Where is Attica located in ancient Greece. Meaning of the word attica


The region of Central Greece, located in the southeast of the Balkan Peninsula and washed by the waters Aegean Sea. Three bays approach the shores of this peninsula - Euboean, Saronic and Petalian. A significant part of the peninsula is covered with low mountains of limestone and marble. The mountains are covered with coniferous forests.

Attica is a historical region of Greece, on its territory are the capital Athens, legendary city Marathon, the city of Eleusis, where the inhabitants worshiped Demeter, the port of Piraeus. The first settlements on this land date back to the Neolithic era (3rd millennium BC). The ancient historians Plato and Herodotus wrote that the inhabitants of Attica were autochthons - that is, not alien conquerors, but original inhabitants who literally came from the land itself. In ancient times, on the territory of Attica, each city or region represented a small state that worshiped its own deity. There were 12 such states; they were united, according to legend, by King Theseus. Athens, the cradle of Greek statehood and democracy, became the main city of Attica. Already in ancient times, Attica was governed by nine elected officials, in whose hands the executive, military and judicial powers were concentrated. A year later, these nine transferred power to the newly elected magistrates, and they themselves transferred for life to the Areopagus - the body of power of the aristocracy. Athens itself became a place for the development of culture, arts, and philosophy.

The climate of Attica is mild, temperate Mediterranean. Average temperatures in summer are almost always above +30 degrees. The rainy season begins here at the end of September and lasts until April. The swimming season lasts from April to September; the sea warms up to its maximum by August (up to +26). In winter, despite above-zero temperatures, snow can fall here, melting almost immediately and not forming a snow cover.


Located in Athens international Airport Eleftherios Venizelos, opened in 2001, serves as the air gateway to Greece and Attica in particular.

Inside Attica you can travel by railway transport(trains) and intercity buses. Buses to the eastern and western parts of Attica depart from two different bus stations in Athens. The first is located near the Acropolis, the second - on Egyptian Square. Ferries transport tourists to the islands of Aegina and Salamis. One of the fastest ways to travel around Athens is the metro with three lines, one of which is above ground. Athens also has express bus routes leading to the airport, city buses, trolleybuses, tram routes.

Resorts of Attica

Administratively, Attica is divided into four nomes: Eastern and Western Attica. The most popular, both in terms of beach and cultural and historical recreation, is the city of Athens. The suburbs of the capital are resort towns with the general name “Athenian Riviera”. They are located along the coast and, in addition to hotels and beaches, contain yacht clubs, night clubs, golf clubs, and have their own specifics. Thus, it is considered a resort for the wealthy, Lagonissi - for families with children. Specialization and Vouliagmeni - health improvement.

A holiday in Piraeus will cost less than in Athens. Due to the location of the port there is only one beach, but beautiful views and ancient sights of Piraeus are guaranteed.

Sights and excursions

Let's start getting acquainted with the rich heritage of Attica from Athens and its sacred hill, the Acropolis. The second name of the hill is Kekropia, in honor of Kekrops, the first king of Athens. Acropolis was also called a well-defended place and a settlement located inside this fortress. In ancient times, the main city was located in the Acropolis. According to legend, it was the residence of Theseus, the collector of the lands of Attica. When the cult of the goddess Athena was established in Athens, a temple was erected here in her honor - the Parthenon.

On the territory of Attica, many sights from different eras have been preserved. The heritage of Hellas is the ruins of ancient cities and temples dedicated to the gods of the Greek pantheon. For example, at Cape Sounion, on the shore, the remains of the Temple of Poseidon have been preserved. Christian monasteries and temples have been preserved from the Byzantines. One of them is the Daphne monastery near Athens. At the base of the monastery lie the remains of the Temple of Apollo. Near Mount Imitos, surrounded by coniferous and cypress forests, is the Kesariani monastery, also of the Byzantine period.

The island of Aegina is visited to see Paleochora. It is called an abandoned city, but in fact it is a valley in which the buildings of about seven dozen churches and chapels from the Byzantine and later periods have been preserved. It is believed that each of these structures was built in fulfillment of a vow made for the salvation of a loved one. Relatives, wives of fishermen and warriors came to this place to pray.

Salamis, although it is called a "dacha" island, has such attractions as the cave of Euripides, another ancient Greek playwright. It is located at an altitude of more than a hundred meters; in the city of Salamis, a theater festival is held annually in honor of the ancient author. On the island you can also visit a museum dedicated to folk art and the history of the ancient fleet, the Faneromeni monastery and old City Ambelakia with the ruins of the acropolis.

Wellness holiday

Loutraki, Vouliagmeni, Sounion are resorts where people come for health and beauty treatments. In Loutraki there is a hydrotherapy center that specializes in the treatment of diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system. Springs gushing out from underground are saturated with radon and trace elements.

The resort of Vouliagmeni grew up next to the lake of the same name, which is filled with water thermal springs. Skin problems, joints, and diseases of the female reproductive system are treated here. The air is saturated with the aromas of coniferous forests and helps strengthen the respiratory system and nervous system.

Sounion specializes in cosmetology using preparations based on local herbs and minerals. Methods using sea salt and seaweed are also used here.

Beach holiday

Many Attica beaches have the highest European award for the cleanliness of the sea and coast - the Blue Flag. Many of the beaches are free. In the vicinity of Athens (the so-called Greater Athens), all the beaches are well-maintained - Faliron, Glyfada, Rocket and others. The beach in Piraeus is called Votsalakia. Good on the West Coast sandy beaches Lagonissi, in the east Schinias near the city of Marathon is recognized as the best.

In Loutraki the beaches are covered with small pebbles. This resort features a variety of accommodation facilities: from five stars to inexpensive family hotels. The resort of Loutraki is also chosen due to the proximity of the cities of Corinth and Delphi with their famous attractions.

There are beautiful sandy beaches on the island of Aegina, located in the Saronic Gulf. It is a half-hour ferry ride away from Piraeus. Another Attica island that can be reached from Piraeus is Salamis. This island is popular primarily among the Greeks themselves. Salamis has beaches, but few hotels.

Vacation with children

Activities for children in Attica are mainly found in Athens. Perhaps it’s worth starting with a sightseeing trip around the city on excursion bus to get to know Athens in general, and then move on to the activities that interest the child. As part of your educational leisure, it is worth planning a visit to the main Athenian attractions of the Acropolis and the Parthenon, to see with your own eyes household items and art created by the ancient Greeks.

Further relaxation may depend on the preferences of the child: animal lovers can visit the sea turtle rescue center and even feed them there, as well as visit the Attico Zoo. Young artists will be interested in the interactive museum of children's creativity. A visit to the Charimidos puppet theater can be combined with a tour of the Agora, the ancient city square located nearby. The Athens Planetarium awaits young astronomers.

And, of course, any child is unlikely to refuse visiting Athens confectionery shops, the National Garden with a park and a zoo, the Flisvos city park, the Allou Fun Park and water parks, two of which are located in Athens itself, one in the suburbs, the third near the city of Isthymia 20 km from the capital. Not far from Athens there is an Adventure Park with a rope course.

Active recreation and entertainment

Attica will offer the restless a variety of active leisure options. On the coast these are water sports: rafting, windsurfing, scuba diving. Ancient city Megara, about 40 km northwest of the capital, is known to extreme sports enthusiasts as a center for parachuting. There is a parachute school here.

Tourists will be offered to explore mountainous Attica on foot and with the help of off-road vehicles: the routes are designed in such a way that they have the opportunity to see the history of this part of Greece, and the modern life of the inhabitants of small villages, and admire the beauty of nature. Some of the routes are laid along ancient roads.

The foot of the Acropolis, a 156-meter hill in Athens, serves as the starting point for the Acropolis racing competition, which takes place in early June.

Club life is in full swing in Athens and resort suburbs, for example, in Glyfada. Nightclubs host discos, concerts of world stars, parties and shows. Fans of gambling come to Loutraki - there is a casino there.

Throughout tourist season V different cities Attica hosts festivals. The largest of them is the Festival of Athens and Epidaurus in the capital. From June to September, performances and concerts take place in Athens, world stars come and Greek artists and groups perform. From April to October, the Acropolis hosts light shows dedicated to the history of the Greek capital. Eleusis becomes the site of a theater festival in honor of Aeschylus, the ancient playwright.

Kitchen and souvenirs

Called Greek in Russia, and peasant salad in Greece itself, this salad is served here with local kolomata olives. For dessert - local figs. Attica's rocky soils are best suited for growing olives and figs, and local honey herbs add their flavor to the honey produced here.

Residents of this part of Greece prefer avgolemono soup with the addition of egg and lemon juice, dolmadakya - a local version of dolma, grilled seafood, hot peppers stuffed with cheese. Among the alcohols here, it is worth trying, in addition to raki and ouzo, the liqueur mastiha, which acquires a special taste after adding resin from a tree from the pistachio family.

Clay is mined on the coast of Attica, so ceramic products here are beyond praise. The souvenir trade is concentrated mainly in Athens. Very often people come here to buy fur coats, leather clothes, and jewelry. Less expensive will be the purchase of natural cosmetics, herbal infusions, ceramics, gastronomic souvenirs - oil, olives, cheese, honey and traditional honey desserts.

Attica Triangle is a tiny but very rich concentrate of Greece. Here there was a place for ancient gods, brave heroes, outstanding philosophers. Democracy was born here and culture was created. A peninsula with stunning history and picturesque nature. The southeastern tip of the Balkan Peninsula, washed by three gulfs: Euboean, Saronic and Corinthian. Cape Sounion, which is the tip of the triangle, completes the beautiful picture of nature. Three mountains separate the base of Attica from the mainland: Pastras, Parnitha and Kythenonas (all over a kilometer high).

The peninsula is part of Central Greece. Attica is one of seven administrative-territorial units, which is also a historical and geographical region. Attica consists of the southeastern part of Greece, Peloponnesian Trizinia (the Argolid peninsula, the vast majority of the Argosaronic islands, as well as Kythira and Antikythera. The peninsula shares its western border with the Peloponnese. The area of ​​the region is 3808 sq. km (this is about 3% of Greek lands). By There are two rivers flowing through the territory: Kafisos and Ilisos.

The population density of Attica is the highest among Greek regions. This is explained by the fact that the capital Athens is located on the peninsula, where a third of the state’s population lives. From a geographical point of view, Attica is divided into the Athenian periphery and other lands of the peninsula. The first category includes all metropolitan municipalities.

Attica is an extremely important region for the country's economy. More than a third of the national gross product (38%) comes from the peninsula. The largest share here is the service sector, which is not surprising for tourist country. Industry occupies a little less, and a small, but not least important, part is the agricultural sector (almost 2% of cultivated land is located here). Attica accounts for 71% of the country's construction companies, 69% of processing companies and 58% of commercial organizations. Guests of the country also often choose Attica as their place of residence.


Historical data indicate that the settlement of Attica occurred during the Neolithic. Then its name was slightly different: Akti, Aktiki. The first king of the lands was Kekrops, who united 12 separate tribes. It was then that the capital Athens was created.

The history of the region, by and large, represents the history of Athens. Then Athena argued with Poseidon over the patronage of the city. By presenting the inhabitants with an olive branch as a gift, she earned the favor of the people, and the city was named after her. No less useful was the gift from the god Dionysus, which became a real symbol of Attica - the grapevine.

The finds discovered on the Acropolis and in the numerous city-states located here only confirm the various myths telling about ancient history region. The lands near Athens united around 800 BC. e. Starting from the 8th century, Attica became the largest maritime and economic center. Under the tyrannical rule of Pisistratus, the active development of the region began thanks to the promotion of trade to Sicily, Pontus Euxine (now the Black Sea) and Egypt. Athens reached an artistic and cultural flowering during this period; numerous monuments were erected to decorate the city.

Under a democratic government, Athens becomes the main city of Greece, being the center of the Attic state. This is where the fighting with the Persians breaks out. The “golden” period of the capital is considered to be the era of the reign of Pericles. Science, art, culture, power - everything has reached its peak. Ancient Greek civilization received the most powerful centers: Eleusis, Megara, Egosthenon, Pages. It was destroyed during the Peloponnesian War, and at the same time the naval power of Athens also declined. From now on, Salamis and Attica were subordinate to the capital. Such a weakening of the Greek forces led to the conquest of territories by Macedonian troops. Almost 200 years later, the state passed to the Romans, who, however, treated Athens with great respect, recognizing their significant contribution to the development of education.

The advent of Christianity became a difficult period for Attica. Numerous destructions due to the raids of the Goths affected the appearance of Athens. The introduction of the Byzantine religion led to the closure of philosophical schools, and ancient temples became Christian shrines. After this, Attica passed into power many times to various conquerors: Catalans, Neapolitans, Venetians, Turks. The latter went beyond what was permitted, making the Parthenon a mosque and the Erechtheion a harem. 1834 was the year when Athens was declared the capital of Greece. At that time the city was a small village, and the number of inhabitants did not even reach a thousand. All that was visible around was ruins and stones. However, it was on the ruins of its former greatness that they began to rebuild the city. New buildings harmoniously intertwined antiquity with modernity, and restored the Acropolis. Following Athens, they began to bring back to life other parts of Attica, the importance of which was great in the ancient period: Sounion, Ramnund, Thorikos, Vravron, Eleusis, Marathon, Oropos, Porto Rafti.

Attica combines all the elements of Greek history. The Romans, Byzantines, Franks, Ottomans left their mark here, and modernity has also touched the region. These prints are fresh, as if history is moving along with the present time.

The proximity of beautiful resorts is a feature of Attica that tourists will appreciate. Paleo Faliro is located just 5 kilometers from the capital. There is not only a magnificent promenade and wonderful beaches, but also numerous cafes, bars, taverns, and restaurants that open their doors to everyone who wants to have a good time. The resort's shops allow you to find souvenirs that will remind you of your trip when you return home, local goods and products renowned for their quality. Organized excursions to greek islands– another advantage of Paleo Faliro.


Vouliagmeni- luxury resort. Luxury hotels, luxury apartments, expensive villas are not the only advantage. A unique lake with mineral healing springs allows you to relax with health benefits. Coniferous trees make the air clean and rich in healthy aromas.

Those wishing to receive treatment can go to Loutraki. There are healing springs here, and the wonderful beneficial climate helps you feel complete fusion with nature. An interesting location is Cape Sounio. The extreme southern point of Attica gives the opportunity to see the Temple of Poseidon, especially beautiful at sunset.

More details


Attica is a region of Greece located directly on the peninsula. It is in this part of the state that the capital Athens is located, numerous resorts with beautiful beaches, as well as various interesting places where you can just stroll. In Attica, it is not difficult to find an excursion program for every taste, and all types of tourism (be it sports or gastronomic) are open to those interested.

Cult monuments

Due to the fact that Athens is located in this region, it is better to start excursions from the main city of Greece. The fascinating history of the state attracts even those who have little interest in antiquity. It is truly considered a true historical symbol of Athens. Acropolis. This attraction is architectural complex, which includes a number of places of worship, sanctuaries, and temples. Most of the buildings are destroyed and lie in ruins, but even from those fragments that have survived to this day, one can see the greatness ancient monuments architecture.

Definitely worth another visit architectural structure, which is unique in its kind - Parthenon Temple. Attention should also be paid Temple of Erechtheionon, because it is shrouded in many secrets and legends. When getting to know Athens and the history of Ancient Greece, you should not miss the opportunity to visit Archaeological Museum. Collection cultural center includes historical artifacts that have been discovered by researchers in various regions of the country. Some exhibits are several thousand years old, for example, ancient jewelry, religious objects, and amazing statues of gods. Scientists also discovered numerous household items of the population of Greece from the ancient period, which are now presented in the museum.

When you travel outside of Athens, you can discover no less historical monuments. Yes, it’s located nearby monastery of Daphne. This Byzantine era building has interesting story. The fact is that at the time of construction it was supposed to become the temple of Apollo Daphne. With the advent of Christianity, the building was used as a fortification, and after a while there was a psychiatric hospital here. After a complete reconstruction, the Daphne Monastery took its place among the most important historical buildings in Greece.

Attica is rich in religious buildings, so attention is worth paying attention to Temple of Poseidon, with which various stories are associated. For a long time, until recently, sailors made offerings so that the sea elements would be favorable to them on long voyages. And now sailors and travelers come to the god of the sea with olive and magnolia branches to appease the deity.

Temple of Demeter located in Elekvsina. Now this religious building serves as a museum, the collection of which contains the most important artifacts belonging to various eras. It is also worth taking a walk around the island of Aegina. Here the traveler will discover unique natural attractions. One of the most iconic places This area is considered the ghost town of Palaiohora. There were no inhabitants here many hundreds of years ago, but all the buildings have been preserved in excellent condition. There is even an ancient monastery here, as well as 28 churches, each of which amazes visitors with its interior decoration.

It is rich in natural monuments not only Aegina island, but also slopes of Mount Ymittos. Pristine nature will give guests peace after the constant tourist bustle of Athens, and here you can also find a healing spring. According to legend, Hephaestus presented it as a gift to people. Nearby there is an ancient monastery, which belongs to the monuments of antiquity. It amazes with its skillful decorations and unique religious artifacts.

Athens Riviera

Greece is not only history. This state is rich in various beach activities and resorts, the most comfortable of which are located within the Athens Riviera. This is a whole series of amazing beaches and small resorts, this is where the famous Paleo Faliro and Kavuri are located. In this part of Attica, tourists will find the most expensive resorts With the best hotels and numerous entertainments for every taste. On the Athens Riviera there is a place for those who love leisure, as there are yacht clubs and diving centers and many sports activities. Separate beaches are equipped for have a wonderful holiday with a family.

Just half an hour's drive from the center of the capital, travelers have the opportunity to walk along picturesque bays, go shopping in search of expensive brands and various souvenirs, and relax in one of the many cafes and clubs overlooking the sea. This place contains everything that many people love Greece for.

Faliro is a truly special suburb of Athens. Although it is located close to the capital, it is very far from the constant bustle and noise, which is why the Athenians themselves often come here to relax. There is always something to do here, since the establishments are open almost around the clock. The bay is considered the real calling card of this area, but it’s better to take a leisurely stroll or ride a bike in local park, perfect for these purposes. The magnificent view of the Saronic Gulf, which opens from the embankment, is mesmerizing. Restaurants and shops, playgrounds and parks are all open until the end of September. Interestingly, from Wednesday to Saturday from 17:30 to 20:30 you can get a free bike and go on an exciting ride. This event is held as part of the local “Tram - Bicycle” program. Coastal routes".

No less beautiful is suburb of Glyfada. Well-maintained beaches, plenty of sunshine, date palms right in the recreation area - all these beach pleasures are complemented by truly endless nightlife in clubs. Young people will appreciate the fun that reigns in this town. There are many expensive shops and hotels here, and local restaurants offer a taste of the whole of Greece.

A couple of kilometers away from Glyfada, you can look into Voula district. It is considered the decoration of the Athens Riviera. Voula has two beaches with embankments: A and B. Here you can not only swim and have a wonderful rest. The entire tourist infrastructure and the opportunity to engage in water sports allow you to combine relaxation with active entertainment. Mainly practiced in Voula water skiing, beach volleyball and roller coaster rides, so at first glance the atmosphere resembles an amusement park. From expensive entertainment Glyfada is famous for its golf centers, so here you can feel like a real aristocrat.

Lake Vouliagmeni known for its rich vegetation and picturesque beaches. Luxury restaurants and hotels in Attica are presented here in a wide variety. Local chefs are ready to surprise everyone with the delights of traditional Greek (and not only) cuisine. Night entertainment centers will also please even those who, it would seem, have already seen everything.

One of the most famous beaches of Vouliagmeni is Asteras. Perfectly clear water and a unique natural landscape provide the opportunity to relax under the warm Greek sun. The beach area has been marked Blue flag, which only confirms its quality.

Tourist is popular Varkiza resort, which is located along the coast. Perfectly clean water, all kinds water sports, landscaped areas for every taste, including free ones - every traveler will find something to suit his taste. You should definitely visit the taverns where the freshest sea fish and seafood are served. Windsurfers will especially like Varkiza, for whom all the necessary infrastructure is organized here.

The Athens Riviera stretches along the Saronic Gulf to Cape Sounion, so on the way vacationers will also meet Lagonisi, popular for family vacation thanks to clean beaches and fragrant lemon groves, and Saronida, worthy of attention no less.

Having already moved away from beach holiday on the Athens Riviera, you can improve your health in Attica. This region is home to the famous health resort Loutraki. This place is known for its healing springs, the properties of which were noted by ancient philosophers and scientists. Modern medicine allows us to reveal unique qualities and influence various diseases with the help of innovative programs.

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Meaning of the word attica

attica in the crossword dictionary

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


in ancient times, a region in the southeast of Wed. Greece. In modern Greece, Attica is one of the nomes (the center is Athens).


(Greek Attike), in ancient times a region in the southeast of Central Greece. The political unification of Africa around Athens (Sinoicism) occurred, according to ancient Greek legends, under King Theseus; in reality, this process lasted for several centuries. By the beginning of the 6th century. BC. Athens received absolute economic and political dominance in Africa (see Ancient Athens). In modern Greece, A. is one of the nomes of the same name (center ≈ Athens).



Attica (, Atiki- lit. " coastal country") - the south-eastern region of Central Greece, the connecting link between the Balkan Peninsula and the Archipelago, with an area of ​​​​approximately 3808 km², bordered in the north by Boeotia, in the west through the Isthmus of Corinth - with Megaris and the entire Peloponnese. It is washed from the south by the Saronic Gulf, from the east by the Gulf of Petalia and to the northeast by the Gulf of Notios-Evvoikos of the Aegean Sea.

Attica (prison)

Attica- New York State Maximum/Super Maximum Security Prison, located in Attica, operated by the New York State Department of Correctional Services. After its completion in the 1930s, many of the dangerous criminals of the time were held there. A system has been installed in the prison's canteen and production areas to spray tear gas to quell conflicts. The prison currently houses prisoners serving sentences ranging from short to life sentences, as well as prisoners transferred from other prisons due to disciplinary issues.

In 1971, a riot occurred in the prison, during which 43 people died, including 33 prisoners, ten prison officers and civilian employees. One of the guards died at the hands of rioting prisoners at the very beginning of the conflict. The rest were shot and killed when state police and troops stormed the prison. national guard. One of the reasons for the riot was overcrowding in the prison. John Lennon's song “Attica State” from the album “Some Time in New York City” (1972) was dedicated to the suppression of this riot. Today the prison is also overcrowded. Some prisoners are kept two at a time in small cells designed for one person.

Attica (disambiguation)


  • Attica - region in Greece
  • Attica - prison strict regime in New York State

Examples of the use of the word attica in literature.

The Council of Amphictyony at Delphi continued to serve as the highest court, but another, more expanded council was created under the chairmanship of Philip, which was to be located in Corinth, that is, between Attica and the Peloponnese - and which was the real governing body of the coalition.

I once saw Borey flying over Attica, daughter of Erechtheus Orithia and fell in love with her.

What I did with Attica Theseus is only a development of the thoughts and ideas of Hercules.

The great goddess Athena wove the majestic Athenian Acropolis on her blanket in the middle, and on it depicted her dispute with Poseidon for power over Attica.

The political history of Attica presents a classic example of the emergence of a state. From ancient times, Athens, the main city of Attica, was inhabited by people ethnically close to the Asia Minor Greeks.

Attica, the region of Central Greece, is a peninsula protruding into the Aegean Sea in a triangle and washed from the west by the Saronic Gulf; the Euripus Strait separates it from the island of Euboea. The central region of Attica (Mesogeia) is surrounded by mountain ranges. The Kephis River cuts the valley into two parts and connects the plain with the sea. On the western coast, Attica has several natural harbors: Faler, Piraeus (Munichia). The nature of the country had its influence on the history of Attica. Mainly remaining an agricultural country of gardeners, cattle breeders, gardeners and beekeepers, Attica, with good bays and harbors, developed large trade and industry, which won it fame throughout the Hellenic world and beyond. Sparta cannot be compared in this regard.

The ancient history of Attica is little better known than the history of Sparta. Like Sparta, Attica and Athens have their historical roots in the Cretan-Mycenaean world. In the post-Mycenaean period, Attica was covered with small Basilean fortresses, as evidenced by the remains that have survived to this day. The names of the most ancient semi-legendary Attic kings and heroes are preserved in myths: Cecrops, Aegeus, Theseus, Codras, etc.

In myths and legends education Athenian State appears in the form of many years of struggle between the Basilei, who were sitting in their policies scattered throughout the territory of Attica. Subsequently, this process of struggle began to be imagined in the form of peaceful unification, or synoicism. The legends say that after he received royal power Theseus, combining strength with intelligence, he put the country in order, abolished the councils and officials of other cities and united all the inhabitants around one city through synoicism, establishing one council and one prytani. An all-Athenian holiday was established to commemorate the unification of Attica. Panathenaea, dedicated to the memory of the patroness of the city, Pallas Athena, goddess of war and olive groves. Subsequently, Panathenaea turned into a national holiday, accompanied by games, gymnastics and musical competitions.

Socio-economic system of Attica XII-VIII centuries. can be defined as the Homeric system.

The four tribal unions, or phyles, that inhabited Attica were divided into phratries, and phratries into clans. According to the general law, the growth of productive forces, division of labor and exchange disintegrated clan organizations, putting forward in their place other organizations - neighboring, professional and property. The clan organization was preserved longest among the upper layer of “noble and rich” aristocrats, called in Attica eupatrids, that is, having noble parents.

Athenian landscape.

In the distance, the valley of the Kephisus River and the Aegalean mountain pass with "sacred road» to Eleusis. To the right is the Erechtheion.

The majority of the population consisted of medium and small farmers - geomors, artisans - demiurges, traders and fetas. The lowest stratum of Attic society were slaves, whose number increased with each century.

Under the influence of the same factors that destroyed the clan, separate localities and clans merged into a single Athenian state. The process of formation of the Athenian state, long and varied, ended approximately at the beginning of the 6th century. BC e.

The unification of Attica, caused by the growth of productive forces, for its part, was a factor that contributed to further socio-economic and cultural progress. Along with local customs, institutions, cults, etc., general Athenian (Athenian) institutions arose. In this way, Athens from a fortress, the seat of the basileus and his squad, turned into a polis city in the proper sense.

Supreme power over the united Attica for several centuries belonged to the Athenian basilei. Around the 8th century. royal power in Athens disappears. According to legend, the last Athenian king was Cod. After the abolition of royal power, Athens was headed by rulers elected from the Eupatrids - archons. At first this position was for life, then the archons were elected for 10 years and, finally, for one year. Initially, only one archon was elected, around the middle of the 6th century. formed college of nine archons: 1) the first archon, the eponymous archon, initially had great power, but later his functions were limited; 2) the archon-basile performed mainly priestly functions, as well as judicial functions in matters related to the cult; 3) the archon-polemarch was the leader of the Athenian militia and 4) six archons of thesmothetes, guardians of the law, chairmen of various judicial panels. Archons provided public positions free of charge. Archonship was considered the highest honor and honor not only for the archon himself, but also for his entire clan, phratry and phylum to which he belonged.

Upon completion of their term of office, the archons entered into Areopagus, the highest state council. The Areopagus dealt with criminal cases, especially murder cases. The Areopagus was the guardian of traditions, the highest judicial and supervisory authority. He had the recommendation and control of the archons. The Areopagus sat on a rock dedicated to the god of war Ares. This is apparently where the name itself comes from.

Only eupatrides, members of the most influential Athenian clans, could be archons and members of the Areopagus. Having wealth and having at their disposal a mass of servants and dependent people, the eupatrides could live in Athens and engage in public affairs.

The economic basis of the power of the Eupatrids was the lands located in fertile areas near Athens. The remnants of the clan system were still very strong: the land could not be alienated, and all property remained in the clan. However, new relationships were already making themselves felt. Some eupatrides were engaged in usury and trade, especially since geographical position Afpn, located only 5 kilometers from the sea, predisposed to overseas trade. The number of rich and influential aristocratic families in Attica, as in general throughout Greece, decreased with each generation. The money economy disintegrated not only the clans in the lower strata of Attica, but also captured the upper strata of the “nobles.” A minority of the eupatrides grew rich and rose in power, becoming even more noble and noble, while the majority became poorer and fell into the category of the noble. “The clan system is absolutely incompatible with a money economy” 1. The further, the more and more birth became a symbol and sign of wealth. The number of influential Eupatrid clans and families in Athens in the 8th-7th centuries, on the eve of the great reforms, was small, but they had wealth, strength and power in their hands.

The impact of the economic changes taking place—the growth of the money economy and the growth of slavery—was felt most painfully in the countryside. Trade and usury, which penetrated into the village, mercilessly broke the patriarchal relations consecrated by ancient times, inseparable from subsistence farming.

“...The developing money economy penetrated, like a corrosive acid, into the primordial way of life of rural communities based on subsistence farming.”

The position of the rural masses - geomors and fetov - in the 7th-6th centuries. in Attica was extremely difficult, both materially and legally. There is absolutely definite evidence of this from our main sources, the “Athenian Polity” of Aristotle and Plutarch (in the biography of Solon). Despite the well-known schematism and one-sidedness of their coverage, the very fact of the destruction of the Attic village is beyond doubt. The main scourge of the village was usury and growing slavery, which was crowding out free labor.

Plutarch and Aristotle report that in Attica, on the eve of the Solonian reforms (6th century), the mass of small landowners were in debt to the rich eupatrides. Debtors worked the land of the rich or took money on the security of their own identity. Lenders had the right to convert the debtor into slavery or sell him abroad.

“The fact is,” says Aristotle in “The Athenian Polity” (“History of the Athenian Constitution”), “that at that time the political system in Athens was oligarchic, the poor were in slavery to the rich, they themselves and their families. They cultivated the lands of the eupatrides, giving them five-sixths of the income received from the land, and leaving one-sixth for the personal use of themselves and their families. That’s why they were called hexagonists (hectomors). All the land was in the hands of a few. If the debtors did not pay the due payment on time, then they themselves and their family members were allowed to be taken into bondage.”

The eupatrides, who had political power and strength in their hands and firmly held on to the clan order, were opposed not only by the enslaved hexadolites, but also by other social strata of Attica, including some of the “nobles.” In other words, all elements of the emerging slaveholding policy opposed the domination of the eupatrides, among them some of the “nobles” who, for some reason, had become separated from their class. Class contradictions in the 7th-6th centuries. in Attica were just as acute as in the other Greek city-states mentioned above.

“The clash of newly formed social classes explodes the old society, based on clan alliances” 1.

“The clan system was coming to an end. Every day society grew more and more out of its framework; even the worst negative phenomena that arose before everyone’s eyes, he could neither weaken nor eliminate. Meanwhile, the state developed imperceptibly...”

The long-accumulated dissatisfaction with the existing system finally broke out in the form of the so-called Quilon's Troubles in the 30s of the 7th century. The essence of the Cylonian Troubles is as follows: Cylon, an aristocrat by birth who won the Olympic Games, son-in-law of the Megarian tyrant Theagenes, was very popular in Athens. Taking advantage of the crowd of people during the holiday in honor of Zeus, Cylon and a group of followers decided to carry out a coup d'etat in order to seize supreme power. Cylon's supporters managed to capture the Acropolis, but they could not hold on to it due to the weak support of the people. “Having learned of this, the Athenians rushed from the fields against Cylon and his accomplices and, settling down at the Acropolis, began to besiege it. The siege dragged on, and most of the Athenians, tired of it, left, leaving the archons to guard Cylon and giving them unlimited powers to do everything else at their own discretion. At that time, most of the administrative functions belonged to the archons." The Eupatrides managed to quickly organize and besieged the Acropolis. Cylon himself managed to escape, but what about his followers who sought refuge at the altar of Athena? life was promised if they left the temple. However, this promise was not fulfilled. Upon leaving the temple, Cylon's accomplices were killed, some even at the altar of the Eumenides.

The besiegers were led by representatives of the clan Alkmaeonidov. The “Kplonian filth” left an indelible stain on the Alcmaeonid family. Throughout Athenian history The Alcmaeonids were considered a cursed family that did not keep their promise to free the besieged and shed blood at the altar of the patron goddess of the city. Their political and personal enemies took advantage of this circumstance at every opportunity.

Kplon's coup attempt failed due to the immaturity of the movement, but an impetus was given. Class contradictions deepened, and with them the class struggle intensified. The “turmoil” started by Quilon continued even after his expulsion. All this indicated that public discontent and unrest in Attica in the middle of the 6th century. were very strong.

The first major concession of the Eupatrids was the publication of written laws -laws of Draco. In 621, one of the archons, Draco, was tasked with revising and writing down the current customary law. The assigned task was completed. This is how the “Dracontic Laws” arose.

The laws of Draco, according to legend, were distinguished by their extraordinary severity (“dragon’s laws!”), which testified to the rudeness and cruelty of the morals of this era. The death penalty was imposed even for crimes such as idleness and theft of vegetables and fruits. “The laws of Draco are written not in ink, but in blood,” this is how the Greeks themselves characterized the Draconian laws. They said that when they asked the legislator himself why he appointed death penalty, then Draco allegedly replied that minor offenses, in his opinion, deserve this punishment, but for major ones he could not think of anything more. Punishments for violation of private property rights were especially severe: theft, arson, murder and other civil offenses.

And yet, with all the ferocity, technical imperfection and primitiveness of legal consciousness, Draco’s laws had a great historical meaning as a victory of the emerging (slave-owning) democratic polis over the elements of the tribal system, they had, if only because some of their articles were definitely directed against blood feud. The upper layer of the demos, especially the foreigners living in Athens (metekp), received the most benefits from the introduction of written law. Meteks (or metoyki), merchants and artisans, were interested in fixing firm legal norms for trade and monetary transactions. Written law protected private property and brought order to property and business relations.

  • Engels, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, 1938, p. 106.
  • Right there.
  • Engels, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, 1938, p. 4.
  • Ibid., p. 109.
  • 8 Thucydides, 1, 126.

Greece has everything you are looking for modern tourist. This country is caressed by the sun 300 days a year, its borders are washed by 4 seas and surrounded by 1,400 islands.

Greece invites you on exciting trips to ancient ruins and museums where ancient treasures are kept. This one beckons sunny country with its fruit groves and delicacies prepared from the gifts of the Mediterranean Sea.

Greek beaches have earned the title of the best for relaxation in the whole world. Tourists flock here to sunbathe, spend time at youth discos, take unique photo sessions and enjoy the taste of aromatic olives.

One such tourist destination is Attica. It is located in the heart of the country. This is the area where statehood was founded and where the capital of Greece is located.

Attica means "coastal country". Attica is located on a peninsula, which is washed on three sides by the bays of the Aegean, Euboean, Petalian and Saronic seas.

How to get to Attica

The best way to get to Attica is from Athens, where tourists are transported by regular international flights from any country in the world.

You can get to know this historical area better with the help of a developed public transport system.

Station commuter buses located at 100, Kiffissou Street. From here, KTEL Attikis transport will deliver to Attica bus stations, one of which is located near the Acropolis, and the second on Egyptian Square.

Local train schedules are available at Athens stations. In addition, there are ferry and air connections to Attica.

Royal Olympic Hotel located within walking distance of the Acropolis. The hotel's luxuriously furnished rooms offer magnificent views of the Temple of Zeus or the fragrant garden with swimming pool.

Poseidonion Grand Hotel located on the island of Spetses and is its landmark due to its rich architecture. The rooms are stylishly furnished and feature wooden floors for added luxury. The rooms' balconies offer views of the seascape or flower garden.

  • Hotels 4*

    Amalia Hotel is within walking distance to the Acropolis and central square city ​​of Plaka. The hotel has been awarded the Green Key eco-label for its use of natural toiletries, cleaning products and organic products.

    Herodion located at the foot of the Acropolis. Each room at this hotel is decorated in an elegant style. The hotel has a magnificent rooftop garden where you can relax in hot tubs and sun loungers with views of Athens.

  • Hotels 3*

    Hermes Hotel hidden in a quiet area of ​​Plaka. Guests can enjoy a spacious lounge area and a rooftop garden.

    The hotel rooms are furnished with modern furniture and the interior is decorated in light colors.

    Plaka Hotel located in the historical center of the capital of Greece. There is a café-bar on the roof of the hotel with an impressive view of the Acropolis.

  • Things to do in Attica: Sightseeing

    The lands of Attica have absorbed ancient legends and myths that come to life in the eyes of impressionable travelers.

    Read also: Three days in Athens: find out interesting places Athens. Day three.

    Walking through the sights, you can easily be transported to ancient times, when the land of mortals was inhabited by omnipotent deities. Once in Attica, do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting the following temples and monasteries and simply interesting places:

    • Temple of Poseidon

      A unique building located on Cape Sounion. In this temple, sacraments and rituals were performed to appease the formidable sea god. The slender columns of the temple, which frame the massive structure, amaze the imagination. The building combines subtlety and grandeur, embodying the connection between land and sea.

    • Monastery of Daphne
      It can be found 10 kilometers from Athens. This structure was erected on site pagan temple Apollo of Daphnia in the 6th century. Today the monastery has the status of a monument.

    • Engina Island

      This small island attracts with its luxurious beaches and clear sea water. It is located in the middle of the Sardonic Gulf. In history, this island is known for the fact that about 360 temples were built on it. Most of them have been wiped off the face of the earth, but travelers who love antiquity can get to the city of Paleochora, considered a ghost, in which no one has lived for a long time.