Traveling by car in Belarus. Independent travel in Belarus You need to know when you are going to Belarus

This article will be useful for those who are planning to visit the Republic of Belarus with their own vehicles. I will share my experience of traveling to this wonderful country to save you from unpleasant surprises that may take you by surprise.

First, I’ll tell you a little about Belarus. Having arrived here, it seems that this fraternal republic has retained all the best that was in the USSR. When you find yourself here for the first time, you get the feeling that you are watching some good Soviet film. Everywhere is clean and orderly, there is no corruption, all fields along the roads are used for Agriculture, there are good-natured people on the streets and everyone is doing something useful, etc. and so on. Many Belarusians may disagree with this, but I repeat, these are the feelings of a tourist.

Belarus is also famous for its lakes and historical monuments, and tourists will have something to see here, but more on that another time...

What you need to know before traveling to Belarus by car

You need to have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a driver's license and Green Card insurance with you. You can apply for it in Moscow, or just before the border. There will be many tents along the road where you can buy it. As of spring 2015, its cost cost us 750 rubles. No more documents are needed. There is virtually no border, as if you are driving from one area to another.

Exchange Russian rubles for Belarusian rubles in advance. Since it will be very problematic to change money at a gas station or from people, everyone is afraid. This is strict in Belarus! Previously, it was possible to refuel for rubles, but from March 1, 2015, this opportunity was canceled.

Which road is better to go to Belarus?

You can get from Moscow to Belarus along the Kyiv or Minsk highway. It is definitely better to drive along the M1 Belarus highway (Minskoe highway). Unlike Kievka, the road surface on the M1 is in good condition + at least two lanes in each direction.

There are many rest and catering points along the route. Be careful when driving through Smolensk region, the route passes through populated areas and the speed is limited to 60 km/h. There are many cameras and valiant traffic police officers everywhere.

Gasoline in Belarus is much more expensive than in Russia, so I advise you to fill up a full tank before the border.

The distance from Moscow to the border is about 450 kilometers, and to Minsk about 700.

Passing the border

Since 2011, in connection with the creation of the Customs Union, crossing the border by passenger transport has become a formality. There are no customs or border guards at the border. Only the Russian transport inspectorate functions, controlling heavy vehicles. Therefore, most likely, no one will stop you.

Belarus is one of the friendliest countries towards Russia. Despite the difficult situation in Ukraine, EU sanctions and other acute moments in world politics, relations with Belarus remain unchanged. This means that no changes have been introduced. Entry into the territory of this country for Russians is almost the same as inside their own.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have Russian passport, are allowed to visit Belarus without any other documents. No visa required, no filling required migration card or having a foreign passport. Entry rules are not much different from traveling through Russian cities. Identification is required when purchasing an airline or train ticket. Then the conductor looks at the passport along with the ticket if the trip is by train.

At the border crossing, customs officers appear in the carriage. They may ask to see a Russian passport. They may ask the purpose of the trip or see things. But the inspection is not always successful. As a rule, these are several individuals who cause suspicion. If for some reason the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is missing, it is not necessary to reschedule the trip: Russians are allowed to enter with a foreign passport.

What documents are needed to travel to Belarus?

In 2016, as before, for a trip to neighboring country no visa required. You must only have a civil or foreign passport with you. This applies to crossing the border at public transport adults. Other nuances will be discussed below.

If you take a child with you, he must have a birth certificate or passport. If one or two parents are absent on the trip, you must have a power of attorney certified by a notary - consent to transport minor child across the border.

If you are planning a trip to Belarus in your own car, then be prepared to provide the following documents: driver license, car insurance and vehicle registration certificate. You also need to purchase green insurance for your car. This can be done at home, either at the border or on the territory of Belarus.

Therefore, there are no good reasons not to visit relatives, friends, or simply as tourists to Belarus. This hospitable country Russian guests are always welcome and will greet you kindly.

Is it possible to pay with Russian rubles in Belarus?

The current currency in Belarus is Belarusian rubles (also called bunnies). It is this money that is used to pay at many retail outlets, hotels and restaurants in the republic. Paying for services/goods with money from other currencies is considered illegal. Some establishments have special permission to pay for goods/services in Russian rubles, but this method is not profitable for Russians.

There are a sufficient number of currency exchange offices in the republic, where foreign money is exchanged for local currency. Experts recommend carrying out such operations in Belarus. To carry out the exchange you need a passport.

The Minsk-Moscow bank boasts the most favorable exchange rate; Belarusbank takes a large percentage for exchange.

You can also withdraw money from an ATM in Belarus. Here you can receive American dollars, euros and Belarusian rubles without delay.

In Belarus, it is possible to pay with a Visa and MasterCard plastic card in restaurants, hotels, shops, etc. To use metro services you need to purchase a token or travel card.

Crossing the border with Belarus by car?

To enter Belarus, a driver must have three documents: a driver’s license, an insurance policy and a car registration certificate. Registration is not required for a stay in the country of less than 30 days.. You also do not need to take out a compulsory health insurance policy.

Going abroad for vehicle, you should take care of obtaining a green card. This is a special insurance policy, similar to MTPL, but valid in other states. The card is needed to protect the driver in the event of an accident: the owner receives compensation for property damage and injury to health. Failure to obtain a green card is punishable by a fine of $200.

It is possible to issue a card both at the border itself and before the trip. It is more profitable to take care of this in advance, since the document will cost more at the border. If Belarus is only a transit point on the way to other countries, then you should know that on such a trip you need a map with full coverage. A document valid in the CIS countries costs almost three times less than a green card purchased for traveling to Europe.

It is known that the border between our countries is open, so inspections are extremely rare. However, you should study the list of prohibited items so as not to become a smuggler through negligence. Upon entry, you will be required to fill out a customs declaration. It is important to keep it until you leave the country.

Belarus or the Republic of Belarus is a state of Eastern Europe. It borders on Russia in the east, Ukraine in the south, Poland in the west, and Lithuania and Latvia in the northwest.

The tourism infrastructure of Belarus is under development. However, it is no secret that it attracts more and more guests every year. In this regard, Belarus has a number of advantages compared to other countries. An important resource for infrastructure development is proximity to Western Europe, Scandinavia, the Baltic countries, Poland and Russia. Ancient history and original cultural heritage(15 thousand architectural monuments), preserved natural geopotential (huge forests, unique biological diversity, many water areas) and a lot of health centers make this country an attractive place for tourists to visit.

Russian travelers are drawn there by the closeness of the mentality with local residents, as well as the close location of Belarus to our country.

It is very convenient to travel around the country by own car, which is what Russians usually do. If you also dream of a motor rally to Belarus, then we advise you to definitely do it. But first, check out the basic information that will help you along the way.

Route from Moscow to Minsk

So, if you are planning to explore as many different sights of this wonderful state as possible, then the most practical, budget-friendly and exciting way would be to travel by car.

Before you go on an independent trip to Belarus, collect the necessary package of documents. Take with you:

  • Passport;
  • Driver license;
  • Green card. It must be purchased in advance or when crossing the border, since Russian OSAGO policies are not valid in Belarus. A green card costs about 550 rubles;
  • Vehicle registration certificate.

The Moscow-Minsk highway is straight as a stick, you should always drive straight along it. The distance between the cities is about 700 km and it will take you approximately 7 - 8 hours to overcome it. The route runs through the following settlements: Moscow – Odintsovo – Smolensk – Orsha – Borisov – Minsk.

There are two ways to leave Moscow. Directly along Kutuzovsky Prospekt, which smoothly turns into the M1 highway, or along the bypass road, going around Odintsovo. The M1 highway is considered the best in the territory Russian Federation, you can drive along it comfortably, without fear of congestion and strange junctions.

Since the highway is a toll highway, you will be charged 100 rubles for entering it, and 50 for leaving it. Along the highway you encounter a lot of heavy trucks, because M1 - forms part of the transport corridor connecting Europe with Asia. However, they do not create obstacles, since traffic on the highway is multi-lane.

Beware of video recording cameras, which are attached mainly to bridges and are completely invisible in appearance. To avoid fines, you can use a radar detector.

Do not exceed the speed limit populated areas, traffic police officers are not asleep on this highway. Be especially careful when traveling through the Smolensk region, where police checkpoints are located at every step.

Also, literally a few kilometers before the Russian-Belarusian border, there is often a mobile traffic police patrol - “Gazelle” with radars on the roof. Therefore, observe the speed limit when approaching the border.

We recommend leaving immediately with a full gas tank, because it will take you a lot of time to find and enter a gas station. Extra time, otherwise you will make your first stop after 400 km just outside Smolensk. After passing the traffic police post, which is located behind the bridge, you will see a Rosneft gas station on the right. On it you can fill an empty fuel tank and buy a “Green Card” there, if you did not purchase it in Moscow.

Crossing the border of Belarus

In connection with the creation of the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, on July 1, 2011, Russian customs left the Russian-Belarusian border (Belarusian customs has not been here since 1995). There are no border guards here either. Only the Russian transport inspectorate operates at the border, which controls heavy trucks. Therefore, if you are traveling to the Republic of Belarus in a passenger car, no one will stop you or ask you anything. Only a modest sign “Republic of Belarus” will announce your entry into the territory of a neighboring state. From the border to Minsk you have to drive 200 km, along an ideal road, with a landscape of plowed fields.

Features of traffic rules in Belarus

When you arrive in Belarus, familiarize yourself with the local traffic rules so as not to get into an unpleasant situation. As in any other country, traffic rules differ from our code of law. Let's consider the main provisions:

  • In Belarus, traffic is on the right;
  • Speed ​​limit: in populated areas – 60 km/h, outside the city - 90 km/h(some suburban areas have a limitation 60-80 km/h) and several highways – 100-120 km/h;
  • The use of radar detectors is prohibited;
  • Drunk driving is strictly prohibited;
  • Children under 12 years of age must sit in the back seat.

In addition, at night outside populated areas, a car is required to stop only if a traffic police inspector is near a police car with special identification marks. All traffic police officers are wearing reflective vests with the inscription “DPS” on the back.

Be sure to let pedestrians pass at an unregulated zebra crossing.

Be vigilant when turning right at a traffic light, as pedestrians also have a green light at this moment, and you must let them through.

Do not interfere with other road users. A driver who is offended by you may get out of the car at a traffic light and enter into a conflict with you.

IN major cities, on the streets and central squares In the capital of Belarus, parking is strictly prohibited. Especially if you left the car under a prohibitory sign overnight, or on weekends and holidays. In these cases, the offender’s car must be towed. The fine for parking in the wrong place is $30, plus the daily parking fee is $8.

It is better not to offer bribes to traffic police officers for their offenses.

In addition, keep in mind that sometimes the police conduct joint raids with other intelligence agencies. In this case, you should always carry the necessary kit with you: a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit with an expiration date, as well as an emergency brake light.

When driving in the evening or at night on the highway in populated areas and, especially, between them, be extremely careful: horse-drawn carts, cyclists and pedestrians without reflective signs can move along the roadway.

Fines in Belarus

Over speed:

  • more than 10 km/h costs 0.5 - 1 minimum wage (30 - 60 rubles);
  • from 20 to 30 km/h - 2 times more;
  • more than 30 - 3 times more.

Large sums of money are charged just for driving while intoxicated. If the driver refuses to “blow into the tube” or has handed over control of the car to a drunk person, then the fine will be 300 - 1500 rubles.

Riding without driver's license Drunk driving is punishable by a fine of 2,700 rubles. You also need to know that if a car with a special signal passes by you, then you must turn to the right and stop.

Minor traffic violations are punishable by a fine of 20-120 rubles.

In Minsk, pedestrians are fined for jaywalking, especially in the center of the capital. Here, every 100 meters there are traffic police officers who protect the fraternal republic from the provocative claims of the West and the local opposition.

Basically, this is all the information that will help you get an impression of traveling by car to this wonderful country. To supplement your information, we recommend watching the following video about the roads of Belarus.

Belarus is one of the lastterra incognita in Europe and a curious place for travelers tired of gingerbread European cities. Visa restrictions are becoming softer, and Belarus is becoming more and more interesting for foreigners. We studied a dozen official websites, translated the most important things into human language, collected all the necessary links, and now we tell you point by point how to come to Belarus - from visas and registrations to useful applications.

Who needs a visa?

There are three types of visas in Belarus: transit (for 2 days), short-term (valid for 90 days) and long-term (valid for a year, period of stay - 90 days). Short-term is suitable for tourists; it can be single, double or multiple entry. If you come for a short time and comply with certain conditions, you will not need a visa. We understand the intricacies of visa issues.

Without a visa

For some countries, a visa is not required for short periods of travel:

Citizens Azerbaijan(90 days)

Citizens Argentina(90 days)

Citizens Armenia(90 days)

Citizens Brazil(twice a year up to 90 days)

Citizens Venezuela(90 days)

Citizens Georgia(90 days

Citizens Israel(90 days in each period of 180 days)

Citizens Qatar(30 days)

Citizens cubes(30 days)

Citizens Kyrgyzstan(90 days)

Citizens Macau, Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (30 days)

Citizens Macedonia(if you have an invitation or travel voucher)

Citizens Moldova(90 days)

Citizens Mongolia(90 days)

Citizens Russia(90 days)

Citizens Serbia(30 days)

Citizens Tajikistan(90 days)

Citizens Turkey(30 days, total duration - up to 90 days within a year from the date of first entry)

Citizens Uzbekistan(90 days)

Citizens Ukraine(90 days during each period of 180 days)

Citizens Montenegro(30 days if you have an invitation or travel voucher)

Citizens Ecuador(30 days)

Citizens of 80 countries can come to Belarus without a visa for(including days of arrival and departure). The conditions are as follows: you must arrive and depart through Minsk National Airport. The number of countries for which entry into Belarus has been simplified includes all EU countries, the USA, Japan, Brazil, Indonesia and other countries.

Required documents:


Money calculated 2 basic units per day, i.e. about €22;

Medical insurance policy for an amount of at least € 10,000, valid in Belarus (read how to get insurance below).

Additional requirement for citizens Vietnam, Haiti, Gambia, Honduras, India, China, Lebanon, Namibia, Samoa- presence of a multiple-entry visa of the EU countries or the Schengen zone with a stamp of entry into their territory and air tickets with confirmation of departure from the Minsk National Airport within 5 days from the date of entry.

Full list of countries that can benefit from visa-free entry:

1. Australia.
2. Austria.
3. Albania.
4. Andorra.
5. Antigua and Barbuda.
6. Argentina.
7. Barbados.
8. Bahrain.
9. Belgium.
10. Bulgaria.
11. Bosnia and Herzegovina.
12. Brazil.
13. Vanuatu.
14. Vatican.
15. Great Britain.
16. Hungary.
17. Vietnam.
18. Haiti.
19. Gambia.
20. Germany.

21. Honduras.
22. Hong Kong.
23. Greece.
24. Denmark.
25. Dominica.
26. India.
27. Indonesia.
28. Ireland.
29. Iceland.
30. Spain.
31. Italy.
32. Canada.
33. Cyprus.
34. China.
35. South Korea.
36. Kuwait.
37. Latvia.
38. Lebanon.
39. Lithuania.
40. Liechtenstein.

41. Luxembourg.
42. Macau.
43. Macedonia.
44. Malaysia.
45. Malta.
46. ​​Order of Malta.
47. Mexico.
48. Micronesia.
49. Monaco.
50. Namibia.
51. Netherlands.
52. Nicaragua.
53. New Zealand.
54. Norway.
55. Oman.
56. Panama.
57. Peru.
58. Poland.
59. Portugal.
60. Romania.

61. Samoa.
62. San Marino.
63. Saudi Arabia.
64. Seychelles.
65. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
66. Singapore.
67. Slovakia.
68. Slovenia.
69. USA.
70. Uruguay.
71. Finland.
72. France.
73. Croatia.
74. Czech Republic.
75. Chile.
76. Switzerland.
77. Sweden.
78. El Salvador.
79. Estonia.
80. Japan.

There are two more ways to come to Belarus without a visa for three days - guilt .

Read more about visa-free entry read to Belarus .


Everyone else needs a visa. To obtain a visa, you need to contact the Belarusian consulate in your country. Check there what documents you will need - in different countries There may be minor differences, but usually the list is like this:

Completed visa application form,

Photo 35 by 45 mm, taken within the last 6 months,


Medical insurance,

Confirmation of payment of the consular fee,

Other visa support documents.

Visa support documents must confirm your purposes for staying in Belarus - this could be an invitation from your friends or a travel services agreement from a travel agency. Good news: by decision of the consul at a particular consulate, such documents are not needed for many countries (lucky citizens of Australia, Austria, Andorra, Argentina, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Hong Kong SAR of China, Greece, Denmark, Ireland , Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Qatar, Cyprus, Korea, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macau SAR, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, United United Arab Emirates, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, USA, Uruguay, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia and Japan) - call your consulate in advance and clarify the situation.

Your visa will be ready within 5 working days from the date of submission of your application (for urgent purposes - within 2 working days, but you will have to pay extra for this).

You can get a visa at the airport (at the consular point of the Minsk National Airport ) , if you are arriving on a direct flight. Please note that in this case the visa will cost approximately twice as much, and the documents must be sent to Visa Center at the airport - they should be there at least four days before your arrival - check with friends or a visa agency. Mailing address: 220054, Minsk, territory of the Minsk National Airport, Directorate for the Entry of Foreigners of the Main Consular Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, telephone +375172792058 . Accepted documents must be stamped with a special stamp - ask them to send you a copy by fax or e-mail; they will need to be shown to airline employees when checking in for the flight. The consular fee at the airport can only be paid in cash in euros.

How to get insurance?

Insurance is required for all foreigners coming to Belarus. This could be insurance from Belgosstrakh or BelEximgarant, which you can buy at the border (at the airport or border checkpoints, look for the window with the words Obligatory medical insurance), or insurance purchased elsewhere. You can pay for insurance in Belarusian or Russian rubles, dollars or euros (insurance for 30 days will cost € 31, for 90 days - € 89) .

If you are going to Belarus for a period of less than 30 days, you should have money with you in the equivalent of two basic units per day of stay (as of November 2017 this is approximately 46 BYN or € 23 per day), and if you are going for longer, then not less than 50 basic for the entire time (1150 BYN or € 575).

Important: make sure that you don’t accidentally have a couple of banknotes lying around in your documents (this may be regarded as a bribe). At the border you cannot take photos or shoot videos, or talk on your mobile phone.

You can take with you no more than three liters of alcohol, 200 cigarettes (if you prefer cigars or tobacco - 50 pieces or 250 g, respectively). In total, you can carry 50 kg of luggage with you, but if you suddenly have more, you will have to pay at least € 4 for each extra kilogram. If you are carrying more than $10,000 in cash, you will have to declare it. You cannot bring weapons, drugs or explosives - there are no surprises here. If it is another animal, you will have to prepare a veterinary certificate.

Read all the details about what you can carry across the border of Belarus .

How to get to Minsk from the airport?

You can change money at banks or currency exchange offices (available in hotels, at the airport, at the train station, in hypermarkets). There is no exchange fee; dollars, euros and Russian rubles are most often exchanged. You can withdraw euros or dollars from ATMs or pay by card, especially since they are accepted almost everywhere.

How to use public transport?

All types of transport operate in the cities of Belarus - buses, trolleybuses, trams and minibuses(minibuses - minibuses). There are two lines in Minsk metro. Buy tickets at Belsayuzdruk or Minsktrans newsstands at bus stops or directly from the driver (they will be 0.05 BYN more expensive).

In Minsk, a voucher for one trip to ground transport will cost you 0.6 BYN (€ 0.2), the metro costs 0.65 BYN (€ 0.25).

If you come to Minsk for a few days and plan to actively use transport, you can buy a travel pass - a card for a certain number of trips (from 10 to 100 trips, it will cost from 5.70 BYN/2.5 € to 62.25 BYN/27 € ).

There are passes for a number of days (for 1, 2, 3, 10, 15, 30, 90 days) - they can be bought for a separate type of transport or in a combination (the price in this case varies from 2.97 BYN/1 € per day up to 109.59 BYN/50 € for 90 days, the number of trips is not limited). Choose the option that suits you.

Every time you enter a vehicle, place your card on a special machine at the door or punch a ticket - the machine will beep approvingly, and your soul will be calm in case of inspection, which happens quite often. The fine for hares is 11.5 BYN (€ 5), which must be paid on the spot.

Transport runs on schedule - check the times and routes on the website. There is also an experimental version of the city route planner. Many stops have electronic displays, where you will see how many minutes are left until the next bus.

There are no night buses in Minsk; the metro operates until 00.40. After this time, the main mode of transport becomes your own feet and taxis - you can call them by numbers 7788, 135, 157, 152, 107 . A trip of 8-10 km will cost € 3-4. Works also Uber, you can get from one end of the city to the other for € 10.

How to make a temporary registration?

If you have a passport from Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia or Ukraine, you can relax about this point, you can be in Belarus for up to 30 days without registration. If you live in a hotel, sanatorium or agricultural estate, you don’t have to worry either, the staff will do everything for you.

Everyone else must, within five working days (Sundays and official holidays do not count), make a temporary registration with the Department of Citizenship and Migration at the place of actual residence (there is a list of district offices with addresses and opening hours).

If you are going to stay in Minsk, depending on your budget, you can choose a luxury five-star hotel ( Renaissance Minsk Hotel Marriott networks (Dzerzhinsky Ave., 1e)), a retro-style hotel that conveys the architectural spirit of the USSR (for example, Orbit (Pushkin Ave., 39)) or hostel (for example, Trinity (Starovilenskaya st., 12/14). More options are in ours.

How to apply Tax Free?

If you shop in one store for 80 BYN or more in one day, you can apply for Tax Free. This is only valid in stores participating in the return program - see the list.

The store must issue you a special “VAT refund check” (show the employee a regular cash receipt and your passport). The return receipt will be issued in two copies - one for you, one remains in the store. Make sure that your details are entered correctly, that the seller’s signature and the store’s seal are present, and that the original cash receipt is attached.

When you leave Belarus, show the customs officers your purchases (must be unused and in undamaged packaging), your VAT refund receipt and your passport. You will be given a mark to leave (remember that this must be done within three months from the date of purchase).

When you arrive home, indicate information about your bank card on the back of the VAT refund check and send it by mail (you should be given a ready-made envelope addressed to RUE Beltamozhservice along with the check). Don't delay - in six months it will no longer be relevant. Within 30 days after Beltamozhservice receives your letter, they will transfer the money to your card.

The rules for entry into Belarus for Russians have long remained unchanged. Since 1997, there has been an agreement between the states on visa-free regime. In 2020, when traveling to the republic for up to 90 days, you do not need to apply for a visa or any additional permits. Entry into Belarus is carried out on the basis of an internal Russian or foreign passport.

Russians are exempt from having to fill out migration cards, questionnaires or any other documents. If the period of stay does not exceed 30 days, then there is no need for registration. Travel through the territory of the republic in case of travel to a third country is carried out freely: transit visa also not required. There is practically no border; traveling to this country resembles a trip to a neighboring region.

  • Birth certificate;
  • Internal passport, if the child is already 14 years old;
  • Or a foreign passport, if available.

The republic’s entry rules do not exclude the possibility of minors traveling through foreign passports parents, provided that information about the children is included in these documents.

Consent to leave the Russian Federation with notarization from the second parent is not required, if the child travels only with mom or dad. However, in situations where a minor leaves the Russian Federation, accompanied by third parties or independently, consent to leave Russia must be obtained from both parents. The last rule is enshrined in Russian legislation.

Medical insurance

In Belarus, the compulsory health insurance policy adopted in Russia does not apply. However, urgent and ambulance if necessary, the Russians will receive. But for further treatment in a hospital you will have to pay at current rates. Therefore, before traveling to the republic, it makes sense to take care of purchasing an insurance policy in advance. In this case, the payment costs medical services will fall on the shoulders of the insurance company.

How to get to Belarus?

There are several options to get to Belarus. The list of documents required for travel remains unchanged. The only thing is that there are nuances when entering by personal vehicle.

By plane

A simple and quick way to get to the republic is by plane. The cost of a ticket from Moscow to Minsk is about 9,000-10,000 rubles. Flight time is 1 hour 20 minutes. The ticket price depends on the chosen airline. Three airlines fly to Belarus daily from the capital of the Russian Federation: Belavia, UTair and S7 Airlines. There are direct flight options from St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Samara, Novosibirsk, Sochi, and Yekaterinburg.

By train

The second option is to travel to the republic by train. You can get to Minsk from Moscow in 8-10 hours. A ticket in a reserved seat carriage costs from 3,000 rubles, in a compartment - from 5,000 rubles. Regular trains run from many regions of Russia.

By bus

Buses run from all Russian regions bordering Belarus. Also, the flow of transit transport through the republic connects Russia and Europe. Travel time is from 10 to 12 hours. Ticket prices vary from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.

Trip to Belarus by car

Traveling to Belarus by car is the most convenient way to get into the country. In addition, if you plan to see as many sights as possible, a trip by personal transport- ideal, practical and most economical option. The distance between Moscow and Minsk is 700 km. It will take about 7-8 hours to overcome it.

There are many video and photo cameras on both the Russian and Belarusian sides. Exceeding the speed limit by more than 30 km/h can result in a fine of up to 7,000 rubles. In case of repeated violation, there is a possibility of losing your rights for up to a year.

The roads in the republic are of high quality and not as congested as in Russia. There is no need to prepare specially for crossing the border; in fact, there is none. Border control between Belarus and the Russian Federation practically does not exist. Only heavy vehicles are subject to inspection. Individuals Personal cars are rarely stopped at the checkpoint. However, upon returning to Russia, documents are still checked, but this does not take much time.

Documents for a car trip:

  1. Internal or foreign passport;
  2. Driver's license;
  3. Vehicle registration certificate;
  4. Green Card Insurance;
  5. Power of attorney for a car if its owner is another person.

It is recommended to exchange Russian rubles for Belarusian rubles in advance. Doing this, for example, at a gas station will be problematic. Until March 1, 2015, it was allowed to refuel using rubles, but later this option was canceled.

Video: driving the border between Russia and Belarus by car (without stopping!)

"Green map"

Green card is an international insurance system operating in 47 countries, including most countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. A “Green Card” can be purchased either in advance (many Russian insurance companies provide this service) or before the border. Insurance protects the interests of the driver if he is involved in a traffic accident in another state. Any material damage caused is paid by the insurance company.

There are two policy options:

  • For travel within participating states “All countries”;
  • For trips around Ukraine, Belarus or Moldova.

It is more profitable for Russian citizens to purchase a policy valid only in Belarus; its cost is 3-4 times cheaper than the “All countries” tariff.

The policy price is reviewed every three months. If you are planning a short trip around Belarus, it is economically justifiable to buy a policy for a short period. The minimum insurance period is 15 days. If visits to the country are regular, it makes sense to purchase a Green Card for a year at once, this will allow you to save on quarterly price increases.

For example, the cost of a “Green Card” for 2020 for a passenger car is: 970 rubles - for 15 days, 1290 rubles - for 30 days, 5570 rubles - 12 months. The price of the policy will increase significantly for trucks and tractors.

When is a residence permit required?

There are situations when special permission is necessary. For example, it is planned to live in the republic for a long time (over 90 days), conduct business, work or study.

In such cases, a residence permit is issued, for which you will need the following documents:

  1. application for a residence permit;
  2. internal or foreign passport;
  3. 4 photographs measuring 4x5 cm;
  4. document confirming your place of residence;
  5. a medical certificate confirming the absence of dangerous diseases;
  6. documentation of the need for long-term residence in the country ( employment contract, invitation letter from loved ones, confirmation of enrollment educational institution and so on).

Initially, a residence permit is issued for 2 years and is subsequently extended.

Customs regulations