Bryoni Archipelago. Croatia

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And they are considered one of the most important and most significant attractions of the country.

A beautiful land like a legend

A well-known legend is associated with the origin of this magically beautiful corner of the world. Once upon a time, in time immemorial, God intended to create a semblance of Paradise on Earth, so that every mortal could see unearthly beauty in reality and experience happiness from its contemplation. This is how Istria came into being : like a Garden of Eden, covered with magnificent forests and endless meadows, surrounded on all sides by deep blue sea waters. But the evil devil decided to destroy the work of the Creator. He tore the canvas bag in which the angel carried the unused earthly paradise stones. At that same moment, thousands of rocks scattered across the land of Istria, turning it from a heavenly abode into a land of contrasts : refined and rough at the same time ; fertile, but in places deserted and barren ; sunny, but sometimes cloudy and stormy. Then the saddened angels decided to collect the pieces of Paradise that had been preserved among the rocks scattered throughout the lands of Istria and hide them from evil eyes among sea ​​waves. This is how it appeared Brijuni archipelago- one of the few truly heavenly places on Earth.

Geographical location of Brijuni

In fact, the islands are a continuation of the western part of the peninsula, the so-called "Red Istria". Scientists suggest that about 10,000 years ago the islands were an integral part of Istria. Their coastline strongly indented and 46.8 km long. The largest rocky islands are Veli Brijun(25.9 km²) and Mali Brijun(8.3 km²). except them Brijuni archipelago has 12 more islands with beautiful, romantic names: C-Mark, Gaz, Okrugljak, Supin, Supinić, Galija, Grunj, Vanga (Krasnica), Pusti (Madona), Vrsar, C-Jerome and Kozada (Krasnica).

The archipelago lies on limestone deposits interspersed with layers of red soil and porous brownish stone. The rocks on the island are mostly white, their structure resembles marble and abound in clay and silicon. The stone is very hard, and therefore the ancient Romans highly valued it as an excellent building material and widely used it in the construction of cities on the Adriatic. All buildings on Brioni, except for the White Villa, are built from this local wonderful white material.

Climate on the Brijuni Islands

The climate of the islands is practically no different from the rest west coast Istria with its temperate Mediterranean type. The abundance of sun and warm days, as well as high humidity, promotes the growth of rich vegetation. average temperature air in winter +6.3°C, in spring +12.2°C, in summer +22.2°C and in autumn +14.8°C. Sea temperature in summer is from +22 to +25°C.

This guarantees an extremely pleasant stay on the islands all year round, but it’s especially nice here in the summer. No wonder during the Roman Empire Brijuni archipelago was a famous resort and was visited by the Roman nobility. The attractiveness of the islands is also evidenced by the fact that the German king William II I've been here six times! A Yugoslav leader Marshal Josip Broz Tito founded a summer residence here and spent half of every year of his life in this magical corner.

Flora of the Brijuni Archipelago

Lush and varied vegetation is very important feature which does Brijuni archipelago even more valuable compared to other areas with a similar climate. On Veli Brijun island An extraordinary unity of natural and man-made beauty was achieved. The nature of the islands was not initially flawless. It took a lot of work to turn the archipelago into a beautiful landscape park with vast meadows. : drain swamps and clear forests of Mediterranean shrubs.

As a result of the painstaking work of many people, a unique landscape was created on the Croatian Adriatic coast. Here, along with the shady majestic relict oak forests and the tall, light, pine forest saturated with the aroma of pine needles, you can find about 650 species subtropical plants, including hollies, ash, laurel, palm, bamboo, eucalyptus, strawberry tree, turpentine tree, sequoia, rosemary and other exotic trees. If you happen to visit here on an excursion, you will definitely be shown an interesting specimen - long-lived olive tree. For 1600 long years, one generation of people replaced another, and the olive tree kept rustling with its crown, indifferent to both life and death, proud, majestic and beautiful!

It is interesting that on the islands some plant species that are on the verge of extinction in Istria and mainland Croatia grow widely and luxuriantly: sea ​​poppy, wild cucumber, some varieties of herbs.

Fauna of the Brijuni Islands

From time immemorial Brijuni were inhabited. Generations of people who inhabited them for thousands of years could not help but influence the fauna of the islands, regularly introducing many different animals into these blessed lands. For some species, this habitat initially turned out to be not entirely favorable, but gradually they took root thanks to the almost ideal conditions of the local microclimate. So, in 1893 they brought to the archipelago European hare, deer and mouflon. Today, their descendants walk through forests and parks Greater Brijun.

In the north of the island there is a fenced area of ​​9 acres where it was created Safari Park. It is inhabited by wild animals: Indian elephants, South American camels, zebras, antelopes, sacred cows, donkeys. This living creature is a “heritage” Josipa Broz Tito, who very often received as a gift live exotic souvenirs brought from different parts of the world by his many friends and eminent guests. Currently there is a special service running around the island. train for tourists, from the windows of which you can look at the inhabitants safari park. Those specimens that were unlucky enough to acclimatize ended up in the museum and are presented as stuffed animals. Among them were lions, giraffes, monkeys, tigers and many other exotic animals.

Rich enough here and world of birds. You can watch them without interference on the largest lake islands, which is overgrown with reeds and has become an excellent nesting place poultry, ducks, quails. Here you can find such rare bird species as great egret, black stork, bittern.

Underwater world in the waters of Brijuni

Coastal undersea world no less diverse than the fauna on land. Waters washing Brijuni Islands, represent a huge marine park plants and organisms typical of the northern Adriatic. The bottom abounds with blooming seaweed, sponges, mollusks, sea arrows, crustaceans and a variety of fish. The most numerous representatives of the ichthyofauna are groupers, gray mullet, conger eels, catfish, black umber. From time to time you can meet here sea ​​turtles and dolphins. In the waters surrounding Brijuni archipelago, there are also species included in Red Book. Off the coast Brijuni some species of underwater inhabitants were discovered that had not previously been found anywhere in the Adriatic, as well as some species unknown to scientists, such as soft coral Alcyonium brionense And sponges Ircinia variabilis fistulata.

History and sights of the Brijuni archipelago

Brijuni interesting both in natural and historical terms. Yes, on the island Veli Brijun The ruins of a Roman city from the second century BC have been preserved. Walking among the ruins of once beautiful villas, you can meet rainwater collection tanks, whose tightness has not been broken to this day, as well as many other interesting buildings: an old abandoned quarry with an artificial corridor and very high walls, Roman prison, Temple of Venus, Byzantine castrum, Basilica of St. Mary of the V-VI centuries, Church of St. German XV century.

Since 177 Brijuni Islands were in the power of the Romans, then passed to Byzantium and the Franks, and from 1331 they came under the control of Venice. At the end of the 19th century, they were acquired by the owner of an Austrian metallurgical enterprise. Paul Kupelwieser. At first he thought of using the acquired territories as a place for family vacation, having arranged something like a summer cottage there. But later his plans changed. Inspired by the romance of these magically beautiful places, Kupelwieser left matters related to the plant and devoted himself entirely to the islands. First of all, he decided to rid the area of ​​malaria mosquitoes. For this purpose, he invited the Nobel laureate bacteriologist to the islands Robert Koch. He coped with the task perfectly, spilling oil in the swamps, which led to the death of dangerous carriers of infection.

Three were built here hotelsBrioni, Karmen And Neptune, and also a 2 km long water pipeline was laid along the bottom of the sea, through which water from the continent was delivered to the islands. There were built sea piers, an indoor swimming pool with heated sea water, sports grounds, 80 km long walking and cycling paths, golf courses, hippodrome Kupelwieser I was not mistaken in investing my capital in this enterprise; it indeed turned out to be very profitable. Soon through his efforts Brijuni have become one of the most fashionable and visited European elite resorts. This prosperity lasted for quite a long time, but due to the constant rise in prices, the popularity holidays in Brijuni began to gradually decline and the islands ceased to bring profit to their owner. In 1930, son and heir Kupelwieser committed suicide, realizing that things were heading towards ruin.

After the end of World War II he founded his residence here Josip Broz Tito. By his order, subtropical vegetation was planted on the islands and a White Villa, where the marshal received high-ranking guests. It was here that Tito, Nasser and Nehru signed Brijun Declaration. Later, this document formed the basis for the creation of the non-aligned movement. During this period, the famous Safari Park and a museum of stuffed animals. After Tito's death, the islands gradually lost their role as a government seat and again became beautiful place relaxation for everyone who wants to have a good time.

Cost of excursions to Brijuni National Park

Excursion programs VELIKI BRIJUN (prices are in kuna)


7, 8


6, 9


4, 5, 10


1, 2, 3, 11, 12

Individual tourists


Children (4 - 14 years old)









Groups (min. 25 people)


Children (4 - 14 years old)









For guests of the Brijuni Hotel 15% discount

Individual guide (price per 1 hour tour)





Active holidays in Brijuni

Brijuni still remain a famous elite resort, comparable to the fashionable French Cote d’Azur. The staff makes every effort to make guests' stay on the island as interesting and enjoyable as possible. Tourists are offered 4 hotels and several villas. Here you can take long walks along the coast, swim in one of the most clean places Adriatic, deeply inhale the aromas of lush Mediterranean vegetation. In these places, every vacationer can find a pleasant activity for themselves during their vacation in accordance with their interests.

Guests of the island are expected exciting excursions, during which they will be able to see dinosaur tracks, learn about the life of coastal birds, meet rich underwater world of Brijuni, explore the ruins of ancient temples and baths, see Roman villa in Verige Bay, Castrum(I-II century BC), church Holy Virgin Maria(VI century).

Those who love our little brothers not in words, but in deeds, have the opportunity to take an active part in their lives on the territory of the reserve:

  • Bird friends will be able to become members of a team that determines and controls the number of birds on the island and studies them in natural conditions.
  • Fans of four-legged animals will be given the opportunity to admire wild animals up close, while feeding them, which is absolutely safe and usually does not cause unnecessary disturbance to either the animals or those who care for them.
  • Avid photographers will get a rare chance to take close-up, unique shots at memories of moments spent communicating with animals in the wild.
  • Horse lovers, with the help of professional grooms, will be able to take part in the morning care of these beautiful and noble animals (cleaning, feeding), and at the same time learn more about their needs, preferences and habits.
  • Fighters for cleanliness and environmental protection can join the ECO team and share their daily concerns about the wonderful park and its inhabitants.

Those who strive for self-improvement and health promotion will be introduced to ancient Indian medicine - Ayurveda which includes massage, aromatherapy using natural oils, cleansing the body, yoga, meditation. All of these techniques contribute to the overall strengthening of the body, and also stimulate the movement of blood and lymph, regulate the supply of nutrients to tissues, warm and relax muscles, regulate energy, and calm the body and spirit.

Active recreation enthusiasts have the opportunity to play golf, tennis And polo, do archery or diving, rent a bike, electric car, boat or yacht. It all depends on interests, preferences and financial capabilities.

Whatever you do during holidays in Brijuni, the extraordinary beauty of nature and the wonderful microclimate of the islands will leave unforgettable impression for life.

At the request of the moderator, I share my impressions and photographs from a visit to the Josip Broz Tito Museum in Croatia.

I was able to visit the museum of the Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito two years ago as part of an excursion to the islands of the Brijuni archipelago. Not that I went there specifically because of the museum, but the visit was definitely worth it. We learned a lot about Yugoslavia and its famous leader.

National Park Brijuni is located on an archipelago of 14 islands off the western coast of the Istrian peninsula. The park is famous for its subtropical climate and the fact that it housed the residence of the head of socialist Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito, and his makeshift zoo. Now there is also a Tito Museum there.

Excursion ships bring tourists to the central island of Great Brijuni. The museum was located very close to the embankment and was the first stop on the excursion program.

The main exhibits of the museum are memorable photographs from the life of the marshal. He was very fond of taking photographs, and he was visited by representatives of the authorities of many world powers. The photographs also capture Tito’s hobbies and interests, his life and activities here in Brijuni.

From the “barrel with a door” one could get into the leader’s wine cellar. Usually he did this - he made the guest guess how many bottles fit in this barrel. After the guests tried to guess and evaluate, he opened the door “to the barrel” and led the guests into a huge cellar, where there was many times more wine than could fit in it.

Tito loved to hunt.


He collected animals. The elephant in the photo is a gift from Gandhi. Many leaders gave him animals from their countries. Some of the animals still live on Brijuni.

Soviet guests.

With the Queen of England.

The guests here were not only politicians, but also people of culture and art, movie stars of those times.

In addition to photographs, we were able to capture few other exhibits. There were really few of them.
Drawings of the mega-yacht Galeb (aka "Seagull"). The ship is now purchased by an American billionaire living in France. At one time, Tito visited many countries on his beloved "Chaika".

old map with roads of Greater Brijuni.

Microscope. Apparently, it was used by the leader for agro-industrial research.

In the large hall hang plaques with images of the flags of countries with which Yugoslavia maintained diplomatic relations (read who stayed here on Brijuni).

Apparently it's the same on the map.

Some of the animals presented to the marshal have already died due to their short life cycle. They were stuffed and put on display in the Tito Museum as the final exhibition. I don't like stuffed animals.

After visiting the museum and all the stories from the guide, I developed a significant respect for the Yugoslav socialist leader, who was still almost unknown to me. True, I would like to see more exhibits here besides photographs, although in general they conveyed the atmosphere.

The leader's favorite Cadillac is now also located in Brioni.

In addition to the Tito Museum, on the island there is a mini-zoo that he inherited, ancient buildings from the time of the Roman Empire, a small Catholic church, Botanical Garden. There were a lot of impressions from visiting the island. If you are interested, you can see the full story about the trip to Brijuni

June 24, Thursday. Day 6 Today we are planning a trip to Croatian national park: Brijuni(Brijuni or Brioni), which is located on the island of Greater Brion (the southwestern coast of the Istrian peninsula).

Only yesterday we got a rented car, in which we enjoyed visiting the unusual town. Today we plan to explore more distant surroundings.

IN 9.45 departure from the hotel (near Porec). Let's head to the town Fazana(Fazana). Along the way we accidentally make a small detour, stopping at Pulu(Pula).

10.45 Having wandered a little around its outskirts and having driven 61 km from the hotel, we arrive at port. We easily find free parking nearby and go study the offers for delivering us to island.

It turns out that all private boat drivers can take us on a ship around the Brijuni islands, but without disembarking. This walk takes 2 hours. You can add swimming to this program on a small island nearby. Another extra 2 hours.

And to make excursion directly around the island, you need to contact your local tourist agency. Only they can sell tickets there. Contact us, it costs 200 kuna per person (28 euros), and they promise to provide Russian speaking guide. The boat departure time is at 13.45.

We have 1.5 hours of free time. Well, what can you do next to the sea, especially when the sun is shining wonderfully in the sky? Certainly, bathe. We get into the car and drive towards Pula. After about 3-5 km, we turn onto a side road leading to the sea. We approach a wild beach and a spontaneous parking lot.

It all looks like a wonderful clearing in which amazingly beautiful pine trees grow. There are no prohibitory or permitting signs. A few cars are parked right on the lawn in the shade of pine trees. We follow their example and approach the sea itself.

The water is clean, so transparent that you can see the bottom at very great depths.

In the sun's rays you can clearly see how it changes color from turquoise-green at shallow depths to blue and dark blue at deep depths. Swimming in such a calm and wild place is simply fabulous! And if you add to this the absolutely stunning pine aroma from the trees growing nearby, then words cannot even convey the beauty and power of these sensations!

After swimming and sunbathing a bit, we return to the port again Fazana(for some reason, again through Pula, it’s magnetized there or something). 😕 We still have half an hour to have a snack at a small port restaurant. Pancakes and tea are what you need before traveling to the protected island.

IN 13.45 loading on boat. Entrance is strictly by ticket, there are a lot of people. Seating There’s not enough for everyone, people are standing like they’re on a bus at rush hour. Fortunately, the journey to the island takes about 10-15 minutes (distance 3.5 km from the mainland). I wonder what kind of Russian guide they were talking about when such a crowd of multilingual tourists formed?

Everything becomes clear on the shore. All arrivals meet several people with signs on which the language in which the event will be held is written excursion. People are very quickly sorted into groups. Some guides immediately seat “their tourists” in electric train trailers and take them to different parts of the island. There are immediately fewer people.

The tour begins. Everything is quite interesting and informative.

Croatia's Brijuni Islands National Park is an archipelago consisting of 14 small islands.

The largest of them not so long ago (in the 20th century) was residence Croatian President Tito.

Currently, access here is allowed, but with certain restrictions. Only residents of several luxury hotels, people coming to play golf (need to be agreed in advance), as well as organized groups of tourists can stay here. Apparently, this is why private boats cannot moor to the island and disembark passengers there.

We started our inspection with parrot Koki, which is almost 50 years old.

He can speak Croatian, which he was not very willing to demonstrate to us. But as they say, he swears in this language very masterfully.

Next we went through beautiful garden with different trees, in which they tried with admiration to breathe in the magnificent air filled with the aroma of pine needles, laurel, flowering linden and many, many other unknown, but very tasty things.

After that we examined President's Cadillac weighing 3 tons. They say that it is still running and for 400 euros you will be happy to ride around the island in it for half an hour. As a last resort, you can just sit inside and take a photo for 50 kuna. There were no takers.

Then there was museum. On the ground floor there is a fairly large collection of stuffed animals that lived on this island or were presented to the president. All of them died at one time and now show off as stuffed animals. A sad sight. 😥 Probably, President Tito (at one time) was interested in looking at all this.

On the 2nd floor there is an exhibition of photographs of the president with various famous people of his time. There are also crowned heads, politicians, scientists, and artists.

Everything looks very nice and well maintained. The guide explained in detail what and where you can see.

First of all, this is, of course, nature. Lush vegetation, magnificent meadows, ancient oak trees (local species), the crown of which is 10-20 meters in diameter.

All this is well-groomed and trimmed, it looks very neat.

It turns out that this beauty on the island is being watched by some horned animals (deer, mouflons, etc.). They nibble grass from meadows, and eat the lower crown and foliage from trees. As a result, everything turns out very neatly. There are several hundred of them “working” here.

We stopped by Safari Park, which was assembled by President Titus. A rather pitiful sight appeared before us: several shabby ostriches, zebras, a lone elephant, and mostly local horned animals: goats, rams, etc.

The seagulls looked the best. But these were free birds, not tied to the reserve.

The most interesting was the story about local seals who lived in a fairly deep pool (now it is empty). So this couple (tired of such hopelessness) somehow miraculously jumped over the pool fence, then over the park fence and sailed into the Adriatic Sea! To be honest, we were very sorry that the other animals could not follow such an inspiring example.

After this we continued on our way to steam locomotive along the western coast of the island, where the original vegetation remains. We saw excavations of ancient buildings, an ancient olive tree (somewhere from the 4th century AD).

At the end of the 7-kilometer route on a tourist train, we visited an ancient quarry and a Catholic church, where a copy of an ancient stone slab with text in Glagolitic is kept. This concludes the tour of the island.

There were still almost 50 minutes left before the boat departed back (at 17.30). We asked the guide if we could swim here, she said of course. There is a hotel not far from the pier beach. For some reason it was written on the tickets, but the travel agency confirmed to us that swimming on the island is prohibited.

Rejoicing at this opportunity, we went to look for a secluded place for swimming.

We found an absolutely wonderful descent and entry into the water. The clearest green-turquoise water of the wonderful island happily refreshed us. And the warm rays of the evening sun dried it out.

IN 18.05 departed from Fazana(Fazana) home aside Porec. A small incident occurred here: my navigator, in the form of navigator Yulia, malfunctioned. By some incomprehensible way we rolled into the very center of the peninsula and reached Pazin. This unexpected route turned out to be, of course, a bit long (an extra 30-40 km), but very nice. 🙂

The entire road ran through green fields and forests. Occasionally there were small villages in which their inhabitants leisurely went about their daily affairs. From Pazin to Porec the road ran through a very picturesque and hilly area with absolutely stunning pine forests and a complete lack of signs human life. True, sometimes, completely unexpectedly, we came across restaurants or apartments.

19.35 arrived at the hotel.

Result of the day: 158 km.

We are starting to enjoy traveling in our rental car. Tomorrow we plan to leave our Istrian peninsula and see what awaits us on the mainland behind a multi-kilometer tunnel with a strange name.

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Brijuni Islands located in the northern part Adriatic Sea, not far from the west coast. This is one of the most elite resorts, which is a picturesque archipelago of 14 islands of different shapes and sizes. It is separated from the mainland by the Fazana Strait and is located 6 km from the city.


In the last century Brioni had a reputation exclusive place rest, where crowned heads, influential statesmen and richest people planets. Among the visitors to the resort at one time were: famous personalities like Nikita Khrushchev and Josip Broz Tito, who built a personal summer residence here to receive high-ranking guests. Now Briony's status has undergone minor changes. Financially wealthy people still vacation here, and prices for accommodation in a few hotels are close to exorbitant. The local infrastructure is adjusted in accordance with the social status of the guests. The hotels employ exclusively highly qualified staff, and the services provided are extremely diverse. Almost all tourism industry is centered on the main island of the archipelago called Veliki Brijun. Its flat surface is covered with subtropical vegetation, and the air is saturated with the smells of pine and cedar trees, the aromas of eucalyptus and rosemary. In addition to Greater Brijun, the archipelago has many other islands and coral reefs, and the largest landmass are also Lesser Brijun and Vanga. Since the autumn of 1983, the Brijuni Islands have been declared a national park.

general information

The area of ​​the archipelago is just over 36 square meters. km. There is no local population on the islands, but there are several luxury hotels and mansions for tourists. Time lags behind Moscow by 1 hour in summer and 2 in winter. Time zone UTC+1 and UTC+2 in the summer. Official website

A brief excursion into history

According to archaeologists, the first settlements arose on the islands approximately 3,000 BC and date back to the Bronze Age. IN different eras these lands belonged to the Illyrians, Celts, Romans, Ostrogoths, and Byzantines. Until the 19th century, stones were exclusively mined here for construction, and it was only in 1893, after the purchase of the archipelago by steel magnate Paul Kupelwieser, that Brijuni's fortunes changed dramatically. A progressive entrepreneur decided to build a resort complex with hotels, villas and green lawns on the main island. Painstaking work began on landscaping the area. However, soon a malaria epidemic intervened in the construction process, which was defeated only after the intervention of the famous doctor Robert Koch. As a token of gratitude, Kupelwieser ordered the erection of a monument to the doctor, and he himself continued the modernization of Brioni. Over time, transport links with the mainland were established, pedestrian paths were equipped, and comfortable hotel buildings with swimming pools and gardens for walking were erected. Soon, the resort became well known in high circles and since then it has had elite status.


The region has a mild, moderately humid climate. The average air temperature in summer is +23 degrees. The heat is practically not felt due to the pleasant sea breeze blowing from the Adriatic. Unlike mainland Croatia, rainfall is not uncommon here from June to August, although in general the weather is pleasant and comfortable with plenty of sunny days. The swimming season begins in Brijuni in May and lasts until October.

How to get there

Nearest populated area To the archipelago is the city of Fažana, located on the mainland. A few kilometers away is international Airport. To get to Brijuni, take a bus to seaport Fažany, and from there, during the day, approximately twice an hour, ferries run to Veliki Brijun.


The most convenient way to get around the island is by bicycle or a special mini-golf car. You can move between the islands using numerous yachts, boats and other water transport. Considering that the territory of the archipelago has the status of a nature reserve, they take environmental issues extremely seriously, so traditional buses and cars are not provided here.


The best beach of the resort, which has a small pebble surface, is called Minor and is located on the island of Mali Brijun, being an excellent place for swimming and sunbathing. It is equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas, and is also suitable for beach and water sports. Otherwise, the beaches of the archipelago have a rocky coastline, which is not very convenient for entering the water, although there are also wild, gently sloping sand and pebble areas.


The main advantages of Brijuni are its flora and fauna. Over the years, people have brought animals here and planted rare plants. As a result, over time, both of them adapted to the local microclimate, becoming part of this unique natural region. In total, about 600 species of various plants grow here, including groves of relict oak, strawberry tree, and sequoia. Among architectural structures The summer estate of Josip Broz Tito on Veliki Brijun stands out, as well as a number of well-preserved fragments of Roman-era buildings scattered throughout the archipelago. Not far from the central port of the resort, there are the churches of St. Herman and Roca. Next to Tito's estate there is a large zoo, replete with amazing natural landscapes. The underwater world of Brijuni is extremely rich and rich and diving enthusiasts have the opportunity to enjoy its beauty by diving in numerous bays.


All hotel buildings and villas rise along the coast of Greater Brijun and offer their guests a lot of entertainment. For fans aquatic species sports running Multifunctional Center, where in addition to rent necessary equipment, beginners can take lessons from professional instructors. There is also a golf club on the island with wonderful green lawns. There is a riding school.


Since the island is considered an elite holiday destination, all traditional amenities for guests are available directly in the hotels, so there are few restaurants and cafes at the resort. Among the culinary works, the menu is dominated by seafood, meat and vegetable dishes, various exclusive delicacies and drinks, and gastronomic products.


Shopping, as such, is not provided at the resort; all souvenirs and related products can be purchased in hotels and in local souvenir shops.

Despite the fact that anyone can visit Brijuni for a reasonable fee, only very wealthy people can afford to relax here, since one day of stay on the main island costs several hundred, or even thousands of euros.