Where is the island of Pharos. Lighthouse of Alexandria, also known as Pharos - the highest construction of the ancient world

After the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, a city was founded, named Alexandria in his honor. The city began to actively develop and flourish, becoming a major center of maritime trade. Soon there was an urgent need for the construction of the Lighthouse of Alexandria.

Alexandrian lighthouse. Information and interesting facts

The island of Pharos, located 1290 meters from Alexandria, was chosen as the place for the lighthouse. The construction of the Pharos lighthouse, which later became the seventh wonder of the world, was led by the architect Sostratus, the son of Dexifan from Cnidus.

A dam was built to ensure the transport of building materials to the island. The construction itself was carried out according to the standards ancient world lightning fast, took only six years (285-279 BC). The new building immediately "knocked out" the walls of Babylon from the list of classic wonders of the world, and took pride of place there to this day. The height of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, according to contemporaries, reached 120 meters. The light projected from the tower of the Lighthouse of Alexandria was visible at a distance of up to 48 kilometers.

The lighthouse had three tiers.

The first tier had a square shape with sides of 30.5 meters, oriented to the cardinal points. Overall Height this tier was 60 meters. The corners of the tier were occupied by statues of tritons. The room itself was intended to accommodate workers and guards, storerooms for fuel and food.

The middle tier of the Pharos lighthouse had an octagonal shape with edges oriented according to the winds prevailing here. The upper part of the tier was decorated with statues, some of which functioned as weathercocks.

The upper tier of a cylindrical shape played just the role of a lantern. It was surrounded by eight columns covered with a dome-cone. The top of the dome of the Pharos lighthouse was decorated with a seven-meter statue of Isis-Faria (the guardian of seafarers). A powerful lamp was projected using a system of concave metal mirrors. There has been a long-standing debate about the delivery of fuel to the top of the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Some suggest that the delivery was carried out with the help of lifting mechanisms along the inner shaft, while others say that the lifting was carried out with the help of mules along a spiral ramp.

Also in the lighthouse there was an underground part, where the reserves of drinking water for the garrison were located. It is worth mentioning that the lighthouse also served as a fortress guarding the sea route to Alexandria. The Pharos lighthouse itself was even surrounded by a powerful fence with bastions and loopholes.

In the XIV century, the wonder of the world Faros lighthouse was destroyed by an earthquake. Currently about appearance The seventh wonder of the world is evidenced only by images on Roman coins and the remains of the ruins. So, for example, research in 1996 made it possible to find the remains of the Lighthouse of Alexandria at the bottom of the sea.

Lighthouse on Roman coins

A hundred years after the destruction, Sultan Kait Bey built a fort in its place. And now there are initiators who want to reconstruct the Pharos lighthouse, in the place where it was originally located - on the island of Pharos. But the Egyptian authorities do not want to consider these projects yet, and the Qait-bey fortress continues to guard the site of the former great building of antiquity.

Kite Bay Fortress

The history of the seventh Wonder of the World - the Lighthouse of Alexandria - is associated with the foundation in 332 BC. Alexandria, a city that was named after the great Roman general Alexander the Great. It should be noted that during his career the conqueror founded about 17 cities with similar names, but only the Egyptian project managed to survive to this day.

Alexandrian lighthouse

Foundation of the city to the glory of the great commander

Macedonian selected the site for the founding of Egyptian Alexandria very carefully. He did not like the idea of ​​a location in the Nile Delta, and so the decision was made to set up the first construction sites 20 miles south, near the swampy Lake Mareotis. Alexandria was supposed to have two large harbors - one was intended for merchant ships coming from mediterranean sea, and the second - for ships sailing along the Nile.

After the death of Alexander the Great in 332 BC. the city came under the rule of Ptolemy I Soter, the new ruler of Egypt. During this period, Alexandria developed into a thriving trading port. In 290 BC. Ptolemy ordered the construction of a huge lighthouse on the island of Pharos, which would light the way for ships going to the harbor of the city at night and in bad weather.

Construction of a lighthouse on the island of Pharos

The construction of the Lighthouse of Alexandria dates back to the 4th century BC, but the system of signal lights itself appeared only in the 1st century BC. The creator of this masterpiece of engineering and architectural art is Sostratus, a resident of Cnidia. The work continued for a little over 20 years, and as a result, the Lighthouse of Alexandria became the world's first building of this type and the tallest building in the ancient world, not counting, of course, the Giza pyramids.

The height of the Lighthouse of Alexandria was approximately 450-600 feet. At the same time, the building was absolutely unlike any of the architectural monuments available at that time. The building was a three-tiered tower, the walls of which were made of marble slabs fastened with lead mortar. Most Full description The Lighthouse of Alexandria was compiled by Abu el-Andalussi - the famous Arab traveler - in 1166. He noted that in addition to performing purely practical functions, the lighthouse served as a very noticeable attraction.

The fate of the great lighthouse

The Pharos Lighthouse has been illuminating the way for sailors for over 1500 years. But strong tremors in 365, 956 and 1303 A.D. badly damaged the building, and the most powerful earthquake of 1326 finally destroyed one of the greatest architectural structures peace. In 1994, the remains of the Lighthouse of Alexandria were discovered by archaeologists, and subsequently the image of the structure was more or less successfully restored using computer modeling.

Alexandria is the second most important city in modern Egypt. It was founded in the 4th century. BC e. Alexander the Great. And in the III century. BC e. one of the seven wonders of the world appeared here - the Lighthouse of Alexandria. It was the first lighthouse in the world, that is, a structure that provides orientation for ships.

The lighthouse was built on the small island of Pharos in the Mediterranean Sea. The huge structure was erected in just five years instead of the planned twenty and was completed around 283 BC. e. Construction took place under Ptolemy II, king of Egypt.

There are numerous descriptions of this wonder of the world, supplemented in last years data from underwater archaeological expeditions. The total height of the lighthouse was 120–140 meters (the pyramid of Cheops was 147 meters, and the height of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg was 122 meters). The Pharos lighthouse was made up of three marble towers, located on a base of massive stone blocks. The first rectangular tower contained premises for workers and soldiers. Each side of the lower stone prism was 30 meters. The height of this part of the lighthouse was 60 meters. The second was a forty-meter octagonal tower with a spiral ramp leading to the top tower. The upper tower had a cylindrical shape, it was on it that the fire burned, which helped the ships bypass the reefs and reach the bay. Eight columns made up a cylindrical colonnade with a dome, which housed an eight-meter statue of Poseidon (or Zeus the Savior).

The light was visible at a distance of 60–100 kilometers. This was ensured by the use of polished bronze mirrors that stood behind the flames and cast light into the sea. Fuel (wood) was brought up the spiral ramp in carts pulled by mules.

The architect was Sostratus of Cnidus. The exact dates of the life of this creator are unknown. He was a native of Asia Minor Kariya. His father was the architect Deksifan, a teacher and co-author of a number of structures. Sostratus built a number of buildings at Delphi and a hanging platform for promenades at Cnidus. On the stone blocks of the Pharos lighthouse, an inscription was engraved: "Sostratus, son of Dexifan, Cnidian, to the savior gods for the health of seafarers." Some sources believe that Sostratus of Cnidus contributed a considerable share from his personal funds to the construction of the wonder of the world, which cost 800 talents.

The lighthouse stood for almost a thousand years, but in 796 AD. e. was badly damaged by the earthquake. The Arabs tried to restore the lighthouse, which by the end of the XIV century. rose to 30 meters. A hundred years later, a fortress was erected on this site.

The type of construction, which was initiated by the Faros Lighthouse, still exists today. The word "lighthouse" began to be used in a figurative sense. AT Soviet time there were "lighthouse people", that is, leaders in production, on which all the rest were called to be equal. The light of the lighthouse began to be perceived as a symbol of hope for salvation, as a finish point in a long journey, as something that is dreamed of. The miracle remains.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria has been one of the tallest man-made structures for almost 1000 years and has survived nearly 22 earthquakes! Interesting, isn't it?

In 1994, French archaeologists discovered several ruins in the waters off the coast of Alexandria. Large blocks and artifacts have been found. These blocks belonged to the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Built by the first Ptolemy, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, also called the Pharos Lighthouse, was the only ancient marvel with the actual purpose of helping sailors and ships enter the harbor. It was located on the island of Pharos in Egypt and was a fine example of ancient architecture. The lighthouse was a source of income and a milestone for the city.


◈ Alexander the Great founded the city of Alexandria in 332 BC.

◈ After his death, Ptolemy I Soter declared himself as pharaoh. He built a city and commissioned a lighthouse.

◈ Pharos was a small island connected to Alexandria by an embankment called the Heptastadion.

◈ Alexander named 17 cities after himself, but Alexandria is the only city that survives and flourishes.

◈ Unfortunately, Alexander could not see this beautiful structure in his city since he died in 323 BC.


◈ The Lighthouse of Alexandria was built between 280 and 247 BC. This is about 12 - 20 years for construction. Ptolemy I died before its completion, so it was discovered by his son Ptolemy of Philadelphia.

◈ Construction cost was about 800 talents, equivalent to $3 million today.

◈ The lighthouse was about 135 meters high. The lowest part was square, the middle one was octagonal and the top was round.

◈ Limestone blocks were used to build the lighthouse. They were sealed with molten lead to withstand strong waves.

◈ Spiral staircases led to the top.

◈ In a huge curved mirror, light was reflected during the day, and at night a fire burned at the very top.

◈ The light of the beacon could be seen according to various data at a distance of 60 to 100 km.

◈ Unconfirmed sources say that the mirror was also used to identify and burn enemy ships.

◈ 4 statues of the god Triton stood at the four corners on top and a statue of Zeus or Poseidon in the center.

◈ The designer of the lighthouse was Sostratus of Knidos. Some sources credit him with sponsorship as well.

◈ Legend has it that Ptolemy did not allow Sostratus to inscribe his name on the walls of the lighthouse. Even then, Sostratus wrote "Sostratos, son of Dextiphon, dedicated to the savior gods for the sake of the seas" on the wall, and then put plaster on top and wrote the name of Ptolemy.


◈ The lighthouse was badly damaged during an earthquake in 956 and again in 1303 and 1323.

◈ Although the Lighthouse survived almost 22 earthquakes, it finally collapsed in 1375.

◈ In 1349, the famous Arab traveler Ibn Battuta visited Alexandria, but could not climb the lighthouse.

◈ In 1480 the remains of the stone were used to build the fort of Kite Bay on the same site.

◈ Now there is an Egyptian military fortress on the site of the lighthouse, so researchers cannot get there.


◈ The monument has become an ideal model for a lighthouse and has important architectural significance.

◈ the word "Pharos" - the lighthouse comes from Greek wordφάρος in many languages ​​such as French, Italian, Spanish and Romanian.

◈ Lighthouse of Alexandria is mentioned by Julius Caesar in his writings.

◈ The lighthouse remains the civic symbol of the city of Alexandria. His image is used on the flag and seal of the province, as well as on the flag of Alexandria University.

One of the most outstanding monuments of the ancient world is now under water in ruins. But everyone can swim around the ruins with equipment.

The seventh wonder of the world is located in Egypt on the coast of the Faros Gulf - the famous Lighthouse of Alexandria counts its history from the formation of the city of Alexandria, which was built in 332 BC. the Roman commander Macedonian: during his military career, the conqueror named about 17 cities in his honor, but only Alexandria in Egypt has retained its sights to this day.


1. The Pharos lighthouse was erected in the Nile Delta - the commander carefully chose a place for the new city of Alexandria, and it was here that the first construction sites were deployed near Lake Mareotis. Macedonian assumed that the lighthouse, grandiose in height, should stand on the banks of two large harbors. One of them was planned as a port for merchant ships that came from the Mediterranean countries, and the second harbor served ships going along the Nile.

2. Ptolemy became the new ruler of Egypt: by that time, Macedonian had died, leaving behind a flourishing and promising port city. The new government decided to continue the work of the conqueror and install a lighthouse, which later became the seventh wonder of the world. At night and in inclement weather, a 120-meter powerful lighthouse illuminated sea ​​routes trade and passenger ships heading to the harbor.

3. During the construction of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, a photo of the remains of the foundation of which can be seen on the net, a system of signal lights was used. Sostratus, an engineer from Cnidia, is considered a real architect, who did a lot for the appearance of this large-scale signal structure in Alexandria and actually supervised the construction. It took more than 20 years to build the Faros lighthouse, which went down in history as the most high building ancient world. To provide the work site with building materials, a dam was built.

4. Inside the lighthouse, the architects placed as many as three separate tiers. On the first one, which has a square shape, statues of marine inhabitants - tritons were installed in the corners. This room housed the guards and workers serving the lighthouse. Also there were pantries with fuel and products.

On the middle tier, the building had an octagonal shape, while the builders managed to orient the faces according to local wind directions. At the top of the building were statues and original weathervanes.

The upper tier had a strictly cylindrical shape and was decorated with columns, and a source of illumination was arranged under the cone-shaped reflective dome. At the top of the lighthouse was a statue of Isis, who was considered the patroness of merchants and sailors. The craftsmen managed to project powerful light through a complex system of mirrors - these were concave metal sheets that perfectly reflected the fire burning at the very top of the tower.

5. Scientists are still arguing about the method of delivering fuel to the Pharos lighthouse. According to one version, firewood was brought by teams of mules along reliable spiral staircases. The second legend says that the fuel was lifted on an ancient elevator along a shaft located vertically inside the structure. The light that the lighthouse gave from the high tower was clearly visible even at a distance of 48 kilometers from the harbor.

6. In the underground part there were serious supplies of food and water for the garrison guard, since the structure served as a fortress protecting the bays and sea approaches to the city. The photo of the Alexandria lighthouse foundation preserved the outlines of the fence, through the loopholes of which the arrows guarded the harbor.

The fate of the building

In the 16th century, the seventh wonder of the world was almost completely destroyed by an earthquake. The lighthouse was captured on old-style coins minted in Rome. Modern scientists can judge the scale of the construction only by the ruins and preserved ancient documents.

Sultan Kait Bey, a century after the destruction of the tower, built a military fort on that site. In the mid-90s of the last century, scientists discovered the remains of the legendary lighthouse at the bottom of the Alexandria harbor. Once upon a time, initiative groups planned to reconstruct the lighthouse, but the Egyptian authorities refused to finance these dubious projects. Now on the island of Pharos, only the ancient fortress of Kait Bay guards the ruins of an ancient tower.

Tourists and travelers from all over the world can not only see picturesque photos of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, but also visit the remains of the foundation on the shore of the bay in Egypt. The ruins of the tower still attract lovers historical sites and antique architecture. By purchasing completely affordable prices tours to Egypt from specialists from the travel agency site, tourists get a unique opportunity to visit different countries and even look at famous sights.