering tours, hunting and fishing, helicopter and snowmobile tours, heli-ski.

Despite the seeming high cost of recreation in this remote corner of the Earth, you can spend quite a budget vacation in Kamchatka. At least, eyewitnesses say so, and here is their review:.

Difference with Moscow in time: 9 hours ahead. Regional center: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, large cities: Yelizovo and Vilyuchinsk. Main attractions: national parks and volcanoes.

How to get there

Regular flights from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Magadan, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar. The airport is located in the city of Yelizovo (30 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky).

There are no railways on the peninsula - as well as regular passenger sea flights.

Search for flights to the city of Yelizovo (the nearest airport to the Kamchatka Territory)

Weather in Kamchatka

The climate of Kamchatka is unusual and varies greatly in its different parts. On the coast - a long snowy warm winter, warm summer, spring - snowy, and autumn - warm and sunny. In the central part of the peninsula the climate is continental: in winter the frost reaches -40..-45°C, and in the short summer in July the heat reaches +35..+40°C.

Popular hotels in Kamchatka Krai

Treatment in the Kamchatka Territory

274 sources of mineral waters are registered on the territory of the peninsula. One of the most popular and affordable is Paratunka. This is a suburban area with sanatoriums and health resorts, as well as many recreation centers with outdoor thermal pools operating all year round.


Active recreation in the Kamchatka Territory


Climbing. The active volcanoes of Kamchatka, like huge giants, smoke into the sky. Their foot is an amazing flora and fauna, and the heights are heaps of intricately frozen lava and crystal eternal glaciers. Sleeping volcanoes are no less beautiful sight. Climbing volcanoes (sleepers - and not only) can be attended by physically healthy people, accompanied by experienced guides, in shoes suitable for climbing, a helmet - and trained in the skills of walking on glaciers. Climbing is recommended from March to October.


Rafting on the rivers. The most popular among tourists are rafting on the Bystraya (Malkinskaya), Levaya Avacha, Opala, Plotnikova and Pymta rivers. This type of tourism is best practiced from mid-May to mid-October.

Journey to Kamchatka

Sea trips

Sea walks. Journey on a boat along the Avacha Bay with observation of a natural stone monument - the rock "Three Brothers", swimming in the open Pacific Ocean to Starichkov Island. Near Starichkov Island there are places where seals haul out, in addition, boats come close to bird colonies. If you're lucky, you can even see killer whales.

Hunting in the Kamchatka Territory

Tourists show the greatest interest in the brown bear, which is one of the largest species of bears. Its number in Kamchatka ranges from 10 to 20 thousand, hunting for bears takes place in spring and autumn. About a thousand animals are hunted annually in the Kamchatka region and the Koryak district.

The pride of any hunter is the bighorn sheep trophy, the extraction of which requires a fair amount of physical training, experience and, often, just luck. Kamchatka bighorn sheep abroad are divided into 2 subspecies - Kamchatka bighorn and Koryak bighorn sheep. Sport hunting for bighorn sheep is open from August to November. On average, up to 150 individuals are mined per year.

In spring and autumn, hunting is open for one of the largest bears - brown. Moose cannot feel safe from autumn to mid-winter, and hunting for the polar wolf, reindeer, lynx and wolverine is less common due to the small number of populations and the inaccessibility of hunting grounds. Shooting of the stone capercaillie, a rare and beautiful bird, is allowed for only one week in May.

Types of animalshunting areashunting season
Brown bearSpring: April 25-May 20, autumn: August 20-September 20
snow sheepUst-Kamchatsky, Bystrinsky, KaraginskyAutumn: August 1-October 20
Snow Sheep + BearBystrinsky, KaraginskyAutumn: August 1-September 25
ElkBystrinsky, Ust-KamchatskyAutumn-winter: November 15-January 10

Maps of the Kamchatka Territory

Fishing in the Kamchatka Territory

Fishing is one of the main types of fishing in Kamchatka. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Pacific salmon of various species enter the rivers of Kamchatka. Some individuals are over a meter in size.


The natural conditions of Kamchatka make it very attractive for lovers of skiing and snowboarding. There is a route for every taste: for both extreme riders and beginners. Many kilometers of fields of untouched snow and the season, which lasts from November to July, offer great opportunities for skiing. Only in Kamchatka you can descend into the crater of an active volcano, get from the mountain slope directly to the thermal pool.

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and its environs. Two ski centers operate directly within the city: in Pokrovskaya Sopka (height - 418 m, maximum track length - 1305 m with a height difference of -355 m) and in Krasnaya Sopka (hill height - 380 m, maximum track length - 975 m with a height difference of -355 m). heights of 300 m).

One of the most popular ski centers in Kamchatka - Mount Moroznaya - is located 30 km northwest of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The base has at its disposal two drag lifts that serve five ski slopes of various difficulty levels. There are trails for both well-trained athletes and beginners, this is an ideal place for training those who decide to join this sport and outdoor activities.

The northern region of Kamchatka is located 500 km north of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and is the most remote ski area. The area can be reached either by helicopter (2 hours) or by bus (8 hours). Here is the largest cluster of volcanic structures in Kamchatka, the highest active volcanoes.

Diving in the Kamchatka Territory

Dives in the waters of Avacha Bay and Avacha Bay (Pacific Ocean) are organized from May to October. 32 species of fish constantly live in Avacha Bay, in its different parts there are sunken ships lying at depths of 5 to 20 m, which are relatively safe to visit. Kamchatka diving can be combined with spearfishing.

Many people prefer to spend their holidays abroad or in the south of Russia. But there are places in the north and east of the country that amaze with amazing views. For example, few people know how beautiful and interesting the cities of Kamchatka are. In summer, you can spend your vacation without leaving the bounds of the vast Motherland. Kamchatka is a wonderful place for lovers of beautiful views and clean air.

The cities and towns of Kamchatka are unique and amazing. They give you the opportunity to enjoy stunning landscapes without leaving your home.

Features of Kamchatka

This is a unique peninsula, it is also called the land of volcanoes and bears. Only here you can look closely at an active volcano, swim in a hot spring, walk along the frozen lava. Magnificent views of the mountains and the bay, beautiful landscapes - all this attracts tourists.

If you decide to take a boat trip, you can see various inhabitants of the deep sea, bird markets, visit Starichkov Island, where many birds from the order of waterfowl nest:

  • kittiwake;
  • cormorant red-faced and Bering;
  • Pacific gull;
  • pacific guillemot and spectacled guillemot;
  • murre thin and thick-billed;
  • ordinary old man;
  • hypatka;
  • hatchet.

City of Petropavlovsk

Kamchatka has been developed recently, and the first settlement here was the town in Avachinskaya Bay, founded in the 18th century. Now it has become the capital of Kamchatka. The city appeared during the Second Kamchatka Expedition led by Bering and Chirikov. It ran from 1733 to 1743. The city became Petropavlovsk by the name of the first two ships that visited the bay. And since the beginning of the 20th century, it has been called Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Today this city is considered the most important port in the Far East. Every day, countless ships, boats and boats pass through it. Many of them offer tourists to go on a tour of the bay. It offers magnificent views of the surrounding volcanoes.

In the city itself, you can see interesting sights:

  • a monument to Bering - the founder of the city;
  • a memorial complex in honor of the defense of the city in 1854;
  • Kamchatka State United Museum;
  • Scientific Museum of the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology;
  • unique salmon museum.

City Keys

Kamchatka is such a region where there are no large settlements. Therefore, the village of Klyuchi with a population of about 5 thousand inhabitants is called a city. It is located near the mouth of the Krutenkaya River, at the foot of Klyuchevskaya Sopka. The village of Klyuchi was founded in the place where the large prison of the Cossacks Nizhnekamchatsk was located. In 1731, it was burnt down due to a rebellion raised by the Kamchadals.

Today, this village is home to a station for the study of volcanoes, which operates under the guidance of the Institute of Volcanology of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The city has a regular bus service to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. There is an airfield here, but it is used exclusively for aircraft transporting cargo. During the Soviet Union, passenger aviation also worked. Not far from the village there is a test missile range "Kura". It is based in the swamps on the Kamchatka River and has been operating since 1955.

Yelizovo city

It is here that the famous monument with bears and the inscription: "Russia begins here" is located. Yelizovo is considered the most important city of Kamchatka in terms of transport interchanges, especially for air vehicles. Despite its importance, the inhabitants of Kamchatka consider this city a transfer point on the way from Petropavlovsk to the main beauties of the peninsula, which are located in remote towns and villages. The lack of popularity among tourists is due to the fact that there are practically no attractions in the city. The only thing that distinguishes Yelizovo from a typical city of Kamchatka is the incredible volcanoes that can be seen on the horizon.

Due to the fact that the city is considered an intermediate point, in it and its environs you can find many camp sites, hotels, hotels and hostels that are always ready to receive a large number of tourists. Comfort in them is at a high level, so both travelers from Russia and Europeans or Japanese who often visit this area will be satisfied.

City of Vilyuchinsk

Few people manage to visit this city, because it is a closed settlement. Therefore, the only way to get to know the city is through photographs. Well, those who visited this and other cities of Kamchatka, which are intended for military personnel, will be pleased to remember these places.

Vilyuchinsk consists of three districts, which are divided among themselves:

  • Seaside is the largest, it is the so-called sleeping area.
  • Selevaya - the area where the docks for submarines are located.
  • Rybachy is the area where the submarines themselves are based.

The city got its name from the volcano. Interestingly, the Vilyuchinsky volcano is located very far away. Staying within the city, you can see only a small top of this giant.

Settlements of Kamchatka

Going to small settlements, you can see much more beauties of this region than in the city. That is why it makes sense to visit the largest villages of the Kamchatka Territory. The first on the list is the village of Vulkanny. It is located in the Elizovsky district. The nearest city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is only 42 km away. Geographically, it is located between the capital of the region and the city of Vilyuchinsk. The settlement was founded in 1955, and it served as a military town. At that time it was called Mirny. From 1992 to 1999, the village was closed to outsiders, but now everyone can get there.

The village of Ossora was founded before the war, in 1937. It is the administrative center of the Koryak Okrug. The name of this village comes from the Koryak language and in translation means "house of pink salmon", i.e. the area in which this fish spawns. Ossora is located in the northeastern part of the peninsula on the shores of the Karaginsky Bay. It stretches for 3 km along the coast, and to the west of it is Lake Ossor. The settlement is interesting because alluvial gold deposits were found in the nearby rivers.

Palana is another village in the Koryansky district. It is located on the western coast of Kamchatka, and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is only 7 km away. You will have to drive 940 km from Petropavlovsk, and about 200 km to the nearest settlement (village Tigil).

The beauty of the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kamchatka River itself fascinates with its beauty. It is difficult to say which city or village should be chosen for tourism purposes. Usually the routes capture several settlements, which makes it possible to get to know Kamchatka in full.

This version of the Passport of the Kamchatka Territory was prepared as of 01/01/2019.

1.1 Geographic location

The Kamchatka Territory is part of the Far Eastern Federal District and occupies the Kamchatka Peninsula with the adjacent mainland, as well as the Commander and Karaginsky Islands. The Kamchatka Territory borders on the Magadan Region in the northwest, on the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug in the north, and on the Sakhalin Region in the south.

From the east, Kamchatka is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean, from the northeast - by the waters of the Bering Sea, from the west - by the waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

1.2. Territory

The area of ​​the territory is 464.3 thousand square meters. km (2.7% of the area of ​​the Russian Federation), of which 292.6 thousand square meters. km occupies the Koryak district, and extends from south to north for almost 1600 km.

The administrative center is the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

1.3. Climate

The climate is mainly temperate monsoon, in the center - temperate continental, in the north - subarctic; the average temperature in January on the Kamchatka Peninsula is -15.5 °С, on the adjacent part of the mainland -25 °С, the average temperature in July is +13.2 °С; rainfall - up to 1000 mm per year. In the north of the region - permafrost, over 400 glaciers.

1.4. Population

The population of the region as of January 1, 2019 amounted to 314.7 thousand people (0.2% of the population of the Russian Federation), having decreased by 832 people over 2018. The decrease in the population of the region is due to 84.1% migration outflow and 15.9% - natural decline.

In 2018, 3,417 children were born, which is 8.9% less than in the previous year. The total fertility rate for the region as a whole was 11.0% (average for Russia - 10.9%). 3,549 people died, which is 2.3% more than in 2017. The average annual mortality rate was 11.2% (on average in Russia - 12.4%).

The population density is 0.7 people per 1 sq. km. km, which is 13 times lower than in Russia as a whole. The population is distributed over the territory of the region extremely unevenly - from 0.02 people per 1 sq. km in the Penzhinsky district up to 586 people per 1 sq. km. km in Elizovo. The majority of the population lives in the cities of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Yelizovo, Vilyuchinsk and the valleys of the Avacha and Kamchatka rivers.

The proportion of the urban population is 78.4% (246.8 thousand people), the rural population is 21.6% (68.0 thousand people).

The labor force amounted to 179.4 thousand people (57.0% of the total population of the region).

134 nationalities live on the territory of the region: the Russian population is the most numerous in the region (85.9%), the second place is occupied by Ukrainians (3.9%), the third - by Koryaks (2.3%), Tatars, Belarusians, Itelmens, Chukchi, Evens, Koreans, etc.

Standards of living

2018 in the Kamchatka Territory was characterized by a decrease in living standards, despite the growth in wages. The main reason is the lag in the growth rate of average per capita monetary incomes of the population, pensions from the pace of inflationary processes.

The average per capita cash income in 2018 was at the level of 42,021.7 rubles, real cash income amounted to 99.4%.

The average nominal accrued wages in the Kamchatka Territory in 2018 amounted to 72,692.6 rubles (an increase compared to 2017 was 10.5%), real wages - 107.9%.

The number of officially registered unemployed at the end of December 2018 amounted to 2.6 thousand people (1.4% of the labor force).

The subsistence minimum that prevailed in the Kamchatka Territory in 2018 per capita amounted to 19,481 rubles (for the able-bodied population - 20,494 rubles, for pensioners - 15,478 rubles, for children - 20,934 rubles).

According to preliminary data, the share of the population with cash incomes below the subsistence level in 2018 decreased by 1% compared to 2017 and amounted to 16.5%.

1.5. Administrative-territorial division

The Kamchatka Territory includes 87 settlements, including:

  • cities of regional subordination - 3 (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Vilyuchinsk, Yelizovo);
  • urban-type settlements - 1 (p.g.t. Palana);
  • workers' settlements - 1 (r.p. Vulkanny);
  • rural settlements - 82.

The Kamchatka Territory includes 66 municipalities, including 3 that have the status of "Urban District":

  • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky urban district;
  • Vilyuchinsky urban district;
  • Urban district "settlement of Palana";

11 have the status of "Municipal District":

  • Aleutsky municipal district;
  • Bystrinsky municipal district;
  • Elizovsky municipal district;
  • Milkovsky municipal district;
  • Sobolevsky municipal district;
  • Ust-Bolsheretsky municipal district;
  • Ust-Kamchatsky municipal district;
  • Karaginsky municipal district;
  • Olyutorsky municipal district;
  • Penzhinsky municipal district;
  • Tigilsky municipal district.

One of the regions of the region - Aleutsky - is located on the Commander Islands.

Karaginsky, Olyutorsky, Penzhinsky and Tigilsky municipal districts are part of the territory with a special status Koryaksky district.

The municipal districts include 5 urban settlements and 46 rural settlements.

Four European states could be located on the territory of the Kamchatka Territory: England, Portugal, Belgium and Luxembourg combined.

1.6. Political parties

There are 17 regional branches of all-Russian political parties registered in the Kamchatka Territory. The most active and numerous are:

Kamchatka regional branch of the All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA";

Kamchatka regional branch of the political party "Liberal Democratic Party of Russia";

Kamchatka regional branch of the political party "Communist Party of the Russian Federation";

Regional branch of the political party "FAIR RUSSIA" in the Kamchatka Territory.

Coat of arms of the Kamchatka Territory

Flag It is a rectangular panel of two horizontal stripes: the upper one is white, the lower one is blue. The ratio of strips in width is 2:1. In the roof there is an image of the figures of the coat of arms of the Kamchatka Territory.

Anthem of the Kamchatka Territory

Words by B.S. Dubrovin, music by the Honored Art Worker of Russia E.I. Morozova. Performers - Kamchatka Choir Chapel, Moscow Symphony Orchestra "Globalis" (conductor - People's Artist of Russia Pavel Ovsyannikov). Approved by the Law of the Kamchatka Territory dated 03/05/2010 No. 397 "On the Anthem of the Kamchatka Territory".

1.8. Brief historical background

For the first time, the administrative status of Kamchatka was defined as an independent Kamchatka region within the Irkutsk province by the Nominal Decree of August 11, 1803 “On the organization of the regional government in Kamchatka”. The territory included the Nizhnekamchatsky district and the Okhotsk district of the Gizhiginsky district. By a decree of April 9, 1812, “The current regional government in Kamchatka, as too extensive and polysyllabic for that region,” was abolished. The head of Kamchatka was appointed from the officers of the maritime department and the Petropavlovsk port was determined as his location.

By the Highest Decree of the Governing Senate, the Kamchatka Region was re-formed on December 2, 1849: “From the parts subordinate to the Kamchatka Primorsky Administration and the Gizhiginsky District, to form a special region, which will be called the Kamchatka Region.” The first governor of the Kamchatka region was Major General (later Rear Admiral) Vasily Stepanovich Zavoiko. The heroic defense of Petropavlovsk from the Anglo-French squadron in August 1854 is directly connected with his name.

In 1856, in connection with a change in Russian policy in the Far East, the Petropavlovsk Okrug was formed as part of the Primorsky Region. The administrative status of an independent region was returned to Kamchatka in 1909. By this time, the region consisted of 6 counties, which occupied the entire northeast, included an area of ​​about 1360 thousand square meters. km.

On November 10, 1922, Soviet power was established in the region in the person of the Oblnarrevkom, and the territory was renamed the Kamchatka province.

Since January 1, 1926, the Kamchatka Okrug, consisting of 8 districts (Anadyr, Karaginsky, Penzhinsky, Petropavlovsky, Tigilsky, Ust-Kamchatsky, Ust-Bolsheretsky, Chukotsky), is part of the Far Eastern Territory.

By the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on November 22, 1932, the Kamchatka province (district) was reorganized into the Kamchatka region as part of the Far Eastern Territory.

In October 1938, the Kamchatka region, after another administrative-territorial division, became part of the Khabarovsk Territory with 13 districts, the Koryak and Chukotka national districts.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on January 23, 1956, the Kamchatka region, together with the Koryak district, was separated from the Khabarovsk Territory as an independent administrative entity of the RSFSR.

The allocation of the Kamchatka region into an independent administrative-territorial unit contributed to the acceleration of the growth of its productive forces, social and cultural construction. The Pauzhetskaya geothermal power plant, the Avachinsky fur farm, and two fur farms were put into operation. A sanatorium of All-Union significance "Nachiki" was built. In 1961, a television center began to work. In 1962, the Institute of Volcanology of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences was organized. In 1967, "Tralflot", "Okeanrybflot", "Kamchatrybflot" were organized.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 17, 1967, the Kamchatka Region was awarded the Order of V.I. Lenin.

The Kamchatka Territory was formed on July 1, 2007 as a result of the unification of the Kamchatka Region and the Koryak Autonomous Okrug in accordance with the Federal Constitutional Law No. 2-FKZ of July 12, 2006 “On the Formation of a New Subject of the Russian Federation as part of the Russian Federation as a result of the unification of the Kamchatka Region and the Koryak Autonomous Okrug ".

The administrative center of the Kamchatka Territory - the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, is an international sea and air port. Founded in 1740 (the year the port was founded). Approved by the city in 1812 with the name Peter and Paul Port. In 1924 it was renamed into the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

On November 3, 2011, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky was awarded the honorary title "City of Military Glory". In 2016, the stele of the City of Military Glory was installed in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Distinctive features. What do we know about Kamchatka? Even at school, this was the name of the farthest desk, where you could hide from teachers, calmly go about your business and even sleep. So it is in reality - it takes a long time to get to Kamchatka, and the one who ended up there has the feeling that he has come to the end of the Earth.

From the same school lessons we know that Kamchatka is the land of volcanoes and geysers. And we also know that it is here that red caviar is mined, which has always been considered a delicacy, but more “democratic” compared to black sturgeon caviar.

The vast expanses of Kamchatka are very sparsely populated. More than half of the population are residents of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. In addition to it, there are only two cities in Kamchatka - Vilyuchinsk and Yelizovo. But they can also be considered suburbs of the same Petropavlovsk. The base of the Russian Pacific Fleet is located in Vilyuchinsk, so it has the status of a closed territory.

Despite the remoteness, Kamchatka attracts extreme tourists, photographers and scientists. Here is the highest volcano in Eurasia - Klyuchevskaya Sopka (4750 m), "Valley of Geysers" in the Kronotsky Reserve. Not far from the eastern coast are the Commander Islands, which are also a unique nature reserve.

Volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka. Photo by Georg (

Geographic location. Already by its name it is clear that the Kamchatka Territory is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula. This is one of the most eastern regions of Russia, second only to Chukotka. The neighbors of the Kamchatka Territory are the Magadan Region in the west and the already mentioned Chukotka Autonomous Okrug in the north. Kamchatka Krai is part of the Far Eastern Federal District.

The coast of Kamchatka is washed by the Pacific Ocean. Of course, it is not so quiet, but rather severe, especially in northern latitudes. The western shores of Kamchatka are washed by the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the eastern - by the Bering Sea.

Most of the territory of Kamchatka is covered with mountains and forests. The Sredinny Ridge with a length of more than 900 km stands out especially. There is no taiga familiar to Siberia here - Kamchatka is separated from it by a tundra zone. Instead of taiga, here you can find unique forests of Kamchatka stone birch, which you can never confuse with our usual birch trees of the middle zone - they have grown up so much to withstand the gusty Kamchatka winds.

Stone birch is one of the symbols of Kamchatka. Photo by Innochka (

Population Kamchatka Territory - 320549 people. Over the past 20 years, it has decreased by two-thirds. It seems that the turning point has been passed, and now the population of Kamchatka has stabilized. For the past four years, it has remained at the same level.

Russians make up 78% of the region's population, followed by Ukrainians (3.6%). The indigenous population - Koryaks - is only 2%.

Interestingly, the ratio of men and women in the Kamchatka Territory is approximately the same - 49%: 51%, and in most central regions of Russia, the proportion of men is 2-3 percent lower.

Crime. The Kamchatka Territory is ranked 44th in terms of crime. The cities are quite calm - there are both military patrols and a more adult conscious population. Poachers are a big problem for law enforcement. Firstly, red caviar is a too tasty business that attracts various dark personalities, and secondly, hunting in reserves is also a pleasure loved by criminal elements. Another problem is corruption, which, as you know, the higher the farther from Moscow. And from Kamchatka to Moscow - 11900 km.

Unemployment rate in Kamchatka is not much different from the average Russian. In 2012, it amounted to 5.83%. This is not so much, considering that 10 years ago it was twice as high. As for the incomes of the local population, the situation is even better. The average salary in the region in 2012 reached 43,445 rubles. Unlike many regions of the Far North, the most profitable industry here is by no means oil and gas production.

A level above the average is shown by public administration (59 thousand rubles), the production of electrical and optical equipment (52.6 thousand rubles), transport (51.5 thousand rubles), food production (45.6 thousand rubles). .) and a number of other industries.

But you can hardly guess which of them recorded the highest average salary. This is ... financial activity, where the average income is 81.7 thousand rubles. Interestingly, if we assume that a higher level of wages is associated with difficult working conditions in the Far North, then what kind of harsh conditions are observed, for example, among bank workers in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky? Do bears come into their departments every day? Or is it showering them with volcanic ash? Unclear.

Real estate value. The average cost of 1 square. meters of housing in the capital of the region - 70 thousand rubles. A one-room apartment in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky will cost you about 2 million rubles. Two-room apartments are offered for 2.5 - 3 million rubles.

Climate Kamchatka varies depending on the latitude. In the north it is temperate continental, in the south it is temperate maritime. In winter, average temperatures are also different - from -9 ° C in the south to -24 ° C in the north. Winter in Kamchatka is very long, and summer is short and rainy, with an average temperature of +12..+16°С.

Valley of Geysers. Photo by victor.putnik (

A feature of Kamchatka is strong winds, snowstorms, hurricanes and storms. Particularly goes to the southern part of the peninsula. This is due to the movement of cyclones coming either from Japan or from the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Also in the south there is heavy rainfall, reaching 1200 mm. In the north - drier, somewhere around 300-400 mm per year.

Kamchatka is divided into several climatic regions - western, eastern, northern, mountainous and the valley of the Kamchatka River. The most favorable climate is the east coast, where the summer is relatively long and the winter is warmer due to warm cyclones from the Pacific Ocean.

Cities of the Kamchatka Territory

Elizovo airport. Photo by Lex (

(22 thousand people) - the last of the cities of Kamchatka. It's not even a city. And the union of several naval bases that are located near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - Rybachy, Primorsky and Seldevaya. The entire city is a zone closed to the public. There are no random people here. What to add here? The base is the base. With its own infrastructure - schools, kindergartens for children of military personnel and even Christian churches.

Vilyuchinsk. Photo by mis (

Photo from

A city in Russia, the administrative center of the Kamchatka Territory. It is located in the Far East of Russia, in the southeastern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, on the shores of the Avacha Bay of the Pacific Ocean. The active volcanoes Koryakskaya and Avachinskaya hills rise near the city.

Founded in 1740 by the Second Kamchatka Expedition, named after the ships of the expedition "St. Peter" and "St. Paul". During the Crimean War in 1854, the Petropavlovsk garrison repulsed the attack of the Anglo-French fleet. It is the easternmost city in the entire northern hemisphere with a population of more than 100 thousand people.


Foundation of the city

One of the oldest cities in the Far East. The Cossacks were the first to come here from the Russian kingdom in 1697. The Cossacks in the Avacha Bay, near the Kamchadal village of Aushin, on the shores of the Avacha Bay of the Pacific Ocean, laid storehouses for storing yasak and founded a prison. Forty-three years later, according to previously compiled maps of the Kamchatka land, the Second Kamchatka expedition of 1733-1743 arrived here on two packet boats on October 17, 1740. under the direction of Vitus Bering and Alexey Chirikov. Name Peter and Paul prison received from the names of the packet ships "Saint Apostle Peter" and "Holy Apostle Paul".

The founder of the city is the navigator of midshipman rank Elagin Ivan Fomich. On September 29, 1739, on the orders of Vitus Bering, leader of the 2nd Kamchatka expedition, Ivan Elagin set off from Okhotsk to Kamchatka on the boat "Saint Archangel Gabriel". He was instructed to describe the seashore from the mouth of the Bolshaya River to the Avacha Bay, continue researching the Avacha Bay, draw up a map of it, build warehouses and living quarters to stop the expedition, and also carry out soundings to find out the possibilities for large ships to enter, since “there should be a building for housing by a servant, as well as for storing provisions for shops, and even from the Bolshaya River to the aforementioned bay, the seashore has not yet been described. Bering discovered Avacha Bay in 1729 during the return of the First Kamchatka Expedition to Okhotsk.

On May 16, 1740, I. Elagin set off from the mouth of the Bolshoi River (Bolsheretsky Ostrog) along the southwestern coast of Kamchatka and, having rounded its cape, on June 10 arrived in Avacha Bay. The boat "Saint Gabriel" was the first sea vessel in history to land on the shore in the Avacha Bay. After examining the bay, Elagin began to describe the bay and chose a place for the construction of storage and residential premises on the northern shore of the harbor of Niakina near the Itelmen camp of Aushina. The construction of the first houses of the Russian settlement began in June 1740 from pre-prepared wood and was completed by the autumn of that year. On September 20, 1740, I. Elagin compiled a report in the harbor of Niakina and said that servicemen and local residents had built in the harbor "five residential quarters in one connection, three barracks, and three enbars in two apartments." Elagin also reported on the completion of measurements of the depths of the Avacha Bay, the compilation of maps of the western and eastern shores of Kamchatka along the proposed route of the expedition.

On October 6 (October 17, NS), 1740, the packet boats "Saint Apostle Paul", led by Alexei Chirikov, and "Saint Apostle Peter" with commander Vitus Bering arrived in Avacha Bay. This day is considered to be the birthday of the city.

Stepan Krasheninnikov, who was traveling around Kamchatka at that time, wrote in his book:

Niakina Bay, which is now called Peter and Paul Harbor from the two packet boats of Peter and Paul that wintered in it, lies to the north and is so narrow that it is possible to attach ships on the banks, but it is so deep that even such ships that have more packet boats can stand in it: for it is 14 to 18 feet deep. At this bay, officers' rooms, barracks, shops and other buildings from the naval team were built. In the same place, after my departure, a new Russian prison was opened, into which the inhabitants were transferred from other prisons.

Center of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Kultuchnoe lake. target hill View of the city, Koryaksky volcano in the background
historical dates
  • 1779 - The Peter and Paul Harbor was visited by two English warships "Discovery" and "Resolution" of the Third round-the-world expedition of J. Cook. C. Clark, who took over the leadership of the expedition after the death of J. Cook, was buried in the harbor in August.
  • 1787 - Petropavlovsk was visited by the ships "Bussol" and "Astrolabe" of the round-the-world expedition of La Perouse.
  • 1812 - received city status and name Peter and Paul Harbor. Also, the “New Regulations on Kamchatka” were published, according to which the administration of Kamchatka was entrusted to a special chief. The place of residence of the chief was "appointed" by Peter and Paul Harbor, which becomes the capital of Kamchatka.
  • Districts of the city December 2, 1849 - the Kamchatka region was formed, headed by the governor V.S. Zavoyko, with the center - Petropavlovsk port.
  • From August 18 to August 24 (from August 30 to September 5), 1854, the defense of Peter and Paul continued. In memory of this event, monuments were erected in the city: the Monument of Glory and the Monument to the 3rd battery of Alexander Maksutov, there is a memorial complex - the Mass Grave and the chapel. All monuments are geographically located on the slopes of Nikolskaya Sopka in the historical center of the city.
  • 1913 - the coat of arms of the city was established, which in general terms repeated the regional coat of arms, but had a three-towered crown of the regional city on the top of the coat of arms, and two anchors intertwined with the Alexander ribbon at the bottom. In 1993, at the initiative of the city administration, the coat of arms of the city was restored.
  • In 1924, by a decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, it was renamed to, where the definition is included to distinguish it from the name of the city of Petropavlovsk in Kazakhstan.
  • June 15, 1932 - the Kamchatka branch of the Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography was organized.
  • April 21, 1933 - the first professional theater began its work in the city.
  • November 6, 1936 - the construction of the first stage of the shipyard was completed: "The first-born of heavy industry in Kamchatka is in service."
  • In 1942, the Marine Technical School (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Marine Fishing Technical School of the People's Commissariat of the Fishing Industry of the USSR) was opened in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
  • In 1946, the technical school received a new name - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Marine Fishing Technical School of the Ministry of the Fishing Industry of the Eastern Regions of the USSR.
  • In 1952, the fishing technical school was transformed into the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka Nautical School (PKMU).
  • In 1957, the UKK (Training and Consulting Center) of the Far Eastern Institute of the Fishing Industry was created.
  • August 31, 1958 - the official opening of the first higher educational institution in Kamchatka - the Kamchatka Pedagogical Institute.
  • In 1959, the urban-type settlement Industrialny was included in the boundaries of Petropavlovsk.
  • In 1970, a branch of the Dalrybvtuz was organized.
  • October 31, 1972 - the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
  • December 27, 1973 - Leninsky and Oktyabrsky districts were formed in the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
  • In June 1976, the school of the Mikoyan Fish Processing Plant moved from the Okhotsk coast to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Since that time, it has become known as GPTU No. 2. The full history of the school is on the site.
  • In 1987, on the basis of the UKK, PKVIMU (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Higher Marine Engineering School) was created.
  • In 1991, PKMU and PKVIMU merged, and the school became known as PKVMU (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Higher Maritime School).
  • In 1991, the Kamchatka Fishery College was renamed the Kamchatka Polytechnic College.
  • In 1997 - PKVMU was renamed into KGARF (Kamchatka State Academy of the Fishing Fleet).
  • In 2000 - KSARF was renamed into KamchatSTU (Kamchatka State Technical University).
  • October 31, 2000 - by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 3149, "Kamchatka State Pedagogical Institute" was renamed into "Kamchatka State Pedagogical University".
  • July 15, 2005 - by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 686, "Kamchatka State Pedagogical University" was renamed into the state educational institution of higher professional education "Kamchatka State University".
  • March 6, 2006 - by order of the Federal Agency for Education No. 120, the state educational institution of higher professional education "Kamchatka State University" was renamed the state educational institution of higher professional education "Kamchatka State University named after Vitus Bering".
  • July 1, 2007 - according to the results of the referendum, it became the administrative center of the Kamchatka Territory.
  • November 3, 2011 - the city was awarded the honorary title "City of Military Glory".

There is currently no official division of the city into districts. On December 19, 1973, the city was divided into Leninsky and Oktyabrsky districts, in 1988 this division was abolished. The towns are administratively subordinated to the city: Dolinovka, Radygino (the settlement of Radygina - presumably got its name from the name of one of the first commanders of the unit stationed in it, on modern maps and in documents it is unreasonably called - Radygino) [source unspecified 1182 days] , Chapaevka, Far, Zaozerny, Khalaktyrka, Avacha, Mokhovaya, Nagorny, Zavoyko [source unspecified 1363 days] .

View of the city center Building on Leninskaya street in the historical center

Soviet street

Economy and industry

Extraction and processing of fish

It is still the main branch of Petropavlovsk's economy. Among the largest fishing and fish processing enterprises are Akros CJSC, the fishing collective farm named after. Lenin, PJSC "Okeanrybflot" and a number of others. In general, the industry is mainly represented by small companies that work seasonally on salmon fish. While in a number of villages on the eastern and western coasts of Kamchatka in recent years, in connection with the construction of new factories, fish processing has received a "second wind", in Petropavlovsk itself the industry has lost its former importance.

mining industry

In recent years, the mining industry has been gaining momentum. The city has offices of mining companies engaged in the extraction of gold (Asachinskoye, Aginskoye, Rodnikovoe and other deposits), nickel (Shanuch), platinum (deposits are located in the north of the region, in Koryakia), as well as silver.


Tourism begins to play one of the most important roles in the city's economy, numerous travel companies offer many routes to hot springs, volcanoes, helicopter tours to the famous Valley of Geysers and the Uzon volcano caldera, horseback riding, as well as boat trips, river rafting and fishing. Unfortunately, high airfare and the lack of developed infrastructure, especially high-quality and inexpensive hotels, impede the development of the industry. Only a few tens of thousands of tourists visit Kamchatka every year, while a million people visit neighboring Alaska every year.

Volcanoes closest to the city, called homemade, lined up in a row. There are three of them: Kozelsky volcano (2189 m), Avachinskaya Sopka (2741 m) and Koryakskaya Sopka (3456 m). On the slopes of the Kozelsky volcano there are two bases - mountaineering and skiing, operating almost all year round. To climb it, as well as Avacha, preparation and equipment are not required, unlike the Koryaksky hill.

Night city View of the city from Avacha Bay, Koryakskaya Sopka volcano in the background


The city has two large thermal power plants - CHPP-1 and CHPP-2, which fully meet the needs of the city in electricity. At present, work has been completed on the construction of the Sobolevo - Petropavlovsk gas pipeline, as a result of which CHPP-2 is partially operated on natural gas (2 boilers out of three). Thus, the dependence of the city on imported fuel has slightly, but decreased. In addition, the city's electrical grids are connected to the Mutnovskaya GeoPP, which is capable of providing up to 62 MW of electricity to the central Kamchatka energy hub.