The text of the agreement on a visa-free regime between Russia and Israel - a visa-free regime between the state of Russia and Israel - the state of Israel. modern realities - holy land - Russia in colors





The Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the State of Israel (hereinafter referred to as the Parties),
guided by the desire to further develop the friendly relations existing between the two states,
seeking to simplify the travel procedures for citizens of both countries,
agreed on the following:

Article 1

1. Citizens of the state of one Party who are holders of valid passports (except for diplomatic and official passports) entitling them to cross the border (hereinafter referred to as passports) may enter, exit, transit and stay in the territory of the state of the other Party without visas ninety (90) days over a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days.
2. Citizens of the state of one Party intending to stay in the territory of the state of the other Party for more than ninety (90) days, or to carry out labor or commercial activities on its territory, must obtain a visa in accordance with the legislation of the state of entry.

Article 2

Each Party reserves the right to refuse entry to citizens of the state of the other Party whom it considers undesirable, or to shorten the period of stay of such citizens.

Article 3

Citizens of the state of one Party who enter the territory of the state of the other Party in accordance with this Agreement, while staying on the territory of the state of the other Party, are required to comply with the laws and regulations of the state of entry.

Article 4

1. The Parties shall exchange samples of passports through diplomatic channels no later than thirty (30) days from the date of signing of this Agreement.

2. The Parties inform each other about the introduction of new passports, changes to existing passports and transmit through diplomatic channels samples of new or changed passports, as well as information on the procedure for their use no later than thirty (30) days before their introduction or changes. by virtue of.

Article 5

1. Citizens of the state of one of the Parties whose passports were damaged, lost or stolen on the territory of the state of the other Party, immediately notify the diplomatic mission or consular office of the state of their citizenship, as well as the competent authorities of the state of entry.

2. The diplomatic mission or consular office of the state of their citizenship issues them new passports or temporary documents proving their identity and giving them the right to return to the state of their citizenship. In such cases, citizens of the states of the Parties leave the state of entry without visas.

Article 6

Citizens of the state of one Party who, due to force majeure circumstances, are unable to leave the territory of the state of the other Party within the time limits specified in Article 1 of this Agreement, which can be documented or confirmed in another way, may apply for permission to extend their stay in this state for a period required to leave its territory, according to the legislation of the state of entry.

Article 7

In exceptional cases, if necessary to maintain public order, ensure national security and public health, the Parties have the right to fully or partially suspend the application of this Agreement. The Party making such a decision shall inform the other Party through diplomatic channels no later than forty-eight (48) hours before the restrictions entered into force. Such suspension shall not exceed thirty (30) days. After this period, the suspension may be extended or resumed by agreement of the Parties.

Article 8

termination or suspension of application of this Agreement does not affect the rights and obligations of citizens of the states of the Parties that arose before the termination or suspension of application of this Agreement.

Today, a large number of countries are ready to receive tourists from Russia on a visa-free basis. To visit these states, you only need to have a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Some countries allow Russians into their territory without a visa at all. Others give permission to enter at the border. For third countries you will still have to request a visa in advance, but this can be done online and as soon as possible. More details about everything below.

In total, 119 countries are available to Russians in 2019, where they can fly and travel without a visa.

State namePermitted period of stay for citizens of the Russian Federation (expressed in days)
90 Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
90 International passport
90 Travel document valid for at least 180 days from the date of entry into the country

Ticket confirming departure from the republic

90 Foreign travel document
Unlimited stay timeInternal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or international passport
90 Foreign travel document

Evidence of the amount of money required

28 Travel document with a validity period of at least 180 days

Invitation letter/document confirming hotel room reservation/

Evidence of the required amount of funds

Unlimited timeRussian Resident Passport
90 Travel document

Return ticket

Hotel room reservation

Evidence of the required amount of funds

30 Travel document

Invitation letter or document confirming hotel reservation

90 Travel document

Return ticket

$300 cash per person for 1 week stay in Botswana

90 Travel document

A document confirming that you have enough money to stay in Brazil

Document confirming hotel reservation

14 Travel document

Hotel reservation

Evidence of the required amount of funds

Return ticket

90 Travel document valid for at least 6 months

Evidence of the required amount of funds

Return ticket


A document confirming that you have enough money to stay in Venezuela

Migration card

15 Travel document with a validity period of at least 180 days

List of countries where visa is issued upon arrival

State namePermitted period of stayCost of visa applicationRequired documents for crossing the border
15 50 US dollarsInternational passport. The validity period of the travel document cannot be less than 180 days

Return ticket

Evidence of sufficient funds

14 US$25International passport. The validity period of the travel document must be at least 180 days

Return ticket

Permission letter from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bahrain

Pre-issued visa via electronic resource

Burundi30 40 US dollarsInternational passport

Permit issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

60 90 US dollars
30 US$30International passport
90 For freeInternational passport30 For freeForeign passport with a validity period of at least 180 days

Direct flight

China,14 For freeInternational passport valid for six months

Hotel reservation

Return ticket or ticket to a third country

Confirmation of solvency

China,15 hours20 eurosInternational passport

List of countries for which an e-visa can be issued

  • Gabon
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Montserrat
  • Niger

Countries with visa-free transit

Countries you can enter with a visa from another country

State name

What country's visa is allowed to enter with?

AlbaniaSchengen, USA, UK
AnguillaGreat Britain
UK, USA, Canada
Schengen, Cyprus, Romania, Croatia
Schengen, USA, Canada
Schengen, UK
Great Britain
Schengen, Bulgaria, Romania
Mariana IslandsUSA
Marshall IslandsUSA
O. NorfolkAustralia
Schengen, Croatia, Bulgaria, Cyprus
Schengen, USA, Canada
Turks and CaicosUK, USA, Canada
French GuianaSchengen
Schengen, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania

Countries that have concluded an agreement with Russia on Local Border Traffic

State name

Who can enter without a visa

Residents of the Pskov region can stay in Latvia for up to 90 days within 180 days. Permission is required.

Top 15 visa-free countries for a beach holiday

Former USSR countries

Belarus is the most friendly state to Russia

One of the first of them is. This country allows you to stay on its territory for a period of thirty days. After the specified period, it is necessary to extend the period of stay or leave the country.

The most common type of tourism to the territory of the Republic of Belarus is “shopping”, because, as you know, the industry of Belarus strictly complies with the requirements of GOST. The policy of the President of the Republic Lukashenko is behind the high quality of products sold.

Also, the main places of visit for tourists are both man-made buildings and historical objects, as well as natural ones. Another big advantage of traveling to this country is the low prices for housing, public transport and food.

Countries you can enter without a passport

Abkhazia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan warmly welcome tourists from Russia and allow them to stay on their territory for a period of no more than 90 days. After the specified period, you must either register or leave the countries.

It is also important that entry into these countries can be carried out using an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

One of the favorite places for tourists when visiting Abkhazia is Joseph Stalin’s dacha, which is located on the shore of Lake Ritsa. The main places visited in Kazakhstan when traveling to the said country are the world famous Ascension Cathedral, as well as the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. This is a small percentage of what you can visit when vacationing in this state. While on vacation in Kyrgyzstan, you can visit picturesque natural places not made by human hands, the most outstanding being Mount Muztag-Ata, as well as the well-known Osh Bazaar, which will allow you to plunge into the beauty and harmony of the local color.

Mount Ala-Too in Kyrgyzstan


The length of stay in Uzbekistan is not limited, however, entry into the territory of this country is carried out using a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The main highlights, which are visited by travelers with great pleasure and respect, are the numerous mosques, madrassas and mausoleums. The most popular cultural heritage site is the Blue Mosque.


Visiting Armenia is possible with a foreign passport and is limited to a stay of 90 days. The indescribably beautiful nature of the country attracts tourists who conduct excursions on foot and on horseback through pristine nature, beautiful and blooming mountain meadows.

Being on the tops of the mountains, you feel the greatness of nature that opens up for you, looking at it all from a bird's eye view. One of the most majestic is Khor Virap.

Also, numerous historical and architectural monuments allow you to plunge into the life of the people since time immemorial and feel like a small part of that time.

Visa-free countries in Europe and Asia

Also, in addition to the opportunity to visit countries located on the territory of the former Soviet Union and the CIS, Russian tourists have the opportunity to visit countries both near and far abroad, having only a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Today, the list of countries that can be visited without a visa is quite large. And when planning an independent trip, you can choose from several directions.

Hong Kong, Tunisia and Laos are some of the shortest in terms of permitted period of stay. The period of stay of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a foreign passport in the specified places is limited to two weeks. But this will not prevent you from getting a wonderful vacation experience, since this period will be quite enough.

Hong Kong

It opens up an unforgettable and vast world to its tourists. While there, it is possible to visit Disneyland, which will not leave even the most dull adult indifferent and sad, since cartoon characters, as well as a huge number of attractions and entertainment, “absorb headlong,” and after experiencing such a mass of positive things, a person feels completely satisfaction.

Traveling around Hong Kong, you can see how classical-style buildings house all kinds of restaurants, hotels, and souvenir shops, where everyone can find something just for themselves. However, it contains not only ancient buildings, the grace and dynamism of newly erected buildings amazes the eye because, as you know, development in Hong Kong is growing rapidly, which allows the use of various new technologies. At night, the city is a huge “kaleidoscope” of colors and shapes of light.

SeasonAverage air temperature during the day

Peak season water temperature

ThailandNovember - April+32° C+28.5° С
VietnamNovember - April+30° C+25° C
IndiaDecember-February+32° C+27° C
Sri LankaAll year round+31.5° С+30° C
CyprusMay-October+30° C+27.5° С
TürkiyeMay-October+34° C+30° C
MontenegroApril-October+28° C+25° C

The ceremonial signing of the act took place during the working visit of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to the European Parliament. The ceremony was also attended by the new Speaker of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Malta currently presiding over the EU Carmelo Abela and the European Parliament rapporteur on the visa-free regime Maria Gabriel.

The document will come into force 20 days after its publication in the Official Journal of the EU: approximately in early June, RBC reports.

Ukraine becomes the third of the six Eastern Partnership countries to achieve a visa-free regime with the EU - after Moldova and Georgia. A visa-free regime for holders of biometric passports has been operating between Moldova and the EU since April 2014, and between Georgia and the EU since March 2017.

A biometric passport as a mandatory condition greatly reduces the share of those Ukrainians who will be able to take advantage of the new rights. As of May 11, 2017, about 3.3 million citizens of Ukraine received biometric passports for traveling abroad, with about 100 thousand people receiving them over the past month. This is about 8% of the country's total population.

The introduction of a visa-free regime gives Ukrainians the right to move freely across the territory of 30 states. These are 22 EU and Schengen countries, four non-EU Schengen countries (Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein) and four non-Schengen EU countries (Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia). The only exceptions are Great Britain and Ireland, which have the right not to join Schengen as members of the European Union.

The visa-free regime will give Ukrainian citizens the right to stay for a period of 90 days during each 180-day period. If for some reason you need to stay abroad for a longer period, you will have to apply for a visa. We are talking specifically about stay: the document does not give rights to residence, employment or study in the EU.

Achieving a visa-free regime with Europe is positive news for Ukraine, but it is premature to say that this step predetermines the country’s further European integration, Ukrainian expert on international and legal issues Andrey Buzarov is sure. In addition, Kiev does not yet have a program for joining the EU, and the Association Agreement (not yet fully ratified by the Netherlands) means only political and economic rapprochement, but not infusion.

Ukraine's movement towards free borders with the EU lasted more than six years. For the first time at the official level, an action plan for a visa-free regime was agreed upon at the Ukraine-EU summit in November 2010. Over the course of several years, this plan was finalized and modified; again, they began to talk about providing a visa-free regime after the signing of the political part of the Association Agreement in March 2014, by the new authorities in Kyiv.

In December 2015, the European Commission recognized that Ukraine had fulfilled all the basic conditions for the introduction of a visa-free regime. Only in December 2016 did the European Parliament agree on the rules for the emergency suspension of the visa-free regime for third-country citizens, given the concerns of the Dutch. The mechanism can be used in four cases: an increase in the number of refusals to citizens of these countries to enter the European Union; an increase in the number of unfounded applications for refugee status; refusal of the authorities of “third countries” to cooperate in matters of repatriation; risks to EU internal security associated with citizens of these countries.

After several months of discussion, on February 28, 2017, representatives of the European Parliament and the European Council agreed in principle to abolish visas for Ukrainians; on April 6, the European Parliament supported this decision; on May 11, the EU Council of Ministers voted for visa liberalization with Ukraine.

Russia is ready to conclude an agreement on a visa-free regime with Japan, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

“Our goal is to expand the range of countries with which we have such agreements. In my opinion, with the exception of one country, all of Latin America is visa-free. There are many countries in Asia, Korea, and we are ready to make such an agreement with the Japanese. We have a very preferential treatment with the PRC,” the minister said, speaking on Friday at the “government hour” in the Federation Council.

At the same time, the minister noted that Russia is not a country that can unilaterally “open up without reciprocity,” RIA Novosti notes.

We would like to add that from January 1, 2017, the process of obtaining a Japanese visa has become somewhat simpler for Russian citizens. If previously it was impossible to enter Japan without a guarantor, that is, without an invitation, and this service was offered by travel companies, now such a requirement is excluded. And for almost a year now, Russians have been able to apply for visas on their own, providing the consulate with a certain package of documents. Moreover, from January 1, 2017, Japan introduced multiple-entry tourist visas for Russians. Considering that the cross-year between Russia and Japan is ahead, a visa-free regime between the countries can be a real “gift” for politicians, businessmen and tourists.

A visa-free regime is one of the most effective measures promoting the development of inbound tourism. Another thing is that it’s worth preparing for this.

“You need to prepare thoroughly - hotels, transport, food, infrastructure, guides-translators, places to visit, etc. The shortage of hotels, especially in the high season, is very, very strong,” believes Natalia Chumak, representing Intourist-Japan in Vladivostok.

“Even the simplification of the visa regime immediately affected the flow of tourists. The increase was significant. The advantage was the stabilization of the economic situation and the emergence of political relations to a qualitatively new level. Of course, it is not difficult to assume that travel companies will have a hard time in this case - the number of independent tourists will immediately increase. But then the tourism industry needs to work in such a way and create such routes and programs so that they are not only interesting in terms of intensity, but also attractive in price. In the spring and summer there will be new flights to Japan from Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, and again there will be a flight to Osaka from Vladivostok, this will also contribute to the growth of tourist traffic. Already, tourists are actively asking us for tours for sakura and the summer,” she explained. JATM representative in Vladivostok Olga Andreeva.

“Japanese tourists are among those who travel to Vladivostok in winter and summer, spring and autumn, they are “all-season”. There is interest in the region. A must-see on the list is getting to know the Trans-Siberian Railway. And the kitchen! They repeatedly mentioned that Vladivostok is the most “delicious” city along the world’s longest railway,” she said General Director of the seaside company Lucky Tours Ekaterina Izotova.

Reference: According to the administration of the Primorsky Territory, following the results of 9 months, 15,068 people went to the Land of the Rising Sun on business, private invitations and as tourists through the Primorsky checkpoints, which is 70.4% more than the same period last year, when 8,843 Primorsky residents went to Japan. During the same period, 14,922 Japanese entered Primorye, which is 2.26 times more than in 2016, when 6,588 citizens of the Land of the Rising Sun visited the region.

But not so long ago, an agreement on a visa-free regime was signed between Ukraine and the European Union. The European Parliament voted for the abolition of the visa regime on 04/06/2017, but this agreement was officially signed only on 05/17/2017 in Strasbourg. According to the regulations, the visa-free regime came into force 20 days after the document was signed, namely 06/11/2017.

But this agreement regulates visa-free entry solely for the purpose of tourism or short-term visits to relatives or friends in the Netherlands.

According to the signed agreement, Ukrainians have the right to visit all countries of the European Union except Great Britain and Ireland without a visa. Ukrainian citizens can enter the Netherlands without a visa only for a period of 90 days within six months.

But it is worth remembering that if a Ukrainian wants to go to the Netherlands for the purpose of employment or study, but he will need to apply for a student or.

The visa-free regime with the European Union gives Ukrainians the right to enter Holland for the purpose of:

  1. Tourism.
  2. Treatments.
  3. Guest visits.
  4. Participation in seminars or sports competitions.

The main rule when crossing the Dutch border without a visa is to have a visa. Border crossing with an ordinary foreign passport without a visa will not work. With an old-style passport, you can cross the border only if you have a visa to Holland.

The list of documents for visa-free border crossing depends on the purpose of the Ukrainian’s trip:

  1. Business trip:
  • Biometric passport.
  • An invitation from an organization or a ticket proving attendance at a business event.
  • Return ticket.
  1. Tourism:

  1. Guest visit:
  • Invitation letter (informal).
  • Biometric passport.
  • Return ticket.

Pensioners will additionally need to present a pension certificate.

If a Ukrainian citizen crosses the border by car, then at customs control he will be asked to present:

  1. Biometric passport.
  2. Detailed travel plan. The itinerary should describe in detail when and which cities of Holland the Ukrainian plans to visit. You will also need to present hotel room reservations in all cities.
  3. Civil liability policy. This document is also called a “green card”.
  4. Documents for the car or power of attorney for driving.
  5. Driver's license.

It is worth remembering that according to the law, it is not necessary to take out health insurance.

In addition to the above documents, customs officers have the right to demand from the Ukrainian proof of availability of the necessary amount of money to stay in Holland.

In 2019, the minimum amount for accommodation is 34 euros per day.

Visa by invitation

If a Ukrainian intends to stay in Holland for more than 90 days, then he needs to apply for a visa to the Netherlands by invitation. This visa is called an MVV visa. Based on this visa, you can open a residence permit, which allows you to work or study in the Netherlands.

Work visa to Holland

To obtain a work visa to Holland, you first need to find an employer. It is the employer who is obliged to send the main package of papers to the Dutch Migration Service (IND) to obtain a work permit for a Ukrainian.


If someone has responded to a vacant position, then the employer must have written refusals from the applicants for the position provided. By law, the employer is obliged to initially hire citizens of the Netherlands or the EU, and if among them there are no people willing to find a job, then the employer has the right to hire a foreign national.

After receiving a work permit, the employer sends it to the applicant along with an invitation letter and a photocopy of the employment contract. It is on the basis of this document that a work visa to Holland is opened for Ukrainians.

In addition to the above papers, the Ukrainian also provides a foreign passport and an application form.

Review of documents takes on average 3 months.

Bride's visa

To obtain a fiancé visa, a package of documents is submitted to the diplomatic mission:

  1. Application form. The form must be filled out strictly in Latin letters.
  2. Photograph.
  3. Photocopy of the first page of the bride's passport.
  4. Original certificate confirming that the girl is not married. The document must be translated into English and notarized.
  5. A photocopy of the first page of the Dutch citizen's (spouse) passport.
  6. Original marriage certificate (if the family union was registered in Ukraine). If the wedding took place in Holland, then an extract from the GBA will be required.
  7. International passport.

Visa for the Caribbean Islands

Holland is divided into 2 parts: one is located in Europe, the second in the area of ​​​​the Caribbean islands. According to the current legislation, the effect applies only to the European part of the Netherlands, which means that in order to visit the Caribbean islands, a visa to Holland for Ukrainians is needed in 2019.

This visa is called the Caribbean Visa. It is valid exclusively in the Caribbean countries. The visa is issued for 90 days throughout the year, but it is worth remembering that you can stay in the Caribbean countries for no more than one month in total.

The Caribbean visa is issued solely for the purpose of tourism. If a person intends to stay on the islands for more than 30 days, he is obliged to notify the local immigration department about this in the first days of his arrival.

A Caribbean visa is issued at the diplomatic mission of the Netherlands in Ukraine. The period for reviewing documents is 14 days.