Open the left menu elba. Napoleon on the Elbe Jazz Music Festival

Napoleon, after his abdication, received the island of Elba for life, on which 12 thousand people lived at that time.

The retired emperor was armed with a volume of "Notes on the Island of Elba" - after all, he had never been here before. He saw Portoferraio, located almost on an island - a canal passed through the isthmus - two forts, Torre di Martello - a tower that had been used as a prison since the time of Cosimo Medici. Napoleon immediately composed a new flag - in accordance with historical traditions - for the Elbe, in the morning it was raised over the forts, guns thundered, the English sailors - the team of the ship carrying Napoleon - shouted "Hurrah!"

A boat with 24 rowers brought the King of Elba to the pier.

In front of everyone stood the mayor - Pietro Traditi with a silver dish, on which lay the keys to the Sea Gate. This gate is a triumphal arch built in the 17th century. Grand Duke Ferdinand II of Tuscany, and only through this arch can one enter the city, surrounded by a powerful wall from the side of the sea. But the real keys to the gate were lost. The mayor hastily took out the keys to his own cellar and ordered them to be gilded. Now these basement gilded keys lay in front of Napoleon. Vladyka turned to the Mayor with the traditional phrase: "Take these keys for yourself, Mr. Mayor, they will not find more thrifty hands." So Signor Traditi's basement remained safe.

Napoleon was immediately saddened to see how small and poor his new kingdom was.

In Portoferraio, he built his palace, connecting two rooms and building on them one more floor. For himself, he took 4 rooms: from the side of the garden - an office and a small salon, from the side of the city - a library and a bedroom. The area of ​​the large salon on the ground floor, where his beautiful sister Polina will live, is equal to the area of ​​all his four rooms.

Furniture to take, too, was especially nowhere. Without thinking twice, Napoleon sent a sailboat to Piombino. In this Tuscan city was the palace of his second sister, Eliza, the Grand Duchess of Tuscany and the Princess of Piombino, who, after the abdication of her brother, she was forced to leave, despite the fact that her husband, who had betrayed Napoleon, Marshal Murat, still remained in the position of King of Naples. Elisa's palace was now occupied by the Austrian general Starhemberg; Napoleonic envoys took away his furniture, curtains and even floors.

In front of his chambers, Napoleon also laid out a garden - rather a garden. The sea, 30-meter cliffs, the outlines of Tuscany in the distance. Napoleon went out for a walk at night. Here is what his valet Marchand writes: "The silence of these intoxicating nights, broken only by the waves that break on the rocks down there, two hundred paces from the terrace on which he walks, and the cry of the sentry "Stop, who is coming!"" or the singing of the emperor . Sometimes he began to sing, while thinking about something completely different. He rarely sang loudly, so he murmured something under his breath ... He seemed to urge the night on with his song so that it would pass quickly and the desired day would come, the arrival of which he always looked forward to. At dawn, he dressed, mounted his horse and, accompanied by Noverre or Saint-Denis, rode to the port. On the way, he took General Drouot with him, went to the chamber marshal or attended the teachings of the guard. When the heat increased, he returned to his room and breakfasted alone, sometimes in the company of General Drouot or General Bertrand. The simplest dishes were served, those that he always preferred: lentils, white beans, greens, which he loved very much ... "

There are 10 saddle horses, 48 ​​draft horses in the stable. Their troops - 607 guardsmen, commanded by Cambronne, who had not yet become famous at Waterloo, 43 gunners, 119 Polish cavalrymen, one infantry battalion recruited on the island, and 12 non-commissioned officers of the elite gendarmerie.

Fleet. 3 boats with 8 crew members each, a light sailing and oaring three-masted ship "Zvezda" with 16 crew members, a brig "Non-Permanent" with 10 guns and a crew of 60 sailors under the command of Lieutenant Taylad.

Of course, there is nothing for the ruler of Europe to do on such a tiny island. He is desperately bored. Yes, and it is limited in funds. Nevertheless, Napoleon eagerly undertakes to improve his kingdom. Roads, bridges, sewerage, irrigation systems, the introduction of new crops, mining ... The English Colonel Campbell, who was called upon to keep an eye on the exile, simply knocked off his feet, following the restless ruler of the Elbe: Napoleon took a walk from five in the morning until three in the afternoon, and then another 3 hours of riding - "to relieve fatigue," as he explained to the astonished colonel.

"I'll be judged for surviving my fall. It's not fair. I don't see anything great in killing myself like a losing player. You have to have a lot more courage to live."

Byron condemned him:

When you fell like a king in purple,
In the ages to come, the world could
Rise another Napoleon.
But is it flattering - like a star above the abyss
To sparkle and collapse into starless darkness?

The exiled emperor was visited by his mother - Madame Mother, with a passport in the name of "widow Bonaparte". Napoleon settled her in a modest house on Rue Ferandini. Yesterday mother and son played whist. Napoleon cheated as usual, and Letitia reproached him. "Madame!" he exclaimed. "You are a rich woman, and I am a poor man."

I went to my brother and sister - the beautiful Polina. Napoleon, during his frequent walks, noticed several houses on a hillside in the San Martino Valley, which he decided to get as a summer residence. From there, there was a beautiful view of the port, the city and the fortress of Volterraio. However, the owner of the estate, Lieutenant Manganaro, asked for a huge sum for his property. Polina had to shell out part of her funds to help her brother in acquiring a dacha.

Already under the Second Empire, Prince Demidov, the former husband of the daughter of Napoleon's brother Jerome Matilda, built a huge museum right above Napoleon's house, taking up O most of the garden, but the exile's house itself still exists.

Napoleon had 3 rooms there: a hall, an office, a bedroom. There was a bathroom in the basement next to the garden.

Napoleon's wife, Marie-Louise of Austria, never arrived with her little son. But the Polish woman Maria Walewska arrived - also with a small, older than the heir, the son of the emperor. The meeting took place in Marciana Alta, away from human eyes, and lasted only from 1 to 3 September.

And yet the news of the arrival of a young woman with a little boy spread through Portofrraio; the emperor's doctor galloped off to Marciana to greet the empress and the heir. Napoleon sat in front of the tent with a child in his arms.

Ah, Foro! - he said. - How do you find it?
- Sire, the little king has grown so much!

It was not the King of Rome, the heir to Napoleon, although the children were very similar to each other: just little Alexander was older than his half-brother, the heir.

From the beautiful Pauline, sister of the emperor, in Mulini and San Martino, a statue by Canova has been preserved: a charming naked woman, or Venus.

Polina brought a revival to the life of Portoferraio. In the palace, the guard orchestra thundered, everyone danced, theatrical performances, carnivals were arranged.

But the time has come for Napoleon to flee the island.

The powers that divided his inheritance fell into conflict, the legitimate dynasty seemed to have had time to get bored with his subjects, Napoleon was either captured or killed, his enemies, there was talk that he should be sent to hell - for example, to St. Helena in the Atlantic, and even a pension of 2 million francs every year did not pay something.

Napoleon made up his mind.

Colonel Campbell followed the exiled emperor. But he was in love. The lady of his heart was a Tuscan, and did not come to Elba. The Colonel went on dates with her - for a week or two every month ...

On February 14, 1815, Colonel Campbell again left Elba. When he urgently returned on February 28, Napoleon was not on the island.

On February 23, Napoleon took his mother into the garden:
Mom, I have something to tell you. I'm leaving at night.
- Where?
- In Paris. Well, what do you say?
- If you are destined to die, my son, then it is better to do it on the battlefield than from poison.

Having left for the square in front of the Sea Gate, Napoleon's carriage stopped. The crowd shouted: "Long live Napoleon!" The emperor addressed the public:

Elbians! I can't be ungrateful. I will always keep the best memories of you. Farewell! I love you very much!

On February 27, at the latitude of the island of the same Tuscan archipelago, Capraia, from the side of the Napoleonic "Fickle" they saw the "Partridge", on which Campbell returned to Portoferraio. In the afternoon, Napoleon met the French royal frigates that followed the Elbe - the Fleur de Lis and the Melpomene. When approaching another Tuscan island - Gorgon, another French ship, the Zephyr, was noticed.

Where are you following? - asked from "Zefir".
- In Livorno. And you?
- To Genoa.
How is the great man?
- Perfect!

At dawn on February 28, a warship appeared with 84 guns on board, but he also did not pay any attention to Napoleon's brig.

This day is like then, at Austerlitz! exclaimed Napoleon.

Waterloo was ahead.

But still. In gratitude to Napoleon, annually on May 5, on the day of his death, a solemn service is held in the local church, at which the entire self-government of the island and the elite are present.

On the Elbe, two of his museums are open and operate - Villa Mulinii and Villa San Martino. Interesting permanent exhibits and temporary exhibitions. Most of the furniture did not belong to the great commander, but the famous folding bed and the chair under the window, on which the emperor admired the view of his native island of Corsica, as well as the library with 2000 volumes, are genuine.

In the picturesque mountain village of Madonna del Monte, where Napoleon and Maria Walewska met, a chapel, a fountain, and a house have been preserved. mountain scenery and sea ​​views also preserved.

Elba Island is famous more as a place of "exile" and at the same time the last reign of Napoleon, rather than as a resort place. However, the place may be of interest not only to lovers of history and connoisseurs of Italian architecture, but also to those who want to spend their holidays in a calm atmosphere, basking in the rays of the gentle sun.

Elba Island, Italy

Elba closes the top three big islands Tuscan archipelago. Its area is 224 km², the population barely reaches 32 thousand. The nearest sea neighbor is located at a distance of 35 km - this is Corsica. For a long time, the island was of interest to everyone with its rich iron deposits, so the capital was called Portoferraio, which translates as "port of iron."

Climate and weather on the island of Elba

The climate is not significantly different from the mainland. There are practically no cyclones here. The high season starts in May and lasts until the end of September. average temperature air in summer +25 °С…+27 °C. The sea water temperature rises to +26 °C.

How to get to Elba Island

Elba Island is not easy to find even on the map of Italy

The fastest way to get to the capital of Elba is to fly to the village of La Pila and land there at the only airport on the island.
The most popular way is to take a ferry (it carries and private cars tourists) to Portoferraio. As a rule, all ferries depart from the closest mainland port of Piombino, which is 10 km away.

Attention: There is a visa regime between Russia and Italy.

Historical information about the island of Elba

The first mentions date back to the 6th century BC. e. Even then, there were the first mines for the extraction of ore. In the 5th century BC. The Romans settled on the Elbe. Until the XIV century. managed to manage the Greeks, barbarians, Saracens, Italians. At different times, noble families ruled: Visconti (from Milan), Appiani (from Piombino), Medici, then again Appiani (1577). The reign of the exiled Napoleon Bonaparte, who later fled the island, was very short.

In the XVII - XVIII centuries. Elba was ruled by Philip II of Spain. And only in the middle of the XIX century. the island became part of Italy.

Shopping on the island of Elba

Not many travel agencies offer shopping tours to Elba. This is explained simply - little is produced here, except that souvenirs from shells and local wine are poured into beautiful bottles. However, going to the shops and supermarkets will not be superfluous.

You can buy cheap souvenirs on the main street of the capital

What to do on the island of Elba

Here everyone can find something to their liking:

  • The most popular diving club - Diving in Elba - is located in the capital. There is a school for beginner divers, modern equipment, only experienced instructors and even master classes for children.
  • The bike park in Capoliveri is a total of 100 km of winding trails for bikers and (separately) for cyclists. Speed, sea breeze and heady air of the foothills with its unique vegetation - this is possible only in this park on the island of Elba.
  • Elite golf club "Hermitage" near Biodola Bay includes (in addition to golf courses): tennis courts, swimming pool, restaurant, bar, 4-star hotel.
  • On the beaches, they willingly offer to ride on catamarans, "bananas", play beach football and volleyball.

Attractions of the island of Elba

Despite the fact that the island is barely one third of St. Petersburg in area, it will take at least a week to see the sights.

Architectural and historical sights of Elba Island

Acquaintance with the architecture of the island for most tourists begins with the contemplation of the mighty fortress walls of the old city in the capital of the island. They were erected by order of the Medici family in the 16th century. to protect against the attack of "neighbors".

Villa San Martino

Villa San Martino - the luxurious mansion of Napoleon's niece (Countess de Montfort) - now the Historical Museum of the Island of Elba, which houses unique items Napoleon's family and other cultural values ​​of that time.

One of the most beautiful architectural monuments- The Mulini Palace (Piazzale Napoleone) was built by the Medici family in 1974 on the remains of a destroyed church. It later served as the residence of Napoleon.

Church of Santo Stefano alle Trane (XI-XII century) - historical monument architecture of Portoferraio, built in the Romano-Pisan style. There are images of animals on the walls.

museum under open sky- Museum Italo Bolano. This huge art complex (10,000 sq. m.) is dedicated to the famous Italian artist Italo Bolano, who was born in the 20th century in the capital of the island of Elba. His unique works are preserved here.

Good to know! On the island of Elba, most museums are free of charge.

It may seem interesting to visit underground museums. For 2 millennia, ore was mined on the Elbe. Now most of the mines are closed or “reclassified” into museums. By the way, in addition to seeing amazing underground finds in such museums, you can ride real trolleys.

IN botanical garden Ottone will be nice to hide from the scorching sun. Many rare plants are collected here, some of which are listed in the Red Book.

In a small church in the gorge of Mon Serrato, a very revered icon of the Black Madonna is carefully kept. The inhabitants of the island firmly believe in its miraculous power.

Natural attractions of the island of Elba

Lake Terranera appeared due to the flooding of the mine. It is attractive because its fresh yellowish-greenish waters are separated from the salty sea by land, in some places barely reaching 3 meters.

The beach of blue stones is located on the islet of Porto Caccamo, next to the beach of Marina di Campo.

The highest point on the island of Elba is Mount Capanne, 1019 meters high. lovers wildlife it will interest you with its unique vegetation; it will give athletes and "athletes" the opportunity to practice mountain climbing, cycling and walking for free (there are several trails of various difficulty levels).

It will not be possible to bypass the typical Italian church Madonna del Monte of the 16th-17th centuries, which Napoleon often visited during his “reign” on the island of Elba.

Visit the beach, located in a cave, possibly at the entrance to the "rock" Grotta dell'acqua. By the way, the water is fresh.

Healthy know! On the island of Elba there is a "beach of blue stones". Due to the rare composition of pebbles, from a distance the coast really seems blue.

Top 5 best beaches on Elba Island

There are about a hundred beaches on the island of Elba.

  • Seccheto Beach will appeal to lovers of "free" relaxation. There are no annoying tourists, no sun loungers, sunbeds, smells from the nearest coffee shops and eateries. But there is space White sand, gentle entry into the sea and crystal clear water.
  • Small, almost lost between the rocks, Zukkale beach beckons with its natural beauty, untouched by civilization. Despite the relatively small area, there are places on the beach with and without sun loungers, there are rocky areas and places with light yellow sand.
  • "Green Beach" - Marina di Campo - one of the longest and widest on the island of Elba. Immediately after the coastline, dense thickets begin, bordering a small village on the one hand, and the airport on the other. Thanks to the gentle entry into the sea and the beautiful ecosystem, families with children come here.
  • A distinctive feature of the Procchio beach is its "broad scope". The sand line goes a few meters inland. All conditions are created here for beach holiday with kids. Perhaps the “minus” will seem to be the absence of saving vegetation at a sufficiently large distance.
  • Fans of beach volleyball, football and noisy night discos, theme parties at the very edge of the water should know about the existence of the most "youthful" beach of Elba Island - Lido di Capoveri.

Once beckoning underground riches and the glorious traditions of viticulture, Elba today mainly replenishes its budget through highly developed tourism.

* Prices are valid for September 2018

Sights of Elba Island, what to see, how to get to Elba Island, where to stay and where to eat. All information about Elba.

"Little Paradise" - Elba Island

If Napoleon had lived in our time, he would certainly have thrown conquering ideas out of his head and, at his own request, without any outside help, moved to Elba - a desirable place for many today's tourists from all over the world.

However, this question can be looked at from a different point of view - if Napoleon had not been exiled to Elba, would it have become so famous? If before the "tourist boom" the island was inhabited mainly by ore miners, then after the deposed French emperor stayed here, it was the visitors who became the main source of income for the local treasury.

Elba is visited annually by about one and a half million tourists. A developed network of modern hotels and restaurants, comfort and the highest service help to fully enjoy the paradise nature of the island. The endless azure sea, stretching into the horizon, and clean sandy beaches hiding between green hills - what could be better for a modern man, hungry for the silent majesty of Nature?

Elba Island, with its area of ​​224 square kilometers, is the third largest Italian island and the largest of the islands of the Tuscan archipelago. Getting to the island is not difficult, because numerous ferries and ships moor here every day. The distance from the mainland to the island is approximately 10 km.

Tuscan archipelago. Photo

The population of the island of Elba has about 35 thousand inhabitants, the island is divided into eight municipalities, in the main of which - the capital of the island, Portoferraio - 12 thousand people live.

Despite the fact that the perimeter of the Elbe coast is only 147 kilometers, the island offers tourists an endless variety of different landscapes: romantic fishing villages, small towns, ancient castles, green valleys and charming bays and, of course, beautiful sand and gravel beaches.

Romantic village near Marchana Marina, Elba. Photo

The presence of multiple historical and cultural testimonies, combined with stunning natural beauty, make this island magical and unique place to have a great vacation.

A brief excursion into the history of the island of Elba

When thinking of Elba, the name of Napoleon immediately comes to mind, despite the fact that the deposed emperor lived on the island for less than a year.

But the history of this island is not limited to only ten months of the reign of the French emperor and dates back to ancient times, starting from the period of the Middle and Upper Paleolithic, as evidenced by the finds in the Marchan Archaeological Museum.

History has decreed that the island of Elba has always been the scene of major events: there is no civilization in the Mediterranean that has not left its traces on the 224 square kilometers of the island, creating its unique character.

According to the myth, Jason came here during the search for the Golden Fleece, Virgil mentioned him in the Aeneid, the Etruscans hunted here, for whom Elba was an inexhaustible source of wealth - in the eighth century BC, the Etruscans mined iron ore from the mines of the island.

After the decline of Etruscan culture, the Romans inherited the steel industry and also discovered granite and healing mud on the island.

"The island of good wine" - this is how the Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder spoke of the Elbe. Ships calling at the port of the island were loaded with amphoras: many of them are preserved in the archaeological museums of Elba and Marchana.

During the Middle Ages, the island belonged to the Maritime Republic. In 1548, the turn of the Medici dynasty came: Cosimo I built the fortified city of Portoferraio, a real gem of military planning.

Portoferraio. View of the Torre della Linguella at night. Photo

Immediately after this, the Spaniards settled in Porto Azzurro and built the imposing fort of San Giacomo.

In the eighteenth century, the Austrians, Germans, British and French fought for the Elbe, until the island passed into the "full ownership" of Napoleon Bonaparte, who did a lot of important things during his ten months in office: he built roads, transformed the mining industry, increased the production and export of wine.

Upon his return to France, Napoleon left two residences here, which later became National Museums.

Holidays and festivals of the island of Elba

Visiting the island of Elba during events, festivals and holidays will certainly increase the cultural value of your holiday. You will discover the different places of an island made up of music, dance, tastes, colors and sounds.

Why don't you choose the date of your visit based on the period of the annual popular festivals?

If you love sports, you need to get to the island in spring during the "Walking Festival", if you are crazy about gastronomic tourism, head to the Elbe in autumn when gastronomic events are held, such as the wine or chestnut festival. In the summer, you will visit diverse folklore and cultural holidays: from carnival to music festivals international caliber.

Below you will find the most important events held on the island for many years, and sometimes for many centuries, luring residents and tourists into a whirlwind of emotions.

May 5 - Napoleonic feast in Portoferraio

Portoferraio, the city that was home to Napoleon during his 300 days in exile, pays tribute to the emperor every year with a costume party. In the Church of Mercy, a mass is celebrated in memory of the emperor. Belgian costumed actors preside over the mass, where a funeral mask and a cast of the emperor's hand, kept in a nearby museum, rise above the sarcophagus.

Then a solemn parade takes place through the streets of the city, leading to the villa where Napoleon lived in exile on the Elbe. This year, on the occasion of the bicentenary of Napoleon's stay on the Elbe, numerous other events dedicated to the memory of the exiled emperor will be held.

The landing of Napoleon on the Elbe. Costumed performance. Photo

July 14 - Capoliveri - Legend of the Lover

The legend of the lover is a holiday dating back to 1534, when the fate of two young lovers was tragically cut short due to a Saracen raid. The historical reconstruction was born in the middle of the seventeenth century, thanks to Don Domingo Cardenas, an impoverished nobleman of Spanish origin, who settled in the place where, according to legend, the girl Maria sacrificed her life in order to reach the pirate ship that captured her beloved Lorenzo.

Today, the parade passes through the streets of the city until it reaches the beach del Innamorata, where the teams of the districts compete to win the headscarf of Mary thrown into the sea. The winners deliver the handkerchief to Don Cardenas, who hands it to a girl chosen from the crowd by the winning team.

Maria looks out for a pirate ship at sea. Costumed dramatization of the legend. Photo

August 12 - Marchana Marina - St. Chiara's Day

The celebration of St. Chiara's Day is famous mainly for beautiful fireworks to the music of a concert organized in the town of Marcana Marina. Every year the entire coast is filled with people who, accompanied by a city group, take part in a solemn procession to the sea and a magnificent pyrotechnic spectacle.

Saint Chiara's Day. Pyrotechnic show. Photo

End of September - beginning of October - Capoliveri - grape festival

The Grape Festival in Capoliveri is an event attended by about 5,000 people every year. It takes weeks to prepare for it and a festival takes place in the four districts of Capoliveri among games and competitions. It is one of the best traditional festivals on the island and brings many surprises to visitors every year. As part of the festival, there are costumed performances that reproduce the ancient traditions of the grape harvest on the Elbe.

Grape Festival in Capooliveri. Photo

September - Portoferraio - Jazz Festival "Elba Isola Musicale d" Europa"

For over fifteen years, every September, this important celebration of classical music and jazz takes place in Portoferraio, where international stars perform in theaters, cathedrals and fortresses on the island of Elba. Over the years of the festival, the island has seen many first-class world-class performers, starting with Yuri Bashmet, who became the artistic director of this festival with his Moscow Soloists orchestra.

The festival is traditionally held at the "Teatro dei Vigilanti" theater in Portoferraio, the Pisa fortress in Marchana, the Cathedral of St. James the Apostle in Portoferraio and the "Hotel Hermitage" in Biodola.

The president and artistic director of the festival is maestro Yuri Bashmet. For getting additional information for concert dates and times, visit the official website:

Last weekend of October - Poggio, Marchana - chestnut festival

Poggio, located in the province of Marchana, is the ideal setting for the chestnut festival, a celebration that has been taking place in this medieval village for thirty years. Enogastronomic tents line up in Piazza Castagneto, offering traditional Elba chestnut-based dishes such as chestnut flour bread, chestnut cake, cheese, pies, noodles and chestnut polenta, in addition to the classic roasted chestnuts and red wine.

Chestnut Festival in Poggio. Photo

New Year - Portoferraio

Fairs, tastings, concerts and spectacular fireworks reflected in the sea water - that's what awaits those who decide to spend new year holidays in the city of Portoferraio.

Elba Island Attractions: Museums, Antiques and Breathtaking Panoramic Views

This section will be a real surprise if you think Elba is just sun, sea and beaches.

The island is full of attractions and interesting places for visits that will satisfy every type of curiosity, whether historical, geological, architectural, religious or naturalistic archaeological sites, landscapes, museums, churches or fortresses. All you need is a little attention!

Like all islands indigenous people Elba is made up mainly of farmers, fishermen and sailors who are inextricably dependent on the forces of nature: land, sea and weather.

That is why many places of worship are scattered throughout the island, dedicated to the deities guarding the land and sea. There are many monuments of Christianity and no less pagan sanctuaries. The temples are mainly dedicated to the Virgin Mary or Ceres, the goddess of fertility.

Mercy Church

(Portoferraio - Salita Napoleone)

The Brotherhood of Mercy was founded by the Reverend Giovanni de' Medici in 1566. In 1677, a small church was built for worship, which was named after the brotherhood the Church of Mercy.

In this cathedral are the relics of St. Christine the Martyr, the patron saint of Elba. Since 1852, every May 5, a mass is celebrated here in honor of Napoleon.

Of particular value is the organ built in the church in 1792 and the statue of the Madonna and Child, which was created by a student of Giovanni Pisano, Tino Camaino.

Next to the church there is a small museum where sacred relics of the brotherhood and items related to Napoleon are kept - the flag that was presented to Napoleon during the landing on the Elbe on May 4, 1814, the bronze mask of the deceased Napoleon, donated by Prince Anatole Demidov, and a bronze cast of his right hand .

Church of Mercy in Portoferraio. Photo

Cathedral of Portoferraio

(Portoferraio - della Repubblica)

The construction of the Cathedral of Portoferraio, which began in 1554 and is dedicated to the Nativity Holy Mother of God, began simultaneously with the construction of the Medici villa in 1548 for Cosimo I.

The cathedral originally consisted of a single nave, which was enlarged over the centuries. In the French manner, the cathedral began to work as a parish church, and on this occasion the main stone altar was replaced with a marble one.

On May 4, 1814, Mass was celebrated here in the presence of Napoleon Bonaparte, the newly appointed ruler of the Island of Elba.

Cathedral of Portoferraio. Photo

Sanctuary of the Madonna del Monte


The church, immersed in greenery, dates back to the 16th century. Bare walls, dim light, silence and cold air that reigns in this sanctuary creates an almost mystical atmosphere. The image of the Most Holy Theotokos in heaven is kept here, written on a granite block, probably dating back to the thirteenth century.

During the 1995 restoration, frescoes attributed to Sodom were found behind the altar of the church.

The purest drinking water has been flowing from a small spring in front of the church facade since 1690. Here, for a short period in the summer of 1914, Napoleon hid from the heat in Portoferraio and met, away from prying eyes, with his Polish mistress, Maria Walewska.

The island of Elba, a strategic point in the Mediterranean by virtue of its location, has always been the target of the largest civilizations in history, which, in order to protect their hard-won territories, created fortified outposts over the centuries.

Sanctuary of the Madonna del Monte. Photo by

Ramparts of the Medici

(Portoferraio - Historic Center)

Approaching the ferry to Portoferraio, you are immediately amazed at the grandeur of these walls that rise above the sea. These are the Medici ramparts, erected by the Grand Duke of Tuscany Cosimo I to protect against Turkish attacks.

After the completion of the fortresses of Forte Falcone, Forte Stella and the Tower of Lingella, in 1555 Giovanni Camerini began the construction of the ramparts of the front of the Earth, developing them about 500 meters westward under Forte Falcone. After Camerini's death, the complex was taken over by Bernardo Buontalenti.

Organized on four levels (the Bastions "del Veneziano", "del Casino di Mezzo", "delle Palle", and "della Cornacchia"), the ramparts provided a powerful defense against attacks that could come from the Porta Terra.

Over the years, due to wars and natural destruction, the condition of the Medici ramparts has been greatly weakened. However, you can still feel the grandeur of this fortified city built in the sixteenth century to protect the island.

Forte Falcone in Portoferraio. Photo

Volterraio Castle

(located between Portoferraio and Rio nel Elba)

Visible from the ferry arriving in Portoferraio, Volterraio Castle is the oldest fortification on the entire island of Elba. The origin of its name is unclear: it may come from the Etruscan word "Vultur" (vulture) or from the name of the territory of Volterra, from where came the architect Gerardo Rau, who was responsible for the reconstruction of the castle in the thirteenth century.

The original Castle of Volterraio, of Etruscan origin, was in fact expanded and fortified in 1281 by decree of the Pisan State, which used the fort for defensive purposes. Subsequently reinforced in 1440, the castle is one of the few strongholds that Elba never surrendered to Turkish pirates.

Acquired by the National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago, today the castle is in a severe state of decay. Despite this, with great care as part of the visit, the castle walls are worth a visit to admire the majestic remains and enjoy the unique view of the Gulf of Portoferraio.

Castle of Volterraio. Photo

Torre della Marina

The Torre della Marina or the tower of Novalja is the dominant element in the harbor of Marciana Marina. The not very large cylindrical building still retains elements that testify to its function of warning and defense of the northern coast of the island of Elba.

Various assumptions have been made about the origin of the tower. Today's hypothesis states that the construction of the tower was carried out by Jacopo Appiano VI between 1558 and 1562, after his family had regained possession of the Elba. The tower may have been built at the request of the local population, who were seriously suffering from raids and devastation at the hands of the Turkish pirate Dragut.

Torre della Marina. Photo

Torre San Giovanni

The Tower of San Giovanni dates back to the twelfth or thirteenth century, when the island of Elba was occupied by the Republic of Pisa, who took the trouble to build a system of fortifications as a defensive garrison.

The tower seems to emerge from a huge granite boulder located on Monte Peron, 300 meters above sea level, overlooking the bay of Marina di Campo, at that time one of the bays most prone to possible attacks from the sea. The tower occupied a strategic position for observation and transmission of optical signals, from where today you can enjoy a magnificent view of the bay.

The structure consisted of two floors and a control terrace, unfortunately destroyed after an enemy attack. Despite being out of order for many centuries, due to a series of collapses, the tower has often been the subject of renovations that have helped to consolidate the walls, even though access to the interior remains very difficult and dangerous.

Tower of San Giovanni.Photo

The most important museums and residences located on the island

Villa San Martino and Demidoff Gallery

(Portoferraio - San Martino)

The cost of visiting - 5 euros

Villa San Martino, Napoleon's summer residence, is located in the countryside, about 5 km from Portoferraio. The majestic monument of neoclassical architecture is associated with the name of Count Anatole Demidoff, husband of Napoleon's niece, Mathilde, who in 1851 wanted to build a residence worthy of the imperial era, which could house his collection of Napoleonic memorabilia.

The Demidoff Gallery lies at the foot of the original residence, inside you can admire the original Galatea sculpture for which Paolina Borghese posed.

The original Napoleonic residence extends above the galleries. The exterior architecture is very simply decorated, inside there are rooms and halls designed by the architect Bargiglia and painted by Vincenzo Antonio Revelli.

The most noteworthy are the Egyptian room located on the second floor, containing papyri and wall fragments from the Egyptian campaign, and the Love Knot room, a dining room whose ceiling frescoes symbolize the love between Napoleon and Marie Louise.

Villa San Martino. Photo

City Archaeological Museum of Marchana

(Marciana - Via del Pretorio, 66)

The Municipal Archaeological Museum of Marchana is the first archaeological museum on the island of Elba. It was opened in 1968 to accommodate finds brought to light during the excavations that took place in those years throughout the island.

The collection of the museum consists of many exhibits, mainly from Marchana, arranged in chronological order according to the period of their discovery: there are finds of stone industries dating back to the Stone Age, Etruscan household items found on the hills near the fortress of Monte Castello di Proccio, remains of Roman shipwrecks, sets from the burial tombs of Monte Capanne, and objects and pieces of equipment found aboard sunken ships in the eighteenth century.

Villa dei Mulini

(Portoferraio - Piazzale Napoleone)

The cost of visiting - 5 euros

Villa dei Mulini - the official residence of Napoleon, today is National Museum. On the occasion of the bicentenary of Napoleon's stay on the Elba, the Villa has just been restored to restore the house to its former splendor.

Villa dei Mulini was built in 1724 by Grand Duke Giangastone Medici, then adapted to the needs of Napoleon by the architect Paolo Bargiglia, who raised its central hall by one floor, forming an original junction of the two buildings.

The entrance is on the first floor, then through the tunnel you can get to the main rooms of the emperor: the living room with the subsequent library and bedroom.

The original furniture made for Napoleon, brought from Piombino from the residence of his sister Elisa, is now missing. The meticulous restoration of the residence included the installation of new nineteenth-century imperial-style furniture, which now recreates an imperial atmosphere. The library of the villa, however, preserves the books of Napoleon, which the emperor brought with him from the libraries of Fontainebleau.

The garden of the villa leading to the sea is adorned with two beautiful statues of Minerva, which are said to have come from Ancient Greece, as well as a copy of the sculpture "Galatea".

Villa dei Mulini. Photo

Villa delle Grotte

(Portoferraio - Le Grotte area)

Dating from the first century BC, the Roman Villa delle Grotte is one of three villas located on the island of Elba that have not undergone building modification processes over the centuries.

Abandoned at the end of the first century, between 1799 and 1801, due to expansion, it becomes a strategic location for artillery batteries in the battles between France and the Kingdom of Naples.

The structure of the villa, thanks to excavations carried out between 1960 and 1972, is now well known: the rectangular villa had a swimming pool and three large gardens, one of which is located along the coastline, the windows of the villa overlooked the Portoferraio bay.

Scholars do not know who originally owned this luxurious villa. The only mention of this complex was found in the elegy of the ancient Roman poet Ovid.

Villa delle Grotte. Photo

Where to eat on the island?

Restaurants are a key ingredient have a nice holiday: a perfectly prepared and beautifully served dish is perhaps the "icing on the cake" after a day spent in the company of the sea, sun and nature.

Elba's cuisine, simple and natural, has evolved from the often changing dominions to which the island has been subjected in the course of its history. The typical dishes of the island often combine the flavors of the sea with the flavors of the land. East End the islands are famous for their sweets, while wines and liquors High Quality, red and white, are always good almost anywhere in the Elbe.

In some towns, like Capoliveri or Porto Azzurro, restaurants come to life in the streets at dusk, and the scent of freshly prepared dishes floats in the air. In Marciana Marina and Marina di Campo you can find excellent fish restaurants that overlook the sea, in the streets of Portoferraio such taverns are traditionally passed down from generation to generation, while for those who prefer meat dishes, great place will, of course, be Marciana Alta.

Throughout the island, even in the less touristy areas, you can find plenty of pizzerias and restaurants to suit all tastes and budgets.

How to get to Elba Island?

Elba Island, located about 10 km from, is easily accessible using any Vehicle: cars, trains, buses or planes.

Depending on your needs, you can decide whether to take the ferry with your car, rent a car on the island, or rely on public transport. You can even come here on your own yacht, because Elba offers wide choose ports and harbors that serve tourists.

By plane

Airplane is the most convenient way to get to Elba Island. Numerous daily flights allow you to get here from major European airports.

In the summer of 2014 there was also a new connection with the national airport. The flight takes about an hour and 20 minutes.

The airport on the island of Elba is located in the area of ​​La Pila, 2 km from Marina di Campo. It is a private civilian airport open to commercial traffic. Airplanes of 3 airlines fly here, which connect Elba with numerous European cities: Intersky, Skywork and Silver Air. You can book tickets.

By train

To take the ferry to Elba Island, you need to get to Piombino Marittima station, a small railway station, which is located right in front of the port where the ferry departs from.

For most rail routes, both North and South, you must get off at the station in Campiglia Marittima, where every 20 minutes there is a train or bus direct to Piombino Marittima.

Attention! For those coming from Florence: there is a bus from Florence Station that will take you directly to Piombino Marittima.

On a ferryboat

Ferries to Elba Island are owned by 4 companies (Moby Lines, Toremar, Blu Navy and Corsica Sardina Ferries), the journey time to Portoferraio is about 70 minutes.

There is also a fast water transport- Aliscapho, which will take you to Cavo, Rio Marina and Piombino in 20 minutes, to Portoferraio in about 40 minutes.

In the summer (April to early October) ferries are very numerous and run almost all day. During the winter months, transport is less frequent - you will have to wait 2-3 hours if you are not familiar with the exact timetable.

If you want to cross with a car, it is always advisable to book ferry tickets, especially between April 25 - May 1 and on summer weekends.

If you want to leave your car in Piombino at the port, guarded car parks are available, free and paid.

By bus

The island of Elba can be reached with tourist buses that connect Piombino Marittima - the port of landing for the ferry to Elba - with, Grosseto and (buses depart from various points in the province of Milan, such as San Giuliano Milanese, Melegnano, Lodi, Casalpustelengo and Piacenza).

The Firenze-Piombino-Marittima route is operated by BuSITAlia Nord, which belongs to the Ferrovie dello Stato company and the bus schedule is in touch with trains from , Milan and .

By car

The port of Piombino Marittima is located on Tyrrhenian coast between and Grosseto. Easily accessible from any part of Italy, the Piombino Marittima exit is marked on the SS1 motorway as "Venturina / Piombino / Elba".

Once you have reached Piombino Marittima, you can either leave your car in the guarded car park or take the car to Elba Island.

Highways of the North:

Milan - Piombino Marittima

Follow the A1 towards Parma / Bologna, exit at La Spezia / Parma Ovest, then follow the A15 towards La Spezia. Take the "Genoa / Livorno" exit on the A12 towards Rosignano Marittima. Exit Rosignano and take the SS1 towards Grosseto until the exit "Venturina - Isola d" Elba"

Travel time:

Milan-Piombino: 5 hours

Turin / Genoa - Piombino Marittima

Hotel Paradiso (Via Viticcio 41, 57037 Portoferraio)

Hotel Desiree (Lido di Spartaia, 57030 Procchio)

Hotel Biodola (Via Biodola 1, 57037 Portoferraio)

Hotel Del Golfo (Via Delle Ginestre N° 31, 57030 Procchio)

Hotel Biodola, Portoferraio


Elba is a large island in the Tyrrhenian Sea, administratively part of the Italian region of Tuscany and located 20 km from the coastal city of Piombino. This is the most big Island Tuscan archipelago and the third largest in Italy after Sicily and Sardinia - it covers an area of ​​223 sq. km. Together with the neighboring islands of Gorgona, Capraia, Pianosa, Montecristo, Gilo and Gianutri, it forms national park"Tuscan archipelago". There are eight communes on the Elba, in which about 30 thousand people live - Portoferraio, Campo nel Elba, Capoliveri, Marchana, Marchana Marina, Porto Azzurro, Rio Marina and Rio nel Elba.

Even in ancient times, Elba was known for its iron deposits - the Etruscans were the first to create mines here, and in the 5th century BC. they were replaced by the Romans. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the island was repeatedly attacked by barbarians and Saracens until it became part of the powerful Republic of Pisa at the beginning of the 11th century. Three centuries later Elba passed into the possession of the Appiani family, who ruled the island for two centuries. Then the island was bought by Cosimo I Medici, on whose orders a fortress was built in Portoferraio, but soon this part of the Elbe returned to Appiani. Two more fortresses were built in the 17th century, when Porto Azzurro was captured by the Spanish King Philip II. Finally, in 1802, Elba became a French possession, and the period of prosperity of the island began. The French brought worldwide fame to the island - it was here that the once great Napoleon Bonaparte, who bore the title of Emperor of Elba, was in exile. And in 1860, Elba became part of the united Italy.

Today, Elba is known as the birthplace of fine Muscat wine and a popular holiday destination. Tourists are attracted not only historical places, but also the extraordinary beauty of the island - on a small, in general, territory steep rocky cliffs, moorlands, chestnut and pine groves are concentrated, in which wild boars and deer roam, sandy beaches and secluded bays and coves. You can get here from the city of Piombino by ferry.

Undoubtedly, the main attractions of Elba are the places associated with the stay on the island of Napoleon, and, above all, two museums - Villa San Martino and Palazzo Mulini. The latter was erected on the site of windmills, from which it got its name (mulino - mill). It is said that Napoleon personally took part in the construction of the palace and the design of the surrounding garden. And Villa San Martino (6 km from Portoferraio) was rebuilt by Prince Anatoly Demidov, husband of the Countess de Montfort, Napoleon's niece. It is interesting that Demidov built a villa specifically for the Bonaparte Museum - today this neoclassical building houses a collection of relics of the imperial family. It also hosts various cultural events and thematic exhibitions.

In Portoferraio you can see the ancient fortress walls of the Medici times, in the vicinity of Porto Azzurro - the ruins of the Roman villa Le Grotte and the castle of Castel Volterraio, and not far from the Rio Elba is the Mon Serrato Gorge with a church with a mysterious icon of the Black Madonna.

On the Elbe, many ancient mines have been preserved, in which iron ore was once mined, and which today are turned into historical museums– in them you can see giant samples of rocks, learn about the methods of mining ore and further restoration of the soil. In addition, in some museums you can ride a special trolley through the entire production cycle.

The coastline of the Elbe is 147 km long, most which are occupied by beaches, both sandy and pebbly. In total, there are more than 70 beaches, colorfully framed by pine groves and citrus plantations. The most famous is the Barabarca beach with crystal-clear water in the lagoon and amazing views of Stella Bay. Another popular beach is Le Giayet, famous for its pink pebbles. According to legend, it was on this beach that the Argonauts stopped, and multi-colored blotches in the local pebbles are nothing but their sweat.

At the service of lovers active rest- dive centers and riding schools, tennis courts and golf courses, jet skis and catamarans, surfing and yachting. And in the town of San Giovanni there is a thermal spa, which is often visited by Sophia Loren.

Elba Island (Italian: Elba)- biggest island in the Tuscan archipelago and the third island Italy, after Sardinia and Sicily. The size of the island: length 29 km and width no more than 18 km. Area 223 sq. kilometers. Coastline, famous for its sinuousness and picturesqueness, has 147 kilometers. The border with France is very close - 50 km away is the island of Corsica.

There are 8 communes on the island: Portoferraio, Campo nell "Elba, Capoliveri, Marciana, Marciana Marina, Porto Azzurro, Rio Marina And Rio Nelle Elba.

You can easily get here by ferry from Italy in half an hour, because Elba is located only 10 km from Piombino. The distance between him and Grosseto is only 20 km, and the distance to Corsica does not exceed 35 km.

The ancient Greek name of Elba - "Aetana" - is translated as "sparks". The island was named so for the sandy beaches sparkling in the sun with grains of mica. It was first mentioned in the legendary "Odyssey" by Homer around the 8th-9th centuries. BC. Then, after eight hundred years, the island was captured by the Romans, who named it "Ilva". Until now, the ruins of Roman buildings can be found on its territory. Its name has also been preserved, eventually transformed into "Elba".

In world history, the island of Elba is widely known thanks to the French emperor Napoleon, who lived here for some time. As the most famous resident, two museums are dedicated to him on the Elbe - the Villa San Martino and the Mulini Palace. The latter was built on the site of old windmills, hence the name "Mulini" (mulino - windmill). There is evidence that Napoleon himself personally took an active part in the design of the palace and garden, and also tirelessly followed their implementation into reality.

After the Congress of Vienna, the island passed to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. In 1860 the island became part of the emerging Kingdom of Italy.

Now the island of Elba has the status of a protected area, where any factory activity is prohibited and a regime of limited development is established, which is how it differs in Italy from the island of Ischia, for example. Thanks to the measures taken, it remains an environmentally friendly area. Vacationers who rent villas in Italy often go to Elba for diving. In addition, other sports activities are provided on the island, such as horseback riding, golf or tennis. On the island of Elba, your vacation will be simply unforgettable. Jet skis or skis, catamarans, surfing, yachting. Regatta lovers should visit main port islands where national and international competitions are held.

Often tourists go here by ferry from Italy for recovery in the baths of San Giovanni. In addition to the natural healing factor, there are many modern SPA centers on the Elbe, where the latest technologies for cosmetic and preventive procedures are used. The island is rich in small souvenir shops where you can buy a wide variety of jewelry and products made from natural stones: tiger's eye, agate, turquoise, pyrite, coral and other gems.

The main city of Elba is Portoferraio. Its historical center is framed by powerful fortresses of the 16th century. Portoferaio is a major port and a popular tourist resort. Among its attractions are the parish church and the municipality, which houses the city's Foresiana library of the 16th century, the Church of Santissimo Scaramento, the Church of Misericordia and Forte della Stella.

The Etruscans were the first to sail here, who discovered large deposits of iron on the island. Even today, iron ore is mined on the Elbe, but tourism has become the main industry of the island. In addition to natural beauties, magnificent beaches and coves, the island also offers excellent hotels and restaurants, water sports for all tastes and walking trails between vineyards and olive and chestnut groves.

Portoferraio is a quiet town that comes alive on market days. Behind the spacious Place Cavour, with its cafes, shops and restaurants, houses sprawled on the slopes of the hill; on top of the hill rises Forte del Falcone, a fortress built in the 16th century by order of Cosimo I de' Medici, who was very fond of Portoferraio.

The inhabitants of Portoferraio mostly visit the pleasant beach of Delle Giaye. It is enough to drive to Procchio to find a beach with the finest sand. A very unique and popular town is Marciana Marina, which with its 1800 inhabitants is one of the largest on the island. The pines here reach almost to the sea; the picturesque little port is surrounded by an ancient tower and dozens of houses built on the rock.

There are 153 beaches on the island, some of which can only be accessed from the sea. Elba beaches are a unique phenomenon, their main advantage is the purest water, the quality of which is confirmed by numerous fish, scurrying around the shore without fear.

The most high point islands is a mountain called Kapana, its height reaches 1019 meters above sea level. In general, the island is mountainous, which is why it attracts a huge number of athletes who are fond of rock climbing. It periodically hosts world-class competitions in this sport. On the slopes of Mount Kapana you can find life-giving coolness on a hot summer day, everything is done here to make your stay memorable: you can organize a picnic - tables, benches, specially equipped places for barbecue are already waiting for you.

From a height of 1019 meters, Mount Capanne, which leads cable car, dominates the whole island; the mountain is planted with Marchana vineyards, where the best Elba wines are produced. An hour of walking - and you find yourself in a temple dedicated to the Madonna del Monte, where Napoleon spent two weeks in 1814, seeking peace and solace in the shade of centuries-old chestnut trees.

In the vicinity of Cavoli there are many small bays suitable for swimming. Nearby is Marina di Campo, the main resort center of the southwestern part of the island, where you can find excellent fish restaurants. Elba airport is nearby.

The east coast is the most favorite destination for tourists who fill the Lacona beach and the sandy shores of Cape Stella. The last stage is Porto Azzurro, one of the most beautiful corners of the Elbe. protected from northern winds, it is surrounded by dozens of small bays. For those who want to stay here, there is a good choice hotels and restaurants overlooking the port. Behind the residential areas you can see the fortress of Portolongone, built in 1603 by order of the Spanish King Philip III.

Island climate Mediterranean, with hot dry summers and mild winters. Holiday season here it lasts from April to mid-October.

The island used to be quite active mining of iron ore. There are mines that have been converted into rich stone museums. In addition to exhibiting and admiring giant natural specimens of minerals, it tells about the methods of their extraction and the methods of subsequent restoration of the earth. You can take a tour and ride through the entire production cycle on a trolley. The store at the museum exhibits various products made of natural stones for every taste and budget. Delicious muscat wines, exquisite perfume based on herbs growing on the mountain slopes of the island (the popular perfume "Aqua del Elba") - everything is at the service of the guests of the island.

Island cuisine rich in fish. But basically, of course, this is a typical Italian pasta abundance.

Various cultural events are held on the island every year. For example, the International Festival "Elba - the musical island of Europe", which was created on the initiative of the outstanding Russian violist Yuri Bashmet and is held under his patronage.

The coast of Elba Island is very winding and picturesque. The mountain slopes, where iron ore used to be mined, are covered with multi-colored mounds - red, black, brown and blue.