How much do s7 flight attendants earn. How much do pilots and stewardesses of a passenger plane earn

Flights in air transport would not be as comfortable if the responsibility for the comfort of passengers was not assigned to flight attendants. At the same time, work in this profession is considered quite prestigious and highly paid. Therefore, many young girls want to work as flight attendants. Let's find out how much Russian flight attendants earn at Aeroflot.

Main duties of flight attendants

But first, let's dwell on the main duties that a flight attendant must perform.

The stewardess is also officially called a flight attendant. For the first time, employees serving passengers in aircraft cabins appeared in Germany at the end of the 20s of the last century, and in the 30s girls began to be attracted to this work in the USA. This is how the profession of a stewardess arose.

The duties of a flight attendant include the following tasks:

  • passenger service;
  • keeping the salon clean
  • coordinating the actions of passengers or their evacuation in case of an emergency;
  • informing passengers.

Due to the specifics of the work and the likelihood of foreign passengers being in the cabin, a flight attendant serving international flights must be fluent in English. In addition, any flight attendant is required to have certain knowledge of the rules of conduct in the air, the structure of the aircraft, and etiquette. Representatives of this profession must physically and psychologically easily transfer flights to air transport and also have a high level of self-control.

The flight attendant job applicant must meet certain physical parameters (height, weight, age). Acceptable for a flight attendant is the age of up to 30 years and a height of 165-175 centimeters. So tall girls cannot be flight attendants due to the peculiarities of the parameters of the aircraft cabin. Although there is no prerequisite for a flight attendant to have higher education, but reputable companies hire employees only with its presence. But studying at the school of stewardesses is mandatory for absolutely everyone.

Work at Aeroflot

Aeroflot is deservedly considered the largest and most prestigious airline in Russia. This company is the very first organized in our country. Its history dates back to 1923. Aeroflot has 161 aircraft at its disposal, and taking into account subsidiaries - 260 aircraft units. This air carrier operates the largest number of flights in Russia. Despite the fact that the company is considered commercial, the controlling stake is owned by the state.

Among other things, Aeroflot is distinguished from its main Russian competitors (Transaero, S7 Airlines, UTair, etc.) by the most acceptable working conditions, as well as by full-time flight attendants and pilots. Therefore, a lot of applicants for the position of a flight attendant want to work at Aeroflot. But, as practice shows, it is quite difficult to break through there, because everyone knows how high the competition for this vacancy is, and the selection is quite tough.

What does the salary depend on?

The salary of any Russian flight attendant, including Aeroflot, depends on a number of factors. A significant impact on the income of a flight attendant is the total length of service and the number of hours flown. The larger their size, the greater the salary. Those employees who have less than 80 flight hours receive the minimum wage for the company.

A very important factor influencing the amount of salary is the absence of complaints from passengers. After all, if there are justified complaints, the stewardess immediately loses the right to the award.

Flight attendants who handle international flights earn more than their counterparts who work exclusively on domestic flights. Plus, they get paid for knowing of English language. True, this knowledge must be periodically confirmed in special exams.

One of the most important components that affect the income of flight attendants is the financial policy of the company in which they work in relation to their employees. That is, there are airlines that pay more than others, but there are also those that try to save on the wages of employees.

Salary at Aeroflot

Now we have come close to the main question that interested us, namely, how much money do Aeroflot flight attendants receive? The average salary of a flight attendant of this company is 50 thousand rubles a month.

The salary of new flight attendants who do not yet have the required flight hours varies from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. But, as soon as they fly off the prescribed 80 hours, income increases dramatically. The minimum salary for full-time flight attendants with the required number of flight hours is 40,000 rubles and, under certain conditions, can even reach the level of 90,000 rubles per month.

Additional bonuses

In addition to the basic salary, Aeroflot can accrue to its employees a number of additional financial bonuses and bonuses in the event that they perform their immediate duties with high quality and exemplary performance.

A flight attendant is entitled to a significant discount when flying on company aircraft if she is flying as a passenger. This discount can be up to 90% of the ticket price.

In addition, it has the right once a year to a guaranteed flight to anywhere in the world where there is a passenger air service.

How are the competitors doing?

Now let's find out how much a Russian flight attendant earns by working for Aeroflot's main competitors in the air travel market. The earnings of a flight attendant at Transaero vary from 15,000 to 70,000 rubles a month. Moreover, the income of employees with the required number of raids starts from 30,000 rubles. UTair earns even less: from 15,000 to 60,000 rubles a month.

Comparison results:

We found out how much money a flight attendant earns at Aeroflot and the main competing companies. It can be stated that earnings at Aeroflot are significantly higher than those of competitors. This is facilitated by the prestige of the company, dominance in the market of air transportation services and the support of government agencies, which are the main shareholders of the company.

The income of Aeroflot flight attendants significantly exceeds the average monthly salary of the population in Russia as a whole. Therefore, the desire of the majority of applicants for the position of a flight attendant to work in this prestigious airline, which provides its employees with a high level of wages, looks very natural.

Today, more and more people choose air transport for their international and intercity travel within Russia. In order for the passenger to feel comfortable and safe, there are flight attendants in the crew of the aircraft. It is the people of this profession who communicate with customers of local and international airlines during the flight.

The work of flight attendants is difficult and dangerous, requiring great physical and emotional endurance. In addition, people of this profession must always look perfect and be absolutely calm in any situations, even at the risk of their lives. How much can flight attendants earn per month for their hard work? Do they have the opportunity to receive additional bonuses? What influences the level of their salaries?

Professional responsibilities

In order to become a flight attendant, you need to be sociable, i.e. be able to easily communicate with any client. You should also know foreign languages, be sure to speak English and be fluent in it. You need to be in good health, not have chronic diseases and allergies.

The employer often imposes additional requirements on applicants, for example, the applicant must have a military registration document (a military ID for those liable for military service) and be able to swim well.

A person with pronounced skin defects and scars on the body will not be able to become a flight attendant. In addition, you can not have tattoos on open areas of the body.

The flight attendant must:

  • explain to passengers the rules of conduct and safety during the flight;
  • familiarize with the rules of behavior in extreme situations;
  • maintain cleanliness and order in the aircraft cabin;
  • help passengers find what they need seat and placement of luggage;
  • serve the airline's customers during meals, deliver drinks and food and other accessories on time;
  • in case of deterioration of the passenger's health, provide him with first aid;
  • upon detection of technical defects in the equipment, if possible, eliminate them independently or inform the technical service in a timely manner.

What determines the salary of a flight attendant

The salary of stewards and stewardesses depends on a number of important factors of labor organization:

  1. The size and prestige of the airline. Thus, Aeroflot flight attendants earn an average of 90,000 rubles per month, while their colleagues from Saratov Airlines can only count on 27,000 rubles.
  2. Airline tariff policy.
  3. City of residence and level of development passenger aviation in the region.
  4. Specialist skill level. So, a novice flight attendant of the 3rd class has the first rank and earns an average of 10-20 thousand rubles. per month. And a highly qualified specialist of the third rank, with a flight time of more than 3,000 hours, earns up to 100 thousand rubles a month.
  5. Flight characteristics: type (local or international), complexity, flight duration.
  6. The company's policy in the field of stimulating conscientious and high-quality performance of professional duties by employees. This category of additional payments includes allowances and bonuses.

It is worth noting that the maintenance of charter commercial flights brings more income than work on regular flights. So the service of charter business flights brings flight attendants more than 5 thousand rubles. in hour.

Additional bonuses

Flight attendants for their hard work can count on additional material bonuses.

So, when buying tickets for flights of their airline, stewards receive a discount of up to 90% of its cost. Also, every year they can have one guaranteed flight to any city on the Earth with which there is an air connection. In addition, some airlines provide free medical insurance and compensation for food, housing and kindergarten for a child. Major airlines provide their employees with free service apartments.

Another significant bonus for this category of employees is the annual paid leave of 70 days.

How much do airline flight attendants earn in Russia

The profitability of stewards of Russian airlines fluctuates at the level of 30-90 thousand rubles a month. Which on average is about 60 thousand rubles, which is much higher compared to the average monthly earnings of Russians in other professions. It should be noted that the growth rates of the salaries of flight attendants have had a positive trend over the past three years.

Salaries of stewards in Moscow and the Moscow region

The salary of Aeroflot flight attendants working on international flights is in the range of 45-120 thousand rubles. The average monthly earnings are 80 thousand rubles. The stewards of Lukoil-Avia earn less than their colleagues - 35-57 thousand rubles. per month. And in the airline Metrojet, the level of monthly salaries is 35-50 thousand rubles.

How much do St. Petersburg flight attendants get for their work

An analysis of vacancies in the northern capital showed that employers are willing to pay flight attendants from 50,000 to 150,000 rubles. The average salary is 72 thousand rubles. Stewardesses and stewards of Pulkovo Airlines earn 40-100 thousand rubles. per month.

The amount of salaries for flight attendants of regional airlines

There is no big difference in the salaries of flight attendants - employees of regional airlines. So the flight attendants Saratov, Dagestan, Kuban, Orenburg, Khabarovsk, Ural and Sakhalin airlines earn 22-34 thousand rubles a month. Specialists of Siberia Airlines (S7 Airlines) and Yakutia earn a little more 27-65 thousand rubles.

Monthly income of foreign flight attendants

  1. The salaries of foreign colleagues significantly exceed the monthly income of Russian stewards. So flight attendants American and Australian Airlines earn 200 thousand rubles. per month.
  2. Specialists Germany and UK can count on an income of 165 thousand rubles.
  3. AT Kazakhstan flight attendants receive an average of 30-40 thousand rubles. more than in Russia.
  4. flight attendants Belarus earn 70 thousand rubles.
  5. Less Russians earn Ukrainian stewards- 40 thousand rubles.

Retirement benefits for flight attendants

Difficult working conditions associated with the constant change in atmospheric pressure, the difference in time zones and climatic conditions, as well as high risk in extreme situations, give flight attendants the right to take a well-deserved rest before retirement age.

So flight attendants can retire at 45, and stewards at 50. Provided that they have worked for 15 and 20 years, respectively, and their flight experience is 7.5 years for women and 10 years for men.

The size of the pension for flight attendants, as well as for specialists in other professions, is calculated taking into account the length of service, the amount of insurance contributions. Based on the level of average salaries, a retired steward can count on 20-25 thousand rubles. This is almost twice as high as the average pension in the country (12.5 thousand rubles).

It should be noted that the hard responsible work of flight attendants is paid quite high.

The profession of flight attendants is still considered romantic, however, in reality it is hard work with physical and psychological stress. Despite this, the flight attendant vacancy remains one of the most competitive among applicants. So, how much do flight attendants get in different airlines And how big are the risks of such a profession?

Of course, if we compare the salaries of Russian flight attendants and those who work in foreign airlines, the difference will be impressive. The highest salaries for flight attendants in the following countries:

  • Australia;
  • England.

Salaries in the airlines of these states range from $3,500 to $4,000. However, such amounts are not the upper ceiling for an employee. Some flight attendants earn upwards of $10,000. In many ways, such large amounts of salary are determined by several factors:

  • work on private flights;
  • work in elite airlines.

Of course, along with a higher salary, more skills and craftsmanship are required from a flight attendant. Beginners should not even count on such work, this is the business of professionals with impeccable recommendations.

According to world statistics, the highest salaries are among employees of Southwest Airlines and US Airways.

As for Russia, flight attendants who work on foreign flights are paid much more than those who fly only domestic routes. The requirements for flight attendants of international airlines are often much higher and include not only impeccable professional skills and good knowledge of English, but also certain conformity of external data. The stewardess must have an attractive appearance, have no visible flaws and wear clothes no larger than 46 sizes.

Before moving on to more detailed figures, first you need to find out the criteria that make up the salary of a flight attendant. The salary, regardless of the airline, primarily depends on:

  • airline rating;
  • domestic or international flights;
  • the number of flights;
  • professional experience;
  • education (linguistic, pedagogical or psychological will be an advantage);
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​at a conversational level;
  • service class.

Affects monthly earnings and the level of board, business class flights are always paid more expensive than economic ones. However, serious airlines do not take beginners without work experience, even with an impeccable education, on prestigious flights, business class passengers are served by top-level flight attendants.

The salary is affected not only by the level of the airline, but also by the region of residence. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, salaries, even within the same airline, are usually higher than in other Russian cities.

So, what is the average salary of flight attendants in Russian airlines? Novice flight attendants have 3rd class and trainee status, their salary is small and amounts to about 15-20 thousand rubles. Over time, when the skill in the profession and the number of flights increase, the salary will be 50-50 thousand rubles. Conductors of the 1st class can receive up to 100 thousand rubles per month. According to statistics, the highest salary was 120,000 rubles. And this is not counting various allowances and bonuses for the quality of work. In some airlines, flight attendants, in addition to the basic salary, receive a percentage of sales on board (from 3 to 5%).

In addition to high salaries, flight attendants may have various benefits:

  • extended vacation time (up to 42 days);
  • discounts up to 90% on employee flights as a passenger on airline aircraft;
  • free flight to any country in the world once a year;
  • salary supplement for the provision of additional services;
  • discounts on hotel accommodation in countries where planes arrive on business flights, etc.

Of course, various bonuses depend only on how the employee performs his duties. The more hours spent in flight, the more allowances and bonuses you can count on.

This company has the highest salaries for staff compared to other carriers. Even the minimum wage for a novice here is higher than the salary of an experienced flight attendant in other airlines.

Getting a job at Aeroflot, you can count on a salary of 40,000 rubles, while personnel officers indicate this amount as the minimum for beginners. Over time, when the flight attendant flies enough hours to improve her skills, the salary will also increase - up to $ 1,800 per month.

Watch the video of one day of work of an Aeroflot stewardess:

The salary of flight attendants flying on S7 flights depends on the standard requirements for the profession - the level of education, length of service, class of service, etc. However, the salary of S7 flight attendants is lower and on average varies from 25 to 70 thousand rubles, depending on the length of service.

Requirements for employees practically do not differ from those that other companies impose. However, flight attendants can work in UTair even without a university degree, the minimum threshold is 11 classes high school or similar education.

Training of employees is carried out at the expense of the airline. The salary of flight attendants in UTair is lower than in Aeroflot and S7. On average, a flight attendant can count on a salary of 30,000 rubles.

Flight attendants in Pobeda earn a little less compared to the same Aeroflot, an average of about 50 thousand rubles. The airline offers flight attendant training with the issuance of relevant documents based on the results of studies. When applying to Pobeda for the position of a stewardess, it should be borne in mind that girls from 165 cm are taken to the company, which is due to the model of the aircraft on which flights are made.

As in any other country in the world, the salary of flight attendants in Kazakhstan depends on the rating status of the airline, class of transportation, region, etc. The requirements for future employees are standard:

  • age up to 35 years;
  • height from 160 cm;
  • pretty appearance;
  • knowledge of languages, including Kazakh;
  • stress tolerance.

The average monthly salary of a flight attendant varies from $800 to $1,600. The most rated airlines in Kazakhstan, where you can count on the highest salary, are Air Astana and Euro-Asia Air.

No matter how tempting salaries and prospects are, before deciding to come for an interview with an airline, it is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen profession. The obvious advantages of working as a flight attendant include:

  • spectacular appearance;
  • flexible work schedule;
  • high salary;
  • long vacation (in some companies up to 70 days);
  • the opportunity to visit different cities and countries for free;
  • benefits and bonuses;
  • receiving additional income on sales and tips.

As for the cons, the main disadvantage of working as a flight attendant is a lot of physical activity. The point is not only that the profession involves constant work on your feet, the constant change of time zones and overload during the flight also do not have a positive effect on health.

Diseases associated with blood vessels and the heart are considered "professional" among flight attendants.

Flight attendants retire early, at age 45. Consider it a plus or a minus, everyone determines for himself. However, if you want to find new job after years spent on board the plane, former flight attendants face psychological difficulties. After a flexible schedule and relative freedom, it is difficult to adapt to the requirements of "earthly" vacancies.

The disadvantage for women in the work of a flight attendant may be the inability to bear a child. Overloading on an airplane leads to miscarriages, so if you plan to have children, you need to refuse flights in advance in order to prepare the body. Also, a flexible work schedule complicates personal life - few men will agree to live with a woman who is not at home all the time.

Watch the video one day in the life of a flight attendant:

Also watch the video how to become a flight attendant:

Despite the heavy physical exertion and risks, the flight attendant profession still attracts young girls and boys, stewards and flight attendants do not consider their profession to be more dangerous than others. Performing duties at the highest level and the desire to constantly improve in the chosen profession will open the door to high prospects and to the coveted six-figure salaries.

The work of a flight attendant has always been covered with an aura of romance and mystery. Boys and girls dreamed of becoming flight attendants or flight attendants, because the opportunity to travel is the dream of any child. And in the dreams of a grown child, it is also an opportunity to travel for free.

Many girls, dreaming of becoming flight attendants, see this as an opportunity to successfully marry, boys - just to see the world. But these dreams do not always coincide with reality, because hard work both physically and mentally and is not always compatible with the understanding of normal family life. But, nevertheless, the dreams of many come true - they get this job and do not regret it. So how to become a flight attendant, and what is the salary of a flight attendant in Russia and in other countries?

Average salary for flight attendants aircraft

The salary of flight attendants is much higher.

table 2

Average all-Russian salaries of stewardesses

Benefits for flight attendants

  • Receiving a percentage of the price of the goods sold on the plane.
  • Vacation lasts 42 days (in some airlines up to 70 days).
  • All employees and their relatives have a discount on flights with the company.
  • A stewardess/steward is entitled to a free flight to any region of the world once a year.
  • Responsible employees receive additional bonuses.
  • Pregnant flight attendants are not fired, but transferred to the land staff. After the decree and return to work, they conduct a "refreshing course" so that they can remember all the nuances of work.

Positive aspects of the profession of a stewardess / steward

Negative aspects of the profession of a stewardess / steward

  • Long business trips.
  • Physical activity (you have to stand a lot, pressure drops, changing time zones, walking in heels).
  • The need to fight "air" sickness is a consequence of turbulence.
  • The mood should always be good, even if you get a "difficult" passenger.
  • Serious airlines do not hire people without experience.
  • There may be problems in family life.
  • The birth of a child may be at risk.
  • than ships sink or trains go off the rails, but in any case a person swims better than he flies.

How much do flight attendants get

Salary in different countries

If we compare the salaries of Russian flight attendants/stewards and foreign ones, then the difference is visible to the naked eye (Table 3).

Table 3

stewardess salary different countries Oh

How much do flight attendants earn in different countries

Salary in different airlines

To understand how the salary of a stewardess / steward is formed, let's give an example of the requirements for working in business aviation:

Education higher, secondary special, knowledge of the language (English), correct speech.
Employment combination, shift work
Previous work experience service industry, stewardess in business class
Required Compulsory Training (2 weeks) educational program "Luxury Service and VIP Service in Business Aviation" with a certificate
Responsibilities deluxe service for charter flights, vip-service, food ordering, aircraft equipment and order in the cabin, 2 weeks work - 2 weeks off.
Salary 2-4 thousand euros per month, daily allowance - 5-7 thousand rubles. in a day
Special conditions conclusion of an agreement with a foreign company, flights around the world

The average salary of a flight attendant depends not so much on the country, but on the airline and its popularity in the world (Table 4).

Table 4

Airline Flight attendant/steward salary (per month)
S7 (Siberia, Russia) 25-70 thousand rubles
Utair (Utair, Russia) from 30 thousand rubles
Ural Airlines ( Ural Airlines, Russia) 70 thousand rubles
Emirates (Emirates, United United Arab Emirates) 160-180 thousand rubles
Azur air (Russia, Azur air) 70 thousand rubles
Air Astana (Kazakhstan, Eir Astana) 120 thousand rubles
Qatar Airways (Qatar Airways, Qatar) 2300-2500 USD
Pobeda (Victory, Russia) 60 thousand rubles
UIA (Ukraine International Airlines) 15 thousand hryvnia
Lufthansa (Lufthansa, Germany) 2-7 thousand euros

Where do future flight attendants study?

  • Airlines announce a competition for vacancies of flight attendants.
  • After passing the interview, the applicant (ka) is sent to the medical examination.
  • In case of successful selection, a referral is issued to courses paid by the company, which last from two to three months.
  • A scholarship is paid during the study.
  • If the exams are successfully passed, 30 hours of work with the instructor come. After that, a preliminary permit is issued, and later a permit for independent work. The stewardess / steward receive the initial level of experience - 3rd class.
  • Training can be carried out independently and at personal expense. The search for work is also carried out independently.

The question of how much flight attendants earn is of interest to many, because this profession is one of the most prestigious in the service sector. Before answering it, it should be clarified that this work is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

A person applying for a job should be prepared for almost permanent employment, frequent business trips and flight delays, especially charter flights. Often, such nuances have a negative impact on the families of airline employees.

Employee Requirements

Many girls say that I want to become a flight attendant, believing that a beautiful appearance is 100% success. But this is far from true.

There are certain requirements that employers impose on job seekers:

  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • charm and communication skills;
  • diplomacy and patience;
  • good reaction and ingenuity;
  • the ability to quickly find a way out of difficult situations and make the right decisions;
  • adequacy.

A special commission carefully checks the presence of the listed qualities and skills.

But the appearance of a flight attendant plays an important role in hiring. Too tall or undersized people can get rejected. Work is more likely to be offered to women and men whose height is 165 cm - 185 cm. It is unlikely that an overweight flight attendant will be hired on a plane.

Flight attendant training options

The first thing you need to become a flight attendant in Russia is to undergo special training. There are two options for how to get into flight attendant courses.

  1. A company in need of specialists gives a referral to the candidate selected as a result of the interview and pays for the courses. Flight attendant training lasts 2-3 months and includes theory and practical training. During practice, the student is allowed to fly as a trainee. After passing the exams, which include flying with an instructor, the graduate is issued a pre-permission, and then a permit allowing solo flights. An employee is hired by an airline after passing a flight medical examination.
  2. A person who wants to become a flight attendant pays for courses that include only theoretical classes. There is no practice for self-study, which means there will be no admission to flights. Having passed medical commission, the graduate starts looking for a job.

But this is not all that is needed for admission to flight attendant courses. At the interview, employer representatives can ask tricky questions, the answers to which are not always typical. The applicant may be asked about the size of clothes, hobbies. Often during the interview, the ability of a person to quickly respond in the event of an emergency situation during the flight (fights, threats, heart attacks, etc.) is checked.

Advantages and disadvantages of the romantic profession

You can start performing duties only by comparing all the pros and cons of working as a flight attendant.

The obvious advantages of the profession that attract young people include the following aspects:

  • spectacular uniforms for airline employees;
  • flexible schedule allows you to combine work and leisure;
  • opportunity to travel free of charge different cities and countries;
  • communication with different people;
  • a service ticket allows airline employees to fly “point A - point B - point A” once a year for only 10% of the total ticket price;
  • additional profit opportunity: sale of goods duty free on board and tips for additional services.

But work as a flight attendant (steward) has a negative impact on the human body. This is due to pressure fluctuations during takeoffs and landings, a sharp change in climate and time zones. Constant walking in heels (for women) often causes varicose veins, arthrosis and other diseases.

Disadvantages of the profession:

  • exhausting long flights, being in a confined space for several hours;
  • unbalanced and ill-mannered passengers;
  • air pockets, turbulence in which dizziness and nausea often occur.

Factors affecting the salary of flight attendants

To determine how much a flight attendant earns on average in rubles, it is necessary to take into account a number of aspects that affect the final amount. The maximum and minimum limits are quite different from each other.

How much flight attendants earn depends on the following criteria:

  • Country of Residence;
  • authority and scale of the airline;
  • tariffs provided in a particular company;
  • attitude towards employees;
  • the level of development of the industry in the region;
  • flight features (type, complexity, duration, etc.);
  • employee qualification.

The average salary of a flight attendant in Russia is calculated relative to the number of hours spent in flight, and varies within: 40,000 rubles. for a beginner, 70,000 rubles. for an experienced professional. Highly qualified flight attendants earn at least 100,000 rubles. per month.

How much does an Aeroflot stewardess earn, or any other Russian airline, depends on the rank assigned on the basis of experience, skills and knowledge of a specialist:

  • 1st rank has a 3rd class flight attendant;
  • Rank 2 is assigned to an employee who has flown at least 2,000 hours and passed the exam;
  • Rank 3 is given to flight attendants who have spent more than 3,000 hours in flight and have shown good results when testing knowledge;
  • 4 rank instructors have;
  • A person with 5 rank is appointed as the head of the service.

Also, the amount of remuneration depends on additional payments and allowances provided by the company for conscientious and high-quality performance of duties by employees.

But in Russia?

Average salary for 2016

Answering the question, what is the salary of stewardesses in 2016, experts talk about the positive growth dynamics of this indicator. From March 2014 to the end of 2015, the salary of flight attendants increased by 5,000 - 7,000 rubles. and amounted to an average of 60,000 rubles. (with surcharges). At the same time, employees working in Moscow and the Moscow Region receive the most, where the average figure varies between 70,000 and 80,000 rubles. per month.

How much a flight attendant receives in Russia in 2015 depends on the geographical component, hours spent in flight, the amount of allowances, length of service, position and rank of the employee.

If we analyze the proposals of employers, we get:

  • the average for Russia is 82,500 rubles;
  • the maximum limit is 120,000 rubles;
  • the minimum threshold is 45,000 rubles.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that, for example, the salary of a flight attendant at Aeroflot is several points higher than the monthly income of flight attendants from Transaero. And the salary for specialists in Siberia Airlines has a lower limit equal to 47,000 rubles.

How much do foreign airlines pay flight attendants?

If we compare how much flight attendants in Russia earn with the earnings of their foreign colleagues, then the conclusion suggests itself disappointing. The average income received by airline employees in America is 200,000 rubles. and more. The list of the average salary of flight attendants for different countries is as follows (in rubles):

  • in Australia and the USA - 200,000 and more;
  • in Germany and the UK - 165,000 rubles. and higher;
  • in Kazakhstan - 120,000 rubles;
  • in Belarus and Russia - 70,000 rubles;
  • in Ukraine - 40,000 rubles.

Flight attendants serving large commercial and private airlines (for example, US Airways, Southwest Airlines) are usually highly qualified, model appearance, and a salary of at least 10 thousand US dollars. Based on these facts, we can talk about the impact of the standard of living in the country on the formation of wages.

Features of the profession

Only specialists serving international flights will be able to receive the maximum salary. To apply for such a job, the applicant must speak several foreign languages ​​(in particular, highly specialized English).

Flight attendants must carefully monitor their appearance: visit beauty and hairdressing salons, play sports, pass a medical examination on time, and even buy high-quality expensive cosmetics and perfumes.

Not only a woman can become a flight attendant, but also a man. There are no gender requirements. But there are still more female flight attendants, even though there are routes served only by stewards. These are usually dangerous flights or flights carrying, for example, men's sports teams.

With all the existing shortcomings, the popularity of such work is always at a high level. This is due both to a fairly large salary and the ability to travel around the country or around the world for free.