Distance from Yalta to Bakhchisarai by car. Road Yalta Bakhchisarai

The distance to Yalta-Bakhchisarai by car is 84 km, the distance in miles is 53. The straight line distance is 35 km. Approximate travel time - 1 hour 31 minutes.

Listed below settlements, encountered along the route along this road route. The arrival time for each of them is also shown (taking into account time zones). To plan your trip more accurately, please indicate your departure time and average travel speed. You can get information about the passage of a given section of the path in the light or dark of the day. Places you arrive at after sunset will be marked with a special symbol, and places where the time zone is different from the time zone at your starting point will be marked with a symbol.

Check out time:


Us. pointsTime




12 km


12 km


22 km
25 km


28 km

Nizhnyaya Golubinka

30 km


33 km

Maloe Sadovoe

36 km

Bolshoye Sadovoe

66 km


68 km
75 km


76 km
Don't forget a few simple rules:
  • Any driver traveling long distances needs rest. Your trip will be safer and more enjoyable if, having planned your route in advance, you decide on places to rest. The map presented on the site has various modes. Take advantage of the work of ordinary Internet users and use the "People's Map" mode. Perhaps you will find useful information there.
  • Do not exceed the speed limit. Preliminary calculation of time and a constructed travel route will help you stay on schedule and not exceed the permitted speed limits. This way, you will not endanger yourself and other road users.
  • It is prohibited to use substances that cause alcohol or drug intoxication, as well as psychotropic or other substances that cause intoxication while driving. Despite the abolition of zero ppm (now the possible total permissible error when measuring blood alcohol levels is 0.16 mg per 1 liter of exhaled air), drinking alcohol while driving is strictly prohibited.
Good luck on the roads!

While on vacation in Crimea, it is worth making a trip to Bakhchisarai.

With your own transport this will not be difficult, especially since you can use several directions.

The distance from Yalta to Bakhchisarai is approximately one hundred and twenty kilometers, depending on which road you choose. It's a little over an hour's drive.

The most common and easiest way is through the cities of Alushta and Simferopol. The road is very picturesque and also does not require special driver training, even in winter.

First you will have to drive close to the sea, and then among the mountains. Despite this, the road is good, without sharp turns or climbs.

The fact is that this route is also intended for trolleybuses and buses. And although in summer there is practically no traffic jams on it.

From Simferopol, turning to the side, you will soon reach Bakhchisarai. It is impossible to drive through it. It is located next to the road. Yalta Bakhchisarai distance can be calculated on the map.

There is also a road that lies through a small resort village Foros. This is the South Coast Highway, which goes towards Sevastopol.

The road is very narrow with many sharp turns, but on the other hand it is worthy of respect. If heavy traffic bothers you, you can use the adjacent road.

This is an old highway, which also runs close first to the sea, and then next to the mountains. The road was recently repaired so that its condition is quite tolerable.

Despite the fact that the road is very winding, it passes through several resort villages, where you can take a short walk or relax. In front of Foros there is a church and the Baydar Gate.

You will need to turn away from them without going to Sevastopol. Since traveling around the city will take a lot of time. You can drive through the villages and drive straight into Bakhchisarai, but the road here is in terrible condition.

If you have excellent health, then you can consider the shortest road that passes through Ai-Petri. From Bakhchisarai to Yalta the distance is difficult for many to overcome, since this path is very steep.

There is an opportunity to climb cable car, but go down by car. This track is, of course, for those who love extreme driving.

It is very narrow and consists of blind turns, and there is a lot of traffic on it. But it is the shortest. Climbing higher you can admire the coast, provided the weather is clear. This road is open only in the summer and then only if there is no fire hazard, and in the winter it is closed due to snow.

Those who don't have a car can get there by bus.

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The four-day holiday in Yalta is coming to an end. Where we just haven’t had time to visit. We visited the Swallow's Nest, climbed Ai Petri, admired Livadia and Vorontsov palaces. We walked along the Yalta embankment. We were at the Glade of Fairy Tales. It's time to go back. The last point of our excursion is Bakhchisarai, where we plan to stop on the way back to Ordzhonikidze.

The weather is cloudy in the morning, the mountains are hidden under low clouds. It might start to rain soon. It's okay, we're ready, jackets and umbrellas with us. We get into the car. And as always, we set up the route using the navigator. Yandex offers two routes to choose from. Yalta Bakhchisaray distance 115 km. and 83 km. And of course we choose the one that is 30 km shorter. Why didn't we look at the travel time? I don't know, there was no point. We didn’t know then that when you’re in the mountains, it’s not the distance that’s important, but the travel time.

A smart person won't climb a mountain, a smart person will go around a mountain.

As we later learned, there are three ways to Bakhchisarai from Yalta: to the right - through Alushta (Yalta-Bakhchisarai distance by car is approximately 115 km), to the left - through Foros, towards Sevastopol (approximately 115 km), and straight - through Mount Ai Petri ( approximately 83 km.)

At 10 am we leave Yalta, cloudy, cloudy and rainy. The road leads towards Foros. Almost immediately upon leaving the city, the navigator suggests turning towards Vinogradnoye, which is what we do. Then the climb to the mountains begins. We will soon recognize the road we took when we climbed Ai Peytri on a guided tour. We joke, it will be fun if the road goes through Ai Petri. If we realized now that this was really the case, we would immediately turn around. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, my youngest daughter gets very sick in our car, secondly, the weather is rainy and low cloudy, and thirdly, I’m not mentally ready to drive along the serpentine road. We are climbing, all the time expecting that the road will take us aside and the climb will end. Visibility is good, there is a light drizzle, and sometimes cars overtake us. We pass the Uchan-Su waterfall. We've been here before, walked around. We pass the turtle lake. There are no more doubts, we are going to the plateau. That is, you will need to go up and down through Ai Petri. What to do? Come back? We've traveled enough already. The road is normal, there are no cars, we decide to climb further.

Even higher and we find ourselves in the clouds. Visibility is minimal.

We drive quietly, quietly. Well, the children fell asleep. Turns, turns, turns. Convenient with a navigator, you can see in advance where the turn is. I don’t know if it weren’t for him, how we would have driven, since practically nothing is visible. We climbed Ai Petri. Fog. Again the question is, what to do? Go down or move on. The road to Ai Petri takes 1 hour 20 minutes. We continue our way through the plateau, we will go down from that side. We are driving alone, we see a little of the road that we don’t see around us. The descent begins. Well, there are not as many turns as when climbing. Let's go down a little further. All the clouds are left behind. The descent takes about 20 km, it seemed to me not as winding as the ascent, not as steep and without sharp turns. It takes approximately 2 hours to overcome the Yalta-Bakhchisarai serpentine road. Then the road goes through Sokolinoe, Aromat, Kuibyshevo and goes to Bakhchisarai.

As I read later, this is the shortest and most extreme route from Yalta to Bakhchisarai. Thanks to Yandex, we wouldn’t have decided to do this on our own. Next time we will definitely repeat it, but only in clear weather, without any hint of cloudiness. I really want to admire the beauty of Ai-Petri, visit the caves and the great canyon of Crimea. The road from Yalta to Bakhchisarai through Ai Petri took us about 3 hours.

Where to have a delicious lunch in Bakhchisarai?

We enter Bakhchisarai, the city oriental fairy tale and Crimean antiquity. It's about one o'clock in the afternoon, the children have woken up, it's time to have lunch. In the parking lot near the palace, they recommend the Aliye cafe, where you can try oriental cuisine. Since it’s raining outside and the children are hungry, we decide not to waste time searching and take the advice. The cafe has its own free parking. It's cozy inside. We were pleased with lunch. Prices are normal. Address st. Lesya Ukrainka, 1.

We return again to the parking lot near the Khan's Palace. A man approaches the car, introduces himself as a tour guide and offers to take us individual tour according to the Holy Dormition monastery. We agree. By car we go up to the monastery as far as possible. Then we continue our journey on foot.

A little bit of history:

The Holy Dormition Monastery is one of the “active cave monasteries in Crimea.” During the period of the Crimean Khanate it was the main center of Orthodoxy in Crimea. It is located in a steep cliff near Bakhchisarai, in the Mariam-Dere gorge (St. Mary’s Gorge), and is considered the highest point of the city. The monastery is surrounded on both sides sheer cliffs up to 140 meters high.

The guide tells us several legends about the appearance of this monastery in this very place. I especially liked this one. In ancient times, a shepherd named Michael grazed his flock of sheep in this gorge. Suddenly a miracle appeared before him - on a rock seven fathoms from the ground - an icon of the Mother of God and a candle in front of it. The shepherd ran to the owner's house and told about what he had seen. People came to the ravine and with all honors carried the icon to the house of a noble person. But in the morning the icon was not found; it again ended up on the same rock in the same place. Then people realized that it was pleasing for the Mother of God that her icon should be located here. Then people built a temple in the rock and brought the icon there.

The appearance of the holy icon took place on August 15, the day of the Dormition of the Mother of God, so the new church was dedicated to this event. And the gorge was named Maryam-dere - St. Mary’s Gorge.

A beautiful and majestic place, a visit to which brings peace and tranquility to the soul. Where you can be alone with yourself and with nature. Where thoughts gain clarity, questions find answers, and life has meaning.

Khan's Palace - Khan-Saray (Rechnaya St., 133)

Our next stop was one of the most famous attractions of Bakhchisarai, the former Khan's palace - Khan Sarai. Conveniently, excursion support is included in the ticket price. We are just in time for the start of the excursion.

Khan-shed - former palace Crimean khans, is the only example of Crimean Tatar palace architecture that has survived to this day. Being on its territory, you feel like a hero of an oriental fairy tale. Moving from courtyard to courtyard, you expect the solution to some mystery. And for some reason, scenes from the series “The Magnificent Century” appear before my eyes.

It’s 5 pm, time to go to Ordzhonikidze. The village, which became our home during our vacation.

A lot of impressions, a sea of ​​emotions, a great mood, despite the rain and slush.

A little about prices in May 2017

Visiting the Assumption Monastery is free.

Parking near the monastery is free.

Services of an individual guide 1200 rubles.

- “Private” parking near Khan-Saray 200 rubles (no time limit). If there is space, you can park in front of the palace for free.

Over the years, I have traveled to Crimea in every possible way, so I will be happy to share my experience.

By car

There are 3 roads leading to Bakhchisarai from Yalta and all of them deserve attention.

Through Alushta and Simferopol

This route is the first one that comes to mind. Its length is 115 km.

The E105 road goes straight from Yalta. First, to Alushta it goes along the sea, then turns and passes through the mountains. The road is of good quality, wide and well leveled. Trolleybuses run along this road, so despite the mountains there are no sharp turns, long climbs or serpentine roads, even on the Angarsk Pass. In summer the road is very busy, but long queues can not be. In winter, you don’t need any special preparation to drive along this road.

This is a picturesque road that runs along the sea.

Via Foros

The second option for getting to Bakhchisarai is through. The length of this route is also 115 km.

In this case, you need to leave Yalta towards Sevastopol along H19. This road is called the South Coast Highway. It is narrower and more winding than the E105, and in the summer it is also overloaded with cars. Alternatively, you can take a parallel road - T2709. This is the old Sevastopol Highway, at first this road goes closer to the sea than the South Coast Highway, but then in Alupka they intersect and the Sevastopol Highway goes right under the mountains. Several years ago the road was damaged by landslides, then repaired and opened to traffic.

The Sevastopol highway is more winding, but it passes through resort villages.

Before Foros, T2709 goes up to the Foros Church and Baydar Gate, and H19 goes along the sea. Then both roads are connected into one. Before entering the Yalta ring, you need to turn onto P27, which then goes to H06 and to Bakhchisarai. If you go straight on the roundabout, you will have to drive through, and this will take a lot of time.

Before reaching the Yalta Ring, you can also turn onto T0105 and go through the villages to Bakhchisarai, the route will be shortened by 10 km, but the road here is in very poor condition.

This route is also worthy of attention. The South Coast Highway is in good condition, and along the Sevastopol Highway there are many attractions from the Russian Empire period.

Via Ai-Petri

For quite a long time this route was not available to me due to my weak vestibular apparatus. This route is the shortest and most extreme - 83 km.

In addition to the cableway leading to Mount Ai-Petri there is highway T0117. First you need to take H06 towards Foros, and then go up to the plateau through Vinogradnoye. The climb is about 25 km of serpentine with blind turns. The road is narrow, and in summer cars rush by constantly. As one guide told me, it’s a kind of attraction to take the cable car up to Ai-Petri and then come down along this road.

Climbing the mountain, you can enjoy beautiful views of the coast, weather permitting. After driving a little along the plateau, the road begins to twist and go down again. Here again a 20 km descent awaits. There are few cars on this side of the mountain; most people drive along it Grand Canyon Crimea. After turning into the canyon, the road is no longer steep and has no sharp turns. Further through Sokolinoe, Aromat, Kuibyshevo the road goes to Bakhchisarai.