Largest rifle caliber. The best sniper rifle in the world

In the gun world, everyone has their own opinion about which gun is best. Differences in calibers, bullets, barrel lengths, weight and many other factors give rise to a huge amount of controversy over what exactly does sniper rifle the most effective and deadly. Today we will compare these differences and arrange the rifles in order of increasing efficiency and name the most in the world.

(The opinion of the editors may differ from the opinion of the authors. So argue not with us, but with them. We don’t even know what specific criteria they were guided by. And yes, the authors are from the USA, so only foreign rifles are presented in the list. But we - we know that, don’t we? - editor’s note)

10. M40A3

Weapons from the series M40 (M40A1, M40A3, and M40A5) was created on the basis of a rifle Remington 700, which was used for hunting and could be adapted for various calibers (.243, .270, .30-06 and others). USMC gunsmiths have slightly modernized the already excellent design, and also adapted the rifle to fire 7.62x51 NATO cartridges. With all these extras M40A3 evolved into deadly sniper rifle, easy to use and effective when shooting at a distance of up to 900 meters. And 7.62×51 NATO cartridges are also quite cheap, and are also often found on the open market.


Eugene Stoner, creator of the M16, served as the inspiration for the designers of this semi-automatic sniper rifle. M110 its structure is extremely similar to M16, but with some additions. Its barrel is longer and it also uses 7.62x51 NATO cartridges. Its effective firing range is within 750 meters. In addition to the usual design, the M110 is a fairly lightweight weapon with a flash suppressor.


SABR was designed specifically for snipers. It can be used in both melee and ranged combat. The sniper rifle is equipped with two quick-change barrels - 12 and 20 inches. In close combat conditions, you can use a short barrel, but for long-range shooting it is better to install a 20-inch barrel. This is done quite quickly, so SABR ideal for action in combat under rapidly changing circumstances.


SRS- another one is quite, equipped with two replaceable barrels, also different in caliber ( .308 And .338 ). In addition, this is a bullpap rifle (a short rifle, the main mechanisms of which are located in the butt). That is, this rifle breaks the usual arrangement of parts, moving them to the rear. Due to this, it is possible to greatly reduce the overall length while maintaining the length of the barrel. When fighting at short and medium distances, it is better to give preference to a more accessible and cheaper caliber .308 . And when shooting at long distances, the barrel and bolt can be replaced with a more efficient one - .338 .


This sniper rifle was developed specifically for Marines. Unique engineering solutions allow you to shoot from AS50 in extreme conditions, in sand and mud. This rifle is capable of firing a 5-round magazine of 50-caliber ammunition in 1.6 seconds. . Effective firing distance is 1500 meters.


The McMillan TAC 50, also known as "Big Mac" - deadly sniper rifle 50 caliber. She currently holds the record for the longest "confirmed kill" at 2,657 yards (more than 1.5 miles). The TAC 50 is designed specifically to work effectively with 50 BMG, the largest bullets used in military sniper rifles. With targeted fire at a distance of up to 1800 meters, you can disable not only infantry, but also enemy equipment.

4. BARRETT .416 MODEL 99

Introduced to the general public in 1999, Barrett Model 99 fires .416 caliber cartridges (10.6×83mm). This bullet is slightly smaller than the 50 caliber, so it flies much faster due to aerodynamics. And although it weighs less, due to the increased speed, the sniper can pay much less attention to natural obstacles such as wind, rain and other joys of the environment. The effective firing distance is approximately 2600 meters.


AWSM(Arctic Warfare Super Magnum) - light sniper rifle, designed to operate in extreme weather conditions. She shoots special cartridges .338 Lapua, designed specifically for it. But the main "trick" AWSM is the protection against icing provided by the corrugated surface. Therefore, it always shoots accurately on target, regardless of the weather, at a distance of just over 1100 meters.


Barrett M107- tried and tested sniper rifle. But its heavy weight and length make it a problem to move from place to place. This was taken into account in further work on the rifle, so modern Barrett M107 steel is 2.2 kg lighter, while maintaining full accuracy. In addition to reducing weight, a suppressor was installed on the rifle to reduce the sound of the shot and the flash. Like other 50 caliber guns, Barrett M107 can be used to disable enemy equipment at a distance of up to 2000 meters.


Without a doubt, the most deadly sniper rifle in the world - exactly CheyTac M200. Its impeccable design is capable of sending a bullet caliber .408 at a speed of more than 900 meters per second. The cartridge case was designed specifically to suppress linear and rotational resistance, which also significantly improves shooting accuracy.

Currently, this rifle ranks first in the world in long-range shooting accuracy. At a distance of 2 km, 3 bullets fell within a circle of 40 cm.

In addition, the TV show “Future Weapons” demonstrated how a Marine could use this rifle to hit a life-sized mannequin from a distance of 2,313 meters. 3 hits out of 6 shots. And its effective firing range is 2.5 km.

A distinctive feature of any sniper rifle is to destroy the enemy from the longest possible distance, accurately and with a single shot. Not everyone is destined to own such a weapon; snipers spend years honing their skills. As a rule, such specialists are employed by special services or are engaged in complex military operations. Let's look at the best weapons for accurate shooting - the most best sniper rifles modernity.


Lethal large-caliber weapons used in complex military operations. It was developed specifically for ground forces. With this rifle, you can hit a target at a distance of up to 1600 m. The model was developed for several decades and only in 2013 it began to be produced. Prototypes appeared in the late 70s of the last century. The twelve-millimeter sniper rifle is compatible with 2.7x108 mm cartridges. The magazine holds up to five rounds. The model is now in mass production; the rifle is supplied to more than 40 countries around the world.


A well-deserved place among the best sniper rifles is occupied by an improved version of the once legendary M-24 model. The weapon was designed specifically for the American army. The rifle works with the most lethal Winchester Magnum 300 series cartridges. Another important advantage: the muzzle brake and muffler are included. Interesting fact: each model is tested for accuracy by professional snipers. A small flaw in the M-2010, and the rifle is sent for revision or even scrapped.


The rifle is a legend. They began to develop it immediately after the end of World War II, and in the early 60s this sniper rifle entered service with the Soviet army. Despite the fact that the weapon is more than half a century old, it is still very popular. Firstly, the model is inexpensive, and secondly, it has a simple mechanism and excellent automation. But the SVD cannot boast of a firing range; its limit is 1100 meters.


A German rifle with a long history. Many people know about the tragedy that occurred at the Olympic Games in Munich in 1972. The police failed to protect dozens of ordinary people from criminals. After this, it was decided to create a special rifle for police. The development was entrusted to Heckler und Koch. Within three years, West German law enforcement officers began using the rifle. The effective shot range is up to 1000 m, and the magazine, which holds 20 rounds, allows continuous shooting. The cartridges used are 7.6x51 mm NATO standard.


The main feature of this sniper rifle is its minimal weight and extreme noiselessness. For such important characteristics, it could not help but get into the top ten best sniper rifles. The weight of the model is only 2.5 kilograms, which allows it to be used in assault operations. Thanks to a high-quality silencer, shots are almost inaudible. True, this model has one drawback: its firing range is only 600 meters. The rifle became widespread during the Chechen war.


The CheyTac M-200 Intervention is a US-made sniper rifle that was designed specifically for covert shooting. The weapon is completely new, it began to be used only ten years ago. American gunsmiths claim that the M-200 is the embodiment of their best ideas. The rifle's operation is based on a variety of sensors that determine air temperature and wind speed with maximum accuracy. Thanks to the presence of a real computer, targets with this rifle can be hit at a distance of up to 2200 meters. But the M-200 cannot boast of mobility; it weighs almost 12 kilograms. The M-200 has one more drawback - the price is 48 thousand US dollars.


In fourth place in the ranking is the best Russian sniper rifle T-5000. The accuracy of a shot of an advanced domestic design is 0.2 MOA - a very serious indicator. The rifle is produced in 2 versions - for 7 mm and for 8.5 mm cartridges. The rifle effectively hits targets at a range of up to 1500 meters. The peculiarity of the model is that the T-5000 is not afraid of low and high temperatures, water and dirt.


The Barrett M-82 is one of the longest-range sniper rifles in the world. Snipers consider the M-82 a cult weapon. The “sniper” appeared in everyday use in 1982. The weapon was developed by Robert Barrett, a well-known specialist in the United States, who worked in the police for a long time. Today, many rifles are being developed based on the M-82, but they cannot beat the classics in terms of quality! The rifle has a muzzle brake and a short barrel stroke. You can effectively hit a target at a distance of up to 1700 meters. The only drawback is the weight of 16 kilograms.


The soldier's closest comrade is best rifle. And despite the revolution in combat tactics over the past 100 years, the rifle
still the basis of any modern army in the world. You can check out the top 10 the best rifles in the world ever created in history.

No. 10. M-14

By the end of World War II, the American infantry had as many as four different types of weapons - and four types of ammunition. The US Army then decided to develop a single weapon that could serve multiple roles. As a result, the M-14 appeared and already in 1957, it entered service. Rifle was distinguished by high reliability, accuracy and destructive power. The M14 received its first serious baptism of fire in Vietnam. But, over time, the weapon improved and it was replaced by the M-16, but it was not completely removed from service and some units still use it today, in particular the Marine Corps, the US Navy and the armies of other countries, mainly as a sniper rifle.

Type: semi or fully automatic. Caliber: 7.62 x 51 mm (0.30 inch) Muzzle velocity: about 850 meters per second. Rate of fire: 700-750 rounds per minute.

No. 9. StG 44 (SturmGewehr 44)

The German leadership, during the war with the Soviet Union, realized that infantry with bolt-action Mausers were often at a disadvantage in a firefight with Russian automatic weapons. And in response, German weapons designers came up with a revolutionary new weapon, the StG 44. Best rifle It turned out to be more powerful with improved ballistics, allowing for targeted fire at a much greater range. Another feature was the cartridges used in submachine guns. But StG 44 came too late to play an important role in World War II.

Type: automatic and semi-automatic Assault Rifle. Caliber: 7.92 x 33 mm. Clip capacity: 30 rounds. Initial bullet speed: about 685 meters per second. Rate of fire: 500 rounds per minute.

No. 8. Springfield M1903

At first glance it looks more like a weapon from a science fiction movie, but only the Steyr is a serious military rifle, which is adopted in Ireland, Luxembourg, Austria and New Zealand. The rifle first came into use in 1978 and is still in use today. It has several fire modes and is equipped with a 40-mm grenade launcher.

Type: Automatic and semi-automatic bullpup Assault Rifle. Country of origin: Austria Caliber: 5.56 x 45 mm (0.22 inch) Clip capacity: 30 and 42 rounds. Initial bullet speed: about 992 meters per second. Rate of fire: 650 rounds per minute. And she is in seventh place in the top 10 the best rifles in the world.

No. 6. Mauser K98k Carbine

Inspired by the Sturmgewehr 44 rifle, Belgian manufacturer Fabrique Nationale decided to develop something similar. FN changed the design and created a heavy firing pin which gave a more powerful blow, the rifle became more powerful and accurate. The FAL eventually became a classic weapon of the Cold War era, used in more than 50 countries around the world.

Type: semi or fully automatic. Caliber: 7.62 x 51 mm (0.30 inch). Clip capacity: 20 rounds. Initial bullet speed: about 823 meters per second. Rate of fire: 650-700 rounds per minute.

No. 4. M1 Garand

Standard infantry rifle, British troops, First World War. The reputation is built on reliability, accuracy and a phenomenal rate of fire for this type of weapon. In the hands of well-trained infantrymen, the Lee-Enfield 1904 can perform up to 30 hits on a target from 200 meters in one minute.

Type:rolling shutter. Caliber: 7.7 x 56 mm (0.30 inch). Clip capacity: 10 rounds. Muzzle velocity: approx.744 metersper second. Rate of fire: 20-30 rounds per minute.

No. 2. M16

The assault rifle that we think about is known to many, best american rifle first adopted in the 60s. For the American infantry, it remains the main weapon today. The M16 incorporates innovative lightweight metal alloy and plastic construction, easy reloading of the gas system and use of 5.56mm ammunition, allowing soldiers to carry twice as much ammunition at the same weight.

Type: Automatic and Semi-Automatic Assault Rifle. Operating principles: removal of powder gases, rotary bolt. Caliber: 5.56 x 45 mm (0.223 inches). Clip capacity: 20-30 rounds. Muzzle velocity: approx.948-990 metersper second. Rate of fire: 700-950 rounds per minute.

No. 1. AK-47

The best rifle in the history of AK-47 (Avtomat Kalashnikov). More than 75 million units produced. It is a legendary firearm created on the basis of the Sturmgewehr. The AK47 is responsible for more deaths than any other firearm system ever created. The advantages of the AK-47 are that it is easy to manufacture and relatively cheap, it is also very easy to maintain and is practically insured against destruction by other weapons.

Type: Automatic and Semi-Automatic Assault Rifle. Caliber: 7.62 x 39 mm (0.30 inch). Clip capacity: 30 rounds. Initial bullet speed: 715 meters per second. Rate of fire: 600 rounds per minute.

The war in Afghanistan became a harsh testing ground for special forces units of the Soviet army. Intense close combat with Afghan partisans required special tactics and special weapons. Soviet soldiers needed a qualitatively new weapon, combining the accuracy of a sniper rifle, the lethality of a Kalashnikov assault rifle and the dimensions of a submachine gun.

For several decades after World War II, the standard weapon of Soviet snipers was the Mosin rifle - a fairly accurate and reliable, but outdated weapon with a low rate of fire. To replace it, the development of sniper rifles was presented by F.V. Tokarev (author of SVT-40) and S.G. Simonov (author of SKS-45). In addition, M. T. Kalashnikov and other engineers took part in the creation of sniper weapons.

The main weapon of snipers of the Russian Army and other security forces of the Russian Federation remains the Dragunov SVD sniper rifle, adopted for service almost half a century ago.
Based on the totality of its characteristics, it still remains one of the best army sniper rifles in the world and quite effectively provides support for motorized rifle units and special forces with the ability to quickly transfer fire along the front and in depth. At the same time, the experience of military conflicts of the late 20th and early 21st centuries shows that troops need new sniper weapons with a long reach and higher shooting accuracy.
Creating such a sniper rifle “from scratch” (here it is appropriate to use the term “sniper complex”, which includes the sniper rifle itself, sighting devices, accessories and ammunition) is a long and very expensive matter. For this reason, in many countries, combat sniper rifles are designed on the basis of high-precision sports weapons, repeatedly tested by shooting at competitions at various levels.
One of these sniper rifles was the repeating SV-98, developed by the designers of the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant on the basis of the Record sports target rifle produced by this plant. It is noteworthy that the SV-98 is by no means intended to replace SVD and SVD-S in the troops. It is expected that it will become a fire weapon for special forces and individual sniper units (platoons) in motorized rifle brigades.
The SV-98 received its “baptism of fire” in the internal troops during the last Chechen campaign.

The OSV-96 sniper rifle is intended for solving general tactical sniper tasks (defeating manpower protected by personal armor protection), as well as for use as an anti-sniper weapon and as a sabotage weapon (disabling stationary fire systems, technical means of reconnaissance, communications and control, Vehicle).
The 12.7 mm cartridges with armor-piercing and armor-piercing incendiary bullets used for shooting from a rifle can also hit lightly armored vehicles.
For example, during the Second Chechen Campaign, a bullet fired from an unknown way of getting into the hands of militants from a rifle of this type pierced the armor of the BTR-80 of the federal troops, killing the driver and causing the car to catch fire.
The rifle was developed by KBP. It entered testing in 1994 under the designation B-94. After eliminating the shortcomings noted during the tests, the rifle was adopted by the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and special forces of the FSB under the designation OSV-96.
The rifle features a deliberately simplified exterior design, more typical of crude Soviet anti-tank rifles from World War II than of modern sniper rifles.

ASVK (army sniper rifle, large-caliber) refers to a relatively new type of sniper weapon - large-caliber sniper rifles, the development of which began in the 1980s.
Due to its small size and weight, the ASVK can be used both by linear infantry units and by sabotage and reconnaissance groups operating behind enemy lines. It can also be used by special police units and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a reliable means of destroying at long range criminals dressed in body armor and vehicles captured by them.
ASVK was developed and mass-produced by the Kovrov plant named after. Degtyareva. At the development stage, it had the designations KSVK (large-caliber sniper rifle, Kovrov), “SVN-12.7” and “KVN-98” (SVN - Negrulenko sniper rifle).
The rifle is the main component of the sniper complex, developed in two versions:
— 12.7 mm sniper complex with optical and night sights, index GRAU b S8;
- 12.7 mm sniper complex with an optical sight, index GRAU 6S8-1.

The experience of using the standard SVD sniper rifle among the troops has shown that due to the large length of the rifle, the movement of snipers on the battlefield is difficult. Problems also arise when transporting these weapons in infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, as well as during parachute drops of troops (to avoid injuring the sniper, the rifle was dropped in a separate container). For this reason, the Main Rocket and Artillery Directorate in 1977 initiated development work to modernize the SVD. This provided, first of all, for reducing the length of the rifle in the stowed position.
The designers of the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant coped with this task by equipping the rifle with a folding stock. This made it possible to reduce the length SVD in the stowed position, but in the combat position, the length of the rifle remained unchanged with all the ensuing inconveniences.
To ensure the compactness of the SVD in both traveling and combat positions, Tula designer L.V. Bondarev proposed redesigning it according to the “bullpup” design. This proposal was implemented in 1979, when prototypes of a new sniper rifle were produced, designated SVU (short sniper rifle). The rifle successfully passed military tests in units of the airborne troops, but the leadership of the Main Rocket and Artillery Directorate was not morally ready to accept a sniper rifle designed according to the then outlandish “bullpup” design.
Serial production of IEDs was launched only in 1991 at the insistence of the command of the Vympel special forces unit. At the same time, the rifles were converted from those supplied from SVD army warehouses.

The SVD sniper rifle, adopted for service in 1963, entered service with motorized rifle units of motorized rifle and tank divisions, in the airborne troops, which outnumbered similar troops of all other countries of the world combined, as well as in many special forces units, units and formations Soviet army, KGB and Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. The command of the airborne troops and army special forces has repeatedly expressed the desire to make the SVD more compact in the stowed position so that it could be parachuted together with a sniper (due to its large length, standard SVDs were dropped with a parachute in containers, and snipers were parachuted without weapons and after landing were forced to waste time searching for containers with weapons).
In addition to its large length, the military also considered the SVD's disadvantages to be the unmasking effect of the shot and strong recoil, which leaves bruises on the shooter's shoulder.
To eliminate these shortcomings, the Main Rocket and Artillery Directorate of the Soviet Army initiated development work to modernize the SVD.

During the first decade after the end of World War II, the Soviet army was rearmed with new types of small arms. The troops received only reliable machine guns AK, SKS self-loading carbines, new light and heavy machine guns. Against this background, a repeating sniper rifle based on the dragoon rifle of the Mosin system mod. 1891/1930 It did not satisfy the military’s requirements, primarily in terms of rate of fire and shooting accuracy. It was not possible to eliminate these shortcomings of the Mosin rifle through modernization, so in 1958 the Main Artillery Directorate announced a competition to create a new self-loading sniper rifle. This rifle was supposed to provide accurate shooting at a high rate, be light in weight, be compact and function reliably in any climatic conditions.
E. F. Dragunov, A. S. Konstantinov and S. G. Simonov presented their weapons to the competition. Due to low operational reliability, the Simonov rifle was removed from competitive testing, while the Dragunov and Konstantinov rifles showed results that largely met the competition conditions.
The Konstantinov rifle had better accuracy of fire, but did not provide the ability to fire simultaneously using optical and mechanical sights, and its return spring was located in the butt, which excluded the possibility of creating a version with a folding butt. The Dragunov rifle did not have these shortcomings. It was this that was adopted by the Soviet Army in 1963 under the designation “7.62 mm Dragunov sniper rifle (S V D).” It was assigned the GRAU index 6 B1.

In connection with the adoption of the Tokarev system self-loading rifle arr. 1940 (SVT-40) and the planned cessation of production of repeating rifles of the Mosin system mod. 1891/1930 the leadership of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR decided to develop on the basis SVT-40 a sniper rifle designed to replace the sniper rifles available to the troops based on the Mosin rifle. The main arguments in favor of this decision were the higher rate of fire of the SVT-40 (25 - 40 aimed rounds/min) compared to the Mosin rifle, which fired only 10-12 aimed rounds/min, as well as increased ease of shooting - thanks to the presence of automatic reloading mechanisms , the sniper can focus all his attention on observing the battlefield and searching for the target. The desire to unify infantry weapons was also of certain importance. In their desire to completely oust the Mosin rifle from the arsenal of the Red Army, the leadership of the People's Commissariat of Defense resorted to a small trick: when testing experienced SVT-40 sniper rifles, their results were compared with self-loading rifles of other systems and were not compared with the performance of magazine-fed sniper rifles, as a result of which they were not taken into account that the SVT-40 has significantly greater dispersion than the sniper repeating rifle mod. 1891/1930

After the end of the First World War and the Civil War, the command of the Red Army paid due attention to the development of the sniper movement. This was facilitated by close military-technical cooperation with Weimar Germany, thanks to which the production of optical sights for small arms was mastered in the USSR. The first Soviet optical sight, which began to be installed on the Dragoon rifle mod. 1891, became DSh (“Dynamo”, third model). It was 4x and was a copy of the optical sight of the German company Zeiss. The DS was made in the form of an optical spotting scope with mechanisms for setting aiming angles and taking into account lateral corrections. At the top of the eyepiece tube there was a drum with a handwheel and a graduation scale from 1 to 10, indicating a firing range of 100 to 1000 m. On the left was a drum for lateral corrections. Dragoon rifle mod. 1891 with such an aim had fairly high combat characteristics. When firing in series of 10 shots at a distance of 100 m, the dispersion was 35 mm, at 200 m - 75 mm, at 400 m - 180 mm, and at 600 m - 350 mm.

Sniper rifles are the priority small arms for the introduction of the latest technologies and innovative solutions designed to increase the lethal effect, as well as the range and accuracy of fire. The main purpose of such weapons is to destroy a specific target located at a long distance.

The best examples of high-precision sniper rifles are used by the strongest armies in the world, as well as special units of law enforcement agencies. The following are best sniper rifles in the world, possessing incomparable firepower.


L42 Enfield (UK)

  • Weight - 4.43 kg.
  • Length - 1181 mm.
  • Barrel - 699 mm.
  • Cartridge - 7.62x51.

The L42 Enfield is a bolt-action rifle with a magazine, and its origins date back to 1895 in Great Britain. The L42 Enfield sniper weapon was first used by the military forces of the British Empire in the first half of the last twentieth century.

The rifle was used numerous times in the First and Second World Wars, the Second Boer War and the Irish War of Independence and was considered the best in the world at that time. Its popularity among professional snipers is explained by its ability to hit a target at a maximum range of 1,829 meters, but the effective range is 1,000 meters.


  • Weight - 4.88 kg.
  • Length - 1118 mm.
  • Barrel - 610 mm.
  • Cartridge - 7.62x51.

The SR-25 is a semi-automatic rifle manufactured in 1990 in the United States of America and ranks ninth in our ranking of the best sniper rifles on the planet. This sniper rifle was developed by gunsmith Eugene Stoner, and it was mass produced by Knight’s Armament Company.

This semi-automatic weapon, with a rifled barrel and a direct gas impact system, began to be actively used in 1990. The rifle “passed” tests during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as during the crisis in East Timor (2006). The SR-25 model has an effective target engagement range of 800 meters.


AS50 (UK)

  • Weight - 13.94 kg.
  • Length - 1369 mm.
  • Barrel - 692 mm.
  • Cartridge - 12.7x99.

The AS50 is a product of Accuracy International, a renowned English firearms manufacturer. The rifle was developed in 2007 to equip specialized units of the British troops. It can fire five shots in just 1.6 seconds, which is why it is very popular and considered one of the best in the world.

A bullet fired from this sniper weapon is capable of hitting an enemy at a distance of up to 1,800 meters. In addition, the sniper can use incendiary ammunition, guaranteeing a very high level of accuracy.


  • Weight - 5.27 kg.
  • Length - 1118 mm.
  • Barrel - 560 mm.
  • Cartridge - 7.62x51.

The M21 is the best example of the SWS sniper weapon. The rifle was developed, tested and put on the assembly line at the request of the US Army, which required high-precision weapons to conduct military operations in the Vietnam War.

Essentially, this semi-automatic sniper rifle is an upgraded version of the M14 assault rifle. Adopted by the regular army in 1969. It is equipped with a box magazine for 20 NATO rounds. The effective target firing range is 850 meters.


PSG1 (Germany)

  • Weight - 8.10 kg.
  • Length - 1208 mm.
  • Barrel - 650 mm.
  • Cartridge - 7.62x51.

The PSGI model is a German sniper rifle produced by the legendary company Heckler & Koch and ranks sixth in our ranking of the best sniper rifles in the world. The history of the rifle's origins begins in 1972 after the events of the Munich massacre, after which the Heckler & Koch arms company was entrusted with the responsibility for producing high-precision semi-automatic weapons for the army and police units.

The “PSGI” model rifle with a high-capacity magazine, manufactured in 1972, is still in use today and is guaranteed to allow effective shooting at targets at a distance of 900 meters.


Dragunov rifle (USSR)

  • Weight - 4.33 kg.
  • Length - 1235 mm.
  • Barrel - 620 mm.
  • Cartridge - 7.62x54R.

The Dragunov rifle, better known as the “SVD,” is one of the most powerful, trouble-free and reliable models of small arms sniper weapons and was considered not only the best sniper rifle in the USSR, but throughout the world. It was developed in 1958 by weapons engineers of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and accepted into service by army units in 1963.

The SVD model is equipped with a ten-round box magazine and is characterized by a short stroke gas piston system. The effective firing range of this weapon is 1,200-1,300 meters with an open sight and optics, respectively.


Mosin rifle (Russia)

  • Weight - 4.12 kg.
  • Length - 1232 mm.
  • Barrel - 729 mm.
  • Cartridge - 7.62x51.

The legendary "Three-Ruler" of the First World War, the Mosin rifle, is a bolt-action weapon with shocking accuracy and firing range. Developed in 1891 for the needs of the Russian Imperial Army, this unique rifle remained in service for about 70 years and rightfully earned 4th place among the world's best sniper rifles.

The design of the model was developed taking into account combat operations in “non-flying” weather conditions and when the mechanisms are dirty. At the same time, the rifle has powerful firepower, accuracy and a long range of destruction - up to 1,000 meters.


L115A3 AWM (UK)

  • Weight - 6.82 kg.
  • Length - 1300 mm.
  • Barrel - 750 mm.
  • Cartridge - 8.59x70.

Magazine: 5 rounds, box-shaped, detachable.

The L115A3 AWM (Arctic Warfare Magnum) model is the best British sniper rifle, which was put into service in 1996. Designed for use with a large-caliber Magnum cartridge, it is equipped with night and day optics and a detachable box magazine for 5 rounds.

The rifle was actively used during the fighting in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq. The outstanding effectiveness of this model is explained by the precise firing of the weapon at a distance of up to 1,400 meters.


CheyTac Intervention M200 (USA)

  • Weight - 12.31 kg.
  • Length - 1400 mm.
  • Barrel - 762 mm.
  • Cartridge - 10.3×77.

The M200 model is the standard for accuracy, range and firepower. It’s not for nothing that this weapon is called the best sniper system in the world, which is undoubtedly true.

The stunning combination of performance characteristics and military weaponry engineering allows this weapon to hit targets at a distance of 2,300 meters, with targeted fire at just under 2,000 meters.


Barrett 50 Cal (USA)

  • Weight - 12.91 kg.
  • Length - 1448 mm.
  • Barrel - 737 mm.
  • Cartridge - 12.7x99.

First place on the list best sniper rifles in the world The Barrett Model 50, also known as the M82, is a high-caliber military sniper rifle designed by Ronnie Barrett and manufactured by the Barrett Firearms Manufacturing Company. The rifle was adopted by US Army units in 1989 and is widely used to this day.

The rifle has a 50 BMG cartridge chambering system, also known as the Light Fifty, and a magazine designed to hold ten rounds. A cartridge fired from this “barrel” can travel 2,600 meters and pierce walls! However, the effective firing range is slightly less - 1,560 meters.