Where better to go to Thailand or Vietnam. Thailand or Vietnam: comparison, where is better to go, reviews

The countries of Southeast Asia are becoming increasingly popular among Russian tourists. This is due to the relatively mild climate and numerous attractions. Among the countries in this region, Thailand and Vietnam stand out. They are located close to each other, have similar cultural traditions and the same climate. All this creates difficulties for tourists when choosing a holiday destination. Thailand or Vietnam - which country should you prefer? This is discussed in this article.

An important factor when choosing a place to visit as part of a tourist trip is the possibility and duration of stay without registration; this period is thirty days. There are only fifteen in Vietnam. Flight time to both countries is up to nine hours.

Thailand has a more developed one than Vietnam. In terms of the number of attractions, Thailand and Vietnam are not inferior to each other.

Like any country, Vietnam and Thailand have their own advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at some of them.


The climatic conditions in both countries are similar. The optimal time for vacation is from June to September. Thailand or also successfully receives tourists. However, the region is warm all year round. The rainy season will create certain inconveniences for tourists. Both countries are attractive for beach holidays. Average temperatures during the peak tourist season reach +32°C. Hot weather in Thailand is more difficult to endure due to high humidity.

In Vietnam, the influence of the monsoons is felt during the winter season. Therefore, the temperature during this period can reach +5°C. Based on this indicator, it is difficult to determine where it is better to go, Vietnam or Thailand. Since the countries are located almost at the same latitude and have a similar climate. There are other, more important selection criteria.


For connoisseurs of a comfortable beach holiday, Thailand is most suitable with its unforgettable beaches and numerous resorts equipped with everything necessary. The beaches in this country are distinguished by their sandy bottom and clean sea. The only downside is that it is overcrowded with tourists during peak season. The number of swimming places in Thailand reaches more than a hundred. Those that are located on the islands are distinguished by the greatest purity. The beaches in Vietnam are somewhat less numerous, however, they are in no way inferior to those in Thailand. The sandy coasts in both countries have a gently sloping entrance. The beaches on the islands are surrounded by cliffs and located in bays. Thanks to this, they are protected from waves and wind and provide calm and quiet places to relax.

Vietnamese beaches are characterized by perfectly white sand and clear blue water. They are a great place to relax with children. Local beaches have fewer opportunities for active water recreation, but water sports enthusiasts can still find some decent options for themselves.

Where is it cheaper? Vietnam or Thailand

An important, and for some, the determining factor in choosing a country for a holiday, is the cost of staying at the resort. In Thailand and Vietnam, tourists have the opportunity to choose the most suitable holiday options for themselves, based on their financial capabilities. You can use the services of travel agencies and go on vacation with a package. It is also possible to make an independent trip. One of the options for staying at the resort is to stay in a rented bungalow. Let's consider various pricing policy options in Thailand.

The cost of any tourist trip consists of the price of air tickets, costs of recreation, purchase of souvenirs and excursion services.

The purchase of air tickets is a mandatory expense item, since it is simply impossible to get to these countries in any other way. It is better to book tickets in advance. Their cost varies according to the class and level of comfort during the flight. The higher it is, the more expensive air tickets are. Since the distance and flight time to Vietnam and Thailand are approximately the same, the cost of air tickets will be the same.

The second significant expense item is the cost of living. Depending on financial capabilities, accommodation can be either very expensive or relatively budget-friendly. For example, staying in a luxury hotel room or in a separate bungalow will cost significantly more than staying in an economy class hotel.

The cost of food and attending entertainment events in Vietnam is lower compared to Thailand. Sometimes they are much cheaper than in Thailand. The choice of places to eat and relax is of great importance. Individual excursions to local attractions will cost more than similar group activities. In terms of saving money, independent travel around the country is promising.

Roads and leisure

For such trips with a rented vehicle, Thailand is best suited. The quality of roads in this country is slightly better than in Vietnam. Therefore, it is better not to book tours to Thailand from travel agencies. It will be much cheaper to travel around the country on your own. There is also a more developed network of shops, cafes and restaurants and all kinds of entertainment centers. Options for a fun night out in Vietnam are more limited for tourists. After midnight, life here comes to a standstill. Due to the population's habit of going to bed early, it is very difficult to find a working grocery store.

In this regard, Thailand is more preferable as a leisure destination. It doesn’t stop here until the morning. The list of entertainment for tourists is also more extensive. In Thailand you can not only relax, but also improve your health.


Where to go for health, which country to choose - Thailand or Vietnam? Medical care in these two countries has significant differences in terms of treatment prices. In Thailand, the cost of visiting a doctor in a public or private clinic is up to forty dollars. Similar services in Vietnam will cost slightly less. However, it all depends on the severity of the disease or injury. A necessary condition for receiving quality medical services is that the tourist has medical insurance. In Vietnam, there may be some difficulties in obtaining medical care due to local doctors not speaking English. However, despite some inconveniences, the quality of medical care in both countries is approximately the same.


The cost of living and its comfort in hotels in Thailand and Vietnam are approximately the same. Vietnam, however, has a slight advantage in terms of cheap hotel stays. A stay in one of the hotels in the capital of Vietnam - the city of Hanoi - will cost about five dollars less than the cost of a stay in a similar establishment in popular Thai cities among tourists. Therefore, travel agencies sometimes offer incomparably cheap tours to Vietnam. This is due to the fact that in this country you can save a lot on housing.

Undersea world

The availability of recreational opportunities is of great importance for travelers. Staying in Vietnam and Thailand is the most promising for diving. Thailand wins somewhat in terms of the diversity of marine species and the number of places recommended for diving. The marine fauna of Vietnamese waters is less diverse, however, divers can find a lot of interesting things here too.

Local population

For tourists, when choosing a holiday destination, the friendliness of the local population towards visitors is of no small importance. If we compare Vietnam/Thailand on this basis, we can say that the residents of both countries are equally friendly to guests. The hospitality of local people is based on the profitability of the tourism industry for the economy. Thais are more reserved and do not reveal their feelings and emotions to tourists. Vietnamese are more emotional. In addition, the joint historical past of the countries affects the attitude towards Russians, namely, the assistance provided by the USSR to Vietnam in repelling American aggression is not forgotten.


In Thailand and Vietnam, transport links between cities are quite developed. You can get to any corner by taking a bus or by plane. The most common vehicle in both countries is the bike, available for rent by tourists.

But which country should gastronomic gourmets choose, Vietnam or Thailand? Where is the best food?


National cuisines in both countries are distinguished by their originality and abundance of exotic and incomprehensible dishes for Russian-speaking tourists. Frogs and all kinds of insects are widely used as products. Local dishes of national cuisine are usually nutritious and spicy. In this regard, the masterpieces of Thai cuisine are more famous. Food in Vietnam is sweetish due to the use of a variety of sauces and seasonings. Therefore, for lovers of sweet tastes, according to this criterion, the choice is obvious. Thailand or Vietnam? For them, this issue loses relevance.


A trip to Vietnam or Thailand can be overshadowed by the local fauna. One specific feature of both countries is the abundance of tropical insects (such as lizards). In Vietnam, in addition, they do not particularly care about cleanliness. Thanks to street garbage dumps in cities, tourists can encounter numerous rats and cockroaches. Mosquitoes, which carry dangerous diseases, pose a great danger in Vietnam. Therefore, before traveling to this country, you must get all the necessary vaccinations. Agencies offering tours to Thailand and Vietnam strongly recommend this. After arrival, you must carefully observe basic rules of personal hygiene. You should not eat local food if its appearance and taste are incomprehensible or cause unpleasant associations for tourists. It should be remembered that not everything that is familiar to the local population is suitable for a tourist who is accustomed to a completely different way of life. The comfort of your stay and the impressions gained during your vacation depend on compliance with hygiene rules.


The cultural heritage of a particular country can also influence a tourist’s choice. Thailand or Vietnam? What is the culture of these countries? Both states have an ancient history and are distinguished by an interesting, distinctive culture. For vacationers it will be very educational to get acquainted with local attractions. In addition, staying in Vietnam has a special flavor in terms of the fact that the dominance of communist ideology remains in this country. Fans of modern military history will also find a lot of interesting things in Vietnam. The memory of American aggression, which brought many troubles to the local people, is carefully preserved here. You can see numerous examples of military equipment of that era on display. There is an opportunity to take part in excursions to places associated with the local partisan movement (in particular, see the underground passages used by the rebels). Also in Thailand and Vietnam, tourists will be curious to get acquainted with the local architecture, which is distinguished by its originality and unique national flavor.

At the end of the 20th century. Thailand has become a popular destination for so-called sex tourism. However, it should be taken into account that recently the authorities have been doing everything to get rid of such a peculiar image of the country. Therefore, lovers of all kinds of pleasures, often forbidden, risk getting into an unpleasant situation. The main rule for a tourist should be compliance with the laws of the country they are visiting. Vietnam or Thailand? Where it is better to spend leisure time is up to the tourist to decide. The choice of places to visit is varied in both countries.

So, both states are attractive places to visit. The mild climate, the beauty of the local seascapes, the presence of a developed tourist infrastructure and the friendly local population are certainly attractive aspects. To this must be added the relatively low price level. But what do vacationers themselves say about these countries, which resort to choose, Thailand or Vietnam?

Thailand and Vietnam are two popular and beloved countries for a good holiday. When you haven’t been to any of them, you have a difficult choice of where to go first. Let's compare both countries so that you make the right choice and have a good rest.

1. Flight cost.

Flights for an independent traveler are a major expense. Both countries are nearby, which means the approximate cost of the flight will be the same. Differences in price may only appear during a specific season and certain dates. If you prefer to buy a tour, the cost will depend on the star rating of the hotel, the availability of full meals and other factors that influence the cost of the tour.

2. Climate, humidity, heat.

In Vietnam, the humidity is lower, so the heat is easier to bear, things dry faster, and skin wounds heal faster. Thailand has a very high percentage of humidity and many people find it even more difficult to bear the heat. There is a rainy season in both countries, but in Thailand it is longer than in Vietnam.

3. Availability of hotels, budget accommodation, local cuisine.

Both Vietnam and Thailand have a very large selection of housing in resort regions. Hotels, apartments, guesthouses, bungalows, villas - there is everything from fashionable five-star to one or two stars. In Vietnam, hotels have also appeared that operate on an all-inclusive basis; in Thailand there is no such system and, as a rule, hotels offer accommodation only with breakfast. Vietnam is just gaining its tourism momentum, the land along the sea is just being built up, so the country is less “traveled” than Thailand, where everything has already been built. Both countries offer not only local cuisine, but also European food, but it will be much higher in cost.

4. Insurance.

If you purchase a tour, then insurance is already included, but if you are going to fly on your own, then you need to stock up on insurance. Insurance in Thailand is more expensive than in Vietnam, but there are good hospitals in both countries at all popular resorts.

5. Local population, crime rate, safety for tourists.

Both there and there people are friendly, smiling and sociable. Of course, there are also scammers among them, but crime exists in every country in the world. Thefts happen in Thailand and Vietnam, you just need to be careful and careful during your entire trip.

6. Transport accessibility and rental of a car or bike.

In Thailand, within the country you can travel cheaply on domestic airlines, and in Vietnam it’s the same. Bus service is developed in both countries. In Vietnam you can take a train ride. But renting a car and (or) bike in these countries differs. In Thailand, you can freely take any vehicle if you have an international license; in Vietnam, only local licenses are required, so you won’t be able to take a car, and they will give you a bike at your own peril and risk, but in case of any accident you will be considered at fault. In addition, in Vietnam there is a chaotic and very active movement of mopeds and bikes, so driving in the city is very unsafe and uncomfortable.

7. Attractions.

Both countries are rich in attractions. In Thailand, these are national parks, temples and pagodas, waterfalls and lakes, zoos, water parks and much more. In Vietnam these are cable cars, museums, temple complexes, waterfalls, and amusement parks. The countries have developed excursion programs, there are individual and group tours. Russian guides work in both countries.

8. Infrastructure.

Both countries have developed infrastructure: hospitals, pharmacies, shops, post and bank branches, bus stations, railway stations, airports, parking lots.

9. Presence of Orthodox churches.

In Thailand, there are Orthodox churches in different provinces: Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Samui, Chiang Mai, Hua Hin, Koh Chang, where services are held. There are no Orthodox churches in Vietnam.

10. Fauna and flora, the presence of “reptiles”.

The climate in the countries is similar, so the tropical greenery is no different. Bright tropical flowers and palm trees grow everywhere. Creeping and other “reptiles” are found everywhere, you need to be prepared for this.

It is not without reason that many compatriots love Thailand and Vietnam because of their beautiful beaches, comfortable hotels, stunning nature and rich excursion program. To compare countries, you need to visit each of them. If the choice has not yet been made in favor of one of them, then start from the budget within which you need to enter. In any case, you will enjoy these countries!

Many tourists who decide to visit Asia for the first time think, where is the best holiday in Thailand or Vietnam? It seems that both directions provide a lot of opportunities. However, there are pros and cons. Taking them into account, you can already decide for yourself where it is better to go.


For example, from Moscow to Bangkok the flight time is 8 hours. Hanoi is 1 hour longer. Ticket prices are approximately the same.


The territory of Thailand and Vietnam is dominated by a subtropical climate. In Thailand, the high season begins in June and lasts until the end of September. During this period, the average air temperature is + 30 degrees Celsius.

The peculiarity of Vietnam's climate allows it to receive tourists throughout the year. The average air temperature is +32 degrees Celsius.

Where is the best beach holiday?

Here it is worth giving preference to Thailand. On the territory of the exotic country there are a large number of different resorts, where all the conditions for a good beach holiday are created. The peculiarities of the beaches are that they are located both on the mainland and on the coastal islands. Almost all beaches are sandy with crystal clear waters. The most popular are:

  • Patong
  • Chaweng
  • Karon

There are fewer beaches in Vietnam, but they are not inferior in beauty. Shallow waters and a gentle entrance to the sea allow vacationers with children to calmly enjoy swimming in the sea. Lovers of a relaxing pastime will be able to choose any island beach in picturesque bays. Such places are surrounded by rocks, which provide an opportunity to spend a secluded holiday. The most popular are:

  • Chiong
  • Katdua
  • Changfu
  • Nha Trang

As for lovers of the underwater world, diving enthusiasts should definitely visit places such as Koh Tao, Phi Phi, and the Surin Islands.

Where are the best hotels?

Many tourists, especially those on vacation with children, pay great attention when choosing a hotel. There are no problems with this in Thailand. Almost every resort has a variety of accommodation options. On the first coastline there are villas and hotels of 4, 3 and 5 stars. They are distinguished by high service level and developed infrastructure. On the second coastline you can find several budget options, but even they offer clients normal living conditions.

You can find cheap hostels and hotels in Vietnam. However, Europeans will not like it there. There is no service, there is no infrastructure as such. Hotels from 4 stars and above have everything you need for a good holiday.


You can vacation in Thailand for up to 30 days without a visa. In Vietnam up to 15 days.


One of Thailand's main problems in the tourism sector is the slow Internet. It’s easier to take a different route: buy a local SIM card and there will be no problems with the Internet.

In Vietnam, even in the cheapest hotel you can safely use the Internet at good speed.


Fans of exotic dishes will enjoy Vietnam more. Here tourists can taste a snake, crocodile, ostrich, dog and even a rat. National cuisine involves a large use of various spices, including bitter spices. But there are more fruits in Thailand, since this country is famous for its warm climate and fertile soil.

Sea Food is in particular demand in both countries. You will see fresh fish, shrimp, squid, shells scattered on the ice. You point your finger and they prepare what you have chosen. These are the freshest products that have not yet been frozen. You should definitely try it. It is advisable to arrive early, because... late in the evening everything is eaten and there is nothing left to cook.

Where is it better to relax with a child in Thailand or Vietnam?

One of the best resorts for families with children in Vietnam is the picturesque Mui Ne. On its territory there are cozy beaches, completely protected from high waves. The gentle entrance to the sea provides additional safety.

In Thailand, it is better to choose Koh Samui. The absence of high waves and developed infrastructure of the coastline allows you to have a great time with children.


In large cities in Vietnam there is no metro; the cost of travel on public transport is significantly lower than in Thailand.

In Bangkok, a tourist will be able to choose any means of transportation, taking into account his capabilities. There is also a ground metro here. The so-called tuk-tuks are in greatest demand among tourists.

Where are the best attractions?

In this regard, Thailand takes a significant advantage. Here the tourist will be able to get to know the local culture and Buddhism in general. Curious travelers will be able to unravel the secrets of ancient temples, visit historical complexes, majestic palaces, etc. You should definitely see the following historical treasures at least once:

  • Grand Royal Palace in Bangkok
  • Baioke Sky Observation Deck in Bangkok
  • Siam Ocean World in Bangkok
  • Mini Siam Park in Pattaya
  • Ancient Stones Park in Pattaya
  • Nong Nooch Park in Pattaya
  • Big Buddha on Koh Samui
  • White Temple

Vietnam also boasts interesting cultural places to tourists. The greatest demand is:

  • Imperial City in Hue
  • Tomb of Khai Dinh
  • Linh Phuoc Pagoda
  • Hanoi Citadel


The Land of a Thousand Smiles provides many opportunities for active recreation. Numerous resorts are replete with entertainment centers, nightclubs and other recreational facilities. Go-go clubs, as well as various shows, are especially popular.

Holidays in Thailand are:

  • High customer service
  • Nice hotels
  • Luxurious beaches
  • Wide range of entertainment
  • Attractions
  • Transport accessibility
  • Diverse underwater world

Holidays in Vietnam are:

  • Low prices
  • Accessible Internet
  • Opportunities for a relaxing holiday
  • Interesting excursions

Holidays in both countries are a sea of ​​positivity and good mood!

Today we have one of the most anticipated posts on the topic, which is better: Vietnam or Thailand? This question has been asked to me for a long time, but I deliberately delayed it in order to distance myself further from Samui and Thailand, as well as to better understand and take off the rose-colored glasses from Nha Trang and Vietnam. So, today we’ll talk about what is better than Vietnam or Thailand for wintering and relaxation.

We have been living in Vietnam for four months now after living in Thailand for 5 months. We’ve already even managed to extend it for another three months – this is the simplest and cheapest extension during our trip. Today it's time to compare these two countries.

We will compare Vietnam and Thailand based on our personal feelings about life. We were also on a package tour while working for hire in Pattaya. We will try to give our most objective assessment.

Let's start looking for the answer to what is better than Vietnam or Thailand in terms of climate. Both of these countries are located in Southeast Asia, where it is always warm.

The air temperature in winter ranges from 24-32 degrees. Samui has a more humid climate. When we arrived there, it felt like we had jumped into the steam room of a Russian bathhouse. This climate is not very suitable for people with health problems.

Nha Trang has a milder climate. It is more similar to the climate of our resorts in Crimea and Sochi. Russian people can breathe easier here, but they still have to get used to the heat. Adaptation for some lasts 2-3 weeks. For us it went very quickly on Samui.

The situation is approximately similar in Koh Samui. It rains in the same months, but the weather is hotter and this makes the humidity stronger. Again, there is no need to be afraid of the rainy season.

There are also cool mountainous areas in Vietnam and Nha Trang. In Vietnam there are Dalat and Sapa. In Thailand, Chang Mai and Chang Rai. You can choose any climate and weather according to your desire.

Therefore, in terms of climate, I would not give a clear answer to the question of whether Vietnam or Thailand is better for wintering and recreation. Both countries have equal climatic opportunities and are equally favorable for recreation and long-term stay here.

Sea and beaches

Vietnam is located along the shores of the South China Sea. The situation is similar with Thailand. But unlike Vietnam, Thailand is washed from the west by the Andaman Sea and such resorts as Phuket, Krabi, etc. are already a little different from other resorts in Thailand.

We lived on the island of Koh Samui in the South China Sea. This is a very warm sea with rich wildlife. You can visit the surrounding area and Tao to dive and look at the underwater inhabitants.

The situation is the same in Nha Trang. The sea is quite warm from 24 degrees. In winter, the water is a little cooler than on Koh Samui and more turbulent, but this does not stop Russian tourists.

There is no threat of a tsunami either on Samui or Nha Trang. They are protected from them by the terrain and islands. You can safely travel with children, which cannot be said about Phuket and Crabs, where there were quite strong and destructive tsunamis.

As for the beaches, they are about the same. What I liked about Koh Samui is that there are different types of beaches. There is a beach with regular sand and deep sea for swimming for adults, a beach like Maenam, for example, there is an almost bounty beach - this is Chaweng, there is one with stones in Lamai. The beach on Bang Po, where we lived, is very shallow for children. There are many options on Koh Samui. And for real beauty you can go to Koh Phangan or Tao.

In Nha Trang the situation is approximately the same. The main beach is spoiled by tourists and has excellent infrastructure. There is also a very good embankment for walks, which we missed so much with Alina on Koh Samui.

In October, a strong wave rises in Nha Trang and you won’t be able to swim with children in the center, although of course you can. A private one in the south of the city is perfect for children. Well, for beauty and white sand I recommend going to

In general, the sea and beaches are again a battle draw. Vietnam and Thailand have equally good sea and beaches.

Vietnam and Thailand, which is better for wintering is still unclear

Insects, reptiles and diseases.

As for insects, then, of course, they are present everywhere. Ants will become your permanent neighbors, so never leave anything of food anywhere.

Cockroaches will move their whiskers grumpily because you disturbed their peace.

Geckos are permanent residents of local houses and apartments. It’s impossible to remove them, and it’s not worth it, you just need to get used to them.

Mosquitoes are the main carrier of various diseases in Asia. There is a lot of this goodness in Thailand. We encountered a huge problem in Thailand, where there are simply a lot of them. Sometimes even mosquito nets and various means of protection do not save you.

There are no problems with mosquitoes in Nha Trang. Everything is fine here.

We didn’t notice any snakes or other dangerous things here. There are no problems with this within human habitats.

For now, the debate is Vietnam or Thailand, which is better for Vietnam, and we move on.


Vietnam or Thailand, which is better in terms of housing? Now let’s compare our accommodation in Thailand and Vietnam.

In Koh Samui we changed 5 houses during our 5 month stay until we found our house in Thailand. On the island we are in and on the beaches of Bang Por, Maenam, Bangrak and Bo Phut. Those. We have a real idea of ​​​​housing on Koh Samui. There will also be a post soon about the cost of housing on Koh Samui, which I wrote with the director of one of the best real estate offices on the island. Subscribe to the blog news at the end of the post to stay informed about investment prospects in Thailand.

For 14,000 baht we finally rented our last and best house on Samui. If you compare it in dollars, it’s about $450-500 with a communal apartment.

We had a gorgeous pool for several houses.

Access to two beaches at once within walking distance. This is Maenam beach. It's a little wild and deserted, but very cool.

The second is Bo Phut Beach with its famous restaurants and party scene.

In Nha Trang, we rented a studio in the center of the tourist area for $350. We pay about $50 more for utilities.

Housing costs are about the same, but the quality in Thailand is much better. The pool alone is worth living in Thailand

Swimming pools in Nha Trang are a real problem. There are simply practically none of them, as well as private houses. There is an acute shortage of condominiums in the city, like those in Pattaya. I hope the Vietnamese will resolve this issue. There is really nowhere to live in normal conditions.

As for lovers of cheap living. Then again Thailand will be stronger than Vietnam. On Samui, it is quite possible to rent a house with a swimming pool, air conditioning and internet for 5,000 baht. You can rent a guest house in Nha Trang for a similar price. You understand that living in a house is much more comfortable than a guest house.

Therefore, in terms of housing, if you choose Vietnam or Thailand, which is better, I would give preference to Thailand.

So we have a draw.

The cost of living.

Let's now compare Vietnam or Thailand, which is better in terms of cost of living.

The costs are the same here.

As for public transport, there is none in Thailand, except for tuk-tuks. In Nha Trang there is normal city transport with very accessible scenes and you don’t have to buy a bike at all and save on it.

Taxis on Samui are several times more expensive than in Nha Trang. The difference is almost three times. Therefore, transport savings in Vietnam are greater.

We spent about 12,000 rubles on food in Koh Samui at the old rate. Now in Nha Trang we spend even a little less, but at the new rate it is 1.5 times higher than before. Objectively, the difference in food prices between Vietnam and Thailand is about 20%.

How do you like this vitamin tomorrow at the end of November for only 85,000 dong (180 rubles)?

We will make a separate post about prices in Nha Trang. Subscribe to the news at the end of the post and wait for new releases.

For various entertainments: beer, barbecue, cafes and excursions, the costs are approximately the same - $150 per month. Alcohol, by the way, is 2 times cheaper in Vietnam.

We really liked Samui, and Nha Trang.

Visa costs for 5 months in Thailand cost us about $1000 for three of us. In Vietnam, we spent a little more than $150 on a visa for a similar period. We will write more about the visa below.

The result is that Vietnam wins by a small but quite noticeable margin in terms of the main items of travel expenses. The difference is about 20% due to food and visa, but the quality of housing in Nha Trang is let down.

Vietnam or Thailand, which is better in terms of cost of living - Vietnam.


I am very concerned about the Internet issue when traveling because... I make money thanks to its capabilities, namely thanks to the information business and blog. Therefore, before going to any country, I find out everything about the Internet.

In Southeast Asia, things with the Internet are not great, but this is compared to Russia. Compared to other countries, the Internet in Thailand and Vietnam is excellent.

In our house on Bangrak, the Internet speed was around 20 MB and the download speed was almost 10. It was stable and did not crash. We even watched TV and movies on our plasma.

In Vietnam, the Internet is less powerful, but quite good and sufficient for work.

Vietnam or Thailand, which is better on the Internet, is equally satisfactory, you can live, but I would like it to be better.


People often fear on the Internet that Vietnam is full of various thieves. During the entire period of my stay in Nha Trang, I did not see a single one of them. In my opinion, this is just a story.

True, you shouldn’t walk around drunk at night and waving your purse and purse. The guys in Vietnam are not rich. They can easily ride a bike and steal your purse.

Theft using a bike is one of the most common here, but I repeat, in 5 months of living here I have not personally seen a single case.

Security in Vietnam is fine, but you have to be vigilant like in Russia. Don’t leave your bike anywhere, keep your money with you, leave your passports at the hotel, watch your bags and be careful if you’re intoxicated.

Security in Thailand, especially on Koh Samui, is amazing. I often forgot my keys on the bike and never had any problems. It is safe to walk at night. People don't bother drunk people.

From a security point of view, Vietnam or Thailand, which is better? I would choose Thailand. There I didn’t think at all about the safety of thieves and scammers. You still need to be on your guard in Vietnam.

So we have a draw again. Vietnam or Thailand, which is better? This question is still open

Visa to Vietnam and Thailand?

Based on the ease of obtaining a visa, its extension and cost, the winner is immediately clear. It was just the magical accessibility of Vietnam that tipped the scales for us, and we decided after Thailand to go not to Bali, but to Vietnam.

A Vietnam visa for tourists for no more than 15 days is issued upon arrival free of charge. But we flew here to spend the winter, so we pre-issued an arrival visa online for three months for only $66 for three. Read more about this

Mountains and waterfalls.


Ruins of ancient empires.

All this can be seen on various

So, what should you choose in the end: Vietnam and Thailand? We got a draw. Vietnam and Thailand are approximately the same countries in terms of their level of development. But I would highlight three reasons why it is worth going to this or that country. After them, it will probably become clearer whether Vietnam or Thailand is better.

Three reasons to choose Thailand?

  1. This is your first trip to Southeast Asia. After all, Thailand is a country of smiles. After visiting this country you will fall in love with this region. The positive attitude of the locals inspires and inspires. They know how to create a welcoming and blissful atmosphere, and the Russian heart and soul, tormented by the fierce cold, really lacks this.
  2. You need comfortable living conditions. Nice house, swimming pool, beaches and large shops nearby.
  3. Everything is fine with your money.

Three reasons to choose Vietnam.

And in this video I shared our impressions of Vietnam and Thailand during 9 months of travel. I also answer the question: Vietnam or Thailand, which is better?

Vietnam or Thailand, which is better for wintering and vacation? Please write your answer to this question in the comments.

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I remind you that it will end soon. So far Alexey is in the lead. He only has 8 comments, but he needs 20. Everyone still has a chance to win valuable prizes.

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With proper planning, the dream of traveling to Asian countries is achievable, even on a fixed income. Southeast Asia is the most popular resort for budget tourists. There is a lot to please a foreigner here: a high level of service, a good climate, amazing local food and hospitable people.

The beaches in Nha Trang (Vietnam) are inferior to Thai beaches in terms of azure water. In the evening, all the beaches are crowded with Vietnamese people who like to come to the sea with their whole families. There is little entertainment on the beaches, and the infrastructure is worse. Although, if you go to Vietnam on bicycles, you can see a large number of beautiful beaches with blue sea and white sand, but these will be wild and non-tourist places.


Thailand is a place where you will never go hungry. Such a large quantity and variety of street food is unlikely to exist in any other country in the world. Street food is available and you can find it at any time of the day. - one of the main attractions of the country.

But in Vietnam, at certain times, food simply disappears from the streets. It is difficult to find something at lunchtime because the Vietnamese take a siesta.

There are a huge number of restaurants that serve delicious seafood. Frankly speaking, the food in Vietnam is closer to ours.

For $1 you will get a huge portion of soup or rice with meat or fish. Many tourists complain of stomach pain due to daily overeating due to such generous portions and affordable prices.

Prices for food and groceries

In Vietnam, fresh fruits and vegetables are more affordable. But if we talk about imported products that the average Asian does not eat too much (milk, cheese), then it is difficult to compare. Imported products are definitely more expensive than local ones.

How much does it cost to eat in tourist places?

Lunch at an inexpensive restaurant $2,24 $2,83
Three-course lunch (for two) $13,46 $14,15
Combo lunch at McDonald's $3,93 $5,52
Local beer $0,90 $1,49
Imported beer $1,35 $2,26
Cup of cappuccino $1,12 $1,63
Pepsi/Cola Can $0,40 $0,58
Water (0.33) $0,19 $0,32

In Vietnam, as in Thailand, there are many good supermarkets where you can buy high-quality and inexpensive products. In Nha Trang these are CoopMart, Big C, MaxiMark. There are several popular chain stores in Thailand: 7/11, Family Mart - these are mini markets; and Tesco Lotus and Big C are large supermarkets.

Food prices in stores and supermarkets in 2018

Milk, 1 liter $1,30 $1,41
Bread, 0.5 kg $0,61 $1,18
Rice (1 kg) $0,81 $0,99
Eggs (12 pcs) $1,38 $1,67
Cheese $8,98 $13,02
Chicken fillet, 1 kg $6,73 $2,77
Tomatoes $1,06 $1,56
Potato $1,08 $1,25
Cucumbers, 1 kg $2,24 $0,85
Bottle of water 1.5 liters $0,54 $0,45
Marlboro cigarettes $1,12 $2,60

Attention! Please note that prices may differ from those stated due to exchange rate fluctuations.

Clothing, household appliances, electronics

In Vietnam the market is very poor. Technology is not the strong point of this country. Everything costs more than in Thailand. There are several times fewer popular online clothing brands in Vietnam than in Thailand. Yes, and it costs more here.

In Thailand, the price level is very low, even for clothing from American and European brands. The quality is quite good though.

Approximate prices for clothes

Women's tank top/t-shirt from 5$from 2$
Women's shorts from 8$from 3$
Men's shirt from 9$from 4$

Dress in stores of popular brands

from 25$from 12$


Thailand is better developed in terms of housing. There are a huge number of hostels and hotels for everyone in every city. Any resort is “teeming” with simpler and richer villas, which are located near the sea, and the price is much better and lower in relation to the CIS countries. On average, prices vary between $15-20.

Accommodation is cheap in Vietnam, especially hotels and hostels. But finding something is very difficult for a European. You will have to choose more impressive options. The rest of the rooms are simply furnished with wooden furniture in the Vietnamese style, which is not very familiar or comfortable for a European.

Prices start from $8, but on average fluctuate around $12-23 for a double room in an inexpensive 2 or 3 star hotel.

There are many high-class hotels near the sea, where room rates start from $65/day. At the Intercontinental Nha Trang (one of the best hotels in Vietnam), prices per night start at $120.

In any case, everyone will have to choose the best one for themselves... And to read detailed descriptions of Phuket hotels, tourist reviews of hotels, make reservations, etc., use the hotel search engine Hotellook - search and compare the best prices for hotels and inns with a discount of up to 60%.

Internet availability and speed

Vietnam has large and cheap mobile Internet. It works almost everywhere. If we talk about the internal Internet, the connection is very unstable. Failures are usually associated with network transmission failures.

Infrastructure and entertainment

Thailand is ideal for tourists. The country's roads are better than those in Vietnam. On every street you can see shops, street food, shopping centers and entertainment centers.

Vietnam is much more sparse in this regard. It is very problematic to purchase and have fun somewhere after 23:00.

  • Vietnamese people go to bed early, so you won't meet anyone until midnight.
  • There are small food shops. But they work here according to a schedule, which is convenient for the owner.
  • Shopping centers are no better.

In Nha Trang, for example, there are many attractions and travel agencies that organize excursions around the city and trips to neighboring regions. Here you can go on rides in an amusement park all day or undergo treatments in a mud bath for $27. And two-day excursions to a neighboring city cost from $10-100. From Thai Phuket, in turn, you can go on excursions to neighboring regions for $50-150.


When it comes to Vietnam, it is quite difficult to compare the capital and provinces. There are no subways in major cities in Vietnam. Bangkok has an underground metro, road and water transport. And also a very expensive taxi.

You'll pay 35 baht ($1) for landing and 5 baht ($0.14) per kilometer after that. Considering the fact that traffic jams are very common in Bangkok, the taximeter may unpleasantly surprise you at the end of the trip.

In Vietnam, taxis are better and more affordable. Buses are inexpensive (within city limits only $0.3), and there are plenty of bicycles and motorbikes.

In Thailand, you will be surprised by the abundance of tuk-tuks, but there they charge exorbitant prices to unknowing tourists. There is a free shuttle service in Bangkok, but these are usually wooden buses without air conditioning. The price depends on the type of tire. Article