How much are parking lots in Riga. General parking rules in riga How to pay a parking fine in latvia

This is an important question for many: where to stay in the center of Riga - and preferably without much damage to the budget. From time to time, this issue is raised in network auto communities, and users even offer each other a map of free parking lots. Sometimes for money... Let's say right away: the card that was recently discussed in the "Riders" community on Facebook is outdated, some of the marked parking lots have already become paid. However, something can still be found.

We will start, oddly enough, with paid parking lots. But, as you know, in some cases they serve without money. Rīgas satiksme spokesman Viktors Zakis reminded us that the number of paid parking lots increases every year (this is one of the reasons why the mentioned map is outdated). There will be more in 2018 as well. You can follow where they appear and the rates on the map on the Rīgas satiksme website -–pakalpojumi/autostavvietu–pakalpojumi/. But on weekdays - after 20:00, on Saturdays after 17:00 or Sundays Rīgas satiksme parking is FREE.

As for simply free parking, when such a question arises, many, as they say, unanimously declare: "Near Stargorod" in Old Riga ( see photo gallery at the bottom of the 1st page of the text - photo 3). As a result, they also state: "It is only advisable to arrive there at 6.50, otherwise you will stand in line later." In general, those who arrived earlier parked themselves. " Indeed, it is possible to leave a car at a favorite restaurant on the embankment, but it is difficult.

Let's complete the map!

Some activist driver made a few years ago interactive map free parking in Riga. Unfortunately, he stopped following her "due to regular vandalism."

Well, we took the liberty of editing the map, removing from it those parking lots that have become paid during this time. And it turned out that although there were significantly fewer places, they still exist. True, competition is growing, and for the right to park for free, drivers have to fight or drive around the district.

From the previous Good Samaritan, there were notes like: “Klyavu Street - one place near the bridge (located behind the red line). Or a signature to the site on Abrenes Street: “Near the court. Illegal but free parking on the green zone. I didn't see any fines. Place for about 10 cars, no more.

In general, if you need to go to an important place, it is dangerous to rely on such parking lots. You can be late. But what if you get lucky? The journalist of "TODAY" yesterday drove through the center of Riga and made sure that so far, for example, there were places left on Cesu, Eveles, Thomson, Meness, Hospital, Vesetas, Nitaures, Malpils, Sporta. In general, there is a lot of space in the Arena Riga district. There are parking lots around Ziedondarzs: on the street. Chaka, Artilerias, Spargelyu, Beauty, Lienes. Closest to the Old Riga is street. Export. But in the area of ​​​​the Central Station, places are very difficult to find.

And now we turn to those who like to be active in online communities and chat in in social networks. Let's consider and supplement the interactive map of free parking. You can check out our version here - Your comments and corrections, dear readers, can be left in the comments to this text or on the "site" page on Facebook.

The center is not for cars!

"The center must be liberated anyway!" - many people think. "Indeed, why are there people in the center of Riga? Release!" - sneer at them in response.

"There's no way to get past the cars!" - Natalya is indignant in "Riders". "So cars are connected with people - there will be no cars, there will be no people. Or, in your opinion, will everyone ride bicycles?" Arvid answers her.

"I drive a car myself. If you need to go to the center, I look according to the circumstances, public transport is sometimes more profitable, more convenient, faster!" - Natalia shares her experience.

"The key word is 'sometimes'," notes Arvid.

"In the daytime, 90% of the cars parked in the center, especially in free parking lots, are cars from the districts. People living in the center will only be happy if there are no free parking lots left here - or, as in Germany, they will impose a ban on entry into center on old diesel engines," Sergey assures.

"There are no free parking lots in the center for a long time," Arvid replies.

“There is still a little left, I live here myself, and if I’m lucky, I use it, only the competition is big. Therefore, you usually have to park for 2 euros per hour,” says Sergey.

"I myself lived in Brivibas and Lachplesha, so you don't have to tell how it is in the center with parking lots," Arvid dismisses.

"Residents of the center have nowhere to park their cars! They have to run on foot, because you can't even drive up to stop, especially on Brivibas Street. This issue needs to be addressed: only those who are declared in the center can park for free."

Traveling through different countries Europe, many tourists choose their own or rented car. And there is nothing surprising in this. After all, having an “iron horse”, you can reduce the cost of travel, take your family, fellow travelers, friends with you. Yes, and traveling with a pet by car is easier than by plane, train or bus. Not to mention the fact that your vehicle gives you an incomparable feeling of freedom. You do not depend on public transport schedules and stop wherever you want. But even this seemingly ideal mode of transportation has its own nuances, even if you are an experienced driver. The main hitch here is the parking rules. In many European, especially ancient, cities, they differ and depend on the decisions of local authorities. In this article, we will tell you how to choose the right parking in Riga and not pay extra money.

Is it possible to leave the car for free?

Latvia, like many other European countries, has very strict rules in this area. Therefore, do not be surprised if you decide to leave the car “just for a second”, jumping out, for example, to the store, and returning, you will find a fine ticket on the windshield. To prevent such troubles from happening to you, you need to follow the parking rules in Riga. The most important thing to pay attention to in advance is the cost of leaving the car, which varies depending on the zone. To some, such a system may seem confusing, but in fact it is quite simple. The closer you want to park to the center, the more it will cost. It is impossible to leave a car for free near the old Riga at all. But somewhere in the sleeping areas you will have a choice. You can place the car in a paid parking lot, or leave it without any money at all.

Basic Rules

All parking places in Riga are marked with the letter "P". There is also information about the time and other working conditions of such parking lots. Most often, street parking is open from 8 am to 8 pm on weekdays, and on Saturday - from 9 to 5. At other times, municipal parking lots can be used free of charge. The only exceptions are parking lots in the old town. They are almost always paid, regardless of the time of day. Without money, you can leave the car there except from 12 at night to 6 in the morning, as well as on holidays. In addition, under the main sign is located Additional Information. For example, a parking lot may indicate exactly how the car should be parked here. Sometimes you can drive to the curb or the indicated place completely, and it happens that you should stop only sideways or with two wheels. Ignoring these rules, even if they seem ridiculous or useless to you, is not worth it. Please note that local residents strictly observe them. The fine for violating them is too high, and the extra money is better spent on museums, restaurants or entertainment.


All municipal parking lots are divided into five regions. They are also called zones. They are denoted by Latin letters. If you see the letter R, then in front of you are parking lots in old Riga. They are the most expensive. After them, in terms of cost, there are parking lots under the letter A. They are located closest to the center. The remaining letters - B, C and D - indicate parking lots that are farthest from the old city. The most budgetary municipal parking lots are marked as D. But there are also free parking lots near the center. One of them is located on the right bank. From there, it takes no more than five minutes to walk to the old city. However, the chances of leaving a car there are slim. Many residents of Riga who work in the center already fill up with their cars early in the morning. You can only be lucky if you are an early riser and park there while the townspeople are still having breakfast. But on the left bank of the Daugava there are more such parking lots. True, they are quite small. There are also special zones that apply to sea ​​coast- Vecaki district.

Parking types

We have already mentioned that parking lots in the city of Riga are divided into zones. But the cost of parking a car in the capital of Latvia depends not only on the proximity to the center. In addition to street parking, there are also guarded parking lots. They are usually located near business centers or offices. Such parking lots are called "Europarks". There the price is higher than in the usual parking lot. There are also parking spaces in shopping malls. But they are paid only in those cases when they are in the center of Riga, and also for a certain time. One of the most popular car parks is the underground parking in the Olympia shopping center, where quite a lot of cars can fit. From there, you can walk to the sights of the city in a quarter of an hour, and you can leave your car at least for the whole day. There are also private parking lots. There are also small shops with their own parking lots. Some of them are free if you buy something from this establishment.

Old city

In some European capitals even the entrance to the center is paid. This is not the case in Riga. But it is extremely difficult to travel by car through the narrow streets of the old city. There is so little space that two cars may not pass at all. On most streets in the center so you have to drive in circles for a long time to get to the right place. Yes, and pedestrians and all sorts of onlookers everywhere full. After all, the capital of Latvia is a tourist place, and travelers walk through it in droves, looking mainly at the sights, and not at the cars. The prices for parking in Riga in the old town are simply fabulous. It is not for nothing that most tourists on wheels prefer to leave their cars away from the center and come to see local sights by bus, and move around the streets on foot. There is another option to rent a hotel in the oldest city, and parking is usually included in the price of the room.

The airport

Sometimes tourists prefer to leave the car in the international hub, and move around Riga by public transport. This method has its pros and cons. There are three car parks at Riga Airport. On one of them - P1 - you can leave the car for a short time. The minimum payment - no more than 30 minutes - is 100 rubles. For a day you will give 2000 rubles. Two more parking lots - P2 and P3 - are long-term. For the price they are approximately the same - the first costs 277 rubles. per calendar day, and the second - 240 rubles. Payment is made in euro. These parking lots are guarded, and if you forget to turn off your headlights and the battery is dead, you will be helped to start the car. This is a free service.

If you suddenly still get caught for violating parking rules, it is unlikely that your car will be picked up by a tow truck. This is not accepted in Riga. Rather, on the wheel - behind or in front - they will hang a special blocker that will prevent your car from moving. There are other ways to keep the car from the parking lot. The cost of the fine is usually two or three times the price of the parking itself. However, if you didn’t pay for parking at all, then shell out more money than if you just overstayed. For example, in zone A parking without payment will cost more than 20 euros. The overdue one is at 14. But even if the blocker was not delivered to you, and you just received a receipt for payment on the windshield, do not think that you are lucky. The fine must be paid within 30 days. All violators are entered into an electronic database. Information from it is transmitted to various authorities, including border guards. And they are very careful about such things. So you are unlikely to be able to leave Latvia without paying a fine. In the event that you rented a car, the company will charge the sanction amount from the credit card you presented, even if you leave for Russia.

Remember that all parking fees in Latvia are charged in euros. Therefore, further we will provide information in this currency, but you can transfer the amounts for yourself at the rate (1 euro - 69.44 rubles at the beginning of 2018).

So, if you park closer to the center, in zone A, then you will have to pay 2.5 € for the first hour, and 3 for every next 60 minutes. That is, the longer you leave the car, the more you pay. The most budget parking will cost 1 euro for the first hour and 1.5 for the next. Therefore, experienced tourists are advised to choose guarded parking lots. The price is fixed there, and for a few hours of parking you will pay 3 euros if you leave your car there during business hours. A whole working day in Europarks costs from 8 euros. But it's more convenient than running to the terminal every hour. And parking in the center of Riga ( Old city) will cost 5 euros for the first hour and 8 for each following. This is done in order to protect old buildings from excessive gas contamination. Keep in mind that the center of Riga does not coincide with the concept of "old town". It's much wider. Although there are inclusions of zone A in the historical center. The cost of parking near the sea in the summer is 2 euros for any time.

Payment Methods

Money for parking in Riga is collected by the municipal enterprise Rigas Saktisme. You can pay for his services in two ways. Through mobile communications(SMS) or traditionally, using the terminal, which is located next to the parking lot. In private car parks, you can pay directly to the guard at the entrance if the place is guarded. You can put money in a special machine in front of the barrier. He will give you a check, which indicates the time of its validity at your rate. This piece of paper should be left under the windshield so that it can be seen that you are in the parking lot legally. How to pay for parking in Riga using mobile phone? Send an SMS to the number that can be found on the parking machine. The message should contain the following information:

  • the word "start" with Latin letters. This means that the payment time has passed;
  • number of your car;
  • area where parking is located.

When you pick up the car, you send a similar SMS to the same number. Only instead of "start" write "stop". But keep in mind that with this method of payment, the number must be Latvian.

In Latvia, as in many other European countries, parking rules are quite strict. Tourists should familiarize themselves with them before renting a car or going on a trip around Riga in their own transport.

Parking Features

First of all, you need to know:

  • Where are the parking lots.
  • How they work.
  • Is there a parking fee.

So, for example, in the sleeping areas of the city, parking is almost always free, but the closer to the center, the higher the cost. It is noteworthy that you can pay for parking in two simple ways: via SMS or through the payment terminal, which is installed in front of the parking lot. The payment is transferred to the municipal enterprise Rigas Satiksme.

Basic Rules

Leaving the vehicle in the wrong place for a few minutes, the driver runs the risk of getting a ticket. And it doesn't matter how long the car, scooter, motorcycle or any other means of transportation has stood. Parking places are marked with a “P” sign, under which there is usually information about the opening hours of parking lots.

All parking lots are divided into certain zones. It depends on them, what will be the cost of parking for a particular period of time. If it is necessary to leave the car in guarded parking lots (EuroPark), which are usually located near business centers and offices of various sizes, then you will have to pay a little more than for street parking. However, this is beneficial in cases where the transport will have to stand for a long time (for example, 10-11 hours).

Under each parking sign there is an additional one that indicates exactly how you can leave the car. For example, driving to the side of the road completely or standing on it with only one side.

By local residents these rules are almost always scrupulously enforced because the penalties for violations are too high.

Parking hours

Most often, the signs indicate exactly how long the parking lot is open. Almost all municipal (street) parking lots are open on weekdays from 8 am to 8 pm local time. Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm.

It is noteworthy that the rest of the time, which is not indicated on the signs, you can use the municipal parking lot for free. In shopping centers there are parking spaces, which are provided for a fee, not much different from the street. But this applies only to those shopping centers that are located in the center of Riga. If the complex is in residential area or in the suburbs, then parking is usually free, regardless of the time of day.

Find out where shopping centers are located in Riga at.

Private car parks

In Riga, there is such a thing as private parking lots. They work on the same principle as municipal ones. However, at the entrance to them you will have to pay immediately, having determined the time. Several payment methods:

  • Terminal.
  • Payment to the watchman (if the parking lot is guarded).
  • Through the terminal on the barrier, if the parking lot is equipped with them.

The opening hours of a particular private car park are indicated at the entrance.

Sanctions for non-payment

In Riga, the practice of evacuating violators' cars is not very common. However, there are still penalties. A blocker is hung on the rear or front wheel of the car, which prevents the vehicle from moving. It is impossible to remove it yourself.

In this case, the penalty is double or triple the parking fee.

Even if a blocker was not installed on the transport, and the fine was issued by the police, it will not work to leave the country without paying the declared amount. Latvian border guards are quite strictly monitoring this moment.

Parking cost

In Riga, all parking spaces are divided into 5 zones: A, B, C, D and R. The latter refers to Old Riga, where the cost is always higher than in any other area of ​​the city. The rest are defined as follows:

  • And - the most expensive municipal.
  • D is the most budget.

All prices are charged in euro, since Latvia has switched to this currency, recognizing it as the national one. Parking fee:

  • In zone A it will cost 2 euros for the first hour, and 3 euros for each subsequent hour.
  • In zone B - 1.5 euros for the first hour, 2.3 euros - subsequent.
  • C - 1.2 euros for the first hour, 1.8 euros - each next.
  • D - 0.9 euros for the first hour, 1.2 euros for the next.

That is why it is considered beneficial to leave the car for a long time in the parking lots of business centers, where parking for several hours will cost 3 euros (for example, from 8 am to 8 pm).

Old Riga

You can enter Old Riga by car for free, but it will be quite difficult to move around:

  • First, the streets are too narrow for two cars to pass freely.
  • Secondly, many driveways and lanes are one-way traffic, which also causes some difficulties in moving.
  • Thirdly, Old Riga is a favorite place for many tourists from all over the world who walk around the city in large groups.

Parking in this part of the city is the most expensive: 4.5 euros for the first hour and 7.5 euros for each subsequent hour.

Free parking

Despite the fact that parking in the city center is almost always paid, there is a chance to save money. Near the center, not far from Old Riga, on the right side of the Daugava River, there is a free parking lot for vehicles. It is almost always full of cars. You can get there only early in the morning, while working Latvians are just about to leave home.

On the left side of the river, there are quite a few free parking lots, although their sizes are not too large. The underground parking near the Olympia shopping center stands out significantly, which can accommodate a lot of cars, and there are almost always free places.

If you are going to visit Riga by car, you should prepare the n-th amount in advance to pay for parking. Of course, there are free parking lots, but you can not always be sure that you will take a place there. Street parking is almost always safe, as well as guarded at business centers and offices. The level of car crime in the city is negligible, so you can leave your vehicle in any of the parking lots, calmly go about your business by public transport or on foot.

Find out all the information about traveling to Riga from Moscow by car. Read. You can also get to the capital of Latvia by, or.

Going to the capital of Latvia, drivers must learn the rules of the road in a European country before going to tourist trip. They are also advised to find out the cost of parking in Riga. Traffic police strictly enforce the rules. At the slightest violation, serious penalties are imposed. Even leaving the vehicle for five minutes in the wrong places, you can see that the car is taken by a tow truck to the impound lot.

There are different parking rules in different parts of the city. The shorter the distance to the center, the higher the price.

Features of parking in the capital of Latvia

The rules for placing cars in parking lots are simple and clear. First of all, you need to find out where parking is located in a particular area. How does it work and is there a fee for it.

There are two ways to pay for the service - using payment terminals installed at parking lots, or through the mobile application of the municipal enterprise of the capital Rigas Satiksme.

Parking spaces are marked with a “P” sign and are easy to spot. It also contains information about the operating time. Parking lots are divided into certain zones, on which the price for a specific period of time directly depends. If drivers need to leave the car in guarded parking lots located near an office building, retail or entertainment center, you will have to pay a large amount.

There are signs in front of the signs, which indicate how it is allowed to park the car. For example, standing on the side of the road with one side or driving into it completely.

Reference. Local residents strictly observe the rules, as the penalties for their violation are impressive. In addition, the amount is doubled if the vehicle is sent to a penalty parking lot.

Working hours and penalties

A special sign usually indicates the opening hours of the parking lot. Almost every paid street (municipal) parking lot is open from 8.00 to 20.00 (on weekdays). On weekends and holidays, the opening hours are from 9.00 to 17.00. In other periods of time, cars are parked free of charge. However, this rule does not apply to places located near shopping and entertainment centers.

If the complexes are located in the residential areas of the capital, or in its suburban area, places, as a rule, are not paid (at any time of the day).

Parking lots in the center of Riga are divided into five zones marked with letters: A, B, C, D, R. The most expensive is the last one. This is the old part of the city. A - municipal, also expensive for drivers. D - located in the distance, therefore one of the most budgetary.

Parking fees are paid in euros:

  • A - for the first hour 2 euros, for all subsequent hours 3 euros;
  • B - 1.5 euros initially and hourly at 2.3;
  • C - 1.3 for the first 60 minutes, for the rest of the time - 1.8 euros each;
  • D - 1 euro for the first hour, for the next 1.2.
  • R - 4.27 initially, for the rest of the time - 7.11 each.

Important information! It is more profitable to leave the vehicle for a long period of time near a business center or office building, where payment is made at three euros per 12 hours (from 8.00 to 20.00).

Entrance to old Riga is not paid, although moving around in this area is quite problematic due to narrow streets. Most of them are one way. In addition, there are many other difficulties. The capital of Latvia is a favorite place for tourists. Therefore, in the central part there are always a lot of pedestrians, which causes difficulties with the movement of cars.

Experienced motorists traveling around Latvia give advice on how to save yourself from unnecessary problems:

  1. The best option is to choose a place of residence in the immediate vicinity of the parking lot. Then there are no difficulties with parking, and historical sights can be reached without problems.
  2. Leave transport away from the central part, using free parking. And move around the capital by tram, trolleybus or other public transport. Usually free parking lots are located close to Old Riga. You can walk to them in 15-20 minutes.
  3. Leave cars in budget zone D.

Attention! You can save money by using free parking lots located as close to the center as possible. These are the streets that adjoin the Stone Bridge, or a place near the Olympia shopping center. It is quite difficult to park a car on such sites, they are constantly filled. However, if you arrive at 9 am, this is quite realistic.

The length of the Latvian public road network is 73.592 km. Of these, with a hard surface - 20.131 km.

Toll roads

In Latvia, there is no toll for the use of motor roads.

Plots with special payment

Payment is subject only to the entrance to the resort area of ​​Jurmala. The entrance fee is charged from 1 April to 30 September. The rest of the time - from October 1 to March 31 - entry to Jurmala is free.

Tariffs for entry to the resort area of ​​​​Jurmala for 2019:

During the period of validity of the pass, the number of entries is not limited. Access control is carried out with the help of video cameras. The fine for entering without a pass is € 50.

The pass can be bought online at

Parking in Riga

Almost all parking lots in the center of Riga are paid. RP SIA Rigas satiksme car parks - car parks are open from 08:00 to 20:00, on Saturdays from 09:00 to 17:00. In zone R (Vecriga) the opening hours are from 06:00 to 24:00 daily. The rest of the time, as well as on Sundays and public holidays, the car parks can be used free of charge.

The cost of parking in Riga varies depending on the zone in which it is located.

The cost of car parking in Vecaki is € 2.00 for the entire period from 08:00 to 20:00 (from May 1 to September 30).

Parking fee

You can pay for parking at parking meters or via sms.

When paying at parking meters, the check for the use of paid parking must be placed in a conspicuous place - on the left side on the front panel of the vehicle so that the controller has the opportunity to verify the presence and content of this document: payment information, validity period and document number must be visible .

The maximum time for free use of paid parking during its operation is 5 minutes. The maximum allowed time for free use of the paid car park after the end of the payment period is 15 minutes.

More about using car parks in Riga - Rigas satiksme

Buy a road map of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia from the Amazon online store with delivery .

Main traffic rules of Latvia

Speed ​​limit

Standard speed limits in Latvia (unless otherwise indicated on the signs).

Cars and motorcycles:
  • in built-up area - 50 km/h
  • outside the settlement - 90 km/h
  • on the highway- 110 km/h
Trailer vehicles:
  • in built-up area - 50 km/h
  • outside the settlement - 80 km/h
  • on the road - 90 km / h

The maximum speed in a residential area is 20 km/h.


Maximum legal blood alcohol level 0.5‰.

If the blood alcohol level is more than 0.5 ‰ and less than 1.0 ‰, then the fine will be from € 430 to 640 and deprivation of rights for one year.

If the blood alcohol level is more than 1.0 ‰ and less than 1.5 ‰, then the fine will be from € 850 to 1,200, deprivation of rights for two years and administrative arrest from 5 to 10 days.

If the blood alcohol level is more than 1.5 ‰, then the fine will be from € 1,200 to 1,400, deprivation of rights for four years and administrative arrest from 10 to 15 days. The same punishment threatens in case of refusal to be examined for the presence of alcohol.

In the case of the presence of narcotic drugs or psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances in the human body, the fine will be from € 1,200 to 1,400, deprivation of rights for four years and administrative arrest from 10 to 15 days.

For drivers whose driving experience does not exceed 2 years, the maximum allowable level 0.2‰.

If the level of alcohol in the blood of such drivers is more than 0.2 ‰ and less than 0.5 ‰, then the fine will range from € 210 to 430 and deprivation of rights for up to six months.

dipped beam

Dipped beam is required 24 hours a day all year round. Fine for driving without low beam during the daytime - € 7.

For driving without passing lights at night or in conditions of poor visibility, the fine is € 40.

Transportation of children

When transporting children whose height does not exceed 150 cm, on Vehicle Seats equipped with seat belts must be equipped with special chairs or supports that are appropriate for the age and weight of the child.

Violation of this rule will result in a fine of €30 to €70.

Seat belts

Use of seat belts necessarily for front and rear passengers.

Fine - from € 30 to 70 or a warning.

Talking on the phone

It is forbidden to use a phone, tablet or other mobile device while the vehicle is not equipped with a technical capability that allows hands-free negotiations.

Fine - from € 25 to 100.


The degree of light transmission of the windshield should be at least 75%, and the front side windows should be at least 70%.

Driving a vehicle with windows that do not allow light transmission to comply with legal requirements is punishable by a fine of € 85.


Fines should not be paid directly to the police officer at the scene of the violation. Fines are paid within 30 days or an appeal is filed.

The appeal must be filed within 10 working days from the date of notification of the imposition of an administrative penalty.

Table of fines for traffic violations in Latvia (Euro): Penalties for traffic violations in Latvia
Violation Fine
Failure to comply with the lawful request of a police officer to stop the vehicle € 15
U-turn on bridges and overpasses, overpasses, as well as on pedestrian crossings € 30
Driving on a lane designated for public passenger transport € 40
Driving on the side of the road € 40
U-turn at railroad crossings € 55
Driving on bicycle or pedestrian paths or sidewalks € 55
Failure to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front € 25 - 140
Stopping on sidewalks, railroad crossings or places where it is prohibited € 40
Windshield wipers do not operate on the driver's side during rain or snow € 30
Overtaking at railroad crossings, footpaths and tunnels € 55
Departure to an intersection or crossing the carriageway in the event of a traffic jam that forced the driver to stop, creating an obstacle to the movement of the vehicle in the transverse direction € 30
Driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road € 55
Departure to the lane intended for oncoming traffic, when overtaking € 55
Turning left or making a U-turn in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs or roadway markings € 30
No alarm during emergency stop or to disembark passengers during daylight hours € 30
No alarm during an emergency stop or to disembark passengers at night or in poor visibility conditions € 40
Aggressive driving € 70 - 280

Fines for speeding in Latvia

Fines for speeding in settlements and outside of them in Latvia differ.

For motorcycles and cars:

In case of exceeding the speed limit up to 20 km/h, instead of a fine, a warning is possible.

In case of speeding over 50 km / h, in addition to a fine, there is also a deprivation driving license from 3 to 6 months.

For cars with a trailer: Speeding fines for cars with a trailer in Latvia
Over speed
up to 10 km/h € 10
or warning
€ 10
or warning
from 11 km/h to 20 km/h € 80 € 40
from 21 km/h to 30 km/h € 160 € 80
from 31 km/h to 40 km/h € 320 € 160
from 41 km/h to 50 km/h € 480 - 620 € 320 - 440
from 51 km/h to 60 km/h € 700 - 880 € 480 - 640
over 60 km/h € 1,040 - 1,400 € 720 - 960

In case of exceeding the speed of more than 50 km / h, in addition to a fine, there is also a deprivation of a driver's license from 6 months to 2 years.

Useful information


1.20 1.25 1.14 0.59 as of 02/14/2020

Unleaded petrol (95 and 98) and diesel fuel are available in Latvia. Gas stations (LPG) are available.

Average prices for all types of fuel according to Statoil data as of on 14.02.2020 :


  • Bezsvina 95 - € 1.197
  • Bezsvina 98 - € 1.252
  • Dieselis - € 1.137
  • Autogaze - € 0.591

emergency numbers

  • European emergency number - 112
  • Police - 110
  • Ambulance - 113
  • LAMB roadside assistance and towing services - 1888

Required equipment

The equipment that necessary have in the car:

  • Warning triangle
  • Car first aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Reflective vest- Mandatory when exiting a car that has stopped on the carriageway or roadside, at night or in conditions of poor visibility

Winter equipment

Winter tires

The use of winter tires in Latvia is mandatory for vehicles with a total weight of up to 3.5 tons from 1 December to 1 March. The minimum tread depth is 3 mm. In the absence of a fine of € 30.

Studded tires

Anti-skid chains

Snow chains can be used in case of snow and ice.

If there is no emergency sign, car first aid kit or fire extinguisher in the vehicle - a warning or a fine of € 7.

The use of radar detectors is prohibited. In case of discovery, a fine of € 55 and confiscation of the device itself.