The most dangerous countries in the world for tourists. The most dangerous countries for tourism

Ratings of dangerous countries to visit are created annually by many international organizations. To compile the list below of the most dangerous countries Data from the Global Peace Index were used. Experts from the Institute of Peace and the University of Sydney took part in its development.

The index takes into account 23 indicators to determine the country's security level. These include both internal and external factors: the political stability of the region, the level of violence and crime, participation in external international conflicts, military spending.

The most dangerous countries in the world - find out which regions of the planet you should avoid traveling to in order to save your life.

Opens a list of the most dangerous countries in the world for tourists. After the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi by rebels, the state is in a state of civil war. A relatively prosperous region of the country is Tripoli. Visiting other parts of this state without serious accompaniment is now simply foolhardy.

Libya could well turn into an interesting country for tourists to visit. There are numerous monuments from the Roman and Byzantine eras. One of most interesting places in Libya - the city of Leptis Magna founded by the Phoenicians. The ruins of a Roman amphitheater and ancient temples have been preserved in the country. Libya has many beautiful mosques of great interest. Coastal cities with a mild Mediterranean climate could become tourist mecca, if not for the protracted civil war. The country's inhabitants are quite peaceful in nature, but in conditions of internal unrest, tourists can become easy prey for bandits.

It is in 9th place in the ranking of the most dangerous countries to visit. This state has repeatedly been among the regions of the planet that are unsafe for tourists. Sudan has a difficult internal situation due to the activities of radical groups. The country is a haven for many terrorists who have fled here. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the state was in a state of civil war, until in 2011 it split into two parts: Sudan and South Sudan. Relations between these states are now very tense due to territorial conflicts. The extremely difficult situation remains in Darfur province and the Abyei region. Only the capital of Sudan, Khartoum, is relatively safe for tourists. Traveling outside of it poses any danger. Pirates can be found in the country's coastal waters.

Meanwhile, Sudan is very attractive for tourists with its wonderful beaches on the Red Sea coast, ancient monuments such as the pyramids of Meroe and archaeological excavations, leading along the Nile.

Due to the difficult internal situation, it took 8th place in the list of the most dangerous countries for tourists in 2017. Since the beginning of the armed internal conflict, the flow of tourists wishing to visit Ukraine has sharply decreased. The territories of Donbass and Lugansk remain undesirable for visiting. At the same time, Kyiv, Lviv and other cities do not pose any danger to tourists.

Central African Republic (CAR) ranks 7th on the list of the most dangerous countries for tourists to visit. Since independence, the CAR has alternated between military juntas and authoritarian regimes. In 2004, civil war broke out in the country. Peace in the CAR is still very far away, so it is extremely dangerous for tourists to be in this country.

It is in 6th place in the ranking of the most unsafe countries to visit. This is one of poorest countries South-East Asia, most which is occupied by desert unsuitable for agriculture. Separatists and terrorists from many countries have found refuge in Yemen. Here the population has a significant amount of weapons in their hands. The laws of Yemen are extremely cruel - for a minor violation the offender can face the death penalty.

– a paradise for modern pirates. This circumstance alone makes it clear that visiting this country is unsafe. The civil war that swept through Somalia in the 1990s left behind an army of thugs who were adept at wielding weapons. Poverty and devastation have led to the fact that many residents of the country see no other way to feed themselves and their families other than piracy. Sea trade routes passing near the territory of Somalia make it possible for modern pirates to rob any ships with almost impunity - from tankers to yachts. The situation with the safety of tourists on land is no better. The country is divided into several conflicting regions. However, the situation may soon change for the better. The region is now under surveillance by several countries, which has already yielded a positive result - the number of ships hijacked by pirates has decreased significantly since 2014.

Somalia is primarily interesting for its beautiful beaches and the Laas Gaal cave complex, where rock paintings are well preserved.

It ranks fourth in the ranking of the most dangerous countries for tourists. This is one of poorest countries world, a significant part of whose inhabitants are religiously intolerant people. Another danger comes from militants of the Islamist radical Taliban movement, who periodically carry out armed attacks on government troops and organize terrorist attacks. At the same time, Afghanistan is a country with a rich culture and history. Many historical sites and artifacts make the country attractive for tourism.

is in third place on the list of the most unsafe countries to visit. The main danger is that the country hosts the main branch of the ultra-radical terrorist organization Al-Qaeda.

Iraq is located in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers - ancient cradle great civilizations. A huge number of historical monuments are of interest to scientists and tourists, but visiting the country unaccompanied is fraught with many dangers.

In second place in the ranking of the most dangerous countries for tourists is. South Sudan gained independence in 2011 after years of civil war. It is dangerous to visit the country due to the unstable political situation and unresolved territorial issues. South Sudan's health system is in a deplorable state. The country is a leader in the prevalence of HIV infection; epidemics of malaria, cholera, and black fever often occur here. Rare diseases not found in other countries have been reported in South Sudan.

Quite expectedly, it took first place on the list of the most dangerous countries for tourists. The country is famous for its ancient historical monuments, which due to the outbreak of the civil war became inaccessible to tourists. The six-year war collapsed the country's economy and brought its inhabitants to the brink of extinction. Until peace comes to Syria, it is closed to visitors.

As soon as I got ready to go to Colombia, my friends began to vying with each other to warn me: “Be careful, this is a dangerous country!”

Is it much more dangerous there than other countries where I have traveled and lived?

Our perception of how dangerous a place is depends on many factors - an overzealous media interested only in sob stories and attracting public attention, corrupt political and economic institutions, rumors that breed out of the blue. All this is a dubious source of information about the country for a traveler planning to go there.

But reasonable caution has never hurt anyone, so I’m writing 10 tips for travelers going to “the most dangerous countries in the world for tourists.” And at the bottom of the article I will provide a list of these most dangerous countries.

Before traveling to a dangerous country

  • Separate real facts from fears

Take a quick inventory, what have you heard about the country you are going to visit? What do you know for sure? How do you know this? How accurate and trustworthy is your source of information? Are there any facts and figures that prove the high level of danger and risk?

For example, Puerto Rico is considered a rather dangerous place to travel; it takes an honorable 5th place in the list of the most violent countries due to the high number of deaths due to gunshot wounds. I lived there for 2.5 years and I can say that mostly murders occur due to conflicts between acquaintances; innocent foreigners are only wounded...albeit very often. The whole point is that the police Puerto Rico conducts annual campaigns to combat unintentional injuries that occur when people shoot into the air, thus welcoming New Year. This is the type of danger that you need to be aware of and simply avoid such situations.

Simply visit websites about the dangers of the country you'll be traveling to and read the travel warnings. Then learn more about the country, its history and real events not covered in the news. Read blogs, travel forums, local magazines and newspapers, and books written in that country. Most often local residents much more adequate information about the state of affairs than foreigners. Before my trip to Colombia, I read a lot of blogs that covered everything from contemporary music preferences to youth political movements.

I'm on the road

  • Take a closer look at the local population

As they say, you don’t go to someone else’s monastery with your own rules, and if the locals don’t wear expensive jewelry, then you shouldn’t either.

  • Keep your loved ones informed of your plans

It may sound a little fatalistic, but letting trustworthy people know your plans and whereabouts will help you be found if something terrible happens. For example, when I travel alone, I write e-mails like this to my husband: “Hey, I’ll take the metro to the center for a walk, then I’ll watch the bullfight at Plaza Mexico at 16:00, I’ll be back at the hostel around 20:00 in the evening, I’ll call.”

  • Always carry a card with your contact information with you

Your passport or driver's license not informative enough if something happens to you. I advise you to get a special card with the following information: full name, year of birth, blood type, any allergies or chronic diseases, contact number of your loved one with country code. And a couple of tips: make a card in English and in the language of the country you are traveling to, update the data as necessary. I cannot overstate the importance of this advice. My friend had an accident in Mexico City, this card really helped him get timely medical help.

  • Use only official taxi services

From time to time I myself ignore this advice, because you need to call a taxi in advance and wait. But still, this option is much safer than simply catching a “bomb” on the road, you never know.

  • Know your limits

But I always follow this advice. Even if you have a high tolerance to alcohol, do not ignore this advice. Around the world, people who are intoxicated are at particular risk. After all, your ability to think sensibly and make adequate decisions noticeably decreases. Take care of yourself and be careful with alcohol. This advice especially applies to women. Any place will be the most dangerous country in the world for women if you are drunk.

After the trip

  • Tell us about your holiday in a dangerous country

So you returned from a dangerous country for holidays, are alive and well, your head and legs are in place - tell us about it. And to the question: “Was it dangerous?” - answer sincerely, based on your own experience. Perhaps people, due to various prejudices, refuse to travel to many beautiful countries, dispel these stereotypes, give them a chance.

  • Find out more

You've just had a great experience traveling to a country that most people consider dangerous. Tell people that this is not so, dispel fears and doubts. And don’t stop reading blogs and news about this country to get to know it even better.

  • Keep Traveling

Our world is huge and beautiful, stop being afraid to step outside the threshold. There's not much in the world dangerous places, as you might think.

Which countries are dangerous to travel to?

Here I will list the 25 countries listed in the Global Peace Index. Don't be surprised, because most likely you will find your country here. Do you think it's dangerous to live in it? Are you afraid to go to the store? That's it. But still, I do not advise beginners to start traveling to migration-risk countries; choose something more harmless, Southeast Asia, for example.

  1. Mexico
  2. Ethiopia
  3. Ivory Coast
  4. Ukraine
  5. Egypt
  6. India
  7. Guinea-Bissau
  8. Lebanon
  9. Yemen
  10. Zimbabwe
  11. Israel
  12. Colombia
  13. Nigeria
  14. Russia
  15. North Korea
  16. Pakistan
  17. Congo
  18. Central African Republic
  19. Sudan
  20. Somalia
  21. South Sudan
  22. Afghanistan
  23. Syria

That's all tips for traveling in dangerous countries, take care of yourself, think with your own head, everything will definitely be fine for you!

A list of the most dangerous holiday destinations in 2007 was published by the Newsland portal with a link to Afghanistan confidently occupies the first place - extreme travelers, going there, risk meeting the Taliban on their way, may be captured or become hostage to terrorists. There is a high chance of dying from a bullet from an opium field guard (between a third and two-thirds of the world's heroin supply comes from Afghanistan). In addition, there are a huge number of uncleared bombs and unexploded artillery shells lying on Afghan soil. Experts assign the highest level of danger to Afghanistan as a tourist destination.

The state of Somalia is recognized as the second most dangerous for a traveler. The coastal waters of this country are famous for pirates who use modern boats with weapons on board to rob yachts and even merchant ships. In addition, there is still a civil war in Somalia and frequent inter-clan clashes in which civilians, travelers and journalists are killed. Citizen army soldiers periodically kidnap people for ransom or simply rob them. The risk level for travel to Somalia has been determined to be extremely high.

Iraq is in third place. In this country, tourists are waylaid by terrorists who kill people or take them hostage, as well as coalition soldiers who shoot first and ask questions later. The crime rate in Iraq is off the charts, and there are pockets of bird flu in the north of the country. There is a possibility of getting caught in crossfire between the rebels and by international forces, and also find yourself in the very epicenter of a clash between warring religious factions. The risk level is extremely high.

Zimbabwe, a state with a totalitarian regime, occupies fourth place on the list of dangerous countries for tourists. There are few police officers in this country, but they are famous for their particular cruelty, including towards tourists. The situation with medical care is very bad. Tourists are warned against visiting private farms, as their owners could easily shoot a stranger who invades their territory. In addition, the country has a catastrophic shortage of fuel, so you can be stuck in some village for an indefinite time. Robberies against tourists are not uncommon. The risk level for traveling to Zimbabwe is extremely high.

Next on the list of potentially dangerous tourist destinations worth Colombia. According to statistics, Colombia had the highest number of murders and kidnappings in the world, but recently the situation has stabilized a little and the place has become safer. The country is torn apart by endless civil wars. Guerrillas, armed to the teeth, are hiding, including in picturesque reserves visited by tourists. The level of risk when traveling to Colombia is defined as very high.

No less dangerous is the Republic of Haiti - one of the poorest, most unstable and ungovernable countries in the world, constantly suffering from famine, natural disasters and coups d'etat. Taking hostages, especially foreigners – traditional occupation to Haiti. Most cities in the country are controlled by criminal gangs, including populated areas very few police. It will be difficult to find basic things like batteries or drinks. However, tourists go there for the natural beauty. The level of risk is very high.

In seventh place is the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Since World War II, 4 million people have died in this country, and a fragile political situation keeps Congo on the brink of civil war. Government troops backed by Angola and Zimbabwe are fighting rebels from Uganda and Rwanda and risk being caught in the crossfire. Therefore, tourists enjoying the jungle and African climate should be extremely careful. In addition, the country has a very high risk of AIDS. The level of danger for the traveler is determined to be high.

Mexico is also not a paradise for tourists who are concerned about their own safety. This country offers travelers picturesque countryside, Tasty food, funny hats and the highest rate of manslaughter in the world. Drug trafficking and criminal gang activity make this relatively calm country dangerous for tourists. In the capital of the country, Mexico City, 15 thousand people are killed every year. The level of risk ranges from medium to high.

Next comes Pakistan, a country dominated by local Islamic extremist groups, most of which are associated with Al-Qaeda. Even local politicians and religious minorities were often involved in the killing of civilians. In Pakistan people are constantly protesting against something. Closer to the border with Afghanistan (number one on the list of dangerous countries) groups of terrorists operate. The risk level, oddly enough, is only average.

Last on the list is Thailand, which is famous for its “crazy” drivers on the country’s roads. Mostly, traffic here is on the left, but this does not stop 12 million bikers from driving as they want. They don't pay much attention to traffic lights or pedestrians crossing the road. In Thailand, more than 17,000 people die in accidents every year, mostly caused by motorcyclists, drunk drivers or speeding. In addition, cases of terrorist acts have become more frequent in the country recently, and sexual crimes are also widespread. The level of danger for tourists is defined as medium.

Today in the world there are a huge number of countries, a holiday in which can threaten you with the most undesirable consequences, including death. Of course, we will not talk about states in which military conflicts continue to this day. But there are also very popular tourist countries where crowds of tourists go on vacation at their own peril and risk.

Of course, statistics cannot mean every tourist, but who knows how this or that situation in your life will turn out. In any case, precautions will not hurt anyone.

Among the most common destinations of world tourism are the following countries:

The Republic of Haiti, which until recently was a wonderful resort on the island of the same name, today is one of the most unpleasant places on earth. Since the earthquake that struck here in 2010, the country has been plagued by poverty, poor sanitation and civil conflict. Many residents take up arms, trying to literally win a piece of food for themselves, while others are simply biding their time in resigned attempts to survive among those suffering from cholera.

This is a wonderful resort area on the coast Caribbean Sea, which is presented to tourists as a picturesque place with a huge number of attractions. Yes, of course, the local nature is truly incredibly beautiful, but you should know that this country is a refuge for many drug dealers, whose routes also pass through tourist places. It is worth noting that local authorities, receiving certain amounts of money from wealthy criminals, are in no hurry to confront huge drug cartels and give them complete freedom of action. If “extra” people or visiting tourists who went on an excursion end up in the place designated by the bandits, they may never return home again, and the case of another murder will remain unsolved.

Brazil annually attracts an increasing number of tourists from all over the world to its National holiday- Brazilian Carnival. And at any other time, there are no fewer people wanting to relax on the snow-white beaches of this country. However, even here tourists face considerable danger, because the crime rate in Brazil is considered one of the highest. Yes, today the Brazilian authorities are diligently getting rid of dangerous areas Rio de Janeiro, popularly called favelas. This is where all the criminal organizations in the city live. Tourists are strictly prohibited from entering the local favelas, but the number of curious people increases every year. The consequences of such a rash act can be robbery or murder.

This country has become famous not only for the memorable natural beauty of the wild exotic world, but also for the highest level of violent crime and the spread of HIV infections. The most dangerous city can be considered Cape Town, where mass murders and many rapes occur every year. But, despite such information, often covered in world news, millions of tourists visit this country for the purpose of exotic holiday. If you are one of these people, then follow the advice of your guide and do not go beyond tourist areas with a large amount of money. No less problematic are the predatory white sharks that wait for their victims in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Recently, Thailand has become a developed tourist country which attracts many travelers heavenly beaches, exotic nature and a lot of entertainment. Since tourists make up the majority of the country’s budget, the authorities strictly monitor the organization of tourist safety, but exceptions do occur. Street crime and petty robberies exist in absolutely every country in our world, but the most terrible danger is posed by local laws and wild nature. If you are caught in any drug-related activity, you face a real threat of deprivation of life. Also, speaking too harshly or negatively towards the ruler of a state or his religion can lead to big troubles. When swimming in the open sea or diving you can find many poisonous fish, so you shouldn’t touch inhabitants unknown to you with your hands. And while traveling in the jungle, there is a chance of meeting a tiger, wild boar, aggressive monkeys and various insects. Besides, huge number tourists suffer from food poisoning from local food, so you should be especially careful when eating in Thailand.

Colorful and bright nature Philippine islands make this country incredibly popular among travelers. Just after seeing these snow-white beaches and clear coastal waters of emerald shades, you already want to visit this paradise of our planet. But at the same time, there are enough dangers that this mysterious nature conceals. Every year, the island is hit by typhoons, hurricanes and floods, as well as possible volcanic eruptions, of which there are 18. When diving for diving, you should carefully choose a dive operator, since strong undercurrents in some places of the ocean can play a cruel joke on you. And another danger threatens people from the air - here you can catch dengue fever, malaria, hepatitis and other diseases. In this regard, you need to be extremely careful in choosing your national food and drinking only boiled water.

Today India is a favorite holiday destination for Russians and others. This country attracts tourists due to fairly low prices for accommodation and food, beautiful beaches And comfortable hotels. However, in most cases, there is poverty and unsanitary conditions around, which contribute to the development of various diseases. Among the main dangers awaiting tourists in India are the following:

  • strong sea ​​waves, capable of carrying a person far out into the open sea or, on the contrary, throwing him on the shore;
  • poisonous insects, snakes and arthropods;
  • wild monkeys living in the jungle - aggressive individuals can attack tourists, and their bites are contagious with a whole bunch of diseases;
  • infections: cholera, leprosy, plague, hepatitis, typhoid fever, malaria and other diseases to be wary of in India. If you feel a fever, you should immediately go to the hospital;
  • Failure to comply with traditional rules in terms of clothing for women can add extra problems to you with local residents.

The Dominican Republic is a paradise for tourists! This is exactly what tourist flyers with last-minute trips to Dominican Republic. This destination is also popular among newlyweds and couples who want to taste all the luxury exotic islands. But this place is not as safe as it seems at first glance. The main danger for tourists is local infectious diseases - cholera, syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases. Another problem could be a typhoon or earthquake hitting the island. It should also be taken into account that the current religion in the country is Catholicism, but since ancient times there have been priests who wield voodoo magic, with whom one must be extremely careful or it is better to avoid their company altogether. And of course, water surface The beautiful ocean is fraught with many dangers in the form of predatory sharks and other marine life that can harm a person on the high seas.

Today, this country is developing strongly and reaching a good European level of recreation, which contributes to a large influx of tourists. But Mexico is also a dangerous territory with numerous natural phenomena in the form of hurricanes and floods. In addition, everyone knows the fact that all the most dangerous and famous criminals in the world are hiding here. The most dangerous city is Ciudad Juarez, where drug traffickers pass through the transit routes. When planning your trip to Mexico, do not rush to go for night walks and so interesting excursions through the local slums. Local thieves can be waiting for you on every corner, so taking large sums of money with you is not recommended. Private taxi drivers, who may have completely different plans for you, also pose a danger. The most common diseases and infections in the country are measles, malaria, typhoid and hepatitis. It is best to get the necessary vaccinations in advance.

Egyptian holidays also face many thousands of tourists with their own dangers. The main entertainment for travelers in Egypt is diving in the coral reefs of the Red Sea. However, many of them are poisonous, which divers are not always warned about. Considered a great danger for visitors to this country are sea ​​urchins, living near the coasts, stingrays and scorpion fish, which secrete a strong poison that can be fatal. Also in Egypt there is a chance of contracting malaria, dysentery, salmonellosis, giardiasis, hepatitis and typhoid fever. To protect yourself from such troubles, you must always maintain personal hygiene and carefully choose your food, preferably in a hotel or restaurant.

Not all travel destinations involve relaxing on a white sand beach or strolling along ancient cities. Crime, harsh weather, disease, corruption all make some countries dangerous tourism destinations. However, they still remain popular among travelers. Check out the list created for American citizens. You will be interested to know which countries seem most unsafe to them.


This destination is chosen annually by millions of travelers, they are attracted by the unique local culture and the opportunity to visit the most important archaeological sites on the planet. However, the fact remains: the high crime rate makes these places very dangerous for tourists. Resort regions are relatively safe in terms of drug-related crimes such as kidnappings, muggings and car thefts, but outside the tourist areas things can get tense. There is a list of areas that you should be especially careful of. The Mexican government is working to defeat organized crime through police and military efforts, but the country's other major problem is hampering the process: corruption. Because of this, the danger level is falling too slowly, so that only a few selected regions are suitable for tourists.


The largest country in the world is a place that attracts travelers, in addition, Russia has unique architecture, beautiful landscapes and rich culture. However, according to foreigners, the trip can be very dangerous: there is a tense political situation and criminal gangs in the North Caucasus, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg the number of crimes motivated by racial and ethnic hatred is growing. In addition, the country has a negative attitude towards homosexuality.

North Korea

North Korea is a unique place, hidden in secret from the rest of the world. You can visit this communist state, but it is not easy to do, and it is strange to recommend such a trip. The threat of terrorism and crime rates are low, but travelers may find themselves subject to arrest for breaking laws that do not exist outside of North Korea. For example, unauthorized religious or political activities, prohibited travel or contact with local residents. All this is strictly punishable by law, even if the traveler arrived with an organized group. IN North Korea there is no right to personal information, so every tourist must be prepared for the fact that all his contacts will be checked by the government.


There are many alluring attractions here: the Nile River, endless deserts, ancient pyramids, beautiful beaches and coral reefs of the Red Sea. However, on this moment Travelers are at risk of kidnapping and terrorism and are advised not to travel outside of Cairo. Political instability can lead to protests and heated clashes, which tourists should avoid. Be sure to check the country's laws before visiting. For example, you cannot take photos of police stations, military buildings or other public buildings. Crime in Cairo is average, with pickpocketing being the most common crime.


Turkey is a popular tourist destination with stunning beaches, vibrant cities and a rich history as it is the cradle of civilization. It is located in both Europe and Asia, which makes the country a unique place. However, recently tourists have been advised not to travel. The threat of terrorism has increased, with six bombings in the last eight months, so tourist numbers have dropped by fifty percent. Some attacks are aimed specifically at regions popular with travelers. However, if you still want to go, avoid large crowds and be aware that kidnappings do occur near the Syrian border, so this region It is better not to go to the country.


This state has magnificent beaches and beautiful mountains of volcanic origin, but at the moment it is dangerous to travel there. The Sulu Archipelago and especially the island of Mindanao are hotspots for terrorist activity. The traveler may become a victim of gangs of criminals involved in kidnappings, or a terrorist explosion, in addition, armed clashes occur. The crime rate is also quite high; there are many scammers and pickpockets here.


Brazil is snow white sandy beaches and amazing rainforests, but there are high crime rates, political tensions and the threat of the Zika virus. Demonstrations often take place in cities and often turn into clashes with the police. Zika virus is a mosquito-borne disease that can cause microcephaly in embryos. Because of this, travel can be dangerous for a pregnant woman.


The stunning savannah, full of wildlife, and snow-capped mountain peaks attract travelers, but travel here is now dangerous. There is a high risk of a terrorist attack in the Nairobi area, and it is also dangerous on the border with Somalia. Shootings and explosions kill hundreds of local residents, and tourists also risk being kidnapped.


After devastating earthquake in 2010 the country is still trying to recover. Many tourists still come here and do not encounter problems, but the infrastructure is not developed and there may be problems with movement. In addition, the state lacks funds, so there are not enough officers in police stations, which leads to an increase in crime, however, crimes such as kidnappings or serious robberies are becoming less and less common.

El Salvador

Scenic El Salvador is dangerous for travelers due to high crime rates and political tension. Demonstrations and protests happen anywhere, especially often in the capital. Tourists should avoid such demonstrations: participation in them will result in deportation from the country. It is also worth knowing that picturesque beaches There may be quite strong Pacific currents that can be dangerous for inexperienced holidaymakers.


In Venezuela low prices and stunning scenery, but the crime rate in Caracas and other cities is appallingly high. Venezuela has the second highest murder rate. High levels of crime are recorded even in the most tourist regions countries. Tourists should carry less money and valuables with them so as not to attract the attention of criminals on the street. You should only call a taxi using verified numbers, as drivers often kidnap tourists, rob them or charge an exorbitant price, especially on the way to or from the airport.


The magnificent Mayan ruins and beautiful beaches attract attention, but high crime rates and poverty make the country dangerous. It has the highest murder rate and kidnappings happen all the time, although they usually involve local residents and tourists are at risk of theft. You should not demonstrate your well-being, wear an expensive camera around your neck and take a lot of money with you: all of this increases the risk of attack and robbery. More or less calm in the most touristy places.