Ubud in Bali - what to see? or a travel route for independent people. Independent travel around Bali Which resort to choose

The island of Bali is unique: almost the entire population professes Hinduism, despite the fact that Indonesia is a Muslim country; here lies the border of two huge natural areas- to the north is the tropical Asian zone, and to the south begins the world of Australia and New Guinea; here volcanoes give way to beaches, rice terraces to mountain lakes, and cold to heat. And all this in a relatively small area, because you can get from north to south in just three hours. This island is also considered to be the record holder for the number of temples. According to estimates, there are about 11,000 of them here. It is called the “island of temples.” Natural and man-made attractions are literally scattered at every step. So, we simply had to get here

Day 01-05: Kuta and the main attractions of southern Bali

The runway of Denpasar Airport extends several hundred meters into the open ocean. The water was rapidly approaching. With every second it seemed more and more like we were falling into the sea. But, here we are, and after spending a certain amount of time on obtaining a visa, we left the airport terminal building.

We chipped in with two Brazilians and rented an official taxi. A car to Kuta costs 6 dollars. We were dropped off on the main tourist street of this resort. And we went to look for a place to stay for the next few days. quite a lot, so you can quickly find something for yourself. However, it turned out that you won’t be able to have a very budget holiday in Bali.

On the first day we went to the beach and tried to immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of the famous city. Kuta is known for seemingly completely opposite things - on the one hand, it is one of the best places on the planet for such extreme sports on the other hand, the nightlife here is very intense and people party until the early morning (don’t be surprised if some club suddenly organizes a spontaneous drunken dance party). Which, however, is good, because quite a lot of establishments remain open for quite a long time. In most other points of the island there is practically no life after eight hours. In general, Kuta and the capital of Bali, Denpasar, have long become almost a single city.

Surfing in Kuta

Actually, we tried to try both sides on ourselves. We spent two days in Kuta. We fell, chafed our knees, tried, got up on the wave and ran back again. There were a bunch of instructors on the beach, but we somehow got along with a guy named Bigo. His friend kept a tent there and studied Russian, so he constantly puzzled us with all sorts of wisdom on the great and mighty. In general, Russian is quite good here popular language for studying. And if in some India a merchant will lure you exclusively with individual words or phrases, then in Bali they will tempt you with whole sentences.

Magic mushrooms

After surfing, we went in search of . As you know, in Bali this type of hallucinogenic substances is allowed for free consumption. And although they are banned all over the world, in Kuta you have a whole bunch of “mushroom bars” to choose from. In passing on the street they offer more grass, wheels, something stronger and other chemical nasty things. What's a party without substances? It was for nothing that Kuta was opened to the world by the hippies of the 1960s

Nusa Dua on the Bukit Peninsula

From Kuta we made several active trips to the south of Bali, to the Bukit Peninsula. It is notable for its beaches, and in particular for one of the most famous Balinese resorts, Nusa Dua. Transport access to this luxurious place is limited and from time to time large political get-togethers are held here, such as discussions of global warming problems (or whatever else they steal and spend their budgets on). In general, you can feel like a plebeian while driving through all sorts of cordons

Generally, different beaches and there are quite a lot of hills for relaxation in Bali. Therefore many experienced travelers Those who have been here more than once know in advance where to go and where they like best. Someone immediately goes to the darkness of the island, someone climbs into the mountains, and someone lives in Kuta and kills shoals. But we were here for the first time, and therefore we tried to see and touch as much as possible (not schools, but natural places)

Uluwatu Temple

On the third day after surfing, we went to a magnificent temple. It is located on a 70-meter cliff, against which huge masses of blue waves crash. Moreover, the closer it gets to the evening, the more beautiful the color of the water. I don’t know what is causing this - either the bottom topography or the high altitude. But it looks awesome! Actually, it was no less awesome to watch the sunset here - there is an endless expanse ahead Indian Ocean, far below is the sound of the surf and the majestic sun disappears behind the horizon. The main thing is to have time to take a better place, and make sure that the macaques do not steal your equipment. Or they didn't piss on the shoes. Sometimes it happens

Tanah Lot Temple

The fourth day was already without surfing. We needed to drive a little north. Because we wanted to look at another legendary temple Bali - (one of the oldest in Bali). It is located on an island (more precisely, it is part of it), which at low tide becomes a peninsula. In addition to the fabulous view, this place is famous for its waves (powerful streams crash on the shore and three-meter-high splashes fall on the crowd) and for its sunsets in the background fabulous architecture(many of the best sunset photos are taken here). True, it can be a little difficult to take a photo alone. Get ready to fight for a good shot

Day 06-09. Ubud Center of Balinese style in Muslim Indonesia


After spending five days in Kuta, we decided to move on. Our path lay in the center of the island of Bali. To the city of Ubud. Despite the distance from the sea, this is a very popular place. A lot of people go to Bali here and don’t even think about the sea. And you can understand why. Quiet and cozy Ubud is surrounded by rice terraces and almost all buildings are built in authentic Balinese style. Here you can just stick in and do nothing, slowly relax. And without any mushrooms!

We circled around the area a little. There are a lot of cheap hotels here. But, having traveled almost the entire city, we still found a hotel in Ubud at an affordable price. Our room had its own terrace and bordered a rice field. We were separated from him only by a pond with lilies and a bunch of different fish, which the owner caught for breakfast.

Tegelllang Rice Terraces

From Ubud we made a couple of trips. At first we just decided to see what was further north. Don't just sit in the city! And I really wanted to take a closer look at the volcanoes. But we came across something that looked like pyramids. Awesome view! They took money from us twice - for travel to the terraces and for the fact that we climbed this pyramid. Some old man set up a left checkpoint and collected tribute from passers-by.

Bird photography

The next day we stopped in the village of Petula. A few kilometers north of Ubud there is a roosting site for herons. This is a specific general dormitory. Early in the morning they fly all over Bali in search of “something to eat”, and every evening before sunset they return back. Tens of thousands of herons! It is unclear how the relatively small number of trees can accommodate such a horde. True, they do not fly at the same time, so you will not see “how darkness covers the sky.” It’s just that sometimes large schools of birds will fly. The main problem here is not to get into the firing zone. For obvious reasons, the roads here are not very clean.

. This is a protected and sacred area. In the very center of the reserve there is a small temple. Along the way you will pass a whole bunch of families of our smaller brothers. They behave funny and even make fun of people. They are also very inquisitive. And every now and then they try to get into your camera to see what is clicking in the camera.

Day 10-12. Bedugul

Bedugul town

Then we headed north, to the volcanoes. Our path lay in the town of Bedugul. It was already much cooler there. Chilled, we nevertheless moved our necks every now and then to enjoy the surrounding landscapes. Mountains, serpentines and volcanic lakes. There are three of them in this area! I just didn’t really want to swim because it was really cold (I didn’t have any jackets with me). We warmed up at the hotel. The hotel owner had his own mini-zoo consisting of a fawn, a macaque and two flying foxes. It was fun to feed them bananas. The deer galloped so hard that it almost broke through the floor. The monkey carefully and intelligently took a piece. And the foxes tried to stuff as much as possible into themselves, so much so that a banana was already coming out of their noses. Very cute, especially since they hang upside down.

Pura Ulun Danu Bratan Temple

Bedugul is notable for the Pura Ulun Danu Bratan Temple, located on Lake Bratan. Newlyweds often come here to show off their most beautiful wedding. Our people also organize processions there. The fact that we are ours can be seen from afar thanks to their demeanor and the abundance of miniskirts. To get especially cool shots, we paddled to the flooded pier at the risk of our equipment and took the best pictures from there.

Botanical Garden

There is also a Botanical Garden here. It is unique in that it is located right on the caldera of the volcano. There are several roads there, so to see everything we had to go in circles. But they don’t let you bring a bike, although the locals ride freely. Discrimination! “Sadiq” was founded by the almost mythical first president of Indonesia, Sukarno. And from there you have a panoramic view of volcanic lake Brawler. You can have a small picnic.

. It is relatively unfrequented by tourists, which is why it is notable. The road there is also quite interesting, and the waterfall itself is very good. We especially liked how the dense foliage on the rocks created a tile effect.

Jatiluviy Rice Terraces

But there is another world-wide in Bedugul famous place. Jatiluviy rice terraces. The question is, what's special about them? Yes all! They are so gorgeous and unique that they have been listed World Heritage UNESCO! Ever seen cool photos of terraces? Now, almost certainly, you have already seen Jatiluviy. The main thing is to find the right road there, because there are two of them - one is just serpentines, and the second is for those who like to tickle their nerves. Unknowingly, we first ended up on the second...

Day 13-14. Lovina

Next we went to a place in the north of Bali. There are real volcanic black sand beaches here. Looks super exotic. And walking along them is very hot. People go to Lovina for two things (except for the beaches, of course): diving and dolphins. Early in the morning, a whole flotilla of boats sets off in pursuit. The excitement covers everyone. Tourists look out for dolphins every now and then. Every now and then a cry is heard: “There they are!” and the armada turns around, staging a new race. Poor mammals probably have long had nerves of iron and sincere indifference towards bipeds. Personally, we didn’t see dolphins then, but at least enjoy the magnificent sunrise. The entire northwestern part of the island is visible from the sea. Volcano ridge in the first rays of sunlight. So the fruitless pursuit was worth it!

Day 15-16. Batur

Lovina greeted us with hot sun, which we had already gotten used to. Therefore, without much hesitation, we went back to the mountains. Having driven along the coast to the east, we again turned inland. New serpentine and new roads. It was getting cold again. A terrible fog began. It was drizzling. We were chilled to the bone. Not a damn thing was visible. Finally, we found the right turn and the road dropped sharply down. A few minutes later we descended below the cloud level and a lake appeared. We found . Its slopes are covered with lava and stones from the depths of the earth. That same day we plunged into the most gorgeous hot springs, heated by magma in the depths. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have warmed up

Day 17-18. Candidasa

It was time to travel further. The bike gradually pulled us back onto the ridge into the fog and cold. We took the road to the southeast. After a long descent, the temperature began to gradually rise. Here we came across a plantation. National pride Bali - how can you not try the world famous and most expensive type of coffee? Having overcome ourselves, we tasted the “special” coffee and headed west.

A couple of hours and here it is, another famous resort of Bali - Candidasa. The beaches here are pebbly and cooler than in Kuta due to the proximity of the mountains. Visible nearby neighboring island Nusa Penida. We didn’t get to see it this time, but it looks quite attractive. There are no special attractions in Candidasa. People come here exclusively for a calm and leisurely holiday. The prices, however, are steep.

Day 19-23. Amed - the best views and photos of Bali

Candidasa didn’t appeal to us much (and the prices for holidays here are quite high even for Bali), so we headed north. The road passed between two volcanoes, so the main thing was not to fall off the next serpentine road while you turn your head in admiration. About two and a half hours later we landed at an excellent hotel right on the ocean. And we went swimming. The view was simply amazing. But the sunset views in Amed are even more amazing. The sun disappears right behind the volcano and the sun's rays break into many colors, painting the sky in a bunch of different shades.

We also went snorkeling in Amed. Mask with fins for two - $5. There are a lot of different fish, all sorts of corals, and, the coolest thing, some kind of sunken mini-temple. Overall it was very interesting

Day 24-26. Kuta again

The road across the entire island. We went on the other side. Not between volcanoes, but along east coast. The roads there... What took us 30 minutes on the way to Amed took an hour and a half there. Broken and steep serpentines. True, the views are gorgeous. It was scary, but interesting. At the end there was a very long and smooth descent down several kilometers. The main thing was to press the brakes so as not to fly into space

And then the road along the highway all the way to Denpasar. We arrived in three hours. We have already checked into another hotel. The next day we once again remembered what it was like to stand on the board, were coming off a month-long race, getting used to the crazy traffic in Kuta again and enjoying European pastries in the supermarket.

The holiday has come to an end. He was a little eccentric, with plans unfolding before his eyes, and without plans, because “he wanted to go there and that’s it.” We went with tourist card measuring 15 by 15 cm, without any navigators. We wandered, found our way, came across new places. And now we are leaving this island. But what remained in my head were volcanoes, waves, sunsets and the bright and exotic island of Bali.

We came here to meet New Year, so that with the people - they meet it on their own head! Lots of fireworks, fun, catchy music playing right on the street, everything is very lively. But everyone around was stoned, 18-year-old boys/girls were lying right on the sidewalks, pickpockets were pulling out phones. A peculiar variety, look at the seething nightlife. But we don’t use any chemical doping, and it was a little unpleasant for us to observe the frenzy among young people, mostly Australians; alcohol didn’t help :). Prices in the cafe are a little cheaper than many places on the island, competition is doing its job.

If you go to discos, then you need to walk along the Jalan Raya Legian street at 9 o'clock and collect flyers, all of which are offered, somewhere they give free drinks, in several clubs they generally serve beer for free from 21-22.

While on the territory of Indonesia, it is not difficult to learn a few words in Indonesian, which is very simple, they are written in Latin, and there are no peculiarities in pronunciation:Terimakasih (terimakasi) - thank you,Halo - hello,Raya - bigPuspa - flower, etc. And speaking basic words in their language you will always be greeted with delighted faces local residents, even though they all know English, young and old. We had a very basic phrase book on our phone to translate frequently repeated texts.

On January 1st we decided to go to at least one famous temple, the choice fell on Pura Uluwatu, otherwise everything was just passing through. Small and small temples are everywhere, because of this, the strong desire to see the large ones quickly subsided, because you are constantly in their faith and feel it due to the fact that there are offerings everywhere, music is playing, on the radio several times a day. all stations sing prayers in a guttural voice; in the mornings there are processions in the streets national costumes. We went to the Pura Uluwatu temple - this is a very small temple above a steep, picturesque high cliff. I forgot the prices, but something like: entry to the territory by transport 5,000; sarong rental 40,000/person; entrance to the territory 20,000/person. We already refused to pay the last one, and went through as if nothing had happened, no one caught up with us. Monkeys live in the forest. We arrived in the rain and after it stopped it became extremely stuffy. The sarongs were made of windproof fabric, in the end I had to take it off, then they were pouring themselves incessantly, one of our tourists broke away and went into the car under the air conditioning, because he was not far from fainting. BUT! The view of the temple is worth all the torment! Awesome! A high rock, waves crashing against it, somewhere in the distance you can see a small temple that you can approach, but you cannot enter the territory. A very inspiring sight!

I have long had a desire to travel around Bali for a few days and get to its northern coast, but things didn’t work out, a lot of things to do and a constant lack of time prevented such a trip in every possible way. Therefore, when preparing for a holiday in Bali in the summer of 2013, we allocated three days for such a trip without fail! And now, I will try to tell you what we did.

And so, the trip was in the plans, and when our friends living in Bali, Andrei and Natasha, said that they were also going to ride around the island, we decided not to put it off for long. And so, on one of the beautiful Balinese evenings, we gathered on the large and cozy balcony of our villa, code-named “Deer” (I’ll tell you about this wonderful place someday) to create a travel itinerary. Of course, it will not be possible to travel around the entire island during this time, so we have chosen the main places that you must see in Bali. This is our route:

It started from Ubud.

We've all been here before, but we haven't seen everything, so on the first day we decided to visit the temples located near Ubud: , temple and , after which we spent the night at the Great Mountain View Hotel, located in the very heart of the island, at the foot of the majestic Agung volcano.

Elephant Cave Goa Gajah. Bali

On the second day, the plans included the most important temple of the island of Bali, located on the slopes of Agung.
And the temple.
Then our path lay to the northern coast and Lovina beach, here we wanted to see. And for the night we chose one unusual one.

On the final day of the trip, the road lay back towards Kuta through the hot springs in , the waterfall and lakes Tamblighan, Buyan and the well-known Bratan with a temple on the lake, but looking ahead I will say that having stopped at the waterfall, we passed the lakes already when it was dark and didn't stop.

Sekumpul waterfall. Bali Island

Besides all this, there were many things waiting for us along the way. beautiful views: these are the famous rice terraces, a stunning sunrise with a view of the Agung volcano, my favorite panorama of the Batur volcano and much, much more!

The next thing we had to decide was what to drive around the island. There were no problems with this, we chose the car quickly, we are going to the Suzuki APV Arena.

In our opinion, this is one of the most convenient cars for moving around the island. It is relatively small in size, but at the same time it can comfortably fit 7 people, and there were only four of us. We didn’t have to run around rent cars, Andrey called our friend the Balinese Whiskey, and he said that he would send us a car in the morning, on the day of departure.
Hurray, everything is ready, we have a day to get ready and the day after tomorrow we leave!

There are no regular direct flights to Bali. There are only charters from Transaero from Moscow, but we were not happy with the price. We managed to buy cheaper tickets through a promotion from Thai Airways, however, we had to make a transfer in Bangkok, and our flight was somewhat delayed. Excellent service and comfortable chairs compensated for all the inconveniences. Denpasar greeted us with light rain, although the rainy season had long ended, it was an episodic phenomenon.


There is almost no public transport in Bali. A taxi ride costs approximately 5-7 dollars. It is much more profitable to travel on a scooter, which can be rented for the whole day for the same money. For long, long trips around the island, a car is more suitable. The price depends on its condition and brand. You can always bargain. There is no need to leave a deposit. Wanted driver license, you also need to provide your phone number and name the hotel where you are staying.

Kuta - the center of life

We lived in Kuta. This area includes several settlements: Tuban, Legian, Seminak-Kerobokan and Kuta itself. This is the most party place on the island. Our hotel was called Best Western Kuta Villa. Small, cozy, clean, tidy with Balinese style rooms and just a 10 minute walk from restaurants, shops and stalls. Trade is brisk there. Sellers are not shy about pushing their goods at an inflated price, so we always bargained. It was easy to cut the price in half.

From Kuta we went to Ubud. We didn’t take the excursion because the price seemed inadequate to us. We paid the hotel, rented a junked jeep and went on a trip to Bali.

Ubud is located in the interior of the island. green hills, rice fields, jungle and mountain river can compete with a beach holiday. Here is located ancient city. A visit there is The best way understand Balinese culture. Craftsmen and musicians live in almost every house. You can visit a wood carving center, a jewelry gallery, a workshop where fabric is painted, local market. The level of hotels there cannot yet be called high, but this is hardly a serious disadvantage. Although there are real masterpieces with “infinity” pools in the treetops.

Almapur and Chandidasa

The next stop was Almapur. This architectural gem is located on the east coast.

The road to it goes through rice fields and palm groves. We stopped at the village of Candidasa. Quite a tourist place with reasonable prices, because there is no normal beach here. In some places there are strips of sand and pebble shore. Catamarans are “parked” on the water and taken out to sea for swimming or snorkeling. Managed to find budget housing. By the way, most villas are equipped with a swimming pool, which, as planned, should compensate for the lack of a beach. Prices in restaurants are obscenely cheap. I was very impressed by the lotus lake. It is impossible to drive past and not admire the beauty of nature.

After taking a couple of wrong turns, we finally reached Almapura.

Long ago, the city of Almapura was the capital of the kingdom of Karangasem, which fell into decline when the Dutch arrived on the island. It should be noted that the colonialists behaved with restraint, so most of the palaces have survived to this day. True, only Puri Agun, the residence of the rulers, is open to the public. An intricately carved gate leads to a courtyard containing several buildings. The territory of the park is very picturesque; in its center there is a pond.


I persuaded my husband to go to Lovina, even though it was not very convenient and was not planned. Lovina is one of the most picturesque regions surrounded by flowers. Local beaches notable for its black volcanic sand. We went on a boat to see dolphins and also visited the hot springs.

Without going into details of our movements, I would also like to mention the Besakih Temple, located in the northeast. It is the largest Hindu temple in Bali and is also called the mother of all temples. The complex occupies 6 levels and consists of 20 structures, each of which symbolizes a specific deity.

The Batur volcano made a huge impression. It is one of the most attractive points of the island. The fact that the volcano is active seriously tickles the nerves. You can get to the top of the giant on your own or as part of an excursion group. We preferred the second option. The rise began at 4 am to catch the stunning sunrise. The view from the top is colorful.


The beaches on the island are municipal, with the exception of Nusa Dua and Jimbaran, there are private ones at hotels. In general, the beaches are clean and have everything you need. Kuta is quite crowded; at its southern tip you can watch planes take off and land, as there is an airport nearby. Legian is a quieter place.


Bali is a mecca for surfers from all over the world. This is not just a sport, but an art. I had only seen this on TV before. Naturally, my husband and I did not take part in the water exercises, but only observed. The most extreme sports are in Dreamland, Uluwatu, Padang Padang, Binjin and the southern tip of the Bukit Peninsula.


We couldn't give up diving. The best place for this purpose is located in the village of Tulamben in the northeast. Not on land - Volcano Agung, many exotic inhabitants and emerald jungles, under water - bizarre sea inhabitants and a sunken ship. Getting into the water is very comfortable.

Food and restaurants

It is impossible to go hungry in Bali. Local restaurants offer dishes from all cuisines of the world. The prices are quite reasonable. Regular guests are greeted with joyful smiles. Our favorite restaurant in Kuta was Totemi. The menu is extensive and the staff is friendly. If you miss European fast food, you can find it in abundance in large shopping centers, for example in “Discovery”.

Night life

Some streets in Bali consist entirely of bars and clubs. Every day they are filled with music and crowded with people. The nightlife center is located in Kuta on Legian Street. We liked SkyGarden the most. This is a universal establishment. On each of several floors, music of a certain format is played. During the evening you can change your location.

Surfers and hip-hop fans love to visit Eikon. The Hard Rock Cafe features live music from 11:00 pm to 2:00 am. The Anantara Hotel features Sos Club with a panoramic bar. On comfortable and spacious sofas you can admire coastline Seminyak.


It would be a crime to visit Bali and not indulge in a spa. There are massage parlors that call themselves spas, but have little relation to this service, and there are real salons where you can relax your body and soul. I went to The Body Spa in Kuta. I ordered a three-hour stone therapy, which cost almost $80.

Bali - perfect place. We will come to the island again, because there are so many places left that we have not yet seen.

Bali is still considered an exotic destination. The price of a trip at travel agencies is sometimes announced depending on how the client is dressed. For those who prefer not to spend extra money and travel rather than come, articles on SmartTrip are dedicated. Organize independent trip Bali is not difficult at all - read on.

Bali is perhaps the easiest destination for independent travelers, only the Maldives is easier (). All you need to do is buy a plane ticket, book a hotel online (on the spot it will be 2-3 times more expensive), take out insurance, and for convenience, also online. The most convenient way to get around the island is by taxi, which by our standards costs nothing ($20 for a whole day of travel). In general, an independent trip to Bali can be done without leaving your computer, right now. On website there are articles that will help you plan an individual route, for which the travel agency will set a price tag as “individual exotic travel" But more on that later, let's start with air tickets.

Search for flights to Bali

Air tickets to Bali, to Denpasar (airport code - DPS), will be the main and only significant cost of traveling to Bali. Here are the price statistics for air tickets to Bali:

Occasionally, there are last minute deals in Bali. Let's check if there is anything today:

Tip: Not all offers appear on the site. Just leave a request on Top Travel Agent and they will answer you if there is anything burning right now.

Traveling to Bali has two pleasant aspects that make travel easier and cheaper.

— Virtual absence of seasons. Bali is almost on the equator, what they call the “wet” season from November to March - just light rains that fall at night, and then locally;

— A Bali visa is issued upon arrival at Denpasar airport.

That is, solo trip to Bali You can book whenever you want and for any dates you want. If you want to save money, you just look for tickets at a good price. This can be done at, which contains simple recommendations for those who purchase an air ticket online for the first time.

The flight to Bali takes 15 hours, depending on the flight, most of which have a transfer, for example, in Singapore. This is the best option, both in terms of convenience and price. Actually there is great way make that long flight less tiring. Stay 1-2 days in beautiful Singapore on your way there and back. Just looking first cheap tickets MOW-SIN there and SIN-MOW back. Then SIN-DPA, there are more of these flights, you can choose the best option by date. Now you can book a hotel in Singapore. But in general, on such long flights, if funds allow, it is better to buy business class. So, the most difficult, tedious and expensive part is over, now let’s talk about how to develop an independent travel route around Bali.

In general, this is a small island, which, if you really want, you can travel around by taxi in a day. The main resorts of Bali: Sanur, Nusa Dua, Jimbaran, Kuta, Ubud, Lovina, Seminyak. There are two points that will help you avoid disappointment from a trip to this island (yes, this happens!):

— If you’re waiting purely beach holiday bounty style - no, this is not Bali. Try it , , , . There are not many beaches for vegetable recreation in Bali; even on the beaches of Nusa Dua a tide chart is posted;

— In Bali, you can and should visit several resorts, even in a short trip. They are located next to each other, but at the same time they differ radically: calm decent beach Nusa Dua, party Kuta, secluded yoga-style Ubud, exotic Singaraja with black volcanic sand...

In general, about how to properly develop an independent travel route in Bali - .

So, on one side of the scale - a long flight (although, personally, I like to fly for a long time), ebbs and flows; on the other - no hassle with a visa, the ability to break at any moment, low cost of hotels at high quality(you can book a hotel in Bali with discounts in the right column of the site or by), cheap costs within the country. What else?

The most important thing in Bali is, of course, the SPA. Having centuries-old traditions, it is the hallmark of the island. The expanse here is not only for women: the specialty of the Balinese SPA is the “Black Borneo” wrap for men, which includes cloves and black rice powder, followed by a massage and bath. Well, for the fair half - this is a good one