Will the plane crash? How the “most dangerous planes in the world” crash

Today, air travel has become so popular that airplanes in terms of frequency of use for tourists are equal to cars and trains. However, air travel seems very dangerous and not entirely reliable to many. Is this really true, how do our ideas about the dangers of air travel compare with statistics and how often do planes crash?

Choosing transport for travel

During the period of long-awaited vacations and long holidays, many are faced with the problem of choosing to travel abroad to hot beaches or snow-covered ski resorts. And it is complex, because many factors need to be correlated, such as ease of movement, the price tag for the trip itself and, most importantly, safety. Let's look at statistical studies and find out how often planes crash and whether the scale of this is really as fatal as people think.

Are trains safer - misconception or not?

According to statistical studies, the most in a safe way People's mode of transportation is the train. The train has a slightly higher rating. Airplanes do not inspire confidence among the world's population at all. Only sixteen percent of respondents believe in their complete reliability. If we take cars into account, their safety rating is generally low, because they are initially considered very dangerous for driving over long distances.

However, in the struggle between various types Transport in terms of reliability is not so simple. Airplanes, according to many years of research by air crash experts and statistical studies, are rightfully recognized. However, people, even despite official scientific confirmation, still do not trust them. Why is this happening? Maybe the news that a plane has crashed somewhere really frightens tourists? Let's understand the situation.

The plane is not safe?!

Although statistics is an exact science, the final result depends very much on the calculation method. When determining the security level aircraft The number of tragic events per total number of flight kilometers is taken. It is this type of calculation that is mainly used by statisticians, and it is its results that are published in official sources.

The whole secret lies in the fact that most disasters occur during takeoffs and landings. On the way, plane crashes are much less common. But this method of calculation is very beneficial for transport companies, and they very often use it so as not to discourage tourists from choosing air travel for travel. Nevertheless, such an indicator as those killed in a plane crash (their number) during accidents during takeoff and landing is acquiring very large proportions.

If we take into account the calculation of tragic cases per total mileage of movement, then the most dangerous types of movement will be two types of movement - motorcycle and walking. One has only to look at the summary of tragic moments in any city and you can see that a lot of pedestrians die, even more than motorcyclists.

If you study other methods of statistical research, then the plane will give way to the train in terms of safety. For example, in terms of the number of passenger deaths per number of trips and speed of travel, air travel is the most unfavorable.

When considering other research methods, it turns out that trains are the best choice for travel. So it’s not without reason that tourists are in a fever from the mere news that a plane has crashed, and the trip railway rightfully has a safety advantage in people's minds.

Rating of the safest airlines

Be that as it may, you will still have to fly, since there are resorts that simply cannot be reached by any other type of transport, but you really want to. Despite the bad forecasts, negative reviews and gloomy opinions, our country is still not the weakest in terms of air travel safety. But the United States has been a leader in plane crashes for quite a long period of time. If we build a ranking by countries that own aircraft, we can say that the first five include Finland, New Zealand, Hong Kong and UAE. It is the companies of these five that are worth flying, and then no plane crash will be terrible. Russia, in this ranking, is in sixteenth place with the company Transaero.

Causes of plane crashes

Why do planes crash? Before choosing an airline, tourists first of all give preference to companies with the “youngest” modes of transport in terms of service life. However, this is not at all supported by statistical data. According to them, in Russia the company with the most unworn transport fleet is Aeroflot. Its aircraft are less than five years old. However, Finland, which occupies a leading position in flight safety and a small number of plane crashes, has had its aircraft in operation for more than nine years.

This fact indicates that an aircraft crash due to wear and tear and service life is unlikely. By choosing an airline based on the criterion of its small transport, the likelihood of a crash does not decrease at all. If we look at the statistics, we can see that a greater number of plane crashes occur due to the human factor, and there is no escape from this.

How to overcome your fear of flying, because there are situations when traveling by plane simply cannot be avoided. Psychologists give good advice on this matter. If fear is caused by any mental disorders, be it panic attacks or fear of a small enclosed space, then these are the problems that need to be solved.

However, in many cases, fear is caused by a lack of complete personal control over the situation and the safety of the flight. This must be accepted as inevitable, because any movement by transport depends little on us. Therefore, when traveling by air, it is recommended to simply relax and take your mind off bad thoughts by watching a movie on your tablet or listening to pleasant music. Never use alcohol to relieve stress. In fact, if it dulls the nervous state, it will only be for a short time, and then the problem will only get worse. The fear of flying needs to be addressed first of all with yourself. There is no need to simply get on your nerves, taking into account the information from news channels about how often planes crash, but you just need to calm down and try to take control of your emotions.

Which planes have the most accidents?

If we look at global statistics, Boeing can be considered the most unreliable, the second in the number of crashes is An, and the IL is in third place. If we turn to Russian research, we can see that the most “falling” in our country will be “An”. Why do planes crash? In 2005 alone, as many as nine cars of this brand crashed in Russia. In the world, they account for nineteen percent of all disasters.

The causes of plane crashes in Russia are explained by journalists in one key - the outdated transport fleet of domestic companies. Is this really true and how often do planes crash for this reason?

Causes of Russian plane crashes

In general, the aging of aircraft is expressed not in the number of years that have passed since its production, but in the amount of hours flown and the general technical condition. According to statistics, Russia has aircraft dating back to Soviet times, and their percentage is much higher than foreign-made units. However, you should not look at age. Compared to foreign ships, domestic ones flew much fewer hours, and Soviet production quality was one of the best in the world.

For what reason then does Russia purchase foreign aircraft for a lot of money when it has its own quite reliable aircraft? An example is the Tu aircraft. They have excellent flight safety statistics, and pilots consider them to be the most convenient in terms of technical design.

One of the reasons is the fact that Tu aircraft are very expensive in terms of the amount of fuel they consume. And since air travel has long become a separate type of business, company directors, in pursuit of reducing the cost of servicing their fleet of aircraft, give preference to foreign airliners, which are much more economical than their Russian counterparts.

Another reason is the decline of aircraft. The technologies for their production are significantly outdated, investments in aircraft factories are not being carried out. Therefore, our country cannot compete with more advanced foreign units.

How to save the situation?

In Russia, in order to stabilize the situation with the aircraft production market, the President signed a Decree on the creation of the United Aircraft Corporation. Moreover, investments in aircraft factories amounting to ten billion dollars were planned. This happened back in 2006. Currently the situation has not improved at all. The process of forming the corporation was greatly slowed down and, according to journalists, the purpose of its creation was not to study the competitor market, but to combine all assets Russian airlines In one place.

Nevertheless, there are positive developments. The Ilyushin Finance company purchased Il and Tu aircraft from Russia. The Tashkent production association concluded an agreement with the St. Petersburg airline for the supply of Il aircraft to Russia, most of of which will be of Russian configuration.

What you need to know about a plane crash?

No one is safe from an aircraft crash. However, if you have the necessary information about what happens when a plane crashes, you have a chance of surviving the crash. In the nineties, there was an accident with the B-707 airliner. The death toll in the plane crash numbered in the hundreds. However, five passengers used the information from the flight attendant's instructions and survived.

In some cases, there is a chance to be saved if you have the necessary knowledge. They are not as useless as they seem at first glance. Knowing what happens when a plane crashes, you can apply many effective methods for your own safety.

The main ways to protect yourself, as the statistics of plane crashes show us, is to follow safety precautions. First of all, it is necessary, if possible, to remain in shoes and clothing. This will provide protection in case of fire. Remove all foreign objects from your clothing pockets and fasten your seat belt tightly. It is allowed to be removed only after a special command from the flight attendant.

Immediately before an accident, if possible, you need to take a protective position - you need to bend as low as possible and clasp your hands very tightly under your knees. The head should be placed on them, and if this cannot be done, then lower it as far as possible. Your feet should rest as firmly as possible on the floor. This technique, and it is fully proven by the statistics of plane crashes, often saves the lives of passengers in a plane crash.


As you can see, flying is not such a scary thing. The main thing is to use tickets for flights only from time-tested airlines with a small number of accidents, and also to comply with the safety requirements for aircraft passengers, so that later experts do not have to study the crashing plane on which you were flying on vacation. warm country. Safe flights and successful landings and takeoffs!

Every day, about 100 thousand aircraft take off and approximately the same number make a successful landing. At the same time, the statistics of fatalities increases by no more than 1000 per year - this is comparatively less compared to those killed in road accidents in just a month around the world.

How often do planes crash statistics?

How many planes crash per year is a question that interests many people, even those who are not planning to fly. The following data can be provided:

  1. Statistics show that about 10,000 airliners take off into the sky every day.
  2. Approximately 4.5 billion people fly on airplanes – that’s more than half the world’s population.
  3. Of these, about 1,000 people die in plane crashes.
  4. For 100 years passenger aviation 150,000 people died.

Statistics of plane crashes in the world

According to global statistics of plane crashes, the leaders are:

  1. Russia
  2. Canada

Where are the most plane crash victims?

(from 1945 - 2013)

  1. USA: 763 disasters, 10,514 victims;
  2. Russia: 307 disasters, 7061 victims;
  3. Canada: 173 disasters, 1,755 victims;
  4. Brazil: 172 disasters, 2681 victims;
  5. Colombia: 164 disasters, 2774 casualties;
  6. Great Britain: 102 disasters, 1278 victims;
  7. France: 101 disasters, 2240 victims;
  8. India: 93 disasters, 2341 victims;
  9. Indonesia: 93 disasters, 1902 casualties;
  10. Mexico: 88 disasters, 1226 victims.

Statistics of plane crashes in Russia

Speaking about our country, it is with bitterness that we have to admit that over the past six years we have taken first place in the world in the number of plane accidents.

So during this time, 38 plane crashes occurred in Russia, in which 378 people died, while in the United States there were only 11 plane accidents.

Airplane crash statistics by airline

What airlines did this happen to? greatest number accidents? To answer this question, you need to rank airlines based on the number of plane crashes.

Turkish Airlines

The most widespread and popular (especially among Russian tourists) the carrier has not experienced an accident since the 1970s, but a series of small incidents, as well as a 2009 crash near Dutch Schiphol airport that killed nine human lives, significantly damaged the airline's reputation.

China Airlines

The Taiwanese airline is considered one of the most unsafe in Asia.

Over the past thirty years, about 755 people have died in accidents involving the planes of this air carrier, which gives reason to suspect this company of an unprofessional approach to the issue of the safety of its customers.

Korean Airlines

The largest air carrier in South Korea spent more than a billion US dollars on various passenger amenities. The ships of this company constantly get into some small accidents, fortunately, so far there are no casualties. The last tragic incident occurred back in 1997.

Saudi Arabian Airlines

Main carrier Saudi Arabia. Since the year 2000, it has had a reputation as a not very safe company; various incidents often occur with the aircraft of this carrier, although only one person died in them (in a crush that occurred during the evacuation), the frequency of various incidents involving aircraft of this company is very alarming.

Skywest Airlines

A well-known American airline specializing in local transportation. After the 1990s, which dealt a serious blow to the company's reputation, it was only marked by the 2008 disaster in San Antonio. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but the carrier's reputation was dealt a serious blow.

South African Airways

The largest airline in South Africa, specializing in domestic and international flights. The company's reputation was ruined by a failed terrorist from Zimbabwe who hijacked a plane belonging to the carrier in 2006. No one was injured as a result of the incident, and although responsibility lies with the airport security service, this did not save the carrier’s reputation from a serious blow.

Aeroflot plane crash

Several dozen airlines are registered in our country. To determine their reliability and safety, a company is assessed according to various criteria, one of which is the technical safety of aircraft. The European Aviation Safety Agency has compiled a rating of the most reliable air carriers, the list of which includes the domestic company Aeroflot.

The company was founded in 1923. After the collapse of the USSR, many small carriers separated from it. In 1992, JSC " Aeroflot - Russian international airlines", which marked the beginning modern history airlines. Today Aeroflot is the largest air carrier in Russia. During the period from 1992 to the present, there have been 4 plane crashes that have claimed lives. There is also information about 5 more accidents, which, fortunately, resulted in no casualties.

The most famous disaster that occurred in the entire history of the airline is the tragedy near Mezhdurechensk. In the spring of 1994, a passenger plane en route from Moscow to Hong Kong crashed. During the investigation, it turned out that the crash was due to the fault of the aircraft commander. The man put his fifteen-year-old son at the helm. This disaster claimed the lives of 75 people.

When traveling to another country, people are interested not only in the reliability of airlines, but also in the safety of the aircraft themselves. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to give a rating of the most unreliable and dangerous aircraft.

The Boeing 737 was recognized as one of the dangerous aircraft, since most of the accidents occurred on this type of aircraft.

IL 76 is also considered an unsafe aircraft, since it was on this ship that a major disaster occurred 13 years ago, which claimed many lives

TU 154 was recognized as very dangerous and unreliable; many accidents and emergency situations also occurred on this airliner.

The Airbus A 310 is also notorious; it was on this ship that a disaster occurred on June 30, 2009, which claimed more than 150 lives.

McDonnell-Douglas DC 9, this type of aircraft has not been produced for a long time and is out of production, but during its entire existence there have been several accidents resulting in the death of 44 people.

2016 turned out to be the busiest year in terms of aviation accidents. This conclusion can be reached by referring to the statistics of plane crashes that occurred during this period.

On February 24, a DHC-6 passenger plane crashed in Nepal; there were 20 passengers and 3 crew members on board. As a result of the disaster, no one managed to survive.

A month later, on March 9, AN 26 crashed in Bangladesh, the plane fell into the sea. There were 4 people on board, all of them were citizens of Ukraine. As a result, three people died, and only one managed to survive.

On the night of March 19 of the same year, a Boeing 737 plane crashed in Rostov-on-Don while climbing, the airliner began a sharp descent and crashed onto the airport runway. There were 55 people and 7 crew members on board. As a result of the plane crash, everyone on board died.

Two months later, on May 18, AN 12 B crashed in Dwyer. There were 9 people on board. As a result of the crash, 7 people died, only two technicians managed to survive.

The next day, May 19, another disaster occurred when an Airbus A 320 crashed into the Mediterranean Sea. All 66 people (56 passengers, 10 crew members) on board died.

Two months later, on July 1, while extinguishing forest fires, due to poor visibility, the transport plane IL 76 of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations crashed. All 10 crew members on board died.

Six months later, on 28 November, a BAe 146 crashed in Colombia due to fuel shortage. There were 77 people on board. As a result of the incident, 71 people died and only 6 people were saved.

A month later, on December 7, an ATR 42 plane crashed near the city of Havelian. All 47 people on board were killed.

On December 25 of the same year, a major disaster occurred: the TU 154 aircraft of the Russian Air Force, as a result of an error by the crew commander during landing, crashed and was completely destroyed. All 92 people on board were killed.

In general, looking at the statistics, we can conclude that traveling by plane is much safer than by land transport According to calculations, the probability of dying in a plane crash is 1:8,000,000. Therefore, you should not be afraid to fly on airliners, because the risk of dying on the ground is much higher than in the air.

Plane crash statistics for 2017

Over the past months of this year, there have been only 4 plane crashes, which is significantly less than in 2016.

On January 16, a Boeing 747 crashed while landing. As a result of the incident, 39 people were killed and 14 were injured.

Three months later, on March 20, while landing, an accident occurred with the AN 26 aircraft. As a result of the incident, 37 people were injured.

On April 29, AN 26 crashed. There were 8 people on board. Everyone on board died.

Three months later, on June 7, the Y8 airliner crashed, half an hour after the plane took off, the airliner crashed into the Andaman Sea. There were 122 people on board. As a result of the disaster, no one managed to survive.

I have always been interested in what people experience in a falling plane. Summarizing the experience of eyewitnesses who survived plane crashes, we can draw one interesting conclusion - the devil is not as terrible as he is painted...

First, be more afraid when driving to the airport. In 2014, over 33 million flights were made in the world, 21 plane crashes occurred (and most of the troubles in the sky occurred in cargo transportation), in which only 990 people died. Those. The probability of a plane crash is only 0.0001%. During the same year, in Russia alone, 26,963 people died in road accidents, and according to WHO, 1.2 million people die in road accidents in the world every year and about 50 million are injured.

Secondly, judging by the statistics, your chances of dying on an escalator in the subway or contracting AIDS are much greater than dying on an airplane. So the chance of dying in a plane crash is 1 in 11,000,000, while, for example, in a car accident - 1 in 5,000, so now it is much safer to fly than to drive a car. Moreover, every year aviation technology becomes safer. By the way, Africa remains the most unfavorable continent in terms of flight safety: only 3% of all flights in the world are carried out here, but 43% of plane crashes have occurred!

Thirdly, under severe overloads, you will not remember anything According to research by the Interstate Aviation Committee, the consciousness of a person in a falling plane is switched off. In most cases - in the very first seconds of the fall. At the moment of impact with the ground there is not a single person in the cabin who is conscious. As they say, the body’s defense reaction is triggered. This thesis is confirmed by those who managed to survive plane crashes. Silence also accompanies minor air incidents, video selection

Fourth, the experience of survivors of plane crashes. The story of Larisa Savitskaya is included in the Guinness Book of Records. In 1981, at an altitude of 5220 meters, the An-24 plane in which she was flying collided with a military bomber. 37 people died in that disaster. Only Larisa managed to survive.

I was 20 years old then,” says Larisa Savitskaya. - Volodya, my husband, and I were flying from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to Blagoveshchensk. After takeoff, I immediately fell asleep. And I woke up from noise and screams. My face burned with cold. Then they told me that our plane’s wings were cut off and the roof was blown off. But I don’t remember the sky above my head. I remember it was foggy, like in a bathhouse. I looked at Volodya. He didn't move. Blood was gushing down his face. I somehow immediately realized that he was dead. And she prepared to die too. Then the plane fell apart and I lost consciousness. When I came to my senses, I was surprised that I was still alive. I felt like I was lying on something hard. It turned out to be in the aisle between the chairs. And next to it is a whistling abyss. There were no thoughts in my head. Fear too. In the state I was in - between sleep and reality - there is no fear. The only thing I remembered was an episode from an Italian film, where a girl, after a plane crash, soared in the sky among the clouds, and then, falling into the jungle, remained alive. I didn't expect to survive. I just wanted to die without suffering. I noticed the rungs of the metal floor. And I thought: if I fall sideways, it will be very painful. I decided to change position and regroup. Then she crawled to the next row of chairs (our row was near the rift), sat down in the chair, grabbed the armrests and rested her feet on the floor. All this was done automatically. Then I look - the ground. Very close. She grabbed the armrests with all her might and pushed herself away from the chair. Then - like a green explosion from larch branches. And again there was a loss of memory. When I woke up, I saw my husband again. Volodya sat with his hands on his knees and looked at me with a fixed gaze. It was raining, which washed the blood from his face, and I saw a huge wound on his forehead. Under the chairs lay a dead man and woman...

Later it was established that the piece of the plane, four meters long and three meters wide, on which Savitskaya fell, glided like an autumn leaf. He fell into a soft, marshy clearing. Larisa lay unconscious for seven hours. Then for two more days I sat in a chair in the rain and waited for death to come. On the third day I got up, started looking for people and came across a search party. Larisa received several injuries, a concussion, a broken arm and five cracks in the spine. You can’t go with such injuries. But Larisa refused the stretcher and walked to the helicopter herself.

The plane crash and the death of her husband remained with her forever. According to her, her feelings of pain and fear are dulled. She is not afraid of death and still flies calmly on airplanes.

Another case confirms the blackout. Arina Vinogradova is one of the two surviving flight attendants of the Il-86 plane, which in 2002, barely taking off, crashed into Sheremetyevo. There were 16 people on board: four pilots, ten flight attendants and two engineers. Only two flight attendants survived: Arina and her friend Tanya Moiseeva. They say that in the last seconds your whole life flashes before your eyes. This didn’t happen to me,” Arina tells Izvestia. - Tanya and I were sitting in the first row of the third cabin, at the emergency exit, but not in service chairs, but in passenger seats. Tanya is opposite me. The flight was technical - we just needed to return to Pulkovo. At some point the plane began to shake. This happens with IL-86. But for some reason I realized that we were falling. Although nothing seemed to happen, there was no siren or roll. I didn't have time to get scared. Consciousness instantly floated away somewhere, and I fell into a black void. I woke up from a sharp jolt. At first I didn’t understand anything. Then I gradually figured it out. It turned out that I was lying on a warm engine, littered with chairs. I couldn't unfasten myself. She started screaming, pounding on the metal and disturbing Tanya, who then raised her head and then lost consciousness again. The firefighters pulled us out and took us to different hospitals.

Arina still works as a flight attendant. The plane crash, she said, did not leave any trauma in her soul. However, what happened had a very strong impact on Tatyana Moiseeva. Since then, she no longer flies, although she has not left aviation.

Fifth, a plane crash is a positive experience for survivors! Scientists have come to a unique conclusion: people who survived plane crashes subsequently turned out to be healthier from a psychological point of view. They showed less worry, anxiety, did not become depressed and did not experience post-traumatic stress, unlike subjects from the control group who had never had such an experience.

In conclusion, I bring to your attention the speech of Rick Elias, who sat in the front row on the plane that made emergency landing into the Hudson River in New York in January 2009. You will find out what thoughts came to his mind while the doomed plane was falling down...

Still afraid of flying?-)

Since 2011, Russia has become the absolute leader in the number of plane crashes with human casualties.

Plane crash of the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl hockey team © Reuters

The plane crash near Tyumen, in which 31 people died, was the first disaster of this magnitude in 2012.

After the tragic year for Russian aviation in 2011, Russia again leads the world statistics of air crashes by a large margin.

We tried to figure out how often planes crash in Russia, why this happens, and remembered the largest plane crashes of the decade.

Deadly statistics

The United States is the historical leader in the number of plane crashes. According to the Aviation Safety Network, 653 civilian aircraft have crashed there since 1945. Almost 10 thousand people died as a result of the accidents.

Since 2007, 293 people have died in plane crashes in Russia.

Russia takes second place. Over the past 66 years, 266 accidents occurred on the territory of the USSR and the Russian Federation, in which 6.5 thousand people died. It should be noted that Russia and the United States are leading largely due to the volume of air traffic - the more flights, the higher the likelihood of an accident.

But the number of plane crashes in the world and in the United States in particular has been declining over the years. If in the 1990s 12 thousand people died in plane crashes, then in the 2000s the number of victims was 8.2 thousand. Here is a graph of the number of deaths in plane crashes in the United States for 1945-2010:

Against this background, statistics for Russia look depressing. So, if since 2007, 118 people have died in plane crashes in the United States, then in Russia during the same period - 293 people.

Last year was the most tragic for Russian aviation. Russia took first place in fatal plane crashes, second only to Congo. In 2011, 514 people died in plane crashes worldwide, 120 of them in the Russian Federation, that is, more than 20% of the total number of victims. The year 2012, which began with only strengthened the position of the Russian Federation.

See the graph of plane crash victims in the USSR and Russia over the past 65 years:

Causes of disasters

Experts cite poor pilot training as the main cause of plane crashes in Russia. To release one pilot, it is necessary to burn from 60 to 160 tons of kerosene. Due to the high cost of fuel, pilots are often taught to fly only in simulators. And according to statistics, the cause of 80% of plane crashes is the human factor.

Another cause of disasters is the dilapidation of the Russian aircraft fleet. Thus, in 2005, only 37% of passenger turnover was accounted for by new generation aircraft. The remaining 63% are still Soviet aircraft.

For example, the Yak-42, which crashed the Lokomotiv hockey team, was banned in the European Union in 2009 due to serious safety deficiencies.


Il-76 and Boeing-737 JT8D topped the ranking of the most dangerous aircraft compiled by the American business magazine BusinessWeek. There is one plane crash for every 500 thousand flight hours. Also in the top three is the Tu-154: on average, every thousandth flight crashes.

The most frequently crashed aircraft in Russia are the An-2, which is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the only aircraft in the world that have been in production for more than 60 years. The An-2 is not necessarily the most unreliable aircraft - it is simply the most common. But over the years, equipment failure becomes the cause of disasters more and more often.

Disasters of the decade in Russia

21st of June 2011 year there was a Tu-134 plane crash in Karelia. The plane made a hard landing near Petrozavodsk airport. The fuselage collapsed and a fire started. 46 of the 52 people on board were killed.


In July in Tomsk region. During the flight, the engine caught fire, but the pilots managed to land the plane on the water, although not without casualties - out of 37 passengers and crew members, seven died.

On September 7, a Yak-42 with the Lokomotiv hockey team on board crashed near Yaroslavl. Of the 45 people on board, only one flight engineer survived.

In August 2010 An An 24 plane crashed in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It crashed during landing at Igarka airport and caught fire. 12 people died in the disaster.

In September 2008 While landing at Perm airport, an Aeroflot Nord Boeing 737 flying from Moscow crashed. All 88 people on board were killed. The cause of the plane crash was the erroneous actions of the pilots.

July 9 2006 An Airbus A310 crashed at Irkutsk airport. The plane rolled out of bounds runway. 125 people died.

On August 22, a Pulkovo Airlines Tu 154M crashed near Donetsk. The plane, flying flight 612 from Anapa to St. Petersburg, tried to fly over a thundercloud, instead of going around it from the side, fell into a flat tailspin and crashed into the ground at a speed of 300 km/h. There were 170 people on board, all of them died on the spot. This tragedy became the largest plane crash in the history of Russian aviation.

24 August 2004 two Russian aircraft suffered a catastrophe as a result of terrorist attacks. Tu 154 and Tu 134 took off from Moscow Domodedovo airport to Sochi and Volgograd. There was one female suicide bomber on board each of them. Almost simultaneously they set off explosions and both planes fell. All 90 people on the two planes were killed. Later, the leader of Chechen militants, Shamil Basayev, took responsibility for the attacks. He stated that organizing the explosions cost him $4 thousand.

In August 2002 The worst helicopter accident in the world occurred in Chechnya. An Mi-26 with military personnel on board was shot down by a missile. At the same time, the helicopter was overloaded twice, and even landed on a minefield. 127 people died.

In July 2001 Tu-154 crashed at Irkutsk airport. The pilot made a mistake while approaching to land. All 145 people died.

In October, a Russian Tu-154 flying from Tel Aviv crashed into the Black Sea. Everyone on board died - 77 people. The plane was accidentally shot down by a Ukrainian missile.

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