Where is it better to vacation in Vietnam or Thailand? Vietnam or Thailand: which is better?

We compare resorts in Vietnam and Thailand. Let's find out where is the best place to go on vacation! Find out from our review where best beaches and entertainment, where it is cheaper and more interesting.

Both countries are damn good and it's so hard to compare them - they're too different. We vacationed three times in both Vietnam and Thailand at different resorts. In this report we will tell you about all the pros and cons of both countries. Weigh everything and decide where it’s best for you to go on vacation.

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Flight and visa

For those traveling for a short holiday, these criteria are the same: the flight takes 6-8 hours, and a visa is not needed.

The only difference is for winterers. In terms of visas, for long-term residence, Vietnam is more convenient and clearer - if you want to stay for more than 15 days, you need to order a visa invitation online and receive it at the airport, and you can extend it in the country. If you plan to live in Thailand for more than a month, difficulties begin - visas are no longer held in high esteem, and it is better to apply tourist visa in Moscow or a neighboring Asian country.

(Photo © peter-grevstad / flickr.com)

Where tours are cheaper

The cost of the tours is approximately the same - a week-long vacation for two from Moscow to Thailand and Vietnam costs from 70 thousand rubles.

Flights within Southeast Asia on low-cost airlines are very cheap.

Where is it cheaper - Vietnam or Thailand

Housing. Hotels in Vietnam are a little cheaper - for example, during the high season in Nha Trang it is easy to find accommodation for $10 per night with good reviews(and sometimes cheaper if you search in advance). In Fukuoka, we lived in three-star hotels for $25-40. On the other hand, it is more profitable to rent housing in Thailand for a long time - they offer discounts.

Our Miana resort for $25 in Fukuoka.
The Hill Resort is a good resort in Fukuoka for $40 per night.

Food. Eating in Vietnam is also a little cheaper. Food in makashnitsa and establishments for locals costs approximately the same in both countries: rice with meat, noodles with meat, soups - within 100 rubles. In a cafe for foreigners, the price tag doubles. Only Phuket stands out strongly, where everything is more expensive.

Inexpensive seafood at a night market in Thailand.
In Vietnamese supermarkets, fruit is sometimes cheaper than in markets.

Where is the sea and beaches better - in Vietnam or Thailand

We give the championship to Thailand; in Vietnam the beaches are worse.

  • Thai beaches are more consistent with the image of “paradise bounty beaches” than Vietnamese ones.
  • In Thailand, the water is cleaner, and there is almost no garbage - the Vietnamese are worse at maintaining cleanliness.
  • The choice of resorts in Thailand is greater - the country is washed not only by the South China Sea, but also by the Andaman Sea.
  • There are many islands in Thailand for a secluded holiday.

The best beaches in Vietnam can be found on, but the beaches are completely unsuitable for swimming - keep in mind! - average.

The purest water and sand on Kata Noi Beach in Phuket.
The water on Rush Vem beach in Phu Quoc (Vietnam) is amazingly clean.
There are beaches in Vietnam like this - Bai Sao on Phu Quoc.

Where is the climate better?

Where is it better to go on vacation in December, January, February, March and April - Thailand or Vietnam? The weather in both countries in the winter and spring months is almost the same - hot, humid, without precipitation, the sea is calm.

In winter in Vietnam you can relax only in the south and in some resorts in the center of the country, but in Thailand - everywhere. But summer is good in the north and center of Vietnam, while it rains in Thailand.

Patong Beach in Phuket is usually crowded, but sometimes it gets like this.
Serenity and silence at Rash Vem Beach on Phu Quoc Island in Vietnam.

Sights, nature and culture

Nature is similar: waterfalls, mountains, islands, caves, rivers, jungles, animals, beaches - the tropics are the tropics. But the culture and attractions are very different. Vietnam has preserved a lot of colonial architecture, but there are few ancient attractions - mostly natural. And Thailand is full of ancient architectural monuments and beautiful temples.

In my opinion, for lovers of sights and seekers of authenticity better rest In Vietnam, resort Thailand is significantly inferior in color and lacks contrasts. However, in Northern Thailand you can still find authenticity and flavor - for example, in Chiang Mai.

Temple with a large golden Buddha in Bangkok.
Authentic Old city in Hoi An with nice cafes, museums and shops.
Desert in the middle of the humid tropics - it happens! White dunes in Mui Ne in Vietnam.

Entertainment and excursions

Excursion holidays in both countries are well developed, there are attractions and beach infrastructure. But in terms of adult entertainment, Thailand has made great strides forward: popular resorts are full of bars, nightclubs, discos and karaoke with available girls. In Vietnam, everything is decent, and the eyes are not confused by sweet-voiced girls in revealing outfits inviting you to the next club.

Taeks and Europeans are irresistibly attracted to each other. Bars on Bangla Road - Center nightlife Patong.
Popular five-minute entertainment in Phuket.

National cuisine

Here Vietnam wins without talking! The advantage of Vietnamese cuisine for an unprepared European stomach is that you can adjust the spiciness of your dish yourself (with rare exceptions). And in Thailand, dishes are often overly hot or spicy, even if they are not spicy.

What to choose for gastronomic tourism - Thailand or Vietnam? In Vietnamese cuisine more exotic dishes - from frogs, crocodile and fried insects to snake heart, dog meat and balut. However, Thai cuisine is also good for a gourmet - many even consider it the best in the world.

Rice with seafood in pineapple - tasty and not at all spicy.
If you don’t know the translation of Vietnamese dish names, you won’t always guess what’s on the plate. I assume that in the photo Bún ốc is a soup with noodles, semi-finished meat products and snails (but this is not certain).

The language barrier

Thais employed in the tourism industry speak excellent English, but the Vietnamese do not. But some Vietnamese know Russian well, and generally learn it quickly. In Nha Trang and Mui Ne, menus and signs are often in Russian, and there are Russian-speaking guides.

There are funny translations in the menu in Russian.

Where is it safer?

In general, both countries are safe, but you should still be at least minimally vigilant. Do not leave valuables on the beach unattended, or in a dubious hotel without reviews. Do not carry bags on your shoulder on the side of the road - hooligans on a bike can rip it off.

Medicine is better developed in Thailand, but it is expensive. We recommend that you take out good insurance.

Vietnam is less susceptible to destructive natural phenomena than Thailand. There are no tsunamis there, although sometimes typhoons and floods occur during the rainy season. To avoid them, travel during high season.

Follow basic safety rules while on vacation in Vietnam and Thailand: do not swim if a red flag is displayed; do not ride your bike in the rain (in mountainous areas); apply repellent and do not forget about hats.

A dangerous inhabitant of the seas is the Portuguese man-of-war.

(Photo © designwallah / flickr.com / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Both in Thailand and Vietnam local residents friendly. Only the tourism industry spoils people, and many are not averse to making money off tourists. As elsewhere, they can shortchange and weigh you down.

I like the Vietnamese more, they are closer and more understandable to us - their culture does not have the tradition of “keeping face” and insincere smiles, like the Thais. It's simple: if a Vietnamese is dissatisfied or preoccupied with something, he frowns. If he is in a good mood, he smiles.

It is significant that during all the time in Thailand things never went beyond the famous smiles. And in Vietnam we were treated many times, invited to join the company, and had a casual conversation. Almost everyone doesn't mind having their photo taken!

The boys in the city of An Thoi in Vietnam attacked us.
A cheerful company on Bai Khem beach in Vietnam invited us to join a picnic.
Confused coconut seller in Phuket.

So where is it better to relax - Thailand or Vietnam?

  1. Both countries visa-free, it is easier to stay in Vietnam for a long time.
  2. Prices for tours to Vietnam and Thailand are approximately the same. Good and cheap hotels are easier to find in Vietnam. Food in Vietnam is also cheaper.
  3. in winter weather allows you to relax in both Thailand and Vietnam. In summer in Thailand there is a rainy season and high humidity; a holiday in Vietnam will be more comfortable.
  4. Beaches Thailand is much better.
  5. Attractions a lot in both countries, but Vietnam has more authenticity.
  6. Infrastructure and entertainment are somewhat better developed in Thailand.
  7. Kitchen both countries are interesting and unusual, but greater diversity national dishes you will find in Vietnam. Keep in mind that in Thailand it is easier to unexpectedly fall into a fiery spicy food.
  8. The resorts in Vietnam are better They say in Russian, in Thai - in English.
  9. Both countries have enough safe.

Objectively, Thailand is more suitable for the average tourist than Vietnam: tourism infrastructure better developed, the sea and beaches are cleaner, a large selection of excursions, cheap, the Thais are smiling and serene - all this adds up to a beautiful picture. Plus, the country looks more prestigious in the eyes of its compatriots - it will have something to brag about in conversations and Instagram.

However, subjectively, Vietnam is better: the nature is more beautiful and diverse, the contrasts and flavor in culture have been preserved, there are still not so many tourists, it’s cheap, beach holidays are also not bad - especially in Phu Quoc. The food is more familiar to Europeans, but there are also plenty of exotic dishes.

Contrasts in Vietnam - Fairy Creek in Mui Ne.
Sunset at Rush Vem Beach in Fukuoka.
A picturesque floating village in Fukuoka with sea restaurants.

Hello citizens who love to travel! Two most interesting countries, What better Vietnam or Thailand? If you are looking for, where is it better to go, Vietnam or Thailand, then you have come to the right place! We will tell you in detail about the intricacies, features, advantages and disadvantages of relaxation in two wonderful countries. You're ready, let's go! Let's start with the fact that both countries are typical Asian, and Southeast Asia is united by eternal summer 365 days a year, heat, worship of Buddha, sluggishness, movement on scooters, a very modest life, fresh fruits, fish and seafood.

In general, the point is that no matter which country you decide to choose, , in both countries rest It will be very, very colorful! If you are traveling for the first time, then immediately be prepared for slight chaos on the streets, for small lizards, rats, cockroaches and other living creatures running around the streets. It’s unpleasant at first, but after just a couple of days you get used to it! And the foot-and-mouth lizard in the shale is not “oh, ugh,” but she lives here, this is her house. 🙂 Moreover, there are many more advantages of relaxation! Don't rush to leave!

Prices, cafes, bars and restaurants, where is cheaper Vietnam or Thailand

Prices for absolutely everything pleasantly please the eyes of tourists. Will you choose Vietnam or Thailand, doesn't matter. The more popular the place, the more tourists vacation, the more expensive it is. But as practice shows, Vietnam is still cheaper in all respects, from taxi prices to the cost of food in stores and cafes.

There are plenty of cafes here and there.

Fruits, fish and seafood

Due to the climate and geographical location, nature has generously endowed both countries with a huge selection of fruits, fish and seafood. We were in Phuket and Samui (Thailand) and in Nha Trang with Phan Thiet (Vietnam). Let me say this, the palm in the assortment of fish gifts belongs to Vietnam! At least what we saw in the cafe. I admit that there is a rich choice in markets everywhere, but tourists eat mainly in cafes near the beaches in tourist areas. The choice in Vietnam, of course, is amazing - a dozen types of shells the size of a little finger or palm, many different seaweeds, shrimp, crabs, langoustines, of course, and much more.
By the way, if you are a lover of mangoes and pineapples, then you should go to Thailand, since that is where they are divine.

Thai and Vietnamese cuisines

The Vietnamese and Thais will give you the opportunity to experience a gastronomic orgasm. The number of national dishes is huge. Thai cuisine is spicier due to the many spices, while Vietnamese cuisine is more familiar, soft, and refined in taste. What to choose, Thailand or Vietnam with a child, the question is ambiguous. I came across the opinion that Thailand is supposedly more developed and civilized, which I cannot agree with. I believe that this very level of civilization is determined by the place where you decide to relax. Also, a lot depends on the establishments where you eat. But in terms of cuisine, Vietnam is better for children.

Tour costs, tickets

Depending on your preferences, you can choose Where is it better to relax, Vietnam or Thailand?, and buy a ready-made tour. Naturally, prices depend on the season, resort, hotel category, number of nights.
The main criterion is the resort and the season! Mostly, prices for Thailand are higher, simply due to the fact that Thailand is more promoted and known on the Russian market.

Flying to Vietnam on your own is sometimes much cheaper than with the help of travel agency, but trips to Thailand are mainly profitable by purchasing a ready-made tour.

Also, when choosing Vietnam or Thailand, which is better?, an important factor for me personally is the availability of a direct flight.

Sea, beaches

My favorite here is Thailand. The water is more emerald and beckons, the photos come out amazing.
Vietnam is also famous beautiful sea, it’s just completely different there, the taste and color here, as they say.

The beaches are decent in both countries. Vietnam is still more unknown in this regard; you can find beautiful, wide, long beaches without crowds of tourists. By the way, many people in Thailand feel uncomfortable because of the presence of transvestites on the streets. They meet there often. In Vietnam, this is extremely traditional!

Thailand or Vietnam, which is better? The answer to this question depends more on the month of rest when you are planning your vacation. On my own behalf, I can say that my husband and I vacationed once each in Phuket (October), Samui (December), Nha Trang (June), and Phan Thiet - Mui Ne (November). And everywhere is good, I personally would go to every place more than once! At some point in life you want to go to Thailand more, after a certain time you are more drawn to Vietnam.

My impressions of Thailand and Vietnam are very different, this is largely due to the fact that the vacation was at different points in my life, and in ordinary Everyday life Anything can happen - and at work there may be failures, quarrels with near and dear people, and other unpleasant moments. Each trip is a unique story, because how we spend our vacation and what new emotions we bring with us also depends on the mood with which we came to relax.

Everywhere is good, choose based on intuition, and it will be your best best vacation!

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Vietnam or Thailand, which is better and who should go where?

So, you have finally decided to spend your first vacation in... South-East Asia, and, having heard enough songs of praise about both Vietnam and Thailand, you don’t know what to choose and where to go. Let's shed some light on this really difficult issue.

When answering the question of where it is better - in Vietnam or in Thailand, one must proceed, first of all, from the character traits of the person who is interested in this question. Let’s say right away that comparing Thailand and Vietnam is absurd! It's like comparing real Ukrainian borscht and real Thai tom yam soup. What's better? Answer, which tastes better?! Both cannot be compared. It’s the same here. These two countries are so different that it is very difficult to identify anything in common between them other than rice.

Vietnam has been and will remain our love for life. It is even wilder, untrodden, and not as spoiled by tourists as Thailand. But we still remember Thailand with warmth and dream of being back in Bangkok, on the Phi Phi Islands, seeing the mountain landscapes of the northern part of the country, eating grasshoppers and pat thai.

In Vietnam it is rare to meet a person who speaks good English, while in Thailand English is spoken almost everywhere. But Russian-speaking Vietnamese are not uncommon, even in the south! It seems that the Vietnamese are not as civilized as the Thais. I noticed this on my first visit to Vietnam, when three weeks later I prayed to my husband: “Let’s go to Thailand, I can’t live here anymore!” However, on my second visit to Vietnam, on the contrary, I enjoyed the simplicity of life of the Vietnamese.

Vietnam is for adventure seekers whose motto is “trouble done right is adventure, adventure done wrong is trouble.” Such “adventures” happen in Vietnam at every turn, naturally, if you relax on your own. And if you came through a travel agency, some surprises will also await you.

Only a person who knows at least approximately the complex history of this country, who knows how to observe and draw conclusions, who accepts the world as it is, can hear and understand Vietnam. In Thailand, there is more modernity and brilliance, it is more comfortable for relaxation, and is more understandable to people with a Western mentality.


Stunning - both there and there. The most unforgettable landscapes in the northern parts of the countries. It is impossible to compare, it is impossible to say which is better. You just have to see it!


In Thailand there are good and truly paradise beaches more than in Vietnam, more options in every direction of the country. In Vietnam the same famous beaches stretch along the coast of the South China Sea for 40 kilometers and are located in the areas of Da Nang and Nha Trang. Thailand has amazing snorkeling and diving; this is what thousands of tourists come here for every year. In Vietnam the sea is duller. Perhaps you can see some underwater exotics if you go to the nearest islands, but we didn’t see them.


Of course, Hanoi cannot be compared to Bangkok! Bangkok is great modern city with all the amenities for a city dweller - ground and underground transport, sidewalks, communications, traffic lights everywhere, expensive cars. In Hanoi, there are thousands of mopeds rushing across each other, which do not stop at traffic lights, there is no public transport (there is, but it is very difficult for tourists), there is no metro, and there are no sidewalks as such. But we really love the old center of Hanoi, we could walk for hours along the old streets and at every opportunity we had a mini-picnic at the Lake of the Returned Sword. We went into street Vietnamese cafes and felt like Gullivers, sitting on tiny chairs. In Vietnam, all cities are like this - full of motorcycles, few sidewalks, dirty, noisy and sometimes annoying. But they have their own romance, originality and dissimilarity from each other.

Both Thai and Vietnamese food deserve special consideration. Rice everywhere, spicy but very tasty. The kitchens are very different from each other, everything is different. All! Need to try. In Thailand, in street cafes, there are disposable chopsticks on the tables, individually packaged; in Vietnam, the chopsticks on the tables are shared, and they are washed. In Thailand the chairs are normal, in Vietnam they are small, like for children.

What about the money?

Thailand is more expensive than Vietnam. But it depends on how you relax and what you spend it on. After all, everyone has their own limit. As for independent tourism, in the Kingdom you can eat for 2 dollars per person, but in the socialist republic for only 1 dollar! Again, depending on the number of dishes you order. The price for 1 dish in street cafes has been announced. There are cheap and expensive hotels in both places. But if in Thailand you rent a bedbug house for the night for 300 baht (300 rubles or 10 dollars), then in Vietnam it will be quite a decent room with a shower, hot water, TV and even the Internet.

So, where to go – to Vietnam or Thailand?

It is impossible to give a definite answer. Still, if you are traveling in this direction for the first time, we would recommend that you start with Thailand so as not to be too shocked on your first visit. After all, from there you can go on an excursion to Vietnam for a couple of days, especially since there are special tours. Although many people go to Vietnam for the first time and are completely delighted with both the country and the resort they ended up at. You can't guess here.

Sometimes it seems to me that I miss Vietnam more, but I remember Thailand, and I already want to go there more. Listen to your heart and perceive the world as it is, and then your holiday in Southeast Asia will leave only positive impressions!

see also

No matter how ridiculous the question may sound: “ What better Vietnam or Thailand?”, but you often hear it from many people. We can say for ourselves that we like both countries - we lived in both Vietnam and Thailand for many months.

In order for the dear reader to decide where to go - in Vietnam or to Thailand, we will talk about the advantages of both countries.

Where are the best prices for housing and food - in Vietnam or Thailand?

Where they will better prices for rental housing – V Thailand or in Vietnam? During our time (in Nha Trang) we rented a 3-room apartment with full furnishings in a new building in a quiet quarter of Nha Trang for $350 per month. The apartment had: air conditioning, a washing machine, a comfortable kitchen with a full set of necessary utensils. A similar apartment in resort towns Thailand will cost you twice as much.

Thailand or VietnamWhere better rent a house ? In Thailand, housing prices will be clearly higher than in Vietnam. But almost all apartments and private houses in Thailand are in good repair and have beautiful furniture - everything is in its place, Feng Shui is present in every corner of the house.

Now about prices, quality and variety of food - Vietnam or Thailand, Where will better, cheaper and tastier ? We will express our personal opinion on this matter - we like Thai cuisine more. We have always found tastier and more varied dishes in Thailand, from simple roadside snack bars and food court food to more expensive restaurants.

If you compare the prices of food in restaurants in Thailand and Vietnam, it will be a little cheaper. Although, of course, the price will depend on your culinary preferences and the category of the restaurant.

Where would it be better to relax in winter - in Vietnam or Thailand?

Vietnam or ThailandWhere better and it will be more comfortable to be V December, January And February?

If we talk about the popular resort Vietnam - Nha Trang, then in the winter months this city will not be very attractive. December, January and February and often rainy. The sea in Nha Trang cools down in winter, becomes cloudy due to strong waves and is rarely suitable for swimming.

Similar weather will be experienced in Da Nang, Vietnam, during the winter months.

In the Vietnamese resort of Mui Ne, December, January and February are months exclusively for kiting. Winter in Mui Ne is a time of strong winds and high waves.

But the island of Phu Quoc in Vietnam will be comfortable for a winter holiday. The climate of this island is very similar to the climate of Sihanoukville in, so the sea in the winter months on Fukuoka will be calm and warm, and the air temperature will not yet be too high.

So What or better choose for relax December, January And FebruaryVietnam or Thailand? Our answer will be in favor of Thailand. The weather at different resorts, islands and mainland Thailand will vary little. There is very little rain in the winter months in Thailand and the sea is also mostly comfortable. The air temperature in December, January and February at Thai resorts will be gentle - the sun in these months is not very hot.

In Thailand, we wintered in Pattaya (our experience of the first winter in Southeast Asia) and on Samui. Pattaya, as a place for a long stay, has not quite worked out for us.

But we were completely delighted with Samui! We spent the whole winter on this wonderful island.

What to choose for a holiday in autumn and spring – Thailand or Vietnam?

Vietnam or ThailandWhere will better relax V September, October And November? The autumn months will be equally comfortable for traveling in both Vietnam and Thailand; it will be difficult to give preference to just one country. The rainy season is already coming to an end at this time and you can enjoy the sun and sea on all the beaches of Thailand and Vietnam.

Spring in both Thailand and Vietnam will be similar in weather. Spring months are quite suitable for traveling to these countries.

Where would it be better to spend the summer – Vietnam or Thailand?

Where will better V June, July And Augustin Vietnam or V Thailand? During the summer months, the whole of Thailand is flooded with heavy rains. It often happens that some Thai provinces and islands suffer from floods.

But in Vietnam in the summer you can relax quite comfortably in Nha Trang, Da Nang and Mui Ne. Although it rains in these Vietnamese cities summer time, but they are short-lived, a lot sunny days and the sea will be very warm and calm.

The Vietnamese island of Phu Quoc should not be chosen for a summer holiday. The weather and climate there are almost the same as in neighboring Cambodia - in the summer months it is the rainy season in Fukuoka.

What is better to choose for a beach holiday – Vietnam or Thailand?

Where better beaches – in Vietnam or V Thailand? It is simply impossible to answer this question in monosyllables... Probably it is a matter of taste - who likes it where. In both Vietnam and Thailand there is a huge amount

Our opinion is that beach resorts and the islands of Thailand are still brighter and more interesting compared to Vietnam.

Although, during our winter in Vietnam, we found for ourselves, which became our favorites and are remembered to this day.

P.S. Compare, What better Thailand or Vietnam It will even be somehow wrong. Both of these countries are beautiful and interesting in their own way.

The most important thing when traveling in any country is to have a positive attitude and a desire to learn as much as possible about the place where you are.

Thailand or Vietnam

Thailand is a country in Southeast Asia, located in the southwest of the Indochina Peninsula and the north of the Malacca Peninsula. It borders Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. From north to south, the country stretches for 1860 km, is washed by the South China and Andaman seas, coastline is more than 3 thousand km. Due to the diversity of climate in different parts of the country as such tourist season does not exist in Thailand. This is one of the few countries where holidays will be equally enjoyable at any time of the year. Vietnam is a small state in Southeast Asia that occupies part of the Indochina Peninsula. Bordered by China, Laos and Cambodia, washed by South China Sea, is rapidly gaining popularity among Russian tourists. Best time for tourists - summer. To objectively assess the quality of your holiday and decide where is better - in Thailand or Vietnam, you need to visit both countries, preferably in different places and more than once. The generalized experience of our compatriots who prefer to travel to Russia during their holidays in Russia will help with this. exotic countries and trips to popular foreign resorts.

Where is it better - in Thailand or Vietnam?

The first thing that interests our tourists is where it is cheaper, in Thailand or Vietnam, because the thickness of everyone’s wallets is different, not everyone can afford a holiday at a fashionable resort.

  • Housing. It is better to compare prices in capitals and popular holiday destinations. Sadly, hotel rooms in Hanoi (the official capital of Vietnam) and Ho Chi Minh City (the economic capital) are about half the price of those in Bangkok (the capital of Thailand). In the first case, you can rent a decent room for two for 15-20 dollars, in the second - for no less than 40. As for resorts, the situation is different. A mid-level double room in Pattaya (Thailand) with a courtyard view and paid internet will cost approximately 700 baht ($10), a spacious double room in Mui Ne (Vietnam) with a swimming pool under the windows and free internet costs on average 20 dollars. But here you have to choose between price and comfort. It would be fair to set the score 1:1.
  • Food. The question is controversial, since it all depends on your appetite, your tastes and preferences. Only one thing can be said for sure - alcohol is cheaper in Vietnam, but fruits and snacks in cafes cost the same as in Thailand. If we talk about imported products, they are expensive everywhere. 2:2.
  • Transport. In Vietnam - the most cheap taxi. You can ride around Hanoi within an area interesting for tourists for only 10-15 rubles. City transport and tourist buses are also cheaper here, meaning Vietnam leads in this category with a score of 3:2.
  • Vouchers. Two or three years ago, prices for trips to Thailand were significantly lower than to Vietnam, but now they are equal, especially in the segment inexpensive tours. 4:3.
  • Flight. Flights to Thailand are much cheaper than to Vietnam, only sometimes tickets to this country are sold at discounts. Promotions on tickets to Bangkok are valid almost all year round. The score is leveled - 4:4.
  • Climate. The next criterion by which a country is chosen for a holiday is climate. If we take two as an example southern resort- Nha Trang in Vietnam and Samui in Thailand, then the first one wins. At the height of the tourist season (winter), the climate here is milder and more pleasant: not hot during the day, fresh and cool in the evening. But the further north the holiday destination is, the better it will be in Thailand. If we summarize the answer to the question of where and when it would be better to vacation - in Vietnam or Thailand, it is simple: in the summer at Vietnamese resorts, in the winter - at Thai resorts, when the sea is calm, the weather is dry, and the sun is gentle. So 5:5
  • Internet. Modern man Even on vacation, he rarely leaves his gadgets, so the Internet plays an important role when choosing a resort. If we talk about mobile Internet access, it is cheaper in Vietnam; cable lines and Wi-Fi access in hotels are of poor quality in both countries. It is best to buy a SIM card from a local telecom operator and use its services.
  • Infrastructure. Thailand is an ideal country for tourist trips. There are excellent roads here, at every step there are 24-hour shops, bars, cafes, clubs and entertainment centers. At any time of the day you can have a snack, drink a glass of wine and dance. In Vietnam, the tourism business is not so well developed, so after 23-00 it is almost impossible to buy anything, only small shops operate, more like warehouses, and their range is not the widest. 6:5 in favor of Thai resorts.
  • Visa. The procedure for obtaining a visa to Vietnam is much simpler than to Thailand. It can be issued for 1-3 months directly at the receiving airport. But visa-free regime for Russians - only two weeks, and in Thailand - four. However, you can only apply for and extend a visa to this country at a consulate on the territory of another state; the visa policy of the Thai authorities is very strict and there is always the possibility of not getting to the desired resort. Draw again - 6:6.
  • Nutrition. Food options and variety national cuisines in Thailand much more than in Vietnam. This is especially true for street food - the price of all kinds of culinary delights like hamburgers is low, they are available at any time of the day. In Vietnam, at lunchtime all the sellers go for a siesta, but there are also many restaurants, the basis of the menu of any establishment is seafood dishes. Here the food is closer to our spirit, it is simple and affordable. For $1 you can have a filling and tasty lunch. It's fair to leave the score tied - 7:7.
  • Trips. As in Russia, in both countries big cities and the province are two different things. Thailand has a metro and surface trains, but the cities are so crowded with cars that there is a high risk of standing in traffic jams for several hours. There is no such abundance of transport in Vietnam, and traveling around the country will cost several times less. It is very profitable to travel around the city by pedicabs and auto-rickshaws. Fare to public transport depends on the type and comfort. 8:7 in favor of Vietnam.
  • Beaches. Thailand is a country of developed seaside resorts, so Vietnam is inferior here in all respects. In the first case, this is wide choose comfortable beaches with developed infrastructure and a large selection of entertainment, in the second - medium-level beaches, filled in the evening with local residents who come to the sea with their entire families. Clean water on the Vietnamese coast can only be found in wild places that are not popular with tourists. 8:8.
  • Medicine. In Thailand a large number of public and private clinics, which can be visited by both local residents and tourists. The prices are reasonable, the staff is friendly. The same can be said about Vietnam, the only difficulty is the problem of finding a doctor who speaks English, and even more so, Russian. By the way, Vietnam has very cheap and high-quality dentistry, so another point in favor of this country. 9:8.
  • Adaptation. This is a purely individual criterion, because the degree of addiction depends on the characteristics of the body and the person’s habits. If in Thailand it is difficult to get used to food, then in Vietnam the language barrier remains a problem. Thai dishes are spicy and have a specific smell, Vietnamese dishes are blander and simpler: rice, meat, fish and noodle soup can be served in almost every village. Vietnamese resorts They are still saving on staff, so it is difficult to find a manager or seller at the market who speaks passable English, much less Russian. Under all other approximately equal conditions, the leadership remains with Thailand. The final figure is 9:8 in favor of Thailand.

Vietnam and Thailand are two states that share small territories of Laos and Cambodia. They are located on the same peninsula, their traditions and climate are similar. But the tourism business in Vietnam has just begun to take shape, so in many ways Thailand is more attractive to travelers. But even in our rating, he scored only one point more, which says one thing: choosing Phuket or Vietnam - where it is better, cheaper and more interesting - is for you and only you, since even generalized information does not give a complete picture of the living and recreation conditions in these countries . We are engaged in renting real estate in Thailand and, for our part, we promise to do everything possible to ensure that these conditions remain the best possible during your stay.