Road map of Mordovia. Mordovia on the map of Russia

The Republic of Mordovia is an equal subject Russian Federation. The Republic of Mordovia is located in the central part of the great East Russian (European) Plain, exactly in the interfluve of the Oka and deep Sura rivers. The capital of the Republic of Mordovia is the city of Saransk, which is home to a population of about 340 thousand. The population of the entire Republic of Mordovia is 910 thousand people.

The area of ​​the Republic of Mordovia is slightly more than 26 thousand square kilometers, it borders Ryazan region in the west, in the north - with Nizhny Novgorod, with Ulyanovsk in the east, in the south - with Penza and in the northeast with the Chuvash Republic.

Satellite map of Mordovia from Bing maps
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The main official languages ​​are Russian and Mordovian languages ​​(Erzyan and Moksha). The Mordovian Okrug was created in 1928, and in 1930 it was transformed into the Mordovian Autonomous Region, which in 1934 became the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet and Socialist Republic. And only in the recent, troubled year of 1994, the MASSR was proclaimed the Republic of Mordovia. She is famous for the fact that she has been awarded more than once for her success in mastering Agriculture.

Mordova is part of the Volga region federal district. There are various cars and railway lines that connect the Republic of Mordovia with important centers countries.

Mordovia is a republic in the Volga region. Length of territories: from north to south – about 100 km, and from west to east – 300 km. The closest neighbors of Mordovia are Penza, Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod region, as well as the Republic of Chuvashia. The capital is Saransk.

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Mordovia, as it is not difficult to understand from the name, is the area where Mordovians have lived since time immemorial. Here live the Moksha - northern Mordovians, and the south-eastern ones, who call themselves Erzyans. The tribes are Finno-Ugric, and in ancient times they competed with the Slavic ones, spreading to the east.

Due to their natural location, in the forest-steppe zone, the Mordovians have always been in conflict with the steppe peoples, which prevented peaceful farmers from peacefully plowing the land. Well, what good is there to plow when a wildly screaming flock of daredevils comes running, waving sabers. But this is a Mordovian proverb - a spring day protects the year. In those days, they got three harvests, that is, from one grain - three in total, but they spent immeasurable amounts of labor. Once a man falls ill for a couple of weeks, from some arrow, a stupid steppe man, and that’s it. You can order crosses for the whole family. Only the community helped in any way they could. But yes, they left the steppe people for the forest - they acted rationally. In the forest, you can bale it with a hatchet. It’s a pity, steppe horses were completely useless on the farm

In the 90s of the last century, Mordovia was one of the poorest, subsidized regions. Now, it is successfully developing, forming a food industry that is competitive with foreign goods. And, although it remains subsidized, it is no longer at the top of the list as before.


From the rural regions of Mordovia, as a result of the intensification of agriculture, many people turn to executive search recruiting agencies that select personnel for the required industries and regions. Recruitment agencies major cities, they send “buyers” who tell Mordovian residents about the advantages of working in recommended places.

Map of Mordovia from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Mordovia online in real time. A detailed map of Mordovia was created based on satellite images high resolution. As close as possible satellite map Mordovia allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and sights of Mordovia. The map of Mordovia from a satellite can easily be switched to regular map mode (diagram).

Mordovia- an autonomous republic in, which occupies the territory of the East European Plain. A distinctive feature of Mordovia is that there are two state languages– Mordovian and Russian. The capital of the Republic is the city of Saransk, which is located 640 km away. from .

The climate of Mordovia is moderate, with characteristic and sharp temperature variations, as well as the severity of the seasons. Summer is long and warm, winter is moderately cold with stable snow cover.

Mordovia is interesting primarily for its historical, architectural and cultural monuments. Total in Mordovia You can count more than 1000 monuments, most of which are of federal significance and are under state protection.

The oldest city in the republic and at the same time a place of pilgrimage is the city of Temnikov. The names of such Orthodox saints as Fyodor of Sanaksar and Seraphim of Sarov are associated with this city. The main attraction located near the city is the Sanaksar Monastery. Its construction lasted more than 50 years. This monastery ensemble includes several unique structures and the grave of Admiral Ushakov, canonized, and the relics of Fyodor of Sanaksar are kept in the monastery itself.

Another oldest city of the republic is Krasnoslobodsk, which appears on the map Ancient Rus' in the middle of the 16th century. The main attraction is the Spaso-Preobrazhensky ensemble monastery. In one of the monasteries of the ensemble the relics of Seraphim of Sarov rest.

Thanks to a large number monuments of Orthodoxy and religion, pilgrimage tours are the main direction of tourism, which is especially developed in Mordovia. The city of Ruzaevka is the most visited city by pilgrims, where they can undergo purification and gain new knowledge.

The Republic of Mordovia is part of the Volga region federal district and is located in the European part of the Russian Federation. Mordovia was formed back in 1930. The capital of the republic is Saransk, recognized in 2011 as the most comfortable Russian city I category.

Detailed map of Mordovia

Of all the Russian republics, Mordovia is the closest to Moscow and is located on the East European Plain ( East End).
Mordovia has a temperate continental climate and distinct seasonality. average temperature in winter (January) it is -19ºC, and in summer (July) it is 32ºC
As for hydrography, in this regard Mordovia is almost equally divided between the Moksha (53%) and Sura (47%) river basins. In total, there are more than one and a half thousand rivers in the republic, but only 10 rivers exceed 100 km in length. The various lakes, ponds and reservoirs of the republic number several thousand. Most of the lakes in the republic are of water-erosion origin.

Mordovia in its western part is represented by forests (deciduous and coniferous species), and in the eastern and central parts - meadow and shrub steppes.
Approximately a quarter of the bird species and half of the mammal species recorded in Mordovia are rare.
Mordovia is notable for its specially protected natural areas - the Smolny National Park and the Nature Reserve. P.G. Smidovich, which have federal significance, as well as objects of regional significance - natural monuments, nature reserves.

Road map of Mordovia

In Mordovia there is the largest religious building in the Volga region - Cathedral holy righteous warrior Theodore Ushakov. The dimensions of the temple can accommodate 2 thousand people.
The pearl of the capital of the republic is the Millennium Star fountain, which is one of the largest fountains of our time.
Saransk is also famous for its museum fine arts named after Erzya, as well as the local history museum.
Near Lake Sanaksar oldest city Republic of Temnikov is the Sanaksarsky monastery. Not far from the monastery there are holy springs.

Cities of Mordovia
