The safest countries in Asia for tourists. The safest countries to travel

In the TV news feed, you can often see cases of social unrest, terrorism and rampant natural disasters. Going on vacation abroad, hardly anyone wants to be a participant in these incidents.

How to choose a country for travel in order to be sure of your own safety and pleasant impressions from the trip?

Experts annually World Economic Forum identify a number of countries that are safest to visit. When compiling the rating, factors such as:

  • crime situation in the country;
  • absence of armed conflicts and terrorism.

In 2017, this list was topped by Finland.

This is a country with low crime rate and high environmental safety.

All that is needed is the usual diligence in money transactions and respect for local customs in order to avoid misunderstandings.

In matters of law enforcement the Finnish police are equally demanding of compatriots and visitors. For example, there is a smoking ban in in public places.

2. UAE - paradise for lovers of Arabian exotics: clear sea and snow-white beaches, deserts and camel riding, oriental bazaars and national cuisine.

And all this with the almost complete absence of crime in the country. The main motto of the United United Arab Emirates - "everything for the guest."

Entry requirements are quite strict. You can run into a hefty fine. for smoking in public places, trash thrown on the street, or crossing the road in the wrong place.

And for appearing on the street while intoxicated, they can even send out of the country.

3. Iceland.

Absolutely safe country.

Here no islamic terrorism It is very difficult for Arabs to get here. To Russian tourists friendly attitude.

All that is required is to follow some rules: drink alcoholic beverages only in designated areas; do not wear too revealing clothes; do not take pictures of local residents without their permission.

Sunbathing in the nude is also not allowed., but this general rule for all eastern countries.

It is not really a country, but a special administrative region of China.

As in all China, nothing threatens the life and health of tourists here, but the wallet may suffer. Fraud here is elevated to the category of art, that's why follow the usual safety rules: keep documents and large sums of money in a safe; do not show expensive equipment on the streets; do not walk at night in poor areas.

- one of the richest countries in the world.

The place is unique in that with the presence of Chinese, Arabic, Indian, Malay and Western cultures, it is absolutely no conflicts between them.

Very low crime rate in the country help to maintain harsh laws. Prohibitions lie in wait for the traveler at every turn. Violation of them is subject to substantial fines and even imprisonment, therefore Be careful of prohibition signs. But things and money can be left right on the street - they will not be stolen.

belongs to one of those countries where best to live.

Crime level in the country, as in all Scandinavia, very low. There are no wars or natural disasters. But for the trip you need a lot of money, because Norway is an expensive country.

The only one who care must be taken- this is lovers active rest but this requirement applies to all countries.

it country for lovers of perfection in all manifestations. The prestige factor is in the first place here.

From 5 safest cities in the world, three are located here- Zurich, Bern and Geneva. In spite of low crime rate, yet do not tempt fate by leaving things unattended, as numerous lovers of easy money flock here from all over the world.

Medicine in Switzerland is very expensive, so going to ski resorts, it is worth taking out a specialized insurance policy.

A comfortable African country with a mild climate, European service and no dangerous fauna.

locals welcome, but rather conservative, so it's not worth it: wear too revealing clothes; eating and drinking in public; and openly express your emotions.

Going on a trip to this country, you must be vaccinated against yellow fever, hepatitis and meningitis.

10. - absolutely safe for tourists.

Even at night you can safely walk the streets.

High level service and the prices are quite moderate.

The information is current as of April 14, 2017.

There are more than 150 states on the territory of our planet. Each of them has its own culture, ethnic composition, customs, laws and mentality. Due to similar features, all countries globe are not similar to each other. At the same time, not every one of them is distinguished by economic stability and security. Every year, many reputable print media and online resources compile lists that include the safest countries on the planet.

When compiling a rating of safe countries, a huge number of criteria are taken into account, ranging from the pace economic development and ending with the standard of living of people. At the same time, absolutely all the details that characterize a particular state to one degree or another are taken into account. The most important of them are:

Today, almost every state makes its own ratings. In most cases, they do not reflect the real picture and are created to strengthen their own positions in the eyes of the world community. At the same time, the international rating, which is compiled by the joint efforts of all states of the planet, includes 162 positions.

The most dangerous countries for tourists

Unfortunately, most of the countries of the former socialist bloc are at the bottom of the list, and the top ten most dangerous states are as follows:

  1. Somalia;

According to the ranking, the most dangerous place on the planet is Syria, which is now in a state of civil war. In general, the bottom lines of the list are occupied by the poorest countries in Africa and Asia. However, Russia also did not go far and occupies only 145th place, belonging to the class of states with dynamically developing variable risks.

Top 10 safe and comfortable countries for recreation and life

Slovenia - 10th

Despite the fact that the lists are updated annually, the top 10 safest countries in the world have remained unchanged. Although there were minor changes inside the dozen, no one left it. In 2019, Slovenia is still ranked tenth.

Thanks to its favorable geographical location in the very center of Europe and its membership in the EU, Slovenia has managed to achieve huge economic successes in a short time. What affected the standard of living of the population, the development of infrastructure and social guarantees.

Most of the country's citizens are involved in the industrial sector, which is not only dynamically developing, but also requires a systematic increase in staff. Stability, prosperity and the availability of jobs help to reduce the level of street crime. In addition, most of the population has a negative attitude towards violence and condemns it in every possible way.

Slovenia is a unitary republic with a stable political system and developed foreign economic relations. All these factors, combined with a low crime rate, make it one of the leaders in the top of the safest countries in the world.

Japan - 9th

Japan is one of the world leaders in economic development, second only to the United States and China. The country is distinguished by a high standard of living, and its inhabitants are purposeful and diligent. Most Japanese people prefer to work 12-14 hour days and don't take vacations.

Getting huge profits contributes to the development of all industries, from the quality of the road surface to the implementation advanced technologies in the industrial area. Japanese medicine is also considered one of the best in the world, which is confirmed by the low infant mortality rate and the large number of centenarians.

The low level of crime is due to the peculiarities of the mentality and the attitude of people to manifestations of cruelty. The number of violent deaths in the country is one of the lowest in the world, at 4.4 for every million inhabitants.

The ninth place in the world ranking is due to the geographical location, since almost the entire territory of the state is located within the Great Ring of Fire. The threat of a tsunami, seismic activity and a small area played a role. Japan did not become a leader in terms of safety for life, which it could well count on.

Canada - 8th

Canada is in second place in terms of area, behind only Russian Federation. The high level of economic development is due to the presence of a huge amount of minerals and other natural resources that are being exported. The funds received from trade operations contribute to the modernization of industry and the improvement of the living standards of citizens.

The introduction of the latest technologies and the high level of staff qualifications have glorified Canadian medicine throughout the world. Well-developed infrastructure and high-quality roads also play a role.

Canada's only geographical neighbor is the United States, which significantly reduces the flow of illegal immigrants trying to enter the country. Despite the large area, the population density of the country is quite small. At the same time, more than 75% of the inhabitants live along the border with the United States, where most of the cities are located. At the same time, the northern regions of the state are occupied by taiga forests.

Canadians are ardent opponents of any form of violence and categorically do not accept crime. Street theft and robbery are rare, and cases of violent death are practically not recorded. Therefore, living in such a country is not easy safe, but also quite comfortable.

Required to travel to Canada.

Switzerland - 7th

Switzerland is a multinational state in which at least 3-4 peoples live in peace and harmony. Despite the difference in views and culture, they get along with each other and almost never conflict. Such a national composition not only contributed to the attraction of foreign capital, but also contributed to the development of tolerance between people of different nations.

The Swiss economy is based on tourism, for which all the necessary conditions have been created. Most of of the country's population is employed in the service sector, focused on foreign guests. Every year the infrastructure is modernized, and the living conditions of people are improving.

Focusing on tourists contributes to the improvement of all areas economic activity and medicine, which is one of the best in the world. Despite the different ethnic composition, the level of terrorist threats is practically absent, as well as crime in general.

big flow foreign tourists, the opportunity to open your own business and independently plan your activities makes Switzerland one of the most hospitable and safe countries in Europe.

Czech Republic - 6th

Of all the countries in which they tried to build a socialist society, the Czech Republic is the most progressive. Economic growth and political stability provide a calm atmosphere within the state. The dynamic development of the economy is associated with achievements in the field of industry. Czech-made goods are famous all over the world, which is only worth the car brand Skoda, which is the standard of quality and sophistication.

The low level of crime is explained by the lack of division of society along class lines, since most of the population is on the same financial level. In addition, the high cultural level of the inhabitants, social security and rejection of violence make the state one of the safest places to live in the world.

To date, only a few monuments remind of the Soviet past in the Czech Republic. All other spheres of life have long since been reoriented to market relations. Part of the income received from the export of products of our own production is spent on improving the living standards of people, which ensure the progress of the economy.

To travel to the country you need

Portugal - 5th

Portugal has always been considered one of the safest countries in the world, but only since 2016 has it entered the top ten. The main source of income for the state is the agro-industrial sector, which ensures the systematic growth of the economy. The main trading partners are the countries of the European Union, to which about 95% of all manufactured products are exported.

Despite the development of the agricultural sector, the standard of living of the population is very high. Most of the profits are spent on upgrading existing infrastructure and improving social standards. Medicine is distinguished by its professionalism.

lucky geographical location in the very south of Europe and endless beaches make Portugal a tasty morsel for tourists from all over the world. The high level of economic development and the absence of class inequality contribute to the reduction of crime. Despite the southern temperament, the inhabitants of the state categorically do not accept and condemn manifestations of violence. This makes it possible not only to live in safety, but also to move freely around the country at any time of the day. Needed for a trip.

For people who do not like to get into various unpredictable situations while traveling, but, on the contrary, prefer the maximum pre-organization of the trip in order to make it as convenient and safe as possible, we have prepared a list of the 10 most suitable destinations

Most of those who have been to New Zealand call this small state an ideal place for tourists, looking for peace, peace and security. This is also confirmed by the results of a worldwide survey, according to which New Zealand took a firm first place in the ranking of the safest countries for tourism

We have already written about interesting New Zealand attractions - the Bay of Islands and the Moeraki Boulders.

Iceland ranks second thanks to one characteristic: the crime rate here is so low that half of the local security forces never carry weapons.

Despite a turbulent past, today this country is calm, peaceful and open to diplomacy. It is an ideal holiday destination not only for lovers of art and history, but also for those who love sports and good food. The worst thing that can happen to you here is a meeting with a group of Austrians in traditional Tyrolean costumes, who can scare you with their appearance, but not by their actions)

One of the most amazing ice caves on our planet is located in Austria - Eisreisenwelt

The country of the Fjords - Norway is a quiet and sleepy state, which is quite logical, given the fact that it is covered all year round eternal ice. The only problem is that the capital, Oslo, is one of the most expensive cities in the world. So security also has a price.

Ireland is a country of whiskey and beer, in which the percentage of crimes is extremely low. The only thing you can suffer from here is from the tricks of the local elves)

One of Ireland's most amazing natural attractions is the Causeway of the Giants.

In sixth place, another Scandinavian state settled - Denmark, whose cities are literally created to drink beer, eat fish and ride a bike through beautiful, unique landscapes.

Little Luxembourg ranks seventh on our list of the safest countries to travel to. It may not have access to the sea, but there are no attacks, no kidnappings, not even any poisonous insects.

Sweden is in eighth place. Kingdom of Carl Gustav XVI welcomes tourists with open arms, untouched nature, beautiful girls and tolerant attitude in any, even the most remote corner countries

9. Singapore

Not so long ago, Singapore was a poor country on the verge of bankruptcy, but thanks to the thoughtful policy of its leader, Lee Kwang Yew, today the country is one of the richest countries on the planet, with a GDP per capita greater than that of the United States and Germany. No wonder Singapore is now peaceful and interesting place for tourism, where travelers can see many unusual sights in a relatively small space. O

Russia: closer to home

In the first place is, of course, Russia. At the resorts of the native country there will be no problems with the language barrier, and the clinic will provide the necessary assistance upon presentation of the usual policy. Just in case, it is recommended to take the child's medical record with you so that the doctor can quickly sort out the problem. In any case, you can take out additional accident insurance, even if you do not intend to constantly spend time in water parks or engage in extreme views sports. The infrastructure is best developed in the resorts of Sochi. Here you can always find the right baby food or the necessary medicines in pharmacies. In decent establishments that are controlled by sanitary services, the risk of getting poisoned is minimized. Among the advantages of Sochi are also a short flight that will not tire even the smallest children, and weather that does not require long acclimatization. In addition, on Russian resorts There are places where you can safely leave children under the supervision of educators. For example, in the Sochi shopping center "Moremoll" fans of "Pirates caribbean"are ready to spend hours in Happylon Pirate's Park while their parents are shopping. Here you can climb in a five-tier maze, visit the Pirate Town and ride various attractions.

In August, a week-long tour to Sochi for a family with a two-year-old child starts from 34,000 rubles with flights and accommodation, but no meals.

Bulgaria: in native language

The opportunity to explain yourself in Russian almost everywhere is one of the main advantages of Bulgaria. Families with children love the local resorts, and therefore, in most hotels, everything is done to make small tourists comfortable and safe. The beaches in this country are ideal for toddlers who are taking their first steps or learning to swim. Coast Bulgarian resorts sandy, with a gentle entrance to the sea, so it is here that many do not experience fear of water. And parents can safely watch their children, knowing that the seabed is flat and shallow. An ideal peaceful place for a vacation is the resort of Albena, which specializes in family vacation with kids. Here you can take a ride on a tricycle or swim on a boat with pirate flag. For those who need a developed infrastructure, it is better to go to Golden Sands - this resort has been known to our compatriots since Soviet times, so much here will be familiar and understandable. However, in Bulgaria it is still necessary to observe simple rules safety, common to all tourist places: with a small child, it is better to choose beaches where there are no noisy discos or extreme entertainment. And, of course, do not leave children to themselves, because even though most local residents are always ready to help, no one is safe from accidents, especially in a foreign country. Therefore, it is best to have fun with your child. For example, the whole family can go to a “pirate party” on a yacht, take part in a sea battle and find treasures. Or attend a performance at the Dolphinarium, explore the constellations at the Planetarium, admire exotic plants at botanical garden.

The price of a week-long trip to Bulgaria in August for a family with a two-year-old child starts from 38,000 rubles with flights and accommodation, but without food.

Greece: surrounded by the sea

In Greece, the safest way to relax is on the islands. In the continental part you can meet migrants, in Athens you can face a demonstration or just run into local punks, and on the islands security is much higher. Crete, the largest island in Greece, is located in the Mediterranean Sea, far from the coast, and it makes absolutely no sense for migrants to stay at its resorts. There is also practically no crime here, because it is difficult to hide somewhere. Locals even often leave their cars unlocked. The Mediterranean Sea is also safe: its waters do not have such an abundance of exotic inhabitants as on tropical islands. And fresh food prepared in a good restaurant or high-class hotel kitchen will not lead to stomach pains, especially since Greek products are familiar to Russians - vegetables, fish and meat. When going to Crete with a child, it is important to choose the right beach. On the local coast there are both pebbles and sand. With small children it is comfortable to relax in shallow water in Agia Marina, a bay surrounded by pine forests. Crete is also convenient because the island has a relatively large city of Heraklion, where the airport is located. It is located closer to the central part of the island, and can be quickly reached from anywhere, so even complex medical care, if necessary, can always be provided quickly. True, for this it is necessary to have an insurance policy for traveling abroad.

In August, the cost of a week-long tour to Crete for a family with a two-year-old child starts from 47,000 rubles with flights and accommodation, but without food.

Cyprus: almost all

Cyprus is considered one of the safest countries in the world with a population of no more than 5 million people. At the same time, people of various nationalities live on the island: these are Greeks, British, Armenians, and Russians. There are more than 30 thousand of our compatriots here. There are also Turks, but they inhabit the northern part of the island, which is separated from the southern Cypriot resorts by the border. Many inscriptions in Cyprus are made in Russian, and if necessary, there will definitely be a person nearby who, if you do not know any language other than your native language, will help you explain or solve the problem. AT major cities there is everything you need: these are pharmacies and medical institutions, therefore, if you have insurance on hand, then you will never be left without help. Local food will also be familiar to the body: vegetables and fruits here are the same as in Russia, only much more juicy. One of the calmest and safest resorts in Cyprus is Protaras, it is best suited for families with small children. Teenagers will be much more interested in Ayia Napa, where tourists spend almost around the clock in discos, however, the decision whether or not to let teenagers go dancing alone should be made by parents at their own peril and risk.

The only danger that may lie in wait for tourists in Cyprus is related to local traffic rules. Cars drive on the left side, and therefore, when crossing the road with a child, the classic rule: “Look to the left, and then look to the right” does not work. You need to look the other way around - first to the right, and then to the left. True, if you constantly stay in a hotel near the sea, then the road is unlikely to have to be crossed.

In August, the cost of a week-long tour to Cyprus for a family with a two-year-old child starts from 71,000 rubles with flights and accommodation, but without food.

Italy: under the protection of the Carabinieri

In Italy, little “bambinos” are very fond of, and it is not surprising that many Italians treat children with tenderness. At the same time, there are places in the country where it is not very interesting to relax with children, and sometimes even unsafe - for example, on southern resorts. Here, poverty and crime are much higher than in the north of the country, in addition, migrants come here to get lost in the slums of some Naples. At the same time, the most massive and affordable Italian resort in the country of Rimini is quite safe. The infrastructure is well developed here, there are wide sandy beaches and there are plenty of activities for the little ones. Children will definitely remember the time spent in Fiabilandia - a magical park with a puppet city of Pinocchio, settlements of the Wild West, as well as the castle of the wizard Merlin. It will be interesting for schoolchildren to get acquainted with all the sights of the country in the "Italy in Miniature" park, where everyone can feel like a real giant surrounded by mini-fountains, mini-trains and mini-towers, among which the most popular, of course, is Pisa. Carabinieri keep order on the streets, and during the holidays or the tense situation in Europe, they stand literally on every corner so that vacationers can feel safe.

In August, the cost of a week-long trip to Italy for a family with a two-year-old child starts from 70,000 rubles with flights, accommodation and breakfast.

  • Obtaining a residence permit. The acquisition of any real estate guarantees you a residence permit. This document will allow you to stay in the country for an unlimited amount of time.

It is very easy to obtain citizenship in Northern Cyprus - this is the goal of most people who have returned from vacation from there.

It is worth saying that according to Interpol, the crime rate in Northern Cyprus is 5 times lower than in Western Europe. And the reason why Northern Cyprus is not included in the list of the safest countries in the world is the status of an unrecognized state. Otherwise, this country is an ideal place to relax and live.

Spain is the most popular resort in the ranking for families

Another popular country among tourists. It's no joke, more than 50 million people visit the resorts of this country every year. This is the most popular European resort. Such popularity and a large influx of tourists provide the appropriate conditions for a comfortable vacation:

  • Low prices. Spain is the most accessible Western European country for holidays. Almost everyone can afford a vacation on the famous Costas or in Barcelona.
  • Wherein low prices have no effect on the quality of the services provided. Arriving in this country, you guarantee yourself positive emotions.
  • Developed tourist infrastructure. Spain combines everything it loves modern tourist. You can spend your holidays lazing on the famous Spanish beaches. Or enrich yourself culturally by visiting local attractions and famous cathedrals. Also, many events are held annually to attract tourists, including the famous Ensierro.
  • Visas. With visas in Spain, it is somewhat more difficult, after all, this country is a member of the Schengen agreement. Accordingly, in order to visit this wonderful country, you will need to apply for a Schengen visa. One of the advantages is that applying for a Schengen visa to Spain is quite simple, just provide the embassy with a ticket.

As in any other Western European country, Spain pays a lot of attention to security. So in the general list of countries, it is in 18th place, and Barcelona ranks fifteenth in a similar ranking of cities. Not surprisingly, Spain is on the list of the safest countries in the world where you can relax in comfort.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the recent events, when Catalonia tried to hold a referendum on independence. In the world, this event was perceived ambiguously, but the fact that there were no serious clashes was indicative, not to mention the casualties among the local population or tourists. Which once again speaks of the highest level of security in this country.

Czech Republic - expensive but safe

The Czech Republic is on the list of the safest countries in the world for tourists and for permanent residence. In the latest ranking, this state took sixth place, which is an amazing result. And if we consider the Czech Republic from the point of view of tourism, then this is very popular destination we have, so why given country ranks third in our top? Let's understand in detail:

  • Prices. Holidays in the Czech Republic are one of the most expensive in Europe. If you want to comfortably spend your holidays here, then you will have to spend a decent amount of money.
  • Habitual resort holiday not here. This country is rich in history, museums and atmosphere. In addition, every year a huge number of tourists come to this country to try the famous Czech beer. If you want to enrich yourself culturally, then this is a great choice.
  • Service. Our people are not used to European service. No, its quality is at the highest level, but the system itself is very different from the Turkish one. For example, finding hotels with an all-inclusive system is quite problematic. Therefore, if you are used to being on vacation and not worrying about anything, then it is better to choose, for example, Northern Cyprus.
  • Visas. The Czech Republic is also a member of the Schengen agreement, but getting a visa to this country is already much more difficult than to Spain. You will not only need to present vouchers, but also prove your ability to pay throughout your stay in this country.

Of course, the Czech Republic can be called the safest country in the world, which annually receives a huge number of tourists, but you will have to pay extra for this safety, because this is the most expensive country presented today in our top.

What else is worth taking care of when going on vacation? 5 rules

Of course, our list of the safest countries in the world to live shows a general trend, but you can’t let everything take its course, relying on research data. Here's what you need to take care of when going on vacation:

  1. Medical insurance. We are accustomed to relatively free medical care and compulsory insurance. But all over the world, medicine is very expensive. Therefore, before departure, you should definitely purchase medical insurance in case of health problems. Especially it concerns independent trips, since vouchers often already include contracts with insurance companies.
  2. Be sure to purchase your return ticket immediately. Again, if you are flying on a package tour, then usually everything is already included at once. But in the case of independent trips, this must be taken care of in advance. It is also worth knowing that the criterion for obtaining visas to some countries is the presence of this ticket.
  3. Get vaccinated. Especially it concerns exotic countries South-East Asia. It will be unpleasant to come down with an incomprehensible illness on the first day of vacation. All over the world, the practice of entering only if you have vaccinations has already been abandoned, but in any case, it is in your interest.
  4. Pickpocket protection. If we talk about security around the world, then in the above countries it is at the highest level. But you need to understand that huge flows of tourists attract small pickpockets and scammers. Therefore, do not keep money and documents in accessible places. Many hotels provide safes for these needs.
  5. Do not leave the resort areas. To a greater extent, this applies to countries with not the most prosperous economies. As a rule, in resort towns everything is at the highest level with security, but with the rest of the state, everything may not be so smooth.


Today we looked at the safest countries in the world for tourists and for living. Of course, this is a very important factor for a comfortable vacation. And if you want to return only with positive emotions, then you should not rush into various adventures. Today in the world the best combination of quality of rest, price and safety is Northern Cyprus.