Cape of Good Hope city nearby. Cape of Good Hope - features of the geographical location, photo and description

It is the embodiment of the hopes of Portuguese sailors who were looking for a way to India in the 15th century. Initially, it was called the Cape of Storms, but King Juan II was very superstitious and issued a decree renaming it.

Today the cape is the most important strategic object of the region. Previously, it was a landmark for merchant ships en route from Europe to countries Far East. Now it is a popular tourist destination, where millions of travelers from different parts of the world come to admire the landscapes every year.

Cape of Good Hope: description, photo, video

Despite the euphonious name, this section of the African coastal zone cannot be called calm. At the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, severe sea storms and hurricanes often occur, which is facilitated by two deep water currents colliding in the vicinity of the peninsula. For many centuries, these places have been dangerous for navigation, just like at, even modern ships this section is very difficult. Only experienced sailors could cope with the power of the elements.

Quite often, the Cape of Good Hope is called the extreme point of Africa in the south, but this is not entirely true. Geographically, a similar status belongs to Cape Agulhas, which stretches 200 kilometers to the southeast. The Cape of Good Hope is more of a “psychological” mark, after crossing which the traveler moves more eastward, rather than southward. It rises 250 meters above sea level, making it one of the largest coastal cliffs in the world.

The territory of the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa has dense vegetation with low shrubs. Its entire territory, as well as the main part of the Cape Peninsula, are components national park"Table Mountain". The climate here is harsh, wild and practically touched by man. It is this feature that attracts tourists to itself.

total area protected area covers more than 7 thousand hectares. There are fantastic deserted beaches and majestic rocks gazing out into the vast expanses of the ocean. The amazing landscapes of Cape Good Nadezhna, as they fascinate in the photo, but it is better to see them in reality. Just a huge number of sea birds live on the coast, among which penguins are especially interesting. As for vegetation, among the great variety, there are many endemics that are not found anywhere else in the world.

Where is the Cape of Good Hope

This attraction is located on the territory of the Republic of South Africa in the Western Cape. To be more precise, where the Cape of Good Hope is located, it is located at a 50-kilometer distance from Cape Town, in the area of ​​​​another cape called Cape Point. This territory is notable for the fact that here is the so-called passage between the two oceans - the Indian and the Atlantic.

Distance from major cities:

  • Pretoria - 1340 kilometers;
  • Johannesburg - 1397 kilometers.

The coordinates of the Cape of Good Hope on the map:

  • Latitude - 34° 21′ 32″
  • Longitude - 18° 28′ 21″

Cape of Good Hope on the map

How to get to the Cape of Good Hope

The natural attraction is quite remote from civilization. You can get here from Cape Town, where many flights fly from Johannesburg and other cities. It is worth noting that the different airlines flights are operated only on certain days. The ticket price depends on the distance - from the major cities of South Africa it varies between 50-200 dollars, from other countries, respectively, more expensive.

How to get from Cape Town to the Cape of Good Hope:

The first option is suitable for those who have driver license, in the city you can rent a car at a price of up to $ 120 per day, the travel time is about 1.5 hours. You can also take a bus, two flights depart daily to the cape - in the morning and in the afternoon. The landing place in Cape Town is the Green Market Square, the buses leave back at 13:00 and 17:15, the price of a one-way ticket is 7-8 dollars.

When is the best time to visit

Since the territory is under protection, the Cape of Good Hope has a specific work schedule. In summer it is open to visitors until 6 pm, in winter - until 5 pm. There are practically no days off. On the coast there are several beaches where you can come to relax and sunbathe. Many beaches are wild, so here you can retire from tourists. The cape is great for families.

The swimming season here starts from September and lasts until May. At this time, the weather is warm and sunny. In winter, and it lasts here from June to the end of July, it is cool here and strong winds blow. This time is suitable only for true extreme sportsmen who cannot be scared by huge waves.

Features of visiting the Cape of Good Hope

Has an official website where you can learn a lot useful information. The cost of visiting the park is approximately $11. For children under 11 there is a 50% discount. The Flying Dutchman funicular operates on the territory. It received this name due to the fact that the mysterious ship of the same name is most often seen from it.

According to legend, in the 17th century, a captain sold his soul to the devil to get out of a storm. As a result, the ship and crew members were cursed and forced to swim in the ocean forever, appearing in front of sailors with whom misfortune was to happen. One-way fare on the funicular is $4, and for children under 16 years old - $1.5.

Cape of Good Hope how to get yourself

Vehicles that do not have time to leave the parking lot before the park closes are subject to a fine. Littering is also prohibited in the park. The park has a restaurant where you can eat local dishes, as well as several shops where you can buy souvenirs and other products. However, it is better to stock up on food and water in advance. Also be sure to take a camera with you - beautiful pictures are guaranteed.

What to see in the surroundings

One of the main attractions of the cape is the lighthouse. It was built in the second half of the 19th century. The lighthouse rises to 240 meters, so it can be seen from almost anywhere in the neighborhood. It is the largest in South Africa. Today it does not function and is more valuable from an aesthetic point of view, being an excellent observation deck. You can get here on foot or by funicular.

From the observation deck, you can simultaneously admire the waters of two oceans, which, by the way, differ from each other in color. On the coast of the "Fake Bay" in the mountains there is a winding path along which you can reach small town Simonstown. Once upon a time, the Royal Navy of Britain was stationed here.

Another place that is definitely worth seeing is the island of fur seals. On 4 square kilometers there are closed military base and the prison where Nelson Mandela served his sentence. Now there is a museum where you can learn the history of South Africa. Tourists are also given the opportunity to visit the prison cells and the courtyard.

The Cape of Good Hope was first stumbled upon by the Portuguese seafarer Bartolomeu Dias. This significant event took place in 1488. He named it Cape Storms. But the Portuguese king Juan II did not like this name, and he ordered it to be renamed the Cape of Good Hope, hoping that the name would somehow appease the depths of the sea and the path to India would be opened, which later happened.

Cape of Good Hope - symbol South Africa. The cape is located on the Cape Peninsula. From Cape Town it takes 4 hours to get here. Time will fly by unnoticed: beautiful savannas, walking ostriches, baboons, antelopes - all this looks extremely beautiful and organic.

Further, the path lies through the reserve with the same name. The surface of the earth here is covered with dense low vegetation, so it is almost impossible to move on foot, only by car. Plants growing in the reserve cannot be seen anywhere else on the planet.

The fauna is also unique. Here are monkeys, and cheetahs, and rhinos, and lions, and other predators. And most importantly, along with these representatives of hot Africa, penguins roam here. You definitely won't see this anywhere.

At the Cape of Good Hope, you can sunbathe and swim on the beaches. The swimming season is from September to May.

The main attraction of Good Hope is, of course, the 240-meter-high lighthouse built in 1860. Today, the lighthouse does not work, because it is often shrouded in a veil of clouds and it is still not visible to ships. But it has an observation deck. Leads to her cable car, you can walk. There is also a restaurant and souvenir shop here. Climbing onto the site, there is a feeling of flying over two oceans. Here is the meeting point of the Indian Ocean with the Atlantic, in honor of which even a special aquarium was arranged in Cape Town. On the one hand, the cape is washed by one, on the other by the other. If you look closely, you can see that the oceans are somewhat different in color.

From the Cape of Good Hope you can go by boat to the island of fur seals. On the same small island, just four sq. km, was once a prison, and now a museum that tells about the historical events of the country.

The Cape of Good Hope is a popular attraction for tourists traveling to Cape Town, South Africa. it beautiful place with unpredictable weather, baboons and adorable penguins playing in the ocean. Here you can fully enjoy the stunning landscapes and the richness of wildlife.

Description and location

A hill on the Cape Peninsula, located on the world map near Cape Town. It is mistakenly considered the southernmost point of the mainland and the place where the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet. In fact, the tip is located at Cape Agulhas (Agulyas), located on the South African Gardens Road, 200 km from the capital of South Africa.

Cold Bengal Current west coast and the warm Agulhas current merge at the foot of one of Africa's top attractions, which, along with nearby Cape Point, offers breathtaking scenery.

The peak is located 70 km from Cape Town. By car from the city can be reached in an hour and a half. Legend has it that the ghosts of the Flying Dutchman's crew haunt the Cape and its waters, although visiting tourists are much more likely to see penguins, antelopes and possibly a right whale.

The geographical coordinates of the cape are 54°31′08″ north latitude and 42°04′15″ east longitude. Height above sea level: 93 m

origin of name

The historical fact why the Cape of Good Hope is so called is quite interesting. It dates from the time of exploration in the 15th century, when the European powers - Spain and Portugal - sent sailors to uncharted places in search of wealth. The first European who saw and discovered the cape was the Portuguese explorer Bartolomeo Dias, who was looking for the southern borders of the African continent. The date of the expedition led by him is considered to be 1486.

According to some historical sources, Dias called his discovery "Cape of Storms" (Cabo das Tormentas), but later changed it to the current name of the cape (Cabo da Boa Esperança), named at the suggestion of King John II of Portugal because of the trading opportunities that brought this place. According to other sources, Dias himself came up with this name. He was from a family of hereditary sailors. His older brothers, moving south along the coast West Africa, opened capes Bojador and Zeleny.

Cape history

Nine years passed before Vasco da Gama, another Portuguese sailor, also attempted to travel to the southern tip of Africa on his way to India. The sailors met with people from the Khoya tribe, and several members of the crew of Vasco da Gama were injured in a collision with them. Other important facts in the history of this area are:

  1. Although the Portuguese were the first to travel across the Cape, they were not seriously interested in southern Africa. They feared the indigenous population, and the weather was sometimes treacherous and dangerous.
  2. Some early Portuguese navigators chose not to sail around this area. Also, in terms of trade, South Africa had very little to offer: gold had not yet been discovered, and the land seemed desolate and hopeless.
  3. In June 1580, almost 100 years later, Sir Francis Drake sailed past the cape. He was on a world tour commissioned by Elizabeth I of England. The weather was calm and the landscape serene. This view inspired Sir Francis Drake to say the following words: "This headland is the most stately thing and the most just headland that we have seen in all the circumference of the earth." More British expeditions followed, and other countries in Europe soon followed in their footsteps.
  4. In the first half of the 17th century, the British and Dutch used the route that was supposed to go around the cape for trading purposes. Danish and French ships made stops to replenish their water supplies and stock up on fresh food.
  5. Although English, French and Dutch East Indian companies toyed with the idea of ​​establishing a base on the Cape in the 17th century, it was the Dutch who finally took the first step.

On December 31, 1687, a group of Huguenots were sent to the Cape from the Netherlands. They fled France to escape religious persecution. The Dutch East India Company needed skilled farmers in the Cape and the Dutch government saw opportunities for Huguenots by sending them there.

The Cape of Good Hope plays an important role in South African history as a stopping point for merchant ships sailing between Europe and the European colonies to the east. Initially, the Europeans exchanged with local residents for food and water, but on April 6, 1652, the Dutch East India Company, led by merchant Jan van Riebeeck, established a small supply station in a sheltered bay behind the Cape Peninsula, forming the first European settlement in the region.

On January 19, 1806, Great Britain occupied the extreme point of the peninsula. It was ceded to Great Britain in the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1814 and henceforth administered as Cape Colonia.

Today, the small station that provided refreshments to weary sailors has become the bustling city of Cape Town.

Vegetable world

The Cape Peninsula is one of eight protected areas in the region jointly recognized by UNESCO as a site world heritage for wealth flora. Although the 553,000 hectares of the Flowering Cape Region make up only 0.5% of Africa's area, it contains nearly 20% of the continent's plants. Fynbos, or "beautiful bush", is the most common category of plants found here, and many species are unique to the peninsula.

The cape is part of Table Mountain National Park, and park rangers can be seen working to remove invasive species such as wattle, pine, and blue gum that threaten the survival of native plants.


The peninsula is rich wildlife especially birds. On its banks there is a gannet, an African black oyster hunter and 4 species of cormorants. But the most famous feathered inhabitants are penguins on Boulders Beach. Tourists can see up close one of the few colonies on the mainland in False Bay. There are special paths that will lead through the natural habitat of penguins, and if you visit this place from February to August, you can also see fluffy chicks.

The Cape mountain zebra is occasionally found in these areas.. But the more common inhabitants are baboons, several species of antelope, and the little fluffy dassi, the closest relative of the elephant. You can also watch whales and dolphins here.

Classes and activities

One of the main attractions of South Africa is a narrow peninsula overlooking the ocean. But such a location implies the presence of wind and unpredictable weather. However, the landscape that opens up to visitors will not leave anyone indifferent:

  1. The coastline, meeting against a backdrop of clouds with occasional glimpses of the sun, creates a dramatic landscape. While here, you can look at the roaming zebras. It is also a great spot for whale watching between June and November.
  2. Climb the lighthouse to see the best views to the cape. There are 3 ways to get to the top. Along coastline there is a path with long stone stairs. This route offers the best views of the coast. From the car park there is a path to the very top. The ascent is quite easy and not very strenuous. For those who do not want or are not able to walk, there is the Flying Dutchman funicular, which will take you to the observation deck in 3 minutes for a small fee.
  3. A trip along the Cape Peninsula is one of the favorite additions to tourist route in Cape Town. The highlights of the day trip are the southern points of the cape, and the stunning sea cliffs and ocean views will make tourists feel like they are on the edge of the earth.

Best Places

Muizenberg Beach. Muizenberg is a beach suburb of Cape Town known for its snow-white sandy shore and very bright houses that adorn it. The warm waters of the Indian Ocean are an added bonus and attract surfers to this place.

Simons Town and Boulders Beach. Simon's Town is a historic and charming naval town on the shores of False Bay, while Boulders Beach is known for its African penguin colony. Thousands of individuals go about their daily business: they clean their wings, look after their children. Walking along Boulders Beach takes place on a wooden plank. If you want to get close to the penguins, you need to go further along the sand dunes to Foxy Beach, but be aware that the penguins can be aggressive, and if you get too close, you can test how sharp their beaks are.

Cape Point. This peak can be reached by driving just over 1 km east of the main cape. It is here that the Flying Dutchman funicular is located, overlooking the lighthouse.

Chapman's Peak Drive. Nothing compares to the windswept Atlantic coastline, and Chapman's Peak provides the most breathtaking view of the ocean road. This toll road is carved into the rock and features near-vertical climbs and blind turns. It starts at fishing village Hout Bay and runs to Cape Chapman and then ends at Noordhoek. Ocean views are incredible along the route, but the best ones are from Chapman's Point - the most high point roads.

Let's say right away that the Cape of Good Hope is not the southernmost point of Africa. But he is definitely the most famous in all of her south coast.
In the Age of the Great geographical discoveries(since the end of the 15th century) ships, skirting the continent, changed course for the first time, turning east towards the Indian Ocean, right here. Therefore, people considered this cape the most southern. Since then, science has stepped forward and clarified that, in fact, Cape Agulhas, located 150 km to the southeast, should be considered the southern point of the mainland. And the Cape of Good Hope bears the honorary title of the most southwestern point of the African continent.

Cape of Good Hope on the map

  • Geographic coordinates -34.357890, 18.475453
  • The distance from the capital of South Africa, Pretoria, is approximately 1340 km.
  • Distance to nearest international airport Cape Town about 45km

An interesting fact is that there are as many as 3 capitals in South Africa. Pretoria is the official capital of the state. But the Parliament is in Cape Town, and the Supreme Court is in Bloemfontein. And these cities are also called capitals. This is explained as follows: at the beginning of its formation, South Africa was a confederation, which included 3 territories - the Republic of South Africa (Pretoria), possessions of Britain (Cape Town), and a country with a very exotic name Orange Free State (Bloemfontein). With the formation of South Africa, it was decided to distribute the authorities in these cities evenly.

Let's return to the Cape of Good Hope. It was originally called the Cape of Storms. And for good reason.
The history of the name is as follows:
Europeans were looking for a sea route to India. To this end, in the middle of the last millennium, an expedition set off from Portugal. And in 1488, Captain Bartolomeo Dias for the first time rounded this cape. But these guys failed to get to India, as the team was tired and revolted. Dias was forced to turn back. On the way back, a storm raged in the cape area. The ship and its crew were pretty battered. The sailor did not invent the original name, calling the rocky ledge simply the Cape of Storms. A little later, the King of Portugal, João II, decided to rename it the Cape of Good Hope, rightly believing that such a name would not only not scare away other sailors, but would also give them hope for a speedy completion of the journey.

The King's initiative paid off. Already in 1497, Vasco da Gama paved the way from the Old World to India. The expedition was successful, and since then the name Cape of Good Hope has been firmly entrenched behind this rocky ledge. Many sailors began to use this route.

Yes, of course, the souls of the sailors were filled with hope when approaching this cape, because most of the way was behind them. Joy spread over the faces of the team. But no matter how amazing and bewitching the Cape of Good Hope attracts attention, it is quite dangerous for sailors. Storms and storms are quite normal for these places. Until now, about three dozen sunken ships can be seen in the surrounding waters.

To facilitate navigation, in 1857 a lighthouse was built 238 meters above sea level. But it turned out to be too high, and sometimes clouds and fog completely covered it completely.

Old lighthouse of the Cape of Good Hope

After another shipwreck in 1911, it was decided to move the lighthouse. From 1913 to 1919, the lighthouse was built in a different place and not so high. The new lighthouse rises above sea level by only 87 meters. But it can be seen from a distance of more than 60 km. This is the most powerful lighthouse on the entire southern coast of Africa. Since then, the sea route in the cape area has become much safer.

New lighthouse at the Cape of Good Hope

There is an interesting misunderstanding. In fact, ships passing from the Atlantic to Indian Ocean, go around Cape Point, located a little further. But it is the Cape of Good Hope that enjoys worldwide fame.

Behind Cape Point is a cozy Falsbay Bay, similar to the Hawaiian Hanauma Bay. There is a beautiful beach here, washed by the warm current of the Indian Ocean.

Excellent beaches on the border of two oceans, breathtaking views of the surroundings, a variety of flora and fauna in the area of ​​the Cape of Good Hope attract a huge number of tourists.

Cape of Good Hope in pictures

Excursion to the ends of the earth! Is this not a dream!

For a long time it was believed that the Cape of Good Hope is the southern point of Africa. It was discovered in 1488 by the Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu Dias de Novais. Looking for sea ​​route to India, Bartolomeu and his team went around Africa. Having fallen into a severe storm, the ships wandered in the ocean for several days, and then stumbled upon a cape. In memory of the storm, the navigator named it Cape Storms.

Soon, thanks to King Joao II of Portugal, the cape received a different name - the Cape of Good Hope.

The Cape of Good Hope is the extreme point of southwestern Africa. Its exact coordinates are indicated on a sign placed in front of the cape. Tourists gather around it all the time.

A little further away from it is Cape Point - a favorite place for visitors due to the powerful lighthouse, 240 m above sea level. A lighthouse named "Cape of Good Hope" was built at Cape Point back in 1857. It is currently not operational, but tourists can climb the funicular or on foot. observation deck located at an altitude of 200 m, offering a beautiful panoramic view.

If you look closely, you can see from a height how the waters of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Different shades of water merge together. Equipped on the coast sandy beaches where you can relax with a large company or retire.

Not far from the Cape of Good Hope is the famous among lovers active rest Diaz Beach. Surfers are drawn to the high waves, divers are drawn to the numerous wrecks, and adventurers hope to catch a glimpse of the legendary Flying Dutchman.

On the way to the Cape of Good Hope from Cape Town, on the territory of more than 7 thousand hectares, there is a reserve of the same name with the cape. More than 1,000 plant species, including endemics, are found here. In the impenetrable thickets of the reserve, the artichoke protea grows, the flower of which is the symbol of South Africa.

More than 250 species of birds and many animals live here: elands, zebras, bear baboons, cheetahs, lynxes, mongooses, crocodile-like lizards. And next to them live penguins and fur seals. AT winter time and in spring, southern right whales swim near the Cape of Good Hope.

How to get to the Cape of Good Hope:

  • from Moscow to Cape Town with a transfer in Munich, London or Dubai, from where it takes 4 hours to get to the cape by car. The road by car runs through an area filled with wonderful landscapes, so time flies by unnoticed.

For your convenience, Excellence organizes individual tours to the Cape of Good Hope with a departure from Moscow.