An island for rich people. How does the island of billionaires in Miami live - the most expensive area on earth



Saint Barthélemy, or simply Saint Barth, an island in the Caribbean, belongs to the French Overseas Territories. An island of millionaires, even billionaires, accomplished individuals. The low percentage of natives to newcomers, as well as the high standard of living, makes living on this island comfortable. But on one condition - if you are ready to pay fabulous money to maintain your possessions, yachts and sometimes even personal aircraft.

How to get there.

First you need to fly to the island of Saint-Martin. They fly there from Paris, Amsterdam and from a bunch of American cities. Make sure you have a visa overseas territories France.

Popular two modes of transport for mere mortals from Saint Martin to Saint Barth by sea and air travel. On the water cheaply and quickly on the catamaran Voyager 3 Dreamliner: aux.php

Departs from Marigot on the Island of Saint-Martin at 09.15, arrives in the port of Guadeloupe (Saint Barth) at 10.30 This pleasure costs 72 Euros in both directions. Return departs at 17.45 arrival after 45 minutes. You can buy tickets online or simply book by phone and pay in 2 directions upon arrival at the port.

Photo from their website //

By air, on WinAir DHC-6 Twin otter aircraft, it costs $215 round trip.

Takeoff from St. Gustav airport //

Departure from Princess Julianne Airport (Saint Martin), arrival at Saint Gustav Airport. I do not know the schedule, you can look at the website.


From a distance, the island is just a mountain, though surrounded by beautiful palm trees, white sand, turquoise water and dotted with red roofs of elite households. When arriving on the island, you must pre-book a car. Otherwise, at the rental office seaport cars may not be available. We got stuck in such a story: right in front of our noses, the tourists took the last car.

Embankment view //

We caught a taxi, and having previously found out where another car rental office was located, we moved towards the local airport of St. Gustav. Across the road from the terminal is Hertz, the choice is not great, but we found a BMW 1 series for 90 euros with insurance.

Our Convertible //


First of all, we found the end of the airport and began to shoot the planes taking off. From the far end of the airport, overlooking the sea, a beautiful view of the airport. Attention: the territory of the airport is not fenced and there is not even a zone that you can go beyond. The only sign says that planes take off here and everything is at your own peril and risk.


Takeoff and landing of planes directly overhead, this is not Saint Martin, but there is a buzz:






The beaches on Saint Barth are very beautiful, clean. Directly take pictures and on the desktop:




Having googled before the Departure about the Eden's Rock restaurant, we went to it. The restaurant is chic, I think the prices for the island are adequate, and the taste is just, as they say, "awesome".




At the end, with a full flight, a waiter with a senior comes up to the people and asks if they liked everything. Waiters are well trained and polite. Dinner for 4 for 200 Euro is justified!

Further trip, some spotting

The view from the top of the hill is magnificent //

People who have a lot of everything no longer dream. They just enjoy their opportunities and enjoy life.

Those who know a lot about luxurious clothes, chic houses and super expensive cars and yachts prefer to spend their leisure time not just anywhere, but only how. They do not deny themselves anything, they choose truly heavenly places for recreation. And all these places are not just expensive. They are very expensive.

The selection below is not ranked. First, it is impossible to unambiguously determine the status of each shtetl. Secondly, many rich people and celebrities can “check in” in almost every one of them in one year. Sometimes some odious person endlessly posts photos of his luxury holiday from the most amazing places.

islands of the caribbean

The Caribbean is amazing corner» planet, sheltering many densely and sparsely populated islands and islets. Almost all are distinguished by amazingly beautiful nature, the mildest climate and beautiful sea ​​coasts. But among them there are the very best, loved by the rich and famous. So called " islands of millionaires».

The first among the "most" - the island Saint Berthelemy. A small island - only 21 km² of area - once looked after the famous banker rockefeller. Having ennobled a secluded and inaccessible island, he moved here a hunting "mansion" in the Norman style and regularly came to " relaxation» soul and body. Rockefeller's eternal friend and rival Rothschild followed, having bought a piece of island land. And away we go!

Celebrities began to flock to the island, many of them acquiring huge villas and modest bungalows in order to come here at any time without hassle and problems. Frequent guests of the island are representatives of the clan Ford and Abramovich with his wife-girlfriend Daria. Comes here Prince Albert of Monaco and associates, although his historical homeland, in general, is no worse than St. Barthélemy. Celebrities usually arrive on the island on their own yachts. Therefore, in the port of a single city - and Gustavia is also the capital of a microstate - you can see a luxurious parade of chic boats.

The island was once lagging behind". All the islands located in the neighborhood have already somehow decided on their purpose, and only Antigua “swinged” the longest. But after the improvement, the island changed and, like a magnet, attracted people with tight wallets.

Antigua attracted both financial bigwigs, and the political beau monde, and representatives of show business: Giorgio Armani, Timothy Dalton, Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Eric Clapton. The latter even built a specialized center on the island, where they help those suffering from drug addiction. Of course, the rich suffering.

This tiny piece of land in the Caribbean - 1200 meters long and 200 meters wide - is private property, owned by the founder of the Virgin Group, billionaire Richard Branson. The unearthly beauty of the island is complemented by marvelous flamingo birds, which Branson breeds especially for eye candy. Creative stars are welcome guests on the island. For example, they often rest here Oprah Winfrey and Mariah Carey.

The fate of Mustique, which is part of the Lesser Antilles, was determined in the middle of the last century. Then the English royal family chose it to relax. As a result, the rich and famous flocked to the island. And although now crowned persons spend time in other luxurious places, the star audience, who appreciated the beauty of the island, still rests here.

The peculiarity of the island is dense vegetation, planted so often that it is impossible to see anything through the branches, let alone take pictures. The ubiquitous preparations on Mustique are not to be feared. Island adored David Bowie who has stayed there countless times. Now the title of “permanent spa visitor” is for Mick Jaeger.

In principle, the unusually beautiful and comfortable islands in East Africa have always attracted non-poor people. But they became especially attractive and desirable after they spent their Honeymoon Prince Charles and Kate Middleton. From that moment to join the " royal shore Many people consider it their duty. And this is despite the fact that prices for vacations have skyrocketed. The list of celebrities vacationing here is simply endless.

Secluded, almost secret place. The Deniz Hotel is located on the coral island of the same name, occupying its entire territory. The beauty of the island hotel is not only and not so much in the unique natural landscape and the richest underwater world, and in the maximum isolation of vacationers from " big world».

The only way to get to the island is by helicopter. The hotel does not have cellular communication, Internet, TV. Communication with the outside world if there is a need) is carried out through the hotel administration. There are only 50 Aboriginal people on the island, every one of them serves "dear" guests. An island hotel is a great option for celebrities who are tired of the endless noise around their person. And yes, a mere mortal can not get here.

The wonderful islands in South Asia have long been chosen by millionaires. Exotic nature, amazing sea, luxurious bungalows, chic, one-of-a-kind, underwater SPA, well-trained staff - there is everything for a comfortable, a relaxing holiday. In addition, a frequent chain of reefs surrounding island hotels reliably protects celebrities from uninvited guests and preparations.

Maldives - favorite place recreation George Clooney. And if earlier the famous heartthrob came here without a permanent girlfriend, now he is accompanied by his adored wife Amal Alamuddin.

Once a small and poor fishing village in Italy, now it is an elite resort town. The kingdom of greenery, peace and harmony ( according to Guy de Maupassant himself) has been attracting the global elite for more than a century. According to local residents, of which there are only a little more than 500 people, the birds here sing as sweetly as is possible only in paradise.

Many famous artists and singers, politicians and businessmen rush to rest in this divine place. The hill of Portofino is densely “dotted” with expensive villas, but there are still many people who want to buy a summer house here. That's just free space is not left, despite sky-high prices, even by immodest standards. The regulars of Eden consider Hollywood stars - Sharon Stone and Sylvester Stolone. Well, the Italian diva Ornelle Muti, which is most often met in Portofino, it is destined to rest here - after all, the homeland.

This Spanish island in the Mediterranean is preferred by young offspring of wealthy families and young representatives of show business for relaxation and fun. At the service of young people in Ibiza, there are many clubs and discos where you can " spark off» day and night. The frequenter of the island is the son of the founder of a powerful empire Pinault François-Henry Pinault. And he also brings his beautiful wife - an actress Salma Hayek. But the respectable public does not hesitate to spend a few days of rest here ( probably remembering "how young we were").

Cote d'Azur

A unique place in France is the Cote d'Azur. Everything is here for wonderful holiday, and everything in abundance: the brightest sun, white sand, turquoise waves, luxurious flower beds. This is the focus of amazing natural landscapes and a huge variety of entertainment. It is for this that the wealthy public comes to the fashionable coast. Cannes, Nice, Antibes, Corsica, Saint-Tropez… Life in these coastal towns is bubbling like soda, never stopping for a minute. The European rich are especially fond of the Cote d'Azur, because here you can easily “give up” on an unexpectedly happened day off. The road is several hours.

This small village yes, Saint-Tropez has the status of a village) is famous for its huge number of restaurants, bars and nightclubs. Accordingly, Saint-Tropez is the choice of those who prefer to spend money dashingly, cheerfully and with a twinkle. The village is held in special esteem by the Russian oligarchs. It is here that the most noisy, grandiose and wild parties are held, initiated by domestic millionaires. For example, enchanting "parties" Mikhail Prokhorov shocked not only shy foreign tourists, but also local residents who have seen and experienced a lot.

The Principality of Monaco is an exquisite place, and Monte Carlo is just “the cherry on the Azure cake”. A city of luxury and splendor, excitement and fun, idleness and contemplation, well-being and true enjoyment of life. In addition to the wonderful nature, wealthy people are attracted here by the opportunity to try their luck in the oldest casino in Europe and to witness a grandiose sporting event - the Formula 1 Grand Prix stage.

There are so many people who want to spend time in Monte Carlo that Prince Albert plans to expand his possessions - to pour islands like those in Dubai.

The United Arab Emirates has long won the love and respect of the "darlings of fate." Along with natural luxuries - natural - there are many man-made "fairy tales". No wonder the UAE bears the unofficial title of "Wonderland".

The hotels where celebrities stay are amazing. There is a "sail hotel" towering over 300 meters above sea level. Own butler, car with a personal driver, private beach and Helipad- everything for the comfort of the guest. There is a "Scheherazade hotel", as if it came out of the ancient Arabian tales. But only on the interior. In terms of equipment, this is a real super-modern “smart home”. And the technique reacts to the sound of the voice of the vacationer. On top of that, this hotel has some of the best golf courses in the area.

There is a secret hotel in this original country, which was chosen by American and Russian millionaires. The first - because there is nothing to get, and the second - well, what's worse than the Americans. The peculiarity of the hotel is that the very stay in it remains a mystery. For all. Hotel employees give a non-disclosure agreement about guests and never violate it. Interestingly, in all the years of the hotel's existence, not a single name of an important guest has leaked into the world. How many secrets this place hides.

The place to stay is still new, not fully tested. But the jaded rich and famous are addicted to the exotic. And there is a lot of this in the Dominican Republic, ranging from incessant spa treatments and endless siesta, continuing with spectacular “events” every night with the participation of local beauties, and ending with hotels with original requirements.

For example, the Levantado Island hotel accepts exclusively guests who are not burdened with children. And, by the way, it is very popular among millionaires - there are plenty of little mischief-makers who want to relax without noise and din.

And the heart asks for snow ...

Hot sun, warm sea, hot sand - it's wonderful. But our amazing planet rich in various climatic and weather "gifts". And it's a sin not to use them. Tired of the heat, millionaires rush to ski resorts.

wildcat ridge

A place in the state of Colorado is considered the best ski resort in the world. Where the best is, there are the richest. Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich prefers the snowy slopes of Wildact Ridge. That's why I bought a rather big ranch in Colorado. And in the neighbors he does not have anyone - Jack Nicholson and Kevin Costner.

The Swiss resort for unusually dry air and endlessly shining sun was nicknamed "Champagne climate". The unique nature attracts many millionaires to St. Moritz. Including the owner of the world's largest metallurgical company Lakshmi Mittal. From his native India, he moved to Switzerland.

But the richest man Bill Gates for solitude and meditation chose at all exotic place The forever frozen island of Greenland. True, this person "can afford" rest anywhere in the world.

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I never carefully prepare for a trip. I don’t want to form any stereotypical expectations, so that later I don’t compare reality with them, but simply absorb it.

This time I was especially glad that I was flying completely unprepared. How do you like this phrase from a neighbor on the plane: “Do you know that St. Barts airport is the most dangerous in the world?”. And when she saw my rounded eyes, she added: “What, didn’t you really watch the video on YouTube?”

Already at the hotel I looked. And you look.

But at that moment I was not ready for such impressions.

A twenty-seater aircraft with pilots sitting almost next to you, after several turns, sharply gains altitude absolutely vertically in front of the mountain itself, goes around it and also starts falling vertically. It is a fall, because it smoothly sits down on a short strip, resting directly on the snow-white beach and the ocean, is impossible. It was necessary to close his eyes, but natural curiosity did not. It was the most exotic landing of my life. Then I found out that every day hundreds of vacationers specially come to this beach to watch the landing show of a regular flight. I also came.

The first person to arrive in St. Barts by plane was the Dutch smuggler Remy de Haenen, the future mayor of the island's capital, Gustavia. It was he who invited the first VIP guests - David Rockefeller, Greta Garbo and Rudolf Nureyev. They became the first of a series of world celebrities who fell in love with St. Barts.

Breakfast in the port of the capital of the island of Gustavia in the circle of the local elite - the governor, ministers. Yes, they have fun there to the fullest with state control. All the attributes of elitism are also evident: a motorcade, which is unrealistic to deploy on three two-hundred-meter streets, a state-owned yacht, a state-owned dacha, and much more.

By the way, about yachts. You can watch for hours how a team of tanned young sailors polish all four decks of multimillion-dollar ocean beauties millimeter by millimeter. At this moment, you understand that it is better to have a friend with a yacht than a yacht. A great option, for example, is to have Roma Abramovich as a friend.

He, with his Russian band of oligarchs, took a fancy to St. Barts, bought a land, and according to rumors, and according to bright notes in a local Russian-language glamor magazine, periodically throws noisy parties on his yacht or in his villa. They say that they are not difficult to get. You just need to refer to the name of a common hat acquaintance. And the doors to the Great Gatsby party are open.

Why is everyone in white pajamas? No, well, not exactly pajamas, but the dress code is very specific - thin, translucent cotton or linen tunics barely covering the very beginning of the legs of ladies, mostly of model appearance, and spacious trousers or Bermuda shorts with shirts, respectively, also snow-white for Hollywood men. Probably, they do not want to spoil the harmony of colors with other colors.

turquoise ocean, Ivory sand, emerald greenery, red roofs of villas and hotels, boiling white clothes. But if the color does not allow the creativity of designers to play out, then the decoration completely compensates for this: lace, embossing, pearl threads. In general, everything that can reflect the individuality of the owner in this "simple village" for billionaires. Tags with big names of designers "accidentally" exposed are also welcome.

I decided to immerse myself in the life of the island. The choice between an open jeep and a retro bike with a picnic basket in front is difficult, but after learning the distances between the sights (from 500 meters to three kilometers), I decided on a two-wheeled friend.

As you know, a woman cannot be put before a choice. And it happened to me every step of the way. For example, which of the 22 luxurious beaches should you go to? I decided to conquer a few that will meet along the way and attract attention. I didn't do it alone. On the third beach, I saw one couple, who also wandered in search of their favorite place on the ocean. Recognizing each other on the third beach, they could not resist getting to know each other. A couple, about 40, French and Parisians in such a knee that I think their great-great-grandmother watched Napoleon's deeds. He is a shoe designer, she is a pool architect. She was just given an order to design a swimming pool in one of the St. Barts villas and the guys decided to combine work with vacation. I think a lot of people here do it.

The third day on the island, and they are already talking about selling some of the Parisian real estate and settling on this “nice island”. Well, work remotely or fly to clients. This is what many do here as well. Many of those who have been and can afford it.

The administration of the island is very critical of the origin, status and financial condition of the new settlers. They make sure that there is only cream. Those who have moved to the island are not idle. Someone opens a restaurant. As a result, there are over a hundred of them on such a tiny island.

Someone makes handmade shell jewelry from 100 euros for a bracelet.

Walking in the evening, at 10 o'clock, along one of the central streets, I looked into the ajar blinds of one of the boutiques. There, a tanned man of a very aristocratic appearance was sewing suede moccasins. They were displayed in the window even without a price. I am sure that the moccasins sewn on St. Barts by the hands of an aristocrat in the tenth generation are simply priceless ... You will not see such diligence everywhere.

On the fourth beach, I stopped near the famous Eden Rock Hotel. In the Rock Stars villa, owned by this hotel and equipped with a full-fledged recording studio, the hits of The Beetles were born at one time.

I stopped not because of Beatlemania, but for the sake of great restaurant on the rock. You know, it's when you look at some view and already realize that years will pass, but the picture will be alive in your memory. The kitchen did not disappoint either. True, at first I was surprised that I was alone in the restaurant. But, the smiling waiter explained to me that there would be no empty seats closer to eight in the evening.

And in general - night life active on the island. In one of the nightclubs, eighty-year-old Americans, again in white pajamas, danced fervently on the tables, often kissing the necks of five-liter bottles of champagne. Flocks of model girls flew through the dance floor, and fireworks exploded incessantly outside. It was even hard to imagine that during the day this island is half-asleep and sparsely populated.

In general, I found my formula for an ideal village: clear ocean, perfect weather, magical beaches, unobtrusive hotels and the same service, open people who clearly understand the word “tact”. Ah, yes. I almost forgot about the white pajamas made of the finest linen.

Saint Barth or completely Saint Barthelemy| Saint Barthélemy - who mocks French how: Saint Barthelemy
Saint Barth Island in the Caribbean.

Beaches in Saint Barth.
Photographs of St. Barth.
St. Barth's review is highlighted from the topic

Small island 28 km south of the island saint martin(Saint Martin) which is the gateway to this Paradise Island as a small airport Gustavia(the capital of St. Barth) accepts only light propeller-driven aircraft.
Another way to get to St. Barts is by ferry from Marigot, the capital of the French part of the island of St. Martin. The capital of the French part of St. Martin is Marigot.
The visiting card of the city: the “sticky birds” fountain

This is a view of Marigot from the embankment.
At the bottom shopping center everything is very beautiful in style.

Tickets to Saint Barth

A ticket from St. Maarten to St. Barths round-trip costs $80 when booked in advance by phone with Voyager:
Travel time 1 hour 15 minutes.
Ferry: a brand new catamaran with two air-conditioned saloons and two open decks (upper and lower).
The ferry makes several trips a day. The schedule is on the website.

Saint Barth

In the morning, the first flight from St. Maarten is at 9:15
In the evening, the last one from St. Barts is at 17:00 From Philipsburg there are also ferries, but smaller, older and not catamarans.
The sea will rock harder.

Saint Barth

There is another carrier company from Marigot: West Indian Co., but the ship is old and will be chatted at sea - I'm sure.
Getting to St. Barts is easy:
– we booked two tickets the day before the trip by phone.
- In the morning we arrived in Marigot and threw the car on free parking in the Marina Fort Louis area - there are several of them and there are always places.
- Bought tickets: paid $ 80 in dollars for a round-trip ticket (all taxes included)
- After passed passport control(the same overseas French visa is valid for St. Barth as for St. Martin) and boarded the catamaran.

The ferry departs from the shore and goes around the whole western part islands, then it goes in a straight line for 28 km and here we are in place - in the marina of the capital of Saint Barth, the city Gustavia. Small and pretty town.
Very similar to any town Cote d'Azur France or northern lakes Italy: straight streets going uphill and three avenues parallel to the marina (mooring and parking place for expensive yachts).
About Gustavia, I turned down: the island itself is miniature, like everyone else here.

Gustavia - the capital of Saint Barth

The first thing that catches your eye: the abundance of shops and boutiques of expensive brands. Electric cars and buggies, Mini convertibles and good looking people.
Very few blacks.
The bulk of the inhabitants: Americans, Europeans and they say Russians.
After Roman Abramovich built an orphan's house here on a plot of several hectares near Gouverneur Beach (more on that below) and restored the football stadium, petty oligarchs of all stripes flocked here.
They say that the percentage of American and Russian land lords is 80 to 20. We are there.

We go a little lost, because there is no information about this island except for idiotic essays by travel agencies and some ladies in search of glamor.
We go along the road along the marina where there are beautiful and expensive yachts and come across a Rent Car.

Car rental in St. Barth

It's not hard to find:
after exiting the ferry and turning right, go along Rue de la Republique and continue along Rue de General de Gaulle.
Past good shops with expensive watches costumes, jewelry...
After the rue de Lafayette crosses your path, you will see parked quad bikes and buggies.

The Rent Car sign is not noticeable, but you won't miss the office.
What can be rented: ATV or our quad bike. I even see bugs, like I have in my dacha in the garage, only blue. You can take a scooter. Or maybe a car. As it starts to rain, we decide to take the car. A small Hyundai on a machine for a day costs 48 euros. Required for rent driver license and a bank card. A deposit of 1000 euros is frozen on it, which is immediately returned to the account upon delivery of the car. We are on wheels.
We have a map of the island and the marks that the owner of the office made: what to see in St. Barth.

St Barth airport

The first point we have is the airport: the highest point from which it is visible at a glance and you can watch how planes take off and land is on the first roundabout after leaving the city to the north, towards the village of Flamands
We stop and I take a few shots: below us is a green valley with a crossed out gray line runway resting against the yellow spot of the beach, and further ... further the blue of the sea merging with the blue of the sky at that distant point, which is called the horizon ...
Very beautiful.
I recommend to visit.

Hotel in St. Barth

Then we go down, past a tiny airport, the road turns right and there will be a parking lot on the right, where you can park your car and then walk along the fence that encloses the runway to go to the beach. But we drive on and park in the parking lot of the hotel-restaurant eden rock
Well, just a very beautiful restaurant and hotel.
While I'm digging, opening the car door with things to take with me to the beach, a guy comes up:

  • Have you come to eat?
  • No, just look
  • Then please do not lock the car and leave the keys in the ignition

We leave along the path made of deck flooring to the beach: beauty. White sand, shallow azure sea and sections of villas facing the sea. Sections are not limited by anything, just rattan chairs different color.
People are resting.
A little.
It immediately catches the eye: well-groomed, taut, not old-homoly.

We pass along the beach towards the airfield runway. It is limited symbolically: by buoys on the water, so that kiters do not wrap their kites around the aircraft propeller and a sign on the shore.
After the runway section on the beach, its wild part begins, where you can wallow on a towel.

The place is good and beautiful: there are two islands opposite. The sea is clear, but the northern part was windy that day, so there was little grass on the shore. Small waves. I recommend to visit.
Airplanes fly propeller-driven.

They take off somewhere 300 meters from the beach. This is not on St. Martin, but there is also some kind of buzz: there are not that many tourists running around with cameras after each plane, everything is smooth and lazy. Like in the village.
I was the only one running around with a camera.

Beaches on St. Barth

Didn't mention that the first beach is called Baie de St Jean. The beach is good.
Long, but somehow cozy at home.

You hardly understand that this is the center of the island - the airport, the football field, which was restored by Abramovich (his house is nearby) ...
By the way, the second point of our stay on the island of St. Barth is just the same football field: the Frenchman who rented a car in Gustavia spoke a lot about Roman Abramovich.
In the end, he offered to come to visit him and knock on the gate ...
We did not find the house, but the football field is here:

Once again I will mention the very pleasant Edem Rock Hotel - very beautiful. The staff is trained.
There are not many hotels on the island of St. Barth. Mostly there are cottages, villas and long-term leased real estate.
The property is beautiful and adapted to the mountainous terrain. During the trip around the island, I had a feeling that I was in the area of ​​​​Lake Como in Italy - the style of the roads and the relief, as well as the estates, are very similar

We drive further east along the roads of the island.
Good quality roads. The movement is vigorous, as are the people inhabiting this island. We didn’t meet negrils on wrecked houses, like on St. Martin, who like to stand in the middle of the road and chat with homies from the window. Not public transport and minibuses. Everyone drives smoothly and quickly. Small sedans, convertible minis, small SUVs, ATVs and buggies.

The quality of the roads is excellent, the absence of speed bumps is very pleasing - a crazy invention, some of which are abundantly presented in neighboring St. Martin.

The next beach Anse de Grand Cul de Sac I did not like. Although it was recommended by the French. It is possible that the surf was to blame, as it was blowing today North wind and a lot of grass washed up on the shore, so that the water turned brown.

But the restaurant on the beach was not bad, as was the maha-maha tartare. Strange, I thought it was Tahitian fennel, or it is exported from other French territories or it is found in the Caribbean Sea, but the fish was not frozen. Fresh.

The top of my favorite beaches begins. After a trip to St. Barts, the beach on San Blas (Panama) faded. But first we arrive at a place that is incomprehensible at first sight by the name Anse de Grande Saline. Saline - so in French Provence are called firths. There are a couple of salt lakes in this place. Next to parking. I don’t understand humor and I want to turn around and leave.

Path and sign “to be afraid”. We walk along the path, climb up the stones and think aloud: what if there is homo and bare-assed like on Saint Martin?
What to do, let's go back ...

A piece of a picture with a turquoise sea is shown. People. There are people on the beach.

  • Look, there are naked asses?
  • Hooray! On the beach, ordinary sunbathers

The beach is good.
It is wild: everyone brings what they can: umbrellas, armchairs...
But the bulk is lying on towels. The beach is wide and there is enough space for everyone to enjoy the sea and the sun.

The sand is clean. Water… Water is so… Something special. She wraps around your body. She caresses. It is so soft that it is just pleasant to lie in it. The water is clear and turquoise. Rare and solid waves.

I call waves solid when they don't flicker and hit you in the face when you swim breaststroke from the shore. They allow you to climb on yourself and slide down. They cradle and rock so that you can just fall asleep in their arms

It reminds me of early in Thailand, until I wrote about it and this information was published in Lonely Planet and after that a massive invasion of the Chinese began and, accordingly, all the hippie-savage charm of this place disappeared ...
Highly a good place. Highly recommend to visit.
Beach number 2 in my rating

Following in a clockwise direction in the direction of travel on the island of St. Barts, Gouverneur beach
This is some kind of special beach. Small, homely, surrounded by mountains on all sides. There are about 10 villas on the slopes of the mountains, including Abramovich's estate, and that's it.

The water is so pure that I can safely compare it to the water in the pool. Entry into the water is pleasant, immediately deep. The bottom is visible to the naked eye: the water is so clear that when swimming you see fish below, about 7 meters below you. There are almost no waves.

People rest on towels or sun loungers brought with them. Very calm and quiet. There are no screaming babies with mothers, no crowds taking pictures. Very similar to earlier Koh Lipe, again. People read, sunbathe, swim

The beach is clean. Perhaps the reason for this is the call at the entrance to the beaches of the southern part of the island of St. Barts not to shit at home. Empty soda cans hang on a plaque below the call. They are used as ashtrays on the beach, and when they leave, they are hung up in place. This is the first time I see it and I really like it. People here understand that they have to rest here for more than one year, as well as their children and grandchildren, so everything is in order with cleanliness here.

The result of seven hours spent on St. Barth: during this time it is really possible to explore the island and find your places on this beautiful and calm land, which seems to be nothing special: bushes and cacti on the slopes of the mountains.
To do this, you will need a vehicle because you can’t do anything on foot, although a taxi is possible, but I’m used to steer myself:

The rental is located at the end of the marina, on the second street from it. Near the car disassembly, you can't go wrong. The island is small, everything is close and very compact. During the trip, 5 liters of gasoline were used up, which was calculated at 1 euro. The total cost of the trip was 53 euros. I consider it a normal payment for the pleasure of an explorer of new lands and beaches.

I'm starting to think that - not like that and bad option for independent travelers to explore new lands.

Owning your own island in the middle of the ocean - for many people, such property is the ultimate dream.

However, some billionaires who buy such estates for themselves also manage to put the deal in such a light as to attract maximum public attention to it. The largest areas, the most high prices, the most exotic destinations - all this remains the lot of the elite.

Lanai, Hawaii

Lanai Island is part of the Hawaiian archipelago and is 98% owned by billionaire Larry Alison, who made his fortune in Oracle. Alison is the third richest person in the US and one of the six richest people on the planet. Not surprisingly, he spent a record amount of approximately $500-$600 million for an island in pacific ocean. By the way, Lanai is the sixth largest island in the state of Hawaii.

Necker, British Virgin Islands

Necker Island, which is part of the British Virgin Islands, was bought by Richard Branson during his leadership of the Virgin Group back in 1978. At that time, the purchase price was estimated at 180 thousand British pounds. Now Necker is worth about $100 million. Today, the island is built up with a small number of Balinese-style houses, only about 60 people work and live on it. Those who wish can rent a house in this paradise for $35,000 per week. However, if you wish, you can rent the entire island - for only $50,000 per day.

James, Canada

American telecommunications tycoon Craig McCaw bought James Island off the coast of Canada in 1994 for $19 million. However, today its value is already estimated at $75.1 million. For 18 years of owning the land, McCaw was able to change the lifeless and wild island beyond recognition, turning it into a real an oasis of harsh northern territories. James is home to cottages, hotels, a swimming pool, private docks, an airstrip and even a golf course. By the way, now the island is for sale, so if you have money and opportunities, there is a great chance to settle in Canada.

Allan, Washington

Microsoft co-founder - American billionaire Paul Allen - in 1992 picked up a "namesake" for himself, having bought Allan Island in the US state of Washington. In 2011, the property was sold for $13.5 million. The initial price of the request was $25 million, but the buyers did not work out. The island itself is located in the San Juan archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. The island has not yet had electricity, and laying the cable, according to preliminary estimates alone, will cost the new owners $3 million.

Robins, New York

Lewis Moore Bacon, located off the coast of New York, got Robin Island in 1993. During the course of a lawsuit, he managed to buy land, the cost of which was estimated at $11 million. Bacon spent millions of dollars restoring Robin's natural landscape and its pristine beauty. By the way, next year Bacon should be given an award for his efforts to protect the environment.

Breakhoe, United Kingdom

Twin brothers David and Frederick Barclay are considered one of the largest representatives of the UK media industry. In addition to their publishing business, which includes The Daily Telegraph, they also own The Ritz Hotel. They bought their first own Breghow Island, located among the British Channel Islands, in 1993. Today, its value is estimated at $ 4.3 million. Breghow Island is rich in orchards and vineyards, there are pubs, a populated village and a chapel.

St. Phillips, South Carolina

Media mogul Ted Turner bought the small island of St. Phillips on the coast of the US state of South Carolina back in 1979. For reference, it was exactly a year before Turner founded the now world-famous CNN media corporation. Today, St. Phillips is valued at $2 million. The owner himself is one of the largest landowners in the world, and his profile is to restore wildlife and not build up the land with any unnecessary objects.

Sampson Cay, Bahamas

Sampson Cay Island in the archipelago Bahamas owned by John Malone, who is considered the largest private landowner in the United States. Sampson Cay has undergone a massive rebuild and is now considered a great vacation spot for the wealthy. A week of living in a villa on the island costs $8,000. Alas, the exact cost of the island is unknown.