Lake formed in the crater of a volcano. The most beautiful crater lakes

crater lake Crater Lake April 9th, 2013

Crater Lake National Park is located in southern Oregon and was founded over a century ago, on May 22, 1902. Crater Lake is quite a place visited by tourists - up to three hundred and ninety thousand guests come here every year.

This lake is located in the crater of an old extinct volcano called Mount Mazama. Its maximum depth is five hundred ninety-seven meters, which makes Crater Lake the fifth deepest lake in the country and the seventh among all lakes on the planet. Crater is nine thousand six hundred meters long and eight thousand meters wide. The average depth of the lake is approximately three hundred and fifty meters. It is noteworthy that not a single stream or river originates from the lake, just as they do not feed it with their waters. Tourists are attracted here not only by the amazing location of the lake in the caldera of the volcano, but also by the poisonous blue hue of the local water.

The edges of the caldera of the volcano are quite high - their height ranges from two thousand one hundred to two thousand four hundred meters above sea level. The formation of the caldera began almost immediately after the destruction of the Mount Mazama volcano, approximately seven thousand seven hundred years ago. The average height of the lake this moment is one thousand eight hundred and eighty three meters above sea level.

About 7700 years ago there was a strong volcanic eruption of Mount Mazama. The formed volcanic crater, pressed by its own weight into the depths of the cooling lava, was filled with melting snow and rain for many centuries, which led to the crystal clear water and its extraordinary transparency. The lake has no outflow or inflow of rivers. According to experts, it took about 720 years for the volcano's crater to fill with water.

By nature, there were no fish in the lake, but the attempts of environmentalists to populate it were crowned with success, now salmon, trout and some others live here. Fishing does not require a license and there are no restrictions on the number of fish caught, but there is a requirement to use only artificial bait.

Giant Crater Lake - A lake in the crater of the National Park in Oregon was created about 150 years ago as a result of the eruption of the Mazama volcano. (Photo by Rancois Gohier/Ardea/Caters News)

The lake changed its name three times. The first European American to visit the shores of the lake was John Wesley Hillman on June 12, 1853. At first, he named the lake Deep Blue, then the name was changed to Blue Lake, Lake Majesty, and finally Crater Lake.

Many tourists are attracted to these parts by the hope of seeing Crater's mascot, the "Lake Old Man", a legend about which has spread throughout the world. In fact, the Lake Old Man has been floating on the lake for about a hundred years, which turned out to be an ordinary log. Surprising is not only the time of the log floating, but also the way it travels along the lake water surface - the log floats in an upright position. Perhaps the life of the log was extended by Crater's water, or rather, its rather low temperature, which can preserve the wood structure for many years.

Mount Mazama Volcano is part of the Cascade Mountains volcanic arc. Its main rocks are rhyodacite, dacite and andesite. The death of the volcano is considered to be its last eruption, which was so powerful that it led to its sinking. In the course of subsequent eruptions, volcanic forms close to modern ones were formed, Merriam Cone, Witch Island and a rhyodacite dome almost in the very center of the lake platform. The lake appeared due to precipitation and hot springs, which gradually cooled down. At the moment, scientists tend to believe that a new eruption of Mount Mazam is possible in the future.

Crater Lake was featured on the state's commemorative twenty-five cent coin, issued six years ago.

Acid lake volcano April 22nd, 2016

Maly Semyachik Volcano (Mount Srezannaya, Maly Semiachik Volcano, Srezannaya mountain) is part of the Karymskaya group of volcanoes and is located 15 km northeast of Karymsky volcano and 20 km west of Kronotsky Bay.

In the crater of the volcano you can observe a real miracle. After all, somewhere else you will meet an amazing acid lake, the waters of which are saturated with sulfuric, hydrochloric, hydrofluoric acids and other compounds! It is because of this "explosive mixture" that the waters of the lake in the Maly Semyachik crater have such a fabulously turquoise color.

Let's learn more about the volcano and the lake...

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The Maly Semyachik Volcano is a short volcanic ridge about 3 km long along the top, consisting of three merged cones: the northern ancient cone, which is the highest - 1560 m, the middle cone with a half-filled crater, and the southwestern cone with a nest of craters, including the active Troitsky crater.

Once upon a time, a volcano with a base diameter of about 20 km was located on the site of a modern volcano. Approximately 17 thousand years ago, as a result of explosive and collapse processes, a caldera with a diameter of about 15 km was formed. The remains of the disappeared volcano Sten in the form of an arched ridge are located to the east of the modern volcano.

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Troitsky crater, named after a member of many Kamchatka expeditions, who surveyed Maly Semyachik, V.D. Troitsky, is a deep funnel with a diameter of about 700 m, slightly oval, at the bottom of which lies a lake. Sheer walls, rising to 200 m, are composed of alternating layers of lavas and tuffs, giving them a striped color. The colors are complemented by fumarole deposits - white, yellow and greenish tones.

The most remarkable part of this interesting crater in itself is the light green lake. This coloration is caused by the smallest sulfur particles floating in the water column, taken out by underwater fumaroles. The temperature of the lake is 30-40 °C. Its average diameter is about 500 m, depth is up to 140 m. Descent to the lake is possible only from the north side, along live talus, interrupted by a rocky stepped cliff of about 20 m. Rope insurance is required. The shores of the lake at the point of descent are littered with large boulders. The water tastes sour-sour. When volcanologists examined the lake from a rubber boat, they returned with difficulty: the aluminum blades of the oars were eaten by acids dissolved in the water. The mineralization of the water is very high, higher than the salt content in sea water. The beautiful salad color of the lake from above, close up disappoints, turning into just muddy.

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The place of modern activity of the volcano is only the Troitsky crater. In 1945-1946 locals observed rising from the volcano "smoke". As it was established later, there were strong emissions that increased the area of ​​the crater lake by 8-10%.

There are six side cones at the foot of the volcano. The tops of some of them end with rocks - necks, lava cores frozen in channels.

Volcano Maly Semyachik is a natural monument

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The Maly Semyachik volcano group also includes volcanoes: Berezovy (or Double), Northern Coastal, Southern Coastal, Stepped Bastion, Stenka (volcanic remains), as well as lateral cones of the volcano. The whole group is extended into a short, 3 km ridge, clearly visible from the village of Zhupanovo from the Pacific coast.

A strong catastrophic volcanic eruption occurred around 1800. Streams and beams were filled up, forests were destroyed, large areas were covered with rubble and sand. The area now occupied by a grove of graceful fir, the only one in Kamchatka, is covered with sand. Then a weak eruption occurred in 1851-1852. Strong outgassing was observed in 1945-1946. At this time, a black cloud was rising over the crater. In 1952, intense hovering was observed over the volcano

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The descent to the lake is possible only from the north side along live screes, which are interrupted by a rocky cliff about 20 meters high.

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How to get to the acid lake in Kamchatka?

The transport infrastructure in Kamchatka is very poorly developed. For this reason, travelers have only two options for how to get to the acid lake in the crater of the Maly Semyachik volcano.

First, you can use a helicopter. For Kamchatka, this is a common way to travel. Local tour operators often organize sightseeing tours in Kamchatka, during which the helicopter necessarily flies over the acid lake of Maly Semyachik.

Secondly, you can go to acid lake on foot as part of a tourist group. Kamchatka travel agencies offer hiking tours in the mountains of Kamchatka, the route of which can also run through the Maly Semyachik volcanoes. It should be noted that the volcano is located 135 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

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The bottom of the lake is pitted with fumaroles, which determine its changeable character. From time to time the water level changes: in one dimension it was 140 meters, in another - 117. The temperature of the lake is also not constant. It is almost always hot, but the temperature can vary from a little over 20 degrees to almost 60. And more recently, since 1992, the lake began to freeze in winter. In some years, non-freezing areas remain on its surface, in others, the snow cover is even. But even when there is snow on the lake, you can smell sulfur from it. The lake is constantly observed by geologists, tourists are actively interested in it.

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Crater lakes are located in craters. Craters, in turn, can appear in places where large meteorites fall, in places of excavation and mining, or on the tops of volcanoes.

The water in these lakes is most often characterized by a high acid content, but there are exceptions. Some crater lakes boast clean fresh water.

Volcanic crater lakes are unique and attractive due to the bright hue of the waters and inimitable shapes.

After a crater forms, rainwater, a melting glacier, or groundwater fills the depression.

Many crater lakes form in the most hard-to-reach places, and in the absence of inflow or outflow of water, they contain the purest water.

Here are some of the most beautiful volcanic and crater lakes in the world that are known for their uniqueness.


Located in the Ecuadorian Andes, the lake is located at an altitude of almost four kilometers. It appeared about forty thousand years ago. Today, this lake is an increasingly popular tourist attraction in Ecuador. No wonder, because the magnificent view and emerald green waters can conquer any tourist.


This Philippine lake appeared in a crater, on top of the Pinatubo volcano. The volcano last erupted in June 1991, and the eruption created a deep crater lake. Pinatubo is the youngest lake in the Philippines. The water in it changes color from blue and greenish to brown.

Previously, it was only possible to get to the lake on foot and by car, but today tourist routes to the shores of this bright lake began to include air transport.


On the border of two Japanese prefectures - Yamagata and Miyagi - there is a crater lake Okama, also known as the lake of five colors. The waters of this reservoir change color depending on weather conditions and the direction of sunlight. The lake is almost three hundred years old, and it has long attracted tourists with its beauty. Not far from the banks of Okama there is a temple and a restaurant. Unlike tourists, animals and birds do not rush to the shores of the lake, because the water in it is very acidic.


This aptly named lake lies in the Waimangu Rift Valley, on New Zealand's North Island. This small and relatively young lake (130 years old) is distinguished by the azure color of the waters and their high temperature, due to the geothermal activity of the region. This lake is sometimes called the most big geyser in the world.


Located in the eponymous national park in southern Alaska, this century-old lake features dark green waters and a height of two thousand meters above sea level. This lake has filled the caldera of a dangerous stratovolcano, which at any moment can release a stream of poisonous gases, so it is better not to plan a trip to the shores of the lake. Instead, its amazing view can be enjoyed during an airplane tour.


This lake has several names, as it is located on the border of China and North Korea, on the top of Mount Paektusan (2100 meters above sea level). In the Guinness Book of Records, "sky lake" is listed as the highest crater lake in the world.

It is more than a thousand years old, and for almost nine months of the year it is covered with a thick layer of ice. In North Korea, this magnificent lake is surrounded by many stories and legends.


On the Indonesian island of Sumatra is located this huge volcanic lake, which is already 77 thousand years old. Toba is the best big lake in Indonesia, and the size of the caldera ancient volcano, in which this turquoise reservoir was formed, provides him with the title of one of the largest crater lakes in the world.

Despite the unique status of a natural and cultural attraction, the lake is threatened by pollution due to active economic activity on its banks.

Colored lakes of Kelimutu

On the Indonesian island of Flores is the Kelimutu volcano, which has three craters filled with water. different color. Not only do the three lakes differ from each other in color due to different minerals dissolved in the waters, but the color of the water of each of the lakes varies depending on weather conditions from blood red and black to azure and turquoise. The lakes are a unique sight, therefore they are very popular with tourists.

Bajada Del Diablo

This shallow lake, formed from the impact of several meteorites, is not a popular destination for tourists, but not because tourists would not like to explore this unique area. The thing is that only scientists are allowed to the shores of the lake, since the entire region has so far been little studied and is of great interest to several areas of science.

Albertine Rift Valley

This fault is located on the territory of several African states and was formed by a combination of tectonic and volcanic activity. On the territory of the rift valley there are several crater lakes, the natural value of which is very high.

A crater lake is formed in the crater of a volcano or in a caldera, that is, a depression that has appeared due to the failure of the top of the volcano. It can also occur in an impact crater, which is formed on the surface of our planet as a result of a meteorite fall, or as a result of an artificial explosion created by man.
Water active volcano are often highly acidic, that is, saturated volcanic gases. In such lakes, a sediment of saturated green color is observed. Lakes dormant or extinct volcanoes are characterized by fresh water and, as a rule, exceptional transparency.
We invite you to learn about the most beautiful crater lakes in the world.

1. Crater Lake Crater, Mount Mazama Volcano - Oregon, USA.
This lake is known for its striking blue color and incredibly clear water. Crater Lake is the most deep lake in the United States, its depth is 594 meters. The reservoir is fed exclusively by precipitation.

2. Crater Lake Quilotoa - Ecuador.
The depth of the lake is 250 meters, and the water in it has a greenish tint. This color arose as a result of the dissolution of minerals. The lake itself is very cold, along the shore in places there are hot springs and microgeysers that gush out of cracks in the crater.

3. Crater lakes Albertina Rift - Africa.
These lakes include some of the deepest lakes in the world. For example, Lake Tanganyika, whose depth is 1470 meters. All lakes were formed as a result of the appearance of rifts.

4. Crater Lake Kelimutu - - Flores Island, Indonesia.
The Kelimutu volcano located on its top three crater lakes of different colors. Tiwu AtaMbupu lake water is blue, Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai lake is green and Tiwu Ata Polo is red. This place is of particular interest among geologists, as three lakes of different colors are located on top of the same volcano.

5. Mount Pinatubo Crater Lake - Luzon, Philippines.
The lake was formed after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991. It is the deepest lake in the Philippines, as its depth is 800 meters.

6. Crater Lake Okkama ("Lake of Five Flowers"), Mount Zao - Honshu, Japan.
The lake was formed in 1720 after the eruption of the Zao volcano. It is also known as the "Lake of Five Flowers". The thing is that the water in the lake changes its shades depending on the weather. The depth of the lake is 600 meters.

7. Crater Lake, Mount Katmai - Alaska, USA.
In the center of the Mount Katmai stratovolcano is a lake measuring 4.5 by 3 kilometers. It was formed in 1912 as a result of an eruption. The surface of the crater lake is located at an altitude of 1286 meters.

8. Crater Lake on Taal Volcano - Luzon, Philippines.
The view of this lake is one of the most picturesque sights in the Philippines. A rock rises above the lake, which is called the Volcano Point.

9. Crater Lake Deriba, Jebel Marra - Darfur, Sudan.
The crater of the dormant volcano Deriba is located at an altitude of 3042 meters. Its diameter is from 5 to 8 km. A lake formed inside the crater as a result of an eruption approximately 3,500 years ago.

10. Crater Lake, Mount Ruapehu - New Zealand.
Ruapehu Volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. It includes three peaks: Tahurangi, Te Heuheu and Paretetaitonga. Between the peaks there is a deep active crater that fills up with a lake between major eruptions.

11. Yak Lum Crater Lake - Ratanakiri, Cambodia.
The incredibly beautiful lake is located in a 4000-year-old volcanic crater. The lake is very deep, so the water is clean and clear. Lake Yak Lum has an almost perfect round shape. He is surrounded by the rich. rainforests in which exotic birds live.

12. Crater Lake Kerid, Iceland.
Minerals enter the water of the lake from the soil, as a result of which it is not transparent, but at the same time it strikes with its bright aquamarine color.

13. Crater Lake Licancabur - Chile.
The dimensions of this crater lake are 70 by 90 meters. Almost all the time the lake is covered with ice. Lake Licancabur is one of the highest lakes in the world. Despite the fact that the air temperature in this area can reach -30 degrees, planktonic animals are found in the lake.

14. Geothermal crater lake Viti - Askja, Iceland.
The diameter of this lake is approximately 150 meters. Its depth reaches 7 meters. The water in the lake is intense blue in color, as it contains minerals. A strong smell of sulfur emanates from the water.

15. Heavenly Lake, Mount Baekdu - China, North Korea.
This lake is located on the border between China and North Korea. The lake was formed as a result of a strong eruption in 969 (± 20 years). The lake covers an area of ​​9.82 square kilometers. The average depth of the lake is approximately 213 meters. From mid-October to June, the lake is covered with ice.