Where to have a cheap holiday at sea this summer? Inexpensive sea tickets.

If you miss the sea, then Abkhazia and Georgia can be an excellent alternative to Turkey and Egypt in terms of money and visa policy. The abundance of fruits, the warm sea and the absence of a language barrier will definitely appeal to Russian tourists. Besides beach holiday these countries can offer travelers a rich excursion program, as well as popular gastronomic tours with tastings.

Residents of the northern regions of the central region of the country can be advised ferry tours to Norway, Sweden and Finland. Such a trip can be quite budget-friendly if you think about a summer vacation in the spring. If you still haven’t decided where to go abroad in 2016, then you can plunge into a Scandinavian fairy tale without hesitation.

Majestic fjords, huge waterfalls, clean air, complete unity with nature, as well as the opportunity to watch the summer solstice will conquer even the most seasoned travelers. Moreover, in the summer months the weather on the Scandinavian Peninsula can become quite favorable for tanning.

The most affordable for a beach holiday in Europe can be considered Bulgaria, Montenegro and Albania. Here tourists will receive crystal clear seas, a fairly high level of service, and will also be able to appreciate health resorts.

Active youth can safely choose to relax Barcelona and Valencia in Spain, and to reduce housing costs, use the famous couchsurfing. With a Schengen visa, you can travel around the whole of Europe, significantly saving your budget. However, to do this, it is advisable to know English or the national language of the host country in order to interact with the local population. In return, travelers receive a ton useful information about the most interesting sights, budget cafes and restaurants with truly delicious cuisine and get to know the culture of the country in more detail.

The proposed and any other countries will not be able to completely replace Turkey and Egypt. Therefore, the question of where to go to the seaside in the summer of 2016 is so popular among tourists and requires an individual approach. You can not limit yourself to a specific list of countries, but subscribe to newsletters from major tour operators and airlines. Also, do not forget about discounts and special offers for tours during the off-season. This way, you can easily stay up to date with the best offers and choose your own place to relax.

This year's question inexpensive holiday is more acute than ever - the depreciated ruble exchange rate was caught up with the economic recession and the closure of traditionally cheap Egypt and Turkey. And now, when prices for everything have doubled on average, the desire of Russians to save money on vacation is quite understandable. Many, according to surveys by sociologists, decided not to rest at all, spending their legal vacation in the garden. For those who cannot imagine their summer without the sea, even in the most difficult economic situation, we are publishing a selection of destinations that claim to be popular this summer.

For price analysis, we used the service to take a tour for two in the very middle of summer - from July 10 to July 20 or dates close to these dates. We look for air tickets on the website “s”, the cost is indicated per person, in case of a serious difference between the capital and resort town We indicate both price options. In this case, of course, it is recommended to fly to the city with a cheaper flight (as a rule, such options are available in capitals or large economic centers with high traffic), arrange an excursion program and then move towards the sea by local transport.


Of course, the closure of Turkey and Egypt is beneficial for Russian resorts, and Crimea has not disappeared from the news agenda for the last couple of years. The desire of Russians to look at the territory annexed to Russia, the absence of a language barrier, flights from many Russian cities, competition in the field of air travel and reasonable tariffs, the availability of train and bus services - these are the factors that explain the predicted popularity of Crimea this season.

The cheapness is explained not only by the possibility of ground transportation and not very expensive air transport - Russians are attracted by the opportunity to rent a house or apartment from private owners, the cost in this case will actually be significantly lower than when staying in a hotel. But the service is, accordingly, plus the “pig in a poke” factor. However, according to the assurances of Crimean hoteliers, they promise to keep prices at an affordable level.

There is some skepticism: many note that hotels of the same level as in Turkey will cost much more in Crimea than they cost on the coast Mediterranean Sea, and flights cannot be compared in cost to the price of charters in a tour package to Turkey. Now, due to the new dollar exchange rate and the inability to find out potential prices for a full package of tourist services in Turkey, it is difficult to say anything definite in this regard, so we can only compare Crimea with the Krasnodar Territory and European resorts.

  • Flight Moscow - Simferopol for July 10 - 20, 2019: .
  • Tour to Crimea

Sochi and Abkhazia

This, one might say, is a classic holiday in the south of Russia. Only this year it is even more in demand due to the closure of Turkey and Egypt. Plus all the same advantages listed above about Crimea, only getting there is even more convenient and cheaper. For example, if you travel by land, you don’t need to transfer from the train to the ferry, and then to the bus. Flights from different cities Russia are fulfilled different airlines, which gives a large selection of both dates and prices.

Sochi, Adler, Gelendzhik and other resorts Krasnodar region In addition to the sea and beaches, they also have a decent range of attractions that will appeal to history buffs. You can also go to neighboring Abkhazia, where there is a lot of interesting things, and good beaches the country is not deprived. We did not describe Abkhazia separately precisely because you can only get there through the Sochi-Adler transport hub. Next - by train to Sukhum or by bus to other places in the country. Read more in this tip.

  • Flight cost Moscow - Sochi for July 10 - 20, 2019: .
  • Tour to Sochi from July 10 to July 20, 2019 on the Travelata website: from RUB 30,000. for two.
  • Tour to Abkhazia from July 10 to July 20, 2019 on the Travelata website: from 29,000 for two.


Speaking about the Black Sea, one cannot help but recall Georgia. A beautiful, inexpensive and close country, with an amazing history, and also very convenient in terms of logistics. You can either fly by plane from Moscow or take a “Komet” from Sochi by sea. You can also get there from Vladikavkaz by your own car. Prices within the country, as already mentioned, are quite reasonable, no visa is needed, and Georgian cuisine is a full-fledged attraction and cultural heritage Georgia!

  • Flight cost Moscow - Tbilisi for July 10 - 20, 2019: .
  • Flight cost Moscow - Batumi for July 10 - 20, 2019: .
  • Tour to Georgia from July 10 to July 20, 2019 on the Travelata website: from RUB 38,000. for two.


The obvious advantages of a holiday in Bulgaria include the following: close and inexpensive flights, simpler (compared to Schengen) visa rules, domestic prices are lower, and the hotel base is cheaper than Western European countries. Here you can add a loyal attitude towards Russians, good climate and a huge number of ancient attractions - in terms of the number of different monuments from Roman times, Bulgaria is in third place in Europe. Well, the beaches in Bulgaria are perhaps the best on the Black Sea.

  • Flight cost Moscow - Varna for July 10 - 20, 2019: .
  • Tour to Bulgaria


This country, even with “allowed” Turkey, encroached on a piece of the tourism pie, and not without success - increasing the volume Russian tourists year to year. This was facilitated by the fastest issuance of visas in the Schengen area (in the summer it usually took 3 days) and low prices within the country compared to the rest of Europe. Well, there is no point in talking about the wealth of Greece - as the classic wrote, “there is everything” there. Against the backdrop of the absence of Turkey on the agenda, Greece’s position should strengthen even more, unless, of course, Crimea and Sochi pull the blanket over themselves. To the undoubted advantages of the country we add a large selection of islands and resorts, close flights and amazing local cuisine.

  • Flight cost Moscow - Thessaloniki for July 10 - 20, 2019: .
  • Tour to Greece from July 10 to July 20, 2019 on the Travelata website: RUB 38,000. for two.


This island, especially its southern part, is in many ways similar to Greece, but with one important difference - you do not need a visa. More precisely, it is electronic and is completed entirely via the Internet. Island with centuries-old history and stunning lagoons with snow-white sand can be quite inexpensive if you take a tour package with a charter flight, or if you use our tips for planning your own trip. Northern Cyprus is also interesting, but this is Turkish territory and logistics will be more difficult, although you can always get there through the southern part. Tourists usually rent a car and go explore the north on their own, or use the services of guides.

  • Flight cost Moscow - Larnaca for July 10 - 20, 2019: .
  • Tour to Cyprus from July 10 to July 20, 2019 on the Travelata website: from RUB 43,000. for two.


The only one on this moment Egypt’s “substitute” offers everything the same as its “big brother”: warm sea, resort-type hotels with everything you need, plenty water activities, Arabic flavor, hot sun and excursion program. True, it is poorer than the Egyptian one, but Carthage, the Sahara and the troglodyte caves will not leave you indifferent. The Mediterranean Sea here, although warm, is slightly cooler than the Red Sea, but undersea world does not shine with such diversity as in the Country of the Pyramids. In any case, Tunisia has its trump cards at a fairly attractive price.

  • Flight cost Moscow - Monastir for July 10 - 20, 2019: .
  • Tour to Tunisia from July 10 to July 20, 2019 on the Travelata website: RUB 45,000. for two.


Among the beach Western Europe Italy has long been No. 1 in terms of the number of tourists from Russia. Despite the huge selection of beaches (Italy is washed by seas on all sides except the Alps), tourists for the most part go to Rimini. But, in addition to the rest of the coastal territory, there are also the magnificent islands of Sicily and Sardinia. But interest in Rimini is often dictated by a simple calculation: there are a huge number of hotels, including budget ones, and tour operators place charters in this city with wide beaches. In addition, one of the largest amusement parks for children and the duty-free shopping state of San Marino for mothers are nearby.

If we take other parts of Italy, the price tag will no longer be so humane, but the country can boast of quite moderate prices for food and transport compared to other Western European countries. More expensive than in Greece, but clearly cheaper than in the Benelux countries and Scandinavia. In addition, in terms of attractions per square meter, Italy confidently leaves behind all other countries in the world, and you can even pay extra for this.

  • Flight cost Moscow - Rimini for July 10 - 20, 2019: .
  • Tour to Italy from July 10 to July 20, 2019 on the Travelata website: RUB 52,000. for two.


Spain can hardly be called a close destination - it takes longer to fly from Russia than to any other European country, except Portugal. But in the country a large number of beaches and hotels, and the demand for tours to Spain has been consistently high for many years, many have even acquired real estate in this sunny and cheerful country, where some kind of holiday takes place every day.

The euro exchange rate, as in the case of Italy, is a fly in the ointment, but the price level in the country is quite humane, approximately the same as in Italy, or even lower. As a plus, let’s add the warmest sea among the European Mediterranean, the atmosphere of constant celebration and many festivals, and beautiful architecture. Reasonable prices for tour packages apply only to tours around Barcelona, ​​where flights arrive from Russian cities, but this is where a huge number of attractions are concentrated - Catalonia is very rich in them. The rest of Spain is no less interesting, but already goes beyond the scope of a budget tour, although you can design a trip very inexpensively, we even released

An extensive selection of where you can go on an inexpensive vacation at sea in the summer of 2019 thanks to low prices for tours and air tickets. Budget - up to 35,000 rubles per person.

Prices in the article are indicated in rubles for tours for two people for 7-14 nights with departure from Moscow(for tickets - for a round-trip flight departing from Moscow, taking into account all fees) and are current at the time of publication.

Summer holidays by your own sea. Tours and tickets

Cheap seaside tours in summer 2019

You can go to the Black Sea very inexpensively in the summer: in June 2019, tours to the resorts of the Russian south cost only 25 thousand rubles for two for 7 nights, from 28 thousand for 11 nights and from 30 thousand for 14 nights. In July, the cost of vouchers increases by 5-7 thousand rubles, in August - by 3-4 thousand. The choice of resorts is huge: this includes Crimea (Balaklava, Yalta, Olenevka, Saki, Kerch, Alushta) and the cities of the Krasnodar Territory (Anapa, Adler, Loo, etc.).

Cheap sea tickets

Fly to summer season to Russian Black Sea resorts (according to the current situation) are somewhat cheaper than to Europe. The picture will change closer to summer - last-minute cheap charters will appear for a number of European resorts. Well, for now...

Cheapest tickets in Crimea in summer can be found in June 2019 - from 7,500 rubles. Regarding tickets to Adler (Sochi) for the summer of 2019, then prices start from 6,500 rubles for flights in June, from 7,300 rubles for flights in July and from 6,000 in August.

Flights to Anapa And Krasnodar in summer they cost from 7,000 rubles. From Krasnodar it is easy to get to any resort Black Sea coast by bus or train.

Lazarevskoye has a rocky bottom, so the water on calm days is clear to great depths (Photo © booking.com / Apartments on Odoevskogo, 87)

Where is the cheapest place to fly to the seaside in summer?

Below we provide a list of destinations where you can go inexpensively in the summer of 2019 to the sea - within 35,000 rubles per person. We indicate the cost of tours for two people when departing from Moscow (tours from other cities are usually more expensive).

Abkhazia: from 10,500 rubles/person.

Swimming pool at the hotel, Gudauta (Photo © booking.com / Hotel "Papa")

Bulgaria: from 17,000 rub./person.

Girl on the beach in Albena, Bulgaria. (Photo © Balcon del Mundo / flickr.com)

Türkiye: from 18,500 rub./person.

Cirali beach in Kemer, Türkiye (Photo © s_wh / flickr.com)

Greece: from RUB 20,500/person.

Beach in Nea Moudania, Chalkidiki (Photo © booking.com / Ikos Oceania)

Montenegro: from 23,000 rub./person.

Beach in Herceg Novi, Montenegro (Photo © travelata.ru / Riviera Resort Hotel)

Italy: from 25,000 rub./person.

Sardinia, Italy (Photo © emmequadro61 / flickr.com)

Cyprus: from 22,000 rub./person.

Cyprus is a great place to go on a seaside holiday in the summer: flights are quite cheap, accommodation, food and entertainment are not too expensive either, the visa issue can be resolved very simply online. Read.

Peyia is a small resort town in Cyprus (Photo © Tobiasvde / flickr.com)

Tunisia: from 24,000 rub./person.

Beach in Aryan, Tunisia (Photo © Mashhour Halawani / flickr.com)

Spain: from RUB 25,500/person.

Mallorca, Spain (Photo © gnomusy / flickr.com)

Thailand: from RUB 32,000/person.

Summer is not the season in Thailand, but a seaside holiday there can be very pleasant and interesting. Judge for yourself: there are almost no tourists, the beaches are free, prices for housing, food and entertainment are falling by almost half, and on top of everything else - an abundance of cheap fresh fruit! Yes, it will rain from time to time, but not continuously - sunny days and the hours are usually enough to have time to relax on the beach and sunbathe.

Take note: The rainy season in Thailand is not so pronounced in the resorts of the Gulf of Thailand (Pattaya, Koh Chang, Koh Samui, Hua Hin) - it rains less often there than on the Andaman coast.

Thailand, Koh Kradan (Photo © majax1 / flickr.com)

7 cheap countries for holidays

Cheap tickets. Where to fly to the sea in summer?

Here we will tell you where you can inexpensively travel abroad to the sea in the summer of 2019 thanks to low prices on air tickets. The price is for round-trip tickets per person departing from Moscow

We are clearly lucky with the planet: an amazing variety of climatic zones allows any individual to find a suitable vacation spot. Even if some people prefer forest thickets to pick mushrooms and hunt moose, others prefer stormy rivers, along which they can raft at the risk of their lives, and still others are looking for a better place to spend the winter in the summer and go to the mountains... And yet There is a type of vacation that attracts everyone, at least for a short time: a beach vacation. After all, in the hustle and bustle of everyday work, this is often what is missing: the opportunity to lie belly up and do nothing. And where else can you lie down without thinking about anything, if not under the gentle sun on the beach near the sea...

A holiday at sea is not only relaxation and relief from constant stress, but also health, joy and strength for new achievements.

In the northern hemisphere, you can only go on vacation to the sea in the summer. But we don’t live in the Middle Ages. Did you go on vacation in the winter? - let's go south, to the southern hemisphere, or where it's summer all year round - to the Caribbean or Seychelles. Therefore, at any time of the year, all that remains is to choose a place... and evaluate your financial capabilities. So, you're going on vacation. Where to go on a seaside holiday?

Where to relax in Russia in summer

Three summer months in Russia are considered the most popular. And our climate is such that in winter there is no time for beaches, and the vacation season for most citizens is in the summer, and most importantly, children have vacations in the summer.

First of all, it’s worth evaluating the simplest option: where you can relax in Russia.

In first place, of course, are the Black Sea resorts. Krasnodar region and Abkhazia have an undoubted advantage over Europe - they do not need to have a foreign passport and change money, the people there are ours, so there will be no problems with the language, the cuisine is familiar, and the mentality is... predictable. And most importantly, prices on Russian beaches are more or less acceptable.

From almost any corner of the European part of Russia to the Black Sea is a few hours of summer, and no one has canceled trains with cars. Warm sea, sun and beach - sandy, pebble, with colored shells... - what else do you need on a seaside holiday? The best months for vacation are July and August, but the season lasts much longer: from May to September-October. And if you can’t stand the heat, and your children have grown up long ago, go to the sea in the Velvet season- in the fall. This best time for romantics of all ages...

With service on Black Sea resorts, of course, not yet... not really. Often the buildings of sanatoriums and boarding houses were erected back in Soviet times, A local residents They strive to sell the sea and the sun at a higher price, without caring at all about creating comfortable conditions for vacationers. Political instability is also not conducive to the development of the resort business... However, there are changes for the better, very decent private boarding houses have already appeared, so... everything will happen. Some day.

The second most important resort sea is the Baltic. The service at the Baltic resorts is already an order of magnitude higher than at the Black Sea ones, but their main disadvantage is the water temperature: only by May the water warms up to 12-14 degrees, and even at the height of summer, water of 18-20 degrees is considered “warm”. But there are other pleasures that will make your vacation complete and unforgettable: long walks through pine forests, exploration of coastal cliffs and sea air. Russian Baltic resorts are located in Kaliningrad region: on Curonian Spit, in Svetlogorsk and Yantarny.

Much wider choice sea ​​resorts Abroad.

Where to go on a seaside holiday abroad in the summer

The most popular place summer holiday For Russians, to be not very far away and almost at home, of course, is the Mediterranean Sea. Resorts in Greece, Spain, France, Italy, not to mention the developed Turkey, are ready to receive any number of vacationers from May to October. There are no restrictions on the duration of the vacation, its comfort and the availability of entertainment: everything that your wallet can handle. A pleasant addition will be excursions to exotic places and shopping, and prices for many goods in Europe may be lower than here.

The Mediterranean Sea is not only Europe, but also Africa: Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt... Surfers love to go to Morocco, in Tunisia they explore the ruins of Carthage, destroyed before our era, during the Roman Empire, and everyone has known about the sights of Egypt since childhood: pyramids, ancient Thebes (Luxor) - the city of the pharaohs and the birthplace of the Sun God Amon, Alexandria, Sinai peninsula, Cairo and Port Said... It is worth spending time and money and going on excursions.

Far abroad provides even more opportunities for summer holidays. Maldives and Seychelles, resorts Caribbean and even the north South America ready to take you into their arms.

When is it winter in Russia?

It’s clear that a holiday at sea in the winter within Russia is only a so-so pleasure. In our very tropical region - Krasnodar - you won’t be able to swim in winter, even if the air temperature is up to +14...+16 °C.

The only way out is to go on a seaside holiday abroad in winter. Don’t think that you can only vacation in the southern hemisphere in winter. And in the northern part globe There are plenty of places where beach holidays in winter are commonplace. Moreover, in the winter months it can be even better there than in the summer - there is no sweltering heat. The UAE, Egypt and Thailand are much more attractive in winter, Indian Goa state with its popular beaches is also practically closed from May to November. Therefore, the Russian winter is the time to go swimming in the warm seas.

Nearest warm sea is the Red Sea. The cheapest holidays are in Egypt and Turkey, United Arab Emirates much more expensive, but the service is better there. Thailand and India are at approximately the same price level, but the Caribbean Sea: Mexico, Dominican Republic, Cuba will cost more. By the way, the Caribbean is ready to receive vacationers all year round, just like the resorts of California and southern Florida: these are regions where eternal summer reigns.

The world leaders in the resort business are, of course, islands located in the middle of the ocean in the equatorial zone: Hawaii in Pacific Ocean, Seychelles and Maldives in Indian, Canary Islands in the Atlantic, Bali resorts in Indonesia... Of course, it’s better not to go here with a thin wallet, but the level of service will be decent.

Well, about the real ones southern countries don't forget. When we have winter, it is summer in Australia or New Zealand. The islands of Madagascar and Mauritius, African Mozambique, beach resorts South America... - all this is at your service.

Regarding holidays at sea abroad in winter, there are several important points. Firstly, acclimatization. Getting from winter to summer seems so simple and pleasant. Imagine what it’s like to go back... You need to take care of warm clothes and precautions when getting off the plane: no bravado without a hat and a light jacket, otherwise you’ll be bragging about your impressions while lying in a hospital bed.

In addition, distant countries require long flights, and this is also stressful. Be extremely careful if you have heart problems or other chronic diseases: holidays abroad in winter can result in unpredictable complications. Then maybe it’s better to wait until summer and relax close to home.

Whatever time of year you choose, whatever countries you decide to explore - may you have good travel companions and unfailing luck next to you!

It’s already 2016, and while the exchange rate of the dollar and euro is breaking its next records, I’m increasingly asking myself where to go on vacation in 2019, so that it’s both interesting and inexpensive. Alas, even compared to 2015-2017, vacationing is becoming more and more expensive, and some countries have become completely inaccessible to Russians with average earnings.
About three years ago I already wrote an article on the topic, as well as. I repeat, now there are even fewer destinations, but there is still a choice! So, my thoughts and thoughts about vacation for 2019.

Beach holiday

Southeast Asian countries still remain accessible with some reservations. But you need to understand that most likely for the same money that you could spend 1-2 years, the standard of the hotel or apartment (house) will be lower, and after visiting a cafe, you will need to count each dish in rubles and only then place your order. Alas, Southeast Asia is already ceasing to be a downshifting region for Russia.

In Thailand, for example, the bill in a cafe will already start from 1000 rubles, and it will most likely be some kind of rice or noodles, soup and juice. But, I repeat, I think for fans of Southeast Asia, and in particular Thailand, this will not be a big problem.
If you successfully buy air tickets, you can relax even more inexpensively in poorer countries of Southeast Asia, for example, in the Philippines, Vietnam or Cambodia.

Temple complex of Andkor Watt in Siem Rim. Cambodia

All countries, in addition to beach holidays, are quite interesting for tourism.

Prices for air travel to Southeast Asia:

Where to spend your holidays in spring 2019

Beach holiday

For a beach holiday in early spring, I could again recommend the countries of Southeast Asia, or India. The latter, by the way, will most likely come out even more budget-friendly, because... And the flight is less long and expensive in terms of money, and the country itself is very budget-friendly. In Southeast Asia, starting from March, there is already a decline in seasonality... prices in cafes are becoming lower, housing is cheaper, so, compared to winter, costs will also be lower.

If we talk about the end of spring, then we could go to Turkey or Egypt, but, alas, they are not available to our tourists at the moment. Although, personally, I was never particularly drawn to it :)
By the way, there is a rather exotic direction, like Latin America. By the way, in Brazil, their local currency collapsed in about the same way as the ruble, and this is almost the only country, besides Russia, where the national currency collapsed in such a way, in relation to the dollar and euro. Alas, cheap air tickets to this destination are quite difficult to get, so the availability of South America is already in question.

Excursion holidays

Starting from April, it is already quite pleasant and comfortable to spend your vacation in Europe... pleasant in terms of weather, but not very comfortable in terms of money. Last year at the end of April we went to Vienna and Prague for 10 days. What can I say... taking into account the slight strengthening of the ruble in the spring of 2015, the vacation cost 110,000 rubles for two. I think this year it would be 20-30 thousand rubles more expensive. However, if we consider a trip only to the Czech Republic, then I think even now you can go on a fairly budget!

Cheap air tickets for the spring holidays:

Costs in Prague were approximately 1.5 times lower than in Vienna. Although of course, ideally, it is better to visit both places. On this trip, Vienna was my favorite!

In the Czech Republic, I was very surprised by the cost of beer, which even in a cafe cost no more than 80 rubles for 0.5, and in terms of the current exchange rate, the cost would be 100 rubles. The beer is delicious and one of the best I've ever tasted in my entire life! And of course, views of Prague... walks through the Gothic quarter... it was great!

Where to relax at sea in summer 2019

Beach holiday

Beach holidays in summer are already available in Russia. You can come to us in the south, or remember the “wonderful” slogan “Crimea is ours”... you can go to the Caucasus, Abkhazia or Georgia... All these destinations remain available for recreation. If you look towards Europe, then you can relax on a relatively budget in Bulgaria, Romania... perhaps in Montenegro. I remember that we vacationed in Bulgaria in the summer for three years in a row. True, it was very cheap there then, but it’s still cheap now! Last year we also vacationed in Bulgaria, it was quite comfortable and affordable!

Excursion holidays

For lovers active rest I think it would be very cool to spend time in Altai or Baikal. For many years now I have been wanting to choose a time to visit these places in our country. In addition, every year, judging by the reports seasoned tourists, the service in these directions is getting better and better. For urban tourism, the countries of Northern Europe are ideal in summer, but alas, this trip can no longer be called accessible to everyone. For example, which we successfully implemented two years ago, now we would hardly be able to handle it financially.

Cheap air tickets to Paris and other destinations:

Although if you cut down the number of days, perhaps something might work out...then the vacation turned out to be gorgeous!

Where to go on vacation in autumn 2019

Beach holiday

Until October you can rest on Russian resorts, in Crimea, and basically everywhere on the Black Sea. Closer to winter it is already quite comfortable in Southeast Asia or in India. Unfortunately, the number of new countries does not change much depending on the time of year, in the current situation... at least I can’t think of anything new, maybe someone has their own thoughts on this?..


At the end of September 2015, we traveled around Romania and flew to Istanbul. The impressions from the trip were twofold... apparently we had just been to a lot of places before, and what we saw (about Romania) was not very impressive. Therefore, I don’t even know if I can recommend these directions. Istanbul, too, as they say, is a city of contrasts 🙂 it’s quite possible to consider it as a jump-off airport, but after 3-4 days of staying in the city, I personally already felt a little bored, and sometimes even a little heavy, from the number of people on the street and the constant bustle, I would even said, Moscow is resting in this regard.


I actually don’t know where to go on vacation in 2019. It’s expensive to go where you want... apparently you’ll have to come up with something, or save money and maybe just have a budget vacation somewhere at sea, for example in Bulgaria. We'll wait and see... if anyone has thoughts about the 2019 holiday, please speak up in the comments to the article.