Obolon Park in the Natalka tract opened after reconstruction. Review: Park "Obolon" in the Natalka tract (Ukraine, Kyiv) - A pleasant place for walks on the banks of the Dnieper

city ​​mayor.

“The Natalka tract between Obolonskaya embankment and the Moscow bridge was abandoned for a long time. And they tried to build it up. But together with the community, we managed to return this site to the city. With the support of public activists and residents of Obolon, we were able to turn the Natalka tract into a recreation area with modern design, all the necessary infrastructure, children's and sports grounds. We have done best park Kyiv," Klitschko noted.

According to the mayor, this park is better than London's Hyde Park.

“We have carried out reconstruction on an area of ​​more than 7 hectares. New pedestrian and bicycle paths with FEM coating have been installed here, comfortable benches for relaxation, and new trash cans have been installed,” the mayor said.

He assured that the development of the park will continue.

“On an area of ​​5 hectares, closer to the Moscow Bridge, a recreation area will appear. In addition to new paths and lighting, there will be a volleyball court and several ramps from residential areas to the park. And I am sure: every year we will present several such parks in different districts of the capital," the mayor shared his plans.

According to the press service, after reconstruction, the park’s staircases were completely redone and observation decks on the upper part where you can relax and drink coffee. New communications have been laid, a public toilet has been opened.

In addition, street lights were installed, and three viewing gazebos appeared along the alley near the bank of the Dnieper. A street workout area and a mini-football field are also open. On the central alley there is a boulevard with areas for park sculptures.

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) you can go down to the Natalka tract (Obolon Park).
At one time there was a theater here open air"Golden Gate". Various performances took place here: theatrical performances about ancient Rus', rock concerts, gypsy theater performances. Now, unfortunately, it does not work, but its remains decorate the park.

Once upon a time they began to build a metro here, this is what remains of it.

The park is located next to the Moscow Bridge.

The air is clean, there are almost no cars, enriched with ozone, since the Dnieper is nearby.

Ducks live on the Dnieper.

Fishermen also fish there.

The park is wonderful to walk at any time of the year.
At any time of the year, mothers and grandmothers with their children walk here.

People walking their dogs.

There is a football field here where men play football in the summer. In summer, people come here for a picnic and barbecue.
People run here all year round.
In winter you can go skiing here. My mother, being retired, rides regularly.

Since I wrote a review. The situation has changed - Merya has been reconstructing the park for the 3rd year. He becomes more and more beautiful. They even finally built a toilet and so far, although it is written temporarily, it is free.
Zelenstroy planted many plants and laid out flower beds. We installed a lot of benches, made a sports and children's playground, gazebos, and bike paths. But now you can’t barbecue, you can’t go skiing either (since everywhere the paths are cleared of snow, and they cross the snow all the time). And walking around the park has gotten worse, there are a lot of cyclists there and people riding I don’t even know what some new vehicles on wheels without a steering wheel are called.

“Natalka Park is better than Central Park in New York and Hyde Park in London,” said Mayor Vitali Klitschko at the grand opening on May 27, 2017. It’s hard to disagree with the words of the Kyiv mayor, and everyone can be convinced of this by just coming to Obolon and walking along the paths of the updated recreation area.

The park is located in the tract of the same name in the southern part of Obolonskaya embankment. Until the 2000s, it was an inconspicuous, largely neglected green area, which they even wanted to build up with high-rise buildings. The only attraction here was the surface part of the tunnel under the Dnieper, unfinished in the 1930s. In the late 1990s, the Kievan Rus park was built here, which fell into disrepair a few years later. Gradually it was dismantled, and the foundation remained a reminder of the complex’s existence for more than ten years.

Big changes came in mid-2010, when the park in the Natalka tract began to be restored and improved. So, in two years, new paved paths, green spaces, flower beds (for example, in the shape of a large turtle “Tartilla”), modern street lamps, benches appeared here (in 2015, several “vandal-proof” benches were installed, made from materials not spoilable). Activists opened an open-air cinema. In 2016, a play complex was installed for children, and a few steps away there was a location for romantic photo sessions.

And the greatest changes occurred during the reconstruction of Natalka in 2016-2017, as a result of which the central entrance to Natalka Park with observation platforms was rebuilt. There was also a main boulevard with recreation areas, an artificial football field, a large modern gym complex, and a public toilet with changing tables. On the alley running along the banks of the Dnieper, three large gazebos were equipped with a beautiful view of the Moscow Bridge and the Left Bank.

In 2018, the reconstruction of the park continues in the area in front of the Northern Bridge, to which it is planned to extend a bicycle path stretching along the entire embankment, and thus connect it with a major bicycle highway leading from Troieschyna to the city center. For July, another part of the park has been completed, approximately 100-150 meters long (the same amount remains before the bridge). On this site there is another gazebo with a view of the Dnieper, two sports grounds and a small gym complex, metal sculpture, flower beds, benches, paths, etc.

You can talk about “Natalka” a lot and for a very long time, because there really is something to say, but this beautiful place Kyiv is definitely worth visiting for every resident of our city, and for those who cannot yet do so, we offer you to view our photo selection.

2018 Photos of Natalka Park (from the Church of the Nativity towards the bridge)

2017 Photo of the main part

IN last days last May, in Obolon, after reconstruction, they opened the second stage of the recreation area - “Natalka”, which is modern park and can serve as a “golden” model for all metropolitan green areas. The new park is located between the Moscow Bridge and Obolonskaya Embankment on an area of ​​eight hectares. The restoration of the first stage of the park was completed back in 2016.

The Natalka tract was abandoned for a long time. They even tried to build it up. And thanks to the joint actions of public activists and with the support of the residents of Obolon, this site was returned to the city. The tract was turned not only into the best park in the area, but also into the decoration of the whole of Kyiv. Natalka Park is a recreation area of ​​European level, with a modern design, equipped territory, necessary infrastructure, playgrounds for children and sports activities. And now, even Londoners themselves can envy this capital park with access to the Dnieper, because their famous royal Hyde Park is located in the center of London, and is surrounded on all sides by houses.

Also, from the beginning of June, a new season will open in Natalka Park free of charge. summer cinema"Park Cinema Kiev". The open-air cinema has a large screen measuring eight by five meters, a powerful sound system is installed, there is a high-quality projector for showing films, more than two hundred seats are installed (chairs, mats), blankets and auxiliary materials are available.
What has been done.

As a result of the reconstruction of the park area, an entrance group appeared here: in the green zone of the park, the steps on the stairs were completely changed, observation platforms were installed in the upper part of the park and tables were installed where you can relax with a cup of coffee.

New necessary communication lines were laid, a public toilet was also built, and a children's table for changing newborn babies was even installed in the hall.

Three open gazebos with views were placed on the alleys along the Dnieper bank. For those who want to play sports, a sports ground has been equipped, for fans of street fitness - a site for street workouts, and for fans of football - a field for playing mini-football.
Newly planted trees and flower beds received automatic irrigation with water intake directly from the Dnieper River. Areas with park sculptures were installed along the central alley.

Work has been carried out to organize modern lighting for the park - about 139 street lamps have been installed. We also repaired the transformer substation, installed fences, and landscaped an area of ​​10,000 square meters. m., built new paths for pedestrians and high-quality bicycle paths with FEM coating, installed comfortable benches for rest, and new trash bins.
Utility workers by content green spaces In the Obolonsky district, they carried out sanitary and molding pruning of old trees, raised their crowns, creating the most aesthetic appearance and improving the penetration of sunlight, clearings and separately standing trees (satellites) were decorated in the English style.

Natalka Park will continue to be developed - closer to the Moscow Bridge, on an area of ​​five hectares, they plan to create another recreation area. In addition to new pedestrian paths and modern lighting, there will be a volleyball court and several inclined courts with ramps leading into the park from residential areas.

This is a corner of natural beauty and park art. A very relaxing and well-being place. It’s true... It’s nice to be here, even multi-colored wings grow)))

A huge number of questions have arisen about his whereabouts))) Not all Obolon residents have their bearings, and what can we say about other townspeople... I’ll tell you:
This is a piece of the Dnieper bank from the Moscow Bridge to the part where =red cottages= begin.
A few years ago, something started to go wrong with construction there. BUT there is an area of ​​elite buildings there. Someone called someone, called someone or threatened them and thank God!!! - Now beauty has appeared in the city.

And absolutely accessible to anyone.
If you need to look at the map, then enter the address: Heroev Stalingrad Ave., 6D (this is the Medicom clinic).
By car: Enter from the Heroes of Stalingrad Avenue RIGHT to the embankment following the “Medicom” sign and to the end (20 meters from the parking lot). If you make a wrong turn, park as is and walk towards the river.
By transport:
from the Moscow Bridge - stop Priozernaya bus 34,44,47,73,88,100, minibus 180,476,485
from Obolon - stop Priozernaya bus 34,44,47,73,88,100, minibuses 180,476,485, 582
In any case, move towards the Dnieper River. There is a through embankment - you can take a walk at the same time)))

You can go down either along a flat pavement or steep stone steps.

Immediately in front of you is an alley of flower beds - my weakness. Rose is the queen of flowers. And it smells - you'll rock!!!

Beautiful, well-groomed lawns, tastefully made flower beds, comfortable benches, a children's playground =Ship=, 3 gazebos with awesome lamps

But the most remarkable thing in this park is the equipped descent to the Dnieper

Well, what is a river without a fisherman? Georges threw his bike and rushed onto the pavement...
And in order to somehow distract the fisherman from the fact that our children are about to ruin it, I ask a couple of very slippery questions that have interested me for a long time:
-Who built these pavements?
- We built it ourselves.
- How will someone else know that this is your pavement?
- I'll come and tell you.
- What if he resists?
- We haven’t resisted yet. We found a compromise.
“And we spent the whole summer trying to catch at least something - and NOTHING... nothing at all,” I complain. Here Zhorzhik bursts into our conversation with his immediate childhood disappointment from our failures.
“So this is the year – no one is biting,” the fisherman encourages us. Apparently he has warmed up to the boy)))
- Are you for sale or for yourself?
- Of course, only for myself, but how else?....

We wished him a good bite, admired how the yachts were being towed, and went to drive around the park. Fortunately, it’s just an ideal place for all children’s vehicles)

And this place is simply created for lovers. Look, three Cupids are sitting at once - waiting for their charges... Maybe someone needs to be reconciled? Or is it scary to admit your feelings? Or maybe the flame of love has been extinguished?

Well, general questions:
The toilet is simply beautiful (there is even a changing table) and is free for now. There is an upper observation platform above it. Nearby there is a sports area with a football field.

And these are the kind of cars that wipers drive here!!!

The corner with the amusement park has not yet been completed, but it doesn’t catch the eye (I didn’t take a photo so as not to spoil the impression)

In a park of this level it is appropriate to walk even in stiletto heels)))
And we, enthusiastic and rested, rushed on.
Kyiv is so big - and how nice it is that it is being transformed!!!