Bank cards in Georgia - which ones are accepted? What currency should I use to travel to Georgia? Are there Sberbank ATMs in Georgia?

When we were planning an independent trip, we had a question: “What currency should I take to Georgia and is it profitable to cash out the card at an ATM?” I didn’t want to lose my honestly earned money on an exchange, so we conducted a small experiment, during which we determined the most profitable method for ourselves. I hope that our experience will help you figure out what money to bring to Georgia.

The paper currency of Georgia is called lari, kopecks are called tetri.

How much money to go to Georgia with?

  • Bring rubles and exchange them for lari upon arrival
  • Travel with hryvnias and exchange for lari upon arrival
  • Take euro/dollar and change it to lari upon arrival
  • Cash out your card at an ATM

Yes, yes, we had all this currency with us. We receive our income in rubles; we bought dollars before the trip, but hryvnia and euros were left over from the summer.

I want to say right away that there is no point in going to Georgia with hryvnia. There are very few exchangers that accept Ukrainian currency, and they exchange it at an unrealistically low rate. Things are the same with dollars and euros, so I will write using dollars as an example. In this article we will look at only 3 options in detail:

  • Carry dollars and buy Georgian currency on the spot
  • Travel to Georgia with rubles
  • Cash out your card at a local ATM


In Vladikavkaz, we bought $100 at the rate of 59.6, respectively, for the operation we paid 5,960 rubles. In Tbilisi they exchanged dollars at the rate of 2.40, it came out to 240 lari. There are a lot of exchange offices, especially in big cities, so buying Georgian currency will not be difficult. True, the exchange rate is slightly different, you need to go to a couple of banks and exchange money where the best offer is for the current day.


On the same day we exchanged 6,000 rubles. at the rate of 0.0402 and received 241 lari. To be fair, it’s worth subtracting 2 lari from the amount, since when buying dollars we spent 5,960 rubles, and here it’s 6,000 rubles. It turns out that if you spend the same amount in rubles, you get almost the same money. There are a lot of exchange offices where rubles are bought in Georgia. There will be no problems in tourist cities; almost every bank exchanges rubles for the Georgian currency.

Cash out via ATM

I don’t know what commission the ATM and the issuing bank charged for cashing out, so I’m counting everything together. For 500 lari, 13,458 rubles were debited from the card, it turns out that the operation took place at the rate of 0.037 (including commissions and other surcharges). And this is no longer so pleasant if you change the same rubles at an exchange office. Then we are from 13,458 rub. would have received 541 lari.

What currency to take to Georgia. Conclusion

In my opinion, cashing out money from a card that supports the national currency: rubles, hryvnia and others is categorically unprofitable. Depending on the payment system, the conversion takes place through the dollar or euro, and in the end you will receive much less money than you could.

What currency to take to Georgia is an individual matter, but personally, I prefer to go to Georgia with dollars/euros and exchange for lari upon arrival. To make the picture clearer, you can check the current GEL exchange rate on the day of your trip. Here is a list of the most popular banks in Georgia:

  • Bank of Georgia
  • Procredit Bank Georgia
  • LibertyBank Georgia
  • CartuBank Georgia

The network of branches of Sberbank PJSC is rapidly developing not only throughout the Russian Federation, but throughout all CIS countries. Therefore, the question of whether there is a Sberbank of Russia in Georgia can already be given a positive answer today. Sberbank strives to expand its horizons and become a full-fledged international organization, which is explained by the bank’s policies and the history of its development. Today, Sberbank branches are located in more than twenty countries around the world. But, as such, you won’t find the familiar Sberbank. On the territory of Georgia, VTB Bank is the legal successor of Sberbank. Therefore, Sberbank card holders can safely withdraw money from a VTB ATM in Georgia.

The key to the success of Sberbank PJSC

The success of the implementation of the policy of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation is confirmed not only by its promotion in the Russian banking services market, but also by the successful functioning of the network of branches throughout the CIS countries, including the Tbilisi branch. The top management of the Bank Group uses effective and modern management models, which contributes to the implementation of the tactical tasks and strategic goals of the bank. The management model formed by the financial organization has the following key characteristics:

  • Diversity of approaches to activity management;
  • Flexibility and dynamism in the prompt adoption and implementation of decisions by authorized Security Service employees;
  • Efficiency and cost-effectiveness of banking activities to optimize SB expenses.

All of these factors ensure the growth of Sberbank in the vast global economic space, including Georgia.

International development of Sberbank PJSC

Sberbank in Tbilisi gives advantages to all SB clients, both to indigenous residents of the Georgian republic and to travelers and tourists. Sberbank cards are accepted by many institutions, so you can withdraw funds from almost any ATM or at a bank cash desk. However, the territory of Georgia is heterogeneous and, along with large metropolitan areas, there are still small mountain villages. That is why, thanks to the Tbilisi branch of Sberbank, you can cash out personal funds from your account on favorable terms and use this money throughout Georgia, including small towns and villages.

In a large metropolis - in Tbilisi or Batumi - there is no need to have a sufficient supply of cash at your disposal, because you can pay with a card at any institution that owns a POS terminal for accepting payment cards with a chip, magnetic stripe and contactless cards.

In addition, the Savings Bank of Russia offers its clients a system of bonuses in the form of cashback on the amount of the transaction, which is an additional advantage in favor of using a Sberbank card rather than cash. Thanks to the service of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, it is also possible on Georgian soil not only to carry out current monetary transactions, but also to receive funds from a deposit opened in 1990 at the address st. G. Chanturia 14, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. (VTB bank)

An excerpt from the official Sberbank website can be seen in the photo:


Thus, the branch of Sberbank in Georgia allows its clients to receive high-quality banking services outside the Russian Federation, resolve their financial issues on a daily basis and receive assistance from the best bank on the market. Also, the functioning of Sberbank in the CIS countries, including Georgia, makes it possible to improve the financial performance of the organization itself, which is a guarantee of the stability and quality of the financial institution not only for clients, but also for shareholders and investors. The Sberbank Group cares about its clients and partners, therefore it constantly introduces effective loyalty programs - in Georgia the bank provides the opportunity to withdraw cash on favorable terms, pay for goods and services by card and, in addition, receive bonuses for this.

Bank cards in Georgia

In Georgia, you can withdraw money from ATMs (lari and dollars) without fear of being scammed. The conversion rate is set by your bank. The most popular banks: Bank of Georgia (Bank of Georgia), TBC and Liberty Bank. For ardent fans of domestic banks, VTB operates in both Tbilisi and Batumi. True, when exchanging dollars/rubles for lari, VTB card holders are unlikely to feel any difference or any special advantages. Quite the contrary.

If the card currency is not dollar, then withdrawing money will most likely be unprofitable due to double conversion (ruble/dollar => dollar/lari). That's why I have . It's simple.

Are cards accepted in Tbilisi?

Yes, many places. You can pay with a card in almost all restaurants and cafes in the city, in all large supermarkets, pharmacies, gas stations and more or less normal hotels.

Where are cards not accepted?

In private guest houses, on public transport, in small shops (including souvenir shops), and in markets, payments are only possible in cash in lari. Homemade wine can only be purchased from guest house owners in cash.

If you are planning a trip around Georgia with stops in small towns or, especially, in the mountains, it would be better to withdraw cash from the card in advance or change the currency to lari. Cards are accepted much less frequently in the regions than in Tbilisi or Batumi.

ATMs in Georgia

There are two types of fees when withdrawing cash from an ATM. The first is the commission of the bank that issued the card. Here you need to look at the tariffs of your bank. For example, Tinkoff does not have it when withdrawing from 3 thousand rubles. (or equivalent in another currency). The second is the commission of the bank, the owner of the ATM. It's more difficult here. You need to know in advance which bank does not charge a commission for cash withdrawals in Georgia itself. So here it is. Georgian banks (owners of ATMs) that definitely do not charge commissions from their side: TBC, Liberty bank and Bank of Georgia. This is from my personal experience.

Bank cards in Georgia - which ones are not accepted?

There were rumors on the Internet that some payment systems are not accepted in Georgia. This is wrong. Visa, Mastercard, and even Chronopay are accepted without any problems. There may be problems with the cards of the Russian payment system "Mir", but so far no one has had such experience and there is nothing to talk about.

Should I take cash and how much?

If you're not comfortable with cards, then you can't live without cash. But, if there is, then there is no point in taking them with you. It is better to divide the total budget (money for on-site expenses) into two parts using the 50/50 formula. Leave half on the card and withdraw the other half in lari from an ATM.

What currency to travel to Georgia with?

U.S. dollars. No options. More precisely, whatever one may say, this is the most profitable option. Theoretically, euros and even rubles can also be exchanged, but the exchange rate will be worse compared to the dollar.

What currency should Russians take to Georgia?

If you are afraid of bank cards like hell, then take US dollars. Rubles cannot be changed everywhere.

National currency of Georgia

Lari. 1 lari = 100 tetri. Officially, all payments on the territory of Georgia take place in lari. Unofficially, you can pay in dollars. As a rule, this can be renting an apartment, taxi services, or traveling around Georgia with local residents.

Exchange rates in Georgia today

I check the exchange rate of the lari to the ruble, dollar or euro. This is a very simple and convenient calculator.

Currency exchange in Georgia

I never use exchangers. To be honest, I don’t understand why they are needed now..? just about the fact that now there are normal bank cards with which you can withdraw cash without a fee for withdrawal at any ATM in the world (!) and with minimal losses for conversion (rubles => lari), and therefore the need to carry cash with you and the problem of running around looking for favorable exchange rates for me personally now does not exist at all.

For those who like to run around exchange offices and practice math while standing in front of a cash register trying to understand the logic in the indicated numbers, I can give one piece of practical advice - look for them away from popular tourist spots. So, the chances that the course will be profitable will be much greater. By the way, both, and, and even have their own exchange offices and the rates there, surprisingly, are not much worse than the city ones. I checked this when I arrived.

Exchange office in Batumi

My bank cards


Tinkoff debit card - free cash withdrawals worldwide


Unlike a credit card, it is best to withdraw cash from a debit card. The trick with Tinkoff debit cards is that you can do this absolutely free at any ATM in the world. In this case, the amount must be at least 3000 rubles. or equivalent.

How to calculate the equivalent in lari? Recently, Tinkoff debit cards can be multi-currency. For example, you can open an additional account in Georgian lari and link it to an existing ruble card. It's free.

The main advantage is the clear limits on free cash withdrawals (you don’t need to mentally convert rubles to lari while standing at an ATM). Now the limit is from 100 (which at the current exchange rate is 20% better than the ruble equivalent of 3,000 rubles) to 5,000 lari per billing period. The main disadvantage is the lack of cashback when paying. There is no interest here remainder.

That is, an additional account in lari is good only for withdrawing cash. It is better to make payments in rubles - because of the cashback in rubles, respectively.

Billing tariff in lari

The Tinkoff debit card (click the link for 3 months of free service as a gift) is an excellent card for Russia, plus a good conversion rate for travel. Free service (subject to conditions), 1% cashback on all transactions, 5% on selected categories and up to 6% on account balance. We recently added 10% cashback for hotel bookings and car rentals through

If you open a deposit in the amount of 50,000 rubles (insured by DIA), the service is free for the entire term of the deposit. Follow the link and the bonus is 0.5% of the deposit amount at a time when you replenish it for the first time.

Free Corn card - Central Bank rate for all purchases

Screenshot from the official website Corn


  • issued free of charge upon presentation of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in any Svyaznoy
  • free annual maintenance
  • free push notifications for all transactions
  • conversion GEL=>USD at the Mastercard rate, USD=> RUB at the Central Bank rate - i.e. as good as it gets
  • commission for cross-border payment 0% (i.e. payment for purchases (services) at the Central Bank rate)
  • commission for withdrawals from ATMs in Georgia and the world in the amount of up to 50,000 rubles per month* - 0 rubles (in this case, the ATM must have a MasterCard icon, and the card must have the "interest on balance" service activated - free, but a small amount is reserved on the account - 259 rub.)
  • bonus rubles accumulate, which can then be exchanged for a discount in Perekrestok stores

Until the final write-off, Corn still reserves +5% of the purchase amount for some time. This is done due to the instability of the course itself. Ultimately, the amount will be written off at the Central Bank exchange rate on the day of the final write-off (in my experience, about 2-3 days after the transaction was completed). Because of this, the difference can be either greater or less. Exchange rates are unpredictable.

* UPD:On March 1, 2017, Kukuruza changed the rules and increased the maximum amount of free cash receipts from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. per month. But, at the same time, she set a limit on the minimum amount of free withdrawal - no less than 5,000 rubles. If you withdraw less, they take a commission of 100 rubles. for each withdrawal. This is only when the “interest on balance” service is activated. If you don’t connect, then 100 rubles. They'll write it off anyway.

Plus, now, to avoid a monthly commission of 70 rubles. (appearsafter activation of the "interest on balance" service) you must either pay her for purchases in the amount of at least 5,000 rubles. per month, or keep the same amount on the card constantly.

Sellers may try to force a purchase to get a free card - don’t be fooled. That is, when you activate the “interest on balance” service, the card should be issued free of charge, but they will ask for 259 rubles. This money is not written off, but frozen. They can be returned. To do this, you need to come with your passport and disable the service in Svyaznoy (when the card is no longer needed). You don’t have to connect anything (it will only affect free cash withdrawals) - then you just need to top up your card with 100 rubles, which will appear in your account. All.

The promo code is still valid now FRPFOFK9V. He gives 300 bonus rubles. You need to apply for a card, install the mobile application, enter a promotional code (you have 7 days to do this) and pay for any purchase with the card (you have 30 days to do this).

In total, if everything is done correctly, the total losses for receiving, servicing and using the card during the trip will be 0 rubles 0 kopecks. The main thing is that payment for all purchases (services) in Georgia and around the world will be at the Central Bank rate.


Tinkoff All Airlines credit card - the best for travelers

Screenshot from the official Tinkoff website

Main advantages:

  • There is still a freebie from the bank - 1000 rubles in miles as a gift when registering using this link and purchasing over 1000 rubles
  • 10% points for hotel bookings and car rentals*
  • 5% points for purchasing air and train tickets*
  • 2% cashback points for any card purchases
  • 1 mile = 1 ruble
  • You can pay with points any air ticket any airline
  • free travel insurance for a year

*The nuance is that you can receive the specified percentage only when booking on the website Otherwise, cashback for tickets will be 3%, and for a hotel only 2%.

It is important to understand that withdrawing cash from a credit card is wrong - it is only for purchases. There is an interest-free period of 55 days for this. Annual maintenance of 1,890 rubles is covered by travel insurance for a year, which comes with the card free of charge. The main advantage is a quick way to earn miles for a free ticket.

  • If bank cards are not for you: exchange rubles for dollars at home (in Russia), and dollars for lari in Georgia. This is less profitable than bank cards (2 conversions at unfavorable rates of the exchangers themselves), but, probably, for some it is easier.
  • It is better to look for favorable exchange rates away from tourist areas. You can also change money at the airport, but preferably a small amount - enough for transport.
  • P.S.

    Friends, thank you for reading the article to the end. If you found it useful, you can thank me by simply sharing this post on social networks.

    I wish you no bank commissions!
    Sergei Prokhorov

    What currency should I take with me?

    Do I need to first change my money into euros or dollars and take it to Georgia? It is not worth specifically exchanging your currency for dollars, taking them, and then exchanging them in Georgia for lari - the losses on double conversion may be greater than the imaginary benefits. Another question - if you already have euros or dollars (left over, for example, from your last trip), then, of course, feel free to take them - the lari exchange rate fluctuates and is always in favor of foreign currency - you can even win a little on the difference. It is better to change money in Tbilisi or other large cities (Kutaisi, Gori, Telavi), since the exchange rate is more favorable. In tourist places (at ski resorts, for example), the rate is worse, sometimes quite noticeably.

    Russian rubles, Ukrainian hryvnia, Belarusian rubles, Armenian drams, Azerbaijani manats, etc. are accepted for exchange in large cities without any problems.

    Card or cash?

    In all major cities, as well as at gas stations, supermarkets, restaurants and hotels, Visa and Master Card bank cards are accepted. In almost all popular resorts (both sea and ski), there will also be no problems with the map. In remote rural areas and small non-tourist towns, cafes and home-type hotels, cash payments are predominantly accepted.
    When traveling, you need cash in any case - to buy fruits and vegetables (of course, not in supermarkets), souvenirs, pay in public transport or taxis, etc.

    In Georgia, you can use any bank card - Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, etc. Not only for non-cash payments, but also to withdraw money from any ATM without any problems. In this case, your balance will be displayed in local currency; you can withdraw lari or dollars, regardless of the currency of your account. It is worth remembering the bank commission for cash withdrawals. It is set by your bank. It is better to calculate the required amount for the trip and cash out 1-3 times per trip.
    The ideal option, of course, would be a dollar card - both withdrawing money and paying with such a card is most profitable.

    • How to receive funds from a deposit opened in 1990 on the territory of Ukraine or another republic that was part of the former USSR?
    • I opened deposits in 1990 in Kazakhstan. How and where are compensations paid for these deposits opened in Soviet times?

    In accordance with the Federal Law of May 10, 1995 No. 73-FZ “On the restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation”, the restoration and preservation of the value of monetary savings created by citizens of the Russian Federation is guaranteed by placing funds on deposit in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (formerly State labor savings banks of the USSR operating on the territory of the RSFSR; Russian Republican Bank of Sberbank of the USSR; Sberbank of the RSFSR) in the period until June 20, 1991.

    Restoration of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation placed in deposits in institutions of the USSR Savings Bank that operated on the territory of other republics that were part of the USSR and became sovereign states with the collapse of the USSR is not provided for in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The procedure for payment of deposits made before 1992 on the territory of states that were part of the former USSR, as well as compensation for these deposits, is regulated by the legislative acts of these states.

    Please note that during this period:

    • Republic of Abkhazia was part of the Georgian SSR,
    • Crimean ASSR was part of the Ukrainian SSR,

    in connection with which, for clarification on issues related to the payment of compensation for deposits placed as of June 20, 1991 in the Savings Bank of the USSR on the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia and the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, you should contact the successor banks of the respective states.

    State name

    Name of the successor bank of Sberbank of the USSR