How can you find out who is registered in the apartment? Does the bank need a certificate stating that no one is registered in the house?

Hello! Tell me, to apply for a mortgage on a house in SNT, does the bank need a certificate stating that no one is registered in this house? What kind of certificate could this be, and where can I get it?

The question asks: Alexandra

Good afternoon Alexandra! Your question is relevant, since many today are thinking about purchasing suburban real estate. Just like a couple of years ago, banks are wary of providing loans of this type.

The main difficulty in issuing loans for suburban real estate is the assessment land plot, which is associated with the subsequent assessment of risks for the banking institution.

A house owned by SNT is considered the highest risk object for a financial organization. Some banks refuse to lend to such real estate even if there are guarantors, as well as property that can be used as collateral.

Alexandra, despite this, there are banks that are ready to open a line of credit, offering optimal conditions for both calculating the loan and repaying it. The main thing is to comply with all the requirements established by the financial institution:

Country property must be registered at the address;
It is necessary to have a transport interchange and access;
It is necessary to have a full range of engineering systems;
The property must be suitable for comfortable living 12 months a year.

Some banks require that the future home be located no more than 50 km from their nearest branch.

If your house meets all the above rules, then you can prepare a package of documents. A contract for country real estate is drawn up after reviewing a standard list of certificates and extracts.

Alexandra, you will need to provide the bank operator with the following documents:

An application filled out in accordance with all the rules;
A document that confirms your identity - passport Russian citizen;
Marriage certificate, as well as birth certificate of children (if any);
A certificate documenting stable earnings in Form 2-NDFL (issued by the accounting department);
Pension insurance.

This list of documents must provide accurate information. You should not falsify data, as this may affect the final decision of the bank.

Based on the above, Alexandra, you will not need a registration certificate. However, this fact must be clarified with the bank. Perhaps the institution where you decided to get a mortgage requires additional documents.

We wish you good luck when applying for a loan!

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Information regarding the number of people registered in the living space can only be obtained by the owner of the property . If the apartment belongs to the municipality and is in social rent, then information about those registered in it is provided to the responsible tenant. Other persons without the appropriate documents will not be able to find out how many people are registered in the apartment.

A third party who is not a responsible tenant or homeowner can find out such data only upon presentation of a power of attorney drawn up by a notary and certified by the signature of the apartment owner. Such a document gives him the right to receive information regarding the people registered in the apartment, acting in the interests of the owner (tenant) of the property.

Also, persons who are themselves registered in the desired apartment have the right to receive such information.

Why may you need information about people registered in the living space?

There are quite a few situations in which information about apartment residents can be useful.

The most common cases:

  1. Buying secondary housing. When you purchase housing, the presence and number of people registered in it plays a big role. Hardly anyone wants to pay public utilities for complete strangers. Therefore, when concluding a purchase and sale transaction, it is best to ask the seller for a certificate stating that there are no people registered in the desired living space. If this was not done, and the apartment has already been purchased, and the owners realized it too late, they will have to go to the competent authorities themselves and ask for information.
  2. If the apartment is municipal, then only a limited number of people can be registered in it, depending on its area. If you need to register another relative in your living space, you can be refused at the passport office. In such a situation, there is only one way out - to take a certificate about the residents registered in the apartment and choose which of them to discharge.
  3. If the owner plans to sell himself of his home, he will need not only the number of residents registered with him, but also some information about them. You need to find out their age (the presence of minor residents will greatly complicate further sales), place of residence (tenants who are in prison or in medical institutions are discharged temporarily and have the right to register again in this living space upon their return).

Also, this certificate can serve as a special “reassurance” for the owner of the apartment; it will indicate that scammers are not encroaching on his living space.

Where to get information about people registered in an apartment

There are several bodies authorized to provide such information.

If there are several of them operating in your city, then it is easier to choose the institution where more competent specialists work, or the one where there are fewer queues - this will save a lot of personal time.

You can find out how many people are registered in the apartment:

Separately, we can mention a method for obtaining data via the Internet, but more on that later.

How exactly to obtain information about the residents registered in the apartment

When contacting different competent authorities, the rules for providing the necessary information will also differ. For example, when contacting Passport Office You must have a document proving your identity with you and write a statement.

You can request an extended version of the help you are looking for, where not only the number of residents registered in the apartment will be indicated this moment, but also information about those who were registered there previously, as well as basic data about everyone.

Another option is to contact the FMS. In both cases, information is provided only to the owner of the property. Only at the passport office the documents are checked immediately, and at the FMS, upon receipt of an application of this kind, the owner is sent a request whether he agrees to the disclosure of such data. The second difference is in the response time: the Federal Migration Service provides information on the number of registered applications within no more than thirty days from the date of application.

Also, information about people registered in the apartment is entered into the house register. An employee of the management company can provide this information upon presentation of a passport and a document confirming ownership of the apartment.

You can also use the oral option: find out about the number of residents through the district police officer.

They usually have this information. The human factor plays a big role here, whether the local police officer will meet you halfway and take your word for it that you are going to buy an apartment, which is why you are interested in the people registered in it.

How to find out the number of people registered in an apartment by address

When buying a secondary home, it is especially important to know about the presence of registration in the apartment. The easiest way to do this is through the seller himself - after all, it is in his own interests. If for some reason the owner did not provide such information, you can independently make a request to the Unified State Register.

This document is the Unified Register of Real Estate Rights, and it displays all the required information regarding a particular home. When making an inquiry, it is important to provide a preliminary purchase and sale agreement to confirm that you are the buyer. The purpose of the appeal plays a big role in the response.

How to get the necessary information about those registered via the Internet

The Internet is the most modern way to obtain any information. However, when it comes to the number and personalities of people registered in the apartment, this method may not be very effective.

The safest method is to go to the Rosreestr website. When purchasing real estate, this source will provide information about encumbrances on the desired apartment.

There are also many special resources on the Internet that promise to provide data on people registered in a residential area for a certain amount of money.

Some of them do have access to the necessary databases, but there are two key points to remember:

  • Most of these resources are formed by scammers trying to extract money from clients and providing incorrect information.
  • According to the Law “On the Protection of Personal Data”, disclosure of such information is prohibited. Providing information about the number and identities of residents registered at a specific address is permitted only to the owner or an authorized representative upon provision of supporting documents.

Therefore, if there is a need to obtain data on the number of people registered in an apartment, it would be best to contact the passport office or the territorial office of the FMS.

Reply from 04/23/2014 15:18

Administrative regulations provided by the Federal Migration Service public services for registration of citizens Russian Federation at the place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Federal Migration Service of September 20, 2007 N 208):

59. When registering citizens in residential premises of a private housing stock, owned by individuals or legal entities, in the absence of an agreement between the owner (owners) of the residential premises and the organization managing the housing stock to carry out this work, registration and storage by the owners of the houses (apartments) is allowed house (apartment) books in form No. 11 (Appendix No. 11 to the Regulations). House (apartment) books are kept for each isolated residential premises: household (apartment), part of the household (part of the apartment), room.
When a house (apartment) book is issued upon a written application to the owner of a residential premises, it is numbered, laced and sealed with a paper stamp of the registration authority with the entry recorded on the last internal page: “In this house (apartment) book there are 00 sheets numbered, laced and sealed.” , which is signed by the official who issued it, indicating the date of issue.
In case of loss (damage) of a house (apartment) register, a new house (apartment) register is issued upon the application of the owner of the residential premises in writing. About the issuance of a house (apartment) book for the first time and upon loss (damage), a corresponding note is made in the journal for issuing house (apartment) books of any form, which is registered in the prescribed manner and stored in the department that provides public services to citizens.
62. Authorized officials of the registration body, when considering documents submitted by officials responsible for registration within 3 days:
check the correctness and completeness of filling out the arrival address sheets in Form N 2 (Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations), statistical registration sheets in Form N 12P and Form N 12B (Appendix No. 12 to the Regulations) and the correspondence of the entries in them, as well as in the registration cards according to Form No. 9 (Appendix No. 9 to the Regulations), in apartment cards according to Form No. 10 (Appendix No. 10 to the Regulations) or house (apartment) books according to Form No. 11 (Appendix No. 11 to the Regulations) information specified in those submitted for registration citizens documents provided for in paragraph 17 of the Regulations. The maximum duration of the action is 5 minutes;
make a record of the decision made in the “decision made” column of applications in Form No. 6 (Appendix No. 6 to the Regulations). In this case, the grounds for registration are indicated with reference to the relevant paragraphs (subparagraphs) of the Rules or other grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The maximum duration of the action is 3 minutes. The citizen is informed in advance about the decision by telephone (if available);
in the passports of citizens registered at the place of residence and not deregistered at the previous place of residence, a stamp on deregistration at the place of residence and a stamp on registration at the place of residence are simultaneously affixed *(27). The maximum duration of the action is 3 minutes.
63. The registration stamp at the place of residence is also affixed to the registration card in Form No. 9 (Appendix No. 9 to the Regulations) or in the house (apartment) book according to Form No. 11 (Appendix No. 11 to the Regulations) in the column “marks of registration at the place of residence” residence" indicating only the date of registration in its details. The maximum duration of the action is 3 minutes.
91. Employees of registration authorities upon receipt of applications for deregistration at the place of residence in Form N 6 (Appendix No. 6 to the Regulations) and sheets of statistical registration of disposal in Form N 12B (Appendix No. 12 to the Regulations), no later than the next after their receipts of the day, notify the officials responsible for registration, as well as citizens and legal entities. providing residential premises owned by them for living, who submit to the registration authority registration cards in Form No. 9 (Appendix No. 9 to the Regulations), apartment cards in Form No. 10 (Appendix No. 10 to the Regulations) or house (apartment) books according to Form No. 11 (Appendix No. 11 to the Regulations), as well as completed departure address sheets according to Form No. 7 (Appendix No. 7 to the Regulations).
92. The deregistration of citizens at their place of residence is completed within 3 days by affixing stamps on deregistration in registration cards in Form No. 9 (Appendix No. 9 to the Regulations) or house (apartment) books in Form No. 11 ( Appendix No. 11 to the Regulations). The maximum duration of the action is 3 minutes.
If it is not possible to affix a stamp on deregistration at the place of residence in the registration card in Form No. 9 (Appendix No. 9 to the Regulations) or the house (apartment) book in Form No. 11 (Appendix No. 11 to the Regulations), registration of deregistration registration is carried out without affixing a stamp to the specified documents. In this case, a temporary registration card (house register) is created for this citizen, information from which is subsequently transferred to the missing registration card (house register), and the temporary card (house register) is destroyed.
97. Address sheets of departure and sheets of statistical records of disposal together with registration cards in form N 9 (Appendix N 9 to the Regulations), apartment cards in form N 10 (Appendix N 10 to the Regulations) or house (apartment) books in form N 11 ( Appendix No. 11 to the Regulations), as well as identification documents and applications for deregistration, the officials responsible for registration transfer them to the registration authority within 3 days from the date of receipt from citizens.
98. Employees of the registration authority, within 3 days from the date of receipt of documents, remove citizens from registration at the place of residence by affixing in their passports, registration cards in form No. 9 (Appendix No. 9 to the Regulations) or house (apartment) books in the form No. 11 (Appendix No. 11 to the Regulations) stamp on deregistration at the place of residence. The maximum duration of the action is 5 minutes.
101. Officials responsible for registration, as well as citizens and legal entities, submit the documents specified in paragraph 100 along with registration cards in Form No. 9 (Appendix No. 9 to the Regulations), apartment cards in Form No. 10 (Appendix No. 10 to the Regulations) or house (apartment) books in Form No. 11 (Appendix No. 11 to the Regulations), as well as departure address sheets in Form No. 7 (Appendix No. 7 to the Regulations) within 3 days from the date of citizens’ application to the registration authorities.