How to get a visa to Tunisia for Russians? Business and student visas. Cost of registration of entry and exit

Snow-white sandy beaches and ancient monuments of Tunisia attract tourists. Many come here to relax with their children. In this article we will figure out what kind of visa to Tunisia is required for different types trips.

First, let's answer the question: Do citizens of our country need a visa to Tunisia? In 2017, the rules approved by the Tunisian Embassy on December 1, 2014 apply. Russians do not need a visa to Tunisia if they come to Tunisia for no more than 90 days.

A tourist voucher is no longer required for entry. You must have a foreign passport with you, which must be valid for at least 90 days from the date of return to your homeland.

Until December 2014, visa-free stay was only possible for those who arrived charter flights from Russia, and had with him a voucher from a Tunisian tour operator. The duration of the trip was limited to two weeks.

For those who wish to stay in Tunisia for longer than three months, or plan to study or work, different rules apply.

Border crossing procedure

Sample of filling out an immigration card

In order to cross the border, you must have the following documents with you:

  • International passport. The validity period must not expire earlier than 90 days from the date of return home.
  • A voucher from a tour operator or confirmation of a hotel reservation (preferably).
  • Completed migration card. Issued by a service employee at the airport. Information is entered in English, Arabic or French. The card must be kept until the end of your stay in the country and presented upon return flight.
  • Return flight ticket, confirmed and paid for.

The service employee checks the documents and affixes a stamp with the date of arrival.

If you are traveling with children, a power of attorney for travel certified by a notary is only needed if the child goes on a trip without parents, accompanied by relatives.

Interesting detail. There is no charge when entering the country, but on the way back you will have to pay a fee equal to approximately 13 euros or 17 dollars.

According to the government decree, this fee goes to the development of tourism. A travel stamp can be purchased at a hotel, bank or airport. It is pasted into the passport when departing from Tunisia.

Visa sample

In what cases is a visa required?

  • If, in addition to Tunisia, a trip to neighboring countries– Libya, Algeria.
  • If you are arriving in Tunisia not by plane from Russia, but arriving from neighboring countries.
  • You plan to stay in the country longer than 90 days. If you had to stay in the country without a visa for no more than two weeks from the permitted period, you will have to pay a fine. Violation of the law may result in a ban on entry into the country.
  • If you arrive in Tunisia to study, work, meet with business partners, then there is any other purpose of the trip other than tourism.

If you have a visa, you can cross the border without restrictions, extend your stay in the country, travel from any country and along any route.

Obtaining a visa

Sample visa stamp

To obtain a visa at the Tunisian Embassy in Moscow in 2017, all applicants provide the following documents:

  • A foreign passport of the established form, valid for the entire duration of the trip and for at least 90 days after its completion.
  • Copies of Russian pages general passport with marks (registration, personal data).
  • 1 photo on a light background 35x45 mm, large image of the face.
  • Questionnaire with personal data. To be completed in English or French, with a personal signature. .
  • A copy of round-trip air tickets or a stamped confirmation of booking from the airline. In the case of transit, the entire route must be obvious.
  • For business or private visa You may need a certificate from your place of work indicating your income for the last three months.

For study

If you are traveling to study, an additional letter from educational institution indicating where you are enrolled and how long the training will last. A copy of your current educational qualifications may be required.

For tourists

To apply for a tourist visa for a period exceeding 90 days, you will need a hotel voucher or booking confirmation from travel agency, can be done electronically.

For business trips

For a business trip, you will need an invitation from an organization or enterprise with a signature and seal.

If you are invited by a private person, you also need an invitation issued in accordance with the rules, certified by local authorities.

Work Visa

Our citizens rarely get jobs in Tunisia. Special regime favored status exists for representatives of certain professions. Doctors, geologists, bank employees, and employees of foreign enterprises can be invited to work without special formalities.

In other cases, it is required to provide, in addition to the documents listed above, a copied employment contract, copies of documents confirming the employee’s qualifications, confirmation of company registration. Migration services may request additional paperwork.

Registration costs and terms

The cost of a visa to Tunisia for Russians in 2017 is approximately 5,000 rubles. Children under six years of age receive a visa free of charge. For registration visa permit for a child from 6 to 12 years old, 3,500 rubles are paid.

The visa is issued within 3-7 days. Documents can be sent by mail or submitted in person. There is no need to register in advance.

The Tunisian Embassy in Moscow is located at: st. Malaya Nikitskaya, 28/1.

Not necessary if your stay in the country is no more than 3 months, if the purpose of the visit is:

  • tourism;
  • transit;
  • a trip to relatives, friends, acquaintances.

In other cases, you must obtain a visa permit.

Travel for less than 90 days

Recently, the period for visiting Tunisia as a person was limited to 14 days, later it became 30 days, and has now been extended for Russians in 2017 to 3 months.

When leaving Russia at the border, you must present the following documents:

  1. Valid passports for each family member, including children.
  2. When traveling with the children of one of the spouses, a notarized permission of the other is required. If the child is accompanied by a third party, consent signed by both parents.

At passport control Upon arrival, a visa to Tunisia is not required for Russians. You will need to present the following documents:

  • A foreign passport valid until the end of the holiday and three months after the end of the trip.
  • Migration card issued by the flight attendant or posted at the airport counter. By filling out the card on the plane, you will save time when processing entry, and the help of a flight attendant will help you do this without errors. A registration card must be presented for each family member, including children. The questions in it are formulated in three languages ​​(English, French and Arabic), the answers are written in Latin, block letters. The card will remain under control, you will receive a tear-off coupon, which you will hand over to the border guards when leaving Tunisia.
  • Return tickets confirming the intention to return home on time.

There are no fees upon entry. Upon departure, a fee is paid, confirmed by a special stamp, the cost of which is about 18 dollars. You can purchase it at a hotel, bank, or airport. The number of stamps must correspond to the number of passports presented to control. Stamps are pasted into international passports and stamped. The proceeds go to the development of the state's tourism industry.

Taking into account the strict laws of Islam, our compatriots are advised to respect the way of life and rules of conduct in in public places. Pay special attention to clothing.

Do Russians need a transit visa to Tunisia in 2017?

No, today there is no need to draw up such a document.

Recently, a transit permit was mandatory, and it allowed Russians to stay in the country for 7 days. It cost less than tourist visa, giving Russian tourists the opportunity to see the sights.

According to the new rules, crossing Tunisian borders in both directions to visit neighboring countries is not limited.

Visa application

The need for special permission to visit Tunisia in some cases remains.

Such reasons may be:

  • tourist or guest stay in the territory for more than 3 months;
  • education;
  • business, work trip.

Tunisia attracts those wishing to study in the country. For such a trip to Tunisia you need a visa.

The future student should:

  1. Enter a university (college).
  2. Receive a training challenge.
  3. Prepare certificates of education already received.

In addition to the listed documents, the following must be submitted to the visa department of the embassy:

  • International passport valid for the entire period of study.
  • Photocopy of Russian passport.
  • Questionnaire.
  • Photo.
  • Documents upon additional request of the embassy.
  • Round trip tickets if required.

The length of time for which a visa is issued is considered individually depending on the duration of study. A one-time visa extension is possible for a period not exceeding the validity of the permit itself. If a longer stay is required, a request for a temporary residence permit is submitted. The residence permit is issued for a year with the right to be renewed several times; after some time, the renewal interval will be increased to 2 years.

Do Russians need visas to Tunisia for a business trip or for employment in the country?

A trip carried out by a Russian citizen with the interest of the Tunisian side (business, scientific or other partnership) can be as comfortable as possible for our compatriot, since the receiving party will help with the documents, sometimes fully preparing them and delivering the issued visa to Tunisia to the airport.

Considering the pace of development of the tourism business, workers are required in this industry, which is attractive to Russian citizens who want to find work there. Tunisians also willingly invite our doctors, teachers and other qualified specialists to work. In this case Work Visa needed in Tunisia.

To obtain it, the list of necessary documents indicated above must be completed:

  • A call from the employer;
  • Employment contract;
  • Document on the employer's activities;
  • Documents on education and qualifications.

Cost and time frame for preparing a permit

The cost of a visa to Tunisia has decreased significantly. More recently, to obtain a permit you had to pay 5,000 rubles for an adult, 3,500 for a child aged 6–12 years. This year the procedure costs about 2,000 and 1,000 rubles, respectively. Children under 6 years old are issued a permit free of charge.

The time for consideration of the application and preparation of documents does not exceed 7 days. If you have a ticket with open date departure and it is not yet known when you are traveling to Tunisia, it is advisable to collect Required documents, take them to the consulate in advance. The time from obtaining a visa to making a trip should not be more than a month.

Staying longer than the permitted period is equivalent to illegal residence without a visa and is a violation of the law, for which penalties are imposed. You will have to pay 320 rubles for each overdue week.

Additional Information

Customs rules impose restrictions on the transport of certain things across the border. It is prohibited to import into the country:

  • drugs;
  • medications (without medical confirmation);
  • objects dangerous to the life and health of others.

There are restrictions on alcoholic beverages (strong drinks no more than 1 liter) and cigarettes (no more than 20 packs).

Carpets, ceramics, antiques and jewelry are exported only with a sales receipt from the store. Animals, plants, and seeds cannot be exported.

It is prohibited to transport national currency across the border in both directions. Purchasing money for basic needs and exchanging surplus before departure is possible at the airport.

Russian tourists are welcome guests in Tunisia. Just look at the increase in the period of visa-free stay and estimate how much a visa to the country costs today.

Do not ignore safety issues in the region. The authorities have strengthened controls and measures to protect the health and lives of guests. But the situation in the country is still unstable.

Tunisia is a small state in northern Africa, washed from the north by Mediterranean Sea. What makes this country attractive to tourists? Tunisia can be visited at any time of the year. It is hot here in summer, the temperature at the resorts can reach 40 degrees, and in winter average temperature+10 in the north of the country and +20 in the south.

In the summer, everyone goes on vacation at the seaside, and in the winter, tourists use it to go on excursions and get to know the country on their own. There is something to see here - zoos, dolphinariums, evening shows, ancient city Carthage, excursion to the Sahara Desert, beautiful city Sidi Bou Said. Many cafes, souvenir shops, shops and shopping centers are happy to see tourists all year round! Many hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis: tasty food, locally produced alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, fresh fruit, desserts, as well as swimming pools, room service, animation - everything is included in the price of the tour.

One of everyone’s favorite treatments in Tunisia 2017, especially for women, is thalassotherapy.
It has no contraindications; sea water has a beneficial effect on the entire body. In good, licensed salons, sessions are performed by doctors trained in France. Another popular type of recreation is boat trips. You can rent a boat or yacht, sail into the open sea, swim and enjoy the beauty of the surroundings from the sea. The question arises: do Russians need a visa to Tunisia in 2017?

Previously, to enter, you had to fill out the necessary visa documents. Then, to attract travelers, the procedure was simplified and now Russians only need to have a foreign passport, which must be valid for more than three months from the start of entry and migration card, tourist voucher, return flight ticket.

U minor child must have its own document. If a minor is traveling with his parents and is included in the passport of one of them, then no other papers are required. If a child is traveling unaccompanied by his parents, then for entry the airport employee requires a notarized power of attorney from the parents or guardians.

In addition to your passport, you will be asked to present your migration card at the airport. It needs to be filled out on the plane, but if you haven’t done this, it’s okay, there’s enough time at the airport to fill it out. In 2017, tourists from Russia can stay in the country without a visa for up to 90 days. If a person has used the services travel agency, That e-tickets in both directions and vouchers in triplicate will be given to him at the agency office three days before departure.

There is no charge for entering Tunisia, but you will have to pay to leave the territory. The fee for an adult is $17. The government requires money from this fee to be used to develop the industry. So, to enter Tunisia for the purpose of tourism for Russians in 2017, only three documents are needed: a passport, return tickets, a tourist voucher and a migration card. But, if a citizen of another country wants to visit Tunisia for another purpose, a visa is required. To get a job, you will have to collect the following papers yourself:

  • Passport and its copy;
  • A copy of the contract or work contract;
  • Document confirming employer registration;
  • Copies of education documents;
  • Written confirmation of the invitation from the employer.

Papers are submitted to the Tunisian consulate in Russia.

Tunisia has become tempting for students in terms of education: it has one of the best educational systems among African states. This small country has almost 30 universities whose diplomas are successful on the transnational market. Many students from Russia receive education in Tunisia. Tunisian law requires a future student to enter the territory with the intention of obtaining an education and subsequently obtaining a residence permit, the following documents:

  • A written guarantee from the educational institution where the student will study, its faculty, conditions and terms of study;
  • Already received educational documents.

For a visa, documents are also submitted to the Tunisian consulate.

Whether you are with or without a visa, you must comply with all Tunisian laws. For violation visa regime faces a fine or a ban on entering the country in the future.

Tunisia – unique country with its own history, attractions, way of life. The government is doing everything possible to increase the flow of tourists, including Russian ones. To ensure a safe holiday, all kinds of measures are taken in resort areas. The infrastructure of cities is improving every year. Locals hospitable, some speak several languages: Arabic, French, English, Russian.

Tunisia is a North African country that successfully combines French charm and Arab culture. Home of coffee, jasmine and impeccable clean beaches borders Algeria and Libya.

Although the official language of the Republic is Arabic, many residents of the country are fluent in French.

The Tunisian Republic is popular among Russian citizens who want to relax, get an education, find a job or restore their health.

The advantage of traveling to Tunisia is the fact that Russians do not need to obtain a permit to visit the country in 2016-2017. You can cross the state border on the basis foreign passport. The only “but” is that the duration of a visa-free trip cannot exceed 90 days. If this period is not enough to implement the plan, then Tunisia requires a visa.

The article provides information about the conditions and procedure for visa-free crossing of the Tunisian border, the requirements for foreigners when applying for a visa to Tunisia, as well as information related to organizing the trip (visa cost, processing time, list of required documents).

Conditions for visa-free entry into the Tunisian Republic

Starting from 2014, it is possible to enter the territory of the Republic on the basis of a foreign passport, which in turn must comply with the requirements established by migration legislation.

Requirements for a foreign passport

Current requirements for a foreign passport:

  • The validity period of the document from the moment of entry into Tunisia must be at least 90 days;
  • There are no restrictions regarding the type of international passport, so you can use both the old “paper” ID and the new biometric one;
  • If children are involved in the trip, the basis for crossing the border for them is also a foreign passport; in the absence of one, information about minor travelers is entered into the parents’ certificates.

In addition to your passport, you will need the following documents:

  • If a child is traveling with one of the parents, the other must have a notarized consent to take the minor outside the Russian Federation;
  • When crossing the border, you will need to fill out a migrant card and enter your personal data into it. You can fill out the document either directly at the border or in advance, which will significantly save time and speed up the border control procedure.

Rules for filling out a migration card

When filling out a migrant card, the following rules should be taken into account:

  1. When filling out the card, you can only use blue or black paste;
  2. If Arabic writing is unknown to you, you must fill out the document in Latin;
  3. You must enter information in one of three languages: state language Tunisian (Arabic), French or International English;
  4. A separate migration card is filled out for each traveler, including minor citizens.

Cost of visa-free entry to the Tunisian Republic

Another advantage of visa-free travel to Tunisia is that there is no requirement to pay mandatory taxes and fees upon entering the country. However, when leaving Tunisia you will still have to pay an exit fee. Its cost, starting from 2014, for Russians is about 1,200 rubles.

According to official sources The main purpose of the funds paid by foreign travelers as an exit tax is the development of the country's tourism industry. According to expert forecasts, the total amount collected during 2016 will be about $70 million.

You can purchase a special travel stamp:

  1. In the hotel where the tourist lived during his stay in the country;
  2. In a banking institution;
  3. At the border during passport control.

When a visa is required to visit Tunisia, reasons for issuing it

If the period of stay in the Tunisian Republic exceeds 90 days, a permit will be required, subject to which foreign citizen will be able to stay in the country legally for a longer period.

The grounds for obtaining a visa are the following circumstances:

  1. Obtaining education at one of the universities in Tunisia (student visa);
  2. Registration of an enterprise and business development or employment (business visa).

The cost of the permit and the timing of the document

Tunisian migration legislation is distinguished by its high loyalty not only with regard to entry documents, but also their cost. If previously the consular fee was 5,000 rubles, now this moment this amount has been reduced by more than half. Now for a permit for an adult you need to pay 2,000 rubles, for a child over 6 years old but under 12 - one thousand, children under six years of age can cross the Tunisian border for free.

The processing period for a visa application usually does not exceed 7 days. If necessary, this period can be reduced to three days.

Standard package of documents required for obtaining a visa to Tunisia

To obtain a visa to Tunisia, you must provide the following documents to the country's Embassy:

  1. Application form completed in French or English language;
  2. A foreign passport whose validity period exceeds the duration of the trip;
  3. A copy of the first page of the foreign passport;
  4. National passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a copy of the pages containing information about the place of registration of the applicant and his personal data;
  5. Photo, set format.