Shanghai population. The largest cities by population How megacities appear

Shanghai is one of largest cities in the world. Over the past few decades, it has managed to increase its population several times and enter the top ten densely populated cities along with Jakarta and Seoul. Want to know what is the population of Shanghai city? In this article we will answer this question in detail.

A metropolis, a seaport, a pearl of Asia - that's all about Shanghai

Those who have visited Shanghai fall in love with it for many years. His originality and Asian flavor combined with a large number of historical monuments and unusual modern architecture, put Shanghai on a par with the rarest museum exhibits.

It is almost impossible to find out everything about Shanghai. Even after several trips to this city, you will be amazed at how skillfully its residents combine absolutely incompatible things, and they manage to turn all the oddities of Shanghai into its advantages, which regularly bring money into the city treasury.

For example, only in Shanghai, next to an ancient pagoda, you will see a skyscraper made of glass and concrete with a bizarre architectural form. It is in this Chinese city that all residents are as Europeanized as possible, but in parallel with this, everyone living in Shanghai received an education according to truly Chinese traditions.

Shanghai is especially glorified by its population, whose numbers are increasing synchronously with the development of the city itself. And it is developing at an incredible pace, which has made it possible for many years to call it " economic miracle China".

History of Shanghai: reasons for dynamic economic growth

Many written Chinese sources from the tenth century already mentioned Shanghai. The population of a small village on the banks of the Yangtze was engaged in fishing and did not have the opportunity to supply their catch to other regions of China. Most Shanghai residents struggled to make ends meet and quickly left the village. In addition, its proximity to the sea exposed the city to constant danger of pirate raids. This was the reason for the construction of walls around the settlement and its expansion into the interior of the country.

In the mid-nineteenth century, the Americans and British established a strong foothold in Shanghai and organized trade with the West. Almost all cargo entering and leaving China began to pass through the city. For their convenience, foreigners began to develop the city and build it up. Despite the fact that the population of the city of Shanghai was predominantly Chinese, it was controlled by foreigners, who made up thirty-five percent of all living in the city. Thanks to foreigners, all new innovations, such as electricity, for example, became instantly available in Shanghai.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, Russian emigrants began to move to Shanghai. The population of the city during this period consisted almost entirely of foreigners; they outnumbered the native residents of Shanghai three times.

Shanghai: population

Now Shanghai confidently leads the list of the most densely populated cities in the world. The population exceeds twenty-five million people, with an annual population growth rate of more than fifteen percent.

It’s easy to imagine the pandemonium that reigns on the city streets during rush hours. The problem of moving around Shanghai is very acute for the city authorities; they have to constantly come up with new ways to accommodate so many people and make their daily movement through the streets comfortable and fast.

To improve the situation in the city, a high-speed metro is operating and Railway on a magnetic cushion. But the city authorities compensate for the lack of free land by building in height. Therefore, most of the buildings in Shanghai are skyscrapers.

Shanghai population density

The total area of ​​Shanghai is six thousand three hundred and forty square kilometers, this city can rival the size of Beijing itself. The same applies to population density in the city. Today, almost four thousand people live on one square kilometer of urban territory. This is a very high figure, because it is twenty times higher than the average data for China, taken as the norm.

National composition of the population of Shanghai

Most people are surprised to learn how much of Shanghai's population is native Chinese. In fact, the Chinese make up only fifty-nine percent of the total population. The remaining residents came to Shanghai from Europe and other parts East Asia. The majority of Shanghainese are Han Chinese, who have their own dialect.

This nuance gives the city some originality, because the language of Shanghainese is not always fully understood by residents of other provinces of China. Scientists note that even the culture of Shanghai has its own characteristics. Still historical monuments cities are being carefully studied; at the beginning of the twentieth century, the Shanghai authorities introduced a ban on the demolition of any ancient buildings, which allows preserving the extraordinary urban appearance and history of the city.

What age is the average Shanghai resident?

Shanghai authorities are sounding the alarm about their city's rapidly aging population. Even visitors are struck by how old Shanghai has become. The population of the city, which is over sixty years old, is almost four million people. This is two million more than eleven years ago.

Young people make up only one million two hundred thousand inhabitants, which is significantly lower than the overall figure for the country. Many attribute this fact to the fact that for a long time the city was closed to the entry of unauthorized persons. And foreigners living in Shanghai did not strive to have offspring, enjoying a comfortable and luxurious life in China.

IN last years Shanghai authorities have approved several programs that should promote demographic growth. But the results of these efforts can only be assessed in twenty to twenty-five years.

Features of the population of Shanghai

If you go to Shanghai, the population will simply amaze you. Everywhere there are crowds of people rushing to work or about their business. But most of city ​​residents are not included in the general population list. After all, almost five million people are not permanent residents of the city - they come here to work.

Most often, these people are representatives of blue-collar professions who have permanent registration in the provinces of the city. The problem of newcomers is very acute in Shanghai; many of them do not want to register, and it is difficult for the authorities to control their numbers. As a result, the city suffers from overpopulation.


To summarize the above, I would like to note that Shanghai is a delightful city. It's different from anything you see in China. Many tourists believe that Shanghai surpasses Beijing in beauty, wealth and population. After all, a city can only be recognized by observing its inhabitants and their everyday life. From this angle, Shanghai can appear in a very unexpected light. It is worth visiting it and seeing for yourself how original this metropolis is, in which foreigners and former Shanghai fishermen successfully coexist.

Shanghai population

Shanghai is the most populous city in the world and the first in area and also in the world, and not just in China or South-East Asia. This is the main one Finance center and the mega-, or it would be more correct to call it giga-, polis, is conveniently located at the mouth of the Yangtze River, in eastern China. Known as the Pearl of the East, why did you think the local landmark TV tower was named that way, and East Paris, has more than 24 million people, which means that the population of Shanghai has already exceeded the population of neighboring Taiwan.

In fact, 2016 was the first year in which the population decreased rather than increased, by 04%. Average density The population is 2,059 people per square kilometer, although this number increases to 3,854 people in the city center.

The area of ​​Shanghai is 6340 square meters. km., mostly steppe, here and there hills in the southeast, but the maximum height is only 4 meters. Shanghai also boasts an extensive network of rivers, canals, and lakes, all of which create excellent conditions for the development of the city. Shanghai has been one of the fastest growing cities in the world, doubling growth figures every year since 1992, except during the 2008-2009 global recession.


According to 2010 data, 89.3% of Shanghai's population, which is 20.6 million people, was urban, and rural areas accounted for only 10.7%, equal to 2.5 million people. More than 39% of Shanghai's population are long-term migrants, a figure that has tripled in the past 10 years, migrants mainly from Anhui (29%), Jiangsu (16.8%), Henan (8.7%) and Sichuan (7.0%), of which almost 80% are from rural areas. It is thanks to migrants that the population of Shanghai has constantly increased, since the natural increase of Shanghai has been negative since 1993.

As in most of China, the vast majority of Shanghai's population is ethnic Han (98.8%), and only 1.2% belong to ethnic minorities.

There are 150,000 officially registered foreigners in Shanghai, approximately 31,500 Japanese, 21,000 Americans and 20,700 Koreans. These are numbers based on official data; most likely in reality there are much, much more foreigners.

Shanghai population growth

Although many believe that Shanghai has reached its peak in population, this is far from the truth. Shanghai, like Beijing, is projected to have a population of 50 million by 2050, twice the current population, thanks to rapid urbanization and strong economic growth.

We all remember the “One Family, One Child” policy that controlled the population. On the other hand, this certainly influenced the decrease work force and a dramatically aging population. Rural migrants have given Shanghai the growth it needs, and it is their children and their children's children who will fuel population growth in the years to come.

China is also testing new reforms to its registration system, called hukou, which will encourage migrants to move to cities, giving migrants the same benefits as natives.

Shanghai still has many demographic challenges to overcome, chief among them a gender imbalance with 113 boys to 100 girls, and an aging population that will pose a major burden on the city and its growth potential in the future.

What's interesting: Shanghai is the first most populous city in the world and the most populous city on the planet
but two days for this city is not enough, although no, it’s nothing at all :(
in the end, all we had time to do was walk around the city at night, see one park and climb the tallest skyscraper in the city
and all this is only in the very center, so the report, although beautiful, is completely biased
Well, that's what it is...

2. first impression: wide streets, tall houses, very beautiful design of everything and a mixture of 3 styles - Chinese classics, colonial style and ultra-modern high-rise style

3. there is a lot in the center pedestrian streets, a huge number of shops and street vendors

4. rich:) golden building

5. and here it is, the famous embankment

6. in the center there are 2 most tall skyscraper(they are currently building another one, which will be even higher)

7. That one over there, the highest one is the Shanghai World Financial Center, this is our goal - to climb to the very top, to the observation deck, and this is 492 meters!

8. boats float along the river, different types, sizes and all beautiful, here is one of them

9. and opposite the high-rise buildings, across the river - colonial style, you can see how many tourists are crowding on the embankment - go nuts

10. We sat on the embankment until dark, it’s interesting, here’s another boat

11. Well, again a walk through the city at night

12. everything glows

13. on one of the buildings there is an aquarium that goes directly onto the street, sharks and giant turtles swim there - mesmerizing

14. bull

15. but the city is beautiful even during the day

16. in the city center there is a tourist center, quite a classic Chinese one, again with shops, and behind them is an awesome park

17. this is Shanghai, old and new

18. The park turned out to be excellent, we hung out there for half a day, although it seemed small

19. I just wanted to meditate in it, which, in fact, some people did

20. By the way, we drove through ordinary city blocks by bus - nothing special, the same China as everywhere else, that’s why I say that my report is biased, for me Shanghai came out purely as a tourist

21. like this

22. ha, spaceship)))

23. that’s it, let’s move to the skyscraper, to the high-rise area

24. all the buildings are different, they are not crowded at all, there is a lot of greenery between the high-rise buildings, there are ponds and in general there is a lot of space for walking

25. and here are these couple of high-rise buildings, you can climb (for money) into both, but we chose the highest one to see everything

26. in the lobby they have a model of the city, it’s interesting, the whole trick is in the effects, they simulate the times of day and the weather, you can look at it for a long time, at night they turn on the backlight, they project a thunderstorm, sunrises, sunsets, fireworks on the screen

27. and here we are at the top, damn the glass is not very clean and glares, so I can’t vouch for the quality

28. here it is, the height, we are above everything, the view is like from a helicopter

29. who is ready to stand on a glass floor at an altitude of more than 450 meters?

30. Here we sat for more than an hour, in the middle there was a strip of glass floor and along the edges, near the windows, too, I wasn’t afraid to stand on the glass and look down, but something inside was still shrinking)

31. here comes the sunset, the city is in lights

32. and the room inside reflects and multiplies all these lights

33. Well, we waited until it was completely dark

34. then back to the hotel

35. eh, Shanghai, maybe we’ll meet again and there will be more time, and tomorrow we’ll go to Hangzhou, the last city of our trip

The city of Shanghai is considered to be a financial, economic, scientific, technological, commercial, industrial and cultural center countries. For more than 6 years in a row, its port has been a leader in terms of cargo turnover, and in terms of container transportation volumes it is right behind Singapore. As a result, Shanghai port generates 12.5% ​​of China's GDP.

The industrial sector of the city occupies a leading position in the state. The most profitable and developed areas are automobile production, mechanical engineering, petrochemical refining, metallurgy, textile and light industry.

The Pudong business district houses branches, head offices and representative offices of the world's largest corporations. The headquarters of the People's Bank of China, which oversees the free market, is also located here. The city of Shanghai is of great interest to investors because joint ventures here are exempt from taxes for three years.

East Paris

Shanghai is a cozy, hospitable and, at the same time, the most highly developed metropolis in China. It miraculously intertwines western chic and oriental charm. The metropolis is replete with expensive restaurants, breathtaking skyscrapers, fashionable shopping centers, casinos, luxury hotels and ancient architectural buildings. All this is in harmony with each other, and creates a special, attractive aura, so you want to return to Shanghai again and again. Europeans often compare it with Venice and Paris, which is why the city even has many beautiful nicknames - the Pearl of the East, shopping paradise, Paris of the East.

Shanghai hosts all year round international exhibitions and festivals, and almost every visitor knows about the “four streets” for shopping. In general, the topic of shopping deserves a separate discussion, since the city can be called one huge supermarket with all categories of goods and their prices.

Nightlife in Shanghai is quite varied and vibrant. Most entertainment establishments are open until dawn. Over the past few years, famous jazz musicians have chosen to perform at local concert venues.

The history of Shanghai - the city above the sea

The first fishing villages on the territory of modern Shanghai were already in 617-910, but it became an independent administrative unit in 1553. At this time, a wall was built around the village, and the new town was given a name that remains unchanged today. Shanghai literally means “city above the sea”.

During the Opium War, the city experienced the first stage of sharp economic growth, which was due to its advantageous location on the sea. Silk, opium, food and other goods were transported through its port to other countries and regions. In the 19th century, a stream of emigrants from Europe poured here, which provoked the emergence of lower social strata of society with bad reputation and habits.

With the advent of communism, ethical principles were restored in Shanghai, the opium trade and prostitution were banned, which led to economic stagnation. In 1990, a new milestone began in the history of the city, which continues today.

Did you know?

  • There is a marriage market in the city, where instead of food or clothes, advertisements for the search for a wife or husband hang on the shelves.
  • At the initiative of the Russian community, a monument to Pushkin was erected in Shanghai


Shanghai has a fairly developed urban transport system. The fastest way to get around here is the metro, but its lines do not connect all areas. Buses and trolleybuses go anywhere in the city, and their tickets are quite cheap, but the problem of traffic jams is quite noticeable, as in any metropolis of this size.

Ferries transport passengers along the Huangpu River. From the embankment to the financial and trade zone, a tourist tunnel has been laid underground, in which small electric locomotive cabins run. This tunnel is considered one of the attractions of the modern era.


Shanghai is considered a relatively safe city. Severe penalties are provided for crimes against tourists, so you should only beware of pickpocketing and walking at night in dangerous areas.

What to see

Among the most famous sights of Shanghai are the Jade Buddha Temple, the Garden of Joy, Shanghai TV Tower, Nanjing Street and others.

Sights of Shanghai

12,043,977 people

The capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, opens the ranking of the largest cities by population. The population density is 14,763 people per square kilometer. The total number reaches more than 12 million people. The area of ​​the city reaches 815.85 km2. It should be noted that this metropolis is one of the oldest on our planet. It was founded in the 7th century. At that time, the city was part of the Buddhist kingdom called Kamarupa. Most likely, the name is due to the emergence of the Dhakeshwari temple.

The capital of the Russian Federation ranks 9th in the ranking of the most densely populated cities in the world. According to preliminary data, there are 12,452,000 people in this city. The first mention of the current capital occurs in 1147. Currently, the area of ​​the metropolis is 2561.5 km 2. The city of federal significance includes many industrial plants, enterprises and vehicles. You might be interested in checking out the most dirty cities Russia.

Next in the top 10 largest cities by population is the Indian metropolis of Mumbai. Its area is only 603 square kilometers. At the same time, 12,478,477 Indian citizens live on the territory of the settlement, founded in 1507. Thus, there are 20,694 people per square kilometer. This place is really noisy and a lot of bustle. Not at all, there is something to see due to the developed infrastructure and many attractions.

The capital of Turkey, Istanbul, is one of the most populous cities on Earth. It was founded in 667 BC. The current mayor is Kadir Topbaş. The area of ​​the metropolis reaches 5343 square kilometers. In total, the city includes 13,854,740 people. The density is 2,400 people per square kilometer. It should be noted that Istanbul is famous and popular tourist center, annually attracting a colossal number of tourists and travelers.

14.04 million people

  1. Scientific and technical;
  2. Economic;
  3. Political;
  4. Educational and cultural;
  5. Transport center of the People's Republic of China.

The area of ​​the settlement is 7,433 square kilometers. In 2016, the population was 13,080,500. In 2017, the figure rose to more than 14 million citizens.

Next in the ranking is the Nigerian city of Lagos with a population of 15,118,780. locality located in the southwest of the country. It is the largest in area - 999.6 square kilometers. In total, 13 million people live in it and close to 21 million in the metropolitan area. In Africa, no metropolis can compare with this city. The average cost in a three-star hotel will cost 5,000 rubles. If you are in this place, you should definitely visit Lagos Island.

The largest city in India by population is Delhi - a multinational place in which different cultural movements develop. This is his asset. Being in this place can expand your worldview and learn a lot of new things that are useful for self-knowledge. The area reaches 1,484 square kilometers. In total, 16 million people lived in the city in 2016. Among the most interesting places should include:

  1. Lal-Kila;
  2. Qutub Minar.

There are many museums!

21.5 million people

Another Big City subordinate to the People's Republic of China, whose population reaches over 21.5 million citizens. Total area The territory is 16,411 square kilometers, that is, this settlement is also one of the largest in size in the world. Located in the southern part of the country. Among the most interesting attractions are Forbidden City. Beijing has a lively, pleasant atmosphere of cheerful people who are hospitable to travelers. In this place you can spend an unforgettable vacation, both with the whole family and on your own.