Path of Death on Mount Huashan in Xi'an, China. The world famous Chinese attraction "Huashan - Death Mountain" Huashan Circuit

It is in the central part of this country that the mountains sacred to Taoism are located. An excursion to Mount Huashan Death Path will give you unprecedented sensations, because it is the most dangerous walking path in the world.

Mount Huashan

This mountain consists of 5 peaks that form the silhouette of a flower, which is how this place got its name. Huashan is located in the Shaanxi region and is one of the most important mountains for supporters of Taoism.

This mountain attracts not only pilgrims and travelers of Taoism from all over the world, but also attracts many tourists, because it is not easy a nice place. Here, in addition to the beautiful landscapes, many people note beautiful temples, gates and bridges, ancient monasteries and mysterious caves. All this can be seen by taking a tour of these sacred Taoist places.

You can explore these places either on foot, for which there are several routes, or by cable car, which is easier and safer. But the funicular operates only up to the Northern Peak, therefore, in order to explore all 5 peaks, you will have to do it only on foot.

Adherents of the Taoist culture ascend to the top exclusively on foot. Since climbing is not an easy task, they stay overnight at the top to renew their strength and continue the pilgrimage.

Path of Death

It is for its trails that Mount Huashan is famous for many tourists. The climb to this mountain is extremely dangerous and very extreme, so it is not suitable for everyone. The easiest climb is to the north summit, which is the lowest of the five.

On the way up there are not only paths, but also bridges with steep stairs. What is noteworthy is that there are not only hanging stairs, but also steps carved into the rock. Most often the climbs are steep, so you need to prepare for physical exertion. The shortest route will take at least 5 hours.

You also need to be prepared for the fact that there are some very dangerous paths. To pass them, individual insurance is attached to everyone, because one wrong step can cost your life.

But this path and sensations are worth it; no one can forget such a journey. You simply cannot find a place like this here in China, it is worth the attention of all tourists. Mount Huashan The Path of Death awaits all extreme sports enthusiasts and will amaze you with its incredible landscapes and historical monuments.

January 16, 2013, 10:58 pm

Spain. El Caminito Del Rey Balancing on the brink between life and death, thrill seekers from all over the world walk along a narrow, crumbling path, which is laid at an altitude of more than a hundred meters above the ground, trying not to think that any careless movement could be fatal for them.
The El Caminito Del Rey Trail was created in 1905 to facilitate the movement of workers between two hydroelectric power plants.
It is also known as the King's Path. To walk along it, you must be at least 12 years old and have good height tolerance. China. Huashan Mountain Trail The Qinling mountain range divides the Chinese central province of Shaanxi into two parts. Here is Mount Huashan, to the top of which the Hua Shan Yu walking trail was built back in the 4th century. This trail was improved during the Tang Dynasty, but remains extreme even today. Despite safety measures (stone steps have been built, the width of the path has been increased and railings have been added), fatal accidents still occur here.

But the second path leading to Mount Haushan is the most dangerous; it is literally a road over an abyss. It is also known as new Yueyang trails or "Path of Death" Both daredevils come here who want to prove to themselves and the world their own fearlessness, as well as weak-spirited people who dream of getting rid of their inner insecurities. The “Path of Death” consists of boards nailed to sheer cliff hundreds of meters high, and chains to hold on to. Creating these trails is very difficult and dangerous. An entire army of “spider people” from Hunan province is building at a huge height of hundreds of meters mountain trails using only seat belts. Each such path is only a meter wide and is not even equipped with railings. As the head of the team of trail builders, Mr. Zhang Bin, said, workers who build a trail among steep cliffs must be very brave and, at least, extremely resilient psychologically. China. Mountain path to school
The village of Gulukan is located in Western China. Probably the most fearless children live here, because every day they have to walk to school along a narrow path carved into the rock, which is located at an altitude of 1500 meters. There is simply no other road from the village. France. Roche Veyrand
There are about 120 via ferratas in France, which range from easy to very difficult routes. (Via ferrata or “iron path” is a rocky area equipped with wooden or metal structures to make it easier to overcome). Roche Veyrand is among the most difficult and dangerous mountains the best trails in France. The trail is located in the south-eastern part of the country, in the Rhone-Alpes region, in Saint Pierre d'Entremont.
Switzerland. Ebenalpe Trail In Switzerland there are the prehistoric Ebenalp Caves, which are very often visited by tourists. So that travelers could reach this natural attraction, the Ebenalp trail was built, which begins at the mountain station of the same name. The journey along the trail takes only 20 minutes, but the impressions of this route will remain with tourists for a lifetime. Unfortunately, there was only one photo of this trail. Ireland. Cliffs of Moher This trail is intended for those cyclists who like to tickle their nerves. The Cliffs of Moher Path is considered the most dangerous cycling trail on the planet. It rises 215 meters above Atlantic Ocean, and the width of the path in some places is less than one meter.
It’s scary even just walking along this path over the abyss, not to mention riding a bicycle. But if dangerous hiking trails exist mainly for thrill-seekers and adrenaline addicts, then moving along equally dangerous highways is a severe daily necessity for residents of those places that will be discussed below. There are countless such roads around the world. Below are three of the most prominent examples of them.
Some roads are more forgiving of minor driving mistakes, some less so, but Old Yungas Roads doesn't forgive anything. Every year, the number of deaths among those who dare to drive along the forty-mile Old Yungas Road exceeds one hundred. Ironically, this route has become a place of tourist pilgrimage among those foreigners who want to add “riding the most dangerous road in the world” to their list of achievements. One lane, steep slopes, and lack of guardrails only add to the danger. In addition, fog and rain can reduce visibility and cover the road surface with mud, as well as loosen the rock above. Guoliang Tunnel in Taihang Mountains (China).
The name of the tunnel is translated from Chinese language as “The road that makes no mistakes.” First, a tunnel was created by villagers from the remote region of the Taihang Mountains to get to the outside world. It is now a 3.1m wide road which is quite scary for drivers. The tunnel has 30 windows to see what's what.

Halsema Highway, Philippines
Magnificent, but in places very dangerous road on the island of Luzon. In addition to unpaved parts of roads, landslides and large rocks, heavy fog is possible.

For those who are bored with monotonous tourist programs with visits to various monotonous temples and an endless number of museums, there is an excellent alternative for real extreme sports enthusiasts: this is the death trail on Mount Huashan in the city of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.

This trail is located at an altitude of about 2000 meters at sacred mountain Huashan has five petal-shaped peaks, the most high peak– Its southern height is 2154 meters from sea level, the lowest Northern peak is 1614.9 meters high.

How to get to the top

There are two ways to get to the mountain, there are two entrances, one entrance from the West, which is equipped with a cable car and you can only go to the top along it (the cost of a one-way lift costs 140 yuan, which is about $20), the cost of a bus that will take you to it is $3.

Second entrance from the North, there is also cable car, but it costs a little less than 120 yuan in both directions. But there is also walking route with steps carved into the rock and rope bridges. But the path will not be easy and will take you about 6-8 hours to climb.

What is the path of death

At the top there is simply stunning views of the mountains and nature of China.

The trail on Mount Huashan is a very popular tourist destination both among visitors from other countries and among the Chinese themselves. Therefore, very often there is a decent queue for it, so get ready to stand in it for at least 20-30 minutes. (maybe, of course, you will be lucky and you will pass it, but we were not lucky).

Although the death trail looks scary from the photographs, it is practically safe, since before you start you are given special safety equipment (belts and a cable with a carabiner, the total cost is about 30 yuan - that’s about 4 bucks).

After you receive the ammunition and put your things in the storage room (so as not to accidentally drop them while walking along the trail to the bottom).

You will have to wait a little longer, since the path has only one end and you can return from there only the same way you came, trying to miss the people coming back to meet you.

Only after this can you hit the road. The trail begins with a descent along metal piles driven into stone.

At the bottom you will be met by a Chinese man who will help you fasten the carabiner from one cable to another.

Somewhere in the middle of the path, there is a booth in a hole in the rock where you can take first-class photographs, but if you have a phone with you, you will not need its services; the main thing is not to drop your gadget down. The Chinese say that this happens very often, maybe they do it to sell their photos, but it’s better to be safe.

The route lasts only 15-20 minutes. Climbing to the top you can see a small sacred altar and beautiful landscape opening from Mount Huashan.

Be sure to visit the death trail, get new emotions and enjoy the views of the surrounding nature.

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Greetings, dear friends!

Today we will go to one of the 5 great mountains of the Celestial Empire and one of the most dangerous mountains in the world for tourists - Mount Huashan in Shaanxi province (not to be confused with the mountain in Anhui province).

The mountain has a bad reputation. According to unofficial statistics, Huashan annually takes up to 100 human lives. It is here that the world-famous “Path of Death” is located, attracting extreme sports enthusiasts from all corners of the globe.

To be fair, we note that Mount Huashan is not a tea mountain. The climate here is cooler and not humid enough to grow tea. Our goal is the "Path of Death".

It is for the sake of the “Path of Death” that we travel 120 km from ancient capital China - Xi'an, taking about 2 hours by train.

10 minutes by local bus, and here we are at the foot of Mount Huashan. Entrance to the mountain will cost you 180 yuan ($30), and if you are a student it’s 2 times cheaper. Go!

At first the climb is quite comfortable and the going is easy.

But gradually the steepness of the steps increases.

In some places we are forced to stand on all fours.

The hike to the highest southern peak takes about 6 hours. Incredibly stunning views!

On the southern peak we find our “Path of Death”. Wow, it's scary here at first! But then the fear disappears, not for everyone, but for some it decreases...

The Death Path consists of several boards roughly nailed to each other at an altitude of 2 km.

But when the board runs out, we have no choice but to walk along the grooves in the rock that Taoist monks made for their own needs many centuries ago.

You still don’t realize that the traffic on the path goes in two directions, and you have to manage to get around the Chinese coming towards you.

The goal was achieved, the trail was completed, and we received an unrealistic charge of positivity and adrenaline!

And also Huashan sacred mountain, it is full of Taoist temples and pagodas, and there is a huge park at the foot of the mountain.

If you're in Xi'an, be sure to visit Huashan!

More photos below. Photos are in chronological order.

We attach a 10-minute video from Mount Huashan:

Many people are not ardent adherents extreme recreation, but there is a fairly decent number of fans of thrills, a chilling sense of danger and If you are one of them, then Mount Huashan in China is what you need. Walking route, known as the death trail, does not require any special technical skills, but extreme caution is required while negotiating the long train of stone steps of the so-called heavenly staircase.

The Cure for Fear

Famous for its majestic rocks(path of death) is China, which is located near the city of Xi'an (Shaanxi province). There are many breathtaking routes on offer, including ziplining, rock climbing and hiking. The climb, which is about 14 kilometers long, is accompanied by a certain amount of risk; in some places there is not even a road, but only steps carved into stone.

The preferred option for many tourists is to climb from the foot of the Northern Mountain to its top using a cable car. This saves everyone a lot of time and energy. But there is a tourist route transition from north to south, which will make the bravest travelers simply petrify with fear or, conversely, feel a feeling of wild delight.

Path of Death

The number of tourists wishing to visit the death route on Mount Huashan is not decreasing, but, on the contrary, is growing every year. Those who dare to make such an extreme journey overcome a path made of boards built over the abyss and move to the peak of the mountain, holding on well to the chains attached to the vertical rocks. There are no fences, on one side there is a powerful rock, on the other there is a bottomless abyss and a crazy wind.

Of course, there is still a minimum safety kit there, this is a belt with a small cable and a carabiner. The prize for brave climbers will be not only a wonderful view from the top of Huashan (mountain), but also a whole storm of emotions that does not leave those who managed to overcome the deadly climb alone. Climbing a dangerous path is not a one-way journey, it is a round trip, but the descent is usually a little easier, and sometimes harder, as the accumulated tension and fatigue make themselves known.

How dangerous is climbing Mount Huashan? Climbing there should not be considered as mountaineering, which involves the use of modern equipment, and therefore the definition of mountain tourism is more suitable here. In numerous photographs you can see people in ordinary clothes and without special shoes. They resemble ordinary pedestrians, only very brave ones.

Mountain traditions

There is a big difference between mountaineering and mountain tourism. Climbers have undergone appropriate training, experience and special equipment. They are also quite aware of the risks they are taking. - this is what amateurs usually do, especially since you need to be especially careful and be in good physical shape.

Those who manage to get to the very top usually leave some personal item there. For example, among couples in love it is customary to attach shiny locks and red ribbons, the abundance of which simply makes your eyes wide open. Each of those who conquered the dangerous path joyfully shares a pleasant feeling of satisfaction from the ascent. The famous one flowing far below looks like a thin trickle, and everything seems so tiny. The unforgettable, awe-inspiring view from a great height and the pictures will remind you of a crazy and exciting adventure for a long time.

Mount Huashan in China

This one is huge mountain world resembles a separate reality, its own small world. Huashan (mountain) has five peaks, the highest of which is the South Peak, which reaches 2154 meters. The eastern peak is 2096.2 meters high and is best place to watch the sun rise. The Western Peak has a height of 2082.6 meters, the Central Peak is 2037.8 meters (another name is the Jade Maiden), and the Northern Peak with a height of 1614.9 meters is also called the Terrace Cloud.

In ancient times, Mount Huashan (path of death) was called the most dangerous and steep mountain in all of China. The most famous part of the path is called the Green Dragon's Rib, flanked by two huge chasms. Covering the distance from the village to the top of the mountain takes from 6 to 9 hours, but if you wish, you can stay overnight in the village itself, where there is a small but cozy hotel.

sacred place

In the second century BC, this place was a major religious center, in the heart of which a Taoist temple was built. It is also a center for traditional martial arts. Many emperors came to this sacred place to pray and make sacrifices to the God of Mount Huashan.

They say that Lao Tzu, the founder and patriarch of Taoism, once lived and preached here. Since then, pilgrims, monks and nuns began to gradually populate the mountainous surroundings. Access to five mountain peaks, each of important religious significance, is possible through a network of narrow paths built from wood and stone. There is a tea house on one of the three peaks.

Mount Huashan: deaths

IN last years, thanks to the large influx of tourists, the paths have been more or less improved, but still the road to the peaks remains an extremely risky undertaking. Although there are no official mortality statistics, it is said that Huashan (the mountain) steals about 100 human lives every year.

Making their way along the narrow and winding path, tourists risk their lives every time. There is a high probability of receiving various types of injuries during climbing. These steep mountains under the skies are the real natural miracle. The breathtakingly sharp rocks and cliffs present a daunting challenge for those climbers who dare to conquer them. The landscape changes dramatically at every step of this winding path. There is a feeling that the beauty of the mountain has a real magical effect on everyone who visits it.

Even from the photographs taken, you can see how dangerous this route is. On some parts of the journey, it only takes one mistake to cost your life. Despite this, many tourists make an annual pilgrimage to Mount Huashan. The world-famous attraction in China, Huashan - Death Mountain, is not free. Entrance to the mountain costs about $30 dollars ($15 for students).