Seaside holidays in winter and summer are the best destinations. Respectable holiday by the sea in Yalta


Due to the unstable political situation Around the world, many Russians have a question about where to go on vacation next year.

Relations with Egypt and Turkey are strained, and Europe is uneasy. Perhaps, the best option will be a vacation in your native country. And you shouldn’t limit yourself only to the Crimean coast or the Krasnodar region.

So, some of the most interesting tourist destinations in Russia.

1. Seliger– one of the largest lakes Russian Federation. Located on the Valdai Hills. It is a wonderful holiday option both in winter and summer. This beautiful place, where you can go on vacation alone, with your family or a whole noisy group. Some prefer to set up tent cities, but for those who are accustomed to comfortable city life, it is proposed a large number of tourist centers for every taste.

On Seliger, everyone will find something to their liking. Beautiful ladies will love to bask on the shores of the clearest lake, and the male half will be given the opportunity to go fishing or hunting. For those who cannot imagine life without extreme species sports, you can jump with a parachute, and also try yourself in windsurfing and diving. Children will definitely enjoy excursions to different places.

2. Baikal- the deepest and clean lake Russia. Located in Siberia. The best period for rest is August, because it is by this time that the water warms up. An interesting feature of this place is that Baikal is experiencing very rapid infrastructure growth. There you will find everything your heart desires: beautiful landscapes, interesting excursion routes, souvenir shops, a large number of cafes and, of course, tourist centers.

Those who go there for the first time should go on an excursion to the city of Irkutsk, visit the Buddhist complex of monasteries and the museum of wooden architecture. You can also go hiking on various routes, visit nature reserves, fish or hunt. For extreme sports enthusiasts, rafting is offered. Helicopter excursions, horseback riding, diving - this is just a small list of entertainment on Lake Baikal.

3. Karelia. Only the lazy did not talk about the beauty of these places. There are such attractions as Valaam and Kizhi. You can only get there by ship. Moreover, on weekends and holidays, tickets must be booked in advance.

The Nature Museum and Arboretum can be seen by visiting the reserve. The famous Kivach waterfall is also located there. Marcial Waters is a resort that was founded by Peter I, also located in Karelia.

Having been there, you can’t help but try the famous kalitki (pies filled with shortbread dough).

4. Far East. If you think that there is nothing to do in the easternmost point of Russia, then you are very mistaken. There are several ways to get there. The most popular are air travel and train travel. Moreover, by choosing the latter option, you will be able to observe the diversity of nature and the beauty of our country for a whole week.

So, what to do in the Far East? Of course, you can go on an excursion or shopping in China. Some residents of this region manage to go there on weekends, as if to their dacha.

To visit the Far East and not try real caviar and other seafood is a real crime. Only there you can find the freshest and most inexpensive delicacies. Just look at the divine taste of Kamchatka crab!

The Far East can be an excellent alternative to the Czech Republic. The region is famous for its healing mineral springs. Silt mud near Vladivostok or sulfur baths near the Mendeleevsky volcano - great option SPA for the budget tourist.

One of the wonderful excursion places in the Far East is a visit to the Valley of Geysers. Hundreds of springs constantly splash out tons of hot water to the height of a multi-story building. It’s a very picturesque sight, and if you watch it from a bird’s eye view on a helicopter, an even more beautiful panorama opens up.

And, of course, the Far East is a godsend for real fishing pros. There you can relax doing your favorite pastime, and the catch will delight you with its variety.

5. St. Petersburgcultural capital Russia is also a great option for where to spend your holidays in 2016. The best holiday homes will offer you first-class service that is in no way inferior to European standards. Some of them are located in close proximity to popular excursion routes. For example, in Pushkin, Peterhof and Zelenogorsk.

A holiday in St. Petersburg cannot be imagined without visiting Tsarskoe Selo, the Hermitage, St. Isaac's Palace and the Russian Museum. Theatergoers should visit the famous Mariinsky Theater. And those who want to relax without certain educational programs, you can wander around the city during the white nights, stroll along Nevsky Prospekt or take the metro.

A boat trip will definitely appeal to the youngest travelers, a kind of sightseeing tour along the city's canals.

Those who once visited St. Petersburg and visited Peterhof constantly return to see it again unusual place. Many fountains and the beauty of the architecture will leave a pleasant indelible mark after what you see.

6. Moscow- the capital of our vast homeland. Someone will argue about what a vacation can be like in a city where everyone is in a hurry and there is such a frantic pace of life. Despite this, main city The country remains the most visited place by both foreign and Russian tourists.

Every traveler will find the most attractive excursion route. And choosing a vacation spot will not be difficult. You can easily find a hotel for luxury holiday or an inexpensive hostel for a budget option.

There are a lot of things you can visit in Moscow interesting places. The standard program includes an excursion to Red Square, a visit to the Mausoleum, Victory Park, VDNH, Tretyakov Gallery, etc.

For those who want to diversify their program, the capital offers new entertainment:

Ames's room is an optical illusion. At first glance, it’s an ordinary room, but when spread out on different sides, people look incredibly large or, conversely, small.

The Freezone wind tunnel is entertainment for true extreme sports enthusiasts. You will be able to fully experience free fall or soar at some distance from the floor, like a bird.

Paintball is a war game for those who like to shoot. Small paint cans are used as bullets. It’s surprising that this recreation option is popular with both men and women of different ages.

CSKA climbing wall. Great way spend time and test your strength. Don’t be afraid of falling, strong belts will protect you from an accident.

The Soviet Slot Machines Museum is a place where rare “consoles” that were played by previous generations are collected. There you will find the famous soda fountains and Battleship machines.

For those who want to take a walk in the park, you can visit Kolomenskoye, Tsaritsyno, Patriarch's Ponds and other interesting places.

7. Caucasus– a promising direction in 2016. This is a great opportunity to soak up the gentle sun on the waves warm sea. The coast of the Black, Azov and Caspian seas is called the Russian Caucasus. These are the most common routes visited by millions of tourists a year. A wonderful option for a holiday in the region are the Caucasian Mineral water. Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk and Zheleznogorsk are places where you can improve your health, enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature and breathe the purest mountain air.

It is not surprising that Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov loved these places so much. In his works he admired and praised the Caucasus.

Holidays in Russia have a number of advantages over others foreign resorts. You don’t have to rack your brains about where to buy or change currency, study new language or improve your English. For those who are afraid of air travel, a holiday at Russian resorts will come in handy, because despite the size of our vast country, you can easily get to any place by rail or road transport. Foreigners often reproach Russians for what they consider to be inappropriate behavior during their vacation. And only in their own country will this not be considered something out of the ordinary.

Be patriots and relax in Russia!

Andrey Alexandrov

We are clearly lucky with the planet: an amazing variety of climatic zones allows any individual to find a suitable vacation spot. Even if some people prefer forest thickets to pick mushrooms and hunt moose, others prefer stormy rivers, along which they can raft at the risk of their lives, and still others are looking for a better place to spend the winter in the summer and go to the mountains... And yet There is a type of vacation that attracts everyone, at least for a short time: a beach vacation. After all, in the hustle and bustle of everyday work, this is often what is missing: the opportunity to lie belly up and do nothing. And where else can you lie down without thinking about anything, if not under the gentle sun on the beach near the sea...

A holiday at sea is not only relaxation and relief from constant stress, but also health, joy and strength for new achievements.

In the northern hemisphere, you can only go on vacation to the sea in the summer. But we don’t live in the Middle Ages. Did you go on vacation in the winter? - let's go south, to the southern hemisphere, or where it's summer all year round - to the Caribbean or Seychelles. Therefore, at any time of the year, all that remains is to choose a place... and evaluate your financial capabilities. So, you're going on vacation. Where to go on a seaside holiday?

Where to relax in Russia in summer

Three summer months in Russia are considered the most popular. And our climate is such that in winter there is no time for beaches, and the vacation season for most citizens is in the summer, and most importantly, children have vacations in the summer.

First of all, it’s worth evaluating the simplest option: where you can relax in Russia.

In first place, of course, are the Black Sea resorts. Krasnodar region and Abkhazia have an undoubted advantage over Europe - they do not need to have a foreign passport and change money, the people there are ours, so there will be no problems with the language, the cuisine is familiar, and the mentality is... predictable. And most importantly, prices on Russian beaches are more or less acceptable.

From almost any corner of the European part of Russia to the Black Sea is a few hours of summer, and no one has canceled trains with cars. Warm sea, sun and beach - sandy, pebble, with colored shells... - what else do you need on a seaside holiday? The best months for vacation are July and August, but the season lasts much longer: from May to September-October. And if you can’t stand the heat, and your children have grown up long ago, go to the sea in the Velvet season- in the fall. This is the best time for romantics of all ages...

With service on Black Sea resorts, of course, not yet... not really. Often the buildings of sanatoriums and boarding houses were erected back in Soviet times, A local residents They strive to sell the sea and the sun at a higher price, without caring at all about creating comfortable conditions for vacationers. Political instability is also not conducive to the development of the resort business... However, there are changes for the better, very decent private boarding houses have already appeared, so... everything will happen. Some day.

The second most important resort sea is the Baltic. The service at the Baltic resorts is already an order of magnitude higher than at the Black Sea ones, but their main disadvantage is the water temperature: only by May the water warms up to 12-14 degrees, and even at the height of summer, water of 18-20 degrees is considered “warm”. But there are other pleasures that will make your vacation complete and unforgettable: long walks through pine forests, exploration of coastal cliffs and sea air. Russian Baltic resorts are located in Kaliningrad region: on the Curonian Spit, in Svetlogorsk and Yantarny.

Much wider choice sea ​​resorts Abroad.

Where to go on a seaside holiday abroad in the summer

The most popular place summer holiday For Russians, to be not very far away and almost at home, of course, is the Mediterranean Sea. Resorts in Greece, Spain, France, Italy, not to mention the developed Turkey, are ready to receive any number of vacationers from May to October. There are no restrictions on the duration of the vacation, its comfort and the availability of entertainment: everything that your wallet can handle. A pleasant addition will be excursions to exotic places and shopping, and prices for many goods in Europe may be lower than here.

The Mediterranean Sea is not only Europe, but also Africa: Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt... Surfers love to go to Morocco, in Tunisia they explore the ruins of Carthage, destroyed before our era, during the Roman Empire, and everyone has known about the sights of Egypt since childhood: pyramids, ancient Thebes (Luxor) - the city of the pharaohs and the birthplace of the Sun God Amon, Alexandria, Sinai peninsula, Cairo and Port Said... It is worth spending time and money and going on excursions.

Far abroad provides even more opportunities for summer holidays. Maldives and Seychelles, resorts Caribbean and even the north South America ready to take you into their arms.

When is it winter in Russia?

It’s clear that a holiday at sea in the winter within Russia is only a so-so pleasure. In our very tropical region - Krasnodar - you won’t be able to swim in winter, even if the air temperature is up to +14...+16 °C.

The only way out is to go on a seaside holiday abroad in winter. Don’t think that you can only vacation in the southern hemisphere in winter. And in the northern part globe There are plenty of places where beach holidays in winter are commonplace. Moreover, in the winter months it can be even better there than in the summer - there is no sweltering heat. The UAE, Egypt and Thailand are much more attractive in winter, Indian Goa state with its popular beaches is also practically closed from May to November. Therefore, the Russian winter is the time to go swimming in the warm seas.

The nearest warm sea is the Red Sea. The cheapest holidays are in Egypt and Turkey, United Arab Emirates much more expensive, but the service is better there. Thailand and India are at approximately the same price level, but the Caribbean Sea: Mexico, Dominican Republic, Cuba will cost more. By the way, the Caribbean is ready to receive vacationers all year round, just like the resorts of California and southern Florida: these are regions where eternal summer reigns.

The world leaders in the resort business are, of course, islands located in the middle of the ocean in the equatorial zone: Hawaii in Pacific Ocean, Seychelles and Maldives in Indian, Canary Islands in the Atlantic, Bali resorts in Indonesia... Of course, it’s better not to go here with a thin wallet, but the level of service will be decent.

Well, about the real ones southern countries don't forget. When we have winter, it is summer in Australia or New Zealand. The islands of Madagascar and Mauritius, African Mozambique, beach resorts South America... - all this is at your service.

Regarding holidays at sea abroad in winter, there are several important points. Firstly, acclimatization. Getting from winter to summer seems so simple and pleasant. Imagine what it’s like to go back... You need to take care of warm clothes and precautions when getting off the plane: no bravado without a hat and a light jacket, otherwise you’ll be bragging about your impressions while lying in a hospital bed.

In addition, distant countries require long flights, and this is also stressful. Be extremely careful if you have heart problems or other chronic diseases: holidays abroad in winter can result in unpredictable complications. Then maybe it’s better to wait until summer and relax close to home.

Whatever time of year you choose, whatever countries you decide to explore - may you have good travel companions and unfailing luck next to you!

It’s already 2016, and while the exchange rate of the dollar and euro is breaking its next records, I’m increasingly asking myself where to go on vacation in 2019, so that it’s both interesting and inexpensive. Alas, even compared to 2015-2017, vacationing is becoming more and more expensive, and some countries have become completely inaccessible to Russians with average earnings.
About three years ago I already wrote an article on the topic, as well as. I repeat, now there are even fewer destinations, but there is still a choice! So, my thoughts and thoughts about vacation for 2019.

Beach holiday

Southeast Asian countries still remain accessible with some reservations. But you need to understand that most likely for the same money that you could spend 1-2 years, the standard of the hotel or apartment (house) will be lower, and after visiting a cafe, you will need to count each dish in rubles and only then place your order. Alas, Southeast Asia is already ceasing to be a downshifting region for Russia.

In Thailand, for example, the bill in a cafe will already start from 1000 rubles, and it will most likely be some kind of rice or noodles, soup and juice. But, I repeat, I think for fans of Southeast Asia, and in particular Thailand, this will not be a big problem.
If you successfully buy air tickets, you can relax even more inexpensively in poorer countries of Southeast Asia, for example, in the Philippines, Vietnam or Cambodia.

Temple complex of Andkor Watt in Siem Rim. Cambodia

All countries except beach holiday, are quite interesting for tourism.

Prices for air travel to Southeast Asia:

Where to spend your holidays in spring 2019

Beach holiday

For a beach holiday in early spring, I could again recommend the countries of Southeast Asia, or India. The latter, by the way, will most likely come out even more budget-friendly, because... And the flight is less long and expensive in terms of money, and the country itself is very budget-friendly. In Southeast Asia, starting from March, there is already a decline in seasonality... prices in cafes are becoming lower, housing is cheaper, so, compared to winter, costs will also be lower.

If we talk about the end of spring, then we could go to Turkey or Egypt, but alas, they are this moment not available to our tourist. Although, personally, I was never particularly drawn to it :)
By the way, there is a rather exotic direction, like Latin America. By the way, in Brazil, their local currency collapsed in about the same way as the ruble, and this is almost the only country, besides Russia, where the national currency collapsed in such a way, in relation to the dollar and euro. Alas, cheap air tickets to this destination are quite difficult to get, so the availability of South America is already in question.

Excursion holidays

Starting from April, it is already quite pleasant and comfortable to spend your vacation in Europe... pleasant in terms of weather, but not very comfortable in terms of money. Last year at the end of April we went to Vienna and Prague for 10 days. What can I say... taking into account the slight strengthening of the ruble in the spring of 2015, the vacation cost 110,000 rubles for two. I think this year it would be 20-30 thousand rubles more expensive. However, if we consider a trip only to the Czech Republic, then I think even now you can go on a fairly budget!

Cheap air tickets for the spring holidays:

Costs in Prague were approximately 1.5 times lower than in Vienna. Although of course, ideally, it is better to visit both places. On this trip, Vienna was my favorite!

In the Czech Republic, I was very surprised by the cost of beer, which even in a cafe cost no more than 80 rubles for 0.5, and in terms of the current exchange rate, the cost would be 100 rubles. The beer is delicious and one of the best I've ever tasted in my entire life! And of course, views of Prague... walks through the Gothic quarter... it was great!

Where to relax at sea in summer 2019

Beach holiday

Beach holidays in summer are already available in Russia. You can come to us in the south, or remember the “wonderful” slogan “Crimea is ours”... you can go to the Caucasus, Abkhazia or Georgia... All these destinations remain available for recreation. If you look towards Europe, then you can relax on a relatively budget in Bulgaria, Romania... perhaps in Montenegro. I remember that we vacationed in Bulgaria in the summer for three years in a row. True, it was very cheap there then, but it’s still cheap now! Last year we also vacationed in Bulgaria, it was quite comfortable and affordable!

Excursion holidays

For lovers of active recreation, I think it would be very cool to spend time in Altai or Baikal. For many years now I have been wanting to choose a time to visit these places in our country. In addition, every year, judging by the reports seasoned tourists, the service in these directions is getting better and better. For urban tourism, the countries of Northern Europe are ideal in summer, but alas, this trip can no longer be called accessible to everyone. For example, which we successfully implemented two years ago, now we would hardly be able to handle it financially.

Cheap air tickets to Paris and other destinations:

Although if you cut down the number of days, perhaps something might work out...then the vacation turned out to be gorgeous!

Where to go on vacation in autumn 2019

Beach holiday

Until October, you can relax at Russian resorts, in Crimea, and, in principle, everywhere on the Black Sea. Closer to winter it is already quite comfortable in Southeast Asia or in India. Unfortunately, the number of new countries does not change much depending on the time of year, in the current situation... at least I can’t think of anything new, maybe someone has their own thoughts on this?..


At the end of September 2015, we traveled around Romania and flew to Istanbul. The impressions from the trip were twofold... apparently we had just been to a lot of places before, and what we saw (about Romania) was not very impressive. Therefore, I don’t even know if I can recommend these directions. Istanbul, too, as they say, is a city of contrasts 🙂 it’s quite possible to consider it as a jump-off airport, but after 3-4 days of staying in the city, I personally already felt a little bored, and sometimes even a little heavy, from the number of people on the street and the constant bustle, I would even said, Moscow is resting in this regard.


I actually don’t know where to go on vacation in 2019. It’s expensive to go where you want... apparently you’ll have to come up with something, or save money and maybe just have a budget vacation somewhere at sea, for example in Bulgaria. We'll wait and see... if anyone has thoughts about the 2019 holiday, please speak up in the comments to the article.

Text: Andrey Alexandrov

Relations with Egypt and Turkey are strained, and Europe is uneasy. Perhaps the best option would be to vacation in your home country. And you shouldn’t limit yourself only to the Crimean coast or the Krasnodar region.

So, some of the most interesting tourist destinations in Russia.

1. Seliger– one of the largest lakes in the Russian Federation. Located on the Valdai Hills. It is a wonderful holiday option both in winter and summer. This is a great place where you can go on vacation alone, with your family or a whole noisy group. Some prefer to set up tent cities, but for those who are accustomed to comfortable city life, a large number of camp sites are offered to suit every taste.

On Seliger, everyone will find something to their liking. Beautiful ladies will love to bask on the shores of the clearest lake, and the male half will be given the opportunity to go fishing or hunting. For those who cannot imagine life without extreme sports, you can jump with a parachute, and also try yourself in windsurfing and diving. Children will definitely enjoy excursions to different places.

2. Baikal- the deepest and cleanest lake in Russia. Located in Siberia. The best period for rest is August, because it is by this time that the water warms up. An interesting feature of this place is that Baikal is experiencing very rapid infrastructure growth. There you will find everything your heart desires: beautiful landscapes, interesting excursion routes, souvenir shops, a large number of cafes and, of course, tourist centers.

Those who go there for the first time should go on an excursion to the city of Irkutsk, visit the Buddhist complex of monasteries and the museum of wooden architecture. You can also go hiking on various routes, visit nature reserves, fish or hunt. For extreme sports enthusiasts, rafting is offered. Helicopter excursions, horseback riding, diving - this is just a small list of entertainment on Lake Baikal.

3. Karelia. Only the lazy did not talk about the beauty of these places. There are such attractions as Valaam and Kizhi. You can only get there by ship. Moreover, on weekends and holidays, tickets must be booked in advance.

The Nature Museum and Arboretum can be seen by visiting the reserve. The famous Kivach waterfall is also located there. Marcial Waters is a resort that was founded by Peter I, also located in Karelia.

Having been there, you can’t help but try the famous kalitki (pies filled with shortbread dough).

4. Far East. If you think that there is nothing to do in the easternmost point of Russia, then you are very mistaken. There are several ways to get there. The most popular are air travel and train travel. Moreover, by choosing the latter option, you will be able to observe the diversity of nature and the beauty of our country for a whole week.

So, what to do in the Far East? Of course, you can go on an excursion or shopping in China. Some residents of this region manage to go there on weekends, as if to their dacha.

To visit the Far East and not try real caviar and other seafood is a real crime. Only there you can find the freshest and most inexpensive delicacies. Just look at the divine taste of Kamchatka crab!

The Far East can be an excellent alternative to the Czech Republic. The region is famous for its healing mineral springs. Silt mud near Vladivostok or sulfur baths at the Mendeleevsky volcano are an excellent SPA option for a budget tourist.

One of the wonderful excursion places in the Far East is a visit to the Valley of Geysers. Hundreds of springs constantly splash out tons of hot water to the height of a multi-story building. It’s a very picturesque sight, and if you watch it from a bird’s eye view on a helicopter, an even more beautiful panorama opens up.

And, of course, the Far East is a godsend for real fishing pros. There you can relax doing your favorite pastime, and the catch will delight you with its variety.

5. St. Petersburg– the cultural capital of Russia and a great option for where to spend your holidays in 2016. The best holiday homes will offer you first-class service that is in no way inferior to European standards. Some of them are located in close proximity to popular excursion routes. For example, in Pushkin, Peterhof and Zelenogorsk.

A holiday in St. Petersburg cannot be imagined without visiting Tsarskoe Selo, the Hermitage, St. Isaac's Palace and the Russian Museum. Theatergoers should visit the famous Mariinsky Theater. And those who want to relax without specific educational programs can wander around the city during the white nights, stroll along Nevsky Prospekt or take the metro.

A boat trip will definitely appeal to the youngest travelers, a sort of sightseeing tour along the city’s canals.

Those who have once visited St. Petersburg and visited Peterhof constantly return to see this unusual place again. Many fountains and the beauty of the architecture will leave a pleasant indelible mark after what you see.

6. Moscow- the capital of our vast homeland. Someone will argue about what a vacation can be like in a city where everyone is in a hurry and there is such a frantic pace of life. Despite this, the main city of the country remains the most visited place by both foreign and Russian tourists.

Every traveler will find the most attractive excursion route for himself. And choosing a vacation spot will not be difficult. You can easily find a hotel for a luxury holiday or an inexpensive hostel for a budget option.

You can visit a large number of interesting places in Moscow. The standard program includes an excursion to Red Square, a visit to the Mausoleum, Victory Park, VDNH, Tretyakov Gallery, etc.

For those who want to diversify their program, the capital offers new entertainment:

Ames's room is an optical illusion. At first glance, it’s an ordinary room, but when spread out on different sides, people look incredibly large or, conversely, small.

The Freezone wind tunnel is entertainment for true extreme sports enthusiasts. You will be able to fully experience free fall or soar at some distance from the floor, like a bird.

Paintball is a war game for those who like to shoot. Small paint cans are used as bullets. It’s surprising that this recreation option is popular with both men and women of different ages.

CSKA climbing wall. A great way to spend time and test your strength. Don’t be afraid of falling, strong belts will protect you from an accident.

The Soviet Slot Machines Museum is a place where rare “consoles” that were played by previous generations are collected. There you will find the famous soda fountains and Battleship machines.

For those who want to take a walk in the park, you can visit Kolomenskoye, Tsaritsyno, Patriarch's Ponds and other interesting places.

7. Caucasus– a promising direction in 2016. This is a great opportunity to soak up the gentle sun on the waves of the warm sea. The coast of the Black, Azov and Caspian seas is called the Russian Caucasus. These are the most common routes visited by millions of tourists a year. A wonderful option for recreation in the region is the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk and Zheleznogorsk are places where you can improve your health, enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature and breathe the purest mountain air.

It is not surprising that Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov loved these places so much. In his works he admired and praised the Caucasus.

Holidays in Russia have a number of advantages over other foreign resorts. You don't have to worry about where to buy or change currency, learn a new language or improve your English. For those who are afraid of air travel, a holiday in Russian resorts will come in handy, because despite the size of our vast country, you can easily get to any place by rail or road transport. Foreigners often reproach Russians for what they consider to be inappropriate behavior during their vacation. And only in their own country will this not be considered something out of the ordinary.

Be patriots and relax in Russia!

The hot summer season has arrived, and most of our compatriots go to resorts closer to the sea. Some go to foreign beaches, while others go to domestic resorts and spend time no worse than abroad.

Of the resorts located in other countries, Russians most like Antalya, Sharm el-Sheikh, Hainan, Phuket and Barcelona. Why are these resorts so attractive to Russians?

The leader among Russian tourists is Turkish Antalya. The high popularity of this resort among Russian citizens is explained by the visa-free regime and low prices for tours. But these are not all the advantages of Antalya - there is an excellent cultural and entertainment program here. Lovers extreme entertainment and active recreation can visit national park with waterfalls, a water park or go to the Karain caves. Those who prefer a more relaxed program can see Hadrian's Gate, preserved since antiquity, numerous temples, mosques and museums.

Egyptian Sharm el-Sheikh famous for the warm waters of the Red Sea, rich underwater world(which divers will especially appreciate), many four- and five-star all inclusive hotels, national parks and nature reserves.

Also valid here visa-free regime entry into the country and reasonable prices.

Travel to Hainan Island in China, costs more than the previous two resorts. But despite this Russian tourists love this place very much. The tropical climate, clean air, gentle sea, excellent nature and authentic culture of the island resorts of Sanyu, Yalongwan, Dadonghai attract our compatriots here. The island is suitable for family vacation and for travelers who prefer leisure and diving activities. Those who wish can improve their health with the help of traditional Chinese medicine.

The popularity of the Thai resort of Phuket is also growing. Warm exotic climate, snow-white beaches, blue lagoons, no high prices and the visa-free regime for entry into the country attracts many Russian tourists. For entertainment, vacationers are offered a visit to national park, a greenhouse with orchids, a butterfly garden, a pearl and snake farm and many others. Just like on Hainan Island, you can improve your health here.

Barcelona considered a leader among European countries by the number of Russian vacationers. A high level of security and service is provided here. The Spanish resort is famous for its stunning architecture and impressive nature. In addition, the country is located relatively close to Russia. Luxury hotels, shopping centers, many entertainments attract a large flow of tourists here.

Domestic resorts popular among Russian tourists


Naturally, they are in great demand among Russian citizens. Crimean resorts– Yalta, Sevastopol, Foros, Massandra, Partenit are suitable both for a family holiday and for a trip with a youth group. Trip to any Crimean city will give you pleasant impressions of relaxation and stunning nature. The only disadvantage of traveling to Crimea is high prices and long road. But you can understand if you read the contents of this article.


Anapa is one of the most best resorts for relaxation with children and recreation. Sandy and pebble beaches and warm waters of the Black Sea will give you a great time. Another popular resort in Russia is Gelendzhik. It is famous for its huge selection of hotels and health institutions (sanatoriums and boarding houses). Perfect for spa treatment and family holidays.


The largest resort is Black Sea city Sochi. It attracts not only Russian tourists, but also many vacationers from other countries. Mild subtropical climate, lush vegetation, pebble beaches, mineral springs and mud baths - everything in this city contributes to the most comfortable relaxation and recovery.


Relatively young resort town considered Tuapse. And although the city administration has recently begun to develop tourist destination, but the resort is already loved by many Russians. The warm sea, snow-white beaches, and plenty of entertainment deserve the attention of those who want to relax at sea.

Turkish and Egyptian resorts: the current situation

In connection with the terrorist attacks in Egypt and Turkey, in which hundreds of people died, the authorities of the Russian Federation have temporarily suspended flights to these countries. Many residents of the country are unhappy with this turn of events, because air tickets to these countries were sold out until March.

However, not so long ago, trips to Turkey were reopened for Russians. Whether to purchase tourist tours to Turkey or to refrain from doing so, everyone must decide for themselves, guided by the information that comes from the media.

Until today, it is impossible to say whether Egyptian resorts will be open for Russian tourists, so many travel agencies are changing tours to trips to Thailand.

It is worth noting that the authorities are doing everything possible to find and detain all those responsible for the terrorist attacks and prevent new terrorist acts.

On video - where to go to the sea with children in Russia, where to go with a child in the summer of 2016:

Best vacation spots

TOP 5 countries where to go on vacation at sea in the summer of 2016 inexpensively and safely.


Since Egypt and Turkey are closed, the Thai destination is becoming more and more popular among Russians. The resorts of this country are ready to receive tourists all year round.

The cost of a trip to Thailand for two this year ranges from 75 to 125 thousand rubles.

The price of the tour includes round-trip flights, hotel accommodation, transfer from the airport to the holiday destination. Prices for goods and entertainment have a fairly wide range. Even with a limited budget, you can have a great rest here and bring souvenirs with you. However, Thailand has a high rate of terrorist attacks. Over the past 12 years, about 4 thousand people have died in this country, many were injured. You can learn more about it from the contents in this article.

Photos of a holiday in Thailand:

The safest resorts are Phuket, Koh Chang, Pattaya, and Krabi.

Goa (India)

This small Indian state is also in demand among Russian citizens who prefer holidays abroad. A significant advantage of resorts in Goa is their low cost.

Pictured is a holiday on Gua:

A trip for two with accommodation in a three-star hotel will cost 140 thousand rubles.

The main danger of relaxing in this place is the many poisonous insects and snakes. Also, before traveling, get vaccinated against typhoid fever and hepatitis A. It is also worth getting a second vaccination against tetanus. For those who want to know how people live in India, it is worth reading the contents of this article, and you can also understand what kind of life exists at present from the contents of this article.

Dominican Republic

Rainforests, high mountains, clean beaches turned this small country into paradise. Everything is exotic here - nature, cuisine, entertainment. Calmness and exoticism provide an opportunity to gain peace of mind and have a great rest.

The cost of a tour to the Dominican Republic for two is from 100 to 190 thousand rubles.

The Dominican Republic is one of the most safe countries for relax. Therefore, you don’t have to be afraid to go there. The question of where to go with a child can also be answered, of course, to the Dominican Republic.

Bali (Indonesia)

The subequatorial climate allows the island to receive tourists in any season. Many attractions, unique climatic conditions, developed infrastructure contributes to the influx of tourists all year round.

The price of a trip to Bali for two ranges from 110 to 300 thousand rubles.

When choosing Indonesian resorts, it is worth considering that this is not the safest country for a holiday. You should not choose provincial areas of the island, as clashes with the local population are possible there.


Many tourists from Russia flock to the Spanish coast. Lovers of comfort will appreciate the luxury hotels, and those who love relaxing alone with nature will be able to enjoy the stunning bays. A tour to Spain for two costs from 40 to 150 thousand rubles. Terrorist attacks are possible in Spain; this should be taken into account when developing a tourist route.

The safest resorts in this country are Barcelona, ​​Costa Brava, Costa Dorada, and Mallorca.

Five best places for a beach holiday in Russia

Top five best places for a beach holiday include Curonian Spit in the Kaliningrad region, resort villages Krasnodar region, beaches south coast Crimea, Anapa and Dzhemete.

Which vacation spot should you choose?

When answering the question of where it is cheaper to vacation in Russia or abroad, you should take into account such points as travel to the vacation spot, accommodation and meals, as well as excursions and entertainment.

To travel abroad, you need to use the services of airlines and buy a plane ticket. To get to Russian resorts, you can use the services of trains and buses, it will take less money, but more time.

In the video, where to go on vacation at sea:

Regarding accommodation, all tourists are divided into two categories - some need a hotel to put things in their room and come spend the night, while others need comfort, luxury and a high level of service.

Therefore, the first ones can find an inexpensive number with appropriate service both in Russia and abroad. And the latter will, in any case, have to pay a lot of money for their wishes.

Having studied the data from online travel services in detail, we can conclude that a budget option holidays can be selected both in Russia and abroad.