An awakened volcano in Bali - how dangerous is it? Active volcanoes in Bali. Eruption in Bali: smoke rose four kilometers, but there is no panic Agung Bali volcano erupts today

On the island of Bali, which is part of Indonesia, the Agung volcano “awakened” once again. Authorities warned local residents about the precautions they must take.

Volcano Agung regularly throws columns of smoke and ash into the air. Two years ago, the geological formation resumed activity after many years of dormancy. In 2019, the volcano’s activity continues. There have been no human casualties yet, and no serious damage to the island. But the authorities urge their fellow citizens to take precautions.

Situation in Bali today

The geological formation began to become active yesterday. Apparently, the eruption of Mount Agung in Bali is also continuing today. The media has no information that the situation on the island has stabilized. Since its “awakening,” the volcano has released a column of ash 2 km high into the sky. After the Agung eruption, ash flowed towards three areas of Bali. The activity of the geological formation caused the cancellation of flights at the international airport that operates on the island.

Indonesian authorities have banned tourists and residents of Bali from approaching the volcano closer than 4 km. The third level of danger was declared on the island (there are 4 in total). Residents of Bali have been given masks to protect them from volcanic ash. This is the second case of Agung activity on the island in the last month. At the end of March, the volcano also “awakened.” Then the geological formation also released a column of ash. Residents of Bali did not notice the smoke, but heard a roar that lasted about two minutes. Then the airport was not closed.

Why is the eruption of Mount Agung dangerous?

There are other volcanoes in Bali. Agung “woke up” less often than the others, but was always fraught with danger. In the 60s, Indonesian scientists recorded the most powerful eruption volcano in the country. This is how Agung “woke up”. Two years ago, another activity of the geological formation provoked earthquakes. Thus, Agung is considered potentially dangerous volcano, which is closely monitored by local experts.

Scientists said the effects of the volcano's activity are affecting Bali's climate. The authorities make the decision to evacuate the local population and close the airport based on the amount and intensity of movement of volcanic ash.

It is of great importance to local residents

Agung, the highest stratovolcano on the Indonesian island of Bali, ejected a column of ash and gas that rose to a height of two kilometers. The eruption has been assigned the third of four danger levels, and authorities are carrying out evacuations and banning people from approaching the eruption site.

It is believed that Alung, unlike others located in this territory, erupted much less frequently during the time people lived in its vicinity. At the same time, it has a significant impact on the island - including its climate.

According to some reports, the legends of the island of Bali say that Alung is a copy of Meru - a sacred mountain in the cosmology of Hinduism and Buddhism, which is considered as the center of all material universes. In this regard, Alung itself is also perceived by the inhabitants of the island as sacred mountain. This is probably due to the fact that from the outside the volcano resembles a cone of an “ideal” shape. Its height is almost three kilometers, making it the highest point of the island.

The current eruption represents a manifestation of volcanic activity that has been observed since 2017. Previously, the volcano erupted in 1843, and then in 1963-1964, and the eruption recorded in 1963 is considered one of the most powerful in the history of Indonesia. The 2017 eruption was accompanied by tremors. A new episode, as a result of which the a large number of smoke and volcanic dust, was captured on video. Due to the eruption international Airport Bali has canceled all incoming and outgoing flights, and authorities have banned both locals and tourists from coming within four kilometers of the volcano.

A month ago, the Popocatepetl volcano erupted in Mexico, the appearance of which was dedicated to the Aztec legends.

The situation with the Agung volcano in Bali and is it safe on the island now?

The situation with the Agung volcano in Bali and is it safe on the island now?

You won't believe it, but I am grateful to the eruption of Mount Agung for cleansing the island! It became so deserted and atmospheric, the hellish traffic jams on narrow roads disappeared, hotels and car rentals dropped sharply. For example, in the east of Bali, in the Amed area, we lived next to the sea in a villa with a pool for 12 euros with breakfast for two. The photo shows a view from the terrace of our Bayu Cottages hotel overlooking the volcano. Maybe the Balinese themselves, in pursuit of money, will remember the spiritual, the most important thing, since Agung gave them such a pause. Now is the time to feel the pulsation of the island, its atmosphere, as in the pre-tourist era.

I was here exactly a year ago, in December 2016 - there were a lot of tourists, although it seemed to be out of season due to periodic rains... In tourist places there is a riotous lifestyle, money flows like a river, discos and carousing until the morning. In 2017, the picture changed dramatically... I have been on the island since November 30, and for two weeks it seemed to be extinct... The media did their job - they exaggerated the danger as best they could, they lied about the evacuation of tourists, that everyone here was covered with ashes, and will soon be covered with lava 🌋

Flying from Montenegro to Bali, I knew that the plane to Denpasar would be canceled due to ash, as the wind was blowing towards the airport. During the flight to Jakarta on board the Turkish, I learned that it was finally opening. This was a sign over 0 everything will be fine! The next morning we landed on the Paradise Island, .

Do you know why I didn’t trust the media? Since I live in tourist Montenegro, I’m tired of their lies... For example, because of joining NATO, Montenegrins suddenly fell out of love with Russians, they show hostility, that visas will soon be introduced and it is unclear what will happen to their real estate. Absolutely nothing has changed! You need to turn on your brain, and not watch TV, or read me, I immediately write a post on all current topics. The second theme of summer 2017 is fires in Montenegro. Allegedly the whole country is on fire, tourists have been evacuated, it’s dangerous to rest - that’s what they said Russian media. Can you imagine the flow of questions and panic from tourists I endured every day? Yes, the Lustica peninsula really burned for 2 months due to 40-degree heat and winds, as did in some places the district of Bar and northern regions. But not the resorts of the country!

Therefore, my reaction to the panic of my friends before our flight to Bali ranged from laughter to nerves. All the 17 days that I have been here and will be 13 more, the air is clean, I have not been covered in ash, the sea and ocean are warm, food and housing are cheap. The volcano no longer exhibits aggressive eruptions. And only Agung knows what will happen to him next. Anyone interested in the topic of volcanoes in Indonesia, namely they created the country and there are about a hundred active here, should read Mikhail Tsygankov, here. And even a volcanologist won’t tell you whether everything has gone downhill or vice versa. For example, at night there was an earthquake off the ocean coast and in West Java - 7.3 and 6.9 on the Richter scale. This is a huge neighboring island, incomparable to Bali. Our volcano Agung reacted a little and there were even small earthquakes in the evening, but I didn’t feel it, although I live in this area. You can see the ring of fire with volcanoes and tremors. Photo of Agung at sunset is alien, our days, after the eruptions in November, part of the top broke off and fell into the crater

I advise you to relax and live a normal life, as the Balinese do

They fish, sow rice, collect mangoes and rambutans

If you are going to new year holidays to Bali, you don’t know whether to fly or return tickets - I would fly. By the way, for last days I saw a sharp increase in tourists in Ubud, which means the panic has passed. The Indonesian authorities assure that it is now safe to vacation in Bali, especially in the south of the country, where the main resorts and large hotels are, and the distance from Agung is at least 70 km.

Only local residents were evacuated for 12 km, building tent cities. It's not far from mountain village Besakih, who was evacuated. I took a photo the other day

The map shows the northeast of Bali and the area around the volcano, which is now in the danger zone, where the color is red - people have been evacuated. I rested in the south in Canggu, in Ubud in the center of the island (they are not on the map), then - to the right of yellow color, now on the left. Indeed, there are abandoned villages, a feeling of Balinese Chernobyl, but this is temporary, and this is not a mass tourism area, why should you worry?

There are signs where there is a danger zone in Bali. But entry is free

We went to a similar place - to the Besakih temple at an altitude of 1 km on the southern side of Agung - to the most important and largest in Bali. This magical place, shrouded in gray clouds, greeted us with a downpour. But we calmly leave our comfort zone, having fun everywhere. The atmosphere here is indescribable, you can feel the place being prayed for, although I am not a fan of other people’s religious buildings, but Besakih made an impression

By the way, during the last eruptions of Agung in 1963-1964, the temple remained undamaged and the lava passed a few meters from the buildings. The Balinese considered it a miracle! And when visiting any temples, men and women need to wear a sarong; you can buy it everywhere. Or tie the pareo around your waist.

Since this is an evacuation zone, there were only a few people there - and those locals were trying to make money by renting an umbrella, selling coffee, water, and even extorted an entrance fee, although they were not ticket takers 😉 But we are callous, we don’t respect extortionists... Feel the atmosphere of the place in the video

By the way, now the entrance to Besakih is really free, so do not give in to the provocations of the locals, and this is the only temple open to believers of any caste, of any social affiliation

The second temple overlooking the volcano is Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang. It is part of the huge Pura Lempuyang temple; if you wish, you can walk from the lower temple to the upper one through the jungle and more than 1,700 steps (the trail is described) is one of the canonical 6 most important temples in Bali. I advise you to go here early in the morning, we were there at 7, since we lived nearby Lipah beach. And then the volcano is enveloped in clouds...

The split gate of Chandi Bentar symbolizes the balance of forces in the universe, nature, life 🙏🌍 One half is good, the other is evil, they are the founders of the energy of the Universe 🗺 We did not walk around the multi-level temple, there was no time. And this shot was not easy for us - persistent guys were waiting at the parking lot, extorting a “donation” without offering a ticket in return, trying to physically not let us in, ruining the whole impression of the spiritual place and the Balinese people😐 They threatened us with the police, chased us, pulled my hands, but Andrei’s broad back quickly put the impudent man in his place 😂 Despite the momentary scandal, we quickly found this gate and this scoundrel did not touch the car either. I believe that the donation should be brought to the temple itself, and not to the extortionists on the corner 🙏 At 7 am there were already several tourists here, the girl even drew the temple gates, everyone took pictures of her notebook against the backdrop of the real Chandi Bentaryu. Volcano Agung opens up in all its splendor from here, and it’s not at all scary to look at it or be close, even when it spits a little 🌋

By the way, if a house in Bali is built according to local Feng Shui, then the bed in the bedroom will definitely have its head facing towards Agung. True, in our hotels it was not like this everywhere... Only now, when writing a post in a fishing village in the north of the island ✌ Thus, at night, among all the people sleeping correctly, the effect of group meditation is created 😇 That is, even those who do not even suspect it meditate 🤯 So At night, the general field of the island, your aura, is cleansed, and the vibration also increases - again the islands and your personal one.

To me, Agung with a light smoke on top seems a fascinating sight. It was the first time I lived with a view of a volcano, which frightened the whole world. One interesting fact— Balinese believe that Agung volcano is feminine😉 ⠀

Insurance in Bali - which is better?

If this is your first time flying to the island, the question will undoubtedly arise - Is insurance required in Bali? Of course, no one will check her at the airport; her health is your personal responsibility. But with a sudden change in climate, you may feel unwell, become allergic to some foods, do not forget that the water and food here are completely different, and this means stomach upsets. I was in Bali twice with friends, and everyone suffered from this problem... Indonesia is a country with natural disasters, volcanoes periodically erupt here, and we have arrived at this historical moment. If you want to travel around Bali on a bike, remember that the roads are terrible traffic, driving on the left and non-compliance with traffic rules. But the biggest danger is Dengue fever, you can play it safe by constantly protecting yourself from mosquito bites, but during the rainy season they can bite where you don’t expect it - in a restaurant or in a spa.

I would recommend buying insurance for Bali from a company. Their assistance in Russia is the company Mondial, the most reliable in the insurance industry, the main office is in Paris, it recently renamed Allianz Global Assistance. This is the only assistance with an “AA” rating by Standard & Poor’s, and it is the one that will save you on the island in insurance cases, as well as pay for your treatment. You can check the price of insurance in Bali in this form by entering the flight dates and the country of Indonesia.

During our 1-month vacation in Bali, our friend went to the Ubud hospital twice - either she fell off her bike, or her dog bit her 😫 Medicine in Bali is at a good level, they give all medications, write instructions for use, and accept them for free (at the expense of the insurance).

Video of Mount Agung erupting in Bali

Its height is 3142 m, and when it erupted at the end of November, the height of the ash and smoke was 4 km above it. I'll show you a couple of amateur videos from Russian guys who caught the spectacle

Someone even decided to go to the crater of the volcano, watch the video, it’s from December 13. Many who live on the island, and not on the other side of the TV screen, believe that the eruption of Agung is a beautiful, mysterious and terrifying event at the same time. I honestly really enjoy being in Bali at this historical moment and I don't feel anxious or in danger. Only sea, sun, fruits, travel! I wish the same for you!

Airplane ticket Moscow — Bali, price

The peak season in Bali is summer and New Year's holidays, then the price of air tickets is the highest. The best time to relax here is in spring and autumn; there is little rain, and there are fewer tourists than usual. As you can see from the prices for air tickets to Bali, prices are also lower at this time

In contact with

Bali is a unique island. This also applies to its geography: it is located in the area of ​​the giant Pacific “ring of fire” - the junction of several lithospheric plates that form the continents on our planet.

In fact, this is reflected in its landscape: the island is intersected by an impressive mountain range dividing Bali into north and south. There are also external outlets for the release of magma - the same two volcanoes that attract so many tourists: Agung and Batur.

Both volcanoes are considered active. But if Batur last showed signs of life in 2000, then Agung periodically reminds itself of itself with emissions within a radius of up to 4 km from the vent. Tourists have no reason to worry about this: according to scientists, there are no prerequisites for more large-scale eruptions not observed. However, a security zone has been established for Agung: tourist routes should not pass closer than 10 km from the crater of the volcano. Considering that the coming resort villages are located almost 40 km from the dangerous point, the safety of vacationers is guaranteed.

At the same time, you need to understand that for the sake of your own safety, you should under no circumstances climb the volcano on your own. You can only walk along mountain routes with a guide.

Must-see volcanoes

As we already mentioned, large volcanoes There are only two of interest to tourists - Agung and Batur. Everyone has individual characteristics location and surrounding landscape, and climbing them promise to be one of the most exciting events in the life of any traveler.

The top of this active volcano is located at an altitude of more than 3 thousand meters above sea level, and therefore the ascent will require decent physical preparation from you. However, on the way to the giant (crater diameter is 520x375 m, depth is about 200 m) you will have the opportunity to explore many other iconic Balinese attractions.

  • Visit the city of Candidasa. In it and its surroundings you can see unique temples Tirta Ganga and Taman Ujung, combining national architectural motifs and elements of European-style buildings.
  • Explore Goa Lavah (Bat Cave). Located not far from the city, according to legend, the patron saint of Bali, the huge snake Nag, lives there. The long tunnel makes a somewhat depressing impression with its darkness and gloomy atmosphere, but it is one of the most popular places among tourists.
  • Take a swim at the famous Blue Lagoon Beach, located halfway to Agung.

Climbing the volcano itself will require you to have at least entry-level athletic training. The lower half of the summit is covered with abundant greenery and palm groves, making the climb quite easy. It’s more difficult in the second half: the landscape becomes almost bare, monotonous, and it’s also much colder there. Of course, there is something to try for - cosmic views. But don't forget to take warm clothes and water with you!

Of course, don't forget to take amazing photos beautiful landscapes. “Mother Mountain,” as the locals call it, is a wonderful panoramic platform for observing the island below.

More modest in size and altitude (only about 1700 m above sea level), Batur nevertheless gives more freedom to tourists. You probably already guessed why - it’s safer here: the formidable giant has not made itself known for almost 20 years.

Arriving at the volcano, you can choose two options for spending your time. The first is purely visual. I must say that it is quite suitable for lovers of large-scale panoramic landscapes - it is very convenient and comfortable to watch Batur from the observation deck of the village of Kintamani. Moreover, next to mountain peak there is the same name volcanic lake— the landscape is simply fantastic.

The second option, although for the strong in spirit and body, is still more gentle than in the case of Agung, and provides more opportunities for tourist entertainment. For example, you can cook your breakfast right above the geysers of hot volcanic springs. By the way, boiled bananas also turn out very well.

The climb to Batur takes about 3 hours - in total, the entire journey plus a walk along the top will take you about 7 hours. We recommend planning your ascent in such a way as to meet the sunrise at the top - specially equipped observation decks it couldn't come in handy there.

Along the way you can see the following attractions.

  • Lake Batur. Of volcanic origin, it is the largest fresh lake Bali. Here you can also visit a small temple dedicated to the goddess of fertility and take a ride on a fishing boat.
  • Hot volcanic springs. Thermal treatments under open air- It is something! 4 km from Batur itself there are three stone baths carved into the rock, the hot water in which comes from volcanic springs. Healing properties and just great relaxation guaranteed! The ticket will cost 200 thousand rupees.

Volcanoes of Bali: how to get there?

To Angung: take the Jl. Gn. Agung Besakih (from the southwest) or through the cities of Klungkung and Candidasa (there are bus services from Kuta, where famous beach and tourist centers).

To Batur: the most convenient way to go is from the tourist villages of the Bukit Peninsula (Ubud or Denpasar). The entire journey will take about 1-1.5 hours by car or bus.

Upon arrival at settlements choose a way to get to the volcanoes. There are two such options.

  • As part of an organized excursion. It can be purchased at any tourist office for quite reasonable money - about $35-40 per person. An additional advantage of this type of climb is that you will be provided with a truly experienced guide, and a small snack will be prepared at the top.
  • On your own with a guide. In the same Chandidasa (Angung) or Kintamani (Batur) you can easily find an experienced person - or rather, he will find you himself. There is no fundamental difference between a tour package and “handicrafts” - except that the group is selected a little smaller: 3-4 people. Besides, for the money, this is a good way to save $10-15. But whether they are worth it is up to you to decide.

Important information

It concerns the most important thing - your safety! Experienced tourists We recommend taking the following things with you.

  • Wear soft sneakers on your feet: this way you won’t wear out your feet, because you’ll have to walk for a very long time.
  • A mandatory supply of sweets is to quickly restore the strength lost during the ascent.
  • Warm clothes. If it is hot and humid below, then above it is cold and piercing wind. Without a jacket, warm pants and a hat, you simply won’t be able to get up.
  • Don’t forget to take a flashlight with you, and it’s better to have two at once: let one be a spare. Staying in the dark and getting lost halfway at night (those who greet the dawn set out precisely in the dark) is not a pleasant pleasure.
  • A navigator or compass is required - if you know how to use it. Mark the location where you stopped or parked your rented scooter. By the way, do not forget that it must always be filled with gasoline.

Morning transfer to the volcano

At the time of the meeting, the driver of the transport company will arrive at your hotel or villa Maps Bali Tour. You must wait for the car at the hotel reception or at the entrance to the villa. When all participants are assembled, the transfer will go to the foot of the volcano. Your guide will meet you at the parking lot. He will give you flashlights for the hike.


The ascent will begin around midnight. In total it takes from 4 to 6 hours. There are several stops planned during the climb so you can rest. In half this time you will cover two-thirds of the way. The remaining third is the most difficult section: you have to climb a slippery rocky slope at an angle of 45 degrees.

At dawn, the guide will offer you tea, coffee, buns and bananas. You will have plenty of time to take photos and have breakfast. After this you will descend back to the foot of the volcano. The descent will also take from 4 to 6 hours. A driver will be waiting for you in the parking lot.

Transfer to the hotel

After all the guests are assembled, we head to your hotel. The time of arrival at the hotel depends on traffic jams and the distance of your hotel.

Important information:

  • In accordance with clause 7.3.3 of the user agreement, the site company is not responsible for weather on your ascension dates. The weather in the Agunga volcano caldera is unpredictable, with fog, rain and low visibility possible during the ascent, especially during the rainy season.
  • Choose comfortable, comfortable clothes and shoes. The route to the top of Agung passes through several zones: from the dense jungle at the base to the slippery rocks at the top.
  • People with joint and heart diseases are not recommended to climb.


  • div > .user-text">

    Natalia 11/11/2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    We watched the sunrise on the mountain several years ago, but when we returned to Bali we couldn’t resist climbing again. If you have good physical fitness, then it will be easy for you, but if not, you will have to work hard. But believe me, what you see is worth it.

  • div > .user-text">

    Julia 10/12/2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    We climbed the Agung volcano. Height 3150 m. It was difficult. It was incredibly difficult. Shortness of breath, clogged feet...things wet from sweat. When you get up, you don’t want to eat or drink. When the surface becomes rocky, it becomes cold and windy. Very strong wind. And here it’s scary and very dangerous. But when you reach the height, you scream like crazy. Such a view opens up before you... until you see it yourself, you can’t imagine it. It takes you even longer to go down than it took to go up. Sneakers, everyone is killing it. Then you definitely can’t walk for half a day, and you don’t want to. It’s worth going there for the view, emotions and personal best. But I recommend taking warm clothes. And prepare yourself for the fact that as you climb up, you will curse yourself for deciding to do this one day.

  • div > .user-text">

    Mike 09/24/2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    We got up at night. The road, as we already learned at dawn, goes along the fallen lava, through the jungle. Take more water with you, yes, it’s hard to climb with it, but you won’t be able to buy it anywhere, even before the climb. Dress very comfortable shoes, do not have a heavy dinner. You will have to climb over huge cobblestones, sometimes even jumping over them, and with every meter it becomes more and more difficult to climb. At the end of the climb you will be rewarded with a stunning view. This climb requires good physical fitness.

  • div > .user-text">

    Anna 07/04/2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    We were on holiday in Bali in June. In two weeks we visited almost all corners of Bali, studied water sports, but the most vivid impression, without a doubt, was the ascent to the peak of Mount Agung. If you have good physical fitness and don’t feel dizzy from heights, then I highly recommend doing this climb! Shrouded in darkness and frightening with incomprehensible sounds, the night jungle, narrow paths with cliffs at the edges, a sharply changing landscape, climbing steep rock slopes, a bewitching view of the island in full view, and, finally, a huge crater bowl at the peak - this is the minimum of what awaits you .

  • div > .user-text">

    Daria 02/21/2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    The incredible power of the mountain and the magnificent view that opens from the mountain are worth all the effort. But in order to get there, you still need to prepare. It’s better to climb Agung at night, when it’s not too hot. It can be chilly at the top, so take a jacket. Climb from two to four hours, depending on physical fitness. You should take water and chocolates and sandwiches with you. Flashlights and sneakers are a must. A camera is a must. If Mr. Agung seems too much for you, then take a closer look at Batur. It is lower, but no less beautiful.

  • div > .user-text">

    Maria 01/23/2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    Amazing feeling to meet the sunrise at the very high point Bali islands - Agung volcano! An endlessly star-strewn sky, a green island as clear as a palm with traces of lava from a previous eruption, a crater, a shadow from a volcano, neighboring islands and mountains, white fluffy clouds!! And it's all in one place!! But to enjoy this beauty you will have to try very hard!! Let's lift heavy! Only for people in good physical shape! Be sure to take a guide