Corpses after a plane crash. Amazing stories of plane crash rescues

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The emergency situation on board the Russian Airbus 321 airliner developed rapidly.

According to LifeNews, experts have now managed to establish the approximate time of death of most of the passengers who died in the plane crash on Sinai Peninsula. According to a source in the investigative authorities, all the people on board the liner died at approximately the same time, and the difference between the time of death does not exceed 5-7 minutes.

Personality parts dead passengers flight of the A321 aircraft will be determined by eyelashes and hair from the head. According to sources, more than 200 scattered biological fragments were discovered at the scene of the tragedy, of which this moment, it seems possible to “recover” only 146 bodies. More than 240 DNA samples were sent to Moscow for genetic examination.

As previously reported, a Russian plane crashed on October 31 in Egypt. There were 224 people on board, of which 217 were passengers. There were more than 20 children on board, the youngest of whom was only ten months old. None of the passengers or crew survived.

Sputnik seconds before the crash of the Russian airliner.

Head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Alexey Pushkov - in his opinion, this will improve the level of flight safety.

To the families of those killed in the plane crash .

On July 7, an Air Canada passenger plane flying from Toronto mistakenly headed not onto the runway, but onto the taxiway, where four other airliners were at that moment. The controllers managed to stop the pilot in time, give the command to go around, after which the plane landed safely on the correct runway.

According to the head of Aero Consulting Experts and former pilot Ross Eimer's United Airlines, the incident threatened to become the worst disaster in aviation history: “Imagine a huge Airbus crashing into four passenger liners with full tanks."

Let's remember the most famous and unusual cases of survival in plane crashes.

  • like a person who survived a fall from a maximum height,
  • as a person who received the minimum amount of compensation for physical damage - 75 rubles. According to Gosstrakh standards in the USSR, 300 rubles were required. compensation for damages for the dead and 75 rubles. for survivors of plane crashes.

Larisa Savitskaya with her son Georgy. Image:

Survive falling from a height of 10 km without a parachute

The DC-9 crash over Hermsdorf was an aircraft accident that occurred on January 26, 1972. The McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32 airliner of Yugoslav Airlines was operating flight JAT367 on the route Stockholm - Copenhagen - Zagreb - Belgrade, but 46 minutes after departure from Copenhagen the liner exploded in the air. According to some reports, a Croatian group of extremists left a bomb in the luggage compartment of the airliner.

The explosion of the airliner occurred over German city Hermsdorf, and the wreckage of the plane fell near the city of Ceska Kamenice (Czechoslovakia). Of the 28 people on board (23 passengers and 5 crew members), only one survived - 22-year-old flight attendant Vesna Vulovich, who fell without a parachute from a height of 10,160 meters. She is the holder of the world altitude record for surviving a free fall without a parachute, according to the Guinness Book of Records.

Vesna was in a coma and received many injuries: fractures of the base of the skull, three vertebrae, both legs and the pelvis. The treatment took 16 months, of which for 10 months the girl’s lower body was paralyzed (from the waist to the legs).

This aircraft accident occurred on January 15, 2009. The US Airways Airbus A320-214 was operating flight AWE 1549 on the route New York-Charlotte-Seattle, and there were 150 passengers and 5 crew members on board. 1.5 minutes after takeoff, the plane collided with a flock of birds and both engines failed. Commander Chesley Sullenberger former pilot The US Air Force decided that the only option to save the 155 people on board was to land on the Hudson River. The splashdown turned out to be successful.

The crew landed the plane safely on the waters of the Hudson River in New York. All 155 people on board survived, 83 people were injured - 5 seriously (one flight attendant was the most injured) and 78 minor.

In the media, the incident is known as the “Miracle on the Hudson.” In total, 11 cases of controlled forced landings of passenger airliners on water are known; this case is the fourth without casualties.

By the way, yesterday, July 17, 2017 airplane " Ural Airlines"(flight U6-2932 Simferopol - Yekaterinburg) collided with a flock of birds, as a result of which the nose cone was damaged. It would seem like such a colossus and some birds, but... the plane ended up being repaired for 12 hours.

Tu-124 landing on the Neva

This splashdown event occurred in Soviet aviation in the skies over Leningrad on August 21, 1963. As a result of a combination of circumstances, passenger plane The engines of the Tu-124 failed, and the plane began to glide from a height of half a kilometer above the city center. The crew had no choice but to try to splash down on the surface of the Neva. All 52 people on board survived.

Initially, the commission investigating the circumstances of the accident placed responsibility for the emergency on the crew. But later it was decided not to punish the pilots.

The crash of a Boeing 777 plane in Ukraine occurred exactly a year ago. The tragedy happened in the vicinity of the village of Rassypnoye.

Local residents remember that at half past four in the evening there were battles, Ukrainian military planes were flying in the sky. Then suddenly there was a strong explosion and Boeing fragments flew from the sky to the ground.

Residents of Rassypnoye will never forget how, literally before their eyes, people fell out of parts of a plane that had fallen apart in the sky and was rapidly rushing towards the ground. Within minutes, the entire ground in the vicinity of the village was strewn with corpses, as well as body parts. dead people. The unfortunates were torn to pieces while still in the sky. Therefore, not only corpses, but also severed arms, legs, heads, and internal organs fell on the roofs of houses, barns, and vegetable gardens.

Local residents did not immediately understand what was happening. At first it was assumed that the Ukrainian military, who had bombed the village the day before, decided to carry out sabotage and bombard Rassypnoye, Grabovo and other villages with old frozen corpses. The fact is that the dead, whose bodies were not torn to pieces during the plane explosion, looked strange. It felt like these people had died a long time ago, and not just a few minutes ago. Blood from corpses injured by impacts on the ground did not begin to flow immediately, if at all. This raised suspicions that the plane crash was some kind of provocation aimed at causing trouble for civilians.

The bodies of the dead were not collected on the day of the tragedy. And this despite the fact that it was a hot summer! According to local residents, the remains of the plane's passengers lay on the street for 4 days. They decomposed in the sun. They were thoroughly wetted by the recent rain.

The remains of people were collected only on the 5th day after the Boeing crash. They had time to decompose and emitted an unpleasant odor.

The investigation into the cause of the plane crash has not yet been completed. The results have not been announced. Therefore, it is too early to say whether the Ukrainian military actually committed sabotage, deliberately knocking down the plane and throwing old frozen corpses at the residents of the rebellious villages, or whether the impression of the local residents turned out to be wrong. After all, people from these villages have never seen so many corpses and human remains that fall on them from the sky. This spectacle is not for the faint of heart! It is possible that during the fighting, the Ukrainian military accidentally shot down a passenger plane with living people on it.

Let us remind you that 298 people became victims of the plane crash. Despite the fact that there were battles in Donbass, Ukraine did not ban air travel in its airspace. According to experts, the negligence and greed of representatives of the Ukrainian authorities could lead to only one thing: any passenger plane could be shot down during hostilities.

Egor Rogov

No. 10. A300 crash over the Persian Gulf - 290 dead

The A300 crash over the Persian Gulf occurred on July 3, 1988. The Iran Air Airbus A300B2-203 was flying commercial passenger flight IR655 on the route Tehran-Bandar Abbas-Dubai, but a few minutes after taking off from Bandar Abbas, flying over the Persian Gulf, it was shot down by a surface-to-air missile fired from US Navy guided missile cruiser Vincennes. All 290 people on board the plane were killed: 16 crew members and 274 passengers, including 65 children. At the time of the missile launch, the cruiser Vincennes was in Iranian territorial waters.

The US government said the Iranian airliner was mistakenly identified as an Iranian Air Force F-14. The Iranian government, however, maintains that the Vincennes deliberately attacked a civilian aircraft.

No. 9. Boeing 777 crash in the Donetsk region - 298 dead

The crash occurred on July 17, 2014 in the east of the Donetsk region of Ukraine, when a Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines Airlines was operating a scheduled flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.

There were 283 passengers and 15 crew members on board the plane, all of them died.

No. 8. L-1011 crash in Riyadh - 301 dead

The Riyadh L-1011 crash occurred on Tuesday, August 19, 1980, at Riyadh Airport.
A few minutes after taking off from Karachi, a fire started on board the Lockheed L-1011-385-1-15 TriStar 200 of Saudi Arabian Airlines, operating passenger flight SVA163 on the route Karachi - Riyadh - Jeddah. The crew managed to make an emergency landing in Riyadh, but airport emergency services opened the door to the passenger cabin only 23 minutes after the plane landed. As a result of the delayed evacuation, the liner burned out completely, killing all 287 passengers and 14 crew members on board (301 people in total).
Lockheed L-1011-385-1-15 TriStar 200 of Saudi Arabian Airlines, identical to the one that burned:

No. 7. Boeing 747 crash near Cork - 329 dead

The Boeing 747 crash near Cork occurred on Sunday 23 June 1985 as a result of a terrorist attack. The Air India Boeing 747-237B was flying flight AI182 on the Montreal-London-Delhi-Bombay route, but when approaching London, an explosion occurred on board, destroying the plane. All 329 people on board were killed - 307 passengers and 22 crew members.

When the explosion occurred, the tail of the plane was torn off, the crew of the ship did not even have time to transmit a distress signal, hundreds of passengers were “scattered” in the sky over the Atlantic, then within a few days 131 bodies and the wreckage of the plane were lifted from the water.

No. 6. DC-10 crash near Paris - 346 dead

The Paris DC-10 crash, also known as the Ermenonville crash, occurred on Sunday, March 3, 1974, near Paris.

The McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 airliner of Turkish Airlines operated passenger flight TK 981 on the Istanbul-Paris-London route. 6 minutes after takeoff from Paris, at an altitude of 3,500 meters, one of the cargo bay doors suddenly opened, creating an explosive decompression that destroyed the control systems. The airliner went into a dive and after 1.5 minutes crashed at high speed into the Ermenonville forest northeast of Paris.

All 346 people were killed, including 12 crew members and 334 passengers. The DC-10 crash near Paris remains the largest aircraft disaster in which there were no survivors.

No. 5. Collision over Charkhi Dadri - 349 dead

On November 12, 1996, 5 kilometers from the Indian city of Charkhi Dadri, at an altitude of 4109 meters, the Boeing 747-168B airliners of Saudi Arabian Airlines (flight SVA763 Delhi-Jeddah) and Il-76TD of Kazakhstan Airlines (flight KZA1907 Shymkent-Delhi) collided. All 349 people on both planes were killed: 312 people on flight 763 and 37 people on flight 1907.

This plane crash is the largest in terms of the number of casualties in mid-air aircraft collisions.

No. 4. Boeing 747 crash near Tokyo - 520 dead

The Boeing 747 crash near Tokyo occurred on August 12, 1985. The Boeing 747SR-46 airliner of Japan Airlines was flying JAL 123 on the Tokyo-Osaka route, but 12 minutes after takeoff it lost its vertical tail stabilizer.

Computer reconstruction of the disaster:

The crew kept the uncontrollable airliner in the air for 32 minutes, but the plane lost control and crashed into Mount Otsutaka, 112 kilometers from Tokyo. 520 people died, of which 15 crew members and 505 passengers, 4 people survived.

This is the largest single plane crash.

No. 3. Collision at Los Rodeos Airport - 583 dead

The Los Rodeos airport collision (also known as the Tenerife collision) occurred on March 27, 1977 on the island of Tenerife ( Canary Islands). A Boeing 747-206B of KLM Airlines (flight KL4805 Amsterdam-Las Palmas) and a Boeing 747-121 of Pan American Airlines (flight PA1736 Los Angeles-New York-Las Palmas) collided on the runway.

583 people died: 248 people on board the KLM Boeing, of which 234 were passengers and 14 crew members, and 335 people on board the Pan American Boeing, of which 326 were passengers and 9 crew members. 61 people on the Pan American Boeing survived the disaster: 54 passengers and 7 crew members.

#2 United Airlines Flight 175 - 65 people on board and 900+ dead in and around the building

United Airlines Flight 175 was hijacked during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. It became the second plane involved in the terrorist attack.

A Boeing 767-222 airliner attacked the south tower of the World shopping center in NYC. The ramming of the South Tower by Flight 175 was the only aircraft crash seen live around the world. The impact and subsequent fire that engulfed the South Tower led to the collapse of the skyscraper 56 minutes after the accident.

There were 65 people on board the plane: 51 passengers, 5 terrorists and 9 crew members, all died. The total death toll is more than 900 people who were in and near the tower, and the rescuers who participated in the evacuation.

No. 1. 11 American Airlines Flight - 92 people on board and 1600+ dead in and around the building

September 11, 2001 American Boeing 767-223ER Airlines flight 11, hijacked by terrorists, crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York. It became the first aircraft involved in the terrorist attack.

The disaster was witnessed by thousands of people who were at that moment on the streets near the World Trade Center. Several video cameras recorded the Boeing's hit. After being rammed by an airplane, the tower caught fire and 102 minutes later it fell on neighboring areas.

There were 92 people on board the plane: 76 passengers, 5 terrorists and 11 crew members, all killed. The total death toll is more than 1,600 people who were in and near the tower, and the rescuers who participated in the evacuation.