Bank of ideas: Develop a name for a travel agency. Names of travel companies: original examples, tips Original name of the travel agency

Good night, Yuri!

1. You wrote: “in addition to various Turkeys, Egypt, Thailand, Spain, etc. (the so-called “mass destinations”), we have interesting proposals for Europe (in particular, France, Italy), Greece.”
After this listing, you can be assigned to a company that sells “beach tours”.

2. You wrote: “At the same time, Turkey is the sea and “all inclusive.”
This is a big advantage of Turkey, which it once introduced and developed beach tourism.
Turkey's positioning is "Cheap holidays".

3. You wrote: “and France is France. Interesting, not from a bus window, almost art history tours.”
Many people associate France with excursion tourism.

4. You wrote: “And there is Altai.”
What Altai? There are two of them. Even at exhibitions it’s hard to tell the difference. They all pull the blanket over themselves.

5. You wrote: “And there are places in Altai that are rarely visited, for “advanced users”. This is the real Altai.”
To avoid problems with the client, we need to understand what target audience we are working for and meet their needs.

6. You wrote: “Ecotourism, Ethnotourism. Horseback, hiking and car tours. Excellent hunting, fishing. Our own tourist base. You can talk about the historical and cultural values ​​and various attractions of these places for hours. There are too many of them.”
6.1. Ecotourism - maybe Altai, or maybe the Ulyanovsk region, or the Orenburg region. Nobody knows this concept in Russia.
6.2. Ethnotourism is more like Tatarstan.
6.3. Horseback riding tours - Kabardino-Balkaria.
6.4. Walking tours. It’s difficult to answer, because I don’t fully understand what meaning you put into it.
6.5. Car tours - by Sayan ring? Or how?
6.6. Hunting - northern Russia.
6.7. Fishing - Volga, Far East, Baikal.
6.8. Where would we be without a camp site in Altai? Without a camp site there is nothing to talk about.
6.9. Historical and cultural values. The strongest are in Moscow, St. Petersburg, the cities of the Golden Ring, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod...

7. You wrote: “If we talk about the differences of our company, then this is probably a certain cultural orientation of our tours.”
That is, "Kulturtour"?

8. You wrote: “In addition, there is a great desire to engage in inbound tourism; we are now preparing a presentation on Altai for foreign tourists. The issue of correct positioning and ways to promote our product to the foreign tourist market is not yet completely clear to us.”
This is the most difficult question. Because first of all, I don’t understand what Altai we are talking about.
Secondly, you need to understand what the authorities think about promoting the region.
Thirdly, you need to understand what is remarkable about the region, what are its pros and cons.
Fourthly, we need to understand who our competitors are. What are their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities...
Fifthly, carefully study the tourism market of Russia and neighboring regions of Kazakhstan, China, and Mongolia.
Sixth, find a distinctive position.
Seventh, Understand how useful it can be to us.
Eighth, understand how much we can implement it.
Ninth, choose the right marketing communications.
Tenth, implement it correctly.

Job travel agencies is to help people travel. They organize travel and take care of all the related details, such as booking tickets, hotels, etc. Now there is quite a lot of competition in this field of activity, so this can only be good.

A great travel company name should be eye-catching, creative and memorable. It can help you attract more customers and also create a first impression of the business.

Without a doubt, any words that are associated with, vacation, holidays, travel will do. Alternatively, you can use travel-related words in a foreign language. For example, travel, voyage, journey. If you work in a specific area, for example organizing tours to Europe or cruises Mediterranean Sea, use this in the name of your travel agency. Let potential clients find you. Let it be catchy, not very complicated, and as creative as possible.

Not sure you can handle it? See what names other owners came up with travel companies. Come up with several options and choose the one that will help you stand out from your competitors and attract customers.

Examples of names and logos of travel companies

Keywords in this industry:

travel, map, vacation, tour, adventure, luxury, sea, islands, beach, attractions, hike, all inclusive, mountains, cities, world, explore.

How to create a logo for a travel company?

In addition, you probably need a logo. Logaster is an online service for creating logos and corporate identity. In just a few minutes you can get dozens of ready-made logos based on your theme.

Specializing in beach holidays, its name should be associated with the hot sun, warm sea and snow-white sand. Sketch the ones that you think are related to beach holiday. Ask your friends to do the same. Perhaps they can offer you interesting option. You can also iterate beach resorts world and weed out the most sonorous and memorable of them. Considering that most of the popular ones are already taken, the selected option can be diversified with additional ones. Suitable options could be: paradise, sun, beach. Play with sonorous letter combinations and endings that are popular in tourist naming.

If most of your tours are sightseeing in nature, look for words related to geographical discoveries and features different countries. Examples of such words and phrases: almanac, around the world, globe, bon voyage. A source of inspiration can be historical events, architectural terms, names of ancient cities.

If you are planning to open a religious tourism agency, you should pay attention to words related to the history of temples and monasteries, as well as biblical motifs. A good option could be a name that contains the words blagovest, yuletide, intercession. The name of a travel company may be associated with healing springs and general physical health. Considering the fact that pilgrimage initially involved a long journey to a holy place, words associated with wanderings and distant lands can be chosen as a name. For example, your company may be called “Path of Purification” or “Blessed Land”.

For an agency involved in organizing honeymoon trips, it is worth giving preference to words that are closely related to the happy moments of the newlyweds. Romantic and tender words may be a suitable option.

Video on the topic


Assistance in choosing a name for your travel agency. The name of a company often determines all its successful work, and here, too, one cannot do without professionals. Now all you have to do is begin the work process itself and take the twentieth step, which, with such careful preparation, can safely be called a step to the pinnacle of success. Today, many people have the idea of ​​opening a travel agency.

Helpful advice

What is the name of the travel agency? You can use some variations with exotic fruits (papaya, mango, etc.), Paradise, Riviera. Experiment with verbs of motion (to go, to go, here, etc.). The names of landmarks are often taken. You can try cartoon names (Gummi Bears, etc.) Plant names (magnolia, etc.) Combinations with the words tour, cruise, vacation, travel.


  • Naming.Net
Product or service: There is quite a lot of competition in the Ukrainian tourism market, but at the same time there are free niches.

The market is divided between several large travel agencies:


However most of their products (tours) are sold through retail points of sale of small travel agencies (except for “GALOP AROSS EUROPE” and “THE NETWORK OF LAST NIGHT TRAVEL AGENCIES” - these are franchise networks selling tours of “their” tour operator).

The main target groups to which their advertising is directed: middle class(primarily office workers) and youth, students

Demand for different destinations changes depending on the season. Bursts of tourist activity among “beach” holidaymakers occur from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. From late autumn to late winter - ski resorts.

The key points when purchasing a tour may be the following:

Price factor

Sensitive attitude of the manager when selecting a tour

The customer’s confidence that this company knows what they are selling

The customer’s confidence that for his money he will receive exactly what he expects, without surprises, for example, with a room when checking into a hotel

Popularity of a particular resort

Good impressions from a past vacation and a desire to visit the place again

Advice from friends Target audience: 20-50 years old

From $800 per month

Education: higher, secondary specialized

Willingness to try something new

Current purchasing behavior patterns:

Have a vacation budget. I saved all year. Looking for a vacation within this budget. Every $10 counts.

I have a free week, why not go on vacation, but I don’t know where yet. I'm willing to pay depending on what I choose.

Honeymoon. The budget is limited, we will choose everything very carefully, but at the same time, not the worst.

For sporting events (football, Olympics, etc.). Housing and transportation are not that important in principle. The main thing is to buy everything together, as a package of services.

Our clients:

Office workers who can rummage around our website all day long, choosing tours. They will make a couple of calls before purchasing and come to the office once to pay.

People “originally from the USSR”, from 40-45 years old, of average income, are accustomed to buying “tickets”, choosing between Crimea and Sochi. Instead of the words all-inclusive, they prefer “three meals a day.”

Young people a la students who need to relax for a week or two. It’s no longer acceptable for a savage, and there’s still no money for 5 stars.

Mother father me. Families with children over 1 year old. Problem statement: It is necessary to develop a name for a travel agency.

The name should correspond to the company’s field of activity (tourism, travel, recreation), or indicate associatively this field, but you should not focus on templates for travel companies the words “tour”, “travel”, well-worn images (Columbus, Continent, Equator, etc.), especially since most of them have long been used among the names in this area.

The company's positioning is based on competence and a personal approach to the client: here you will choose what is right for you. Here they know how to help you optimally combine all your holiday requirements and choose Best offer.

Possible associations/emotions:

Old and good acquaintance (Crusoe, Captain Grant, Vrungel)

Traveler characters (Columbus, Marco Polo - it is ESPECIALLY important to check in a search engine if there is such a company)

Correctness (the feeling when we hold an encyclopedia in our hands, as if everything here is so clear and correct) (Master, Virtuoso, Atlas of the WORLD, Globe, Compass, Compass, Chronograph)

Epic and historical (Atlantis, Aeneid, Odysseus, Argo, Silk Road, From the Varangians to the Greeks)

Confidence and reliability (Three Whales, Captain, Admiral, Navigator, Route)

Joy (Sunny Day, Victory, Rainbow, Delight, Extravaganza, Grand Prix)

Waiting for a pleasant surprise, a holiday (like waiting for a gift under the Christmas tree in childhood) (Fiesta, Carnival, Scarlet Sails)

Flirting (Evening Breeze, Rendezvous, Meeting, Night Pier)

Neologisms are only possible in Russian or Ukrainian. No foreign neologisms.

Submission form: RUSSIAN AND UKRAINIAN writing.

Example: evening evening

(words separated by a space so that auto-reject works).

Number of words 1-2 Additionally: It is necessary that Russian and UKRAINIAN spellings be as identical as possible.

Example: water water, evening evening.

Unfortunate option: World of travel Svit Mandriv

A foreign name is possible if all other conditions are brilliantly satisfied.

At the same time, words like “Fiesta”, “Bravo” are not considered foreign languages, that is, words like them, which have long been included in our language (Russian and Ukrainian), can be used.

Before submitting a name, check it in a search engine; if such a travel company exists on the Ukrainian market, you do not need to submit a name.

Of the existing Ukrainian travel agencies, I like the names of the following: “Fiesta”, “Marco Polo”, “Kiev Sputnik”, “SAM” (slogan “Choose yourself!”), “Gallop across Europe”, “Extravaganza” (slogan “Travel Extravaganza”) .

As unsuccessful examples:

Larisa-Tour, Maria-Tour, Boris-Travel and the like (and everything connected with the names of people with the prefix -tur), Super-Tour, Hot-Tour (banal English words with the same prefix -tur, -travel) , Columbus, Magellan, Equator, Continent, Continent, Compass (and other tourist banalities), TourGO, TourON (in other words, English neologisms that will not be understood either there or here).

Options from the first generation that were not suitable primarily because they are busy or too banal or they are foreign words:


Suntur - solar tour

Pantur (Pantur) all tours

Gulf Stream




Dobre tour


Going on a hike ( - free)







A new travel company may have significant start-up capital, a conveniently located office, an excellent management team and a professional director, but an unfortunate company name that can ruin all financial investments and efforts.

So, what should you name it so that it is sonorous, memorable and reflects your uniqueness?

The name of a travel agency is an important tool for promoting the company’s services on the market.

Choosing the right name will help:

  • stand out from competitors;
  • create an associative corporate identity that will work for the company;
  • create the necessary image without additional financial investments;
  • make a commercially viable brand to sell.

Selecting the first part of the name of the travel company

A successful choice of the first part, indicating your type of activity, will allow you to differ from other non-tourist companies. Below is a list of different options from which you can choose or modify:

  • Travel Agency
  • Travel Company
  • Individual travel agency
  • Extreme tour agency
  • Exotic travel agency
  • Unusual travel agency
  • Travel agency
  • Travel Bank
  • Travel boutique
  • Travel agency
  • Tourism and Recreation Bureau
  • City network of travel agencies
  • City travel agency
  • Travel Club
  • Travel store
  • Network of travel salons
  • Travel company
  • Travel service
  • Travel agency
  • Travel Bureau

Selecting the second part of the travel agency name

Having previously determined the type of activity, characteristics of the intended audience, priority tourist destinations and personal preferences, it is necessary to come up with a main name, preferably reflecting the specifics of the company’s activities.

  • Russian language dictionary;
  • a dictionary of foreign words (for example: if you plan to study Greece, then a Greek dictionary, France - a French one, etc.);
  • geography textbook;
  • travel magazines;
  • guidebooks;
  • world map.

Checking for uniqueness of a name

Before registering a company with the chosen name, it is necessary to check the presence of existing companies with a similar name on the market. The easiest way to do this is by searching on the Internet. Take the time to check so that you can work calmly without thinking that you are someone else's double.