How many hours is the flight to Morocco? On your own in Morocco: travel itinerary

Naturally, all travelers want to know how long it will take them to get to their final destination. And their curiosity, spurred by impatience, increases manyfold when tourists go to the resort. Well, travelers’ interest in travel time is quite justified. In this article we will try to clarify the question of how long it takes to fly to Morocco from Moscow. This problem seems simple only at first glance. Measure the distance between Moscow and Rabat (the capital of Morocco) with a ruler on the map, find out from the scale how many kilometers separate the two cities, divide the result by 700 (this is the average speed of a modern airliner), add another twenty minutes for takeoff and landing, and voila - the result the result will be the travel time. It would seem that nothing could be simpler. But practice, as always, makes adjustments to this formula.

What affects flight time?

Now regular flights, low-cost airlines, and charters use Boeings or Airbuses, especially for long-distance routes. These differ in capacity, but they develop approximately the same speed. What then really influences how long it takes to fly to Morocco from Moscow?

The main factor is the flight. If it is straight, then you will get to your destination as quickly as possible. Regular flights are not delayed at the departure airport, like charters. But tickets for them are much more expensive than for low-cost airlines. Therefore, it often happens that it is cheaper to fly two (or even three) flights with a transfer than one direct one. Morocco is a small country. But still, the destination airport (Rabat, Casablanca, Marrakesh or Agadir) makes an amendment of +/- 15-20 minutes to the calculation from Moscow. Air carriers have different air corridors. And not all airliners, as is commonly believed, fly in a straight line. Airlines are planning routes to avoid mountains that cause turbulence, as well as military conflict zones. Such zigzags affect travel time.

How long does it take to fly to Morocco from Moscow on a direct flight?

Russian tourists from all the undoubtedly wonderful cities of the North African country really appreciate two. and Agadir. The first one is closer to Russia in its geographical location. Therefore, the flight to Casablanca International Airport will take exactly six hours. In the summer, competition between Royal Air Maroc and Aeroflot includes Iberia, KLM, Air Berlin and Air France. In the opposite direction, thanks to the prevailing winds, the travel time will be 10 minutes shorter. Regular flights depart from Sheremetyevo on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 11.05. And in just six hours the plane will land in Casablanca (Morocco). How long does it take to fly from Moscow on a direct flight to another popular resort, Agadir? This city is further from Russia than Casablanca. And the flight to it from Sheremetyevo on board the Royal Air Marquee takes almost seven hours.

We travel with transfers

There are simply no direct flights from Moscow to some airports in this North African country. You can get to Marrakech via Casablanca, as well as via Rabat, the capital of Morocco. How long does it take to fly from Moscow to the most authentic city in the country? You can get to Marrakech on board the Iberia with a transfer in Barcelona. This is the fastest way. The entire journey will take only nine hours, seven of which will have to be spent in the sky.

All other options are much longer. Flight times with stops in Milan, Amsterdam, Munich, and Paris will be the same, but the wait at transit airports will last from four to 15 hours. You can fly to Casablanca with transfers in Rome, Brussels, Abu Dhabi, Lisbon, and Barcelona. Travel time on connecting flights will range from 9.5 to 20 hours. Agadir can be reached via Marseille, Madrid and Casablanca, Munich in 11-22 hours.

Time difference in Moscow and Morocco

A pleasant bonus awaits travelers flocking to the resorts of this North African country. If you take off from Sheremetyevo on a direct flight at 11:05, then you land in Casablanca not at 17:05, as one might think, but at 14:05. No, the Moscow-Morocco flight time remains the same. It’s just that the West of Russia and the North African country live in different time zones. Morocco is at UTC 0, and Moscow is at UTC +3. But a slight amendment should be made on this issue. Despite the fact that Morocco is located near the tropics, the country has a transition from winter to summer time. Thus, from the beginning of April to the end of October, local residents’ chronometers “lag” behind the Moscow chimes not by three, but by only two hours.

How long will it take to fly to Morocco? - a question that interests a huge number of people who have heard about Al-Maghreb - one of the most mysterious and therefore alluring countries in Africa. Located in the north of the dark continent, it is one of the most ancient lands known to mankind. For example, this is where the legendary Carthage was located, which every schoolchild in our country knows about.

How long does it take to fly directly from Moscow?

Today, there are several direct flights that can deliver citizens of our country only to Casablanca. You can fly on Royal Air Maroc flights, which operate on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from Sheremetyevo Airport. Travel time is six, six and a half hours. This time depends, as usual, on weather conditions. Moreover, flights to Morocco are carried out starting from March and up to October inclusive.

What if you fly to Morocco on a charter flight?

Charter flights are very popular today. They tend to form on specific dates or during a major season (that is, from June to August). They are carried out by Aeroflot or VIM AIRLINES.

The schedule may be different each time. And, as a rule, such planes fly not only to Casablanca, but also to Agadir. Travel time is six hours.

Flights with transfers

There are a lot of such flights today. The duration of the flight usually depends on the chosen air carrier and the stopover location. A lot of airlines fly to Morocco. This:

  • Lufthansa
  • Air France
  • Austrian

Almost all of these flights depart from Domodedovo. Travel time can range from seven hours to nine.

Fly with Royal Air Maroc

This Moroccan air carrier company, which takes on the entire burden of flights from Russia to Morocco, is very serious and experienced. As a rule, no emergency situations occur during flights. Everything is very calm and restrained.

Many people like to spend their holidays under palm trees, bask in the hot sun and swim in the warm sea. This option for spending your vacation will allow you to change your boring environment and get an unforgettable experience. Holidays in Morocco are not a cheap pleasure. But despite the high prices, many tourists want to visit fashionable resorts. First, they find out all the details of the trip and ask the question: “How long does it take to fly to Morocco from Moscow?”

A direct flight from the Russian capital to Casablanca takes approximately 8-8.5 hours. The flight to Agadir will last approximately the same, 8-9 hours, but it will not be possible to fly there on a regular flight. You can only use a charter flight, and even then not always, but only during periods of increased demand for trips and flights. Some airlines even canceled charter flights to Agadir due to instability in the country.

Direct flights are currently offered by 2 companies:

  • Royal Air Maroc;
  • Aeroflot.

Flights of these airlines last just over 8 hours. You can fly on the plane of the national airline Royal Air Maroc on Monday, Sunday and Friday. The Aeroflot plane will fly away if all tickets for the flight are sold. Purchasing tickets for flights of national companies of two countries will require a little effort and knowledge. It is best to do this through the official website of the air carrier, where you can directly book a seat on board the plane, because they may not always be displayed on ticket search engine websites. Booking a place in advance, which will only take a few minutes, will protect the tourist from possible unpleasant situations. But still, regular flights without connections are rare. Such issues are being resolved by government forces, as well as with the increased demand for such flights.

To Morocco by charter

For everyone who is going to Morocco, it is important to know how to get to the “oriental fairy tale”. There are 3 options for flights:

  • Direct flight;
  • Flight with transfer;
  • Chartered flight.

Compared to a direct scheduled flight, a charter flight can be reached in less time. The entire flight will take 6-7 hours. The exact flight time is affected by weather conditions and the number of aircraft in the departure area. However, the cost of a ticket for a charter flight is higher, but the flight time will take less.

Flight with transfer

A flight with a transfer at a European airport will be the most economical of all possible. The transfer can be in Paris, London or other European cities. You can fly to Morocco using airlines:

  • Lufthansa;
  • "Iberia"
  • British Airways;
  • Air France;
  • Emirates, etc.

Flight time can increase to 20-22 hours. However, the stay in the air itself will be approximately 7 hours, and the rest of the time you will have to wait for a transfer.

Moroccan airports

The main airports in the country are Casablanca, Rabat and Agadir. Planes can also land at the airports of Marrakech, Essaouira, Ouarzazate, Fes, Tangier, Dakla, and El Layoun.


Although the official air port of the country is the airport of the capital of Morocco, Rabat, the main passenger flow arrives in Casablanca at the airport named after Sultan Mohammed V. Airplanes from almost all European countries, Africa and America fly here. Tourists here can use a hotel, restaurants and cafes, exchange offices, a post office and a conference room. Also in the terminal building there are ATMs, souvenir shops and a shop with national clothes.


Al Massir Airport is popular among European tourists. It is located 25 km from the city and has 1 runway. For residents and guests of Morocco at the airport it is possible to use shops, pharmacies, cafes and restaurants, a children's room and a conference room. The airport also offers car rental and currency exchange services.

To Morocco from other Russian cities

You can fly to Morocco not only from Moscow. This is possible from other major airports in other cities, for example, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg. There are no direct flights from these cities, and the flight time will be from 9 to 13 hours.

Flight cost

As for the cost of the flight, the price range is quite wide, from 17,500 rubles to 160,000 rubles. The cheapest flight will be with the national Moroccan carrier “ Royal Air Maroc" The most expensive tickets are offered by the company " Condor" The entire flight on this flight will take almost 30 hours. The plane transfers in Munich. The cost of tickets for this flight may be less depending on the day and month of the flight.

Important features when entering and leaving the country

Like any other state, Morocco has its own characteristics, rules and foundations. And Morocco, as a state with oriental culture, has especially strict rules. Any foreign currency cannot be distributed in the country. Objects and items that are of historical and cultural value to the state cannot be exported from Morocco.

Experienced tourists advise flying to Morocco to Casablanca or Agadir and only then, if necessary, moving to other destinations. The country has a well-functioning system of bus and train services, as well as low-cost air transportation.

Morocco is a country that is not easy to get to, but an unforgettable vacation will be worth all the effort. An excellent rest will erase all the consequences of heavy flights.

The cost of a flight always depends on the time of travel. The chart will allow you to compare prices for air tickets from Moscow to Morocco, track the dynamics of changes in their cost and find the best offer.

Statistics will help determine the season of low prices. For example, in February prices reach an average of 29,318 rubles, and in November the cost of tickets drops to an average of 20,934 rubles. Plan your trip now!

We analyze this information and create charts to make it easier for you to plan your trips.

What is more profitable – to buy air tickets in advance, avoiding the general rush, or to take advantage of a “hot” offer closer to the departure date? The chart will help you determine the best time to purchase airline tickets.

See how the price of air tickets from Moscow to Morocco changed depending on the time of purchase. Since the start of sales, their value has changed by an average of 58%. The minimum price for a flight from Moscow to Morocco is 55 days before departure, approximately 20,080 rubles. The maximum price for a flight from Moscow to Morocco is 26 days before departure, approximately 39,510 rubles. In most cases, early booking helps you save money, take advantage of it!

The cost of air tickets from Moscow to Morocco does not represent a fixed and constant amount. It depends on many factors, including the day of departure. The dynamics of changes are visible on the graph.

According to statistics, the most affordable option for flights from Moscow to Morocco is on Tuesdays, their average cost is 22,235 rubles. The most expensive flights are on Sundays, their average cost is 26,411 rubles. It is worth considering that flights on holidays are usually more expensive. We hope this information will help you plan your travels more effectively.

The cost of air tickets depends not only on the date, but also on the time of departure. An airline can operate several flights on one day, and they will differ in price category.

The graph shows the cost of departure depending on the time of day. For example, the average cost of a ticket from Moscow to Morocco in the morning is 34,324 rubles, and in the evening 32,785 rubles. Evaluate all conditions and choose the best offer.

The graph shows comparative prices for air tickets from Moscow to Morocco on the most popular airlines. Based on this information, you can plan your trip and buy air tickets from Moscow to Morocco from the carrier that suits you.

Statistics will help you choose a flight based on your financial capabilities, as well as your wishes in terms of comfort and flight conditions. The lowest prices for air tickets from Moscow to Morocco are offered by Hahn Air, the highest prices are offered by Iberia.

African exoticism attracts many travelers who want to know how long it is to fly to Morocco from Moscow on a direct flight. The country is located in the northwest of the African continent. Although Morocco belongs to the African region, the country is very different from the generally accepted Africa. One of the most popular resorts is Agadir, whose name stands for “white city.”

In this article we will not just tell you about the flight time, but also about important features that you definitely need to know.

Agadir, as a tourist destination, has only recently begun to attract interest among Russian citizens, so not everyone is aware of whether there are direct flights from Moscow to Morocco, how long the flight time will be, which airline is better to choose, etc. In order to carefully plan your trip, you need to know the exact flight time to the African resort.

Direct flights from Moscow to Agadir rarely operate. Today, a similar flight can be purchased from the national Moroccan airline Royal Air Maroc.

The flight time will be about 9 hours if the airliner flies on a direct route.

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Tourists mainly prefer charter flights who travel to Agadir more often, especially at the height of the tourist season. A convenient option would be to purchase a ticket from a travel agency, which will already include a direct charter flight, accommodation, meals and transfer.

Russian carrier Aeroflot also operates direct flights on this route. However, purchase a ticket from the airline Aeroflot this does not always work out, since the plane will only be able to fly if all the seats are filled with passengers. In addition to direct flights, there are also many options to get to the sunny resort, including transfers.

Purchasing a fare for a route Moscow — Morocco (Agadir) may cause confusion for potential passengers. Since direct routes on this route are rare, travelers should look for options on the official websites of carriers: Aeroflot And Royal Air Maroc. If you decide to travel to Agadir, then start looking for and booking tickets in advance to save money and have time to purchase the flight you need.

The cheapest flights from Moscow to Agadir

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Travel options from Moscow to Morocco

As mentioned earlier, there are several ways to get to Agadir from the capital of the Russian Federation:

  • Direct flight;
  • Flight including transfers;
  • Chartered flight.

As we found out, A direct flight from the capital of the Russian Federation to Agadir will take approximately 9 hours.

If the passenger chooses to fly by charter, the flight time will be noticeably reduced and will already be about 7 hours.

Determining the exact time of the entire flight is difficult, since many factors influence the amount of travel time: the airline the passenger chooses to fly with, the weather forecast during the flight, the number of transfers and waiting time between them, unplanned delays.

Throughout the year, you can get to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean from Moscow by taking a connecting flight. Different airlines offer a variety of options. Flying with Air France is quite convenient, since there will be only one stop, in Paris. One-stop flights do not appear often. If you decide to save on tickets, be prepared that your flight may be operated by four different airlines and will make 3 stops.

Air carriers will jointly operate a similar route S7 Airlines, Russia, Ryanair And Air Arabia Maroc. Each airline has its own baggage and carry-on requirements. The flight will take 17 hours and 55 minutes.. Connections will take place in St. Petersburg, London and Dublin. The airliner will land at Al Massira Airport.

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When choosing a direct flight to Morocco, the passenger will pay approximately 50,000-60,000 rubles for a round-trip fare. The cost varies depending on the demand and seasonality of the destination. If you fly with transfers, the price of tickets will decrease and will start from 20,000 rubles round trip. The flight time will, of course, increase, but financial expenses will be reduced, which is an important factor before starting a vacation.

Airlines Air Baltic And Wizz Air they offer to fly for 19,000 rubles in both directions, making two stops in Riga and Vilnius.

The cheapest flights from Moscow to Agadir this month

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Aircraft fly to the African resort from three Moscow airports: Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo. Airplanes land at the following airports in Morocco:

  • Casablanca Airport Terminal;
  • Al Massira Airport, Agadir.

Casablanca airport

Casablanca is the business center of the African country. It is famous for its Eastern Bazaar, where you can buy products made from real leather and silk at reasonable prices and taste date cake. The aviation complex is equipped with everything necessary:

  • Modest and comfortable restaurants;
  • High-speed Internet in the terminal building is provided free of charge;
  • Waiting rooms, souvenir shops and ATMs.

Located 28 kilometers from the central part of Agadir. When planning to fly to a resort in this city, book a transfer to your hotel from the air complex in advance. The road infrastructure is not very convenient for tourists arriving on vacation for the first time. The airport provides the following services:

  • Luggage storage for personal belongings;
  • Various shops;
  • Restaurants and cafes for every taste;
  • Mother and child rooms, waiting rooms and conference rooms.

Passengers have access to such services as: renting any type of car at a special counter, a medical center for first aid, services of various banks, etc.

It is possible to find yourself in a hot African resort from almost any city in the Russian Federation. Such a flight will necessarily include at least two transfers. Flight time will depend on which city you are flying from:

  • St. Petersburg (flight will be about 10 hours);
  • Ekaterinburg (flight time will be 11 hours);
  • Novosibirsk (flight will last 13 hours).

There are different ways to fly to Agadir, and the flight time will vary. When planning to spend your vacation on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, take care of booking air tickets, hotels and transfers in advance so that your vacation goes well and calmly.

An undeniable bonus in choosing this particular destination is that Russian citizens crossing the African border do not require a special visa for a stay in the country of up to 90 days. Also, the validity of the foreign passport must be at least six months before expiration.

Agadir is considered a center for beach holidays, where people go to surf, sunbathe and swim in the Atlantic Ocean, play golf, go to spa centers, ride horses and camels. Comfortable sunny weather persists throughout the year. Agadir also hosts vibrant festivals and parties, and the aromatic smell of spices is sure to attract many tourists to the city markets. Take a closer look at how long it takes to fly to Morocco from Moscow on a direct flight.

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4 358 3 771

Flight Moscow - Agadir (Morocco)