Which is better: Vietnam or China for vacation? Vietnam or China, where is it better to relax: what to choose

Problem of choice: Cuba, Thailand, Bali, Vietnam, Hainan Island (China)
Dear forum visitors, I know that they will definitely help me here. We are two young couples (27-33), we all work a lot, it is difficult for everyone to find time to relax. But it seems that after New Year’s Eve, from about January 10-15, there is an opportunity to travel for a couple of weeks. The problem is the choice - Cuba, Thailand, Bali, Vietnam, Hainan Island (China). Before that, we were either in Europe, or Türkiye, Egypt. As we looked, the prices are about the same, and everywhere should be nice and warm. But we can’t choose specifically - our eyes run wild, I want it everywhere. Maybe you can help us decide.
I can’t say anything about Cuba, because... not yet. As for Asia - for the first visit - definitely Thailand (Phuket or Samui). Advantages: the most developed destination, a lot of information, the shortest flight (compared to Bali, for example), the opportunity to fly with an excellent airline, the infrastructure is in place, there are many hotels for every taste, plenty of entertainment, cheaper than other countries (not much, though) . Well, the weather there will be great.
Hainan's two largest cities, Haikou and Sanya, are located on opposite ends of the island. To travel from Haikou to Sanya across the island, there are three options: the Eastern Route, the Central Route and the Western Route. The eastern route is the most popular, through Wenchang and Wanning, and you can travel slowly for several days, stopping in these small towns. The central route - through Dunchang and Tongzha - passes through the mountain villages of the ethnic minorities of Hainan and is very picturesque. The western route - through Danxian, Basuo/Dongfang and Yinggehai - is the least explored of all, the tourist infrastructure is poorly developed here, there are very few good hotels, but there are beautiful views and a complete absence of foreign tourists .
The capital of Hainan, the city and port of Haikou lies on the northern coast of the island at the mouth of the Nandu River. For most travelers, this is just a transit point on the way to the southern beaches and Sanya. However, it is a friendly city with many buildings of old South Chinese and Portuguese colonial architecture in the center. The western part of the city is a large commercial and passenger port, the main gateway of the island to the mainland. The southern part is the airport. All hotels and architectural attractions are located in the central part, along Xinhua Nanlu Street. Amateur tourists usually do not stay here overnight due to the lack of cheap hotels for foreigners. Rooms start at 130 yuan for a double (Overseas Chinese Hotel) and go up to 250 yuan for a double (at the very good Seaview Hotel for its class) and 310 yuan or more for doubles and suites at the Ambassador Hotel and International Financial Center. The Overseas Chinese Hotel has a good but expensive restaurant. You can eat cheaper near the market on Xinhuananlu and on Jiefang Xilu Street - rice, meat and vegetables - all for 8 yuan. At the northern end of Datong Lu Street there is a night food market with tables and plenty of seafood. Hainan is one of the few (oddly enough) places in China where you can buy fresh tropical fruits: pineapples, sugar cane.
plane: daily flights to Hong Kong and the largest cities in China (Beijing - 1250 yuan, Shanghai - 880 yuan).
bus: all buses around the island depart from the city bus station. For greater convenience, buses to Sanya also stop at parking lots near the Overseas Chinese Hotel and East Lake Hotel. The road to Sanya costs 45 yuan, lasts 6 hours and goes along the Eastern Route. Tickets are also sold for comfortable direct buses to Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong (along with the ferry), but still, this is a tiring journey and it is better to split it into several sections.
sea: most ships and ferries depart from Haikou New Harbor (Haikou Xingang, the last stop of bus number 7, next to the luxurious Overseas Chinese Hotel II). Every hour, ships go from here to the mainland, to the city of Hai'an (Hai"an) through the Qiongzhou Strait, from where you can get to the city of Zhanjiang. The journey takes 1.5 hours, costs 46 yuan, including a bus ticket to Zhanjiang (this can be problematic take a ticket for the ferry only, without further bus). The Donghu and Malan sail to Hong Kong five times a month (18 hours) - another ship, the Shan, sails to Hong Kong from Sanya via Haikou. Tickets to Hong Kong usually cost from 200 to 400 Hong Kong dollars (if you buy in Haikou and not in Hong Kong - it’s more expensive there).
On Yuyadao, Dadonghai Beach, there are a large number of relatively cheap restaurants offering seafood (some exotic fish are very expensive, check the menu first). There are also cheap places near the gas station on the Sanya - Haikou road, including Shenyang Restaurant. Dadonghai is being consciously and rapidly transformed into a powerful resort of the highest and most expensive class, so all these cheap dining opportunities may become a thing of the past. In the city itself there are many more cheap markets, taverns and restaurants: a good restaurant on the 2nd floor of the Sanya Hotel - a balcony overlooking the sea, a bamboo interior, excellent cuisine. At the northern end of the city is Cuiyuan Restaurant (Cuiyuan Jiujia).
There are about forty islands along the coast, the largest of which are Pirates Island and Western Island.
Sanya has a tropical monsoon climate. The average annual air temperature is +25. There is no winter here, eternal summer reigns. The air is clean, there are no industrial enterprises. According to environmental indicators, the tourist area of ​​Sanya ranks first in China and second in the world.
The word Sanya means "confluence of three rivers."
Three rivers flow through the city of Sanya: Sanya, Dabo and Linchuan. All of them flow into the sea together, and their delta looks like the character “San”.
The city of Sanya has been known since the 1st century and was located at the “end of the world”. It was a remote corner of the vast Chinese empire. Disgraced officials were exiled here. The city has been a port city since ancient times and was located on the maritime silk road. People of more than 20 nationalities live in the city of Sanya.
The population of the city and its surroundings is 480 thousand people; 130 thousand people live in the city itself.
The city of Sanya has changed in recent years. Embankments, bridges, roads are being reconstructed, observation platforms and pedestrian bridges are being built, and pre-planning of streets and parks is underway. A harmonious tropical landscape is created. The construction of the city is proceeding in parallel with the development of the tourism industry, which, along with the tropical climate, distinguishes the Chinese city of Sanya from other resort cities.
Traditional Chinese Medicine procedures.
In the medical centers of Hainan Island you will be offered not only therapeutic, but also general health-improving procedures that will help you shed the burden of worries that have accumulated over the past year and stock up on energy and health for the next one.
Medicinal herbal decoction.
Prepared according to an individual recipe. The recipe includes up to twenty drugs of natural origin and serves to normalize body functions, bring systems and organs into balance. The collection is boiled and packaged in standard packaging, two packages per Vietnam Hainan day.
Medicinal collection of herbs in powder form.
It is prepared according to an individual recipe and is intended to continue treatment upon returning home.
Acupuncture (acupuncture).
Only disposable needles are used for the procedure. The method of exposure and the formulation of the points is selected by the doctor based on the results of the consultation.
Acupuncture with electrical stimulation.
Used to relieve pain syndromes, as well as in a number of other cases. The procedure is performed as prescribed by the attending physician.
Impact on the points of the auricle, which are the projection of the internal organs.
Chinese massage.
Experienced massage therapists work on the points, channels and meridians of your body. Even a single Chinese massage relieves fatigue and tension, improves the tone of your body. To treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to complete a course of at least five procedures. This procedure includes massage with an imperial pouch.
Scraping (gua sha).
Used to relieve fever and pain. After the procedure, hematomas form on the skin, which are not dangerous, but can cause discomfort from a cosmetic point of view.
The famous Qigong master passes the heavenly energy of Qi through himself and, amplifying it with electric current, transfers it to you, feeding the depleted resources of vital energy. The procedure includes a therapeutic massage.
Diseases for which electrotherapy provides particularly good results:
consequences of stroke
· urolithiasis-
· mastopathy-
· gastritis, colitis-
· paralysis of the facial nerve, neuritis of the facial and trigeminal nerves -
· open wounds, purulent inflammations -
infectious skin diseases
· coronary heart disease, arrhythmia-
· liver and kidney diseases -
· presence of metal prostheses in the body -
· pregnancy
Electrotherapy is not recommended for children and elderly people
Banks (massage with cups).
They have a similar effect to gua sha and can also leave marks on the body.
Spinal traction using TCM methods.
The procedure is carried out as prescribed by a doctor and is used for the effective treatment of spinal diseases.
Warming up with a magnetic lamp.
It is used to eliminate cold syndrome, as well as pain syndromes of a rheumatic nature.
It has a general strengthening effect on the entire body, since according to the existing theory, all internal organs are reflected on the foot. The procedure includes steaming the legs in a herbal infusion, massage of the collar area, and the imperial pouch completes the procedure.

The countries of Southeast Asia are becoming increasingly popular among Russian tourists. This is due to the relatively mild climate and numerous attractions. Among the countries in this region, Thailand and Vietnam stand out. They are located close to each other, have similar cultural traditions and the same climate. All this creates difficulties for tourists when choosing a holiday destination. Thailand or Vietnam - which country should you prefer? This is discussed in this article.

An important factor when choosing a place to visit as part of a tourist trip is the possibility and duration of stay without registration; this period is thirty days. There are only fifteen in Vietnam. Flight time to both countries is up to nine hours.

Thailand has a more developed one than Vietnam. In terms of the number of attractions, Thailand and Vietnam are not inferior to each other.

Like any country, Vietnam and Thailand have their own advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at some of them.


The climatic conditions in both countries are similar. The optimal time for vacation is from June to September. Thailand or also successfully receives tourists. However, the region is warm all year round. The rainy season will create certain inconveniences for tourists. Both countries are attractive for beach holidays. Average temperatures during the peak tourist season reach +32°C. Hot weather in Thailand is more difficult to endure due to high humidity.

In Vietnam, the influence of the monsoons is felt during the winter season. Therefore, the temperature during this period can reach +5°C. Based on this indicator, it is difficult to determine where it is better to go, Vietnam or Thailand. Since the countries are located almost at the same latitude and have a similar climate. There are other, more important selection criteria.


For connoisseurs of a comfortable beach holiday, Thailand is most suitable with its unforgettable beaches and numerous resorts equipped with everything necessary. The beaches in this country are distinguished by their sandy bottom and clean sea. The only downside is that it is overcrowded with tourists during peak season. The number of swimming places in Thailand reaches more than a hundred. Those that are located on the islands are distinguished by the greatest purity. The beaches in Vietnam are somewhat less numerous, however, they are in no way inferior to those in Thailand. The sandy coasts in both countries have a gently sloping entrance. The beaches on the islands are surrounded by cliffs and located in bays. Thanks to this, they are protected from waves and wind and provide calm and quiet places to relax.

Vietnamese beaches are characterized by perfectly white sand and clear blue water. They are a great place to relax with children. Local beaches have fewer opportunities for active water recreation, but water sports enthusiasts can still find some decent options for themselves.

Where is it cheaper? Vietnam or Thailand

An important, and for some, the determining factor in choosing a country for a holiday, is the cost of staying at the resort. In Thailand and Vietnam, tourists have the opportunity to choose the most suitable holiday options for themselves, based on their financial capabilities. You can use the services of travel agencies and go on vacation with a package. It is also possible to make an independent trip. One of the options for staying at the resort is to stay in a rented bungalow. Let's consider various pricing policy options in Thailand.

The cost of any tourist trip consists of the price of air tickets, costs of recreation, purchase of souvenirs and excursion services.

The purchase of air tickets is a mandatory expense item, since it is simply impossible to get to these countries in any other way. It is better to book tickets in advance. Their cost varies according to the class and level of comfort during the flight. The higher it is, the more expensive air tickets are. Since the distance and flight time to Vietnam and Thailand are approximately the same, the cost of air tickets will be the same.

The second significant expense item is the cost of living. Depending on financial capabilities, accommodation can be either very expensive or relatively budget-friendly. For example, staying in a luxury hotel room or in a separate bungalow will cost significantly more than staying in an economy class hotel.

The cost of food and attending entertainment events in Vietnam is lower compared to Thailand. Sometimes they are much cheaper than in Thailand. The choice of places to eat and relax is of great importance. Individual excursions to local attractions will cost more than similar group activities. In terms of saving money, independent travel around the country is promising.

Roads and leisure

For such trips with a rented vehicle, Thailand is best suited. The quality of roads in this country is slightly better than in Vietnam. Therefore, it is better not to book tours to Thailand from travel agencies. It will be much cheaper to travel around the country on your own. There is also a more developed network of shops, cafes and restaurants and all kinds of entertainment centers. Options for a fun night out in Vietnam are more limited for tourists. After midnight, life here comes to a standstill. Due to the population's habit of going to bed early, it is very difficult to find a working grocery store.

In this regard, Thailand is more preferable as a leisure destination. It doesn’t stop here until the morning. The list of entertainment for tourists is also more extensive. In Thailand you can not only relax, but also improve your health.


Where to go for health, which country to choose - Thailand or Vietnam? Medical care in these two countries has significant differences in terms of treatment prices. In Thailand, the cost of visiting a doctor in a public or private clinic is up to forty dollars. Similar services in Vietnam will cost slightly less. However, it all depends on the severity of the disease or injury. A necessary condition for receiving quality medical services is that the tourist has medical insurance. In Vietnam, there may be some difficulties in obtaining medical care due to local doctors not speaking English. However, despite some inconveniences, the quality of medical care in both countries is approximately the same.


The cost of living and its comfort in hotels in Thailand and Vietnam are approximately the same. Vietnam, however, has a slight advantage in terms of cheap hotel stays. A stay in one of the hotels in the capital of Vietnam - the city of Hanoi - will cost about five dollars less than the cost of a stay in a similar establishment in popular Thai cities among tourists. Therefore, travel agencies sometimes offer incomparably cheap tours to Vietnam. This is due to the fact that in this country you can save a lot on housing.

underwater world

The availability of recreational opportunities is of great importance for travelers. Staying in Vietnam and Thailand is the most promising for diving. Thailand wins somewhat in terms of the diversity of marine species and the number of places recommended for diving. The marine fauna of Vietnamese waters is less diverse, however, divers can find a lot of interesting things here too.

Local population

For tourists, when choosing a holiday destination, the friendliness of the local population towards visitors is of no small importance. If we compare Vietnam/Thailand on this basis, we can say that the residents of both countries are equally friendly to guests. The hospitality of local people is based on the profitability of the tourism industry for the economy. Thais are more reserved and do not reveal their feelings and emotions to tourists. Vietnamese are more emotional. In addition, the joint historical past of the countries affects the attitude towards Russians, namely, the assistance provided by the USSR to Vietnam in repelling American aggression is not forgotten.


In Thailand and Vietnam, transport links between cities are quite developed. You can get to any corner by taking a bus or by plane. The most common vehicle in both countries is the bike, available for rent by tourists.

But which country should gastronomic gourmets choose, Vietnam or Thailand? Where is the best food?


National cuisines in both countries are distinguished by their originality and abundance of exotic and incomprehensible dishes for Russian-speaking tourists. Frogs and all kinds of insects are widely used as products. Local dishes of national cuisine are usually nutritious and spicy. In this regard, the masterpieces of Thai cuisine are more famous. Food in Vietnam is sweetish due to the use of a variety of sauces and seasonings. Therefore, for lovers of sweet tastes, according to this criterion, the choice is obvious. Thailand or Vietnam? For them, this issue loses relevance.


A trip to Vietnam or Thailand can be overshadowed by the local fauna. One specific feature of both countries is the abundance of tropical insects (such as lizards). In Vietnam, in addition, they do not particularly care about cleanliness. Thanks to street garbage dumps in cities, tourists can encounter numerous rats and cockroaches. Mosquitoes, which carry dangerous diseases, pose a great danger in Vietnam. Therefore, before traveling to this country, you must get all the necessary vaccinations. Agencies offering tours to Thailand and Vietnam strongly recommend this. After arrival, you must carefully observe basic rules of personal hygiene. You should not eat local food if its appearance and taste are incomprehensible or cause unpleasant associations for tourists. It should be remembered that not everything that is familiar to the local population is suitable for a tourist who is accustomed to a completely different way of life. The comfort of your stay and the impressions gained during your vacation depend on compliance with hygiene rules.


The cultural heritage of a particular country can also influence the choice of a tourist. Thailand or Vietnam? What is the culture of these countries? Both states have an ancient history and are distinguished by an interesting, distinctive culture. For vacationers it will be very educational to get acquainted with local attractions. In addition, being in Vietnam has a special flavor in terms of the fact that the dominance of communist ideology remains in this country. Fans of modern military history will also find a lot of interesting things in Vietnam. The memory of American aggression, which brought many troubles to the local people, is carefully preserved here. You can see numerous examples of military equipment of that era on display. There is an opportunity to take part in excursions to places associated with the local partisan movement (in particular, see the underground passages used by the rebels). Also in Thailand and Vietnam, tourists will be curious to get acquainted with the local architecture, which is distinguished by its originality and unique national flavor.

At the end of the 20th century. Thailand has become a popular destination for so-called sex tourism. However, it should be taken into account that recently the authorities have been doing everything to get rid of such a peculiar image of the country. Therefore, lovers of all kinds of pleasures, often forbidden, risk getting into an unpleasant situation. The main rule for a tourist should be compliance with the laws of the country they are visiting. Vietnam or Thailand? It is up to the tourist to decide where it is better to spend his leisure time. The choice of places to visit is varied in both countries.

So, both states are attractive places to visit. The mild climate, the beauty of the local seascapes, the presence of a developed tourist infrastructure and the friendly local population are certainly attractive aspects. To this must be added the relatively low price level. But what do vacationers themselves say about these countries, which resort to choose, Thailand or Vietnam?

Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia - increasingly exotic. Oddly enough, I liked Cambodia the most.

The last time I visited Thailand, I didn’t think it was friendly at all, especially in contrast to Cambodia. In Bangkok, they tried to take us somewhere in the wrong place a couple of times in a tuk-tuk. The first incident happened during the day, the driver decided to take us to the shops, where he was counting on kickbacks, although we told him the exact address where we needed to go. We just had to get out at the intersection and leave under the driver’s curses when we realized that we were going in the other direction and stopped at the second store in a row. And the incident in the evening was very unpleasant. We also got into a tuk-tuk, it was already dark, we gave the address, agreed on the amount, and off we went. We sit and chat, and after a while I begin to understand that they are taking us to the wrong place. There are fewer and fewer residential buildings (my friend and I were alone). As a result, we jumped out almost on the move, in a dark place. Then they couldn’t find a car for a long time; no one simply stopped. I barely managed to catch a taxi, he stopped cautiously and said on the way that this is an area for locals, there are no tourists here, it is very dangerous here, they are afraid to stop here. I just felt sorry for the two white girls standing on the side of the road. For which he received double payment and our immense gratitude. But there is still some sediment :)
Tai - regarding street food - they sprinkle glutamate everywhere, for them it’s just a seasoning. Later I got the hang of grabbing tent sellers by the hand and asking them not to add this crap :). And so, at first there was a persistent feeling of disgust. By the third day you get used to it. Everything is prepared and served by hand, which is wild for us. Fruits can lie in a mountain right on the ground or asphalt. Bald dogs will sit right next to you, and cockroaches will run about 10 centimeters long. In hotels on the coast there are a lot of geckos in the rooms, but we had a mutual reaction. I screamed and we ran away in different directions :).

UAE - I was with my child many times when he was little. Now it doesn't pull at all. Everything is too sterile there. The sea is just water (usually muddy) and sand (bulk). There are no fish at all. You can only swim on the beach at the hotel. Or in a burkini in general). If you find yourself in Ramadan (we did this twice), the city won’t even sell a bottle of water. I was repeatedly pinched by local women :) - although I was wearing trousers, a T-shirt and a cardigan. It is very cold in hotels and shops, they simply adore air conditioners, we were not comfortable even in sweaters. We went on a lot of excursions, but according to my memories, somehow we missed everything. Not particularly impressed. I just remember the constant: don’t go there, it’s not allowed, don’t you dare take pictures. Therefore, I concluded that the only good thing there is the hotel - excellent rooms, good service. But all the food is imported, the fruits are appropriate. Yes, we were in hotels where there were lobsters with champagne for breakfast, and ladies (mostly Russians) in stiletto heels on the beach. Everything is beautiful, chic, but somehow not soulful. I remember beer on the beach (0.33) for 15 bucks a bottle. Impressive. When it comes to entertainment for children, there is nostalgia only for water and regular amusement parks. They can do this, and it’s really interesting there. I haven't seen anything better yet. 07/26/2018 14:15:51, Olaroma


Of the 400 days of travel, I spent 2 months in China and 2 weeks in Vietnam. You will say that it is not correct to compare 2 countries if you spent 4 times more time in one. And the countries differ significantly in size: such a big China and such a small narrow Vietnam. I came to Vietnam right after China and I really want to make such a comparison.

I liked 3 things most about China: helpful people in China, stunning nature in China and varied Chinese food.

Vietnam has very tasty and beautiful nature, but people in Vietnam were not very good everywhere.

On the eve of the New Year, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Vietnam has one big advantage over China - there are hot tours to Vietnam! Here are the options: and

To begin with, I will show you what amazing sights there are in China and Vietnam.

Attractions in China

By the way, the best places in China: Wuyi Mountains in Fujian and Gulangyu Island, Lijiang and Dali in Sichuan, Guilin and Yangshuo in Guangxi, Guangzhou in Guangdong and Xian in Shaanxi. Chaozhou and Fenhuang in Guangdong are also worth visiting. The Taoist mountains of Wudanshan and Huashan are no less beautiful. In Sichuan, the colorful lakes of Jizhaigou are stunning.

Travertine Lakes JiZhaiGou

Guilin Mountains

Wuyi Mountains

Ancient city of Xi'an

Ancient tea city of Lijiang

Floating bridge in Chaozhou

Monk in Wudanshan Mountains

Huashan Mountains

Small village in Guangzhou

Attractions in Vietnam

Hoi An City

Cultural Capital of Vietnam

Hanoi Vietnam

Sea in Vietnam

Nha Trang sea

Beach in Vietnam

Border Vietnam - China

Mountains in Vietnam

Boat trips in Vietnam

People in China

Comparing China with Vietnam, I will start with the most important thing - the people. I will try to be as unbiased as possible, although it is impossible to judge my own experience objectively. Especially if it concerns people. Yes, Chinese crowds of tourists throughout China and the world in general can blur the impression of any attraction. But other than that, I really like the Chinese.

During 2 months in China, I met many kind and sympathetic people who became my friends in a short time. To be honest, it’s not so easy for me to find a common language with Russians, my dear people. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the Chinese quickly and happily make contact with a foreigner. Someone because they want to communicate in English. But often, they are simply very interested in having a foreign friend.

Cycling through southern China

Girl from Chinese minority

Passers-by helped with advice on where and how to get there. The drivers who picked us up in their cars gave us food. Acquaintances and strangers were treated to food in cafes and restaurants. And the police checked into hotels. Yes, this happened too. And the people with whom I spent 1 day became my friends who are ready to do anything for you. That's how they are, the Chinese.

The Chinese, in general, are not very smiling people. But behind the strict mask of everyday life they hide a lot of warmth and kindness. And as soon as they get to know you, they immediately start smiling at you and want to be your friend. Maybe because I'm a foreigner. But that doesn’t make it any less pleasant, doesn’t it?

Why am I all about the Chinese?! Vietnamese. The Vietnamese are a complex people. There are smiling people, but there are also rather strange, unpleasant people. It seems that they are not very happy with their lives and the people around them. As my friend said, it’s like they are owed something. If you didn’t buy my product, you are an enemy of the people and a personal enemy too. Unpleasant. This approach is not uncommon in Vietnam, in tourist places. But there are also good people in Vietnam. Truck and van drivers are good, responsive, and willing to give you rides. We also met very nice grandmothers doing their favorite thing. For example, they cook delicious noodles. Simple, but done with love.

But in any case, the Chinese defeated the Vietnamese, both in quantity and quality.


There is, of course, more of it in China. Simply because so many Vietnams fit into China. And, unfortunately, it so happened that we did not see Vietnamese nature. Almost or not at all. Behind the scenes were the jungles of the North of Vietnam, the coffee plantations of Dalat, the fauna of Cat Tien National Park and other beauties. But we enjoyed the Vietnamese beach. The sea in Vietnam is good, warm and soft.

In China, I saw a lot of beauty in 2 months.

Travertine Lake in JiZhaiGou

Tiger Leaping Gorge

Jizhaigou Lake

Huashan Mountains

FenHuang tea plantations


Wuyi Mountains

Huashan mountains

Mount Wudanshan

Still in sight are the Wuyishan Mountains in Fujian, the Tiger Leaping Gorge in Yunnan and the impressive Jizhaigou Lakes in Sichuan. And that's not all. TOP-3, so to speak. But there were also ascents to the Mecca of Chinese dance - the oriental martial arts Taiji - Mount Wudanshan and to the sacred mountains of the Taoists - Huashan. And this is only a small part of what you can see in China. And there is even a sea where you can swim - on the island of Hainan. Although Chinese attractions have 2 big, I would say huge, disadvantages - price and number of tourists. The prices are exorbitant. The number of tourists is comparable.

Nobody won here. There is nothing to compare with. And everyone can draw their own conclusions.


Chinese food is incredibly varied. From province to province. It varies from region to region. I have tasted some of the national cuisines very well. The cuisine of the Bai people from the ancient city of Dali is unique in some ingredients, Cantonese cuisine (Guangzhou and other Guangdong) is refined and very tasty. I will never forget the crispy shrimp dim sum.

And even standard noodles in each province have their own characteristics. The most delicious - in Yunnan province - the famous “bridge noodles”.

Chinese food - noodles and dim sum

Sharp snails

Noodles across the bridge China

Noodles across the bridge China

Noodle soup

Noodles across the bridge in Kunming

Chinese dumplings

Cantonese cuisine - dim sum

Pork in China

But Vietnamese food, especially their soups, wins the heart. Seriously and for a long time. I have never tried such rich and tasty broths anywhere else. Sometimes it seems like there are so many secret ingredients there that it’s enough for several dishes. And their Bun Cha in Hanoi - a soup with grilled meat - is incredible. I would never have thought of cooking a cutlet over charcoal and then putting it in soup, or rather sauce.

You just have to try it, nothing more to say.

Probably, Chinese cuisine benefits a little due to diversity. But Vietnamese cuisine is also very powerful. Almost parity.

Language. English

In China, English is very poor. The relative number of English speakers in China is very small. Although in big cities, in provincial centers, there are English speakers, especially university students. In Vietnam, ordinary shop assistants sometimes speak English, even in places you wouldn’t expect. Although, if you move away from the tourist areas into the outback, you won’t see this there.

But in general, Vietnam wins in terms of the prevalence of English in the country. Even the Russian language is found.

Although, if we talk about the local language, Chinese, although very difficult to learn, is much more pleasant to hear. The Vietnamese is kind of croaking and choking, but the Chinese is melodic and pleasant to listen to. But this is purely subjective.


Food. You can find cheap and delicious food in China. In Vietnam too. In restaurants in China, it is, of course, already quite expensive, but restaurants, they are restaurants in Africa too.

Transport in China is expensive. Except for the lowest class seated trains. But it’s not cheap in Vietnam either. Having taken a sleep bus in Vietnam once, we switched to hitchhiking, which is already painfully expensive.

Accommodation. In China, it depends on the province and specific location. You can find a great room for 500 rubles per night. We had one in Yangshuo (Guangxi). And in big cities and super-tourist places it’s cheaper than 800-1000 rubles. will no longer be found. Finding a campsite in China is problematic, as is staying in a tent within the city. Although, they say, you can put up a tent in any park, no one will notice.

But it’s the same in Vietnam. In Nha Trang we found a room for 475 rubles, and in Hanoi on New Year's Eve we had to stay for more than 1000 rubles.

Attractions. China is very, overly expensive. Some mountain or lake can cost 2000 rubles. Moreover, you need to pay about 900 rubles for the obligatory buses around the territory. A ten-minute cable car from the mountain can cost 1,400 rubles one way. In Vietnam, everything is not so scary, although something big and historical can cost 450-500 rubles. This is expensive for Vietnam, especially if you go there together.

Vietnam is cheaper than China. But the level is lower. No luxurious high-speed seated trains, no well-established infrastructure on the territory of attractions.


It is very well developed in China. If you have money, fly by plane; there are airports all over China. Or take a soft berth on a high-speed train. First class seating is also good. Buses are slower and quite expensive due to toll roads everywhere, but there are also more destinations. Although there are places from which it is difficult to get out - we found ourselves in one in Fujian.

In Vietnam, the roads and trains are worse. The main Hanoi-Ho Chi Minh City highway, 1,700 km long, is not a highway at all. We covered this route partly by bus and partly by hitchhiking, and the average speed in both cases was about 40 km/h. Mopeds travel along the highway all the time, towns and villages often cross it, and people and carts walk along the road. And the trains, they say, are slow.

China is far ahead of Vietnam in transport development. And planes from Russia to China now fly much more often and cheaper.


You cannot enter China without a visa. In Russia it is now easy to obtain a Chinese visa, but in neighboring countries it is not easy to obtain. It's difficult to stay in China, but it's possible. You can get a 2-hour or a multi-hour visa. There are plenty of options.

You can enter Vietnam with a stamp for 15 days free of charge. It is impossible to extend or make a visa-run. The next departure is possible only after 90 days. Upon arrival at the airport, you can get a free visa for 30 days, but you need to pay in advance for an invitation (Aproval Letter). You can also get a 3-month or more business visa. It is not difficult to obtain a Vietnam visa in neighboring Asian countries. In China, a Vietnamese visa costs 420 yuan (4,200 rubles). Others should be cheaper.

Due to the free 15 days, Vietnam wins. But this is too little to get to know the country. A Chinese visa is best obtained in the Russian Federation. But the Vietnamese one - upon arrival.


Hitchhiking exists in China, and it is quite fast. If you drive on high-speed toll highways. And they are all paid here. Only cars took us. The main thing is to get to the Tall Gate - the entrance to the highway and make your way past the ticket offices. Or stop in front of them, but usually there is a fork further on, and then cars with which you are not on the same path will stop.

But there is a very serious problem with hitchhiking in China - drivers do not want to drop you off on the highway and take you to their city or the nearest large city. Sometimes they drive outside the Tall Gate and drop you off there. We are not very experienced hitchhikers and this is a problem for us - we couldn’t explain and convince the drivers to drop us off on the highway.

Chinese drivers are very helpful and can feed you along the way or give you some fruits and drinks.

Hitchhiking also exists in Vietnam, and it is accessible thanks to American trucks. The interior is comfortable and often has 1-2 berths behind the drivers. You can travel part of the way lying down, which is very convenient.

Vietnamese drivers are also very helpful, they can feed you and let you sleep in their truck.

But the speed of hitchhiking in Vietnam is much lower, about 40 km/h. During daylight hours you can travel 350-400 km and, perhaps, this is the maximum.

Chinese hitchhikers are fast, but Vietnamese ones are slow. It’s easier to negotiate with the Vietnamese, but the Chinese won’t want to leave you on the highway and will take you to the city. It's inconvenient. Each country has its pros and cons when it comes to hitchhiking.

Results. China, due to its helpful and friendly people, generally wins over Vietnam. The nature of China is wonderful, but often very expensive to explore. It was not possible to evaluate Vietnamese nature. Food in China and Vietnam is very tasty and inexpensive. Transport and hitchhiking in China is very fast, but toll transport is expensive. Vietnamese transport is slow due to the roads and also not very cheap. You can visit Vietnam for 15 days for free, which is not possible in China.

In general, I liked China more, for many factors, despite its comparative high cost. China won! =)

Sanya and Nha Trang are two very popular resorts among Russian tourists on the shores of the South China Sea. These resorts are similar in many ways, so tourists often ask about what to choose: Sanya or Nha Trang. In this article we will try to determine in which cases it is better to choose Sanya, and in which cases - Nha Trang.

In terms of weather, Sanya and Nha Trang are very similar, which is not surprising considering that these resorts are located relatively close to each other. However, Sanya has a distinct dry season and a rainy season. Between December and March it rarely rains in Sanya, then December in Nha Trang is considered the rainiest month of the year. In general, we advise you to first pay attention to the weather in Sanya and Nha Trang in the month during which you plan to go on vacation.

Flight and transfer to the hotel
In this regard, it is also a draw, because only charter flights are offered to Sanya and Nha Trang, and the flight duration in both cases is approximately the same. The travel time from the airport to the hotel in both cases is relatively short and depends only on which hotel you choose.

Character of cities
Nha Trang and Sanya are very similar to each other, as they are relatively large cities with many tall residential buildings. Both cities have a large number of local residents, so many establishments operate mainly for them, and not for tourists.

In terms of hotels, Sanya and Nha Trang are noticeably different from each other. Nha Trang hotels are mainly high-rise buildings that are located across the road from the beach or even on the second or third line. These hotels usually do not have their own grounds, and the pool in such hotels is usually located on the roof (if there is one at all).
Hotels in the resort area of ​​Sanya are mainly beach resorts with large green areas, a large pool (or even several pools) and a private beach area. That is, you can at least spend your entire vacation on the hotel grounds and not leave it.

Since many tourists go to Sanya and Nha Trang mainly for a beach holiday, they want to relax on beautiful and well-equipped beaches. You will find such beaches in resorts near Sanya. These are the beaches in Yalong Bay, Dadonghai, Haitang Bay and Sanya Bay. Many Sanya hotels have their own beach area with sun loungers and other amenities. In Nha Trang, hotels often don't have their own beach area, so you'll likely have to pay to rent a sun lounger or umbrella at a public beach.

Excursions and attractions
Sanya and Nha Trang offer many interesting places and attractions, so you just need to explore all the most interesting places in these resort areas, the excursion programs that they offer, and only then draw a conclusion about which place seems more interesting to you. Personally, in terms of attractions and entertainment, I like Sanya more, since there are many different attractions near this city. In addition, Sanya has theme parks, water parks, various shows... But still, you should see for yourself what both resort areas offer, after which you can draw some conclusions.

Prices for food, transport, excursions
We will not compare the cost of travel packages, since in general they are approximately the same and depend on which hotel you choose. As for the cost of food, transport and excursions, in this regard, Nha Trang is the more preferable option. Many hotels in this city are surrounded by dozens of inexpensive cafes and other establishments where you can eat inexpensively. The average cost of excursions in Nha Trang is also lower than in Sanya. The same goes for the cost of a taxi.

Which is better: Sanya or Nha Trang
We hope that the information presented above will help you decide where to go: Sanya or Nha Trang. In any case, the conclusion is up to you. I can only say that in terms of beach holidays, I like Sanya much more than Nha Trang. I also like this resort in Hainan better in terms of attractions and entertainment. So my personal choice is Sanya. But I don’t force my opinion on anyone and urge you to simply understand the character of both resort areas well, which will allow you to make a decision about which one to choose.