Graz Austria. How to get to Graz on your own, what to see and where to eat

Graz (Austria) is the most detailed information about the city with photos. The main attractions of Graz with descriptions, guides and maps.

City of Graz (Austria)

Graz is a city in southeastern Austria, the capital of Styria. It is the second most populous city in the country after Vienna. Graz boasts one of the best-preserved historic centers in Europe, a UNESCO World Heritage Site filled with grand Baroque buildings and interesting sights. Above the picturesque Altstadt rises a large hill - the Schlossberg. Many of the surviving historic buildings are influenced by Italian architectural styles. And Graz itself is an important cultural, educational and scientific center of Europe.

Geography and climate

Graz is located on the Mura River 200 km southwest of Vienna near the border with Slovenia and 50 km from Slovenian Maribor. The climate is moderate. Due to its position, southeast of the Alps, Graz is protected from cold western and northern winds. It is much warmer than the rest of Austria and has more sunny days.

Practical information

  1. Population - 280 thousand people.
  2. Area - 127.56 square kilometers.
  3. Language - German.
  4. Currency - euro.
  5. Visa - Schengen.
  6. Time - Central European UTC +1, summer +2.
  7. The tourist information center is located at Herrengasse 16.


Graz's roots go back to its Roman past. The Romans built a small fort in the place where it is now located. Old city. In the Middle Ages, the Slovenians built a larger fortress. The name "Graz" comes from the Slovenian word "gradec", which means small castle.

Graz was first mentioned in 1128, when the Dukes of Babenberg turned the place into a major trading city. In the 15th century, under the Habsburgs, the city became the capital of Inner Austria. In the 16th century, Graz was repeatedly attacked by the Turks. Although the fortress located on the Schlossberg was never taken. During World War II, the city was liberated by Soviet troops and was practically undamaged by bombing.

How to get there

Graz Airport is located 9 km south of the center. He's tied up regular flights with Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Istanbul, Munich, Zurich. From the airport to the center you can take bus 630, 631 and train S5.

The main station (Hauptbahnhof) is located on the western outskirts historical center. Direct trains run to Graz from Vienna, Salzburg, Zurich, Zagreb, Budapest. The A9 and A2 motorways pass near the city.

Shopping and purchases

Don't forget to buy a bottle of Kernöl (pumpkin seed oil). This oil is typical of Styria and has a unique and pleasant taste. It can be purchased in the Kaiser-Josef-Platz, Lendplatz area.

The most important shopping street in Graz is Herrengasse. Many shops are located in the areas of Mariahilferstraße, Schmiedgasse, Sporgasse. The City Park shopping center is located on the southwestern outskirts of the center of Graz. Large shopping centers outside the historical center: Shopping City Seiersberg (accessible by bus 78) and Murpark (tram line 4).

Food and drink

Typical Styrian cuisine is a mixture of Austrian cuisine with Mediterranean influences. Typical dishes: pumpkin soup, Styrian chicken breast with corn, yoghurt with herb sauce, anise biscuits, Styrian herbed chicken, nut roll, smoked trout in tartar sauce, kipferl with pumpkin seeds, trout with Riesling wine, fried apple rings, beef fillet with mashed potatoes and celery, pumpkin cream with vegetables, beef steak with beans.


The Old Town (Altstadt) of Graz is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and contains many medieval and Italian Renaissance style houses, secret courtyards and narrow streets. The main square is Hauptplatz, located on the left bank of the Mure River. There is a statue of Archduke Johann on it.

Hauptplatz houses the town hall, built at the end of the 19th century, and the historic 17th-century Luegg house with an attractive arcaded façade and stucco decoration.

To the west of the main square is the Gothic Franciscan church (Franziskanerkirche), famous for its tall 17th-century west tower and late Gothic nave with ribbed vaulted ceiling. It's worth taking a stroll through the Herrengasse pedestrian zone with its many beautiful old mansions, including a beautiful picturesque house (Gemaltes Haus) with frescoes from the 18th century.

Schlossberg ("Castle Hill") is one of Graz's most popular attractions, offering stunning views of the old town. The massive medieval fortifications were mostly dismantled after the Treaty of Vienna in 1809. Only the old Clock Tower from the 13th century has survived.

The hill has a height of 473 meters. It can be reached by cable car. There are also several other attractions here: a 94-meter Turkish well (Türkenbrunnen) and a 35-meter bell tower (Glockenturm) from 1588 with an eight-ton bell.

The Styrian Arsenal (Landeszeughaus) is the largest collection of historical weapons in the world. The armory was created in 1642 and today is the only arsenal preserved in its original condition in Europe. Includes more than 30 thousand exhibits that cover historical periods from the 15th to the 19th centuries. Collections include: weapons for ordinary soldiers and complex sets of armor for the nobility, small arms and accessories, artillery, edged weapons.


Landhaus is one of the best Renaissance buildings in Austria. Located in the heart of the old town on Herrengasse. This building with a magnificent facade was built in 1565. It has a beautiful arcaded courtyard and a Renaissance fountain, luxurious halls and exquisite ceilings.

Graz Cathedral is a late Gothic church built between 1438-1462 on the site of an earlier religious structure. Of particular note is the main portal, decorated with the coat of arms of Emperor Frederick III. On the south wall you can find the remains of a late Gothic fresco from the 15th century. The interior of the church is made in Baroque style.

Mausoleum of Emperor Ferdinand II and the Church of St. Catherine

The mausoleum was built by an Italian architect commissioned by Emperor Ferdinand II in 1614. It is one of the first domed structures outside of Italy. The interior of the mausoleum is decorated with complex frescoes. There is also a red marble sarcophagus built for Ferdinand's mother, Mary of Bavaria.

Basilica Mariatrost

Basilica Mariatrost (Birth of the Virgin Mary) is a beautiful baroque basilica located on top of a hill. It has a beautiful baroque interior, an impressive altar and frescoes. The basilica offers stunning views of the surrounding area.

The Church of the Sacred Heart is a neo-Gothic church built in 1887. It is the largest religious building in Graz and has the third largest church tower in Austria (109.6 m), as well as stunning stained glass windows.

Eggenberg is a stunning Baroque palace from 1635 with four corner towers, located three kilometers west of the city center. Built on the site of an ancient medieval castle 13th century. Inside, you can admire more than 600 magnificent works of art, including a lapidarium with one of the largest collections of Roman stones in Austria, a coin collection and a gallery featuring works from the Romanesque and late Baroque eras.

The Kunsthaus is a contemporary art museum housed in a stunning, innovative building.

Murinsel is an artificial island built from steel in 2003. The middle part consists of a unique amphitheater used for concerts and other events, as well as a cafe and a children's playground with a rope maze.

Graz, located in southeastern Austria in the state of Styria, is the second largest city in the country. This city is an organic combination of developed industry and natural beauty (green parks, a river flowing through the city, a mountain), pompous palaces in the Renaissance and Baroque style - and ultra-modern architectural structures.

How to get to Graz

By bus

GKB buses operate routes to Deutschlandberg (11 EUR, 1 hour). Most buses depart from Griesplatz station, some from Hauptbahnhof station. Postal buses run from Hauptbahnhof throughout the Styria region. Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

By train

Trains run from Vienna to Graz every 2 hours (cost 35-50 EUR, travel time 2 hours 38 minutes). Trains depart from Salzburg every 2-3 hours, and tickets cost 24-70 EUR (travel time 4 hours). International trains to Graz depart from stations in Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary: from Zagreb (3.5 hours), Ljubljana (3.5 hours), Budapest (5.5 hours) and Szentgottthard (1.5 hours).

By plane

Graz Airport is located 10 km from the city center. In addition to domestic flights from Vienna and Linz, aircraft from Germany and the UK fly into the local airport. From the airport you can get to the city by train or bus, getting to the Hauptbahnhof station.

Search for air tickets to Vienna (the nearest airport to Graz)

Transport in Graz

You can get around the city by trams and buses. The ticket costs 2.40 EUR and is valid for 1 hour; A daily ticket costs 5.30 EUR and can be purchased from the driver. Weekly or monthly tickets can be purchased from tobacco kiosks, street vending machines or tourist offices.

A bicycle can be rented for 10 EUR per day from the Bicycle rental office (address: Körösistrasse 5).

Weather in Graz

Thanks to its location southeast of the Alps, Graz is protected from the prevailing westerly winds blowing from the north Atlantic. Due to this, the weather in Graz is largely under Mediterranean influence. Therefore, there are more sunny days a year than in Vienna or Salzburg, and there is less rainfall.

Trip to Graz


You can try traditional Austrian cuisine at the Landhauskeller restaurant (Schmiedgasse 9). Exotic option - Aiola Upstairs on observation deck on the Schlossberg mountain, it is located in a glass pavilion with a large outdoor terrace and gives its guests amazing views of the city and surrounding area. A few steps from Schlossberg Castle there is the Altsteirische Schmankerlstubn restaurant, specializing in traditional Styrian cuisine (Sackstrasse 10).

Maps of Graz

Guides in Graz

Popular hotels in Graz


Herrengasse is considered the main shopping street in Graz. In the very center of the city is the largest shopping mall Graz Kastner+Öhler. There are also several malls on the outskirts of the city: Shopping City Seiersberg, Shopping Center West, Murpark.

In Graz, you should definitely buy Kernöl pumpkin seed oil, which is the highlight of the Styria region.

Entertainment and attractions in Graz

The historic center of Graz combines buildings of various eras and architectural styles - from Gothic to modern - and was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1999. The most outstanding monuments of Graz are the Schlossberg castle on the mountain and its part - the Urturm clock tower, which has become a symbol of the city.

Murinzel Island Bridge

In Graz, on the Mur River, a unique bridge-island Murinsel was built, designed by American artist Vito Acconci after the city received the title of European Capital of Culture in 2003. Murinzel looks like a high-tech floating platform, partly open, partly glazed, which is connected by passages to the banks of the river. This giant “sea shell” is 50m long, 20m wide and can accommodate up to 350 visitors. During the day it looks just like an unusual structure, but in the evening and at night they turn on bluish lighting, and waves are reflected in the glass fragments of the bridge, and the lights of Murinzel are reflected in the water. Inside there is a cafe and a children's maze playground.

Art Museums

In 2003, another object appeared, which became another symbol of Graz - by the way, it is located not far from Murinsel. Kunsthaus Museum of Contemporary Art(Kunsthaus) attracts attention with its appearance alone. The building is built in an unusual blob style, which suggests that the buildings should be amorphous, reminiscent of amoebas. There are luminous parts installed on the façade, and at night you can see changing installations on the walls. Due to its ultra-modern form, the Kunsthaus received a second name - “Friendly Alien”. Exhibitions are constantly changing; all information about current exhibitions and schedules can be found on the Kunsthaus website (in English).

Neue Galerie Art Museum In addition to the work of contemporary artists, it also stores earlier works (starting from the mid-19th century). The collection of the New Gallery includes canvases and installations made in a variety of styles - from realism to Art Nouveau and conceptual art. Here you can see both a permanent exhibition, including works by famous masters such as Klimt, Schiele, Kokoschka, and very interesting temporary exhibitions. This museum also supports young, lesser-known artists. Details about projects and gallery opening times can be found on the Neue Galerie website (in English).

What else to see in Graz:

  • the Landhaus state parliament building, built in the Renaissance style;
  • Mausoleum-tomb of Emperor Ferdinand II, erected at the beginning of the 17th century;
  • Graz Castle, located near the Cathedral of St. Egidio,
  • Eggenberg Castle on the outskirts of Graz, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


The largest annual festivals in Graz are:

  • Spring Festival(May or June) - five days major festival electronic music, art, design and technology. The timings change every year; the current dates and program can be viewed on the festival website.
  • Styriarte, or "The Art of Styria" (end of June - end of July) - a classical music festival that lasts a whole month. Jazz and klezmer performances will be added in 2018; a detailed program can be found on the Styriarte website (in English).
  • Jazzsommer Graz(July August) - jazz festival with a 20-year history.
  • Steirischer Herbst (September) is Europe's oldest contemporary art festival (held since 1968). It brings together art, music, performance, dance, theatre, literature, architecture and public debate.

Graz Austria is one of largest cities, which captivates tourists with its antiquity, surrounded by greenery. The modern spirit in architecture has also not bypassed this city, so it has become one of the most interesting tourist centers countries.

Aristocratic Renaissance and ultra-modern trends are mixed together in this amazing city, which warmly welcomes guests. There is something to see here and at the same time relax your soul and body, leaving problems and vanity somewhere far away. All that can be said about him is that he really wants to show guests Austrian sights in the open air. To understand the diverse character of Graz, it is better to come and see everything with your own eyes.

Kunsthaus Art Gallery

  • This structure looks like a haven for unknown space aliens. Uncompromisingly located among the neat and uniform buildings of the 17th century, it looks very provocative at first glance
  • The building was built in 2003 by talented architects Peter Cook and Colin Fournier and won the title of one of the most unusual buildings on the planet. Its architecture looks majestic and mesmerizing both in the light and in the dark.

City Church

  • This building is the main spiritual refuge of Austrians who are in search and knowledge of eternal truths. The building, designed in Baroque style, opened its doors to parishioners in 1902
  • A bell tower, covered with ancient painted ornaments, rises above the church. Inside the architectural monument, amazing stained glass windows immediately catch your eye. Orthodox shrines and traditions oblige visitors to dress and behave appropriately


  • This attraction looks like a high hill covered with lush greenery. From a height of 473 m you can admire the red roofs of the city streets, towers and peaks of churches. Previously, a powerful fortress stood here, of which ruins now remain. However, they were restored and received a second life in the form of an open stage
  • The most romantic way to get to the top is to take a cable car. It has been in operation since 1894 and lifts its passengers at an angle of 61°C
  • Actually high place In Schlossberg, you should definitely take a closer look at the clock tower, built in 1712. The bell, which is installed on its top, is one of the oldest in Austria and was created in 1382
  • Mount Schlossberg is a favorite place for couples. They say that local youth really like to dare to have their first kiss here.
  • On the way back, the stepped military road, which was built in the rock during the First World War, attracts the attention of tourists. It leads directly to Schlossberg Square

Weapon Arsenal

The building of this architectural monument houses a valuable collection of weapons, which has been collected since 1551. This place is held in special esteem by the Austrians and knowledgeable tourists, since the number of exhibits here is the largest in the world. You won’t envy anyone who wants to count them, because the collection contains more than 30,000 guns.

City Hall

The city government building is located near the main square, surrounded by bustling market traders. This is the third time the building has been erected on this site. In the middle of the Main Square, the Johanna Fountain gives freshness and good mood to the townspeople.


  • The meaning of this unusual word translated from German means “look around the corner.” This is the name of the house located in the corner of the Main Square of the city of Graz. If you look closely, you can see masks and faces made in the Baroque style in the stucco decoration
  • This house became the beginning of a bustling shopping street, where goods have been briskly bought since the 13th century. Here the Austrians have remained faithful to their traditions for several centuries


This winding lane along the Schlossberg mountain is steep and romantic.

On its way is the courtyard of the German Order of Knights, decorated with large stones.


This attraction is a large ancient courtyard in the Renaissance style, which is made in the best traditions of Italian design. In the sun-drenched courtyard, surrounded by exquisite wall decorations, open-air performances and concerts are often held.


Bakery under this original name For several centuries now, it has been treating its visitors to fragrant pastries.

It has kept its culinary secrets since 1569 and cordially invites tourists to try numerous delicacies, as well as admire its century-old decoration.

National Opera Graz

The building of the organ music theater makes a stunning impression on the visitor both outside and inside. This building was opened to the world in 1899 as the result of the painstaking work and unsurpassed skill of architectural luminaries Fellner and Helmer. The luxury of Art Nouveau and the traditional design of secular complexes are surprisingly combined here.


  • Translation of this long word sounds like "bell ringing area." If you are lucky enough to be here at 11, 15 or 18 o'clock, you can watch the appearance of two wooden figurines of a man and a woman in folk decoration who are in love with each other
  • Their romantic dance takes place to the sound of bells, which immediately makes visitors look at the window sashes, ready to swing open in a second and release the lovers for everyone to see. Surprisingly, exactly 100 years ago these two, with the same pedantic precision, performed their dance of love and devotion at exactly the same time and in the same place

City University

The Graz institution of higher education has been graduating students since 1585. Nowadays, he trains about 40,000 young people who will not let the city get bored and are a guarantee of a vibrant nightlife Graz.

The faculty of jazz is especially valued, which is the only one in all of Europe, so it is known far beyond the borders of Austria.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum

  • The museum for the famous actor, bodybuilder and businessman, located in the city of Graz, Austria, is located near the village of Tal, where the world famous bodybuilder was born. At the age of 19, he and his family moved to an estate in the same town, which was built back in 1806. Before leaving the place where he spent his wonderful teenage years, Arnold was already beginning to achieve high results in bodybuilding, which later contributed to his meteoric career not only as an international Hollywood star, but also as a California governor
  • In the museum, which has been restored and is open to the public, you can find many family attributes, interior items, a photo of the famous actor, and even a bronze statue of the Terminator, which brought worldwide fame to this talented man.
  • The museum can be visited from 10:00 to 17:00 from Monday to Thursday. The entry price for children from 4 to 16 years old is only 3 euros, and for adults – up to 7 euros. Children under 4 years old can visit the monument for free


  • An entertainment complex called Murinsel is located on the Mur River. This building has an original non-standard shape and looks more like a sea shell than a classic center in the modern sense. Moreover, the attraction looks unusual not only from the outside, but also from the inside. The entire building structure is a huge platform on supports
  • In the center of Murinsel you can visit the extraordinary beauty of the amphitheater and the famous underwater cafe. Children will especially remember visiting the Adventure Island, an entertainment center specially designed for the younger generation.
  • Art exhibitions are often held in Murinsel, a visit to which will not leave any tourist indifferent. The only peculiarity is the rather small size of the complex itself from the inside, so the number of visitors arriving there at the same time is quite limited

Eggenberg Palace

  • Eggenberg Palace is an architecturally beautiful building. His appearance indicates that the inhabitants of the castle in ancient times were related to the world of aristocrats and high-ranking nobility. The palace was built back in 1635 by order of Prince Eggenberg, after whom it was named. However, a hitch with construction delayed the commissioning of the palace and it was only possible to inhabit it 11 years later.
  • Eggenberg Castle is elegant not only on the outside, but on the inside the building is especially impressive with the skill of the architect. In the large central gallery you can admire many paintings by famous artists of that time, see amazingly luxurious furniture and beautifully painted walls of the Planetary Hall with the signs of the zodiac. Symbols of astronomical luminaries appeared in the castle thanks to the admiration of the science of the Universe by the creator of this amazing structure
  • You can only visit Eggenberg Palace between April and October. Every day its doors are open from 10:00 to 17:00. The entrance price for children is 4 euros, and for adults – 9

Graz Castle

  • Construction architectural structure, known as Graz Castle, began in the 16th century. The last restoration of the palace was carried out in 2008. Initially, this attraction was built near the city walls and the main purpose of the castle was to protect its borders
  • The palace has a highlight in the form of a double spiral staircase. It was built in 1449 under the leadership of Emperor Maximilian I
  • Tourists can only admire the beauty of the castle from the outside. The city's municipal government is located inside the building today. Although it will be possible to walk around the territory of the building, visit its courtyard and look at the famous staircase from afar
  • You can visit the territory of the famous palace any day from 10:00 to 15:00

Austrian Graz will be a worthy competitor to the brilliant Vienna and operatic Salzburg, although this city is less known and popular among tourists. In Graz, travelers will fully enjoy the architectural beauty of the imperial period, and will also touch the distant history of the Middle Ages at Schlosberg Castle and the ruins of the Gösting fortress.

The federal state of Styria, whose capital is the city of Graz, is known for its excellent wines. Connoisseurs note that local varieties are very creative and original. They can be enjoyed in all restaurants and bars in the city.

Perhaps, Graz became known to the general public, partly due to the fact that A. Schwarzenegger, an idol of several generations, an actor, bodybuilder and businessman, was born and raised here.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see and where to go in Graz?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

City Hall building located on the central square of Hauptplatz. The town hall, in the style of restrained classicism, was erected in 1803. It should be noted that the architectural development of Hauptplatz dates back to an earlier period, so the town hall can be considered a relatively new building. central square– venue for traditional Christmas markets. During normal times, there are also colorful stalls selling local delicacies.

A mansion in the Venetian style with external boxes and a courtyard in the Renaissance style, designed by the architects D. del Allio and B. di Bosio. The building was rebuilt under the direction of these Italian masters in the 16th century. The Landhouse was intended for meetings of the local parliament. The city's Legislative Assembly is still located there. The interiors are made in Baroque style and richly decorated with stucco.

The fortress is located on a hill 450 meters high. It became famous throughout Europe for the fact that it had never been taken during a siege since its foundation in the 12th century. Once upon a time the city of Graz was central city Austrian lands, so the castle was necessary for defense purposes. On Castle Hill there is a 28-meter high Urturm clock tower. There is a clock dial on all four facades of the tower. The tower's chronometer has been in operation since the beginning of the 18th century.

A magnificent 17th-century palace, one of the main attractions of Graz and the surrounding area. The castle was built for Prince Eggenberg, an advisor to Emperor Ferdinand II, who had enormous influence at court. The aristocrat was seriously interested in astrology, so the architect D.P. de Pomis created a castle project in the style of “Renaissance harmony”. The structure has four towers - symbols of the seasons, 52 rooms - the number of weeks in a year, 24 common rooms, which correspond to the number of hours in a day.

A few kilometers from Graz there is the once powerful Gösting fortress, which covered the approaches to the suburbs and was an important strategic structure. The castle was built in the 11th century and stood until the 18th century, until a lightning strike completely destroyed its powerful walls. The discharge hit the gunpowder warehouse and, as a result of a powerful explosion, Gesting turned into ruins. Of all the buildings, only the chapel of St. Anne has survived.

Museum of 2003, where a collection of contemporary art of the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries is collected. The building was designed by architects P. Cook and C. Fournier. From a distance, the futuristic structure resembles a giant submarine or a whale. The museum does not have its own permanent exhibition. Its space is used to organize temporary exhibitions dedicated to cinema, photography, modern architecture, painting and design.

The building for the armory was erected in the 17th century according to the design of A. Solari. The arsenal contained stocks of weapons that were planned to be distributed to the population in the event of a surprise attack by the enemy. Now several thousand shotguns, rifles, pistols, cannons and other firearms are stored on its territory. Also in the arsenal there are halls with armor and tournament weapons of knights.

Austrian Graz is the birthplace of the famous American actor A. Schwarzenegger. In 2011, for fans of the work of this extraordinary man, a museum was opened on the territory of the very house where Arnold was born and spent his youth. This small mansion is located on Lake Tal in the village of the same name. The museum exhibition consists of the actor's personal belongings, original furnishings, as well as artifacts from the most famous films in which Arnold starred.

The building for the Graz opera stage was erected in the 19th-20th centuries. near the city park. Since the 17th century, theatrical performances have been given in the carriage house of the Habsburg residence. The first theater was built in 1776. It is known that V.A. himself performed his works there. Mozart. Later this room was given over to a dramatic stage, which is still in operation today. Modern opera is built in the neo-baroque style.

The main Catholic church of Graz, architectural monument XV century. Construction of the church began simultaneously with the construction of a castle for Emperor Frederick III. In the 16th century, the temple became the property of the Jesuit Order. The temple has served as the Graz Cathedral since the 18th century. In the 20th century, the interior interiors were restored under the leadership of K.R. Lorenz.

The temple is located on top of a hill that rises almost 500 meters above the city. The church is an important pilgrimage center in Austria. It was built at the beginning of the 18th century in the architectural style of the late Baroque. The main facade consists of two symmetrical 60-meter towers and the main entrance portal. The interiors are luxuriously decorated in the best traditions of the Baroque style.

The largest Catholic church in Graz. The building was built in the picturesque late Gothic style, which is characterized by a high central nave and figured stained glass windows. The church was erected in 1887 according to the design of G. Hauberrisser. In 1988, reconstruction was carried out. The temple is considered the third largest in Austria. Its unique stained glass windows are a rather rare element, not typical for church construction in Styria.

The family tomb of the Habsburg dynasty, erected in the 17th century on the site of religious buildings. The mausoleum was created according to the design of the Italian D.P. de Pomis, so the building has some features of Florentine architecture. Subsequently, under Leopold I, the grandson of Ferdinand II, the complex was finally completed. The emperor himself and his mother Maria of Bavaria rest in the crypt.

Entertainment complex located on artificial island in the middle of the Mur River. The structure is connected to the banks using bridges. In Murinsel, under a glass dome, there is a restaurant, a children's area "Adventure Island" and an amphitheater. All structures of the complex are mounted on a mobile platform that can move along the river. Murinsel's space is designed for 350 people.

The city street, which received the unofficial name “Art Mile” due to the large number of art workshops, exhibition galleries, studios and art cafes. There are also several shops selling antiques and jewelry. The best time to visit Sackstrasse is before Christmas, as the street decorations are at their most picturesque at this time.

Graz center federal state Styria, the second largest city in Austria, has more than 250 thousand inhabitants.
By the way, in almost all fragments of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (except Slovakia), the capital is a city with a population of over a million (Vienna, Prague, Budapest), the next city is 5-7 times smaller in population.
We got into the city on the way to Vienna; we had about 4 hours to do everything about everything.
The city is divided by the flowing river into old and new. A little further you will see the difference.
Those who decide to go for photo shoots, get ready, the medieval part is reminiscent of Italian cities, and it was often built by Italians. The result is narrow streets, you need to take a wide-angle and rush around looking for an angle.

1. The unconditional dominant of the city

2. They are the same

At the top of the Schlossberg mountain there is a clock tower. The clock has been in operation since 1712 - and the clock mechanism is still made from almost the original parts, and the signal bell is one of the oldest bells in Austria - 1382.
Since we’ve climbed the mountain, we’ll definitely take a look around. Actually, the city began with this mountain. It bore the Slavic name Gradec, and a castle was built on this mountain in the 12th century.
Some remains of the buildings are still visible today. Around the clock tower there is a park with flower beds and an observation deck.
3. There is also a map with the main attractions

4. View of the town hall and the Main Square (Hauptplatz).


6. Behind the second mountain on the right is the village of Tal, where Arno?ld Alo?is Schwarze?gger was born.

He periodically comes to his small homeland, and as the locals say, he was going to buy some land.
7. But this clipped sea echinoderm stands on the other side of the river in the new city.

Modern shopping center. This side gallery appeared when the architect's pen fell on the model. And he saw that it was good.
To be honest, it looks like artists and architecture ended in the 1920s. True, we must pay tribute to the Austrian authorities, they are trying to minimize the damage caused by the new building of the historical part.
How to get to the mountain? There are several ways - either use the elevator, which will take you to the top through the thickness of the mountain, or the funicular, or the legs - along the stairs called the military road.
8. Military road

On the right is a tunnel - the entrance to the elevator. The military road was built by Russian prisoners of war during the First World War.
We acted as a compromise - we were lifted up by an electric motor in a glass elevator cabin, and we went down the stairs. There are many turns, balconies for relaxation and viewing, small arches and tunnels.

10. Not to be unfounded - a street in the old city. Width - 2-2.5 meters.

We started the tour in a slightly different place.
Burg - located next to the Graz Cathedral and Mausoleum. The residence of the emperor in the 15th century. Heavily rebuilt. There is a date on the corner of one of the buildings in the complex.
11. Decipher if you can

There is a Gothic double staircase in the Burg.
12. This photo was taken from the site

13. She's the same


15. Cathedral inside



18. Mausoleum

19. Entrance to the house.

20. Establishment

21. Assortment and prices

As you can see, Austria can hardly be called a cheap country.
22.Glockenspielplatz (Bell Square)

23. Top of the clock

At 11, 15 and 18 o'clock two doors under the clock open and two figures in national costumes They dance to the sound of bells.
By the way, the clock was installed at the end of the 19th century, and in the twentieth century the square was renamed
24. House on the same square

True, most of our streets are wider than this square, but the atmosphere there is very pleasant.
25. Characteristic of Italian medieval architecture is a transition between two streets with small shops inside.

26. Stucco molding

27. I really love beautiful signs

28. Lanterns

29. And hatches

30. One of the old houses, courtyard

31. Middle Ages and tram

32. Another courtyard

33. City Arsenal

Anyone interested in weapons should definitely visit. More than 30,000 exhibits, dating back to the Middle Ages.
34. Landhouse (Landeszeughaus) outside

35. Inside

36. There is a well in the yard


38. The Yakuza will definitely like the house.

39. Main Square

The square has the shape of a trapezoid, in the middle of which there is a monument-fountain to Archduke Johann.
40. To the left of the fountain is the town hall.

41.Luegg - the name of the house on the corner of the main square and Sporgasse comes from the German "ums Eck lugen" ("look around the corner")

If you look closely at the stucco, you can see faces and masks.


44. Three Graces

45. Famous local bakery

46. ​​She's the same


48. These are chimneys


50. Well, you understand, right?


What can I say? Having already arrived home and read about the city, I realized that we didn’t even see half of the interesting things.
If you visit museums and palaces, and thoughtfully walk around the city, you probably need at least two days.
And for young people there are 4 higher education institutions in the city educational institutions and 36 thousand students. All that remains is to learn German.