Where are the Golden and Russian cable-stayed bridges located? Five years of the Russian Bridge: history, technology and myths about the Vladivostok construction of the century

In Vladivostok, the bridge connecting the mainland with Russky Island has sagged and become deformed. Drivers were the first to notice the problem on the new bridge on Wednesday. It is not easy to see damage at high altitude, especially from a passing car, but the townspeople managed to do it before the specialists. One of the drivers, moving to Russky Island, in particular, saw that the second cable stay from the beginning of the bridge and the fourth from the left sagged and took on a wave-like shape.

Checking this information, a correspondent for the publication vl.ru went to the bridge and counted that nine red cables have a wave-like shape.

The regional administration stated that the bridge to Russky Island is operating normally, changes in the outer shell of the cable stays do not affect the quality and safety of the bridge’s operation, and that the company involved in the maintenance of the bridge, JSC USK MOST, is continuously monitoring it. According to the company’s specialists, sagging of the cables is associated with weather conditions and is a normal situation - this happens often, and “bridge builders know about it.”

USK MOST said on Thursday that the bridge's design was affected by the weather. “The deformation of the outer shell of the cable stays of the Russian Bridge occurred as a result of changes in the temperature regime of the environment,” said the head of the company’s press service, Alexey Skorobogatko. “However, this absolutely does not affect the reliability, durability and safety of operation of the bridge crossing. Due to temperature changes and free space, the deformation of the shell can be observed with the naked eye, but it only performs a protective and decorative function.”

The cable-stayed bridge to Russky Island was built by APEC summit in 2012 and is the world record holder for the length of the central span, which was 1104 m, and for the height of the pylons - 324 m. 32.5 billion rubles were spent on its construction.

The cable stays were manufactured and supplied for the construction of the bridge by the French company Freyssinet (Freyssinet International and Company), which ultimately acted as a consultant to the Russian contractor. In January of this year, a disappearance during bridge construction was reported. large quantity scrap metal worth 96 million rubles.

In the State Enterprise "Federal Administration" highways « Far East(FKU Dalupravtodor) stated: “No violations were detected in the operation of the cable-stayed system on the bridge across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait in Vladivostok.” “In accordance with the contract for the maintenance of the bridge crossing, the cable-stayed system as part of other structures of the bridge crossing is subject to daily inspection,” says the message received by the editors of Gazeta.Ru. — The light wavy surface of the shells of cable stays No. 2 and No. 6 is their design feature and does not affect the strength, reliability and durability of the cable stays, as well as other bridge crossing structures. The entire cable-stayed system was put into operation without any comments or deviations from the requirements of the design documentation.”

General designer of the entire facility, General Director of JSC Giprostroymost Institute St. Petersburg Igor Kolyushev earlier on a specialized resource Rosmost described similar movements of the cables:

“Fatigue phenomena in the stiffening beam and cable stays have not been sufficiently studied. Possible winds combined with live loads can affect the bridge design in unpredictable ways.”

Bridge building experts who built a nearby bridge in Vladivostok believe that sagging cable stays are unlikely to pose a risk of disaster. “A bridge is a flexible structure, the span can walk, and the tension of the cables can change, so some visible change in the shape of the cables may not be something dangerous,” Alexander, deputy director for technical issues at the company, told Gazeta.Ru. TMK, which built another cable-stayed bridge in Vladivostok. “The condition of the cables is strictly monitored by sensors of the monitoring system, so if something really out of the ordinary had happened, the bridge would have already been closed and specialists would have been working to fix the problem.”

However, the bridge builder added that nothing similar has happened to the neighboring bridge across the Golden Horn Bay, also built for the APEC summit. “In general, if any guy sag, they will simply tighten it,” Lebedev reassured.

Traffic on the bridge to Russky Island was officially opened by the Prime Minister on July 2, but a few days after the head of government left, the bridge was closed and reopened only in August. However, after just a few weeks, on August 25, traffic was again closed to ordinary motorists due to preparations for the summit and the event itself.

As folk wisdom says, to good man gets used to it quickly. Today it is difficult to imagine that just a year ago it was possible to get to Russky Island only by ferry. The trip took from 40 minutes to an hour and a half depending on the destination. Today, the journey has been reduced to 5-10 minutes, and all thanks to the implementation of a unique project - the construction of a cable-stayed bridge connecting Russky Island with the mainland.

How it all began

Although the idea of ​​​​creating a bridge to Russky Island (or rather, back then cable car) across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait originated in 1939, construction began only in 2008, and then by chance. Popular rumor says that Minister of Economy German Gref and former governor of Primorye Sergei Darkin were returning from the next summit in Kuala Lumpur. And, flying over Russky Island, Gref dropped the phrase: let the APEC 2012 Summit be held right here! But how will heads of state get there? Then they remembered the project of the last century.

Whether this is true or not, the bridge was still built, and what a bridge it was! Describing it, one has to use the word “most” more than once - this is one of the largest cable-stayed bridges in the world with the longest central span and cables, as well as the highest pylon. According to the World Real Estate Portal, the bridge was recognized as the most significant architectural project in Russia in 2012.

Technical features

Bridge length - 1885.53 m
Length of the central span (from one pylon to another) - 1104 m
Under-bridge clearance (free space under the bridge) - 70 m
Pylon height - 324 m
The longest shroud is 579.83 m

Construction around the world

The cable-stayed system was designed as part of the joint work of many of the best engineers in Russia and abroad. For example, the French company Freyssinet has developed a system of cables similar, as it accurately noted, “ Russian newspaper", onto the strings of a giant harp - a harp for the ocean winds.

For the first time in the world, a cable-stayed bridge was built under conditions of such temperature changes, strong winds and a humid climate. As a result, thanks to special steel, the cables can withstand temperatures ranging from -40 to +40, and their service life is up to 100 years! The aerodynamic section of the span makes the bridge resistant even to the squally winds for which Vladivostok is so famous.

First steps

The bridge was built simultaneously from two parts of land - from the Russian Island and the mainland. April 12, 2012 happened historical event- joining of panels in the center of the bridge. On July 2, construction equipment drove across the bridge for the first time, then cyclists tested it, and on August 1, 2012, automobile traffic was officially opened.

A month later, the bridge officially received a name: according to the results of a popular vote, it was christened the Russian Bridge.

For a year now, the bridge has been connecting Russky with the mainland. The trickle of curious motorists coming to look at the changed landscapes of Russky Island gradually turned into a powerful stream. Among those traveling to and from Russky Island there are now FEFU students and employees, residents of Russky Island and vacationers. And although the latter often leave mountains of garbage behind them, and the former, until recently, had problems with public transport, the population of Vladivostok and its environs agree on one thing: the bridge is a blessing, and now no one understands how we used to live without it.

The bridge to Russky Island across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait is being built as part of the program to prepare Vladivostok for the APEC summit in 2012. The cable-stayed bridge will connect the mainland and island parts of Vladivostok and will become an important link transport system Primorsky Krai. The bridge will become a world record holder for the length of the central span - 1104 meters and the length of the cable stays - 580 meters. The height above the water surface is 70 meters. The height of the pylons is 324 meters.

2. At the beginning of October 2007, NPO Mostovik won the tender to design a bridge crossing to Russky Island. The main partner of the association in carrying out design work was the design organization ZAO Giprostroymost Institute St. Petersburg

3. Construction of the bridge began in September 2008. The general construction contractor is JSC "USK Most". The main subcontractors were SK MOST OJSC and NPO Mostovik LLC.

4. The bridge will open to road traffic in July 2012, and in September Russky Island will host delegates to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization summit.

5. The total length of the bridge is 1885.53 m (of which 1104 m is the central channel span)

6. The approaches to the bridge are overpasses with a total length of more than 900 meters. Trestle supports are rack-mount, with a height of 9 to 30 meters. The spans are steel-reinforced concrete, consisting of metal boxes with inclined walls and a monolithic reinforced concrete slab.

7. The width of the roadway is 24 m. There will be 4 lanes (2 in each direction)

8. For the construction of the M6 ​​pylon, an artificial peninsula was poured on the Nazimov Peninsula, from which wells were drilled for supports. The construction of the pile foundation of the M7 pylon on Russky Island began with water on a temporary working metal island. They are designed to protect ships with a displacement of up to 66,000 tons from piles, ice movements and wave action. The total volume of rock and loose soil moved during the construction of technological sites is 1.5 million cubic meters.

9. The design of the span has an aerodynamic cross-section to accommodate loads from squally winds.

10. At the base of each pylon there are 120 bored piles with a diameter of two meters. Piles with a non-removable metal shell under the M7 pylon go deep to 46 meters. On the Nazimov Peninsula, the maximum depth of reinforced concrete piles is 77 meters.

11. To construct each pylon grillage, approximately 20,000 cubic meters of concrete and about 3,000 tons of metal structures were required. Tensor sensors are built into the body of the grillage to monitor the condition of this colossal foundation.

12. The height of the pylon is 324 meters, which is comparable to the height of a 90-story building.

13. Top of the pylon

14. Builders are delivered to the pylon by cargo-passenger lifts. The photo shows a German GEDA lift with a lifting capacity of 2 tons, which allows you to simultaneously transport up to 24 people. Lifting speed 65 m/min.

15. The construction workers worked in extreme weather conditions. The wind speed reaches 36 meters per second, the storm wind raises waves up to six meters, the thickness of the ice reaches 70 centimeters. The temperature in winter drops below minus 36 degrees, and in summer it rises to plus 37.

16. Continuous reinforcement and concreting of pylon M6 (Nazimov Peninsula) was completed in a record 25 months.

17. The solution was supplied to this height by special concrete pumps.

18. View from the Potain MD 1100 tower crane. This level is 348 meters from the ground. As I was told, on this moment, this is the tallest tower crane in Russia.

19. Lifting height – 335 m, boom length – 60 m.

20. Maximum load capacity – 50 tons

21. SK Most uses Kroll tower cranes with a lifting capacity of 40 and 20 tons for the construction of pylons.

22. Thousand-ton crane operator

23. Potain MDT 368 faucet (). Maximum lifting capacity – 16 t, lifting height – 328.7 m, boom length – 40 m.

25. The stiffening beam of the central navigable span of the bridge is all-metal.

26. It is a single box for the entire cross section with a lower and upper orthotropic plate and a system of transverse diaphragms.

27. The metal stiffening beam consists of 103 panels 12 meters long and 26 meters wide. Total weight panels - 23,000 tons. The length of the stiffening beam is 1220 meters.

28. The enlarged assembly of the panels was carried out on the territory of the production base on the Nazimov Peninsula ("Mostovik") and in Nakhodka ("SK Most").

29. Large prefabricated sections for installation of the central span into specially designated “windows” were delivered by barges to the assembly site and lifted by cranes to the 76-meter mark, where the cables were joined and secured.

30. For the joints of the vertical walls of the blocks, longitudinal ribs, transverse beams and diaphragms, assembly connections with high-strength bolts are used.

31. "Bridge" on the one hand...

32. ...and "SK Most" from the other Derrick-cranes Russian production lifting capacity up to 400 tons

34. On the night of April 12, 2012, builders completed the installation of the final locking panel of the span, which connected the shores of the Eastern Bosphorus Strait.

35. More than 300 people worked on joining the last panel.

36. For the construction of the bridge to Russky Island, special technological regulations for welding have been developed, which are much more stringent and complex than for other bridge crossings. Each seam is checked using ultrasonic testing devices.

39. On the bridge over the Eastern Bosphorus Strait, an improved system of cables is used with a more dense placement of strands in the shell. The weight of the cable-stayed system is 3,720 tons, the total length of the cables is more than 54 kilometers.

40. The shrouds consist of parallel, individually protected strands, the number of which varies from 13 to 85.

41. Each such strand consists of seven galvanized wires covered with a sheath of high-density polyethylene.

Where it all began

The issue of building a bridge that would establish regular communication between Vladivostok and Russky Island was raised back in Tsarist Russia. All this time local residents there were only two possible options crossings to the mainland: ferry, as well as walking along the layer of ice covering the strait in winter.

The first engineering design of the Russian Bridge was developed back in 1939. It was assumed that the structure would be wooden and would connect Tokarevsky Cape and Helena Island. Later attempts to build the structure (70s, 80s) remained under development.

The last time the need to create a bridge across the strait was discussed was in connection with preparations for the APEC summit. Within investment project Russky Island was supposed to be turned into the largest center of international cooperation, and for this it was necessary to establish transport links with the mainland.

Despite the fact that the upcoming event was accompanied by another economic crisis, the government decided not to abandon the decision. Moreover, the construction of such a grandiose project as the Russian Bridge should have given a tangible impetus to the revival of the Far Eastern region.

Design and construction

In 2007, the Mostovik research and production association received permission to create a project for the future bridge. Among several options proposed by engineers, preference was given to the cable-stayed structure. The foundation for the future structure was to be pylons that would “bear” the main weight of the bridge. A well-thought-out system of cables (cables) had to be responsible for distributing the load. Metal cables were attached to different points fan-shaped pylon, giving the structure maximum stability.

The main difficulty in this case was the too short time allotted for the design of the Russian Bridge. It was necessary not only to develop a site plan, but also to take into account such negative factors as unstable weather, high seismic activity of the region, as well as seasonal temperature fluctuations. In addition, we had to take into account the inevitable pile-up of ships passing through the strait, and at the same time the half-meter ice crust that forms on the water surface in winter. However, despite all the difficulties, the project was completely completed and handed over to construction companies within 8 months, which became a kind of world record.

Work on the construction of the Russian Bridge began in September 2008. The construction was entrusted to the general contractor "USK MOST", the creation of the cables was undertaken by the French company Freyssinet, and the lighting project was undertaken by the Russian team of specialists "MT Electro".

To reduce the load on the structure, a special type of cables with a ribbed surface was created. It was assumed that a network of “grooves” applied to the cables would drain raindrops as well as air currents, thereby increasing the endurance of the Russian Bridge.

The construction of the structure was sometimes carried out under extreme conditions. Sharp gusts of wind, low temperatures - all these negative factors were constant companions of installation work. As an example, it is enough to cite the fact that the last consoles, which were supposed to close the structure, were installed at night. Since the parameters of metal blocks can change their characteristics under the influence of solar radiation, and maximum precision is required to fit the grooves, the work was postponed to night time.

Records of the Russian Bridge

  • The structure has the highest pylons (load-bearing structural elements) - 324 m.
  • Compared to all existing similar structures, the Russian Bridge has the maximum cable-stayed span (1104 m).
  • During the construction of the bridge, the longest cables (cables attached to the pylons) were used - from 135 to 580 m.

The total length of the structure, including overpasses, is 3100 m. The length of the bridge itself is 1885.53 meters. On August 29, 2012, the structure passed the strength test with honor, withstanding the destructive pressure of the Pacific Typhoon Bolaven. And just a few days later, on September 2, 2012, the official opening of working traffic along the roadway of the Russian Bridge took place, which was attended by D. A. Medvedev. The solemn event was timed to coincide with the city's day, celebrating it with festive fireworks.

Grace incarnate

Despite the fact that the main function of the Russian Bridge is transport communication between the island and the mainland, the aesthetic characteristics of the most modern landmark of Vladivostok can cause genuine admiration. A fantastic view of the structure opens at night when the architectural lighting is turned on. Professionally designed lighting creates the optical illusion of flight. The bridge seems to float over a dark strait.

The futuristic appearance of the Russian Bridge is complemented by the cable stays themselves. Painted in the colors of the Russian tricolor, they give the composition a special, unique flavor and extraordinary solemnity. To fully appreciate the true power of the architectural design, just take a ride from the mainland to the island. Only driving along the highway leading across the bridge can one truly appreciate the solidity and amazing beauty of this unique structure.

  • Initially, three cable-stayed bridge designs were proposed.
  • The structure is strictly monitored, and its condition is monitored around the clock by satellite systems.
  • The image of the Russian Bridge can be seen on 2000 ruble banknotes.

How to get there

Russian Bridge address: Vladivostok, Eastern Bosphorus Strait, st. Velvet.

The easiest way to get to the main seaside attraction is by bus. Routes No. 15, 22, 29, 74 and 76 go across the Russian Bridge. A more comfortable and, accordingly, more expensive option is a taxi.