The most exotic travel destinations. The best exotic places to visit around the world The most exotic places on the planet with a description

X wants to rest to the fullest. Break away from reality. Change the environment, so much so that you feel like a completely different person. I want the unknown and the unusual. In a word, exotic. Going for new positive impressions. In search of the beauties of nature, before which everything else pales. For tasting exotic dishes. On vacation in one of the exotic places in the world - choose TOP 10.

Island in the Mediterranean. One of the most interesting and original beautiful islands. Bizarre rocks, countless bays and bays, majestic mountain landscapes, velvety sandy valleys immersed in the greenery of orange and olive groves. This is all Sicily. And also - the highest of the volcanoes in Europe, which is currently active - the mysterious Etna.

9. Iceland

The world's largest volcanic island. Land of Ice and Fire. The climate is cold, maritime and humid. Volcanic activity is widespread and intense. Glaciation is global. The Vatnajökull glacier is the largest in Europe, with a length of 8 km². Directly below it are several “sleeping” and “dormant” volcanoes. For example, the Grimsvotn volcano, which “waked up” quite recently in 2011. Then the smoke rose to 15 kilometers and the "sky" over the country had to be "closed" for flights.

And at the foot of the second largest Icelandic glacier - Langjökull - "hidden" the valley of geysers Haukadalur, amazing.

8. Mauritania

Edge of the Sahara. Here is a geological formation, stunning in its beauty and "cosmic" origin. Guell Er Richat - "Eye of the Sahara". 50 kilometers in diameter. It remains only to speculate about its nature. Huge meteorite? Dormant volcano? Or, after all, alien guests?

7. Denmark

Speaking of the most exotic places in the world, one cannot fail to mention another "alien" landscape. The real "Martian Chronicles" of the Danish city of Skagen. Picturesque. Fantastic. Soothing. A little creepy. And it does not fit at all into the usual European perception of the picture of one of the richest and most developed modern countries. sand dunes. Desert shores. Mysterious mystery and a halo of something unearthly.

6. Bolivia

The most famous and largest salt lake on the planet is Uyuni Salt Flats. Southwestern Bolivia looks, thanks to him, like a distant uninhabited planet. Salty desert. Surrounded by giant cacti, marvelous texture volcanoes and rushing geysers. It seems that these are man-made works of fantastic creatures, created specifically for our shock.

5. Turkmenistan

Unexpectedly for this former Soviet republic - the "Door to the Underworld" (or, if you like, the "Gates of Hell") - is located here. Darvaz - a huge gas crater - one of the most exotic places in Turkmenistan. Diameter - 60 meters. Depth - 20 meters. The gas that fills the crater has been burning ever since geologists set it on fire (in order to eliminate the accumulation of harmful substances in this way). It was in 1971. And this exotic place is man-made, thanks to unlucky Soviet geologists, more than anyone else. But that doesn't make it any less exotic.

4. USA

Arizona-Utah border. Between the two states - another "Martian corner" - unearthly red canyons - a frame. About 700 of natural canyons flooded here during the creation of the Powell reservoir - the second largest in the United States (30 m³ of water). The water is always calm. The canyons are majestic. The feeling is eerie and absolutely unearthly.

Ibid, Colorado Plateau, between Arizona and Utah. And its main sand formation is the Arizona Wave. Interestingly, these sand "waves" were formed in the Jurassic period from the Navajo sandstone, that is, "only" 190 million years ago.

The landscape was shaped by the erosion of sandstone under the influence of winds and rains. Looks impressive.

3. Mexico

Another the most unique place on the ground - Cave of crystals. It is full of crystals, among which the largest in the world - 11 meters in size. These giants have been formed over millennia as a result of unique micro climatic conditions caves. The "climate" of the cave is quite hot - all year round the air temperature here is + 58 ° С.

Last edited: July 2017

Many people think that a holiday on the islands is a heavenly holiday. And they are not wrong. Probably, paradise was in some such place, and not in heaven at all. Our list of the wonderful islands of the world, of course, is not exhaustive, since for a description of all-all-all beautiful and interesting places life would not be enough. We have compiled a selection of the most popular islands among tourists, which are definitely worth your attention.


Country: Portugal

This is a whole archipelago with extremely beautiful nature: endemic birds chirping in dense forests, rocks on which sea waves break ... And all this borders on stunningly cozy European buildings and European tourist services.


Country: Spain

It is one of the most environmentally friendly clean resorts mediterranean sea. Plus, it's always very affordable. The mild maritime climate allows you to relax here all year round. Mallorca history and beautiful architecture are intertwined with forests of interest to the tourist, and the coast offers breathtaking views and excellent beaches.

Location: Atlantic Ocean
Country: Spain

The Canary archipelago is a place where the maximum number of attractions is concentrated in a relatively small space. And what! The symbol of the archipelago is the Teide volcano with its eternally snow-capped peak, which looks almost the same in winter and summer. And what are the dunes of Maspalomas, which border the ocean! And tourists love the Canary Islands because they are the islands of eternal spring: it is never too cold or hot here.

Cape Verde
Location: Atlantic Ocean
Country: Cape Verde

Experienced tourists believe that the islands of Cape Verde are good because the tourism industry here has not yet been put on stream, and therefore the attitude towards tourists is very reverent. In addition, these islands are somewhat reminiscent of the Canaries. Here you can also visit uninhabited islands, and see black dunes, and volcanic craters, on the slopes of which grapes are grown.

Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Tanzania

Zanzibar is a real African island exotic, complete peace and unity with nature in the middle of snow-white sandy beaches, as if made of powdered sugar, snorkeling to coral reefs, a trip to giant tame turtles, flying dogs and baobabs.

Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Republic of Madagascar

Speaking about traveling to Madagascar, it is worth mentioning the exceptionally exotic nature. This piece of land once broke away from a huge continent - and as a result, evolution went its own way here. Local animals are completely different from others, mostly endemic. Giant baobabs, shrouded in fog typical of these places, are also the tourist hallmark of the island. A spectacle in truth for true connoisseurs of travel.

Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Republic of Maldives

The Maldives is a luxurious bliss, complete relaxation, ubiquitous music and the rejection of alcohol. All this is complemented by tourist houses, unusually standing in the crystal clear turquoise waters of the ocean.

Sri Lanka
Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (old name - Ceylon)

It is here that you can go on a river safari in the middle of huge mangroves from which snakes hang, as well as climb Adam's Peak - a huge sacred mountain. And be sure to try for yourself what real Ayurvedic practices are.

Koh Samui
Location: Gulf of Thailand
Country: Thailand

This is an island for those who love bliss and exotic South-East Asia. Here you can ride elephants, see Buddhist temples, swim in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Thailand, bask in hot sand, watch snake shows and taste delicious exotic food.

Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Thailand

Phuket is a resort for the wealthy. Here along coastline lined up with numerous bungalows. And the symbol of this island are huge rocks growing directly from the waters of the ocean. Also, all the same exotics that the island of Koh Samui offers are available here.

Koh Chang
Location: Gulf of Thailand
Country: Thailand

Ko Chang (Elephant Island) is located off the coast of Thailand and is one of its most accessible islands for travelers - both in terms of price and transport. On Koh Chang, you will see stunning sunsets, and you can also climb mountains covered with dense jungle. In addition, an absolutely amazing elephant nursery operates here, where you can ride elephants among banana thickets, and also order bathing with elephants in the sea.

Location: Gulf of Thailand
Country: Thailand

In terms of accessibility, it is even easier than Koh Chang, the island offers quite budget holiday. It is very small, but there are secluded places here, in connection with which Samet was chosen by the Europeans. Hotels offer accommodation mainly in bungalows, standing right on the beach.

Location: Indian Ocean, Bali Sea, Pacific Ocean
Country: Indonesia

Bali is a very exotic place, saturated with wet fogs, stormy sea waters, Buddhist symbols with elements of animism. Bali also has very tasty cuisine and interesting traditions. A real traveler should visit Bali at least once in his life.

Location: South China Sea and other seas
Country: Malaysia, Indonesia

The highlight of Borneo is its virginity and endemic plants and animals. So, for example, here you will meet proboscis monkeys or see a corpse lily in the jungle, which emits a terrible smell, but is very beautiful, and you can also get acquainted with predatory flowers that can close their mouths.

Komodo Islands
Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Indonesia

The symbol of the Komodo Islands are monitor lizards, which are one of the most ancient animals on Earth. In appearance, they are very touching, but do not put your finger in their mouths - the monitor lizard is very predatory, and is not averse to feasting even on a person.

Location: Mediterranean
Country: Tunisia

Djerba Island is one of the most expensive resorts in Tunisia, but Tunisia itself is inexpensive, so you won’t spend too much money on Djerba either. There is a lagoon in which pink flamingos live: when there are a lot of them, this sight is simply amazing.

Location: Pacific Ocean
Country: Republic of Fiji

Fiji is famous for visiting tropical rainforests, swimming in clearest waters ocean, watch the life of geckos and iguanas, plunge into the unique ethnic flavor of this island forgotten by our people.

Bora Bora
Location: Pacific Ocean
Country: French Polynesia

If we talk about the most beautiful sea and beach holidays, then it is simply impossible not to remember Bora Bora. Here is one of the most interesting underwater worlds on the Planet, which are accessible by snorkeler. Walking in the thickets of orchids and ferns, swimming in grottoes and lagoons, exploring stingrays - all this will give you the island of Bora Bora.

Dominican Republic

Country: Dominican Republic

Palm trees leaning over secluded beaches, the purest Caribbean Sea, the colonial capital of Santo Domingo, luxurious Punta Cana and Puerto Plata. Over the past years, the Dominican Republic, thanks to its mild warm climate, rich cultural and historical heritage and excellent hotel infrastructure, is gradually gaining the title of a world famous tourist center.

Location: Pacific Ocean
Country: Republic of Vanuatu

The islands of Vanuatu are virgin places in volcanic mountains where local tribes live knowing civilizations. If you want something really unusual, then this is the place for you. It is after such a trip that you can boast of your trip even among sophisticated travelers!

Location: Pacific Ocean
Country: USA

If you really want to give yourself the greatest joy in life - a vacation in a real paradise, where the beach, the tropics and the sea make it possible to forget from the daily hustle and bustle, then you will definitely go to Hawaii. The entire chain of islands consists of volcanoes. This is Diamond Head on the island of Oahu, fire-breathing Kilauea in national park Hawaiian volcanoes ( Big Island Hawaii), where you may see hot lava for the first time in your life. The island of Maui is famous for the beauty of the dormant crater of the Haleakala volcano.

Location: Atlantic Ocean
Country: Bahamas

George Washington called them the islands of eternal June. And if you tell someone that you are going to the Bahamas, you will definitely see an envious reaction, because this vacation is not for everyone, but only for the elite. For those who truly appreciate natural attractions and believe in mysticism. What is the Bimini Road. American fortuneteller Edgar Cayce called her lost Atlantis. And after that, in the sea, off the coast of Paradise Point on North Bimini, 700 meters of neatly laid limestone blocks were found, which are called the Bimini Road. Obviously, this is not a natural, but a man-made monument. But who built it?

Marieta Island
Location: Pacific Ocean
Country: Mexico

The highlight of the island of Marieta is an unusual beach, which is called hidden. It is located inside a huge rocky recess into which sea water is poured.

Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Republic of Seychelles

Seychelles is a resort for the very rich. In addition to first-class recreation, the islands also offer an acquaintance with the Seychelles turtles, viewing the famous sloping rocks falling into the ocean, and be sure to buy the world-famous huge coconuts.

Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Republic of Mauritius

Mauritius is a civilized exotic and best hotels indian ocean. These are magnificent beaches framed by palm trees. This is a glamorous getaway for the elite. If you are in Mauritius, you do not need to prove anything to anyone. The fact that you are there speaks for itself.

Location: Caribbean
Country: Republic of Cuba

This Island state with incredibly beautiful landscapes, beaches and attractions! However, of course, of interest to tourists is the special culture of this country, which seems to have hung in the last century, as well as world-famous Cuban cigars, Cuban dances and Cuban rum.

Location: Caribbean
Country: Jamaica

Few tourists are aware, but Jamaica is famous for its nudist and swing hotels. Jamaica also gave the world such a direction of music and art, as well as a philosophy of life, like reggae. Jamaica is literally saturated with the spirit of measuredness and freedom. It is also famous for its brilliant carnivals and other fun holidays.

Location: Mediterranean
Country: Republic of Malta

Malta is one of the most beautiful archipelagos and at the same time financially accessible to a large mass of tourists. It is an island offering European service, an island with a rich history. beach holiday here is good, and among the excursions walking is the most preferable, as the places are very beautiful.

Location: Mediterranean
Country: Republic of Cyprus

Cyprus is a wonderful island of sea and sun. Cyprus is the birthplace of Aphrodite. Cyprus is a tidbit that has changed hands over the course of its history, remaining on the periphery of various empires. Cyprus is a place where you can fall in love at first sight...

Location: Mediterranean
Country: Italy

E that Italian island offers tourists a mild climate, interesting story and amazingly delicious Mediterranean cuisine. Here you will plunge into the blue sea waters, dive to the wrecks, visit the cave of Neptune and taste excellent muscat wine.

Location: Mediterranean
Country: Greece

Crete is considered to be one of the paradise islands in the world. Here intertwined and beautiful scenery, And ancient history and rich cultural traditions. In addition, Crete is located at a relatively short distance from us, which means that in terms of money it is much more affordable than other heavenly places.

Easter Island
Location: Pacific Ocean
Country: Chile

The symbols of Easter Island are the idols that settled here hundreds of years ago and were created by people from a lost civilization. Why this civilization died out - we do not know. But until now, Easter Island is saturated with its spirit. And the tourist will find here, in addition to the historical part of the journey, also many purely physical pleasures, such as taking a natural bath among the stones with warm water from a natural source - with an ocean view in front of your eyes and a glass of champagne in your hand.

Galapagos Islands
Location: Pacific Ocean
Country: Ecuador

The Galapagos Islands are the pinnacle of a traveler's dreams. They are located very far away, so having been here, you can say with confidence that you have seen the end of the world. And at the end of the world, at the same time, people live a rather measured life, sharing islands with fur seals, to see which is the goal of absolutely all tourists arriving here.

When the window is damp, gray and gloomy, many dream of a vacation on a paradise beach and tropical sun. We have prepared for you a selection of 6 exotic tourist destinations that have become popular for last years.

1. India.

Sun-bathed India surrounded by a few mountain ranges and divided by the waters of the Ganges - the dream of many lovers long-distance travel. Our tourists can choose from various options for excursions and entertainment. A variety of tours include both tours of central regions of this vast country, with a mandatory stop at the Taj Mahal mausoleum, and a visit to the picturesque south, which attracts lovers of sunbathing and white beaches with coconut palms. There you can enjoy water sports sports and ordinary swimming in the turquoise waters that fill the lagoons and coral reefs. When leaving for India in the winter, you can expect temperatures in the range of 25°C in February, around 33°C in March, and 39°C in April.

2. Islands of Cape Verde.

If someone wants to find a place where time passes slowly and nature has created almost ideal conditions, he should go to the east coast of Africa. There in the waters Atlantic Ocean, the islands of Cape Verde are located - equally beautiful and diverse. This archipelago is a real palette of contrasts. Here you can see everything - from volcanic lunar landscapes and mountainous areas, to magnificent beaches and blue waters of the ocean.

In winter, the temperature on the islands is around 30°C - excellent conditions for outdoor activities such as hiking or water sports. Travel agencies also offer tours of Cape Verde, during which you can feel all the features of the atmosphere of the place where time has stopped. Or try local delicacies. The islands of Cape Verde are an ideal proposition for those who have already visited large tourist centers and want to take a break from the daily hustle and bustle of shopping.

3. Thailand.

Indochina is called the "land of the elephant", the only animal in the world that has no enemies. The behavior of the inhabitants of Thailand, a country of smiles and cordiality, fits perfectly into this peacefulness. The temperature here, almost all year round, fluctuates between 33-35 ° C, but in the winter months (from November to April) the sun shines the longest. The four main regions of the country attract with their different nature and atmosphere. The part located at the foot of the Himalayas is the land of green forests, elephants and fertile valleys inhabited by farmers.

A little further to the east stretches the Korat Plain, where the remains of the Khmer culture can still be seen today. And the heart of Thailand delights with modernity. You can feel the atmosphere of the East in Bangkok, rich in majestic monuments and temples, or floating markets full of fresh vegetables and fruits. Paradise south is a mecca for lovers of water sports and relaxation on the golden beach. Traveling to Thailand is a great opportunity to enjoy the benefits of a relaxing Thai massage and one of the best cuisines in the world.

4. Cuba.

There is a place in the world where airborne music mixes with the aroma of rum and cigar smoke, and its rhythm barely reflects on the brightly colored walls of colonial buildings. You can love Cuba for its many faces: magnificent underwater caves and waterfalls on the one hand, and modern hotels on the other. Old cars, bike shops, card shopping and the most expensive cigars in the world. The most beautiful beaches on Earth and places that are favorable for extreme species sports. Havana will turn you on with salsa, mamba, Cuban jazz or rumba. Tourists from all over the world have already appreciated the unique atmosphere of Cuba.

5. China.

China is the most populous country in the world, full of contrasts and oddities. For some, it is associated with the best porcelain, silk and magnificent gardens, while for others it is a symbol of rapid development and a powerful economy. One of the ancient civilizations world, which has more than 5 thousand years. During the excursions, tourists themselves can appreciate the features of such a combination of modernity with centuries-old tradition, which forms the unusual aura of this country.

The contrasts of China are clearly visible, for example, in Beijing and Shanghai. City noise, street cafes and restaurants with exotic smells on the one hand, and the greatest monuments of architecture, culture and temple complexes on the other. It is better to plan a trip to China on warm time of the year. In autumn and spring, the temperature here reaches 20°C, and in summer - 30°C.

6. Dominican Republic.

Tourists highly appreciate the Dominican Republic not only as a destination for a romantic honeymoon trip together, but also exotic family vacation. To do this, it is better to choose the winter period here, when the island is not too humid, and the temperature reaches about 30 ° C. This island attracts thousands of tourists craving sun, exoticism and pleasure. It has the largest number of hotel rooms in Caribbean available in hotels of different categories and arranged according to the needs of visitors.

We have a choice of Punta Cana resorts with magnificent beaches and azure waters of the ocean, as well as La Romana resorts with a more diverse landscape. caribbean. Positive energy emanates from almost every corner of the sunny Dominican Republic - from vast sandy beaches, palm groves and lush plantations of bananas, coffee and cocoa, to small villages with characteristic blue and pink houses. Outdoor enthusiasts Dominican Republic attracts with excellent conditions for sports, in particular, trekking, windsurfing, diving and golf.

For security reasons, it is best to stay in large hotels with private beaches and large pools. There are not many water parks here. It is most preferable to choose offers with the possibility of meals "all inclusive". It is worth remembering that it is advisable to use only bottled water.

When there are frosts or chilly weather outside, sometimes you really want more sun, sea and beauty. sandy beach- and that's all we need now.

Maui, Hawaii

With legendary surfer scenes and golden crescent beaches that span over 180 kilometers, attractions are literally everywhere on this island. Maui is known as the "Isle of the Valleys" and is a favorite destination for tourists due to its misty peaks, magnificent sunsets and bamboo forests.

Only the Maldives, located on 1190 lost islands in the Indian Ocean, can be compared with Hawaii.

Puerto Rico

With a tropical climate, secluded beaches lined with palm trees, and varied landscapes like a patchwork quilt, Puerto Rico is arguably the most exotic island in the Caribbean. Swim at night in the bioluminescent Mosquito Bay and experience its abundance of beautiful golden sands.

Fuerteventura, Canary Islands

Fuerteventura may be the most interesting island in the Canary Islands, thanks to its deserted beaches, crystal clear waters and hippie atmosphere. Steady trade winds make it a good place for water sports. If you want to sunbathe, join the nudists who come here for the famous nude beaches.


Azure water and hidden beaches can be found in abundance in Colombia - a country that until recently lay apart from tourist routes. Take a hike through national park Tayrona is the perfect place to pretend you live in a beach hut, where you can feast on exotic fruits and explore the picturesque lagoons.

Vis, Croatia

The Croatian island of Vis is a magnet for island hoppers thanks to its dramatic cliffs and exotic beaches. This gem in the Adriatic Sea is a short boat ride from the Croatian city of Split.

French polynesia

French polynesia is a place where emerald lagoons sparkle, and exotic aromas of vanilla, coconut and Tahiti flowers fill the air. You won't be able to see all five archipelagos at once (118 islands in total), so head to Maupiti: the "untouched island".

Yucatan, Mexico

This southeast of Mexico, which separates the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, contains all the ingredients for an exotic getaway. Explore Tulum with wide beaches, swim in unique limestone cenotes and swim with whale sharks on Isla Holbox. The Mesoamerican Reef - the world's second longest reef - boasts a wealth of marine life.

Koh Rong Samloem, Cambodia

This paradise island south coast Cambodia is one of the most exotic places in the Gulf of Thailand. Here you can swim at night among the bioluminescent plankton from MPay Bay, walk in the forest or drink coconut in a hammock on Saracen Bay.

Whitsunday Islands, Australia

The brilliant white and blue colors of Trinity Island have become a cult destination for tourists on Australia's exotic coastline. Located just off the coast of Queensland, the UNESCO-listed Great Barrier Reef is a dream come true for serious divers. Visiting these places between July and September, you can see the migration of humpback whales.

I want to fully relax. Break away from reality. Change the environment, so much so that you feel like a completely different person. I want the unknown and the unusual. In a word, exotic. Let's go for new positive impressions. In search of the beauties of nature, before which everything else pales. For tasting exotic dishes. On vacation in one of the exotic places in the world - choose TOP 10.

10. Sicily

Island in the Mediterranean. One of the most interesting and pristinely beautiful islands. Fanciful cliffs, countless bays and bays, majestic mountain landscapes, velvety sandy beaches, immersed in the greenery of orange and olive groves of the valley. This is all Sicily. And also - the highest of the volcanoes in Europe, which is currently active - the mysterious Etna.

9. Iceland

The world's largest volcanic island. Land of Ice and Fire. The climate is cold, maritime and humid. Volcanic activity is widespread and intense. Glaciation is global. The Vatnajökull glacier is the largest in Europe, with a length of 8 km². Directly below it are several “sleeping” and “dormant” volcanoes. For example, the Grimsvotn volcano, which “waked up” quite recently in 2011. Then the smoke rose to 15 kilometers and the "sky" over the country had to be "closed" for flights.

And at the foot of the second largest Icelandic glacier - Langjökull - "hidden" the valley of geysers Haukadalur, amazing.

8. Mauritania

Edge of the Sahara. Here is a geological formation, stunning in its beauty and "cosmic" origin. Guell Er Richat - "Eye of the Sahara". 50 kilometers in diameter. It remains only to speculate about its nature. Huge meteorite? Dormant volcano? Or, after all, alien guests?

7. Denmark

Speaking of the most exotic places in the world, one cannot fail to mention another "alien" landscape. The real "Martian Chronicles" of the Danish city of Skagen. Picturesque. Fantastic. Soothing. A little creepy. And it does not fit at all into the usual European perception of the picture of one of the richest and most developed modern countries. Sand dunes. Desert shores. Mysterious mystery and a halo of something unearthly.

6. Bolivia

The most famous and largest salt lake on the planet is Uyuni Salt Flats. Southwestern Bolivia looks, thanks to him, like a distant uninhabited planet. Salty desert. Surrounded by giant cacti, marvelous texture volcanoes and rushing geysers. It seems that these are man-made works of fantastic creatures, created specifically for our shock.

5. Turkmenistan

Unexpectedly for this former Soviet republic - the "Door to the Underworld" (or, if you like, the "Gates of Hell") - is located here. Darvaz - a huge gas crater - one of the most exotic places in Turkmenistan. Diameter - 60 meters. Depth - 20 meters. The gas that fills the crater has been burning ever since geologists set it on fire (in order to eliminate the accumulation of harmful substances in this way). It was in 1971. And this exotic place is man-made, thanks to unlucky Soviet geologists, more than anyone else. But that doesn't make it any less exotic.

4. USA

Arizona-Utah border. Between the two states - another "Martian corner" - unearthly red canyons - a frame. About 700 of the natural canyons were flooded here during the creation of the Powell reservoir - the second largest in the United States (30 m³ of water). The water is always calm. The canyons are majestic. The feeling is eerie and absolutely unearthly.

Ibid, Colorado Plateau, between Arizona and Utah. And its main sand formation is the Arizona Wave. Interestingly, these sand "waves" were formed in the Jurassic period from the Navajo sandstone, that is, "only" 190 million years ago.

The landscape was shaped by the erosion of sandstone under the influence of winds and rains. Looks impressive.

3. Mexico

Another unique place on earth is the Cave of Crystals. It is full of crystals, among which the largest in the world - 11 meters in size. These giants were formed over thousands of years as a result of the unique microclimatic conditions of the cave. The "climate" of the cave is quite hot - all year round the air temperature here is + 58 ° С.

2. Hawaii

Here the mountains "grow" directly from the ocean. There are hundreds of waterfalls in the mountains. It is surrounded by tropical forests. And fresh lava active volcanoes flows directly into the Pacific Ocean. Kauai is a lush exotic landscape with lush tropical vegetation and a reputation as a "garden island". Amazing sunset on Waikiki beach. Life here takes on a different, new meaning. And what you see is never forgotten.

Why is it called the "Island of the Gods"? It looks like more than all other places in the world… no, not like another planet, but like Paradise. Relax in paradise - why not exotic? Paradise beaches with white sand, slender mountains and dormant volcanoes, resting their tops on the sky, sacred caves of mysterious depths. Also, it's unrealistic. beautiful sunsets, turquoise water and one of the most beautiful underwater landscapes. Coral shoals, rooftops of countless pagodas and temples, rice terraces. And the most comfortable hotels included in the top of the best and most romantic hotels in the world. Welcome to Paradise!

10 most exotic places on the planet / Interesting facts and sights / Cities of the world

Time to relax at sea! We offer you a list of the top ten exotic places in the world.

Bali. It is called the island of the gods. There is a diverse landscape with hills and mountains, picturesque coastline and sandy beaches. Bali is Indonesia's tourist paradise. Here, green mountains are combined with golden beaches and a variety of tourist attractions. The "Island of the Gods" gives visitors the opportunity to experience all the magic of spa rituals. In 2010, Bali received the title of "most best island for relaxation”, which is definitely worth a visit.
Maldives are the smallest Asian country, both in terms of population and area. Combination beautiful scenery, cleanliness, pristine beaches and hot sun are able to win the heart of the most demanding visitors. The memory of the Maldives will not fade away for a very long time after you leave there.
Mauritius is one of the most prestigious places in the world. It is surrounded by coral reefs and for this reason water sports, deep sea fishing, surfing, windsurfing, water skiing, river cruises and land excursions exploring remarkable historical sights.
The Cayman Islands are located in the central Caribbean Sea, south of Cuba. They consist of three islands: the Grand Cayman, the Lesser Cayman, and Cayman Brac. They have white sandy beaches, and the sea waters off the coast are rich in beautiful fish. There are charming landscapes and very favorable temperature conditions that allow you to travel here to these parts throughout the year. The Cayman Islands have some of the best diving in the world.
Phuket is the largest island in Thailand. Here are the most popular beaches in Asia. It is connected to the mainland of Thailand by two bridges. Phuket is famous for its spectacular landscapes, spectacular tropical sunsets, warm blue seas and rich nightlife with many bars, clubs and discos. You can diversify your vacation on the beach with diving, sailing, water skiing.
Aruba is one of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean. Warm breezes, endless sandy beaches and exquisite beauty are just some of the reasons to visit this island. locals very friendly and will help you to fully immerse yourself in the magic of Aruba. Aruba offers quality accommodation, amazing entertainment and delicious gourmet dining.
Seychelles(Seychelles) is an archipelago that consists of 115 islands. It is located in the western part of the Indian Ocean. The Seychelles are known for their unspoiled nature, as well as one of the cleanest and most beautiful beaches in the world. By visiting these places, you can enjoy an unforgettable vacation. Here you can do all kinds water activities. More than 1,000 species of fish live in the waters off the islands.
The Philippines is an archipelago located in Southeast Asia and consists of 7,000 islands. Most of them are very small. The Philippine Islands attract tourists with their fantastic scenery, unique culture and history. There are many opportunities here for have a great holiday, except for traditional views: "Beach, sea, sun." The Philippines claims to be one of the the best places for diving.
Barbados is one of the most visited destinations in the Caribbean for recreation and relaxation. There are luxurious hotels in which tourists are provided with services of the highest class. Barbados attracts visitors with bright blue seas and white sandy beaches. The east coast is washed by waves well suited for surfing.
The Republic of South Africa (SAR) is one of the most diverse and exciting travel destinations in the world. It is rich in natural beauty, wildlife and sunshine. Here you can dive with great white sharks, sip traditional beer in lively bars - in South Africa everyone will find something suitable for themselves.

Exotic and unusual holiday destinations around the world

The sea, palm trees and sand no longer attract you so much, and you want to relax in some completely exotic place? Then we will tell you about the most amazing places for relax.

Here, your imagination will be amazed by the wonders of nature, and holidays in these places will enchant you forever!

Marble Caves (Argentina and Chile)

These wonderful caves on the seashore amaze with their beauty and bizarre shapes. For many millennia, coastal waves beat against the walls of calcium-carbonate mountains, and as a result, the coast turned into decorations with marble patterns.

Located marble caves on Lake Buenos Aires on the border of Chile and Argentina. It is also called Lake General Carrera. You can swim there and go boating. The guides will tell you about the legends of this mysterious place.

Underground Beach (Mexico)

This unusual resort town is located in Mexico, on one of the several islands of Marieta.

Its peculiarity is that this beach is underground! In the middle of the island in the depths there is a cozy lagoon with the purest water, where you can have a fabulous time. You can only get here by boat or by swimming.

A beach under the sun and the sea "under a natural roof" - what could be more amazing?

Flores Island (Portugal)

Not far from Portugal, on the island of Flores, nature played with colors and colors!

As a result, a huge variety of flowers of various colors bloom here in the summer. The whole island is just strewn with flowers.

Come here if you want to enjoy the aromas and amazing views - it's a very romantic place! There is a lake where you can swim and sunbathe. Hot springs and lagoons are everywhere!

Semuc-Chapey (Guatemala)

If you are a lover of wild recreation, and simply adore everything natural - rivers with cool water, green forests with birds chirping and crystal clear air - then you will want to go to the jungles of Guatemala by all means. Semuk-Chapei is considered to be one of the most beautiful places on the ground.

Deep in the wilds of the jungle, there is a place where the river partially goes underground, forming cool natural lagoons on the surface. Here you can swim and sunbathe on the shore - no one will disturb you! Forget about the hustle and bustle of everyday city life and plunge into the cool untouched nature!

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The most unusual places to stay

Today, all conditions have been created for vacationers for a full and unforgettable holiday, but if you are tired of luxury hotels, the all-inclusive system, and you want something exotic, then feel free to go in search of the most unusual places for relax. Considering tastes modern tourist, many travel agencies are ready to offer their clients "with a wallet" unusual places to stay, interesting entertainment. And so that we can see in the near future.

1. Hotel of the future Poseidon Undersea Resort in Fiji, in the Pacific Ocean at a depth of several hundred meters. Tourists are planned to be delivered to the bottom of the ocean using the Triton 1000 submarine. Thus, for a tidy sum you can live on the bottom of the ocean and fully examine the underwater space, get to know its inhabitants.

All fans of science fiction films and series can get into the world of magic, which will be inhabited by characters and furnished in a fairy-tale style. The budget for this project is about $1 billion.

3. Miami Resort World

Much more expensive is the project of the resort world in Miami, which is also planned to be created in the near future. This will be a massive $3 billion Resorts World Miami resort, where all the conditions for an unforgettable vacation will be created. According to the organizers, it will be a separate world, as it would be if all people on earth just rested, enjoyed life.

Outside Shanghai, China, there is an abandoned quarry that is being turned into a chic resort center with the modest name of Water World. According to the project, there will be: a lake, a waterfall with several hundred rooms, real slopes for rock climbing and bungee jumping.

How to save an abandoned oil rig? That's right: to build a luxurious resort on its platform. This is exactly what one of the construction companies, which created a project to create a chic Oil Rig resort on an old oil rig, is planning to do. Everything is logical and beautiful: the sun, the sea, the surroundings. What else do you need for a spoiled rich tourist.

Of the already existing unusual entertainment for a tourist:

If you want to be in a state of weightlessness, then a special Zero G Null-Gravity Flights attraction has been invented for you in the form of an aircraft that rises to a certain height, and then begins to slowly fall. These seven minutes of controlled fall allows people on board the aircraft to be in a state of weightlessness.

All fans of Warcraft and Starcraft games can go to Changzhou, China, where the most popular amusement theme park has opened, plunge into the world of their favorite real-time strategy games.

From now on, everyone at a certain time of the year can get to the famous Disney studio, where rooms are equipped in the style of " Star Wars". Here you can see the characters of this cult film, ride a spaceships, "blow up" the Death Star. In general, entertainment for both children and adults.

4. Underwater restaurant and hotel in the Maldives, Hilton Maldives Resort

It is in this paradise The world's first underwater restaurant was opened, where visitors are invited to taste dishes directly under water. The main highlight is the inner atmosphere, when a lot of exotic fish swim past you. Here you can also book a room for the night.

All these unusual places to stay are not cheap, designed for a wealthy tourist, and many simply have to enjoy only viewing vivid pictures.

When you have frost or chilly weather outside, sometimes you just want more sun, sea and a beautiful sandy beach - and that's all you need now. Today we will select the best exotic places to visit around the world.

Maui, Hawaii

With legendary surfer scenes and golden crescent beaches that span over 180 kilometers, attractions are literally everywhere on this island. Maui is known as the "Isle of the Valleys" and is a favorite destination for tourists due to its misty peaks, magnificent sunsets and bamboo forests.

Only the Maldives, located on 1190 lost islands in the Indian Ocean, can be compared with Hawaii.

Puerto Rico

With a tropical climate, secluded beaches lined with palm trees and varied landscapes like a patchwork quilt, Puerto Rico is arguably the most exotic island in the Caribbean. Swim at night in the bioluminescent Mosquito Bay and experience its abundance of beautiful golden sands.

fuerteventura, Canary Islands

Fuerteventura might be the most interesting island in the Canaries, thanks to its deserted beaches, crystal clear waters and hippie vibe. Steady trade winds make it a good place for water sports. If you want to sunbathe, join the nudists who come here for the famous nude beaches.


Azure waters and hidden beaches can be found in abundance in Colombia, a country that until recently lay off the tourist trail. Hike through Tayrona National Park, the perfect place to pretend you're living in a beach hut to feast on exotic fruits and explore picturesque lagoons.

Vis, Croatia

The Croatian island of Vis is a magnet for island hoppers thanks to its dramatic cliffs and exotic beaches. This gem in the Adriatic Sea is a short boat ride from the Croatian city of Split.

French polynesia

French Polynesia is a place where emerald lagoons sparkle and exotic scents of vanilla, coconut and Tahiti flowers fill the air. You won't be able to see all five archipelagos at once (118 islands in total), so head to Maupiti: the "untouched island".

Yucatan, Mexico

This southeast of Mexico, which separates the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, contains all the ingredients for an exotic getaway. Explore Tulum with wide beaches, swim in unique limestone cenotes and swim with whale sharks on Isla Holbox. The Mesoamerican Reef - the world's second longest reef - boasts a wealth of marine life.

Koh Rong Samloem, Cambodia

This paradise island off the southern coast of Cambodia is one of the most exotic destinations in the Gulf of Thailand. Here you can swim at night among the bioluminescent plankton from MPay Bay, walk in the forest or drink coconut in a hammock on Saracen Bay.

Whitsunday Islands, Australia

The brilliant white and blue colors of Trinity Island have become a cult destination for tourists on Australia's exotic coastline. Located just off the coast of Queensland, the UNESCO-listed Great Barrier Reef is a dream come true for serious divers. Visiting these places between July and September, you can see the migration of humpback whales.

Blissful country with gorges, mangrove forests, waterfalls and natural pools, the Fiji Islands are the pearl of the southern part Pacific Ocean. There are over 300 islands in the archipelago and 200 protected marine parks that offer some of the best diving in the world.


Otherworldly landscapes and one of the most unique ecosystems on Earth are the hallmarks of Madagascar. What can you do here? Explore the forests of Tsingy, a series of vertical limestone cliffs called the "Forest of Knives", or explore Masoala National Park.©

Extreme vacation - exotic vacation spots

Fed up of primitive fast food like Greece, Bulgaria or Tunisia? Fortunately, Turkey and Egypt were banned, so there is no question of them. The time of tourist primitivism is passing - the souls of travelers crave fresh air, icebergs and bears. And you will get them in this section of the site.

We will tell you about extreme tours to the North Pole and trips to Svalbard. You will find out how you can entertain yourself in wild hot Africa. And, of course, find out which part of the world is considered the most extreme and inhospitable for uninvited guests. Pack your bags, prepare high fur boots and corned beef - we are going to a place where there are no beaches, cozy cafes and ever-smiling waiters.

The most exotic places for a tourist trip

Now travel agencies can drop you anywhere - from Afghanistan and Chernobyl to the Death Trail in China. Some places repel with a gloomy reputation, others with dangers lurking. But there are corners on the planet in which it is, in principle, problematic to survive due to harsh climatic conditions. These exotic countries and you can’t name countries. Take the same North Pole He doesn't belong to anyone at all. In this section you are waiting for:

  • Tours to the Arctic and the North Pole.
  • Journey to Svalbard.
  • Cruise to Antarctica.

The places that will be discussed are the most inaccessible on the planet. In some places you can go on a specially equipped yacht, in other cases you will need an icebreaker or a helicopter. Go.

Svalbard is not Türkiye for you

The tourism business has even touched Svalbard - the Norwegian archipelago, located far beyond the Arctic Circle. True, tourist movements in Svalbard are tightly controlled - in order to leave the zero zone, you will need a special document.

The advantages of a tour to Svalbard include the absence visa regime, to the disadvantages - the harsh polar climate and the dominance of polar bears, from which you may have to shoot back.

The Svalbard authorities monitor the environment, so no one will rescue you by helicopter.

In the corresponding article, we will talk about how to get to Svalbard on your own, what to take with you and what to be afraid of. Offers:

  • information about the zero zone;
  • description of walking tours;
  • rest features;
  • list of attractions;
  • travel cost calculation.

The Arctic and the North Pole - it's time to ride on an icebreaker

There are places more remote from civilization than Svalbard. In childhood, many of us read about polar explorers, but did not think that it was really possible to repeat their routes for money. Domestic operators offer a tour to the Arctic - an unforgettable adventure that unfolds in the vastness of Svalbard, the polar archipelagos and Greenland.

Some tours have an end goal, others don't. For example, you can go skiing in Komi or stay in a hotel in Iceland, but you can also go on an exciting icebreaker cruise. Offers:

  • rare representatives of the fauna;
  • incredible landscapes;
  • ice seas;
  • undeveloped spaces;
  • northern sights.

The North Pole is a mysterious and inaccessible place for mere mortals. Fortunately, mankind invented icebreakers, and travel agencies guessed to sell tours to the North Pole. Departure point - Murmansk. Ice and hummocks stretch further, and you should not go out on deck in shorts. By the way, despite the severity of the route, the cabin will be warm, the food will be delicious, and the program will be rich. In a separate article, we intend to highlight the following points:

  • description of the icebreaker "Kapitan Dranitsyn";
  • excursion on the ship "Professor Khromov";
  • travel on the icebreakers "Yamal" and "50 Years of Victory";
  • interesting polar facts;
  • travel cost calculation.

Cruise to Antarctica - the original southern trip

Some people like warm south seas, and to someone - ice hummocks and penguins. You can get to Antarctica by sky or by sea, but it is much more interesting to travel on a cruise ship, yacht or icebreaker. You can go to the "white continent" from the following countries:
  • Chile;
  • Argentina;
  • Russia;
  • New Zealand.

Growing in popularity in recent years sea ​​cruises to Antarctica, while the level of comfort will depend on the class of the ship you have chosen. We will try to talk about expedition ships of large and small sizes, shed light on their specifications and services provided on board. You will find a description of cruise ships, icebreakers and even sailing yachts(and there are at least a dozen of them in Antarctica).

Extreme tours - lions and dog sleds

Extreme tours are not always associated with survival in the subpolar zones. For many years, travel agencies have been offering travelers high-risk safaris and hunting expeditions. However, to combine a passion for cold with outdoor activities you can - for this there are dog sled safaris. You can buy a dog sled tour in Karelia and Finland, Iceland and Greenland, Kamchatka and Svalbard.

Often dog sledding tours are associated with downshifting and have an educational ethnographic bias.

"Dog" safaris allow not only to feel the hardships of the life of drivers, but also to feel the romantic spirit of the polar landscapes. Most of the time you will spend in the tundra - on dog sleds or in the chum. If you can’t fly to Iceland, you can concentrate on domestic realities. Within Russia, safaris are practiced:

  • in Karelia;
  • in Kamchatka;
  • in the vicinity of Baikal.

waiting for you detailed description tours, costing and helpful tips for survival. Particular attention will be paid to Finland.

Tired of vegetating in the snowy tundra? Looking for warmth and new adventures? Then it is worth changing the location and moving to the African savannah - where the trumpet roar of an elephant and the menacing growl of a lion are heard. African safaris are invariably associated with hunting adventures - this is the trail of real men. The top of the pyramid is the lion hunt. Note that African hunting tours are expensive. This entertainment is associated with many days of danger, life in extreme conditions, rental and purchase of serious "toys".

African hunting tours are expensive.

From our article you will learn about the animals of the Big Five and find out in which countries lions are found. We will tell you about the hunting season, make a list of the necessary equipment and start calculating the cost of the tour. You have to learn a lot of new things - for example, why a hunter needs a dog. For those who want to feel the hot African spirit, a video of the safari "Hunting for lions" has been prepared. Not to look nervous!

Where to look for the most extreme vacation?

We looked into the polar regions, drove huskies around Karelia and drove a couple of lions with the help of a jeep and a crowd of natives. What to do next? What to strive for? And where is the most violent place on earth? The most extreme and exotic vacation (if it can be called a vacation) is a tour to the South Pole. It would seem that this is the world of polar explorers, inaccessible to mere mortals. The reality will surprise you: they will meet you, feed you, give you a drink, and give you a certificate of conquering the Pole.

Getting to the southern roof of the world without transfers will not work. A flight to South Africa or Chile awaits you, and from there - a trip to the polar station. little known fact: there are even divers in Antarctica. We have prepared an article with a lot of useful information:

  • routes;
  • equipment;
  • a list of companies providing such a service;
  • calculation of the cost of travel;
  • interesting facts, myths and legends of the polar zone.

There are even divers in Antarctica.

Extreme tourism is a test of your endurance, determination and wallet strength. Do not even hope to save or find a "hot offer". The market of extreme tours is a territory of exclusive offers. Crowds of tourists do not go to the Arctic on icebreakers, this is the road of the chosen ones. So harden yourself in the hole, save money and learn to shoot. Unknown distances will open to you, about which you will not be ashamed to tell your grandchildren in old age.


There are many beautiful and scenic spots for relax.

But if you want to make your trip truly unforgettable and unique, then visit one of the ten unusual places described below.

Hotel - Plane Jumbo Stay Hostel

Stockholm, Sweden

The Jumbo Stay Hostel is truly unique as it is an old Boeing 747 parked at Arlanda Airport and converted into a hostel.

Interesting fact! The cockpit is a suite with beautiful view from windows.

Jumbo Stay is not just a hostel, but also an extremely interesting and popular excursion route for the whole family. The hostel has a cafe where you can have breakfast and a cup of coffee. You can also walk along the left wing of the Boeing 747, which is equipped with observation deck.

Boutique Hotel Artist Residence Penzance

Cornwall, UK

This is a brand new boutique hotel with 10 bedrooms each uniquely designed by a local stylist.

Guests of the Artist Residence Penzance can spend time in a fairytale forest or a cozy corner with a charming sea view.

The hotel cafe (which is also an art gallery) regularly hosts handicraft exhibitions, where you can buy products of local craftsmen in the hotel shop.

If you stay at the Artist Residence Penzance, you will receive a free Z-card for food and entertainment.

The Windmill Hotel

Isle of Anglesey, Wales, UK

The Windmill Hotel is housed in an old windmill Wales.

Staying here, you can enjoy panoramic views of the beautiful coastline and mountains.

The Windmill is a five-star luxury hotel with excellent service and the perfect combination of luxury, tranquility and comfort.

The second and third floors of this unusual building for a hotel consist of two charming bedrooms, while on the ground floor there is a dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Wonderful linens and towels, immaculate furnishings and stunning countryside make your stay at The Windmill unforgettable.

And for lovers of swimming, fishing and beach barbecue, a bay with a snow-white beach is a 15-minute walk from the hotel.

Tropic - Treehouse Hotel

Mission Beach, Australia

On east coast Australia located hostel for budget travelers.

For only 25 c.u. You have the opportunity not only to spend the night in a spacious wooden room, but also to use the swimming pool, as well as visit tropical forest, where you will meet monkeys and macaws.

If you book a room, the Treehouse owners will meet you at the bus station, but be warned: you may end up staying at the hostel much longer than planned.

All Treehouse rooms are air conditioned and free admission to the Internet via Wi-Fi. This hostel also offers free tea and coffee.

Rest in the woods Alaska Wilderness Lodge

Kachemak State Park, Alaska

If you want something very unusual, then go to Alaska.

Wilderness Lodge is only accessible by boat or plane.

The resort in Kachemak Park consists of five cottages, in which no more than 10 people live.

Therefore, you will have a great rest, admire the stunning landscapes and see a real wild bear.

The price includes:

  • Individual guide services.
  • walk along wild nature(observation of birds, tides and marine life).
  • Boating, sea kayaking, hiking.
  • Exquisite cuisine.
  • Individual cottage.
  • Sauna and hydromassage.

Svinoey Lighthouse Hotel

Herey, Norway

This is an island that has been completely converted into a hotel for those who are looking for real adventure and unforgettable experience.

There is a functioning lighthouse on the rock of the island.

It should be noted that this lighthouse has been constantly understaffed over the past hundred years, so even today it serves for meteorological observations.

Transportation of guests is carried out by helicopter.

The location of Svinoey Lighthouse makes living in it one of the most extreme.

Underground hotel Cappadocia's caves

Nevsehir, Türkiye

The Cappadocia area is subject to world heritage UNESCO, which hosts underground cities and cave villages.

You can spend a couple of days unforgettable by renting a room in one of the many cave hotels, one of which is the Cappadocia's caves hotel.

Rooms at Cappadocia's caves are a yellow stone cave with mixed-style furnishings that combine rustic style with modern innovation.

The price of any room includes:

  • Tea and coffee.
  • Safe.
  • Music Center.
  • TV.
  • Internet.
  • Bath slippers, towel and bathrobe.
  • Hydromassage shower.

Sinai Bedouin Beach Camp Resort

Sinai, Egypt

Sleeping under the stars and waking up with the sunrise on Sinai Beach is offered by Sinai Bedouin Beach Camp, where vacationers are accommodated in so-called (Bedouin tents made of bamboo).

In addition to recreation, the Sinai Bedouin Beach Camp resort offers such entertainment:

  • Diving.
  • Surfing.
  • Excursions to local desert oases.
  • Historical and archaeological excursions.
  • Camel riding.
  • Cycling.
  • Yoga, meditation.

Rock Hotel Pelirocco

Brighton, UK

The Pelirocco Hotel is very different from other Brighton establishments where you can stay overnight or relax.

Slightly daring and quirky, the rock and roll bedrooms create a British subculture vibe, with one of the bedrooms even featuring a wool telephone.

This hotel has 19 original rooms that will immerse you in an endless and mysterious world music. In addition, every evening concert hall rock musicians perform.