How to pitch a tent on damp ground. How to sleep in a tent in Europe and not pay money

How to set up a tent correctly

Beginner tourists mistakenly believe that there is nothing difficult about setting up a tent. Really, modern models They have a simplified design that allows you to set up a place to stay overnight in just a few minutes.

But in order for your vacation to be truly comfortable, you need to know how to set up a tent correctly. Today's article is dedicated to this very issue. By following the tips and recommendations below, you can create a more comfortable resting place.

Step-by-step instructions on how to set up a tent

If you bought a modern tourist tent, there should be no difficulties with its assembly. Most manufacturers include installation instructions inside so that even a novice tourist does not encounter difficulties when arranging a place to stay for the night (Figure 1).

In fact, the tent being installed does not require any special skills, and its assembly scheme is practically independent of the model:

  1. First you need to remove the awning from the cover and lay it out on the selected area with the dark, dense side down.
  2. Next you need to assemble the frame arcs. To do this, the tubes are simply inserted into one another, and the elastic band inside will firmly hold them together.
  3. Further actions depend on the tent model. In modern awning products, the arcs are overlapped crosswise, and the lower edges of the frame are inserted into special holes in the bottom. Then the bottom layer of the tent is attached to the poles, and an awning is thrown on top, which is attached to the poles with special plastic holders. To firmly secure the structure, all that remains is to pull the ropes and secure their edges with pegs.
Figure 1: Setting up a shelter can sometimes require help from friends.

In general, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the structure of the tent and the technology for its installation before the start of the hike. Then you will be prepared for any surprises and you will not have any difficulties in arranging a place to stay for the night.

There are several types of tents that are most often used during hiking and outdoor recreation (Figure 2).

The following tents are usually set up in the forest:

  1. Gable: usually have the shape of a house. This species is already a little outdated and is rarely sold in tourist shops. However, army tents, which are also house-shaped, are best for winter camping. They provide good weather protection, although they take a little longer to install than modern models.
  2. Hemispherical frame: the most popular type. Such tents are made of light and durable materials, so they do not allow moisture to pass through, are resistant to gusts of wind, but are easy to set up and disassemble.
  3. Half barrels: more spacious than hemispherical tents. They are usually equipped with a vestibule in which you can store personal belongings or hide from bad weather. The only drawback of such structures is that they require quite a lot of space to install. This is due to the fact that the pegs need to be widened so that the structure can withstand even strong gusts of wind.

Figure 2. Tourists most often use half-barrel, hemispherical and gable models

If you are traveling to hiking, it is better to give preference to frame hemispherical models. They are very light, require minimal effort for installation, but at the same time are able to protect from wind and precipitation.

If you have an old-style tent-house at your disposal, it is perfect for outdoor recreation with your family. There is plenty of space inside for both personal belongings and sleeping. However, you should be prepared for the fact that such a structure weighs quite a lot, and its installation will take more time.

How to set up a tent: rules

Modern tent models are so well thought out that setting them up on a camping trip takes a minimum of time and does not require much effort. But to make your vacation truly comfortable, you need to follow certain rules for arranging a shelter (Figure 3).

When setting up a tent, consider the following nuances:

  1. Try to arrange a place to spend the night at the edge of the forest, and not in its depths, since there are usually much fewer mosquitoes at the edge of the plantings. For the same reasons, you should not put up a tent next to a body of water.
  2. If you are afraid of rain, dig around the perimeter of the tent with shallow holes that will act as drainage holes.
  3. Since people sleep in a tent with their feet facing the exit, the entrance hole should be located directly opposite the resting place. This way you can easily find the entrance to your shelter at night.
  4. Before installation, be sure to clear the area of ​​pine cones, branches and other plant debris. It will be felt through the bottom of the tent and will interfere with a quality night's sleep.
  5. The pegs that secure the tent must be stuck into the ground at an angle of 45 degrees. It makes no sense to completely bury them in the ground, since due to strong tension the peg may jump out and the structure will be damaged.

Some other material must be laid out at the bottom of the tent: mattresses, air mattresses or a simple layer of dense fabric. This way you will protect yourself from the cold coming from the ground. In addition, if you were unable to properly clean the area under the tent from debris, such an additional layer will ensure a comfortable rest.

Figure 3. Step-by-step installation diagram

But the most important thing in arranging a vacation spot is to choose the right place to place the tent. Since this plays a key role in a comfortable stay, let us dwell on this point in more detail.

Site selection criteria

Even if you go on vacation to places where tourists often stop, this does not mean that you can put up a tent anywhere. As with the assembly of the structure, the choice of place to sleep plays a decisive role in comfortable sleep and rest (Figure 4).

The procedure for selecting a site is as follows:

  1. Under no circumstances place the awning in a low area. If it rains, your shelter will flood with water. It is better to choose flat areas or places on a small hill.
  2. If it is possible to put up a tent in the shade, choose such a place. This will protect the interior from overheating during the daytime. This condition is especially important to observe if you are installing a tent near the beach on the sand.
  3. Pay attention to the trails along the ground. Don't place an awning where ants travel. These insects do not change the trajectory of their movement, and will quickly fill the interior space of your temporary home.

Figure 4. Right choice Accommodation is the key to a comfortable stay

Also, try not to pitch your tent near a fire, as flying sparks can cause the tarp to catch fire. Also, pay attention to the paths people use. You should not arrange your home right in the center or in close proximity to the trail. This way, you risk damaging your tent if someone gets caught on a peg or rope during the night.

How to set up a tent in winter

Winter hikes are considered the most difficult, if only because subzero temperatures make it difficult to sleep comfortably. But, if you follow the tips on how to install a tourist or raincoat tent correctly, your night's rest will be quite comfortable even in winter (Figure 5).

The main purpose of installing an awning in winter is to avoid freezing while sleeping at night and not being covered with snow.

To arrange a comfortable winter parking, follow these recommendations:

  1. Carefully assess the area around you, preferably with binoculars. Choose an area where you are guaranteed not to be covered with snow or covered by an avalanche. For the same reasons, never set up a tent on the edge of a cliff.
  2. Instead, spend more time looking for a perfectly level and solid area. This is in any case faster than compacting it yourself.
  3. If a suitable flat area is not found, level the snow on another. You can even dig a place for future shelter. But in the process, make sure that the awning is positioned so that its entrance is not blocked by snow.
  4. For installation winter tent regular pegs may not be enough. They should be replaced with special anchors. If you don't have them at hand, use any other objects: crampons, ski poles or thick branches.

Figure 5. In winter, you need to look for a place to rest especially carefully

When settling in winter place When spending the night, you should also adhere to the rule regarding the distance between the tent and the fire. To keep warm inside the tent, it is better to take a special camping stove with you.

Installing a tent has its own characteristics depending on the type of structure and model. If there are no difficulties with the frame options, then putting up a raincoat tent or half-barrel will be more difficult. Since the second option is considered a more modern option, we will provide instructions for assembling just such a tent shelter.

To make the structure strong and stable, follow these recommendations:

  1. Remove the tent from the cover, straighten it and spread the bottom on the prepared area. Next, pin it to the ground with pegs.
  2. Assemble the arcs and connect them to the rest of the awning.
  3. Now you need to stretch the inner surface of the tent, stretch the awning and secure it on top.

You can act a little differently. First, straighten the upper awning, assemble the arcs, insert them into the grooves of the awning and secure with ties. After this, you need to stretch the awning, straighten the tent and attach it to the awning from the bottom side. At the final stage, the bottom is straightened and secured.

Regardless of the chosen method, a tent installed using one of these methods will meet all safety and comfort requirements.

Setting up a children's tent

Installing a children's tent is even easier, because the design of such products is initially extremely simple and safe.

Usually children's houses are packed into small round cases, which are easy to transport or even carry in your hands.

To make a suitable house for children to play outdoors, you need to remove the awning from the cover and pull it up by the “ceiling”. The design of such houses is such that they unfold literally in seconds. All you have to do is secure the structure with pegs to prevent it from being blown away by the wind.

How to set up a cube tent

The cube tent differs from other models in its appearance and purpose. Typically, such structures are used during fishing, but they are also suitable as temporary shelter for outdoor recreation (Figure 6).

Anyone who has ever gone camping overnight probably understands how to pitch a tent. For experienced travelers The installation process of the house does not take much time. For a beginner, creating an overnight stay can cause serious difficulties.

Choosing the right place

Some novice travelers believe that a tent can be set up absolutely anywhere. Moreover, this misconception is often confirmed by sellers in travel stores. However, to make your vacation comfortable, you need to know where to put up your tent. When setting up an overnight stay, you need to consider the following:

  1. The tent should not be pitched in a place where there are stones, sharp branches, tree roots or an anthill. Particularly vicious insects can greatly spoil the sleep of a careless tourist.
  2. When camping in hilly areas or mountains, it is important that your head is positioned higher up the slope when sleeping, even if the slope on which the tent is pitched is slight. Otherwise, the next morning you will suffer from a migraine.
  3. The possibility of sudden rain cannot be ruled out for sure. Therefore, it is important not to pitch the tent inside a hole or crater. Otherwise, at night the water will flow directly into the shelter.
  4. When setting up a tent, you need to think in advance about the place where the fire will be lit. The tent catches fire very quickly and must be protected from fire. In addition, it is important that smoke does not penetrate into the tent.
  5. It is not recommended to install a tent directly next to a body of water. This place is usually damper and colder.

Every novice traveler must understand where to pitch a tent, otherwise he will not be able to avoid a ruined trip.

Types of tents

Before you understand how to set up a tent for the night, it is important to find out what type it is. Most often in stores you can find hemispherical (frame), tunnel (half-barrel) and gable (house) tents. The last view is already outdated. The gable tent was very popular in the early days of backpacking. But lately people take it with them on hikes extremely rarely. The thing is that such a house takes a long time to assemble, has poor wind resistance and is quite bulky.

Half-barrel tents are also difficult to set up. But this type has a big plus - it has quite a lot of space. Undoubtedly, the best-selling tent is the hemispherical (frame) tent. It is quite easy to assemble and has high strength.

Setting up the tent on site

Many novice travelers are interested in how to pitch a tent outdoors. The installation process for the most popular hemispherical (frame) tent is as follows:

  1. First you need to lay out the inner tent on the ground.
  2. Then you will need to install the arcs. First you need to collect them. Namely, insert frame elements into each other. This type of tent must have at least two arcs. Then everything depends on the design of the tent. The poles can be inserted into holes in the corners of the inner tent, and then secured using hooks, or threaded through fabric grooves and attached to the bottom of the tent. Then the arcs should be fixed with a rope to the tent itself. Due to this, the entire structure will become more rigid.
  3. After the steps have already been taken, it is necessary to pull the awning. It is important to compare the inlet on the awning with the outlet on the inner tent. The awning can be attached in two ways (to the arches or to the ground with pegs).

What should not be done by those who like to spend the night in the forest?

Some people who already know how to pitch a tent make the following mistakes:

  1. Use polyethylene so as not to stain the bottom of the tent. However, with slanting rain, such a nuisance will happen even faster. If you decide to use polyethylene, then its corners need to be folded and attached to the bottom of the tent.
  2. There is no need to pitch your tent on low beaches of mountain rivers. Due to rain, the water level in the river can suddenly rise and flood the shelter overnight.
  3. You need to be especially careful if the tent is placed in the mountains. It should be located away from avalanche areas. For example, on slopes where there is a thick layer of snow. It is strictly forbidden to stop overnight on snowy cornices.

Every lover of long trips should understand how to set up a tent correctly. As a rule, only a couple of people in a group of travelers know about this. Some people forget that hiking is not only relaxation, but also a great responsibility.

Let’s say you like the idea of ​​a homeless bike trek across Europe. As a result, you cannot afford to pitch a tent on the campsite and enjoy all the delights of civilization.

To begin with, I will debunk the myth that says that in almost all European countries There is no way to pitch a tent “under a pine tree”. Yes, there are laws regulating picnics and camping, and rightly so. Nature must be protected - the fewer people who have the opportunity to come with vodka and balalaikas, the better.

But this does not apply to us cyclists. We are part of the ecosystem; for us, these are all these fields, rivers and mountains. I can’t imagine a person who would call the police just because he doesn’t like a cyclist who stopped for the night in the neighboring forest.

True, respectable Europeans may, out of the best of feelings, inform the authorities on you if, in their opinion, you are putting your life in danger (for example, by placing yourself in a field where a combine harvester is working in the morning).

I believe that it is quite possible to sleep in tents without camping in the most restrictive European countries, even in densely populated areas. However, in order to qualify as a cyclist, we must fulfill a number of conditions. In this case, we will merge with nature, and no one will disturb us. Let's begin.

1. Don't stand out. I recommend buying a tent in dark colors, this will help you hide between the trees. The less people see you, the more you fit into the ecosystem. Think about which side the shadow will be on in the morning - this will help you remain invisible longer.

2. Communicate with people. If you speak the language of the country you are visiting, you are a king. Just go to any farmer and ask directly where you can put up a tent. Emphasize that this is only for one night. Provincial people are not visited by people like you very often, and most likely they will give you a good place close to home. As we were told, sometimes in this way you can even get an invitation to spend the night in a house.

3. Make sure you have a tent site during daylight hours. The best driving schedule is to leave early and park early. Then there is always time to find a quiet and secluded place. Don’t rush to the first option you come across, look again. However, you should not settle down for the night too early. People can still walk, play sports, and there is absolutely no need for them to see you.

4. Set up camp early. It's generally a good thing to wake up early on a cycling trip. I got up earlier - I drove more in the cooler weather. Well, regarding overnight stays, it’s better that people haven’t started walking around yet, so leaving at about seven o’clock is the best time.

5. Think outside the box. You should not put up a tent in a convenient and beautiful place. If there is a great view and it is easy to approach/drive up, then it is quite possible that at night you will be disturbed by lovers craving privacy. Find a place that satisfies you, but such that a stranger has no reason to go there.

6. Don't light a fire because this is exactly what is strictly prohibited by law. You can easily get a fine for a fire - and quite rightly so. Every year in Europe, many forests burn out, including due to bonfires. Cook on the burner. If money is really bad, be very careful: dig a hole, surround it with stones and make a small fireplace. Then bury it and level it.

7. Come up with an alarm for your bike. The easiest way to do this is with a bicycle lock, which you fasten to the arc of the tent and a saucepan, which you tie to the bicycle. It makes sense to use this rule when you are close big cities, close to tourist spots. The deeper into the province, the less opportunity there is to part with transport, but the chance always remains.

8. Do not pitch a tent on private property, in Europe this is always clearly marked. The exception is if you can personally agree with the owner. It cannot be said that any sanctions will be applied to you for violating private boundaries, but this already goes against the rule “Be part of the ecosystem.” You should not be intrusive, especially since there is probably a quiet corner a few kilometers away.

9. Play dumb. If you are caught with a tent, put on an innocent expression, smile, and ask what’s the matter. Often, due to a lack of understanding of the language, it seems that they want to drive you away from your place, while people are wondering if something is wrong. If a person starts to get angry, then immediately pretend that you are packing up camp, and don’t stop apologizing. If you manage to make contact, then speak in the Aboriginal language “One night, please.” As a rule, the owner of the land should take pity.

10. There are situations when you need to spend the night in bad place, for example, near crowded paths, airports, in short, where you can’t sleep. Don't pitch a tent if the weather permits. Spend the night in a sleeping bag your stealth increases significantly.

11. If you have a group, then try to break it up so as not to make a whole camp. This is especially not liked by land owners or people living in the area. While they are likely to be tolerant of a lone traveler, they are unlikely to tolerate a whole team. Just find a place for yourself, at least not in direct line of sight from each other. Don't make noisy conversations, long dinners, etc. Better go to bed early so you can leave tomorrow at six in the morning.

12. If you have to stop overnight due to a small settlement, see if you are putting up a tent in those places where they walk dogs or children.

13. Try not to let people see you wandering from the tent and back. Set up camp when you really need to going to bed.

14. Do not look for places near bodies of water. They are not always easy to find, but in the meantime you will pass many suitable points for a tent. In addition, if there is water nearby, it may be damp at night. If there is a heavy downpour at night, it will flood the shore where you are sleeping. For washing, it is better to carry a liter of ordinary water with you and wipe with a sponge. This will easily wash away sweat and dirt, and you will wash more thoroughly another time.

15. Try to stay away from civilization. In Europe it is quite easy to lay out a route going through the provinces, because unlike our homeland, there is a highly developed network of insignificant asphalt roads leading from one village to another. This way, you will not only be able to find quiet places to spend the night without any problems, but also enjoy driving in a quiet place with clean air.

As you can see, the conditions are very simple, they are not difficult to adhere to. Be part of nature, because your bike does not emit toxic gases or consume fuel. Follow his example so that no one can guess about your presence. Never litter, respect the world and people.

Then spending the night in nature without paying a penny is more than possible. Just imagine how much this relieves your budget!

If you were staying at a campsite it would cost at least 10 euros each night. And so, all you need is five euros for food. Even with a small salary you can save up for a trip that lasts all summer.

Have a nice trip! Friends, let's not get lost on the Internet! I suggest you receive notifications by email when my new articles are published, that way you will always know that I have written something new, please.

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The weather is beautiful in St. Petersburg, I want to walk all the time and stay at home as little as possible. To complete the experience, you could spend the night right on the street - in a tent. But is it legal? We asked representatives of large city parks, the press secretary of the Improvement Committee, as well as the head of the ECOM Center of Expertise about this.

Marianna Tishchenko

Head of Communications Department
with the public of the Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after. S. M. Kirova

Perhaps you can pitch a tent in some parks, but definitely not in the Kirov Central Park of Culture and Culture. The fact is that we have strict opening hours: summer season we close at midnight and open at six in the morning. The patrol and watchdog service maintains order. And in principle, in the context of the Central Park of Culture and Culture it is strange to talk about a tent: this is a monument of federal significance, a specially protected natural area - not just a public garden or Sosnovka Park. Can be compared with Palace Square: what will happen if a person who does not have money for a hotel, but who really wants to wake up with a view of beauty, starts setting up a tent on the square? However, I know of no cases of anyone trying to pitch a tent on Elagin Island.

Elena Komarova

committee press secretary
for improvement

The city has several categories of green areas. So, planting zones common use- under the jurisdiction of the Committee: no tents can be erected there. It is also prohibited to spend the night in tents in intra-block parks, which are managed by municipalities.

Of course, you can’t pitch a tent on the Champ de Mars either. But anything can happen there: it even happens that drunk people fry sausages on the Eternal Flame. Agree, a memorial is not the place for such things.

A tent in the wrong place is an administrative offense, and more specifically, a violation of public amenities.

Administration of the 300th Anniversary Park

It’s definitely not possible to spend the night in a tent in our park: it’s state-owned state-financed organization With our own opening hours, we are not open 24 hours a day - the park closes at 11pm. If someone starts setting up a tent, a guard will approach him and explain that he shouldn’t do this. But we didn’t have such cases.

Alexander Karpov

Head of the Center of Expertise "EKOM"

The parks do not provide such a service as spending the night in a tent. But we have a huge city: please go to Gorelovo and pitch a tent there. There are plenty of places on the periphery where this can be done and no one will drive you away - in the forests, on the banks of rivers: in the Kurortny and Krasnoselsky districts, in Kronstadt and Pushkin, even in the Kirovsky district - on Kanonersky Island.

There is no special line about tents in the laws. Old-timers remember that in the early 2000s, protesters set up tents in the garden in front of Smolny - and everything was fine. And now they won’t fine you for tenting: they’ll just drive you away. They will say, for example, that you can’t crush the lawn.

Illustration: Nastya Yarovaya

Setting up a tent

Setting up a tent – ​​what could be easier, it would seem? Even an inexperienced tourist, using the instructions, will cope with this task. But there are several subtleties and nuances that novice tourists overlook, but these techniques can extend the life of your tent and, most importantly, provide you with a restful and comfortable sleep.

Before setting up a tent, you need to choose a suitable place for this - the quality of your sleep, and sometimes your safety, will depend on the choice of site for installation. When choosing a location, you need to remember a few rules:

  • Do not place your tent under overhanging rocks or slopes where rockfalls are possible. IN winter time It is also necessary to take into account the possibility of avalanches.
  • Don't pitch your tent too close to rivers. This is especially true for mountain rivers. Firstly, the overnight stay will be cold due to the humidity coming from the water, and secondly, rain falling upstream can turn even a small river into a roaring torrent or even a mudslide that will simply wash away your camp.
  • It is dangerous to pitch a tent under old tall trees - in a thunderstorm they attract lightning, and in a strong wind branches can fall from them.
  • You should not set up a tent on roads, even if they look abandoned. The same applies to animal trails - an animal that sees your tent on its trail may come to inquire about such an innovation.
  • The tent must be installed so that the entrance and ventilation holes are located in the direction of the wind - then there will be more air in your tent.
  • Do not place your tent in low spots, depressions or holes, as water may accumulate in them when it rains.
  • In addition, you should not pitch a tent in close proximity to a fire - sparks can easily burn through a synthetic tent.
  • We do not recommend placing a tent under power lines, near landfills (even abandoned ones) and in close proximity to emergency buildings.
  • It is not advisable to set up a tent in a swampy area, because the rain can flood your camp and cut off the exit routes from the swamp.
  • And of course, if possible, one should not forget about convenience: the place for the tent should be level, cleared, without a strong slope, with mandatory access to water and fuel.
  • In hot climates, shade over the tent is also key. This affects not only the comfort of the tourist inside it, but also the service life of the tent itself, which is exposed to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and heat.
  • Your campsite should remain as clean as it was before you arrived.

Having taken these rules into account and choosing a suitable place to set up the tent, you need to set up the tent correctly. If you are setting up a tent for the first time, it is better to read the instructions in advance, and even better, try to assemble the tent right at home in advance. Then during the hike you won’t have to waste time deciding where the racks are inserted. When the tent is already standing, it is necessary to stretch the wind guys, which are so often neglected by novice tourists.

They not only provide stability to your tent in strong winds, but also provide the necessary tension for the awning, which increases its waterproofness. Drops of water roll off from well-stretched fabric much better than from sagging fabric. Sometimes, during prolonged rain, the fabric stretches from getting wet, then it is necessary to rearrange the guys, pulling them tighter.

It should also be added that the tent can be pitched even if the pegs are lost - they can be replaced with stones on guys or made on site from wood. And if you break the poles, you can use a special sleeve or tire for emergency repair of the arc segment, which in most cases is included by manufacturers in the standard package of tents.

Particularly picky hikers can also lay an additional floor under the tent in the shape and size of the tent; it will not only protect the bottom of the tent from damage or dirt and provide your sleeping area with additional thermal insulation, but will also create a clean surface for folding the tent in the morning. An additional floor is sometimes included with tents; often it can be purchased separately. It is made of thicker fabric than the bottom of the tent and provides better insulation against moisture. In dry weather, it can be sacrificed in favor of reducing the weight of the backpack.

Shoes are usually left in the vestibule of the tent, but it is worth taking into account that this rule does not apply in places where poisonous insects or reptiles can crawl into the shoes. And before folding the tent, it is advisable to shake out all the garbage from it.

How to deal with condensation in a tent

Condensation is one of the most common tent problems. Condensation is nothing more than moisture that is contained in your breath and, when you are in a confined space of a tent, settles on the inside of the awning. Due to condensation, you can find your tent damp even in sunny weather.

How to deal with it?

How to dry a tent

Drying a tent is a long and rather difficult task. Of course, if you were caught in a brief rain and then the sun immediately came out, then there is nothing to think about - just wait, and the sun will dry the tent. The situation is more complicated if your tent is wet and begins to leak water, and the rain does not stop. In this case, you can try drying the tent from the inside. The most common drying method is gas torch drying.

This method is quite dangerous, because tents made of synthetic materials burn out in a matter of minutes, and combustion products can cause the inhabitants of the tent to simply die. But if, nevertheless, the desire to sleep in a dry tent is overcome by the instinct of self-preservation, then use this method with extreme caution, having first opened all the ventilation and entrances of the tent.

The second method of drying a tent from the inside is much less common. To do this, you need to heat stones in a pot and, placing the pot on a piece of wood, bring the resulting “stove” into the tent. The heat from the hot stones will quickly dry the wet fabric. But you should also be careful with this method, because the pot can burn the bottom of the tent. In addition, some types of stones can emit toxic fumes when heated.

How to transport a tent

Most tourists leave the tent lying in its original packaging, but I prefer to pack the tent in a compression case and then put it in a hermetic bag - in this form the tent will take up minimal space and will not wet the contents of the backpack if it gets wet. I stuff the tent into the compression case chaotically, without folding it. It would seem that a tent that is neatly and carefully folded should last longer, but in in this case neatness can do the trick bad service, because the tent folds along the same fold lines. Accordingly, both the zipper on the tent and the awning itself bend in the same places, which quickly leads to their wear. When laying the tent chaotically, the zipper and awning bend in a new place each time.

How to store a tent at home

First of all, after a hike, you need to hang your tent to dry, and balconies are ideal for this. Even if it seems to you that the tent did not get wet during your hike, it is still better to dry it, because condensation and dew leave the surface of the tent wet. If a wet tent is not dried in time, it will best case scenario will acquire an unpleasant odor, and in the worst case, become covered with mold and become unusable.
If somehow you were unable to protect the tent from mold, then the fabric damaged by the fungus can be treated with specialized products in accordance with the instructions.

Particularly pedantic tourists can also set up a tent at home after a hike and vacuum it from the inside, and then your tent will maintain a presentable appearance longer.

It is better to store the tent at home without packaging to minimize pressure on the zipper and awning. To increase the shelf life of the tent, it is advisable not to wash it at all. If necessary, dirt can be wiped with a damp cloth.
If you have to deal with a tent whose material has already worn out, you can use specialized products to restore the fabric’s former water-repellent properties.

And finally, a little life hack: if you stain your tent with resin, wait until the resin dries and apply a piece of ice to the stained area on the inside of the fabric - the cooled resin becomes brittle and comes off easier.