The island of Kos is such a sea. Attractions and resorts of the island of Kos in Greece

The island is located in the southeast Aegean Sea. Kos is considered the third largest (overtaken by Rhodes and Karpathos), and based on the number of inhabitants, it ranks second among the Southern Sporades, behind Rhodes. The island is located opposite the Asia Minor coast. Kos is the meeting place of three continents, where great civilizations intersected, creating the unique appearance of the area. Located at the mouth of Halicarnassus, Kos actively developed the cultural sphere, fueled by the influences of the peoples under whose rule it was, while at the same time it managed to preserve a truly Greek soul. The island was important in the formation of Mediterranean civilization, being one of the centers of development.

With a total length of 37 kilometers, Kos has an area of ​​290 square meters. The 112-kilometer coastline contains many beaches, which attracts tourists. The population of the island is 34 thousand people.

The city of the same name is the capital of the island of Kos; it also serves as the main port. The nearest port is located 200 nautical miles away - Piraeus, they are connected by cruising ships (the journey will take 8-9 hours) and high-speed "dolphins". Sea communications have also been established with other territories of the Dodecanese archipelago.

Kos International Airport "Hippocratis" is located 26 kilometers southwest of the island's capital. There are three daily flights to Athens and also to the island of Rhodes. At the same time, getting to the airport is not difficult: a special bus delivers guests to the island 2 hours before departure.

The elongated island is predominantly flat. The most high peaks The spits do not reach even a kilometer. However, there are many gorges and rocks on the island, which will appeal to lovers of active rest. Kos is famous for its forests, where pines, cypresses, and cedars are often found. Here you can see beautiful white lilies and scarlet poppies. Animal world The islands are represented by turtles of a special type, amphibian inhabitants, and amazing butterflies of Rhodes.


Kos was destined to be in the tourist guide, because the great Hippocrates was born here. However, no less interesting is the local cultural life, which took shape under the influence of numerous conquerors, periods of bright prosperity followed by declines, the emergence of freedom of speech and confrontations between residents and invaders - the thousand-year history of the island is filled with significant events.

Tourism is the main source of income for the island of Kos, the source of its wealth. This destination is becoming increasingly popular every year among travelers all over the world, because the Greek resort combines natural beauty and historical attractions. The second place in economic influence is occupied by trade, industry, Agriculture, fishing.

Holidays here are a real pleasure. The prices of the island are quite adequate for a tourist destination, transport links are convenient, and the development of infrastructure allows tourists to choose options for accommodation, food, and a wide range of opportunities for active recreation, entertainment and excursion programs. It is noteworthy that Kos is often called the “island of bicycles”. This is due to the fact that there are many bicycle paths on the island. Thanks to this, travelers who rent this eco-friendly form of transport can avoid spending money moving around the territory.

A trip to Kos is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the unique architectural style of the island, which distinguishes it from other lands of the archipelago. The style of buildings took shape under the influence of the domination of foreign peoples. The Ottoman period of the island gave the settlements the outlines of “bazaar towns”; at the same time, many mosques and Muslim sources were built, which are still found today.

Italian rule introduced Venetian features into architecture. The 1933 earthquake brought about changes. The Italian rulers restored the capital according to a new layout. The city was divided along social lines. The northern part of the city was intended for ordinary residents; small houses were built here. The center of the capital was occupied by two-story buildings, the first floor of which was given over to shops, and the second floor was inhabited by the local bourgeoisie. The Italians themselves settled in the eastern part of the city, where luxurious mansions with flowering gardens were erected. Italian culture is also reflected in green areas throughout the capital. Venetian features are also noticeable in the public institutions of Antimachia and Kardamena. There is a striking contrast between the buildings erected before the earthquake and after it.

After the Second World War, with the unification of the Dodecanese and Greece (1948), the architecture of the island experienced a new era. Construction begins on various hotel complexes, necessary to provide a place of residence for the flow of tourists pouring into Kos. The island is becoming a popular tourist destination, helped by low prices, convenient air connections, and the beauty of the local nature. Some of the traditional buildings have been replaced by modern ones, as they have suffered from time. It is still possible to see them by visiting the villages of Asfendiou, Pyli, Kefalo and Antimachia, walking along the cobbled streets of the settlements. A traditional Xhosa house is a low, single-story structure with a wide façade, masonry, and a flat roof made of stone or other coverings. Such houses are painted white, and windows and doors add brightness to them. The internal content of residential buildings meets the needs of the rural population. A distinctive feature of the houses is kaniotichos. This is a long wall, which is hung with necessary household items: plates, mirrors, decorative items. Traveling around the island, you can notice windmills characteristic of the area. One of the most famous is located in Antimachia.

Ruins of an ancient city

There are ruins near the port of Kos ancient city. Here you can see the remains of Roman and Hellenistic buildings, sections of the Ancient Agora of the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e., the Greater Stoa (Kamara tou Foru), as well as other small arcades with temples of Dionysus, Aphrodite and Hercules. The Odeon of the 3rd century is well preserved. BC e., including 12 stands and arched galleries.

The town of Kos itself is also worth considering. Directly in front of the Chapel of St. Anne is the Ancient Stadium of the first half of the 2nd century. BC e. At the port, the tourist meets the Nerandzya fortress. This monument was once the most important and at the same time preserved better than other fortifications.

Knights Castle

The right part of the harbor houses the most striking monument to the era when the island was ruled by the Venetians. The Knights' Castle is an example of traditional defensive structures of that era. The fortification is surrounded by a moat and a double wall. The castle is a monument of the 15th century, although construction was completed a century later.

Antimachia Fortress

In the very heart of the island of Kos, southeast of the village of Antimachia, there is a fortress from the Middle Ages. From here you have views of the southern coast of Kos. The fortress was built between 1322 and 1346. Sources report that in the 14th century the castle was used as a prison where convicted knights served their sentences. The fortress was restored after the earthquake of 1494, then additional layers of protection were erected. Inside the castle there are ruins of an ancient settlement left by the inhabitants, several reservoirs, and also a couple of churches.

Archaeological Museum

Finding the museum is not difficult: it is located on Eleftherias Square. The museum's exhibition includes prehistoric objects, sculptures from the Hellenic era, as well as small classical statues of Aphrodite, Eros, Demeter, and Hippocrates. The traveler will see here inscriptions and mosaics depicting episodes from the life of the inhabitants of the island, details of shrines and buildings.

Tree of Hippocrates

Legend has it that the shade of a plane tree with a trunk of about 12 meters was the place where the great scientist taught students medicine. A bridge leads from the plane tree to the Knights' Castle.

Church of St. John the Baptist

The second name of the shrine is “Seven Steps”: 7 recesses of the temple resemble sacred altars. Due to its location, it is currently used as the cemetery church of Kos. Initially, the temple was a baptistery of the early Christian period; now it is the only surviving monument of its kind. Recently, researchers discovered frescoes from the 12th-13th centuries depicting scenes from the life of John the Baptist.

Cave Aspris Petras

Aspris Petras translates as “white stone”. The estimated age of the cave is 100-140 million years. The natural attraction was discovered in 1922 by Italian archaeologists. Initially, the cave was used for worship; later people found out that the characteristics of the rocks made it possible to live here. The oldest finds of Aspris Petras date back to the prehistoric period. Researchers have found fossils here ancient man, various vessels. Among the rare finds, weapons consisting of blades and sharpened fragments of obsidian volcanic stone, mined on Yali Island, stand out. Scientists also discovered food remains here, confirming speculation that tribes lived on the island and herded animals. The cave is also interesting for the presence of pits with oval millstones. Aspris Petras is one of the most ancient monuments of Kos.

Temple of Hercules

The Temple of Hercules is located next to the Hippocratic plane tree. From the shrine to our times, only the foundation, platform and several columns have survived. The name of Hercules was given to the temple due to the inscription found here and the discovered objects associated with the hero of ancient Greek legends. In these places there are buildings from later eras, including the construction of the Baths and the Baptistery.

Temple of Apollo (Kardamena)

Ancient name majestic building- Alasarna. Researchers found the foundation of the temple under a building from the era of early Christianity, which convinced scientists of the existence of life on Kos long before the late ancient period. Alasarna was a religious center, this did not change even after the appearance of the city of Kos, dating back to 336 BC. e. Only a small part of the temple has survived to this day. The three discovered buildings - the sanctuary of Apollo, the altar or inclined entrance (according to scientists) and the temple, the exact period of which is unknown - are unique monuments of the culture and art of the island.

Resorts of Kos

The resort town of Kardamena is located near the airport (7 kilometers). It is famous for its vibrant nightlife, a large number of different bars and discos, extensive entertainment program, which especially attracts young tourists. 6 kilometers of Kardamena beaches is another advantage of the resort. The shores of this area are gentle, making them suitable for children to swim. The sandy shore, including small pieces of mica and pebbles, adds to the attractiveness. The sea in the Kardamena area is very calm, but the water temperature is slightly lower. Length coastline causes a variety of beaches: from completely wild to landscaped areas. The most famous beach in Kardamena is Paradise Beach. Everything here is created for the convenience of tourists: showers, toilets, sun loungers, umbrellas.

At a distance of 14 kilometers from Kos is the resort of Marmari. Tourists are offered a wide variety of hotels - from the cheapest to luxury complexes. Local beaches are considered one of the best, and their length is 2 kilometers. A gently sloping sandy shore leads to the warm, gentle sea. Trees grow right on the beach, creating shady areas. The tourist is provided with the necessary attributes of a beach holiday: umbrellas, sun loungers, sun loungers. Fans of active recreation can learn at the local windsurf school, the best on the island. Other types are also presented water sports. The main influx of vacationers is concentrated on the central section of the beach, so if you move away you can relax alone, calmly, away from the noise of tourists. Numerous Marmari taverns warmly welcome guests with traditional dishes.

Another tourist place is Kefalos. Five kilometers of snow-white silky sand frame the sea surface. Thanks to the undercurrent, the water always remains clean. Kefalos itself is a fishing town, but nearby is the tourist village of Kamari. The local, well-maintained beach provides travelers with rental equipment for various water sports.

The eastern territories of Kefalos are occupied by Agios Stefanos. The beach is named after the basilica located near the seashore. From here you can see the Church of St. Nicholas from the neighboring island of Castries. This view has become the hallmark of Kos, included in booklets and guidebooks.

Moving west from the city of Kos, the tourist will find himself in Mastichari. The beach of this resort is flat and densely covered with light-colored sand. The clear sea is not suitable for swimming with small children, as the constant strong wind raises high waves. It is for this reason that thousands of windsurfers from all over the world come here. There is also a school here, where those interested are taught the art of dealing with the elements. Nearby there is entertainment suitable for various groups of tourists: the Lido water park, which occupies an area of ​​75 thousand square meters.

The 10-kilometer Tigaki beach is a great place for a family holiday. It is here that the coastline is most flat, so small children can swim without fear. Winds in Tigaki are not uncommon, but they are weak and therefore not dangerous. The beach is equipped with amenities and numerous trees provide shade. The white beach is sometimes painted black due to the dark sand of volcanic origin carried out by the surf.

Lambi is essentially a suburb of the island's capital. Compared to other beaches, it is significantly smaller (only 1 kilometer), but it is one of the most comfortable. Local hotels, restaurants and taverns are also noted for their high level of service. Vacationers can rent various necessary equipment, and conditions are provided for water sports enthusiasts.

Psalidi beach is pebble, and the pebbles are quite large. There is a diving center here, so it is ideal for scuba diving enthusiasts. After driving 7 kilometers, the tourist will find himself in Termes, famous for its thermal springs and beach. People come here to be treated for joint and skin diseases. You can swim in such springs absolutely free.

The eastern part of the island of Kos is the resort of Agios Fokas. The hilly coast, covered with small pebbles, is equipped with paths for the convenience of vacationers when moving along the beach. The sea here is quite calm, sometimes there is a light wind that does not raise waves. Most often there is no wind at all. Umbrellas, sun loungers and sun loungers are provided at Agios Fokas.

More details



Not far from the city of Kos are the ruins of Asklepion. Antique temple complex was found as a result of excavations in 1901.

Construction began in the 4th century. BC e. and lasted for several centuries.

The temple was erected in honor of the ancient Greek god of healing, Asclepius. The son of Apollo was the pupil of the centaur Chiron. According to legend, Chiron taught him healing.

The Asklepion was erected to worship the patron of medicine, study medicine and help the sick. Suffering crowds came to Asklepion in the hope of being healed. For several centuries, the sanctuary accumulated medical knowledge. It is believed that the ancient Greek healer Hippocrates learned healing in this place.

By the 1st century AD, the temple area expanded. A terrace, new medical buildings, a residential area for patients and a small theater appeared. From the entire powerful complex, only the ruins of three terraces and the marble staircase connecting them survived.

The lower terrace was intended for the work of scientists and observation of the sick. Here the suffering brought gifts to the god of healing.

On the middle terrace there were temples and hospitals.

The upper terrace belonged to the priests and noble visitors.

Asklepion is located in a picturesque location, surrounded by ancient trees. It offers incredible views of the coast. The temple is under the protection of UNESCO.

Castle of the Knights of St. John

The Castle of the Knights of St. John is one of the majestic castles of Kos. It was erected in the 16th century to defend the city from invaders. Massive defensive walls are built from the stone and marble of destroyed ancient knowledge. On the gate is the coat of arms of Grand Master Pierre de Aubusson.

Inside the fortress there are fragments of Christian churches and chapels, a stone bridge, fragments of watchtowers, and internal buildings. The defensive walls once served as a prison for enemy invaders.

The majestic structure offers stunning views of the port and the sea horizon. Over several centuries, the castle walls were overgrown with magnolias and figs. Fans of the Middle Ages will enjoy walking around the castle.

Located next to the harbor, the fortress is a popular tourist site and important historical monument. Not far from the castle gates grows the symbol of the city - the Hippocrates plane tree.

Sycamore Hippocrates

Medicine was born on the island of Kos. The ancient Greek healer and physician Hippocrates was born here. The father of medicine made enormous contributions to science. On the island, many events and monuments are associated with his name. One of them is a huge ancient plane tree.

Legend has it that Hippocrates himself planted a tree and studied with his students under it. Scientists believe that the landmark tree is a descendant of the healer plane tree.

However, it is the oldest plane tree in Europe - its age is about five hundred years. It is supported by a special design. The authorities and residents of the island carefully look after the landmark.

Altar of Dionysus

In the 20th century, a sensational landmark was discovered near the ancient Greek Agora Square - the Altar of Dionysus.

The building, dedicated to the god of wine, was significantly damaged by the earthquake. Today it is a ruin ancient temple. However, even these ruins allow you to feel the ancient Greek atmosphere.

The temple is built in the letter “P”. Such buildings were popular at the very dawn of the island.

The ruins of the altar to this day are a cultural, scientific and historical heritage of the island of Kos and all of Greece.

Majestic ruins attract tourists local residents. Archaeologists are still found at the ruins, carefully studying the area.

A walk through the sights will immerse everyone in antiquity, allow you to touch history, and feel all the power and greatness of the ancient Greek state.

Antimachia Fortress

The medieval fortress of Antimachia was built by the Ionite knights in the 15th century. The castle is considered the best example of a medieval defensive structure. It is located in the center of Kos, near the village of Antimachia. Hence the name of the fortress.

The gates of the fortress are famous for the coat of arms of the Grand Master d’Aubusson. And above them the date of construction of the structure is preserved - 1494.

In the 16th century, the fortress sheltered local residents within its walls, saving them from Turkish invaders. During the siege, residents quenched their thirst from large cisterns built inside the fortress. Christian churches helped the population to hold on and lift their spirits. Fragments of these buildings have survived to this day. From the religious buildings you can see the churches of St. Mary Elimonitria, St. Nicholas and St. Praskovia.

Powerful stone defensive walls have retained their grandeur and beauty. Today, various festivals, concerts and other cultural events take place on the territory of the fortress. Getting to the attraction is easy; it is located just a couple of kilometers from the airport.

Defterdar Mosque

The history of Greece is intertwined with many different cultures. For many centuries, different peoples lived on the territory of the country. Each of them left an indelible imprint on architecture. This happened with Kos.

During the rule of the Ottoman Turks, many Turkish buildings were erected. Mosques are the most significant among them.

Defterdar was built in the very center of Old Kos and dates back to the 18th century. Its snow-white walls and red domes can be seen from afar.

Decorative elements in the Arabic style give it a unique flavor. Crowds of tourists come every year to enjoy the beauty and grandeur of this small Turkish structure.

The mosque was built in difficult years when the island was occupied. Despite this, Defterdar has retained its beauty and still functions as intended.

Next to it is an oriental bazaar. Tourists walk along its rows, buying souvenirs and sweets.
The Defterdar Mosque is a majestic structure that combines several different cultures. The mosque energizes and delights.

Haji Hasan Mosque

The Hadji Hassan Mosque is another striking example of oriental culture on the island of Kos. Just like Defterdar, it was built during Turkish rule in Greece. The building dates back to 1764. It was erected by order of the governor of the island, Hadji Hassan. The Greeks believe that the mosque was built on the site of the Byzantine Church of St. George.

The mosque is located near the Hippocrates plane tree. Its superb architecture and Arabic style are certainly eye-catching.

Haji Hassan is a popular destination among travelers. Near it there is a shop where city guests buy souvenirs.
The mosque is operational. Muslims living on the island pray in it.

In the evening it turns into romantic place for lovers. Illumination of the area creates a unique atmosphere.

The architectural structure boasts of its luxury, decoration and rich history.

Ziya village

Cozy and hospitable Zia is located on the slope of Mount Dikeos near Chora. It is very popular among tourists. There are three ways to get there: buy a tour, rent a car, or take a regular bus.

Tourists visit Ziya to enjoy its ancient houses, narrow streets, white stone paths, green meadows and incredible forest.

Zia is famous for its souvenir shops. Products are sold here self made, souvenirs, national products, olive oil. The shops are overflowing with famous local ceramics. It is believed that here are the most affordable prices on the island. Actually this is not true. But in local shops you often find exclusive and original things that you won’t find on Kos.

A variety of taverns welcome their guests and offer excellent local cuisine. In the evenings, taverns are in great demand, sitting there you can watch the sunset.

Cozy Zia is surrounded by forest, which is also worth a walk. During the day there is a slight coolness and tranquility, with a pine aroma in the air. In hot weather, you can hide from the heat in the forest.

It should be noted that during the day the village is very noisy. Thousands of tourists come here. Crowds of island guests gather at souvenir shops and taverns. Lovers of silence should climb higher up the mountain to see the real quiet and charismatic Zia.

From the top of Mount Dikeos, a breathtaking panorama of the Aegean coast opens. From here you can see country streets, houses with colored windows, a church with a bell tower and an old mill. Zaya is a paradise village.

The village has a small zoo where rabbits, a goat, a donkey and peacocks live.

Picturesque Zia is always glad to see its guests.

Plaka Forest

Plaka Forest is an extraordinary place on the island. It will be interesting here for both children and adults.

The pine forest is a real home to hundreds of peacocks. They live in it freely, walk, fly and do not limit themselves in anything. There is not a single cage or fence for birds and animals in the park. Peacocks live freely, in wild conditions, and they are so accustomed to people that they calmly approach and ask to treat them with a tasty treat.

Peacocks can be fed regular food. Tourists come to the forest to admire the incredibly beautiful birds, take photographs with them, breathe in the pine air and simply take a break from the scorching sun.

Peacock feathers are scattered throughout the park, which tourists happily take home as a souvenir.

In addition to friendly birds, the park is home to wild cats. They get along with birds and do not conflict. In the middle of the forest there is a small freshwater pond where turtles live. Small streams flow through the forest, across which there are wooden bridges.

The park area is landscaped with recreation areas, benches and barbecues. Here you can truly relax, chat with peacocks and other forest inhabitants.

We continue to travel around sunny Greece and discover new tourist “pearls”. Fortunately, this country does not skimp on interesting places! Today our turn is eastern Greece and the island of Kos. Thanks to the climatic, ecological, cultural and historical features of the area, Kos became one of the first Greek resorts. The island still maintains the bar of decent service and tourist attractiveness, despite its close proximity to such a giant as Rhodes. What unusual and fascinating things will travelers find here – we’ll find out in today’s article!

general information

The island of Kos on the map of Greece is located on the eastern side, at maritime border with Turkey, and is part of the Dodecanese archipelago, washed by the waters of the Aegean Sea. Although the name translates as “Twelve Islands,” there are actually hundreds of islets, and only 17 of them are inhabited.

Kos is the third largest island in the Dodecanese (after Rhodes and Karpathos). The area of ​​the island is 287.6 km2, and the length of the coastline is 122 km. The maximum width reaches eleven kilometers, and the minimum - two. A little more than 33 thousand people live on the island, with 19,000 living in the administrative center of the same name - the city of Kos.

Kos differs from other Dodecanese islands in its super-fertile land. Agriculture is highly developed here: watermelons, lemons, tomatoes, olives, etc. are grown on plantations. No less popular are animal husbandry, winemaking, and honey collection. The favorable climate and vitamin-rich soils allow wild vegetation to bloom luxuriantly, which enriches the air with oxygen and nutrients. It is not for nothing that Kos is often called the “garden of the Mediterranean”.

The historical and cultural features of Kos are also noteworthy. The famous physician Hippocrates was born on this island, and here he founded a medical school. In memory of those events, one attraction remains, which we will talk about a little later. Also on Kos are the remains of the ancient Asklepion, early Byzantine basilicas, a knight's castle, etc.

And on the island there are dozens of beaches with golden, white and even black volcanic sand! Here you can spend a relaxing, excursion, active or beach holiday. In other words, Kos will fulfill any tourist whim!


Finds discovered on archaeological excavations, allow us to assert that the first settlement of the island occurred in the Neolithic era (10-3 thousand years BC). Kos was later inhabited by Carians, Minoans, Mycenaeans, Dorians and Persians. All of them founded cities, erected temples and sanctuaries. Some of them have survived to this day.

The peak of the island's development occurred in the 4th century BC, when Greek civilization reached its power. Trade routes from East to West were actively laid through Kos, which quickly developed the city. They also produced their own goods: wine, honey, silk, vegetables and fruits. In turn, the improvement in the economic situation contributed to rapid population growth. It’s hard to imagine that in those days 160 thousand people settled on Kos!

Later Ancient Greece, and Fr. Kos, among other things, entered a period of decline. As a result of wars and natural disasters Cities were destroyed and the number of inhabitants decreased. From the end of ancient times until the return of the island to Greece (1948), at different times it was dominated by:

  • Persians;
  • Romans;
  • Byzantines;
  • Knights Hospitaller;
  • Turks;
  • Italians;
  • Germans.

And only after the end of the Second World War and an agreement with Great Britain, to which the territories occupied by the Germans were transferred, Kos returned to his native Greek harbor. The Greeks set about restoring and developing the island, and after a couple of decades, the towns and villages of Kos became attractive tourist resorts.

Greece, Kos island – where it is and how to get to the island

If you are planning to spend your holiday on Kos in Greece, then your path lies to the east of the country. You can get to the island by air or sea.

Nearest airport

Despite its small size, Kos has its own airfield with two terminals: one for domestic flights, and the second for international flights.

From Russia, direct flights to Kos are organized only during the high season (May-September), and then, as a rule, these are charters. Therefore, most often tourists get to the island through Athens or Thessaloniki. There are daily flights from these Greek cities. The flight duration will not exceed an hour, and the cost starts from 80 € for a one-way ticket.

People also fly to Kos on European low-cost airlines. For example, an air ticket from Kaunas to Kos with one transfer will cost only 60 €.

Kos Hippocrates Airport is located in the center of the island, so you can easily reach any resort from here. For a bus trip, depending on the distance, tourists will pay from 3 to 7 €. Ordering a taxi will cost 18-40 €.

You can also get to Kos by sea, which is incredibly well developed in Greece. It is more convenient to pave the way from the capital Athens, where the port of Piraeus is located. Ferries from the Greek capital to the island of Kos operate on two routes:

  • Athens - Astypalaia - Patmos - Lipsi - Leros - Kalymnos;
  • Athens – Syros – Santorini – Patmos – Leros.

Little Kos is only 50 kilometers long! Located in the Aegean Sea, it belongs to the Dodecanese archipelago, which includes 11 more islands, including Karpathos. From Kos to Turkey is closer than to Rhodes - Bodrum and Kos are separated by only 70 kilometers.

Over the long history of the island, several strong earthquakes destroyed ancient monuments. The last, most devastating, happened in 1933.

The modern capital of the island - the city of Kos - is new town, built after the disaster.
The island of Kos is green, with wonderful parks. Ancient monuments have been preserved mainly in the form of ruins.

Kos has become a popular resort relatively recently. The island is entirely given over to tourists. Each resort town has its own, unique appearance and is intended for different recreation: youth, extreme, sports, family, excursion.

When choosing a resort on Kos, you need to take into account its features. Kos is the most democratic holiday destination in Greece. There are the most 2-star hotels here, the most low prices. This island is one of the most environmentally friendly resorts not only in Greece, but also in the world. It is not surprising that every year more and more tourists come to Kos. In summer, the island's population of 30 thousand welcomes up to 600,000 guests!

There is everything that can attract any tourist - the clearest sea, beaches with sand of different shades and with a deep history.

This is the island of Hippocrates, and to this day its inhabitants follow the commandments of the great physician. The healthy lifestyle of the islanders is noticeable in everything: caring for the land and water, which is not clogged with waste, and growing environmentally friendly products.

Even wine here only drinks what is good for health, and the favorite transport on the island is a bicycle.

Kos is the habitat of some rare species of animals and birds: pink flamingos, Caretta turtles, Mediterranean seal. The inhabitants of the island themselves are peace-loving and positive people.

In their environment, even tourists who are exhausted from a year of work change, becoming calmer and ceasing to rush somewhere, completely surrendering to a serene vacation.

How to get there

The length of the island does not exceed 50 km. Of course, like any island, you can get here by sea from the mainland and from other islands.

But Kos has its own international Airport, which accepts charter flights and offers all the services necessary for guests - transfer, parking, cafe, first-aid post and duty-free store.

Hippocrates Airport is located 27 km from the capital of the island, Kos, in the village of Antimachia.

Travel by regular bus from the airport to the city of Kos costs 4 euros, but it does not run very often, and it does not always approach the airport itself, going around it along the road.
Therefore, many people prefer to take a taxi for 35 euros.

In order to have a delicious meal, you don’t have to go to an expensive and famous restaurant. For the owner of any tavern, providing delicious food to guests is a matter of honor. As for prices, here, as in most seaside resorts, the rule applies - the closer to the embankment, the more expensive.

The average cost of meals is:

  • Greek salad - 4 euros;
  • spaghetti with mussels - 6 euros;
  • moussaka - 7 euros;
  • kleftiko (baked lamb) – 8 euros;
  • house wine (0.5 l) - 5 - 6 euros;
  • keftedes (small round cutlets) - 6 - 7 euros;
  • lamb ribs cooked over an open fire - 10 euros;

  • a dish of freshly caught fish - 10 euros;
  • seafood mix, grilled - 10 - 12 euros;
  • octopus (grilled) - 8 - 10 euros;
  • stuffed squid – 7 – 8 euros;
  • Greek coffee - 2 euros;
  • local beer - 2.5 euros;
  • Greek dessert - 4 euros.

The portions are large; two people (without wine) can easily have a satisfying dinner for 20 euros.

Of course, you can eat local fast food like shawarma, its cost is 2.5 - 3 euros, but being on Kos and not trying the main dishes of Mediterranean cuisine is unacceptable.

It is problematic to exchange rubles here, since there are very few exchange offices. It is better to have euros with you in advance or use bank cards.

There are no fashion boutiques here, but there are many original and high-quality items produced by local craftsmen. In addition to the usual postcards, magnets for 1 euro and olive oil (from 3 euros per liter, they bring from Kos:

  • sea ​​sponges from - 3 euros;
  • paintings with local landscapes (oil) from – 5 euros;
  • ceramic products from - 5 euros;
  • textiles from - 10 euros;
  • leather shoes and bags from – 35 euros;
  • thick and aromatic Shiraz wine - 17 euros.

Very popular are tomato jam and honey from Andimachia, cumin and cheeses from Kefalos, especially Possa goat cheese, which is stored in red wine, and sweet liqueurs of almonds and cinnamon - surmada and canelada (priced about 5 euros).

Souvenir shops are open until late in the evening, and those that cater to the local population may close at 17:00, on Saturdays at 13:00, and are usually closed on Sundays.

  • Tours for May to Greece
  • Last minute tours to Greece

How to get to Kos

By plane

In June-September, direct charters are launched from Russia to Kos with departures from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Kazan, and other million-plus cities. The price range is significant - from 200-260 EUR for a round trip flight. Travel time from Moscow Vnukovo is 3 hours 30 minutes, from St. Petersburg Pulkovo - about 4 hours.

Regardless of the time of year, there are flights to Kos with transfers in Athens or Thessaloniki (how to fly to one of the two largest cities Greece, read on this page). The flight from the continent to the island takes less than an hour, the cost is from 160 EUR in both directions. The main carriers are local airlines Aegean Airlines and Olympic Air. From Russia to Kos with one or two transfers they fly through Western Europe(Vienna, Dusseldorf, Munich) - from 290 EUR for a round-trip ticket.

Low-cost airline Rynair specializes in flights to Greece, in particular to Kos. During the sales period, fly to the island from Kaunas, Riga, Frankfurt, Tallinn with one transfer - from 50 EUR one way.

All flights to Kos are handled by its only airport, Hippocrates, located in the heart of the island. From here it is convenient to get to each of the resorts; a bus ticket costs from 3 to 7 EUR, a taxi - from 18 to 40 EUR.

Search flights to Kos

Ferry to Kos Island

A ferry service has been established from the capital of Greece and Thessaloniki. Ferries of the largest local carrier Blue Star Ferries go to Kos on two routes: from Athens through the islands of Astypalaia - Patmos - Lipsi - Leros - Kalymnos or through Syros - Santorini - Patmos - Leros. Travel time is from 8.5 to 10 hours, cost is from 45 EUR.

The international port of Piraeus is 10 km away from Athens. A taxi to it costs from 20 EUR; buses No. 40 and 49 connect the port and the city center, depart at intervals of 15-20 minutes, ticket price - 1.20 EUR. Travel by metro on the “green” line is the same 1.20 EUR.

All the islands of the Dodecanese are connected by another carrier, Dodekanisos Seaways. Not only ferries, but also small ships operate between Kos and Rhodes. Travel time is about 2 hours, cost is from 25 EUR. The ferry takes less than an hour to Turkish Bodrum, the cost is from 20 EUR in both directions + 5 EUR for crossing the border.

Most ferries arrive at the island's Central Port, i.e. its capital, Kos Town.

Resorts Kos

The small island (with an area of ​​about 290 km) stretches from west to east - a little more than 45 km in length, and no more than 11 km in width in the central part. All tourism infrastructure concentrated on the northern and southern coasts. In the central part there is an airport (near the village of Antimachia) and villages, many of which are loved by tourists: Zia, Pili, Asfendiou, Kefalovrisi.

North coast

Warm summer in popular resorts: Crete and Rhodes from a travel agency Pegas Touristik LLC "TsMT" online 24/7. Installment plan at 0%.


Public transport on Kos is buses. Timetables and routes are posted at each stop. They may be delayed by 10-15 minutes, or even more; The flights themselves are almost never cancelled. By commuter bus you can travel from the capital to any resort and to every village in the center of the island.

This means that tourists can get to most attractions on their own. Bus stops are unexpectedly found in the most deserted parts of the island. City buses run in the capital of the island - from 1.2 EUR. In suburban areas, the fare depends on the distance - from 1.5-4.4 EUR. Payment in cash to the driver or controller. It is customary to warn about a stop by pressing a button at the exit.

Taxis are perhaps an even more common transportation option. You can stop the car on the road, go to the parking lot or call by phone, ordering for a certain time (this will add about 2-4 EUR to the fare). A trip between neighboring resorts (distance less than 10 km) - from 7-10 EUR, for 20 km - 22-25 EUR. From the airport to the main resorts - from 34 EUR.

The most popular transport on the coast is a bicycle. Many hotels give bikes to guests free of charge as a bonus. At numerous rental points, 2-3 hours will cost from 2-3 EUR, a day - from 5 EUR.

Tourist trains run from the capital - without rails, with 2-3 open carriages. There are only 4 routes: to Asklepion, to Tigaki, through the city center, through the surrounding villages. The fare is from 5 EUR in both directions.

Maps of Kos

Rent a Car

Renting a car on Kos Renting a car on Kos is an excellent opportunity to explore the island and visit all the beaches. There are convenient road junctions here, good roads, with the exception of unpaved ones leading to wild beaches.

The traffic is busy thanks to tourists who travel along the highway on all types of transport: mopeds, ATVs, even their own right-hand drive cars. You should be as careful as possible, since traffic rules are not always followed. There are no traffic jams on Kos.

Most international chain car rental companies operate on the island (Hertz, Avis, Europcar, Budget, etc.); The car can be booked online and picked up at the airport. There are also numerous rental offices located there.

At all resorts, tourists are served by dozens of local firms; their offices are also open outside the city, in hotel areas on the coast. As a rule, such companies do not require “freezing” the collateral on the card and do not take the data of the card itself. They check documents less carefully, and the cost of services is slightly lower than that of “network specialists”. However, they may offer reduced coverage or none at all.

The cost of renting a five-door economy class car is from 35-40 EUR per day without insurance. Discounts start from the second day of rental. You won’t have to spend money on parking on Kos. At attractions, parking is free, but in cities there may not be any parking spaces available during the season. Most hotels have free parking. The cost of gasoline is about 2 EUR per liter.

Communications and Wi-Fi

The main cellular operators in Greece demonstrate stable reception on the island: Cosmote, Wind, Vodafone. It is believed that the latter has better coverage and does not lose signal even in the mountains. It is with Vodafone that everyone has roaming contracts. Russian operators. To connect, the tourist must show an identification document; You can only purchase prepaid tariffs (without a subscription fee) by crediting a certain amount to your account (from 5-10 EUR).

Prices for voice communications will not be cheaper than when you connect roaming options with your operator - from 0.13-0.15 EUR per minute of conversation with Russia. If you can find a package of minutes from a local operator for calls abroad - from 0.8-0.9 EUR per minute. Many people buy a Greek SIM card to get mobile Internet “outside of roaming”. So, on the Wind network, 1 GB costs 5 EUR, 5 GB - from 15 EUR.

The situation with free Wi-Fi in Kos is slightly worse than in Rhodes or Crete. Most cafes and restaurants provide it, but there are simply no large shopping centers or international chain stores with Wi-Fi here. Wi-Fi has not yet taken root on Kos buses (but is available at the airport), in in public places. But hotels are moving away from the practice of paid distribution. If in large complexes free wifi can only be at the reception, then guest houses, like apartments, provide the service throughout the territory and for free.

Beaches of Kos

The beaches of the island are striking in their diversity: long and very small, with white, golden or black volcanic sand, small pebbles, with picturesque bays. Thus, in some places in shallow water you can find a natural “jacuzzi”, where countless bubbles rise from the bottom. And on the coast near Psalidi they meet thermal springs, which contain a lot of sulfur.

Kefalos is one of the most picturesque resorts on the island. From here stretched famous beaches Spit: “Kamari”, “Agios Stefanos” (a textbook landscape with the ruins of a Byzantine basilica and a coastal island with a church), “Paradise Beach”. The purest water and soft sand.

Kefalos is located 43 km from the capital in the western part of the island. On the local sandy beach, due to the current, the sea is colder than on others, but the authentic architecture of the island has been preserved here, including the ancient windmill. There is a well-equipped rental point for water sports equipment. Thanks to its favorable location, the bay is one of the main centers for windsurfing, but the wind here is not as powerful as on the northern beaches.

On all the beaches on the southern coast there is less wind than in the north, and the sea is calmer. In addition, most of them are sandy. This makes the resorts in the south of the island a popular place for families with children.

Kardamena is also on the south coast. Approximately 70% of the nearby beaches are wild: sand alternates with rocky areas, and there may be boulders in the sea. Part of the coastal area is occupied by the port. Vacationers who prefer beach comfort walk 1.5-3 km to the fully equipped Atlantis and Banana Beach beaches.

On the northern coast there are the resorts of Marmari, Mastichari and Tigaki with a 10-kilometer beach. Gorgeous sand, shallow, but there are strong waves. On such days, vacationers sunbathe, isolating themselves from the wind blowing from the sea with special awnings. Pebble beaches begin in the eastern part of the island - from the capital to Psalidi on the northern shore, including Agios Fokas in the southeast.

There is quite a lot of entertainment on the main beaches of all resorts: boats, catamarans, banana boats, rental centers for diving and surfing equipment.

On public beaches you have to pay for sunbeds. The beach is shared by tavern owners - sometimes a drink or snack is included in the price. The price for using two sun loungers and an umbrella is from 3 to 15 EUR. If you order food, you use the sun loungers for free. In order not to pay rent, you can leave the “sunbed area” and stay in the “uncultivated” part of the beach.

Surfing on Kos

The north wind of the Aegean Sea, Meltemi, blows on Kos all summer, from June to the end of September. European windsurfers owe him excellent riding conditions. The wind is constant: it blows in the morning, gets stronger towards lunchtime, and subsides after 18:00. However, breaks of several days are possible.

Almost all beaches of the island are suitable for windsurfering, as well as kitesurfing (surfing with a kite): public and wild, on the southern and northern shores. On civilized beaches you can rent equipment or work with an instructor at a surf station. There are several of them on the island: in Psalidi, Marmari, Mastichari, Kefalos, Kardamena. 2 hours with an instructor cost from 70 EUR, group lessons - from 60 EUR. Kitesurfing is more expensive: from 120 EUR for 2 hours.

On the western tip of the island (wild beaches) and on the eastern (resorts of Psalidi and Agios Fokas) the wind is stronger. But only in the bays is the accelerating effect of a wind tunnel created, for which professionals come here. So, in Psalidi it is achieved due to several factors - the angular position of the bay and the location opposite the coast of Turkey. At the same time, the first 50-70 m near the shore are relatively calm - here, as on the shore of Marmari, beginners learn. On the northern coast, on the beaches of Kefalos (Kamari, Agios Stefanos), popular with Russian surfers, the “pipe” in the bay is formed by the neighboring island and mountains to the west.

Kos Hotels

When choosing accommodation, you should start not from the hotel, but from the coast, or more precisely, from the beach where you would like to spend most time. Hotels in the northeast, in Psalidi, have pebble beaches; from the capital Kos towards Tigaki - fine sand, further west - more and more wild beaches. If civilization is needed, then we choose between the northern part of the island (the capital and Lambi, the villages of Marmari, Mastichari) and the southern (primarily Kardamena and Kefalos).

There are more than 350 hotels, guest houses, and apartment complexes on the island - not counting the owners who rent out rooms and houses. Economy class (the simplest apartments and 2* hotels) - from 23 EUR for a double room during the season, superior apartments and 3* hotels - from 40-50 EUR for two. A hotel room from 4 stars and above, with half board or all inclusive - from 110-120 EUR for two.

There are many high-level chain hotels on Kos, with a huge territory that includes swimming pools with water slides (or even an entire water park), children's and sports grounds. The cost of living is higher - from 160-180 EUR per room.

Most hotels have their own parking; Increasingly, free Wi-Fi is available not only at the reception, but also in the rooms. In addition, guests can be offered free bicycle rental for several days as a bonus.

What to bring

From the island of Kos, tourists bring the same “Greek” set: feta and halloumi cheeses, honey and halva, canned olives, olive oil, wine, cosmetic creams and soaps with added oil, souvenirs. Only a small part is produced on Kos, but you can still find local oil or wine here.

Wine produced on the island costs from 3 EUR. Many hotels treat guests to their own signature wine. As a rule, it is bottled in the continental part of the country, but the grapes themselves may be local. If you want to try local oil, then you should not limit yourself to the assortment of stores - many farms sell it cheaper, from 15 EUR for 1.5 liters.

Something is brought to Kos from neighboring islands. So, there are a lot of wines from the island of Rhodes (from 5 EUR per bottle), natural sponges that are caught in Kalymnos (from 2-3 to 200 EUR for large specimens).

On Kos, an unspoken rule is observed: small private shops and shops are more expensive than chain stores. It is cheaper to buy products and even souvenirs in chains (Spar, Konstantinos, etc.). Most of the things that mini-markets are filled with are brought from Turkey - after all, Bodrum is just over 20 km away. The low price fully corresponds to their controversial quality.

Cafes and restaurants in Kos

There are enough establishments of different formats on Kos: not only cafes and restaurants, but also pubs, wine bars, coffee shops, including “ouzeri”, where coffee is mixed with ouzo. But so-called “home” restaurants predominate on the island; the owner greets guests right at the entrance.

There are such cafes all over the island: on central streets, in mountain (but tourist) villages, in ports, in markets. The cheapest hot item is a homemade burger (from 8-10 EUR), served with French fries. As a rule, the side dish is already included in the price. The menu has a lot of fish and seafood - from 15 EUR for a hot dish (usually vegetables as a side dish). An abundance of vegetable salads (Greek - from 8 EUR, with seafood - from 10 EUR). Water and even homemade lemonade are served free with your order at some establishments. Thus, you can have a snack for 10-15 EUR per person, a full lunch with wine - from 30 EUR. In establishments that claim to serve restaurant cuisine - from 50 EUR.

The famous “huge” portions can already be classified as Greek myths. Even in home restaurants they are replaced with medium ones.

The second most popular format of establishments is bistro. A “set lunch”, a burger or sandwich, will be served along with a soda for 10 EUR. About the same range of food is available in beach bars. Beer - from 2-3 EUR per can.

Pubs with local beer and coffee shops where Greek coffee is brewed can only be found in large tourist centers (Kos, Kardamena, Lambi). In the capital, the tourist “street of bars” stretches for almost a kilometer. Classic English pubs coexist with party establishments where cocktails and shots are mixed.

The best photos of Kos

Entertainment and attractions

For travelers, this island leaves the impression of being very sweet, patriarchal and homely. The familiar landscape of Kos - small villages scattered here and there, goats grazing near them, the ruins of destroyed fortresses.

Many attractions are concentrated in the capital and surrounding areas. The 15th-century fortress of the Knights of St. John, built from the dismantled buildings of the ancient agora, is located in the old part of Kos. The castle is destroyed, you should walk through its territory overgrown with weeds carefully; a busy port life is in full swing under the walls.

Opposite the fortress, across the bridge, stands the Hippocratic Plane Tree in supports. This tree is no more than 500 years old and is considered a descendant of the one under which the “father of medicine” held conversations with his students about 2,500 years ago. Here you can see the ruins of the Roman agora and go to the central Eleftherias Square (and market) with its main decoration, the Gazi Hassan Mosque, and many nice cafes. In the city center is another Greco-Roman monument, the Casa Romana. Construction of the 2nd century AD. e. recreated from the ruins, including sculptures, dishes, pools, and fragments of bas-reliefs.

The island's main monument, Asklepion (dating from the 3rd century BC), just a few kilometers from the town of Kos, is one of the first hospitals in world history. The Asklepion consists of several terraces: on the lower one doctors were trained, on the middle one they were treated and prayed (temples and a hospital, to which pipes were connected to local sources), the upper terrace was crowned by another temple. According to legend, Hippocrates studied here (in total, there were several hundred similar complexes in Greece in honor of the god of medicine, Asclepius).

The only sulfur-hydrogen source on the island goes directly into the sea, about 12 km to the east. Therme beach is wild, without any infrastructure. The source is fenced off from the sea by boulders, thereby forming a pool. The water is hot (temperature above +40-50 °C), there are a lot of people during the season. To obtain a therapeutic effect, regular procedures are recommended.

There are monuments all over the island different eras. In Kefalos, in the town of Agios Stefanos, right on the beach - the remains of a Christian basilica from the 5th century. In the depths of the island, in the mountains, rises the mysterious Paleo Pyli - a ruined Byzantine fortress, which until the mid-19th century played the role of the local capital. From here the island is visible in all directions, up to the strip of sea on the northern coast. On south coast Above Kardamena stands the well-preserved Italian fortress Antimachia, rebuilt in the 15th century by the Johannites.

10 things to do on Kos island

  1. Find your favorite beach by exploring the coastline far and wide.
  2. Visit a remote cape in the west and feel lost in the ocean.
  3. Finally find these Kos coffee shops. And what, do they add ouzo to coffee?
  4. In the city of Kos, walk along the overgrown bridge from the fortress to the Platanus of Hippocrates.
  5. Take a bike and ride around night capital and the night port.
  6. Surprisingly end your night walk with a swim on the deserted beaches of Tigaki.
  7. “Get out”: experience international fun in the pubs of Kardamena or Kos.
  8. Dedicate a day to panoramic photos: Asklepion and the mountain fortress of Paleo Pyli.
  9. Take photos and swim on the beach in Agios Stefanos! Without a photo of the famous basilica and an island off the coast, you wouldn’t be on Kos.

Kos Island – paradise Aegean Sea. Greek o. Kos has recently become very popular among families with children who prefer a calm and comfortable holiday at sea. Sandy and small pebble beach and the island of Kos, immersed in greenery, combined with historical sights and castles, the modern life of the city of Kos and the hotel infrastructure - are an undeniable advantage when choosing a holiday in Greece on the island of Kos.

The Greek island of Kos entered the top 10 cheapest tourist destinations(seaside resort of Kefalos).

Kefalos is the most remote resort village Kos islands It is located on a hill from which there is a wonderful view of Kefalos Bay and the small island of Kastri.

Map of Kos island with cities and resorts

Map of Kos Island, Greece - Resorts of Kos Island

Resorts of Kos island in Greece:

  • in the south of Kos island located resorts of Kardamena and Kamari with sandy beaches and calm seas, making the water clear and clean. Here in the southwest, Kefalos Bay is the best place for windsurfing or kitesurfing for both beginners and professionals.
  • in the east, near the capital city of Kos, is located Psalidi resort. Here the coast of Kos island is covered with pebbles, the sea is crystal clear and emerald in color. 10 minutes' drive away thermal springs. And in the distance you can see Türkiye - the resort of Bodrum.
  • on the northern coast of Kos located resorts: Tigaki, Marmari, Mastichari. It's beautiful here sandy beaches spread over many kilometers. And because of the wind and waves, the Marmari resort is ideal for active recreation, windsurfing and wave riding.

It is worth noting that the most popular resorts Kos islands in Greece it is Kardamena and Tigaki.

On the southwestern coast of Kos, near the town of Kafalos, in the resort of Kamari is located one of the most beautiful beaches with a romantic name - Paradise. Youth resorts on the island of Kos are considered to be Kardamena, Tigaki, Psalidi.

Tours to Kos island in 2019

Tours to the island of Kos in 2019 from May to early October are offered by tour operators with direct flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Tours to Kos island from Moscow
Tours to Kos from St. Petersburg from 05/04/2019 - 05/18/2019 (Saturday), from 05/21/2019 - 10/05/2019 (Tuesday, Saturday).

  • Asklepion - temple of the god Asclepius (medical complex);
  • Hippocrates plane tree - a tree that Hippocrates himself planted;
  • Ancient Agora(Temple of Hercules);
  • Nature reserve (pink flamingos, carriage turtles);
  • Archaeological Museum;
  • Patmos Island (Monastery and Cave of St. John the Theologian);
  • Thermal source;
  • Medieval fortress of the Ionite Knights;
  • Ruins of the Temple of Aphrodite;
  • Kalymnos Island, maritime museum, sponge factory;
  • Roman villa Casa Romana;
  • Pili - ruins of an ancient city, a fort, a Byzantine church of the 14th century.

Plane tree of Hippocrates on the island of Kos

According to legend, the famous doctor Hippocrates taught students in the shade of a tree that he planted with his own hands. The tree really has an impressive size, the trunk diameter is 10 meters. However, studies have shown that it is no more than 700 years old. Consequently, Hippocrates, who lived in the 5th century BC, could not have imprisoned him. But it is known for sure that Hipporcatus, founder of medicine born on Kos island and in Asklepione founded his first school. Hippocrates was the first doctor to intelligently use methods for diagnosing and treating illness, and he also created their classification. He wrote many works on medicine, and the medical oath he formulated is still used today, the main principle of which is “do no harm.”

Asklepion is an ancient medical complex built in 357 BC, dedicated to the god of medicine, Asclepius. This is the most famous Asklepion in Greece out of 300 that existed. Architectural solution Asklepion complex consists of three levels of terraces connected by monumental staircases, and includes buildings such as: Temple of Asclepius, Temple of Apollo, fountain, Altar of Asclepius, medical school, anatomy museum, thermal water baths, etc. Here the priests treated the sick according to the method of Hippocrates. The symbol of the cult of Asclepius was a snake, and today the snake is the emblem of doctors.

Ambros thermal spring on Kos island

10 km from Kos is hot Ambros spring with healing waters. On the beach, thermal 40 degree water mixes with sea water. Healing properties sources known since ancient times have been confirmed by analyzes carried out in our time. The source has been proven to have a positive effect on the skin, blood vessels and respiratory organs.

Castle and defensive fortress of the Ionite Knights

The ruins are rightfully considered one of the main attractions on the Island of Kos in Greece. The Castle of the Ionite Knights and the walls of the majestic defensive fortress, which are located in the city of Kos.

Walls of the Castle of the Ionite Knights on the island of Kos

The Castle of the Ionite Knights was built at the beginning of the 14th century. The basis for it was the ruins of a Byzantine fortress that previously existed here. Later, at the beginning of the 16th century, the Castle was surrounded by a high wall. Its construction was completed in 1514. However, 9 years later, Turkey won the fight for the island of Kos, and the dominance of the Knights of Malta on the island of Kos ended, and the castle remained in ruins. The walls of the defensive fortress have been well preserved to this day; they offer stunning views of the port of Kos and Old city. Sea port the town of Kos, the ruins of the Castle - the former grandeur of the Knights of Malta surrounded by palm trees - breathtaking scenery and value historical heritage Greece.

Sights of Kos town

For 400 years, the island of Kos was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. This time made its own adjustments to the culture and architecture of the islanders. In the first half of the 18th century they were built Muslim temples in Kos, perfectly preserved to this day.

Church of St. Paraskeva in Kos

Today these are the attractions of the capital of Kos: Defterdar Mosque(1725) in the town square of Eleftherias and Haji Hasan Mosque(1756) next to the Hippocrates plane tree.

Orthodox churches on the Island of Kos are not uncommon, because the Orthodox population in Greece is 98%. Church of the Holy Martyr Paraskeva is located in the center of Kos town and is always open to parishioners. The temple was built in 1931-1932 on a hill near the main Freedom Square. More than 100 neat and well-groomed Orthodox churches located throughout the island of Kos.

The island of Kos is rich in ancient sights, many of which are well preserved and are excellent examples of a bygone civilization.

Agora of the ancient city of Kos was found due to the 1933 earthquake. Here you can see the ruins of buildings from the 3rd century BC: Temple of Hercules, Gallery of the Forum, Temple of Aphrodite.

Grigoriou Street on both sides it is replete with ancient ruins: an ancient theater, the Roman house of Casa Romana, a gymnasium, Roman houses and baths, wall and floor paintings.

Kalymnos Island, Potia, Maritime Museum, Sponge Factory

Potia town, Kalymnos island

From the port Kos yacht excursion to the island departs Kalymnos, cover a distance of 15 km. possible in 2 hours. The first stop at the picturesque bay on the south coast involves visiting maritime museum. The museum was founded by Captain Stavros, who has been catching sponges since childhood. Among the museum's exhibits are treasures he caught: various plants, shells, corals, the remains of a ship from the 2nd century BC. with a load of amphorae, a German machine gun, a torpedo fragment, fragments of a World War 2 aircraft. Next we continue our journey to the capital of the island, Kalymnos - Pothia town. The city is located sponge factory, where they talk about the fishing process and sponge processing technology. A high-quality sponge has a yellow-golden color. The sponge fishing season begins in April. Sponges – main source income of the island's residents. However, recently, good income has been brought in by tuna and swordfish fishing, as well as the tourism business.