Port name in Kerch. Where is the Kerch sea trade port on the map? Nearest bus stations, railway stations, bus stops

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The free Yandex map contains detailed information about the selected area, including the boundaries of regions, territories and regions of Russia. In the “layers” section, you can switch the map to “Satellite” mode, then you will see a satellite image of the selected city. The “People's Map” layer shows metro stations, airports, names of neighborhoods and streets with house numbers. This is an online interactive map - it cannot be downloaded.

Nearest hotels (hotels, hostels, apartments, guest houses)

View all hotels in the area on the map

Five nearby hotels are shown above. Among them there are both regular hotels and hotels with several stars, as well as cheap accommodation - hostels, apartments and guest houses. These are usually private economy class mini-hotels. The hostel is a modern hostel. An apartment is a private apartment for daily rent, and a guest house is a large private house, where the owners themselves usually live and rent out rooms for guests. You can rent a guest house with an all-inclusive service, a bathhouse and other attributes of a good holiday. Check with the owners for details here.

Usually hotels are located closer to the city center, including inexpensive ones, near the metro or train station. But if this is a resort area, then the best mini-hotels, on the contrary, are located further from the center - on the seashore or river bank.

Nearest airports

Type Name Code City Code Distance
Airport Kerch KHC Kerch (UA) KHC 3 km.
Airport Vityazevo AAQ Anapa (RU) AAQ 90 km.
Airport Berdyansk ERD Berdyansk (UA) ERD 155 km.
Airport Krymsk NOI Novorossiysk (RU) NOI 135 km.
Airport Gelendzhik GDZ Gelendzhik (RU) GDZ 162 km.
Airport Mariupol MPW Mariupol (UA) MPW 215 km.

When is it more profitable to fly? Chip flights.

You can choose one of the nearest airports and buy a plane ticket without leaving your seat. The search for the cheapest air tickets takes place online and the best offers are displayed to you, including for direct flights. As a rule, these are electronic tickets for a promotion or discount from many airlines. Having selected the appropriate date and price, click on it and you will be taken to the company’s official website, where you can book and buy the required ticket.

Nearest bus stations, railway stations, bus stops.

Name Type Transport Distance Schedule
Kerch, bus station bus station bus 0 km.


Kerch, opposite the bus station bus stop bus 0 km.


Kerch, bus station stop bus stop bus 0 km.


Kerch, Tourist Vem travel agency bus stop bus 0 km.


Kerch, stop "Stadium" bus stop bus 1 km.


Kerch, EMERCOM base bus stop bus 1 km.


Kerch, a/o "Children's Hospital" bus stop bus 2 km.

Probably the most common definition of Kerch is “port city”. It is Kerch that now connects Crimea and mainland Russia - so far only through ports. Well, the most common profession among Kerch residents is a sailor. Which, as in the old joke, “a girl is waiting at the port.” It turns out that the lives of most citizens are somehow connected with the ports. But are we familiar with all of them?

In addition to its venerable age, it is also famous for its size, number of berths and, of course, cargo turnover. Having once become the center of working and industrial Kerch, it still does not slow down and to this day plays a vital role in the city’s economy.

Port Kamysh-Burun

This point came as a complete surprise to some of us. It turns out that in addition to the three well-known Kerch ports, there is another one, which is officially part of the State Unitary Enterprise Kamysh-Burun Production Company.

This is where the confusion begins. Judging by regional media reports, this very company (more precisely, a concrete and cement production plant), and with it the port, should have been reconstructed as recently as last spring. The headlines of online publications were full of loud phrases that “The Port of Kamysh-Burun will connect Crimea and Russia,” the Kerch administration stated that investors had begun to invest in the port, and repairs were already in full swing... But a year has passed. Rare mentions of Kamysh-Burun have completely disappeared from the press, and city authorities no longer raise this topic. What is happening to the port and for the benefit of whom it exists today is a mystery, because there is no information about it in the public domain.

Kerch sea trade port
St. Kirova, 28, Kerch, Crimea, 98312, Ukraine Telephones of the Kerch sea trade port
Head of the port +380-6561-20239, 49301
Deputy port operations manager +380-6561-28221, 49332
Deputy Head of the port for foreign economic relations and commercial work +380-6561-21515, 49302
Deputy Head of the Port for Social Affairs and Supply +380-6561-22241, 49364
Deputy head of the port for labor protection +380-6561-49351
Head of the department of commercial and marketing work, logistics and cargo flow planning +380-6561-20531, 20543, 49322
Duty dispatcher +380-6561-28386, 49339
Chief dispatcher +380-6561-21518, 49330
Harbor Captain +380-6561-52963, 49377
Head of the mechanization complex +380-6561-28629, 49312
Chief Accountant +380-6561-21122, 49343
Head of transshipment complex No. 1 +380-6561-20351, 49333
Head of transshipment complex No. 2 +380-6561-72270, 49901
Head of the port fleet +380-6561-20537, 49390
Port fleet dispatcher +380-6561-52656, 49344
Port Supervision Inspectorate +380-6561-49311
Fire inspection +380-6561-49601
Port fire protection +380-6561-49601, 49771
Inquiry Office +380-6561-21424, 49400
Port medical service +380-6561-49320


Kerch is one of the oldest cities in Crimea. Located on the Ukrainian shore of the Kerch Strait, connecting the Black and Azov Seas.

In addition to the sea trade port and the port of Crimea (Kerch ferry crossing), there is a ferry complex of the subsidiary enterprise "TIS-Crimea" and the Kerch fishing port. Among the large enterprises are the metallurgical plant and the Zaliv shipyard.

The population of the city is about 160 thousand people.

The date of birth of the Kerch sea trade port is considered to be October 10 (23 according to the current style) 1821.

Nearest ports: Feodosia (distance - 100 km), port of Crimea (Ukraine), port of Caucasus (Russia), port of Kamysh-Burun JSC.

International telephone communication, which can be used by the crew through a receiving radio station, tel.: +380-6561-49355.


general information

On the coast of the Kerch Strait, the coldest months are January and February. For most of the year, NE winds prevail, with significant speed and duration. In summer, winds from the south are frequent. Winds of 21-24 m/s are rare. There are few calms.

Fogs are most frequent from November to March. Precipitation occurs most often from November to March - April. Thunderstorms are most likely from May to October - November, when on average there are up to 3-5 thunderstorm days per month.

The port is located on the shore of Kerch Bay. The port's approach channel departs from the Yenikalsky elbow of the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal (KEK) 1.1 miles to the ESE from Cape Bely and leads to the Shirokoy Mole of the port.

In addition to the internal water area, the port is allocated: the water area of ​​the approach canal 80 m wide with a security zone 100 m wide from the right and left edges of the canal; the water area of ​​the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal with a width of 120 m from buoy No. 1 to buoys No. 51, 52 with the Pavlovsky, Burunsky, Yenikalsky and Chushkinsky knees with a security zone 100 m wide from the right and left edges of the canal. The port is open for ships to enter all year round; if there is ice in the Kerch Strait, movement of heavy ice on the canals is possible due to the constant change in current and wind direction. In such conditions, permission for the passage of a vessel is given by the Vessel Traffic Regulation Center (VTC) in each individual case.

Approach and departure of ships.

Information about the approach of a vessel heading to the port is given 48 hours in advance, again - 24 hours in advance and is clarified 4 hours before approaching the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal. Registration of arrival and departure is carried out on board the ship.

Swimming mode.

Vessels up to 200 m long and with a draft of 8 m can enter the port.

The length of the strait is 22 miles, the greatest width between Kerch and the eastern part of the Taman Bay is 22.5 miles, the smallest is about 2 miles between the port of Crimea (Ukraine) and the port of Caucasus (Russia).

The Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal is accessible to vessels with a length of up to 215 m, with a draft of up to 8 m. The captain of the port of Kerch gives permission for large vessels to enter the canal in each individual case. Vessels with a length of more than 160 m and a draft of more than 6 m can navigate the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal only during daylight hours.

The entry of ships into the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal during periods of fog, snowfall, haze, heavy rain, and wind speeds exceeding 14 m/s is prohibited. In the Kerch Strait there is a system for regulating the movement of ships along the KEK (Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal).

Vessels traveling to the ports of the Kerch Strait and in transit along the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal must use the services of the Vessel Traffic Control Center.

Vessel speed should not exceed:

  • along the entire length of the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal for ships with a draft of more than 5 m - 10 knots;
  • for ships with a draft of 5 m or less - 12 knots;
  • on the approach channel of KMTP - 7 knots.


Pilots of the State Enterprise "Delta Pilot" carry out pilotage of ships to the port of Kerch, along the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal and to all Ukrainian ports of the Azov Sea. Mandatory pilotage on the KEK is established:

  • for CIS ships flying the flag of Ukraine and the Russian Federation with a draft of more than 4.5 m or a length of 120 m or more;
  • for all vessels in disrepair;
  • for ships, regardless of flag and departmental affiliation, traveling along the KEK;
  • when towing non-standard objects;
  • for passenger ships;
  • by decision of the captain of the State Enterprise "KMTP" - in other cases, if mandatory pilotage is necessary to ensure the safety of navigation in the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal, the safety of floating warning signs (hereinafter referred to as FPP).

Mandatory pilotage of ships in the Sea of ​​Azov to the ports of Ukraine is established:

  • for all ships flying a foreign flag;
  • for ships in emergency condition;
  • for oil tankers and ships carrying dangerous goods;
  • for ships with a nuclear power plant;
  • for all ships, regardless of placement and draft, during the ice campaign on the Sea of ​​Azov;
  • for passenger ships.

An application for a pilot is submitted to the EMLS "Kerch" of the Autonomous Republic of Ukraine of the State Enterprise "Delta Pilot" with information about the approach. When leaving the port - 2 hours before departure.

Towing support.

To ensure the safety of ships turning from KEK to the port approach channel and in the opposite direction, the use of tugs is mandatory for ships with a draft of more than 6.5 m and a length of more than 100 m.


Vessels are anchored in the Kerch Strait within the boundaries of anchorages No. 450, 452, 453, 471.

Vessels with a draft of up to 8 m dock at berths No. 450, 453, the areas of which are limited by a circle with a radius of 6 cables.

Anchorage No. 471 is a customs control zone of the Kerch sea trade port and is intended for cargo operations. Anchorage No. 471 has 46 anchorages in three subareas.

Vessels with a draft of up to 6 m anchor at anchor point No. 452.

In the inner roadstead of the port there can be 2 vessels up to 120 m long each, or 1 vessel more than 120 m long with a draft of up to 3 m.

Ship repair

In the Kerch port you can repair the ship's hull.


Vessels entering port of Kerch, can be supplied with bunker fuel around the clock.

Bunkering of ships transiting through the Kerch Strait is carried out in a “closed” vessel border mode.

Technical characteristics of Kerch port cranes
Name, type Qty Load capacity (t.) Boom reach (t.)
grab hook
"Kirovets", portal 3 10 10 8-30
"Kirovets", portal 1 16 8-30
"Kirovets", portal 1 20 8-30
"Gantz", portal 3 5 5 8-30
"Gantz", portal 7 5 6 8-30
"Albrecht", portal 3 10 10 8-32
"Albatross", portal 3 10 20 8-32
"Falcon", portal 8 16 20 8-32
"Condor", portal 5 16 32-40 8-32
"Kato", truck crane 1 15 7-20
KS-3577 MAZ, truck crane 1 14 3,2-1,3
Standards for handling vessels in the port of Kerch
Cargo Type of operation (loading/unloading) Norm (tons/vessel/day)
Pellets loading/unloading 3000
Scrap metal loading/unloading 900
Ferroalloys loading/unloading 900
Grain in bulk loading/unloading 1500
Coal loading/unloading 2500
Quartzites loading/unloading 300
Soda in big bags loading/unloading 500
Soda in bulk loading/unloading 1300
Sand loading/unloading 5000
Other bulk loading/unloading 3000
General loading/unloading 400
Rental loading/unloading 2000
Sheet steel loading/unloading 2000
Generals in bags loading/unloading 700
Containers loading/unloading 120 (pieces)
Metal structures, heavy weights loading/unloading 200
Port fleet vessels
Name Vessel type Power, kWt.)
"Argus" Passenger (77/236 people) 220
"Raid" Passenger (34 people) 110
"Bora" Tow 1180
"Ivan Krasnoselsky" Tow 882
"Breeze" Tow 475
"Seal" Tow 220
"Gidrostroy" Tow 200
"Collector-311" 165
"Aquatrader" Bilge and fecal water collector 166
"Lotsbot-57" Pilot boat 440
"Primorets" Pilot boat 440
"LK-111" Pilot boat 220
"MNMS-45" Oil and waste skimmer 99
"Aquarius-9" Non-self-propelled barge, Aquarius 80
"PK-80" Floating crane, lifting capacity 25/100 t. -
"SPK 39/25" Floating crane, lifting capacity, 25 t. 485
"SPK 7/15" Floating crane, lifting capacity 15 tons. 588
KP-01 - KP-08 Lighters, non-self-propelled barges (8 pcs.), capacity 1000 tons. -

other services

Oil-contaminated, bilge, fecal water and dry waste are received around the clock from ships calling at the port, as well as those transiting through the Kerch Strait. The port has its own station for cleaning and processing oil-contaminated water.

Tariffs for acceptance by vessels collecting bilge, fecal water and dry waste, depending on the area of ​​acceptance (port/road) and the number of tons accepted, are 100 USD/m 3 ; dry waste - 69.70 USD/container (0.75 m3). Vessels calling at the port can be supplied with drinking water around the clock. The cost of drinking water is 17.28 USD/m3. (It is delivered to the side of the vessel by a non-self-propelled barge "Vodoley-9" with the help of tugs, so the cost of water also includes the cost of towing). Payment for tug services is made separately.

Vessels entering port of Kerch or the next transit through the Kerch Strait, a comprehensive agency service can be provided, providing tugs of any power, and a raid boat.


The port's capacity allows it to process up to 2.5 million tons of cargo per year. The port is equipped with modern equipment, reloading machines and mechanisms that allow the processing of general cargo (metal products, equipment, etc.), bulk cargo (ferroalloys, cast iron, coke, coal, scrap metal, pellets, ore, etc.), containers, wheeled vehicles, grain in bulk.


The total area of ​​the port is 615,328 m2, including the production area - 564,036 m2. The port has two industrial transhipment complexes (TPC).

PPK-1 has 7 berths with a total length of 1431.96 m. Access railway tracks allow cargo to be processed at the front and rear of the berths.

PPK-2 is located on an area of ​​15.25 hectares in the waters of the Kerch sea fishing port. The complex includes: berths No. 8, 9, 10; 2 blocks of indoor warehouses with a total area of ​​4856 m2 and more than 15000 m2 of open storage space; access roads to berths No. 9, 10, as well as to their rear; road and railway weighing stations.

Berths of the port of Kerch (PPK No. 1)
Specialization Berth numbers Length (m) Depth (m) Warehouse premises (m2)
open covered
1 200,00 7,00 5020,00 4499,00
Bulk (coal, fertilizers) 2 200,00 7,20 10727,00 1515,00
Liquid cargo 3 180,00 8,30 16768,00 3053,00
Bulk (coal, fertilizers) 4 200,00 8,30 4873,00 3446,00
Bulk (coal, fertilizers) 5 215,00 8,30 20454,00 453,30
Ferroalloys, scrap metal 6 178,20 8,40 20454,00 540,00
Corn 7 203,80 8,40 3466,00
Containers, metal products, bulk cargo 8 212,00 8,30 4679,00 4856,00
Metal products, bulk cargo 9 185,00 8,30 17102,70

Warehouse capacity

The total area of ​​open warehouses is 105864 m2. The port has 8 covered warehouses for storing general cargo with a total area of ​​16,842 m2.

The port operates around the clock, including on weekends and holidays.

The port is located on the shore of Kerch Bay. The port is open to ships all year round.

Kerch (population about 200 thousand people) is one of the oldest cities in Crimea, located on the shores of the Kerch Strait, connecting the Black and Azov Seas. Iron ore deposits have been explored and exploited on the Kerch Peninsula (explored reserves - 1.7 billion tons). The mining industry is developed in Kerch. Kerch is also a center of fishing and fish canning industry. In addition to the sea trade port and the port of Crimea (Kerch ferry), there is a fishing port. Among the large enterprises are the metallurgical plant and the Zaliv shipyard. The date of birth of the Kerch sea trade port is considered to be October 10, 1821. The nearest port is Feodosia (distance - 100 km).

The nearest railway station is Kerch.

During periods of ice conditions, ice drift may be observed due to constant changes in currents and wind directions. In such conditions, permission for the passage of a vessel is given by the vessel traffic control center (VTC) in each individual case.

The port's capacity allows it to process 2.5 million tons of cargo per year. These are general cargo (metal products, equipment, etc.), bulk cargo (ferroalloys, cast iron, scrap metal, pellets), containers, wheeled vehicles, and bulk grain.

In recent years, the port's cargo turnover is about 1.2 million tons, about 310 vessels are handled.

The port has one industrial transshipment complex. The port has 7 berths with a total length of 1224 m. Access railway tracks allow cargo to be processed in front and at the rear of the berths.

Handling equipment: universal forklifts – “Toyota”, 27 units. capacity up to 10 tons; "Calm", 17 units. capacity up to 4 tons; "Boss", 2 units. capacity up to 8 tons; specialized forklifts; tractors, bilge and storage vehicles, 13 units.

The total area of ​​covered warehouses is 139,639 sq. m. m. The port has 8 covered warehouses for storing general cargo with a total area of ​​11,812 sq. m. m., containing 82987 tons of cargo.

The port fleet includes 3 passenger ships, a tugboat, tugboats "Bora" and "Sirena", a pusher tugboat, pilot boats, a bilge water collector, an oil skimmer, an oil waste collector, a bunkering vessel, a tank barge, and a floating crane.

Vessels up to 200 m long with a draft of up to 8.3 m can enter the port. The length of the Kerch Strait is 22 miles, the greatest width between Kerch and the eastern edge of the Taman Bay is 22.5 miles, the smallest is 8 miles between Capes Khroni and Achilleion. The Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal is accessible to vessels up to 215 m long with a draft of up to 8 m. The captain of the port of Kerch gives permission for large vessels to enter the canal in each individual case.

Navigation along the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal of vessels with a length of more than 160 m and with a draft of more than 6 m is carried out only during daylight hours. The entry of ships into the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal during periods of fog, snowfall, haze, and rain with a wind speed of more than 14 m/s is prohibited.

Characteristics of selected destination ports

Genoa(Genoa) - Mediterranean port of the city of Genoa on the Ligurian Sea. With a trade volume of 58.6 million tons, the Genoese port ranks first in terms of this indicator in Italy and second in terms of twenty-foot equivalent units after the port of Gioia Tauro, with a trade volume of 1.86 million TEU.

Genoa is one of the most important ports in the Mediterranean, through which the main external relations of the industrial regions of the North of the country are carried out, for which it serves as the closest exit to the foreign market. Genoa accounts for over 1/5 of the cargo turnover of all Italian ports (45.4 million). T in 1967, including oil cargo - 27.4 million. T). Imports are dominated by oil, coal, scrap metal, cotton, timber, and grain; exports are dominated by finished industrial products. Genoa is a large passenger port, a junction of railway, road and air communications. Greater Genoa is home to predominantly heavy industry, characterized by a high degree of concentration of production and the dominance of several large monopolies (Finsider, Finmecanica, Ansaldo, etc.). The largest shipyards in Italy, production of aircraft, aircraft and marine engines, turbines, boilers, locomotives, tractors, and electrical equipment are concentrated here; military industry, precision mechanics, metallurgy (the second most powerful iron and steel plant in Italy, Cornigliano), oil refining (1/10 of the country’s total capacity). There are textile, jute, chemical, food and other enterprises. Several thermal power plants. university (15th century).

Trieste(Trieste) is a port located deep in the Gulf of Trieste on the Adriatic Sea. One of the largest ports in Italy. Maximum vessel length: 500 feet. The approach channel is 56-62 feet long and 17.2-18.2 m deep. The anchorage is more than 23.2 m. Pilotage is required. Main export items: vehicles, equipment, clothing, etc. Import: oil, oil products, gas. Cargo turnover is: 37.5 million tons per year.

General and bulk cargo are handled on berths with a total length of 3400 m and a depth of 6.0 - 7.9 m.

Containers and ro-ro cargo are handled on a pier with an area of ​​230 square meters. m. with berths with a total length of 1700 m and depths of 16.0 - 20.0 m. There are ramps for handling four types of Ro-ro vessels.

Spice(La Spezia) – port in North. Italy, on the Ligurian metro, in the region of Liguria, the administrative center of the province. Spice. 103 thousand inhabitants (1991). Cargo turnover of the port of St. 10 million tons per year. Mechanical engineering (including shipbuilding), oil refining; arsenal. Tourism. Naval base. The most important port in the region. Ship repairs are being carried out at the port. Towing is carried out from a tanker vehicle or barge.