Review of the commercial real estate market 3rd quarter.

Colliers International analysts conducted a market study commercial real estate Moscow and identified key trends in the office market.

Offer on the capital office market

The volume of existing supply at the end of the third quarter amounted to 17.23 million sq.m., of which 3.96 million sq.m. are class “A”. In the third quarter, the market added 75,000 sq.m., which is almost 3.5 times more than in the first half of the year. Two of the four objects that appeared belong to class “A”, the rest – to the segment “B+”/“B-”. At the same time, since the beginning of the year, the volume of commissioning turned out to be a record low (95,000 sq.m.) value for the commissioning of office supply for the first three quarters of the year over the past five years.

In fact, the final growth rate will depend on the commissioning of two towers as part of the Moscow City International Business Center, since they form 70% of the planned input volume by the end of the year.

If documentation on commissioning is received for all objects announced by the end of 2017, the total annual increase could be 450-465 thousand sq.m.

Demand for offices in Moscow

Despite the weak first half of the year, the dynamics and quality of deals concluded in the third quarter suggest a revival in demand.

In the first three quarters, the total volume of leased and purchased office space amounted to 826,000 sq.m., which is 30% higher than the figure for the same period in 2016.

The total number of rental and purchase transactions increased by 2 times: activity in terms of rental and purchase was demonstrated by both small companies renting offices of less than 200 sq.m., and large ones, which require more than 10,000 sq.m. to accommodate them.

The share of transactions involving renegotiation and revision of lease terms continues to decline. More than 80% of the total volume relates to company relocations.

Among the largest transactions in the third quarter of 2017 were the lease by Eksmo of 23,000 sq.m in the Poklonka Place business center, the lease by Tele2 of an office with an area of ​​13,100 sq.m in the Comcity office park, the lease by Technoserv of 12,000 sq.m. m in the Novospassky Dvor business district, lease by Deutsche Bank of 8,200 sq. m in the Aquamarine III business center and preliminary lease by Europlan of 8,000 sq. m in the Oasis business center.

Vacant office space in Moscow

The average vacancy rate for the market has not undergone significant changes. The volume of free supply introduced was offset by moderate net absorption. The market average vacancy rate was 11.2%. In absolute terms, 1.9 million sq.m. are offered for rent and sale. In the structure of free supply, 32% formed class “A”, 50% – “B+” and 17% – “B-”.

Due to the shortage of large office blocks (more than 10,000 sq.m.) in high-quality buildings with convenient locations, large companies have established the practice of concluding preliminary lease agreements in facilities under construction: about 30% of office space in business centers commissioned since the beginning of the year and planned for commissioning before the end of the year is no longer offered on the market. At the same time, the owners of some properties continue to postpone the commissioning date until the Pre-lease is signed with the anchor tenant.

The existing volume of available office space is unevenly distributed, and some submarkets are characterized by a shortage of quality supply.

Selling prices for offices in the capital

In the sales segment, the trends from the beginning of the year continue: the volume of free quality supply remains small, exhibited sales prices are stable. At the same time, since the middle of the year, there has already been a conversion of existing interest into real transactions - the number of transactions for the purchase of office space less than 200 sq.m has increased compared to the same period in 2016.

Cost indicators in areas remote from the Central District, near the Third Transport Ring, are 180,000 rubles/sq.m for class “A” and 150,000 rubles/sq.m for class “B+”. Properties located at a distance from the Third Transport Ring towards the Moscow Ring Road are offered today at an average of 170,000 rubles/sq.m in class “A” and 115,000 – 130,000 rubles/sq.m in class “B+”/“B” -".

Expensive offices are offered in central regions cities at an average cost of 315,000 rubles/sq.m for class “A” and 265,000 – 275,000 rubles/sq.m for classes “B+”/“B-”. In the towers of the MIBC Moscow City, offers vary in the range of 245,000 - 450,000 rubles/sq.m.

Rental rates for office space in Moscow

The third quarter of 2017 was characterized by stable rental rates. Traditionally, fluctuations have been observed in the given rate indicator due to the volatility of exchange rates. The market still remains in rubles.

There was a slight local change in the requested ruble rental rates by area and class, but this slightly increased the average market level - within 1-3%. In the Central District, the given rental rates for class “A” offices amounted to 30,785 rubles/sq.m./year, for class “B+” offices – 20,240 rubles/sq.m./year.

The given base office rental rate in US dollars for class “A” is $440/sq.m/year, in rubles – 25,831 rub./sq.m/year. The given base rental rate in US dollars for class “B+”/“B-” is $219/sq.m/year, in rubles – 12,817 rubles/sq.m/year.

Trends and forecasts for the development of the Moscow office market

Developers announced 370,000 sq.m. for commissioning in the fourth quarter, of which 340,000 sq.m. correspond to class “A”. If the stated plans are implemented, the annual volume of new construction in 2017 will increase by 50% compared to 2016.

Main facilities announced for commissioning in the fourth quarter of 2017

The appearance of Class A objects will not have a significant impact on the volume of free supply in this segment, due to the fact that already today in three out of four Class A business centers there is on average no more than 10% free.

If the commissioning of the Moscow-City International Children's Center facilities is postponed to 2018, the increase in new supply, on the contrary, will be 40% lower than last year's figure (i.e. 197,000 sq.m.), which will also be reflected in an increase in the vacancy rate from the expected 10% up to 11.5%.

Taking into account that in the last two quarters the increase in the volume of transactions was 65% and 75%, and at the end of the year a significant amount of space is usually closed, the total volume of demand may amount to 1.0-1.1 million sq.m. Despite the fact that the expected volume of demand may be higher than the values ​​of 2014-2016, it is still less than the pre-crisis values.

At the end of the year, the market will experience a significant decrease in vacant space and a gradual increase in rental rates.

The reduction in the volume of quality supply, especially in the segment of large blocks, against the backdrop of positive demand dynamics, will gradually push up rates in classes “A” and “B+”, which, however, will be most noticeable in 2018.

In August 2017, 2,766 commercial real estate units with a total area of ​​1,461 thousand square meters were offered for rent. m. The volume of supply for the month in terms of quantity increased by 5%, and in terms of total area - by 10%.

The average monthly rental rate decreased by 4% and amounted to RUB 17,295 per sq. m. m/year. The dollar exchange rate did not change in August, so in dollar terms the rate also decreased by 4% and amounted to $290/sq.m/year. Over the year, since August 2016, ruble rates have not changed, while dollar rates have decreased by 8%.

The increase in supply and the decrease in rental rates in August are moderate, which is typical for the summer period. Macroeconomic and other factors for a significant change in the commercial real estate market are currently absent.

The leader in supply volume traditionally remains office space, the share of which by area is 48%. Next come production and warehouse (42%) and retail premises (10%).

Retail real estate

In August 2017, 559 objects with a total area of ​​155 thousand square meters were exhibited on the market. m. Compared to the previous month, the number of exhibited retail objects increased by 1%, and the total area - by 5%.

Of these objects, 35 objects with a total area of ​​8 thousand square meters were exhibited in the center. m, which is lower than July by 10% in quantity and 29% in total area. The average requested rental rate for these properties for the month decreased by 5% and amounted to RUB 58,973 per sq. m. m/year, while rates for objects that have been exhibited for a long time have remained virtually unchanged. The decrease in rental rates occurred, in particular, due to the departure in July of two expensive properties - on Stary Gai Street (270 sq.m., 119,000 rubles/sq.m./year) and st. Tverskaya (173 sq.m., 131,261 rub./sq.m./year).

The number of retail properties offered for rent outside the center increased by 2% in August 2017, and their total area by 8%. The volume of supply amounted to 524 objects with a total area of ​​147 thousand square meters. m. The average monthly rate decreased by 8% and amounted to 26,671 rubles/sq.m/year,

In terms of the level of changes in rates per month, the difference between objects in the center and outside it is not significant, however, in the medium term, the demand for premises in the center is higher.

Retail premises inside the Garden Ring
Trading inside the UKQuantityTotal gap, RUB milliontotal area, thousand sq. mAverage area, thousand sq. mAverage rate, ₽/sq. m/year
Meaning29 394 6,937 0,239 63 215
By July 2017-12% -16% -29% -20% +3%
By August 2016-33% -2% -15% +26% +18%

Office real estate

In August 2017, the volume of supply of office properties for rent, both in quantity and in total area, increased by 2% and amounted to 1,623 objects with a total area of ​​698 thousand square meters. m.

Over the month, the number of office properties in the center increased by 8%, but the total area did not change. The average rental rate increased by 1% and amounted to 24,751 rubles/sq.m./year.

The volume of supply of office space outside the Garden Ring in terms of quantity and total area increased by 2%, while the average rate increased by 1% and amounted to 15,896 rubles/sq.m./year.

Changes in rates for office real estate both in the center and outside it continue to remain insignificant, which reflects low business activity related, incl. with the summer period.

Analysts from Colliers International conducted a study of the Moscow commercial real estate market and identified key trends in the office market, street-retail market, as well as in the warehouse market of the capital region.

Office real estate in Moscow

Offer on the capital office market

The volume of existing supply at the end of the third quarter amounted to 17.23 million sq.m., of which 3.96 million sq.m. are class “A”. In the third quarter, the market added 75,000 sq.m., which is almost 3.5 times more than in the first half of the year. Two of the four objects that appeared belong to class “A”, the rest - to the segment “B+”/“B-”. At the same time, since the beginning of the year, the volume of commissioning turned out to be a record low (95,000 sq.m.) value for the commissioning of office supply for the first three quarters of the year over the past five years.

In fact, the final growth rate will depend on the commissioning of two towers as part of the Moscow City International Business Center, since they form 70% of the planned input volume by the end of the year.

If documentation on commissioning is received for all objects announced by the end of 2017, the total annual increase could be 450-465 thousand sq.m.

Demand for offices in Moscow

Despite the weak first half of the year, the dynamics and quality of deals concluded in the third quarter suggest a revival in demand.

In the first three quarters, the total volume of leased and purchased office space amounted to 826,000 sq.m., which is 30% higher than the figure for the same period in 2016.

The total number of rental and purchase transactions increased by 2 times: activity in terms of rental and purchase was demonstrated by both small companies renting offices of less than 200 sq.m., and large ones, which require more than 10,000 sq.m. to accommodate them.

The share of transactions involving renegotiation and revision of lease terms continues to decline. More than 80% of the total volume relates to company relocations.

Among the largest transactions in the third quarter of 2017 were the lease by Eksmo of 23,000 sq.m in the Poklonka Place business center, the lease by Tele2 of an office with an area of ​​13,100 sq.m in the Comcity office park, the lease by Technoserv of 12,000 sq.m. m in the Novospassky Dvor business district, lease by Deutsche Bank of 8,200 sq. m in the Aquamarine III business center and preliminary lease by Europlan of 8,000 sq. m in the Oasis business center.

Vacant office space in Moscow

The average vacancy rate for the market has not undergone significant changes. The volume of free supply introduced was offset by moderate net absorption. The market average vacancy rate was 11.2%. In absolute terms, 1.9 million sq.m. are offered for rent and sale. In the structure of free supply, 32% formed class “A”, 50% - “B+” and 17% - “B-”.

Due to the shortage of large office blocks (more than 10,000 sq.m.) in high-quality buildings with convenient locations, large companies have established the practice of concluding preliminary lease agreements in facilities under construction: about 30% of office space in business centers commissioned since the beginning of the year and planned for commissioning before the end of the year is no longer offered on the market. At the same time, the owners of some properties continue to postpone the commissioning date until the Pre-lease is signed with the anchor tenant.

The existing volume of available office space is unevenly distributed, and some submarkets are characterized by a shortage of quality supply.

Selling prices for offices in the capital

In the sales segment, the trends from the beginning of the year continue: the volume of free quality supply remains small, exhibited sales prices are stable. At the same time, since the middle of the year, the conversion of existing interest into real transactions has already been observed - the number of transactions for the purchase of office space less than 200 sq.m has increased compared to the same period in 2016.

Cost indicators in areas remote from the Central District, near the Third Transport Ring, are 180,000 rubles/sq.m for class “A” and 150,000 rubles/sq.m for class “B+”. Properties located at a distance from the Third Transport Ring towards the Moscow Ring Road are offered today at an average of 170,000 rubles/sq.m in class “A” and 115,000 - 130,000 rubles/sq.m in class “B+”/“B” -".

Expensive offices are offered in the central areas of the city at an average cost of 315,000 rubles/sq.m for class “A” and 265,000 - 275,000 rubles/sq.m for classes “B+”/“B-”. In the towers of the MIBC Moscow City, offers vary in the range of 245,000 - 450,000 rubles/sq.m.

Rental rates for office space in Moscow

The third quarter of 2017 was characterized by stable rental rates. Traditionally, fluctuations have been observed in the given rate indicator due to the volatility of exchange rates. The market still remains in rubles.

There was a slight local change in the requested ruble rental rates by area and class, but this slightly increased the average market level - within 1-3%. In the Central District, the given rental rates for class “A” offices amounted to 30,785 rubles/sq.m/year, for class “B+” - 20,240 rubles/sq.m/year.

The given base office rental rate in US dollars for class “A” is $440/sq.m/year, in rubles - 25,831 rub./sq.m/year. The given base rental rate in US dollars for class “B+”/“B-” is $219/sq.m/year, in rubles - 12,817 rub./sq.m/year.

Trends and forecasts for the development of the Moscow office market

Developers announced 370,000 sq.m. for commissioning in the fourth quarter, of which 340,000 sq.m. correspond to class “A”. If the stated plans are implemented, the annual volume of new construction in 2017 will increase by 50% compared to 2016.

Main facilities announced for commissioning in the fourth quarter of 2017

Name Class Developer Area (thousand sq.m.)
"Federation Tower East" "A" AEON Corporation 146,5
IQ Quarter "A" CiTerInvest B.V., Hals Development 123
Business district Neopolis "A" A-Store Estates 63,2
"Quarter Park of Legends", bldg. 3 "A" GC "TEN" 11
"Square" "B+" LenhartGlobal 9,5

The appearance of Class A objects will not have a significant impact on the volume of free supply in this segment, due to the fact that already today in three out of four Class A business centers there is on average no more than 10% free.

If the commissioning of the Moscow-City International Children's Center facilities is postponed to 2018, the increase in new supply, on the contrary, will be 40% lower than last year's figure (i.e. 197,000 sq.m.), which will also be reflected in an increase in the vacancy rate from the expected 10% up to 11.5%.

Taking into account that in the last two quarters the increase in the volume of transactions was 65% and 75%, and at the end of the year a significant amount of space is usually closed, the total volume of demand may amount to 1.0-1.1 million sq.m. Despite the fact that the expected volume of demand may be higher than the values ​​of 2014-2016, it is still less than the pre-crisis values.

At the end of the year, the market will experience a significant decrease in vacant space and a gradual increase in rental rates.

The reduction in the volume of quality supply, especially in the segment of large blocks, against the backdrop of positive demand dynamics, will gradually push up rates in classes “A” and “B+”, which, however, will be most noticeable in 2018.

Street-retail premises in Moscow

Trends in the street retail market in Moscow

The main event of the third quarter of 2017 in the street retail market was the completion of the next stage of the Moscow street renovation program. Construction and installation work was completed on more than 80 city streets and territories, including the Garden Ring, Boulevard Ring, Tverskaya (from Nastasinsky Lane to Triumfalnaya Square), 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya, etc.

In summer, during construction work, average level The vacancy rate of the Garden Ring increased to 13%, and the vacancy of some of its sections reached 30%. Traffic and the average bill of many catering establishments located in reconstruction zones have decreased by two or more times. At the end of the third quarter, the average level of vacant retail space on the highway decreased to 12%, although the vacancy rate of some sections of the Garden Ring still remains quite high (20-25%).

The largest percentage of rotation during the quarter occurred at Tverskaya - about 5% retail space the streets have changed their tenants. Following Tverskaya is Pyatnitskaya Street with a rotation rate of 4%. On Arbat and Myasnitskaya Street, only 3% of premises changed their tenants. Next comes the street. Kuznetsky Most (2%) and st. New Arbat (1%). Neglinnaya Street showed a zero percentage of rotation - not a single tenant has changed here.

In the third quarter of 2017, the average vacancy rate in central shopping corridors continued to decline and amounted to 6.5%.

The most active process of rotation of retailers in the third quarter was observed on Tverskaya, Pyatnitskaya and Arbat, where 5%, 4% and 3% of the areas changed tenants, respectively. The previous tenants are being replaced primarily by retailers with a similar trading profile. For example, on Arbat, the Georgian cuisine cafe “eZo” replaced the “Ural dumplings” cafe, and on Pyatnitskaya, the Leonidas restaurant replaced the “Shardane” restaurant.

Also, one of the trends of the past quarter is worth noting the opening of consumer electronics stores on the central streets of Moscow. Yes, on the street. Tverskaya, 27, stores of two chains opened at once: the Chinese Xiaomi and the re:Store chain, which moved from another premises and increased its area. These discoveries are noteworthy in that these networks develop mainly in shopping centers: For Xiaomi this is the first store in the street retail format in Moscow, and for re:Store it is the seventh.

Demand and commercial conditions for street-retail rental in the capital

In the third quarter, the greatest demand was for premises on Pyatnitskaya, Pokrovka, Maroseyka, Myasnitskaya, Neglinnaya, and Petrovka streets. For example, the jewelry chain Tiffany & Co chose Petrovka to open a boutique with an area of ​​490 sq.m., which became the brand’s second store since the company’s transition to independent development in Russia.

Among the new chains and formats that are actively developing in street retail, one can highlight the Modi household goods chain, the first store of which opened on Arbat. The chain plans to open new stores on the central streets of Moscow in the near future. Also noteworthy is the opening of the first Auchan supermarket in the street retail format on the street. Tverskaya. A special feature of the new format is that a significant area of ​​the supermarket is allocated for gastronomy and its own cafe.

The Moskhoztorg chain continues to actively develop, which opened eight new stores in the third quarter, including points on Smolensky Boulevard and st. Novokuznetskaya.

In the third quarter of 2017 greatest number applications came from catering operators - 85%.

Rental rates on central shopping streets in the third quarter of 2017 did not change compared to the second quarter.

Traditionally, Ginza Project, Tanuki, Crocus Group’s restaurant division, and Novikov Group have active plans for expansion. The latter, for example, opened several establishments in different price categories in the third quarter: burger #Farsh on the street. Lesnaya, cafe of pan-Asian cuisine Hoshi on the street. Kuznetsky Most, 15/17 and Bar & Grill on Novocherkassky Lane.

The past quarter was rich in the opening of non-chain cafes and restaurants. The 23Tolstoy restaurant opened in Khamovniki, and a restaurant opened its doors on Mira Avenue Chinese cuisine“Jimmy Lee”, on Novy Arbat - restaurant “Butcher’s Pie”, etc.

Key openings on the central trade corridors of Moscow in the third quarter of 2017

Name Street Profile
Tiffany & Co Petrovka st. Jewelry
Ladurée Nikolskaya st. Cafes and restaurants
Villa Pasta New Arbat st. Cafes and restaurants
Auchan Tverskaya st. Products
Burger Heroes Kamergersky lane Cafes and restaurants
#Farsh Lesnaya st. Cafes and restaurants
Butcher's Pie New Arbat st. Cafes and restaurants
Moskhoztorg Novokuznetskaya st. Household products
Modi Arbat st. Household products
Alfa Bank Pyatnitskaya st. Banks

Forecasts for the development of the Moscow retail space market

By the end of the year, a further reduction in the vacancy rate of the central shopping streets of Moscow is expected within 1 percentage point. This will be facilitated, first of all, further development catering segment.

Also, against the backdrop of news about the sale of the Perekrestok-Express chain, which has more than 30 stores within the Garden Ring, active development of new and existing grocery chains on the central streets of the capital is possible.

Warehouse real estate in Moscow

Offer on the Moscow warehouse market

At the end of the third quarter of 2017, the total supply of high-quality warehouse facilities in the Moscow region reached 13.16 million sq.m., the volume of commissioning in the third quarter amounted to 191,000 sq.m., and since the beginning of the year - 386,000 sq.m. Thus, the volume of completed construction in the first nine months of this year was similar to the results of last year, when 385,000 sq.m. were commissioned in the first and third quarters.

The largest warehouse facilities put into operation in the third quarter were Technopark Uspensky (area - 42,000 sq.m), Orientir "North 2" (43,100 sq.m), Logopark "Dmitrov" (25,600 sq.m) , as well as PSK Kozhukhovo (47,715 sq.m.). It should be noted that the overwhelming majority of the total volume of warehouse space commissioned in the first and third quarters of 2017 is located in the north and east of the Moscow region.

Based on the results of the first nine months of 2017, the volume of demand exceeded the volume of input by more than twice.

Demand for warehouses in the capital region

Based on the results of the first three quarters of 2017, about 840,000 sq.m of warehouse space were rented and purchased in the Moscow region, which is 38% higher than the same figure in 2016.

The third quarter of 2017 accounted for 348,000 sq.m., while a significant volume of demand was generated by several large transactions: the purchase of a warehouse complex with an area of ​​68,700 sq.m. by the Utkonos company, as well as the transaction for the acquisition of a future warehouse with an area of ​​146,000 sq.m. by the company Wildberries. Both complexes will be implemented according to the built-to-suit scheme. As a result of the closure of these transactions, purchases accounted for 34% of the total volume of transactions in three quarters, although a quarter earlier this proportion was 15% to 85% of leases.

Retail, and in particular online retail, took a dominant position in the total volume of transactions closed since the beginning of the year in the Moscow region.

Rental rates for warehouse premises in Moscow

Based on the results of the third quarter of 2017, the requested rental rate for class “A” facilities in the Moscow region has not undergone major changes and is in the range of 3,400 - 4,000 rubles/sq.m./year, depending on the location of the warehouse complex and the volume of the leased block.

The average asking rental rate in the Moscow region is 3,800 rubles/sq.m./year.

Trends and forecasts for the development of the capital's warehouse real estate market

Against the backdrop of low commissioning volumes and continued demand for high-quality existing warehouse complexes, a further decrease in the share of vacant space is expected by the end of this year - to the level of 7%. However, even with the current dynamics of vacancy decline, the volume of warehouse space available for rent remains high. In addition to the existing ready-made offer, developers are ready to offer the implementation of objects according to the built-to-suit scheme, which slows down the process of absorption of ready-made space. Pressure from vacant competing warehouse properties is reducing the potential for rate increases at least until the end of this year and the first few months of next year.

Among the largest warehouse complexes planned for commissioning by the end of 2017 are blocks 2, 6.1 and 7 in PNK-Valischevo (developer - PNK Group, area - 51,080 sq.m) and phase 2 of Vnukovo II phase 2 ( developer - Logistic Partners, area - 49,000 sq.m).

Review prepared by Colliers International

The RRG company conducted a study of the commercial real estate market in the capital region in the third quarter of 2017. Information for the study was obtained from more than 30 specialized and thematic sources dedicated to the Moscow commercial real estate market. Sources include electronic real estate databases, print and electronic media, real estate agencies and consulting companies.

Office, industrial and warehouse premises (ISP) and free commercial premises (PSN) worth from 36 million rubles, as well as retail premises worth from 26 million rubles or premises with a total area of ​​at least 100 sq. m.

Objects offered in open sources were selected as objects for research of the commercial real estate rental market - retail, office, industrial and warehouse premises (PSP) with a total area of ​​at least 50 square meters. m.

The volume of supply of real estate in both segments – sales and rental – decreased.


Market as a whole

Supply volume

In 3 sq. In 2017, supply volume decreased by 1% in quantity and by 4% in total area. For the year, compared to Q3. 2016, the supply volume decreased by 5% in quantity and decreased by 28% in total area.

In total, in the 3rd quarter, 2,164 objects with a total area of ​​2,960 thousand sq.m. were put up for sale.

Price indicators

Weighted average price in 3 sq. 2017 decreased by 1% and amounted to 176,936 rubles/sq.m. Taking into account the fact that the dollar exchange rate increased by 3% over the quarter and decreased by 9% over the year, the price in dollar equivalent for the quarter increased by 2%, and over the year decreased by 19% and amounted to $2,998/sq.m. The total cost of commercial real estate for the quarter decreased by 5%, and for the year - by 35% and amounted to 523 billion rubles.

The decline in prices both in rubles and dollars over the year indicates a decrease in demand. At the same time, the decrease in the supply of vacant space and their withdrawal from the market gives hope that new point equilibrium in the market will soon be found.

All segments Quantity Total cost, million rubles. Total area, thousand sq.m Average area, thousand sq.m.
meaning 2 164 523 699 2 960 1,37 176 936
by Q2 2017 − 1% − 5% − 4% − 3% − 1%
by the third quarter 2016 − 5% − 35% − 28% − 24% − 10%

Supply volume

The volume of supply in terms of total area in the 3rd quarter compared to the second quarter for retail real estate decreased by 14%, for office space - by 5%, for industrial and warehouse premises - by 5%, and for free-use premises - increased by 14%.

The volume of supply by total area for the year compared to 3 sq. 2016, for retail real estate decreased by 29%, for office real estate - by 35%, for industrial and warehouse real estate - increased by 17%, and for free-use premises decreased by 35%.

There have been changes in the structure of segments by area. The share of office properties was 59%. Next come premises for free use (21%), production and warehouse (13%) and retail premises (7%).

Price indicators

In the 3rd quarter of 2017, the price for retail real estate increased by 2% to 245,510 rubles/sq.m, for office real estate it decreased by 4% and amounted to 202,521 rubles/sq.m, for industrial and warehouse properties it increased by 4% and amounted to 63,439 rub./sq.m., and for free-use premises - by 5% to 210,068 rub./sq.m.

Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2016, the weighted average price decreased by 9% for retail, by 4% for office, by 17% for industrial and warehouse real estate and increased by 1% for vacant premises.

The only segment where prices decreased in the 3rd quarter of 2017 was office real estate, but the price increase in other segments was insignificant, and over the year prices decreased in all segments except industrial and warehouse premises.

Trading Quantity Total cost, million rubles. Total area, thousand sq.m Average area, thousand sq.m. Weighted average price, rub./sq.m
meaning 348 45 738 186 0,54 245 510
by Q2 2017 − 15% − 12% − 14% + 1% + 2%
by the third quarter 2016 − 7% − 35% − 29% − 23% − 9%

Office Quantity Total cost, million rubles. Total area, thousand sq.m Average area, thousand sq.m. Weighted average price, rub./sq.m
meaning 1 341 347 182 1 714 1,28 202 521
by Q2 2017 + 4% − 9% − 5% − 9% − 4%
by the third quarter 2016 − 3% − 38% − 35% − 33% − 4%

PSP Quantity Total cost, million rubles. Total area, thousand sq.m Average area, thousand sq.m. Weighted average price, rub./sq.m
Meaning 160 39 688 626 3,91 63 439
by Q2 2017 − 18% − 2% − 5% + 16% + 4%
by the third quarter 2016 − 15% − 3% + 17% + 38% − 17%
PSN Quantity Total cost, million rubles. Total area, thousand sq.m Average area, thousand sq.m. Weighted average price, rub./sq.m
meaning 315 91 091 434 1,38 210 068
by Q2 2017 + 11% + 20% + 14% + 2% + 5%
by the third quarter 2016 − 4% − 35% − 35% − 32% + 1%

Retail real estate

Supply volume

In the 3rd quarter, 348 retail objects with a total area of ​​186 thousand square meters were exhibited, of which 32 objects were inside the Garden Ring and 316 objects were outside it.

During the quarter, the supply of retail properties in the center decreased by 9% in terms of quantity, but remained unchanged in terms of total area. The supply of retail properties outside the center decreased by 16% in quantity and by 15% in total area.

Price indicators

The weighted average price for retail properties in the center for the 3rd quarter of 2017 decreased by 16% and amounted to 824,912 rubles/sq.m., which was due to the end of exposure in the 2nd quarter of a large and cheap facility on Khoromny Lane. (2586 sq.m., 2,200,000 rub./sq.m.), and by entering the market of cheap properties on Raushskaya embankment. (398 sq.m., 282,518 rub./sq.m.), Tolmachevsky lane. (680 sq.m., 262,500 rub./sq.m.), Kazarmenny lane. (720 sq.m., RUB 305,556/sq.m.).

The weighted average price for retail premises outside the center increased by 4% to RUB 219,283/sq.m. The price increase was associated with the entry into the market in the 3rd quarter of an expensive retail facility on Ryazansky Prospekt (9,747 sq.m., 359,064 rubles/sq.m.).

Despite the fact that prices for premises in the center decreased over the quarter, and prices outside, on the contrary, increased, over the year the situation is the opposite, so in the medium term we can say that there is higher demand for premises in the center, but until recently such premises were somewhat overrated.

Trading Quantity Total cost, million rubles. Total area, thousand sq.m Average area, thousand sq.m. Weighted average price, rub./sq.m
meaning 348 45 738 186 0,54 245 510
by Q2 2017 − 15% − 12% − 14% + 1% + 2%
by the third quarter 2016 − 7% − 35% − 29% − 23% − 9%
Trading inside the UK Quantity Total cost, million rubles. Total area, thousand sq.m Average area, thousand sq.m. Weighted average price, rub./sq.m
meaning 32 6 655 8 0,25 824 912
by Q2 2017 − 9% − 16% 0% + 9% − 16%
by the third quarter 2016 − 22% − 41% − 48% − 33% + 14%
outside the UK
Quantity Total cost, million rubles. Total area, thousand sq.m Average area, thousand sq.m. Weighted average price, rub./sq.m
meaning 316 39 083 178 0,56 219 283
by Q2 2017 − 16% − 12% − 15% + 1% + 4%
by the third quarter 2016 − 5% − 34% − 27% − 24% − 9%


Supply volume

In the 3rd quarter of 2017, 107 street-retail objects with a total area of ​​29 thousand sq.m. were put up for sale, of which 10 objects were inside the Garden Ring and 97 objects were outside it.

The volume of supply for retail facilities in the center decreased by 9% in terms of quantity and by 10% in total area. The volume of supply for retail properties outside the center decreased by 14% in quantity and by 20% in total area.

Price indicators

The weighted average price for street-retail properties in the center increased by 8% to RUB 960,183/sq.m, while for older properties the price decreased by 10%. The price increase was due to the entry into the market of an expensive property on M. Kozikhinsky Lane. (100 sq.m., RUB 1,459,550/sq.m.).

Outside the center, the weighted average price increased by 2% and amounted to 275,718 rubles/sq.m., which was due to a 5% increase in prices for objects that have been exhibited for a long time.

Street-retail Quantity Total cost, million rubles. Total area, thousand m2 Average area, thousand m2
meaning 107 9 934 29 0,27 343 396
by Q2 2017 − 14% − 15% − 19% − 6% + 5%
by the third quarter 2016 + 1% − 22% − 2% − 3% − 21%

Street-retail inside SK Quantity Total cost, million rubles. Total area, thousand m2 Average area, thousand m2 Weighted average price, rub./m2
meaning 10 2 747 3 0,29 960 183
by Q2 2017 − 9% − 3% − 10% − 1% + 8%
by the third quarter 2016 − 41% − 42% − 38% + 6% − 7%
Street-retail outside the UK Quantity Total cost, million rubles. Total area, thousand m2 Average area, thousand m2 Weighted average price, rub./m2
meaning 97 7 188 26 0,27 275 718
by Q2 2017 − 14% − 18% − 20% − 6% + 2%
by the third quarter 2016 + 9% − 10% + 5% − 4% − 15%


Market as a whole

Supply volume

The volume of supply on the rental market in the 3rd quarter. 2017 decreased by 7% in quantity and by 10% in total area. In general, over 4 quarters, supply volume increased by 19% in terms of quantity, and by 3% in terms of total area.

In total, 4,452 objects with a total area of ​​2,260 thousand sq.m. were exhibited in the 3rd quarter.

Price indicators

The average rate both for the quarter and for the last 4 quarters decreased by 3% and amounted to 17,969 rubles/sq.m/year. Taking into account that the dollar exchange rate increased by 3% in the third quarter, the price in dollar terms for the quarter did not change and amounted to $304/sq.m/year. Annual rent for the quarter decreased by 12% and amounted to 32.4 billion rubles.

The decrease in the average rental rate in both dollars and rubles over the year indicates that negative factors still prevail in the real estate market.

All segments Quantity Total gap, million rubles. Total area, thousand sq.m Average area, thousand sq.m.
meaning 4 452 32 416 2 260 0,51 17 969
by Q2 2017 − 7% − 13% − 10% − 3% − 3%
by the third quarter 2016 + 19% − 0% + 3% − 13% − 3%

Comparative analysis by segments

Supply volume

The volume of supply in terms of total area for the 3rd quarter of 2017 compared to the second decreased by 19% for retail, 11% for office and 4% for industrial and warehouse real estate.

The volume of supply for the total area of ​​retail real estate over the year decreased by 5%, for office real estate - by 4%, and for industrial and warehouse real estate - increased by 17%.

The leader in supply in terms of total area remains office space, the share of which was 50%. Next come industrial and warehouse (38%) and retail premises (12%).

Price indicators

The average rental rate for the 3rd quarter of 2017 for retail real estate decreased by 2% and amounted to 30,808 rub./sq.m./year, for office real estate - also decreased by 2% to 17,327 rub./sq.m./year, and for production and warehouse – increased by 2% and amounted to 6,656 rubles/sq.m/year.

Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2016, the change in rental rate was -3% for retail, +1% for office, and the rate for industrial and warehouse real estate did not change.

Changes in rates both for the quarter and for the year continue to remain insignificant, which is typical for the stage of market stagnation.

Trading Quantity Total gap, million rubles. Total area, thousand sq.m Average area, thousand sq.m. Average rate, rub./sq.m./year
meaning 922 6 660 254 0,28 30 808
by Q2 2017 − 10% − 17% − 19% − 10% − 2%
by the third quarter 2016 + 11% − 3% − 5% − 14% − 3%
Office Quantity Total gap, million rubles. Total area, thousand sq.m Average area, thousand sq.m. Average rate, rub./sq.m./year
meaning 2 633 19 984 1 090 0,41 17 327
by Q2 2017 − 7% − 14% − 11% − 4% − 2%
by the third quarter 2016 + 18% − 3% − 4% − 19% + 1%
PSP Quantity Total gap, million rubles. Total area, thousand sq.m Average area, thousand sq.m. Average rate, rub./sq.m./year
Meaning 897 5 772 916 1,02 6 656
by Q2 2017 − 2% − 3% − 4% − 3% + 2%
by the third quarter 2016 + 31% + 15% + 17% − 11% 0%

Retail real estate

Supply volume

The volume of supply of retail real estate in the 3rd quarter decreased by 10% in terms of quantity, and decreased by 19% in terms of total area. The volume of supply over the year increased by 11% in terms of quantity, and in terms of the total area decreased by 5%.

In total, in the 3rd quarter, 922 objects with an area of ​​254 thousand square meters were exhibited, of which 51 objects were in the center and 871 premises were outside it.

The volume of supply by total area in the 3rd quarter decreased by 18% in the center and by 19% outside it.

Price indicators

The average rental rate for retail properties inside the Garden Ring is 3 sq. 2017 decreased by 1% and amounted to 58,889 rubles/sq.m/year.

The average rental rate for retail properties outside the Garden Ring did not change and amounted to RUB 29,164/sq.m./year.

The insignificance of changes in rates for retail facilities indicates stagnation in the market in the context of a decrease in supply.

254 0,28 30 808 by Q2 2017 − 10% − 17% − 19% − 10% − 2% by the third quarter 2016 + 11% − 3% − 5% − 14% − 3%
Trading inside the UK Quantity Total gap, million rubles. Total area, thousand sq.m Average area, thousand sq.m. Average rate, rub./sq.m./year
meaning 51 658 13 0,26 58 889
by Q2 2017 − 30% − 24% − 18% + 17% − 1%
by the third quarter 2016 − 39% − 29% − 26% + 22% − 3%

outside the UK
Quantity Total gap, million rubles. Total area, thousand sq.m Average area, thousand sq.m. Average rate, rub./sq.m./year
meaning 871 6 001 241 0,28 29 164
by Q2 2017 − 9% − 17% − 19% − 11% 0%
by the third quarter 2016 + 16% + 1% − 3% − 17% + 2%


Supply volume

The volume of supply of street-retail format objects in the 3rd quarter of 2017 decreased by 10% in quantity and by 19% in total area. Over the year, the volume of supply in terms of quantity increased by 13%, and in terms of total area - by 4%. In total, in the 3rd quarter, 353 objects with an area of ​​76 thousand square meters were exhibited, of which 17 objects were offered in the center and 336 objects outside it.

Total area, thousand m2 Average area, thousand m2 Average rate, rub./sq.m./year meaning 353 2 351 76 0,22 34 976 by Q2 2017 − 10% − 20% − 19% − 10% − 5% by the third quarter 2016 + 13% + 1% + 4% − 8% − 9%
Street-retail inside SK Quantity Total gap, million rubles. Total area, thousand m2 Average area, thousand m2 Average rate, rub./sq.m./year
meaning 17 255 5 0,29 67 263
by Q2 2017 − 32% − 28% − 6% + 38% − 13%
by the third quarter 2016 − 51% − 38% − 29% + 47% − 3%

Street-retail outside the UK Quantity Total gap, million rubles. Total area, thousand m2 Average area, thousand m2 Average rate, rub./sq.m./year
meaning 336 2 097 71 0,21 33 343
by Q2 2017 − 9% − 19% − 20% − 12% − 2%
by the third quarter 2016 + 21% + 9% + 8% − 11% − 3%