Luxurious holiday in Crimea: spend your holiday beautifully! How to find the cheapest holiday in Crimea? How to have a quality holiday in Crimea.

If you are interested in an inexpensive holiday in Crimea, then you should take a closer look at the small seaside villages.

Nikolaevka is the closest resort to the capital of Crimea

The closest resort village to Simferopol is located 40 km from the airport, so it is very popular among vacationers. In Nikolaevka there is a huge number of guest houses with comfortable living conditions, as well as beautiful hotels, hotels and boarding houses. The cost of living in May-June will be approximately 500 rubles per day, at the height of summer season– about 1200 rubles. In the center of the village there are many bars, cafes, restaurants and clubs, and there is also a magnificent embankment.

Pros: proximity to the capital of Crimea, compactness, inexpensive prices for housing and food.

Cons: narrow beach with quite a large number of vacationers (tourists and locals); in the afternoon there are often waves on the sea.

Chernomorskoye is the best place for diving

The resort village of Chernomorskoye is located in the northwestern part of the Crimean peninsula. You can get to it in two ways: from Simferopol - about 200 km (3 hours by bus) or from Dzhankoy - 160 km (2 hours by bus). Despite the remoteness of this area, everyone who has been here at least once dreams of returning here.

The sea in this place is shallow, clean and warm, so it is perfect for families with small children. In addition, the Black Sea region is one of the best places for diving in Crimea, since Cape Tarkhankut is located here, famous for its quiet sea bays, crystal clean water and incredible landscapes.

Chernomorsk is a small cozy town, the main life of which was during summer holidays takes place on the beach. Coastline it is wide with a large number of sports fields and shopping tents. Along the beach there is a walking street with restaurants, cafes, all kinds of attractions and nightclubs. The cost of living in this area will be approximately 400-600 rubles for a double room.

Pros: nice beach, cozy atmosphere, diving, shallow waters.

Cons: In mid-August the coast fills with seaweed, so holiday season in Chernomorskoe it does not last long - from May to July.

Peschanoye is an ideal place for families with children

Peschanoye is a small resort village located 50 km from Simferopol. You can get to it by public transport - buses and minibuses leave here every 30 minutes in the summer season.

A distinctive feature of this resort is the shallow sea with a flour-soft bottom and a cozy sand and pebble beach. Due to its shallow depth, the water warms up very quickly, so it is always warm. All these conditions make Peschanoye an ideal place for families with small children.

Peschanoye will also appeal to lovers of “wild” recreation, since there is a tent camp located in the forest area on the outskirts of the village.

Pros: good beach with a soft entrance to the sea, warm water, inexpensive housing.

Cons: no parks or large entertainment centers.

Maly Mayak is the most inexpensive place on the southern coast of Crimea

Maly Mayak is perhaps the most inexpensive place on the southern coast of Crimea. The resort village is located near Mount Kastel between Yalta and Alushta. In this place, tourists will find the same parks as in expensive neighboring resorts. On the slope of the mountains there is a recreation center with wooden hotel houses - beautiful and... The cost of housing will depend on the living conditions: 600 rubles for a 2-bed hotel house and about 3,000 rubles for a comfortable room with a pool in a boarding house.

Pros: calm environment, uncrowded embankment, beautiful mountain scenery, affordable prices.

Cons: problems with transport (getting to nearby major cities only possible by taxi).

Rybachye is the best place for autotourists

Rybachye is located near Alushta - 28 km along the Alushta-Sudak highway. There is a wide pebble beach along the route, so you can stop your car here right by the sea and set up a tent camp.

Pros: inexpensive beach holiday, calm and cozy atmosphere.

Cons: difficult road, lack of developed tourist infrastructure.

How else to save money on vacation in Crimea

  1. It is more profitable to pay for lunch and dinner separately; accommodation and meals will cost more. The most economical option is to cook your own food.

  2. You should not book rooms in boarding houses and hotels in advance; it is cheaper to rent accommodation upon arrival in the private sector.

  3. Holidays at the height of the summer season (from mid-July to mid-August) will cost more.

  4. Excursion tours are not cheap, so it is better to think over your own route and get to the place of interest on your own.

  5. On excursions, it is better to take a taxi; you can also find a travel companion by sharing part of the fare with him.

  6. Order a taxi by phone; a ride in one caught on the street will cost almost twice as much.

  7. Local wine should not be bought in popular tourist places; it is better to ask the local population where they can buy cheaper wine for themselves.

  8. Don't make rash purchases. Tourists often buy a lot of useless trinkets and an incredible amount of souvenirs, which leads to high costs and does not allow for an inexpensive holiday in Crimea.

The Crimean Peninsula is a beautiful corner of nature, which today is a real resort pearl. Thanks to the subtropical climate relax in Crimea possible from May to October.

The first structures related to the resort infrastructure were built in Crimea back in the nineteenth century. Today there are boarding houses, sanatoriums, comfortable hotels, and convenient cottage villages. It should be noted that relax in Crimea Anyone can do it - the climate here is moderate and mild, and the price range of housing offered for rent opens up wide opportunities for both VIP and economy class holidays.

1. It’s not for nothing that Crimea is considered an excellent health resort - it brings together a healing marine climate, salt caves, healing mud and fresh mountain air. The unique natural conditions of Crimea are ideal for the treatment of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and respiratory system. In order to fully improve your health, you should go to the southern coast of Crimea - local sanatoriums and boarding houses are designed for both.

2. If you want to have an interesting and fun vacation with the whole family, you can go to Western Crimea(for example, to Chernomorskoye or Tarkhankut). Here you can have plenty of diving, sunbathing, hiking or cycling with.

3. Lovers of noisy and fun prefer Yalta or Alushta. Here you can always rent accommodation from local residents or rent a room in one of the boarding houses. In the evening you can visit a lot of entertainment venues, and local restaurants will always offer you the most unusual and delicious dishes of Tatar cuisine.

4. The main wealth of Crimea is rightfully considered the beauty of the local nature. Only here you can see the proud mountain peaks combined with endless steppes and golden sandy beaches. The most beautiful parks, landscaped embankments, and a gentle sea create the most favorable conditions for a summer holiday.

5. Historical monuments Crimea is known far beyond Ukraine. Therefore, while relaxing in Crimea, be sure to visit the ancient cities of Panticapaeum and Chersonesus, rock monasteries and temples built by the first Christians, the cave cities of Chufut-Kale, Mangup-Kale and Eski-Kermen. Unforgettable impressions always produces an evening walk along the streets of Yalta - a huge number of ancient buildings have been preserved here, which even today preserve the memory of the events of bygone days.

They say about Crimea that this is one of the places on earth where a person should visit at least once in his life. This is said, of course, figuratively, but not without reason. The peninsula is literally replete with corners that promise an amazing holiday. Neither connoisseurs of silence and solitude, nor extreme sports enthusiasts, nor young people, nor children, nor older people will get bored here. However, when going on vacation, it’s a good idea to know where it’s best to stay in Crimea.

For lovers of expensive hotels and the highest service, hotels in the southern part of the peninsula are most suitable - Alupka, Foros, Yalta, Simeiz. True, the sea will not always please you here. Firstly, even at the height of summer, the water in it does not warm up enough. Secondly, there will be no comfortable conditions for relaxation there, because... the sea is very deep. But all this is compensated by magnificent views and wonderful nature.

For those who want to bask in the warm sea, bask in the sun and breathe dry air, it is recommended to go to the coast of the peninsula. In Evpatoria, Saki, Shtormovoye, Mezhvodny and Nikolaevka, inexpensive hotels await you, and. The sea is almost always warm, shallow off the coast, the beaches are very well equipped, and the slopes to the water are well equipped.

Fans of extreme conditions and active sports will get maximum pleasure while relaxing at Cape Tarkhankut. Every year there are more and more people who want to visit here, so you will have to try to find a free spot for your tent. Minor inconveniences are fully compensated by the deep and clear sea - a paradise for divers.

If you can’t stop at Tarkhankut, look for a place to stay in a tent in the New World, Gurzuf, Solnechnogorsk, Koktebel, Partenit. The conditions there are no worse, and there is less influx of camping enthusiasts (“savages”).

The most comfortable weather in Crimea lasts for about a month: from mid-June to mid-July. The sky will be clear, the sea will be clear, the temperature will be pleasant. At other times in Yalta, for example, it can be very hot and humid. In August, in Evpatoria and Feodosia, a dry, hot wind often blows from the steppes, and jellyfish appear in large numbers in the sea in the western part of the peninsula, poisoning the rest of swimmers.

If you want to go to Crimea for treatment, it is recommended to purchase a ticket at the end of winter - beginning of spring. It is useful for people with respiratory diseases to come to the peninsula in the spring. If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, it is considered optimal to vacation in Crimea either in mid-June or early autumn.

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  • where is the best place to stay in Crimea

Back in the days Soviet Union The Crimean seaside was a favorite vacation spot for the country's residents. And today the beaches of the Crimean peninsula have not lost their attractiveness.


The best time to travel to Crimea is low season– these are the first two weeks of June and September. During this period, the beaches are not crowded, the sun does not burn everything around, the sea is warm enough, and prices are not too high. Of course, in some years June may be too cold and September may be too rainy, but usually the low season is good for a holiday.

Jasper Beach is one of the most beautiful places for a romantic getaway. It is located near Sevastopol. Grottoes, rocks and the sea bring a lot of joy to vacationers every year. From Cape Fiolent there is an excellent staircase of eight hundred steps, along which you can go down to Jasper Beach. If you don't want to go down (and then up) the long stairs, you can get to the beach using a boat that runs between Balaklava and Cape Fiolent.

Beach "Skovorodka" is located in Alupka. He is hiding in a small bay surrounded on three sides beautiful rocks, which perfectly reflect the sun's rays in the morning, creating a “double tan”. “Skovorodka” is a beautiful and not very crowded place; it is located on the way from the bus station to “Cape Verde”.

There is amazing food in Gurzuf beautiful beach"Gurovsky stones". “Gurovskie Stones” are located between the “Lazurny” and “Kiparisny” children’s camps of Artek. You can get to Gurovskie Stones by car or even on foot. People come here for diving and snorkeling (snorkeling close to the surface), since the sea here is beautiful and densely populated with a variety of creatures. Not far from the Gurovsky Stones are the Chaliapin Rock, the Adalary twin rocks, and the Pushkin Grotto. This is a very beautiful and romantic place with excellent infrastructure.

If you're going on holiday, be sure to get to the incredible Golden Beach in Feodosia, one of the few sandy beaches on the Crimean Peninsula. The length of Golden Beach is more than fifteen kilometers, it is located between the village of Primorsky and Feodosia. The entrance to the sea here is gentle, the water warms up well, which allows even small children to splash in the water without endangering their health for longer than usual. There is a huge amount of entertainment and cafes here, so you won’t have to be sad.

From the first days of March in Crimea begins tourist season and it continues until late autumn. However, the summer months are considered the most visited. The reason lies not only in the opportunity to swim and sunbathe. Summer in Crimea is a period of a riot of natural colors. Blooming poppies and cornflowers and lilac lavender fields stand out against the green background. Travelers who love hiking in the highlands will discover the wondrous beauty of mountain vegetation and caves.


Southern coast of the peninsula thanks to mountain peaks It has a warm and mild climate. People with respiratory diseases go here to improve their health. Sea air is very useful for this category of citizens. Patients with cardiovascular diseases are also admitted here.

Wellness activities include climate therapy, mud treatments, and grape therapy. The West Coast is rich in general dispensaries. There are many opportunities here for the treatment of the nervous, genitourinary, musculoskeletal systems, joint diseases and others. The sanatoriums provide procedures such as physiotherapy, bathing and massage, drinking mineral waters. And this is only a small part of the techniques that promote health.

There are many large and small towns along the coast. They have their own characteristics and places of interest to tourists. In addition to treatment, sea and sunbathing, Crimea provides an opportunity to touch ancient history peninsula.


The shallow shore with warm water is an ideal place for families with children. The city is famous for its salt lakes. This is where the mud from the clinics for health treatments comes from. After swimming and sunbathing before lunch, you can go on an excursion. Among the most interesting places are the Karaite kenasses in Gezlev and the Juma-Jami mosque.

Wandering around the Livadia Palace, you will touch the past. The original decoration and decoration of the premises has no analogues. The English-style billiard room contrasts with the Roman-era entrance hall and Jacobean study. No less interesting is the park with various gazebos with views of the scenic spots.

Horseback riding and cycling are possible in this city. For those who like to save money, there is the opportunity to relax in the surrounding small villages. Many people are attracted by the leisurely and uncrowded nature of these places.

This is the most visited resort on the peninsula. Popular attractions include Chekhov's dacha, Massandra Palace and Espanola cafe. In addition, in the evening there are many places where you can have fun and relax. Every corner of Crimea is conducive to a complacent mood. Even after spending a short time on the peninsula, you will want to come back here more than once.

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People try to combine rest with treatment or preventive measures. Crimea seems to have been specially created for such an opportunity. The climate of the peninsula helps to mobilize the body to restore and increase immunity. From the available medical institutions, you can find a boarding house that suits your profile.

Crimea is beautiful place for fishing lovers. The geographical location and warm climate provide all the necessary conditions for year-round sea, freshwater and underwater fishing. Thanks to the picturesque landscapes and rich marine fauna, the Crimean peninsula has become a favorite place for both professional fishermen and ordinary amateurs.

Sea fishing in Crimea

The calling card of Crimea is, of course, sea fishing. Thanks to the successful geographical location and the mild climate allows you to fish here all year round. However, for fishing to be successful, you need to know when, where and what kind of fish to catch.

For example, in Black and Seas of Azov In addition to the rich local fauna, you can meet “vagrant” guests who migrate to spawn during the changing seasons. Such transit inhabitants include the Black Sea herring, which is found off the coast of the Caucasus. She goes to spawn through the Kerch Strait into the Sea of ​​Azov, and returns to the Black Sea for the winter. That is why the ideal time to catch Black Sea herring is in October. Sturgeon and tuna fish species, bonito and mackerel also enter the Crimean seas.

But, let’s say, horse mackerel is a permanent resident of the Black Sea and can be caught all year round. True, the fishing season is in spring and autumn, when the water is still warm - then the fish goes into depths of the sea. Local inhabitants of the Black Sea waters also include sawfish, mullet, bluefish, sea bass, sea burbot, flounder and ruffe. You can catch them from late spring to mid-autumn.

Sea fishing on the Crimean peninsula can be divided into 3 main areas: the Black Sea, the Sea of ​​Azov and Sivash. Each of these areas has its own fishing characteristics. So, on the Black Sea coast near Kerch Peninsula They mainly catch mackerel, mackerel, mullet and flounder. The southern coast of Crimea is popular among those who like to go fishing in the open sea. The Balaklava area is considered the most “fishy” place - sea bass, redfish, sea fox and horse mackerel are found here in abundance. From the shore you can catch greenfish, ruffe and other small fish.

On west coast In the Crimea, in the area of ​​Cape Tarkhankut, fishermen can expect a richer catch: horse mackerel, mullet, goby, white salmon, as well as crabs, mussels and rapana. In this area you can also hunt for Black Sea shark if you go by boat into open waters.

Fishermen go to Sivash mainly for gobies. Since it is found at great depths, it can only be caught from a boat. In addition to goby, in this area you can also catch glossy flounder, which is distinguished by delicious meat, shellfish and shrimp.

The Sea of ​​Azov is of interest both for fishing from the shore and in the open sea. The main prey in these waters will be sprat, goby, flounder, sawfish, mullet and pike perch.

Freshwater fishing in Crimea

There are also many freshwater reservoirs in Crimea, which contain fish for every taste. Freshwater fishing can be divided into several zones: rivers, lakes, reservoirs and paid reservoirs. The main freshwater inhabitants of the Crimean peninsula are carp, carp, roach, bream, crucian carp, pike and pike perch.

For exciting lake fishing, tourists can go to the Baydar Valley, where they mainly catch perch and carp. For pike, it is best to go to the artificial lake located near Mount Gasfort. The area here is very beautiful, so in addition to good fishing, you can thoroughly enjoy the picturesque Crimean landscapes.

In addition, you can go fishing in a not entirely freshwater lake called Sasyk, which is located between Saki and Yevpatoria. It's big salt Lake, but in its desalinated northern part there is a lot of fish: carp, grass carp, crucian carp, mullet, perch.

Fishing in the mountain rivers of Crimea is not so easy, so mostly experienced fishermen go for river fishing. However, the effort expended pays off in spades - here you can catch delicious river trout. However, to catch it you must first obtain a special permit. The most successful places for river fishing include the banks of Belbek, Kachi and Chernaya.

Paid fishing is especially popular among visiting tourists. Firstly, there is always fish in paid reservoirs. Secondly, all the necessary fishing equipment can be rented. Thirdly, in such fishing villages comfortable conditions have been created not only for wonderful fishing, but also for relaxation in the lap of nature: the presence of a landscaped area with gazebos, bathhouses and barbecues. The most famous paid reservoirs on the territory of the Crimean peninsula are Lake Kyzyl-Yar and a reservoir in the village of Uvarovo. In these places, for relatively little money you can catch a lot of crucian carp, carp, perch, sawfish, pike perch, crucian carp, silver carp and grass carp.

Underwater fishing in Crimea

Underwater fishing in Crimea is very popular among both the local population and visiting tourists. The bays of Cape Tarkhankut are considered one of the best places for underwater fishing. A distinctive feature of this place is the cleanest transparent water (visibility up to 10 meters deep) and an abundance of reefs, which create ideal conditions for spearfishing. As for the fauna living here, the most common species are mullet, mullet and saran. Of no less interest to underwater fishing enthusiasts are the flounder and stingray that live in local waters.

The sights of Crimea are one of the main reasons for its popularity among tourists. These are not only historical and cultural monuments, but also numerous modern infrastructure facilities.

brief information

The attractions of the peninsula are geographically dispersed. Their main part is located in the southern, southeastern and southwestern parts of Crimea (South Coast, South East Coast, South West Coast). Here are famous historical and architectural monuments, museums and parks, natural sites, places of entertainment and social and cultural recreation. The most exciting excursion routes run through cities such as Sevastopol, Yalta, Feodosia, Sudak, Evpatoria, Alupka, Kerch, Alushta, Bakhchisarai.

Historical and cultural sights

Particularly popular among guests of Crimea are ancient attractions, the history of which dates back several centuries - these are, in particular, such objects as:

· medieval fortress Aluston - Alushta, South Coast;

· remains of a Roman fortress of the 1st century (Roman camp Charax) – Partenit, South Coast;

· remains of the ancient city of Chersonesos - Sevastopol, South West Kazakhstan;

· ruins of fortresses of the XII-XV centuries. – near Bakhchisarai, Southwestern Kazakhstan;

· Khan's Palace of the 16th-18th centuries. – Bakhchisarai, South West Kazakhstan;

· Inkerman St. Clement Cave Monastery of the 8th-14th centuries. – near Sevastopol, South East;

· Genoese fortress XIV-XV centuries. – Sudak, South East Coast;

· Surb-Khach monastery of the 14th century. – Old Crimea, South East Caucasus.

Architectural monuments are a separate category of attractions on the peninsula. In addition to the legendary Swallow's Nest, located in the village of Gaspra (South Coast), you can admire the majestic buildings of various eras in almost any Crimean city or its environs. Many architectural objects are located in or near villages. The most famous urban settlements of the peninsula, on whose territory there are unique monuments architecture - Gaspra, Livadia, Utes, Koreiz, Foros, Topolevka, Partenit.

Natural attractions

Tourists who prefer not only an active, but also an educational holiday, and who do not know where to go in their free time from the beach, should take the opportunity to carefully explore the surroundings of Crimea. Almost the entire territory of the peninsula is replete with natural monuments and attractions, which have no analogues anywhere in the world. These are such well-known and little-known objects as the “Valley of Ghosts” (Alushta), Mount Ai-Petri (South Coast), White Rock Ak-Kaya (valley of the Biyuk-Karasu River), Bear Mountain Ayu-Dag (South Coast), Mount Cat and Diva rock (Simeiz village).

In addition to the objects mentioned, the most interesting places The Crimean peninsula and its environs are caves, ancient cave cities and fortresses. The history of the most ancient caves dates back to the period BC, and the age of some cave structures is over 1.5 thousand years. Of the 20 currently known cave fortresses in Crimea, only 8 have survived in relatively good condition - these are Mangup-Kale, Chufut-Kale, Tepe-Kermen, Eski-Kermen, Kachi-Kalyon, Bakla, Kalamita, and the Syuren fortress.

Family holiday

Family tourism in Crimea has been developed since the Soviet era - there are places to go with children and have a fun time. Most popular objects family vacation:

· well-equipped water parks (Alushta, Sineuz, Sudak, Koktebel);

· dolphinariums (Partenit, Sevastopol, Koktebel);

· cable car Miskhor-Ai-Petri (children under 6 years old are provided with free travel);

· Museum "Glade of Fairy Tales" and Zoo "Fairy Tale" (Yalta);

· house-museum of the Nikonorov brownies (Zaprudnoye village, Alushta);

· Museum of Nature and Arboretum Zoo (Alushta);

· Museum of Hang Gliding (Feodosia).

If you plan your vacation in advance, you can have a very interesting and fun vacation on the Crimean Peninsula. Moreover, there is entertainment here for both children and adults. And numerous excursions will allow you not only to have fun, but also to learn a lot of new things.

Resorts on the Crimean Peninsula are best suited for people who value comfort, quality of service and entertainment. Finding such places to spend a luxurious holiday in Crimea this summer will not be difficult.

You can rent villas located on the first line by the sea, ancient mansions or estates, palaces. Such housing is not cheap, but each client receives housing that suits his tastes and needs. A distinctive feature of the rooms is their exclusive interior, which is not found even in expensive VIP hotels.

Luxury holiday centers in Crimea are:

  • Big Yalta with the villages of Miskhor, Massandra, Foros, Koreiz, Gaspra, Gurzuf;
  • Sevastopol;
  • Big Alushta.

Each of these resorts differs in the range of services and entertainment, prices, location and proximity to the sea.

TOP 8 hotels for a luxury holiday in Crimea

Most hotel complexes are located on the South Coast, which allows vacationers to enjoy not only the service, but also the sea, the sun, and beautiful nature.

Add to list best hotels, ideal for a luxurious holiday in Crimea, include:

  • "Crimean Breeze";
  • Respect Hall;
  • Villa "Elena";
  • Mriya Resort SPA;
  • Helio Park "Pine Grove";
  • Wellness spa hotel "More";
  • Palmira Palace Hotel;
  • 5* hotel "Aquamarine".

These hotel complexes have all the conditions for a luxurious holiday in Crimea. Hotel guests can choose individually designed apartments, order a range of exclusive services, or ask restaurant chefs to cook something special and elegant.

4 best entertainment for a luxury holiday in Crimea

You can make your holiday at one of the Crimean resorts memorable with the help of entertainment, which are offered by travel agencies. Often they are located right in the hotel or hotel complex, so you can contact the administrator and he will help organize an excursion or yacht ride.

A luxury holiday in Crimea is primarily associated with seaside entertainment. One of them is yachting across the Black Sea. Such a walk will allow you to see all the sights located on the coast, stop in a cozy bay, and explore secluded places. Sailing and motor yachts, boats, and motor ships are available for rent.

No less exciting entertainment is paragliding, allowing you to view all the beauties of Crimea from great heights. The bases from which paragliders take off - single and with an instructor - are located near the Ai-Petri and Tas-Tao mountains, the villages of Kacha, Druzhnoe, Pozharskoye, Laspi.

In one of dolphinariums located in Feodosia, Yalta, Alushta, Partenit, Evpatoria, you can swim with cute dolphins. But for a full immersion in the underwater world of Crimea, you need to put on a mask and fins to go to diving. This is a great opportunity not only to admire the colorful fish and inhabitants of the depths, but also to look at underwater rocks, sunken ships, and explore the bays.

Choosing independent holiday in Crimea, it is better to rent housing in advance and according to recommendations. In order not to spoil your vacation, do not trust private advertisements on classifieds websites and social networks where there are no real reviews. Are you still looking Prices private sector in Crimea? Now all the best offers, even in the private sector, can be found on Booking - prices from 270 rubles per person. per day, without prepayment and credit card! There are private houses, apartments, cottages, and hostels. But the main thing is a guarantee that the photos are real and you won’t get a “pig in a poke,” as well as real reviews, because reviews on Booking can only be left by those who have already lived there.
Before booking, be sure to look at the photos of the accommodation, how far from the sea it is located, and read the reviews carefully.

What season are the low prices in Crimea?

The most low prices– from September 21 to May 31.
Normal prices are from June 1 to June 30 and from August 30 to September 20.
High prices during the “swimming” season – from July 1 to August 29.

We have selected the ten best proven hotels and houses in Crimea in terms of price-quality ratio. The average price is 500 rubles per person per day. The rating is based on reviews from those who have already been there.

1. Guest house “Amax” in Rybachye (Crimea)

The main advantage of this place is its uncrowded beaches and beautiful embankment. IN guest house very modern, inexpensive rooms, and even with a sea view! For those who love comfort.

2. Cozy Botanic Club hotel with a swimming pool, Saki

We want to sincerely thank Valeria, her entire family and staff for a wonderful vacation!
We recommend this hotel to everyone who is going to Saki with children. In our opinion, this is the most optimal combination of price/quality
1) Your own pool
2) Games room, relaxation room, children's playground next to the pool
3) Own territory (many hotels in Saki simply don’t have it)
4) 2 kitchens + barbecue area (I think we need to post a photo of it). It’s very comfortable and beautiful (barbecues + large table + sink)
5) The sauna, of course, is not relevant in the summer, but it is also available
6) 2 kitchens, where if you wish you can cook your own food
7) Dining room, if you don’t want to cook (breakfast 200 rubles, lunch 250 rubles)
8) There is a grocery store + dining room within a 3-minute walk, if you don’t want to eat in the hotel dining room
9) Parking for those with cars

Read other reviews and see prices

3. Hotel Chateau Blanc, Sevastopol

The rooms offer beautiful views of the garden. Guests are provided with free parking. There is a restaurant on site, as well as barbecue facilities. A very pleasant inexpensive hotel for a comfortable stay in Crimea.

4. Best price! Hotel "Flower and Stone", Morskoye, Crimea

This cozy hotel is located 200 meters from the seashore. There are rooms with sea, mountain or garden views.

Hotel “Flower and Stone”, Morskoe, Crimea

Nice, clean, cozy hotel. Not far from the sea. The room has everything you need: kettle, refrigerator, air conditioner, TV with satellite. Suitable for an overnight stay and for a long vacation. Wonderful hosts, they will help everyone and tell you everything. My windows overlooked the inner garden, you could see the sea. During the season they also serve food here))

Price from 800 rubles per room for a family of three! See prices for your dates

Wonderful cottage for a large family:

6. Guest house “Skazka”, Feodosia

Inexpensive, cozy accommodation in a beautiful guest house. Ideal for families with children:

Villa La Veranda offers affordable, modern rooms, a fully equipped shared kitchen, and a darts and billiards room. According to reviews from guests, the villa feels like home.

8. Villa Svetlana, Yalta, Crimea

The rooms offer stunning mountain views. At the hotel there is a swimming pool. All rooms and apartments are equipped with air conditioning, a modern flat-screen TV and washing machine. Guests are provided with free toiletries, as well as slippers, bathrobes and a hairdryer - just like in the best hotels in Europe.

9. Guest house “Parusnik” in Alushta

Are you going on holiday in Alushta? Check out this guest house. Inexpensive rooms with a kitchen in the very center of Alushta.

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You can relax in Crimea in different ways: in a sanatorium, resort complex, a “savage”, you can simply walk the entire Crimea on foot as part of a tourist group. But there is a group of people who care not only about the clean sea and sun of Crimea, but also about maximum comfort. These people usually choose the most best hotels and restaurants rent the most best cars and yachts, which, of course, are expensive. All this can be found for a luxurious holiday in Crimea.

Luxurious, chic holidays in Crimea are offered by the most famous resort towns and villages, and this, of course, is the South Coast.

Residence of Gazprom, " Crimean breeze", is located in a huge park and has everything that makes a vacation in Crimea luxurious:

  • swimming pool with frequently changed sea water;
  • heated swimming pool fresh water at the beauty center;
  • fitness center with qualified instructors;
  • bars and a restaurant with original cuisine;
  • terraces with stunning Crimean views;
  • sports grounds;
  • wonderful promenade and comfortable pebble beach.

The apartments are decorated with marble and expensive wood. The amazing nature of the peninsula, the individual interior of each room, amazing comfort, service and staff work create all the conditions for a luxurious holiday in Crimea.

Respect Hall was created for the most luxurious holiday in Crimea, for a VIP holiday. The hotel, a fifteen-story building in a modern style, also provides VIP services: a helicopter, a yacht, the most expensive cars with and without a driver.

It is located at the foot of Ai-Petri, and everything here works for a luxurious holiday in Crimea:

  • pebble beaches with transportation by cable car, boat trips or jet skis;
  • swimming pools with sea and fresh water, jacuzzi;
  • solariums with comfortable sun loungers;
  • children's playgrounds with all kinds of swings;
  • tennis courts and sports grounds for active games;
  • helicopter for delivering passengers to the airport;
  • luxury car rental;
  • excursions to the most beautiful places in Crimea.

Villa “Elena” for a luxurious holiday in Crimea is located just a few tens of meters from the beautiful Yalta embankment. There are no categories “standard” and “economy”, the cheapest room is “deluxe”, and the most expensive and prestigious is the penthouse. The individually designed rooms are furnished with comfortable handmade furniture from Italian craftsmen, technical equipment is carried out according to the latest fashion trends, and in the bathrooms guests will find Bvlgari or Chopard perfumes, scales, powerful Swiss hairdryers and cozy bathrobes with slippers.

  • bars;
  • laundry and dry cleaning;
  • Car rent;
  • beauty salon;
  • jewelry salon;
  • art Gallery;
  • animation;
  • swimming pool and children's playroom.

The hotel, the brainchild of British architect Foster, is located on the coast, near Yalta. This multi-story hotel in the shape of a lotus and several villas standing around large swimming pool, simply created for a luxurious holiday in Crimea.

The number of rooms starts with “deluxe” and ends with detached villas with an area of ​​175 and 600 square meters. All rooms have large terraces and view balconies, and the views that open before the eyes of guests amaze with their beauty. The interior of the rooms and their equipment are so impeccable that a vacation in Crimea turns out to be truly luxurious.

A swimming pool, at the edge of which refreshing drinks and light snacks are served, a lobby bar with extraordinary cakes and desserts, an Epicure restaurant with signature cuisine and amazing drinks - all this creates a luxurious holiday in one of the best hotels in Crimea.

"Mriya Resort" is a city within a city, it has everything:

  • a medical center and spa with numerous treatments to keep your body in order;
  • a children's club and numerous playgrounds with swings and slides;
  • gym designed for a large number of of people;
  • billiards and bowling;
  • night club with interesting programs for young people;
  • an amphitheater where concerts and show programs are held during the high season.

When they talk about Mriya Resort, they always mention the level of service - the staff is famous for their friendliness and helpfulness.

Fine dining restaurants

Food is the most important issue on vacation, and it must correspond to a luxurious vacation in Crimea. Of course, when upscale hotels There is good restaurants, but if you are not staying in them, you can always use the services of other establishments.

The Colonnade restaurant in Yalta is located right in the Primorsky Park. Once upon a time it was a small pavilion where the last Russian emperor liked to stop during walks. Now in this restaurant with a wonderful summer terrace you can have a very tasty dinner. Dishes of European and Crimean cuisine will make you regulars of this place. The freshest oysters and all kinds of fish, different types of meat, desserts and ice cream will be skillfully complemented with fine wines to make your vacation in Crimea luxurious and memorable.

The restaurant of the Villa "Sofia" in Yalta is located in the center of the embankment and is famous high quality prepared dishes and beautiful presentation. Mediterranean cuisine reigns here, but old recipes for popularly loved dishes and dishes of Crimean cuisine have not been forgotten.

The restaurant's collection includes wines from the New and Old Worlds and, of course, Crimean wines. The chef masterfully prepares Italian pasta and pumpkin soup with shrimp, as well as dumplings with cottage cheese and cherries. A luxurious holiday in Crimea should definitely include this restaurant in its program.

The Balaklava fish restaurant is located on the shore of a beautiful bay, where local people have been fishing since ancient times. Naturally, this is a fish restaurant, and fish is not prepared like here anywhere else in Crimea: unusual fish soups “Toreador” and “Corsair”, “Shy Magdalena” from salmon in strawberry sauce, baked turkey and beef, Italian pasta and Crimean wines are another noticeable touch to your luxurious holiday in Crimea.

Car and yacht rental

What vacation in Crimea could be complete without walking and traveling! But there is a big difference between traveling by bus and traveling comfortably in a comfortable car, so a luxurious holiday in Crimea can be supplemented by renting a car of any brand and class.

The Crimea Autoprokat company will organize such a rental for you immediately upon arrival at the Simferopol airport. Passenger cars, SUVs and minivans (more than 100 cars) – the choice is simply huge. All cars are insured (MTPL and CASCO without restrictions), all have new tires, a full tank and a motorist kit. The driver is required to comply with the minimum conditions: age from 23 years, a deposit of 10 thousand rubles and documents (civil passport with registration in the territory Russian Federation and driver's license).

See the sea every day and not want to cruise simply impossible! And if you are also a yachtsman, then renting a yacht for a luxurious holiday in Crimea is simply necessary. Now you can see Crimea from the sea, visit all its most secluded corners, inaccessible to land travelers.

It is possible to rent motor and sailing yachts, boats and even a motor ship if you want to organize a holiday for your company right at sea. Yachts are based in Sevastopol and Balaklava, but if you are located near another port, delivery is paid additionally.


Now all you have to do is see Crimea from a bird's eye view, and this can be done easily if you fly on a paraglider. Unforgettable impressions of what you saw will make your vacation in Crimea amazingly chic!

The Crimean Paragliding Club will arrange such a flight for you in tandem with an instructor. You can buy a certificate for a month, but you can also agree on a single flight. The starting points are in different places in Crimea, you will choose the one that is closer to you or any other:

  • Druzhnoe village (2 kilometers from Simferopol) will give you an unforgettable sunset of the steppe Crimea;
  • Kacha village (25 kilometers from Sevastopol) – flight over the sea;
  • With. Pozharskoye (16 kilometers from Simferopol) – hilly Crimea;
  • Mount Tas-Tao (20 kilometers from Simferopol) – Mount Chatyr-Dag;
  • Mount Ai-Petri – rocks and sea;
  • Laspi village – species South Bank Crimea.

Swimming with dolphins

Dolphins are the masters of the Crimean bays, but if you have not had the opportunity to swim next to them in the open sea, you can do so in the dolphinariums of Crimea. This procedure is indicated for psychotherapy, but who said that for the sake of a luxurious holiday in Crimea you cannot simply enjoy being united with wonderful animals in their element! Large dolphinariums are located in several Crimean cities and towns:

  • Partenit village, Crimea sanatorium;
  • Alushta, Dolphinarium "Aquarelle";
  • Yalta, Dolphinarium "Aquatoria";
  • Feodosia, Dolphinarium "Nemo";
  • Evpatoria, Institute of Dolphin Therapy.

Crimean diving

Underwater Crimea is a legend for divers. Undersea world The peninsula is not as rich in marine fauna as the Red Sea, but it is a special world of mysterious grottoes and beautiful bays, underwater rocks and sunken ships, because Crimea has many times become the scene of naval battles.

Crimean diving clubs organize diving in the most interesting places of the peninsula from this point of view. And even if you are new to this business, you can dive with an instructor and see extraordinary underwater beauties, which will make your vacation in Crimea luxurious:

  • Diving in Balaklava Bay can be arranged by one of the local clubs. The remains of World War II aircraft, ancient anchors from all eras, gun barrels - all these relics of many wars can be seen on the seabed near Balaklava.
  • Diving on Tarkhankut will allow you to explore underwater caves and tunnels located at a depth of 3 to 20 meters.
  • Cape Meganom is a stop point for divers. The underwater part of the cape - caves, labyrinths and grottoes - is located in very clear water, so diving is possible even in cloudy weather.
  • Cape Aya near Balaklava is spectacularly rich: the Dragon Cave, the Holy Grotto, a wine carrier that sank in 1934.
  • The bays of the New World near Sudak will surprise you with an exhibition of pirate ships and the beauty of underwater rocks of unprecedented shape.

Having stayed in one of the beautiful hotels, tasted dishes from the best chefs of Crimean restaurants, and seen the sunny peninsula from the sea and sky, you can say that you had the most luxurious vacation in Crimea!

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