How to calculate average population density. Calculation of urban population density

When making all kinds of forecasts, along with other indicators, it is usually necessary to know the density of the population living in a particular territory. This is necessary to find out what labor resources a particular region has now and what it will have in a few years, what social institutions are needed now and in what quantity, etc.

You will need

Map of the desired region
Census data for this region
Area measuring instruments

Posting sponsor P&G Articles on the topic "How to calculate population density" How to convert tons to cubic meters How to find volume if mass is given How to find the density of a substance


When they say that a territory is densely populated, it means that this territory has a high population density, that is, per square kilometer there are a large number of residents.

To calculate population density, you must first determine the area of ​​the territory itself. This can be done on a map, measuring the desired area and using a scale to calculate how much area of ​​the real territory this area occupies. If you need to calculate the population density of a small area, such as a village, holiday village or city block, you can simply measure it using a surveying compass, pegs and rope. The required area is limited with pegs and rope, after which measurements are taken. First, find out from the local government where the boundaries of a given block or village lie, and then calculate the area based on this data.

Count or find information on how many people live in a given territory. To do this, you will need data from the latest census. You can use the data published in the directory, but then you need to make sure that the directory is the most recent of all possible. If you want to determine the population density of, say, your neighborhood, you can conduct a telephone survey and count the number of residents yourself.

Now that both parameters are known, we can move on to density calculations. You know the total population in a given territory, and you also know the size of the territory itself. All that remains is to calculate how many people on average live in a given unit of area. Most often, a square kilometer is taken as a unit of area. So, we take the population number N and divide it by the area S, resulting in the population density M:

Don't be surprised if you end up with a fraction. This means that 1 person has 2, 3 or more square meters of space. For example, the population density of one of the regions of Canada is 0.01 people/km2.

How simple

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Population density is an important characteristic that determines the degree of population of a given territory. This statistical indicator is used in management and allows you to plan its development. Based on the population density, one can judge how comfortable a given area is for human habitation.

In many sociological studies, as well as studies of other kinds, in order to define a country as an economic unit, it is necessary to know the population density. Sometimes it is calculated for less large regions– city, village, or any other populated area. How to calculate this, it seems,

Humans are creatures that have inhabited all corners of planet Earth. They live everywhere: in difficult forests, in hot deserts, on fertile black soil, even on water. On average, according to the latest scientific information, there are 41 people per square kilometer of Earth. To find out the population density, a value called density population, it is expressed by the number of permanent residents per unit total area territories. As a rule, this value is measured in the number of people per square kilometer.


To calculate density population Any territory needs to know two quantities: the number of people and the size (area) of the territory. Both quantities must be brought into correspondence before a relationship can be made between them. The first number is the number of people living on the specified piece of the planet. This value is a variable value, since people often move from populated areas, finding better and more convenient places for themselves and their relatives, or temporarily arrive in one place or another for the purpose of rest, work, etc. Therefore, when calculating the number of people, only those people who live permanently in a given area are selected. locality. If the settlement is small and all permanent residents are known, you can count them “manually”, but the authorities have already done this by conducting a census population, so that ready-made numbers can be requested from the local administration or searched on the administrative websites of your city, village, etc.

The second value is the area of ​​the settlement. It is almost impossible to accurately determine it on your own, without the help of special services. Moreover, the area of ​​all settlements is measured annually by geodetic and household technical inspections, due to the fact that slowly but surely, all human settlements are expanding. So, for greater accuracy, this value should also be found out either on the city’s websites or in administrative services: BTI, locality administration, etc. Be sure to note whether the area is measured in square kilometers or square meters. Both values ​​are correct, only when calculating you need to indicate this area value.

Having found out both values: the number of permanent residents and the area of ​​the populated territory, you should divide the first number by the second. That is, the number of inhabitants per area. The resulting number is the desired density population.

Density is a physical quantity due to which objects with the same mass can have different volumes. To measure density, standard SI units are used.


Density is a physical parameter of a substance that is closely related to its mass and volume. The relationship between these parameters is usually determined by the formula p = m / V, where p is the density of the substance, m is its mass, and V is the volume. Thus, substances that have the same volume, but different masses, apparently differ from each other in density. The same can be said if, with the same mass, any substances have different volumes.

Among all other substances on planet Earth, gases have the lowest density. Liquids, as a rule, are characterized by a higher density compared to them, and the maximum value of this indicator can be found in solids. For example, osmium is considered to be the densest metal.

Density measurement

To measure density in physics, as well as other subject areas where this concept is used, a special complex unit of measurement has been adopted, based on the relationship of density with the mass and volume of a substance. Thus, in the international system of measurement units SI, the unit used to describe the density of a substance is kilogram per cubic meter, which is usually abbreviated as kg/m?.

However, when we are talking about very small volumes of a substance for which it is necessary to measure density, physics uses the derivative of this generally accepted unit, expressed as the number of grams per cubic centimeter. In abbreviated form, this unit is usually denoted g/cm?.

Moreover, the density of various substances tends to change depending on temperature: in most cases, a decrease in temperature entails an increase in the density of the substance. So, for example, ordinary air at a temperature of +20°C has a density equal to 1.20 kg/m?, whereas when the temperature drops to 0°C its density will increase to 1.29 kg/m?, and with a further decrease to -50°C the density air will reach 1.58 kg/m?. At the same time, some substances are an exception to this rule, since the change in their density does not obey the specified pattern: this includes, for example, water.

Various physical instruments are used to measure the density of substances. For example, you can measure the density of a liquid using a hydrometer, and in order to determine the density of a solid or gaseous substance, you can use a pycnometer.

This value is calculated annually by statistical services, so it can easily be found on the Internet by typing the phrase “population density” into a search engine and then selecting the latest information.

In connection with our choice of the ancient city of Arkaim as a sample of the minimum area, we will consider its main parameters specifically as a city. In Arkaim there were only 60 dwellings, located in two circles around a central square of 25x27 meters (at the same time we will establish standard central area – 25×25 m). Adjacent dwellings had common long walls. The dwellings of the outer ring face the circular street, which connected all entrances to the settlement and all dwellings with central area(fully corresponds to the geometric parameter we developed above). A third of the dwellings served for common use. There were storm and sewerage systems.

Why is Arkaim surrounded by a wall? Because it was built in territories hostile to the Russians, which were often visited by the Mongoloids. Most likely, Arkaim served as a rotational town for copper miners. It is not for nothing that mostly copper smelting furnaces were found here. Just like the Sumerian cities. Jericho, surrounded by a wall, probably served as a watch town for salt miners. Naturally, in those places, life based on farming or hunting is simply not possible.

In the Neolithic Moscow has already been actively populated. In the north-west of Moscow, three sites dating back to the 3rd millennium BC are known. – Shchukinskaya, in Serebryany Bor, and on the site of the former village of Aleshkino.

Ancient city, located ten kilometers southwest of Ur, - Eridu(also Eridug, Urudug, Eredu) – perhaps the most ancient urban settlement Sumer, which grew up in the 4th-5th millennium BC. e. Archaeologist Keith Fielden writes that the oldest village settlement, which appeared around 5000 BC. e., grew up in significant city , in which houses were built of brick and thatch, by 2900. At that time, the city occupied an area of ​​8–10 hectares (hence, the criterion was developed: “significant city” – about up to 10 hectares, or up to 0.1 km²). By 2050 BC e. the city lost its importance.

Proto-Russian city Jericho in plan it resembled an ellipse and occupied an area of ​​235,000 square meters. Archaeologists completely excavated (in the north) the width of the city wall, equal to 3 meters, and discovered a second city wall 1.5 meters wide. Another piece of wall was discovered on the same northern slope of the hill with a stone plinth and mud brickwork 7 meters high. The 8th millennium fortress was surrounded by a thick stone wall with powerful towers, and none of the later cities on the site have reproduced such powerful towers. The wall limited an area of ​​2.5 hectares, on which, according to the source, approximately 3 thousand people lived. Most likely, these are greatly overestimated data, since the population density in this case is 120,000 people per 1 km², while the maximum even now is Macao (Macau) - only 17,684 people per 1 km², and in other cities this figure is less than 10,000. In the Early Bronze Age (3rd millennium BC), on the site of Jericho there was only an urban-type settlement.

To assess whether the population density of a city depends on its area, we will plot graph We will take three points as initial data for it:

4. 1st - Moscow in 1970 with a territory of 878 km² and a population of 7,061,000 - we get a density of 8,042 people per km² or 80.42 people per hectare. (The density of Tokyo in 1970 was over 5,000 people per km²).

5. Talyanki max 3.333 per sq. km 33.33 per sq. ha.

Schedule Dependence of population density (people) on the area occupied by the settlement (km²).

It is worth noting that the average number of inhabitants of the Trypillian city will be determined from the data on the proto-city of Talyanki - 6,000 - 15,000 people per 4.5 km². That is, from 1300 to 3300 people lived per 1 km². This, of course, is less than the population range we have accepted – 6 – 10 thousand people per 1 km². However, it is at least within the same order as our data. As can be seen from the graph, the drop in population density depends on the size of the settlement. Which is quite expected. The growth on the right side of the graph is explained by the multi-story buildings. Especially now.

In this section of this work, the exact indicators of the population of a particular ancient village are not so important to us. In any case, they will not be accurate. What is important to us is the method itself, which can allow us to compare several ancient villages and cities with each other, as well as present their historical significance. Based on this, and taking into account that the trend line has a small slope and is almost horizontal, we accept the highest population density from the calculated ones. At the very least, this allows us to eliminate any disputes about the fact that in any city we were missing several people.

So, the trend line changes slightly - from 8,000 to 6,000 people per 1 km². This means that in a compact settlement formed by man, during the period we are considering, the population density remains almost constant:

3. maximum – 10,000 inhabitants – in parking lots above small area;

4. minimum – 6,000 inhabitants – in large settlements and small towns;

5. minimum – 8,000 people per 1 km² – in modern cities with multi-story buildings.

We can transfer this calculated figure to other cities of antiquity, data on the population of which we do not have. To carry out calculations, both similar areas of settlements and the time of their existence will be taken into account.

By calculation we get: Bulls – 10.000 ×0.2 km² = 2,000 people; Avdeevo – 9 people; Mishenskoye – 1,300 people; Jericho - 250 people; Byblos – 450 people; Arkaim - 200 people; Ryazan - 4,800 people; Suzdal – 4,900 people. The calculated data is entered into table with the mark “p” after the number indicating the population of a given village.

By the way, regarding Jericho, we immediately discover a gross inaccuracy. Some sources claim that earlier than the 8th millennium BC. - this, firstly, was already a city, and, secondly, it had a population of 3 thousand people. At the same time, the area of ​​Jericho was only 0.025 km². Which, according to our calculations, can only accommodate a maximum of 250 people. And, as can be seen from the table, there were many settlements of even more ancient age with a population of 250 people or more in Rus'. And not one of them is called a super-city for “some” reason.

Schedule Dynamics of the emergence of cities and settlements (pcs.; logarithmic scale) over time (thousands of years; “-45” – 45,000 years BC).

Schedule Dynamics of the emergence of cities and settlements (pcs.; linear scale) over time (thousands of years; “-45” – 45,000 years BC).

On two graphs – graph and schedule – a picture of the emergence of sites, villages, settlements and cities in various regions is presented. In red is the emergence of cities and villages in Rus'. Blue - in the Middle East. Green - in Egypt.

From the analysis of the graphs it is clear how much later than Rus', the Middle East and Egypt began to build their settlements. This, in particular, powerfully demonstrates that, according to all data, the resulting historical superiority in the development of civilization on the territory of the Russian Plain has the same superiority in the establishment of human settlements. And, in particular, cities. And also, once again, from this “urban planning” side, it confirms the historical movements of the Rus - from Rus' to Egypt and the Middle East.

2. Indicators of the composition and distribution of the population

Population composition

Geographical distribution people throughout the country is characterized by the population size of individual territories and settlements, as well as density indicators. Physical density is expressed by the number of inhabitants per unit of total area of ​​the territory (usually per 1 km 2). When calculating economic density, the area of ​​uninhabited areas and large inland bodies of water is excluded from the area of ​​the territory under consideration.

Demographic processes are influenced by many factors. Thus, the desire and ability to have children depend on the age of the spouses, their nationality, level of education, sources of income, and place of residence. The level of migration is also influenced by age, marital status, nationality, occupation and other factors. In this regard, when drawing up demographic forecasts and developing directions for socio-economic policy, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the population.

When studying population composition a number of groupings are used. First of all, it should be noted that the population is grouped according to demographic characteristics - sex and age, since it is these characteristics that largely determine the process of reproduction, which is understood as the constant renewal of the population and its structure, both through the natural replacement of outgoing generations with new ones, and the transition of people from one structural part to another.

A visual way to graphically depict the composition of the population according to demographic characteristics is the age-sex pyramid (Fig. 1).

Each pyramid records the age-sex structure of the population that has developed at a certain moment. By its appearance, one can judge the population reproduction regime characteristic of a given territory, and the presence of events in the past that sharply changed the levels of fertility and mortality. Significant jumps in the length of steps are a consequence of such changes in individual years. Moreover, the effects of global events, such as war, on the age composition of the population are felt over a long period. They manifest themselves first in a decrease in the number of births during the war years, then after 20-25 years - in a decrease in the number of children born to this generation, and in 40-50 years - the number of his grandchildren.

When developing census materials and current records, population groupings by nationality, marital status, level of education, place of residence (urban and rural population), employment in agriculture (agricultural and non-agricultural population), source of income, forms and types of employment and other signs.

To study the demographic situation in the country as a whole and in individual territories, the grouping of the population by marital status is of great importance (there are four groups of people: never married, married, widowed, divorced), as well as the distribution of families by type , size, number of children.

The census is a unique source of information on the level of education of the population. When developing census materials on this basis, the entire population aged 15 years and older, men and women of different ages, employed and unemployed, urban and rural populations, employed in certain sectors of the economy and other population groups are grouped.

To solve a number of problems in the development and improvement of the education system, culture and art, and the media, information about the national-linguistic composition of the population is needed. The census program usually includes questions about nationality, native language, and other languages ​​that a person speaks fluently. Grouping the population according to national-linguistic characteristics in combination with other characteristics allows us to get an idea of ​​the demographic situation and socio-economic development of each national (ethnic) group within the country's population.

Analysis and forecasting of economic processes is impossible without information on employment. Experts believe that the question of employment is one of the most difficult when conducting a population census. To assess the state of the labor market, potential labor resources, first of all, it is necessary to know what the number of people employed in the economy and the unemployed is, how the employed population is distributed by industry, gender, age, level of education, what is the professional composition of the employed and unemployed in the country as a whole and in separate territories. In addition, the grouping by employment status, which allows us to determine the number of employees and self-employed workers, is of great interest. These aspects of the analysis are important when developing a program to combat unemployment, create new jobs, social security and insurance medicine, support and stimulation of small and medium-sized businesses, etc. When conducting a population census, you can also obtain information about the scale of employment in personal subsidiary plots, which necessary for macroeconomic calculations.

In the context of global socio-economic changes taking place in Russia, the study of the social structure of society is of particular importance. To solve this problem, the census program includes a question on sources of livelihood and social status.

population resettlement- the process of distribution of population across a territory. Its result is a network of settlements. Population settlement includes its distribution, functional territorial relationships of populated areas and population migration.

The form of settlement is always historical and adequate to the existing mode of production. The distribution of the population depends not only on the type of socio-economic formation, but also on the forms of economic management that are inherent in it. The set of permanent settlements was historically formed during settled agriculture, and the emergence of communities marked the beginning of the creation of a set of rural settlements.

Indicators of population distribution across a territory should include, first of all, the population density indicator. Population density- this is the number of permanent population per unit area (usually 1 km2) of any object - city, region, country, etc. Population density is determined by dividing the population by the area of ​​the territory, so the value of the result can be fractional.

Population density and estimated population

Estimated population– this is the number of residents who will live in the city or town by the end of the billing period. It should be noted that the size of the estimated population is calculated not for the current design time, but for 20-25 years in advance, since it is assumed that the population will grow and after some time the designed and constructed sewerage system will no longer be able to function normally due to increased waste water consumption.

Therefore, the concept of the so-called is introduced. billing period. This is the period of time during which the drainage network will have the necessary capacity and satisfy its purpose without reconstruction. For cities and towns it is 20-25 years, and for industrial enterprises this is the estimated period of operation at full productivity.

The estimated population is determined by population density, i.e. number of inhabitants per 1 hectare of sewerage area. There are two types of population densities:

1. Population density in residential area p c- the average density over the entire territory in which the population lives. This density is used to calculate wastewater flow for the entire city or large area.

2. Population density of a residential block or microdistrict p To- density, which takes into account the building area of ​​only individual blocks. This density is taken into account in detailed calculations of the external drainage network.

Population density depends on the number of storeys of buildings, living space standards and other parameters. The estimated population is determined by the formula:

N p = Σ pFβ,

Where p- population density, F– area of ​​territory with the same population density, β – coefficient of service by the drainage network.

Another indicator of population distribution is the indicator degree of uniformity of population distribution by free download Northanger Abbey 700mb of territory, which is expressed in the indicator territorial concentration of population: With a completely uniform distribution of settlements, this indicator receives a value of 2.15; if the population is crowded, it will be equal to 0; in case of disorderly or random settlement - one.

Change in degree uneven placement population on the territory of Russia can be identified by considering the change in the difference between the physical and social density of the population.

Physical density is calculated using the formula:

P = N / Q, where

P – physical population density, people. per 1 sq. km;

N – number of permanent population, people.

Q – area of ​​the territory excluding the area of ​​large inland water basins, sq. km.

Social density is calculated using the formula:

J = å PiNi / å Ni, where

J – social density of population, people. per 1 sq. km.;

Pi – physical population density of the i-th part of the territory, people. per 1 sq. km.

Ni – population size of the i-th part of the territory, people.

An economic region can be taken as a separate part of the territory of Russia, although for a more accurate calculation such a unit should be considered a subject of the Russian Federation or independently designated areas differing in physical population density.

Peculiarities of population settlement in Russia 78% of the Russian population lives in the European part of the country, 22 - in the Asian part (Siberia and the Far East). The urban population of Russia is 109.7 million people, or 74%, the rural population is 39 million people, or 26%. In recent years, there has been an upward trend in the urban population. The current proportion between the urban and rural population in Russia is approximately at the average European level - 73% and is not too different from Japan - 77%.

When making all kinds of forecasts, along with other indicators, it is usually necessary to know density population living in a particular territory. This is necessary to find out what labor resources a particular region has now and what it will have in a few years, what social institutions are needed now and in what quantity, etc.

You will need

  • Map of the desired region
  • Census data for this region
  • Area measuring instruments
  • Questionnaires


When they say that a territory is densely populated, it means that in this territory there is a high density population, that is, there are a large number of inhabitants per square kilometer.

To count density population, it is necessary first of all to determine the area of ​​the territory itself. This can be done on a map, measuring the desired area and using a scale to calculate how much area of ​​the real territory this area occupies. If you need to calculate density population in a small area, such as a village, holiday village or city block, you can simply measure it using a surveying compass, pegs and rope. The required area is limited with pegs and rope, after which measurements are taken. First, find out from the local government where the boundaries of a given block or village lie, and then calculate the area based on this data.

Count or find information on how many people live in a given territory. To do this you will need the latest census data. population. You can use the data published in the directory, but then you need to make sure that the directory is the most recent of all possible. If you want to determine density population, say, in your block, you can conduct a telephone survey and count the number of residents yourself.

Now that both parameters are known, we can move on to density calculations. Do you know the total population in a given territory, you know the size of the territory itself. All that remains is to calculate how many people on average live in a given unit of area. Most often, a square kilometer is taken as a unit of area. So let's take the quantity population N and divide it by the area S, resulting in density population M:

Don't be surprised if you end up with a fraction. This means that 1 person has 2, 3 or more square meters of space. For example, density population one of the regions of Canada is 0.01 person/km2.


To obtain data on the population, you should not use data from the passport office. IN passport office there is information about how many people are registered in this territory. But a person does not always live at the place of registration. For a very rough calculation, these data will also work.