Do I need a visa to Tunisia and how to get it? Visa for work in Tunisia. Penalties for violating the visa regime in Tunisia

Do I need a visa to sunny Tunisia? This is a pressing question for Russians, Belarusians and residents of other post-Soviet countries who come here. This is one of the most hospitable countries African continent, which has a very loyal regime for welcoming visitors from the CIS countries. Anyone who comes here for tourist purposes does not have to worry about obtaining a special permit. Well, those who want to stay on this land longer can quickly and inexpensively obtain a permit.

Today, Russians do not require a visa to Tunisia. You can only enter the territory of this African state with a foreign passport. Moreover, since 2015, the visa-free period of stay here has been increased from 15 days to 3 months. You can come here for a whole season on vacation with complete peace of mind. This land is very attractive for Kazakhstanis and other immigrants from the USSR. It's hospitable here local residents, beautiful beaches and amazing sea, well-developed infrastructure.

Legislative changes

So, since 2015, a Tunisia visa is not needed for Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians, that is, it is included in, and Russians. Entry into this highly developed country of the Arab world has become unhindered and free. Until the changes were made, organized tourist groups were allowed into the country, who had planned a trip outside their homeland in advance. It was necessary through travel agency find, book and pay tourist trip. Upon arrival, the tourist was required to present a paid resort voucher, which confirmed payment for the hotel stay, booked tour and other tourist activities.

Use simplified visa-free regime Only those citizens who arrived directly from Russia to Tunisia could. All other immigrants from the CIS had to take care of registration in the state. Permission was required for all guests who planned their vacation independently or traveled via transfer routes.

But, despite the legal requirements, at the border checkpoint they were quite loyal to this class of tourists. They could be given stamps allowing entry even without presenting permits. All visitors were treated equally well, without attaching much importance to the circumstances of the guests' arrival. Whether tourists arrived directly from Moscow or made transfers, whether they bought a ticket in advance or found a hotel on the spot, was of little interest to the Tunisian authorities.

Such a loyal attitude was favorable for the Russians. Even tourists are “savages” who did not plan to stay in resort complexes, could easily enter this state. Confirmation of reservation and air ticket was enough to cross the border. Thus, the changes made to the legislative framework became a logical explanation for the situation that has recently developed in this tourist region.

And recently, people from the CIS no longer have to worry about whether Russians or Ukrainians need a visa to Tunisia, since they were allowed unimpeded entry into the republic and extended their stay on such grounds for up to 3 months. Changing laws to make entry easier for visitors has made Tunisia even more attractive tourist region for visitors from Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Tunisia is wonderful beach holiday without visas

What do you need to prepare?

Since the end of 2014, changes have been made to immigration legislation. Thus, in 2017, a foreign passport will be sufficient to enter this African state. Moreover, the requirements for such a document are not high, the main thing is that it is valid for at least 3 months at the time of crossing the border. Both biometric and regular old passports are valid here.

Upon arrival with your child, you must present a birth certificate. Additionally, care should be taken to ensure that information about minor citizens is included in parental passports. If children enter the country with one of their parents/guardians, they must also present a notarized permission to travel abroad from the other parent/guardian.

When a group trip for children is planned, the form contains the details of the group organizer, to whom each parent gives permission to take the child outside the homeland. Minors can travel on their own; to do this, both parents must obtain the appropriate permit.

A visa to Tunisia is not required for Russians, but all other requirements remain the same. In particular, they, like other foreign citizens, will need to fill out a migration form. There is no need to prepare it in advance: the questionnaire in free access can be obtained locally and, as a rule, there are no difficulties with filling.

Well, of course, if it is important for a tourist to complete the registration procedure as quickly as possible, then you can figure out the specifics of filling it out during the flight. Flight attendants can provide passengers with both the printed form itself and assistance in filling it out.

Basic requirements for filling out the form:

  • information is entered in Arabic characters or with Latin letters;
  • Filling in blue and black ink is allowed;
  • the questions in the questionnaire are written in three versions, namely in Arabic, French and English;
  • A separate copy of the card must be provided for each member of the family or group.

Cost of registration of entry and exit

Since visiting guests do not need to pay a fee, you can count on the fact that entry into the republic will not be accompanied by significant costs. The situation with travel is somewhat different and more expensive. When a tourist crosses the border, returning home, they will be required to pay a tax fee, on average 1,200 Russian rubles.

All funds collected within the framework of this program are directed to the development of the tourism industry in the region. If the experts are not mistaken in their calculations, then in 2017 they will earn about $70 million from this duty. A special travel stamp, the official cost of which is $17.65, is freely available and can be purchased at any hotel. You can also pay the required amount to the border guards at the time of departure, and they will issue a stamp that is pasted into your passport.

Work and student trip

How are things going with coming here to work or study?

A work visa is issued to a category of citizens whose purpose of arrival is self-employment in the republic or arrival at the invitation of an employer. If a company is interested in a qualified employee, then it can do the registration itself. Often, the inviting party can present a visa at the border or at the airport.

This is what a visa to Tunisia looks like

Upon arrival in the republic for a scientific conference or training camp, as well as to look for work, you will have to apply for a permit yourself. Geologists, bankers, economists and medical personnel enjoy some benefits here. This category of professions is in demand, and accordingly the country is interested in their arrival and employment. These people can work here on a visa-free basis.

To obtain a work visa you will additionally need:

  • employment contract (original and copy);
  • a document confirming the fact of registration of the employer in the republic;
  • copies of documents that can confirm qualifications and education. You should take IDs, certificates, diplomas with you;
  • invitation from the receiving party.

Student Permit

The level of education in the Tunisian state has the highest indicators on the African continent. There are 26 higher educational institutions operating here. Some diplomas have an international quote. An attractive resort area is ideally combined with a high level of education, making the country attractive not only for tourists, but also for students. Initially, the student is required to complete visa permit for a long stay. Once your visa has expired, you can apply for a residence permit.

To obtain a visa, an entering citizen must provide:

  1. A confirmation letter from the university, which indicates the fact of enrollment in a certain department. It should also contain information about the duration of study and enrollment conditions.
  2. Sometimes proof of certain knowledge may be required. Certificate or diploma.

In addition, a visitor planning long stay, must provide to the consulate:

  1. Foreign passport, its copies with the applicant’s personal data.
  2. A copy Russian passport, with a registration page.
  3. 2 photos for documents.
  4. Additional documents upon request of the consul.

Once you are convinced that a visa permit to enter the Tunisian state is not required, and the price of tourist tours here is as reasonable as possible, you can safely plan a trip for a vacation or seasonal stay. The ecological situation, landscapes, level of comfort, and cost contribute to a fruitful vacation.

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The answer to the question of whether a visa is needed to visit Tunisia will make many Russians happy. The borders of the Tunisian Republic are open for citizens of the Russian Federation. However, visa-free stay is limited by certain factors. You will learn about the conditions under which a visa to Tunisia is not required from our article.

Our compatriots do not need to apply for a visa to Tunisia. A state located on the Mediterranean shores North Africa, has long opened its borders to Russians. Moreover, since the end of 2014, entry into the Arab state has been significantly simplified.

Visitors from the Russian Federation no longer need to receive a voucher from a tour operator. When crossing the border, it is enough to present your passport. It must be good for at least 3 months after the end of the tour. In exceptional cases, a foreigner may be asked to show a confirmed and paid ticket home.

The second condition for visa-free entry is a limited time of stay. A visa to visit an Islamic country is not required unless the visit lasts longer than 3 months. If the travel period is 91 days or more, a visa is required. If you exceed the visa-free stay limits, you will have to pay a fine.

Note to tourists! Before visiting the republic, it is recommended to check your medical insurance and make sure that it includes necessary services(in particular, by express call to a doctor).

Voyage with a child

Traveling to the North African republic with children does not require special documents. An entry about the minor in the parent's passport is sufficient. Or you can register a separate foreigner for the child.

If a young tourist visits Tunisia without mom and dad, it is necessary to prepare consent for the trip from the parents. The paper is certified by a notary. If the child travels with his father/mother, permission is written by the parent who remains at home. The document is also notarized.

Subtleties of departure and entry

Every time a foreigner crosses the Tunisian border, he fills out an entry-exit card. Information from this card is entered into the unified system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There is no need to specifically look for the document form. The form will be given to you on the plane or you will be asked to fill it out at the airport. The information on the card is written in English or French, and if you know Arabic, in this language. The tear-off spine of the card should be kept until the end of the tour and shown upon departure.

Crossing the border of a Mediterranean state has other nuances:

  1. Both export and import are allowed:
  • 1 l. alcohol from 25°;
  • 2 l. alcohol up to 25°;
  • 200 cigarettes.
  1. The export and import of dinars is prohibited.
  2. Both export and import of currency will have to be declared at customs if its equivalent is equal to or exceeds 10 thousand dinars (approximately $5 thousand).
  3. Tourists and all other non-residents declare imported currency if the amount of planned export subsequently equals or exceeds the equivalent of 5 thousand dinars (about $2.5 thousand).
  4. Previously, upon departure, travelers were charged a tax of 30 dinars. But a few years ago this fee was abolished.
  5. Israeli visas and passport stamps will not be an obstacle to visiting the Arab power.

Features of your stay

For any purpose of visiting a North African state, you should always carry a passport or other document that confirms your nationality. If you lose your passport, you must immediately contact the police and file a corresponding statement. It is also necessary to inform the Russian Embassy in the Mediterranean country using emergency telephone numbers. A person who has lost his passport will need to obtain a return certificate from the diplomatic mission.

Tunisia visa

If you need a visa for a tour to Tunisia, you will have to request it in advance. In particular, the document will be needed for the following purposes of visiting the state:

  • during transit to a third country;
  • when arriving by land from states neighboring Tunisia;
  • for a long visit (from 3 months);
  • when traveling related to employment or study.

Registration procedure

To open an entry document, the inviting individual or legal entity submits a written request with the appropriate content. The letter is sent to a unit of the Tunisian Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the application is approved, the Tunisia visa applicant submits a package of papers to the diplomatic mission of the Islamic power. The list of documentation includes:

  1. Application form (to be filled out in French or English, and if you speak Arabic - in this language).
  2. A passport valid for at least 3 months after the expiration date of the visa. Additionally, you should photocopy pages with personal data and registration.
  3. Photo card 30 by 40 mm or 35 by 45 mm.
  4. Financial guarantees (if necessary).
  5. Confirmation of the purpose of the visit:
  • voucher or hotel reservation, as well as round-trip tickets (for a tourist trip);
  • invitation from the host and return tickets (for private or business trips);
  • employment contract and confirmation of qualifications, as well as details of the host organization (for travel for the purpose of employment);
  • an invitation from an educational institution, if necessary, supplemented with documents on existing education (for a trip related to obtaining an education);
  • tickets and, if required, a visa to a third country (for transit travel).

Papers can be sent by mail or submitted in person. There is no need to register for an appointment. Each application and accompanying documents are reviewed within 3–7 days.

Visa cost

How much a visa costs depends on the age of the recipient. Entry paper for an adult will cost about 5 thousand rubles. If the document is requested for a child under 12 years old, you will have to pay less - 3.5 thousand rubles. If you need transit visa, its price for all applicants will be about 1.3 thousand rubles. Money for any type of visa is paid when submitting your application.

It is important to know! Children under 6 years old are issued a Tunisian visa free of charge.

Russians practically do not enter Tunisia with a visa, limiting themselves to 3 months of visa-free stay. If an entry document is required for your trip, it is recommended to check the latest information about its registration at the embassy of the republic. The diplomatic department operates in Moscow, on Malaya Nikitskaya, 28/1.

Not necessary if your stay in the country is no more than 3 months, if the purpose of the visit is:

  • tourism;
  • transit;
  • a trip to relatives, friends, acquaintances.

In other cases, you must obtain a visa permit.

Travel for less than 90 days

Recently, the period for visiting Tunisia as a person was limited to 14 days, later it became 30 days, and has now been extended for Russians in 2017 to 3 months.

When leaving Russia at the border, you must present the following documents:

  1. Valid passports for each family member, including children.
  2. When traveling with the children of one of the spouses, a notarized permission of the other is required. If the child is accompanied by a third party, consent signed by both parents.

At passport control Upon arrival, a visa to Tunisia is not required for Russians. You will need to present the following documents:

  • A foreign passport valid until the end of the holiday and three months after the end of the trip.
  • Migration card issued by the flight attendant or posted at the airport counter. By filling out the card on the plane, you will save time when processing entry, and the help of a flight attendant will help you do this without errors. A registration card must be presented for each family member, including children. The questions in it are formulated in three languages ​​(English, French and Arabic), the answers are written in Latin, block letters. The card will remain under control, you will receive a tear-off coupon, which you will hand over to the border guards when leaving Tunisia.
  • Return tickets confirming the intention to return home on time.

There are no fees upon entry. Upon departure, a fee is paid, confirmed by a special stamp, the cost of which is about 18 dollars. You can purchase it at a hotel, bank, or airport. The number of stamps must correspond to the number of passports presented to control. Stamps are pasted into international passports and stamped. The proceeds go to the development of the state's tourism industry.

Taking into account the strict laws of Islam, our compatriots are advised to respect the way of life and rules of conduct in in public places. Pay special attention to clothing.

Do Russians need a transit visa to Tunisia in 2017?

No, today there is no need to draw up such a document.

Recently, a transit permit was mandatory, and it allowed Russians to stay in the country for 7 days. It cost less than tourist visa, giving Russian tourists the opportunity to see the sights.

According to the new rules, crossing Tunisian borders in both directions to visit neighboring countries is not limited.

Visa application

The need for special permission to visit Tunisia in some cases remains.

Such reasons may be:

  • tourist or guest stay in the territory for more than 3 months;
  • education;
  • business, work trip.

Tunisia attracts those wishing to study in the country. For such a trip to Tunisia you need a visa.

The future student should:

  1. Enter a university (college).
  2. Receive a training challenge.
  3. Prepare certificates of education already received.

In addition to the listed documents, the following must be submitted to the visa department of the embassy:

  • International passport valid for the entire period of study.
  • Photocopy of Russian passport.
  • Questionnaire.
  • Photo.
  • Documents upon additional request of the embassy.
  • Round trip tickets if required.

The length of time for which a visa is issued is considered individually depending on the duration of study. A one-time visa extension is possible for a period not exceeding the validity of the permit itself. If a longer stay is required, a request for a temporary residence permit is submitted. The residence permit is issued for a year with the right to be renewed several times; after some time, the renewal interval will be increased to 2 years.

Do Russians need visas to Tunisia for a business trip or for employment in the country?

Travel carried out Russian citizen if the Tunisian side is interested (business, scientific or other partnership), it can be as comfortable as possible for our compatriot, since the receiving party will help with the documents, sometimes fully preparing them and delivering the issued visa to Tunisia to the airport.

Considering the pace of development of the tourism business, workers are required in this industry, which is attractive to Russian citizens who want to find work there. Tunisians also willingly invite our doctors, teachers and other qualified specialists to work. In this case Work Visa needed in Tunisia.

To obtain it, the list of necessary documents indicated above must be completed:

  • A call from the employer;
  • Employment contract;
  • Document on the employer's activities;
  • Documents on education and qualifications.

Cost and time frame for preparing a permit

The cost of a visa to Tunisia has decreased significantly. More recently, to obtain a permit you had to pay 5,000 rubles for an adult, 3,500 for a child aged 6–12 years. This year the procedure costs about 2,000 and 1,000 rubles, respectively. Children under 6 years old are issued a permit free of charge.

The time for consideration of the application and preparation of documents does not exceed 7 days. If you have a ticket with open date departure and it is not yet known when you are traveling to Tunisia, it is advisable to collect Required documents, take them to the consulate in advance. The time from obtaining a visa to making a trip should not be more than a month.

Staying longer than the permitted period is equivalent to illegal residence without a visa and is a violation of the law, for which penalties are imposed. You will have to pay 320 rubles for each overdue week.

Additional Information

Customs rules impose restrictions on the transport of certain things across the border. It is prohibited to import into the country:

  • drugs;
  • medications (without medical confirmation);
  • objects dangerous to the life and health of others.

There are restrictions on alcoholic beverages (strong drinks no more than 1 liter) and cigarettes (no more than 20 packs).

Carpets, ceramics, antiques and jewelry are exported only with a sales receipt from the store. Animals, plants, and seeds cannot be exported.

It is prohibited to transport national currency across the border in both directions. Purchasing money for basic needs and exchanging surplus before departure is possible at the airport.

Russian tourists are welcome guests in Tunisia. Just look at the increase in the period of visa-free stay and estimate how much a visa to the country costs today.

Do not ignore safety issues in the region. The authorities have strengthened controls and measures to protect the health and lives of guests. But the situation in the country is still unstable.