Giz galasy Baku. Maiden's Tower

The capital of Azerbaijan, the city of Baku, is of great interest to tourists in terms of culture and architecture. One of such objects is the Maiden Tower in Baku. Below is its description, legend and photo.

The historical values ​​of the coastal Caucasus have collected a lot of interesting and beautiful things. Every building deserves the right to be talked about in many countries around the world. Because everyone is unique in their own way, including buildings built in the 20th and 21st centuries. Some of them were even made into documentaries to be shown on well-known educational television channels.

Giz galasy

During the entire existence of this tower, a huge number of legends were invented, but most of them did not find the due critical attention of experts. Therefore, the most popular and plausible stories related to the appearance of the Maiden's Tower remained at the hearing.

The name of the tower is translated into Azerbaijani as Gyz Galasy. This ancient building was erected on a rock near the embankment of the city of Icheri Sheher, which is surrounded by fortress walls. It reaches a height of 28 meters, a diameter of 16 to 16.5 meters. The lower part of the wall is 5 meters thick, at the top - 4 meters.

The inner space of the Maiden Tower is divided into 8 floors. A spiral staircase winds between them. Daylight comes through small windows that look a little up. A large well was dug inside the structure, the depth of which is 21 meters.

It is interesting that initially, in order to get to the first or second floor, it was necessary to attach a ladder, which can then be easily removed if there was a danger of the enemy penetrating. But over time, during the restoration, partitions and steps were installed, which, according to the researchers, influenced the inner world of the entire building too much.

History of creation

In addition to the legend, disputes do not subside to this day over the date of appearance. For a long time, historians believed that the Maiden Tower of Baku was founded in the 12th century. On one of its sides there is a slab with the inscription “Gubbe Masud ibn Davud”, which by creation refers to that time. But later there was evidence that the slab in no way refers to the date of foundation.

According to assumptions, during the restoration, the window was closed to her, which immortalized the name of the master who led the repair of the Maiden Tower in those years. Other scientists, based on the age characteristics of the mortar used in the construction, give a date of reference in the 1st century AD. e., although, judging by the stone, this is the 9th century AD.

There are many beautiful stories about how this inimitable and unique building was created. One of the epics tells that Giz Galasy was built in such a way that on December 22, during the period of equality of day and night, the morning sun shone directly into the central window, and then the light was scattered through all other windows. Therefore, she is credited with a connection with the cult of the sun.

But the most interesting legend tells about the Maiden's Tower that the shah ruling at that time was very much in love with his own daughter. Therefore, he decided to marry her. After such an unexpected proposal from her father, the girl tried to cheat a little, telling him to build this very tower first. She hoped that over the years of construction, dad would change his mind.

But after the final erection of the Maiden's Tower, the shah still intended to forcibly marry his own daughter. Then she climbed onto the roof of Giz Galas and threw herself into sea ​​water, breaking on a stone called the "stone of the virgin." On the basis of this legend, in the first half of the 20th century, Azerbaijani artists created a poem, made a film, staged a ballet, and also wrote a dramatic poem.

Functionally, the Maiden Tower of Baku served as a lighthouse in the 18-19th centuries. More precisely, it began to shine like a beacon only in 1858, and earlier a flag was raised on it. But over time, it grew and expanded, so for technical reasons, since 1907, the lighthouse was moved to the island of Boyuk-Zira.

In 1964 the Maiden Tower was turned into a museum. But the historical value of the building has made itself felt. And in 2000, Gyz Galas was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

By right, this amazing creation of mankind is awarded the title of "the eighth wonder of the world", because during the research by bioenergetics the equipment failed. Scientists believe that this was due to the influence of a special biofield. To conduct experiments with specialists, a group of volunteers from several people was present. And how surprised everyone was when the state of health improved many times after the end of the experiment!

Throughout 2013, tourist visits were stopped due to the restoration, which was carried out by Azerbaijani specialists under the guidance of an experienced Austrian who restored hundreds of architectural structures. After the renovation, the museum holds an exhibition where new exhibits are offered. A large platform on the roof of the tower gives you the opportunity to enjoy the unique views of the city of Baku.

You can order a tour of Baku with a visit to the Maiden Tower using portals and.

Flame Towers

In addition to the Maiden Tower, there are other high-rise buildings in the capital of Azerbaijan that attract the attention of tourists and travelers. They have already been created modern world but no less interesting for that.

Flame Towers or flame towers in Baku are a unique architectural solution. These 3 beautiful buildings cover an area of ​​234,000 m2. The construction took 5 years. The beginning was laid in the distant 2007, and the end was scheduled for 2010. But force majeure circumstances in the form of weather disasters did not allow us to complete our plans on time. Therefore, the facility was put into operation only in 2012.

It is noteworthy that concrete was used to build the lower part of these three beauties. And for the construction of the upper part, special steel frames of 30 meters each were made.

The Flame Towers have impressive outdoor lighting, consisting of a large number of LED screens that cover the entire surface. With the help of these monitors, a spectacular show of fire is displayed. If you look at this performance from a distant point, then the main idea of ​​​​the architects' idea is drawn - these are three dancing torches. It is also an association with the drawing on the coat of arms of Baku - three flames.

At first glance, it seems that the towers are similar to each other. But this is far from true. The highest is the South Tower, reaching 182 meters. It contains 39 floors. In second place is the northern one - with a height of 150 meters and 37 floors. The third place went to the western tower with a height of no less than 150 meters, where there are 28 floors. Inside the buildings there are apartments, offices, hotels, shops.

Video: Maiden Tower in Baku - legends and myths.

TV tower

There is another tall building in the Azerbaijani capital, which holds the country's record. 310 meters is exactly the distance from the ground to the top of the Baku TV tower.

Construction of the facility began back in 1979. It was calculated for 6 years. But by the will of fate in 1985, the building was not completed, and construction was suspended.

But in 1993, the TV tower began to revive. Thus, after 3 years, the facility was solemnly put into operation. Despite the relatively young age of the high-rise building, some reconstruction was carried out in 2008, after which a revolving restaurant with an amazing view of Baku was presented on the 27th floor, at a height of 175 meters.

If you manage to visit the capital of Azerbaijan, then you should definitely do it. It does not matter whether it is a business trip or a sightseeing trip, but if you manage to see the buildings and objects described above, then only positive emotions will remain.

The Maiden Tower attracts the attention of travelers with its size, originality of volumetric composition and unusual interpretation of its facades. But not only travelers are interested in this mysterious structure: researchers and artists have devoted many discussions to the Maiden Tower. Poems and songs have been composed and are still being composed about her, artists depict her and photographers take pictures of her.

In 1924, a film was made about the tower by Azerbaijani cinematographers, in which plots of ancient legends were used.

In 1940 choreographer Afrasiyab Badalbeyli staged a ballet, the first in Azerbaijan.

Since 2010, in order to popularize the Maiden Tower, the Maiden Tower international art festival has been held, during which artists from various countries decorate models of the tower.

The stamps of the USSR and Azerbaijan are dedicated to the Maiden's Tower.

tower structure

The tower itself is a stone cylinder with a diameter of 16.5 meters and a height of 28 meters. The thickness of the walls, laid out from local gray limestone, is five meters at the base, and four meters at the top. The east side of the tower has a ledge, the purpose of which is still disputed.

Inside the tower is divided into eight tiers, in which more than two hundred people can take shelter at the same time. Each of these tiers has a stone dome covering the tier.

Each dome has a round hole, and the light enters through narrow window openings, similar to loopholes, expanding inwards. For communication between the tiers, a stone spiral staircase was used, laid in the thickness of the wall.

As in other similar towers, the first and second tiers communicated with each other with the help of an attached or rope ladder, which was removed in case of danger.

The thickness of the walls of the tower contains special niches through which a pottery pipe with a diameter of 30 cm is laid.

The tower also has its own well with a depth of about 21 meters. It was punched in the rock to the aquifers of the soil from the third tier. At that time, the water in it was fresh and clean.

Legends of the Maiden's Tower

There are many legends and stories around the Maiden's Tower. Of course, many of them revolve around the word "Virgo".

The most popular story tells about the Shah, who fell in love with his own night. He decided to marry her, but the girl tried to save herself from such a fate: she asked her father to build a tower and wait for the completion of construction. By the time the tower was completed, the shah did not change his mind, so the girl climbed to the very top of the tower and threw herself into the sea from there. The stone, on which she allegedly broke, has since been called the “Virgin Stone”: young girls who got married brought flowers to him.

There is also a legend that it was near this tower that Saint Bartholomew, one of the apostles of Jesus, was once executed. He preached Christianity among the local pagan tribes, but his teaching was perceived negatively and rejected. Excavations at the Maiden's Tower also revealed the remains of ancient temple. Some researchers believe that this is a basilica built on the site of the death of the Apostle Bartholomew.

Versions of the origin of the Maiden's Tower

There are also quite scientific versions of its origin.

One of them explains that the Maiden's Tower was not built where you wanted, but in a special place that can be compared to acupuncture points on the human body. This place has a connection with astronomical constants. It is believed that it affects the biofield of the Earth, like the Egyptian pyramids.

In the photographs of modern photographers in the darkness of the night, the illuminated tower looks like a fairy-tale lighthouse, emitting a special energy light.

The common expression "the eighth wonder of the world" can be fully attributed to this building. There are always people with psychic abilities from all over the world.

When a Moscow group of bioenergy specialists arrived at the tower to study the biofield, their equipment broke down. For more than a month, a group of people who agreed to participate in the experiment were in the tower together with bioenergetics. The results stunned everyone: everyone who participated in the experiment felt much better than before visiting the tower.

Initially, there were no partitions and steps inside the tower. They were made in the last restoration. Psychics claim that this damaged the biofield.

From January 2013 to January 2014, the tower did not receive visitors, as it was closed for conservation. The work was carried out by specialists from Azerbaijan and abroad. They were led by Erich Pummer, a major Austrian restorer. He restored more than 400 architectural objects of the planet.

Today, the doors of the tower are reopened for Baku residents and guests of the city. In the Maiden's Tower a new exhibition of museum exhibits. From the observation deck at the top of the tower you can admire the beauties of Baku.

A horizontal panel with images of architectural objects of Baku, which are visible from above, was installed on the observation deck.

A QR code is also indicated, which opens access to the desired page on the Internet for owners of tablets and smartphones, on which a description of a particular monument on the territory of the tower and near it is given.

For tourists - collectors of oriental legends, the Maiden Tower is a real find. More mysterious place in Baku is unlikely to be found.

Where is Maiden's Tower

  • Neftchillar Pros, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • You can get there by metro to the Icherisheher station or by bus to the Icherisheher stop.

Opening hours and prices

  • Monday - Saturday from 10.00 to 18.00.
  • Day off - Sunday
  • Cost of visiting: 5 AZN.

The Caspian Sea with oil deposits, fertile lands, trade routes, access to the sea... The fabulous treasures of ancient Azerbaijan played a role in the historical development of this country. There are many mysteries left here that still arouse sincere interest in the past of Azerbaijan, and one of them has not been solved to this day. This is the secret of Gyz Galasy, the Maiden's Tower in Baku...

Legends of ancient Azerbaijan

The daughter of the Shah was famous for her beauty and grace. Her father fell in love with her and decided to get married. But the girl was horrified at the thought. Deciding to delay the moment of celebration, she asked her father to build a beautiful tower. During this time, she wanted to try to talk him into changing his mind. But this did not happen, and when the tower was nevertheless ready, the girl threw herself from its top into the sea. The stone on which the beauty crashed to death became known as the Stone of the Virgin. It has become a place of visiting for brides and laying flowers.

There is another ending to this story. After the death of the girl, her lover, in a fit of grief and despair, killed the Shah. But then he learned that the mermaids managed to save the unfortunate. And after some time he found his only one, and they got married.

They say that sometimes on a particularly moonlit night, if you look closely, you can see a thin maiden figure on the top of the tower, frozen before the jump ...

This legend has become an inspiration for many creative people:

  1. 1923 The poem called "The Maiden's Tower" was the first work based on the legend, its creator is the playwright Jafar Jabarly;
  2. 1924 The film "The Legend of the Maiden's Tower" directed by Vladimir Balluzek was born;
  3. 1940 The first Azerbaijani ballet was also based on this legend and received the same name, the author of the music and the libretto was Afrasiyab Badalbeyli.

This is only a small part of the list of all works of art for which beautiful legend provided the impetus for creativity.

The appearance of the stone beauty

Baku city symbol, unique historical monument, which has no analogues in the whole world, is located in the fortress of Icheri Sheher.

The tower rises on a ledge of the coastal cliff. It is a cylindrical building with a height of 28 meters and a diameter of 16 and a half. The thickness of the walls decreases, at the base - five meters, and closer to the top - four. A spiral staircase alternately connects the eight tiers that make up Gyz Galasy. And inside the tower, a deep well gapes in the rock. Its depth is 21 meters.

The outer surface of the walls of the building is rather unusual - it is an alternation of protruding and recessed rows of masonry.

Some historical facts and mysteries

The slender and impregnable beauty keeps her stone silence, does not give out secrets. It is still unclear - for what purposes it was designed and built? When? Who gave the order for construction and who designed this monumental structure. Where are the remains of the destroyed clay gas pipeline from? Why and for what purposes did its tiers glow with different lights - each of its own color? There are more questions than answers.

Its size, the lack of conditions for long-term residence indicate that it could not be used for military and defensive purposes. And even with such bright lighting, with windows pointing upwards - what kind of defensive tower is it?

Hmm, some questions ... Maybe there are at least a few reliable answers to them?

Why such a name?

Many towers bear this name not only in Baku, but also in the Crimea, Istanbul, Tallinn, Germany, and Estonia. Each of them is overgrown with legends and secrets. Where did such a craving for such a romantic name come from? If the tower never surrendered to the mercy of the enemy and was not captured, it was considered "virgin".

What was it built for?

Researchers suggest that the tower could not have been intended for military purposes. The space of the upper platform is small, the windows cannot be used as loopholes, because they look up and are located only along the stairs. And the staircase itself also does not ensure the safety of the alleged defenders of the fortress. Especially between the first and second tiers - it was temporary, and on occasion it could be removed. Then all the inhabitants of the building would be simply cut off from the outside world.

True, in the XII century the tower was still one of the most defensive and powerful fortresses of the Shirvanshahs, as historical sources say. The location seems to oblige to say with absolute certainty that this is a watchtower that protects against attacks from the sea. But why (according to numerous historical sources) was it so brightly illuminated? Windows could not be loopholes - the earth is not visible from them, only the sky. From the upper platform, blown by the strongest Baku winds, you can’t shoot at the enemy with arrows and darts - they simply won’t reach.

Maybe she was already a beacon then? But why such thick walls? In addition, the upper platform was usually illuminated at the lighthouse, but here all seven tiers were lit. So what is this building?

The researcher Abbas Islamov claimed that the tower is a religious building. He called the evidence that it was on December 22, on an unusual day for many cults, that rays hit the central window of Giz Galasa. rising sun. Then, in a certain order, the same thing happens with other windows located above.

There are suggestions that the tower is a temple of fire or an observatory, and supporters of these versions give a lot of arguments.

When was the "stone beauty" born?

Until now, no one can say exactly when the tower was erected. Some sources rely on the age of the plate with the inscription - this is about the 12th century. Many dispute this, arguing that the slab was used for repairs and has nothing to do with the true age of the structure.

Others claim that if you focus on the solution used by the builders, then it appeared in the 1st century AD. And still others date the age of the stone. Judging by it, the “stone maiden” appeared in the 9th century. However, if we collect all the sources about the appearance of the structure, then the time interval will be as follows: from the VI century BC and up to the XII - already ours.

However, one of the historians believes that the tower has two ages: the lower part was erected in the 5th-6th centuries, and the upper one in the 12th. What is not a secret?

Achievement list

The tower was converted into a lighthouse in the 18th century. It began to be used in 1858, this continued until 1907, and then the lighthouse was moved. The historical building was restored more than once, and in 1964 it was converted into a museum. In 2000 it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Despite its considerable age, the tower fully justifies its name, retaining its beautiful and unique appearance. Crowds of tourists tend to visit this place overgrown with legends, feel the historical charm of this place and try to unravel the secrets of the stone beauty. But, like a true woman, the Maiden's Tower does not reveal its secrets. And that is why it becomes especially attractive for those who love the unknown, shrouded in the mystery of centuries.

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Maiden Tower in Baku (Azerbaijan) - description, history, location. The exact address, phone, website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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The Maiden's Tower, or Gyz Galasy, is one of the most significant buildings in Baku. It rises in the southeastern part of the Icheri Sheher fortress and is considered a symbol of the city. This unique building of Azerbaijani architecture is one of the most important elements of the seaside landscape of Baku and has no analogues in the East.

The tower was erected on a ledge of the coastal cliff and is a cylinder made of local gray limestone. Its height is 28 m, and its diameter is 16.5 m, the thickness of the walls at the base is 5 m, and at the top 4 m. Inside the tower is divided into 8 tiers, which were connected by a spiral stone staircase laid in the thickness of the wall, and a well was punched in the rock inside the tower depth 21 m.

The purpose of the tower is the biggest secret for archaeologists and historians, for which it was erected is not known for certain. It does not look like it was a defensive fortress: the tower is too small, and inside there are no conditions for a long stay.

Most likely, the tower was a religious building of the pre-Islamic period, this is evidenced by the ancient ritual wells located at the foot. Azerbaijani researcher Abbas Islamov discovered that it was on the day of the winter equinox (December 22), revered in many ancient cults, that the rays of the sun at sunrise penetrate exactly into the central window of the Maiden's Tower, and then, according to a certain pattern, into all windows located above. So, according to one of the most popular versions, the tower was associated with the cult of the sun, which was reflected in its design.

There is also a version that the tower was originally built as a temple of fire (the word "Gala" - "tower", in the Azerbaijani language also has the meaning "to make a fire"). According to other assumptions, it was a Zoroastrian dakhma - a tower where human corpses were exposed on top to be torn apart by kites, or an observatory. However, none of these versions stand up to serious criticism.

In the 12th century, the Maiden Tower became the main citadel of the most powerful Baku fortress, in the 13th-19th centuries it was used as a lighthouse (it began to shine only in the middle of the 19th century, before that the fortress flag was hoisted over the tower), and since 1964 it has become a museum included in 2000 in List of objects world heritage UNESCO.

The time of the tower's construction remains a mystery to historians to this day. Many believed that it was built in the 12th century. - this date is indicated on the plate located on the outside of the tower. However, this slab obviously appeared much later, as it was rather inaccurately attached to the masonry, and not even above the main entrance. Other scholars rely on the "age" of the mortar used in the construction and claim that the Maiden's Tower was erected in the 1st century AD. e., and some determine its age by stone - according to this version, the building appeared in the 9th century.


Over the years and even centuries of the existence of the Maiden's Tower, many legends of varying degrees of plausibility have appeared around it. As a rule, they are associated with its age or name: the concept of “maiden” is also found in other towers in the territory of Azerbaijan and the East and means “unconquered”, “impregnable”.

The most popular and beautiful legend about the Maiden's Tower in Baku is the story of the Shah, who was in love with his own daughter and decided to marry her. The girl was horrified by this news and said that she would agree when he built a tower for her - in the expectation that during the construction her father would come to his senses and change his mind. However, this did not happen, the tower was completed, and the shah again came to his daughter with the intention of marrying. And then the girl climbed the tower, threw herself into the sea and crashed against a stone, which today is called the "stone of the virgin."

The plot of this legend was loved by many artists and poets. In 1923, the famous Azerbaijani playwright Jafar Jabarly wrote the poem "The Maiden's Tower". The first Soviet film made in Azerbaijan in 1924 was also based on the plot of this legend. It is also the name of the first Azerbaijani ballet created by Afrasiyab Badalbeyli in 1940.

The Maiden Tower to this day not only attracts tourists, but also inspires artists, poets and playwrights. Her image can be found in the paintings of famous painters, such as Alexei Bogolyubov, as well as on postage stamps of the USSR and Azerbaijan.

What to watch

Today, there is a museum in the Maiden Tower, and on the upper tier there is viewpoint from which they open beautiful views to the city.

You can visit the museum on your own or with a guided tour. Since scientists have not yet come to a consensus on the origin and function of the tower, most of the exhibition is devoted to various versions (religious building, ancient observatory or defensive structure) and artifacts related to these versions. Most expositions are occupied by archaeological finds found in the tower, for example, fragments of ceramic dishes and ancient tools.

The museum also has a multimedia exposition: touch screens with information, virtual books with legends about the tower, a solar display that projects an image onto the air flow, and any information about the exhibits is available via a QR code.

During the last restoration, an unforeseen problem arose - swifts, which flew to Baku in late spring and began to nest in the crevices of the tower. In order not to upset the ecological balance and prevent the ancient building from collapsing, the restorers themselves created nests of durable material for the swifts, and then attracted them to a new place of residence with the sounds of their own voices.

Practical information

Address: Qız Qalası, Baku.

Opening hours: from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00, Monday is a day off.

Entrance: 2 AZN. Prices on the page are for November 2018.