How much water is in Lake Ladoga. Lake Ladoga: facts

Ladoga lake is located in the Republic of Karelia and Leningrad region RF. It is considered one of the largest freshwater lakes in Europe. Its area is about 18 thousand square meters. kilometers. The bottom is uneven: in one place the depth can be 20 meters, and in another - 70 meters, but the maximum is 230 meters. 35 rivers flow into this water area, and only the Neva flows out. The Ladoga region is divided into Northern and Southern, Eastern and Western.

Formation of the water area

Scientists say that Lake Ladoga is of glacial-tectonic origin. On the site of its basin, approximately 300-400 million years ago, there was a sea. The change in relief was influenced by glaciers, which led to the rise of the land. When the glacier began to retreat, a glacial lake with fresh water appeared, Ancylovoe Lake appeared, which connected with Ladoga. New tectonic processes took place 8.5 thousand years ago, due to which the Karelian Isthmus was formed and the lake became isolated. Over the past 2.5 thousand years, the relief has not changed.
In the Middle Ages in Rus' the lake was called “Nevo”, and in Scandinavia – “Aldoga”. However, its real name comes from Ladoga (city). Now this is the name not only of the city, but of the river and lake. It is difficult to determine which particular object was first named Ladoga.

Climatic features

In the area of ​​Lake Ladoga, a temperate and transitional climate has formed: from continental to maritime. It depends on the circulation of air masses and on the location. The amount of solar radiation here is small, so moisture evaporates slowly. The average number of days per year is 62. The weather is mostly cloudy and cloudy. The duration of daylight hours at different times of the year varies from 5 hours 51 minutes. until 18:50 From the end of May to mid-July there are “white nights”, when the sun sets below the horizon at about 9°, and the evening smoothly turns into morning.

The water resources of the lake are the main climate-forming factor in the Ladoga region. The water area helps smooth out some climate indicators. So air masses from the continent, passing over the surface of the lake, they become marine. The minimum atmospheric temperature drops to -8.8 degrees Celsius, and the maximum rises to +16.3 degrees, the average is +3.2 degrees. The average annual precipitation is 475 millimeters.

Recreational wealth

Despite the fact that even in summer the water in the lake is very cold, a large number of people come here on holiday every year, so there are beaches for tourists. Many vacationers go on catamarans and kayaks.

There are 660 islands on the lake, and they are mainly concentrated in the northern part of the reservoir. Among the largest are the Western and Valaam archipelagos, and largest islands– Riekkalansari, Valaam, Mantsinsaari, Tulolansari, Kilpola. On some islands, monasteries were built (Konevei, Valaam), where the relics of saints rest and sacred relics are located. There is also a memorial “Road of Life”.

On the territory of the Ladoga basin there is the Nizhnevirsky Nature Reserve, where they live different kinds fauna, including rare ones. These types of flora grow here.

And meridians 29°48 and 32°58` east longitude from Grinich. With an oval shape, somewhat pointed to the north, the lake stretches almost along the meridian, in the direction of which it has greatest length 196.5 kilometers. The greatest width of the lake is almost in the middle of its length, at the parallel of 61° north latitude, and between the mouths of Vuoksa and Olonka, 124 kilometers.

To the north, the shores of the lake quickly narrow and end in the Hien-Selke Bay, and to the south, the shores narrow slowly and end in the vast Shlisselburg and Volkhov bays, separated by a wide ledge. Length coastline 1071 km, of which 460 km, occupying part of the western bank, from the border with the Polutorny stream to the source of the Neva, the entire southern bank and part of the eastern bank to the village of Pogranichnye Konduzhi, belong to Russia, the remaining 610 km. belong to Finland.

The surface of the lake, including the islands, is 15923 km2, of which 8881.1 km2 in Russia and 7041.6 km2 in Finland. While inferior in size to the large lakes of America, Lake Ladoga is significantly larger than all European lakes: it is twice as large, three times larger than Venus, five times larger and ten times larger than Saimaa, not to mention the rest of the Western European lakes.

Lake Ladoga serves as a receiver for a huge amount of water, the only one of which is the high-water Neva, flowing from the southwestern corner of the lake in two branches, separated by Orekhov Island, and flowing into St. Petersburg. Of the tributaries directly flowing into Lake Ladoga, the following are remarkable: in the western part of the lake: the Vuoksa River, flowing from Lake Saimaa and forming famous waterfall Imatru, flows into Lake Ladoga partly directly at Kexholm, partly through Lake Suvanto by the Taipala River; in the northern part: Gellul, Lyaskil, Uksu, Tuloma, and Minol; in the eastern part: Vidlitsa, Tuloksa, Olonka, Obzha, Svir with Oyat and Pasha and Voronega; in the southern part: Sias with Tikhvinka, Volkhov, Kobona, Lava, Sheldikha and Nazya. The tributaries of the Volkhov, Syas and Svir serve as the beginning of three water systems: Vyshnevolotskaya, Tikhvinskaya and Mariinskaya, connecting Lake Ladoga with the Volga basin, and each of the named rivers, together with the rest of the southern rivers, when they flow into the lake, is connected or intersected by old and new bypasses Ladoga canals, which stretch along the entire southern and often eastern shore of the lake, from the source of the Neva to the mouth of the Svir.

With the help of its numerous tributaries, Lake Ladoga captures, in addition to parts of Finland, St. Petersburg and Olonets, almost all of Novgorod and some parts of Pskov, Vitebsk, Tver and Arkhangelsk regions. The Ladoga basin contains a space of 250,280.3 km2. Although Lake Ladoga, located between the basin and and, occupies a very advantageous position, and in terms of its vastness, depth and excellent navigation conditions it itself constitutes an inland sea, but its navigation and trade and economic importance are extremely insignificant, due to the bypass Ladoga canals, which made the construction of marine-type vessels necessary for navigation in the lake completely unnecessary.

Bay, Lake Ladoga and rocks (photo by Oleg Semenenko)

Shores of Lake Ladoga. From the mouth of the Vuoksa to the source of the Neva, the coast consists of clay and loamy sediments, bordered by sandy soil, with numerous boulders. Up to the mouth of Taipala, the coast is still quite elevated, but further to the south there is a low-lying desert coast, partly sandy and partly covered with thick grass. The southern coast of the lake, between the source of the Neva and the mouth of the Svir, is low-lying, almost treeless and consists of clayey and swampy soil; formed by sediment from rivers flowing into the lake, it is bounded from the south by an elevated ridge of limestones of the Silurian system, which, in all likelihood, was once the shore of Lake Ladoga. Currently, they are located at a distance of 3 to 30 kilometers from it, and only near the mouth of the Svir the limestones with their rocky cliffs cut like a wedge into the shore of the lake, towards Cape Storozhensky, forming the outskirts of a peninsula that protrudes far into the lake.

Eastern coast, from the mouth of the Svir to lake. Karkun-lamba, at first low-lying and partly swampy, gradually rises and consists of clayey and loamy soil, which on the very coastline turns into purely sandy. The coastal area of ​​the northwestern part of the lake is in complete contrast to the southeastern part. Here the shores and those adjacent to them are elevated, rocky and consist mainly of granite, partly gneiss, syenite and other crystalline rocks, as well as various types of marble.

From Kexholm to the north and further east to Impilax, the granite gradually changes from light gray and coarse-grained to bluish-gray and fine-grained, very strong and hard, then, to Pitkerando, it turns reddish, but south of Pitkerando the granite completely disappears from the surface land, and the soil is sandy-clayey, filled with boulders different types, and granite is found only in low-lying capes protruding into the lake, consisting of fine-grained red granite.

Islands in their composition and height they correspond to the shore near which they are located. Almost all the islands in the northern part of the lake are elevated, consisting mainly of granite and hard rock, while the islands in the southern part are low-lying, partly marshy and surrounded by shallows and reefs. Thanks to the many islands and significant ruggedness of the shores, the northern part of the lake is very rich in bays and bays sheltered from the winds, which are very convenient places for a quiet anchorage of ships, but in the southern part of the lake there are almost no such places, as a result of which ships here, in strong winds, forced to settle in an open lake, mainly in the open and dangerous Koshkinsky roadstead.

Of the islands in the northern part of the lake, near the shores, the most remarkable are: the island of Kuko-sari, lying at the mouth of the Vuoksi River. In the Kronober Bay: Kilpodan, Korpan and Teposari, the last two of which form the entrance to the bay, which is a vast bay, completely calm for ships. The island of Sarolin, which makes up the left shore of Yakimvar Bay, is 12 km away. jutting out into the mainland and representing a safe bay with all sorts of conditions.

Of the islands in the middle of the northern part of the lake, the following stand out: the Valaam group, consisting of 40 islands that stretch parallel, at a distance of about 20 km. from the extreme islands of the northern skerries. The main and largest of this group is the island of Valaam (26.2 km2), which has a very irregular shape, but with the closely adjacent islands of Skitsky, Predtechensky and Nikonovsky, it appears in the form of an equilateral triangle. In its northwestern part, on a rock, the Valaam-Preobrazhensky Monastery is located, in the depths of the bay, with a convenient pier. To the east of Valaam stretch the islands: Baiovye and Krestovye. To the southwest of the island: Gange-pa with a lighthouse, Muarka, Yalaya and Rahma-sari, lying almost on the same parallel. To the south are the islands: Suri Verko-sari and Voschaty or Vasiya-sari. South of this last island lies Konevets (6.5 km2), on which the Konevsky-Rozhdestvensky Monastery is located.

Lake Ladoga (photo by Dmitry Savin)

Depth Lake Ladoga is generally quite significant; distributed unevenly, depending on the height of the banks: the steeper and more elevated the shores adjacent to the water's edge, the greater the depth and vice versa. From the southern low-lying shore, the depth, starting from half a meter, slowly and gradually increases; having passed the reefs and shoals protruding from this shore, it begins to quickly increase, so that in the middle of the lake it is from 60 to 110 m, further to the north it increases to 140, and in some places reaches 200 meters. Thus, the Ladoga bottom has a very significant slope from south to north, and it consists of a number of more or less irregular ledges, on which in some places there are significant mounds and hills, in places there are depressions and basins. Thus, between the lines of equal depths of 60 and 80 m, there are bottom elevations at which the depth is only 32 m, and in the northwestern part of the lake, between the lines of equal depths of 10 and 140 m, there are depths of 200 or more m.

Water level and currents. The water level of Lake Ladoga is subject to constant fluctuations, depending on the totality of all meteorological circumstances in the entire basin of the lake, as a result of which the height of lake water not only in different years, but also at different times of the same year can be very different. Since time immemorial, the existing belief about the seven-year periodicity of changes in the lake water level, according to which the lake water horizon constantly seems to rise for 7 years, and constantly decreases over the next 7 years, was completely refuted by 14-year observations, which were produced on the island of Valaam and of which there was no correctness in changing the position of the water level.

Opening and freezing. First of all, it is covered thin ice shallow southern part of the lake, usually in early November, sometimes at the end of October, at a temperature of about 5 degrees Celsius. This thin ice or lard is carried by the current into the Neva, where the autumn ice drift begins and does not last long. In the lake itself, with increasing frosts, the entire southern part of the lake is covered with ice, both at the very shore and in the space between the reefs and shoals protruding from it. Further, to the north of the parallel of the Sukhsky lighthouse, under the influence of winds that easily break up the formed ice, the lake does not freeze for a long time, and at great depths in the northern part it freezes only in December, often in January, in other years the middle of the lake remains unfrozen all winter .

In general, the lake is covered with solid ice only in the most severe winters; during ordinary frosts, only the outskirts, 20-30 kilometers from the shores, are covered with ice. Determining whether the middle of the lake is frozen or not seems to be quite difficult, due to the distance of the middle of the lake from the shore. Fishermen who carry out ice seine fishing determine this with great accuracy by the current in the ice holes: if in the ice holes there is a current corresponding to the direction of the wind, then the middle of the lake remains unfrozen, but the absence of a current shows that the entire lake is covered with solid ice.

The opening of Lake Ladoga, like freezing, also begins at the southern shore of the lake, usually at the end of March - the first half of April, simultaneously with the opening of southern tributaries and warm water, which has a direct impact on the opening of the Neva, which always begins from the source, near Shlisselburg , and there are two ice drifts on it: the river itself, which does not last long, and the very long Ladoga ice drift, which almost never passes at once.

Thanks to the beautiful unique natural views and rich history, the attractions of Lake Ladoga attract a large number of tourists every year. Lake Ladoga is the largest in Europe. It was along it that the Road of Life passed, saving Leningraders during the siege.

  • The lake is located in two regions at once - in the republic and the Leningrad region.
  • Lake Ladoga is the second largest lake in Russia after Lake Baikal and the largest in Europe.
  • The maximum depth of the lake is 220 meters.
  • 35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga, the largest of which are the Svir, Vuoksa, and Volkhov. Only one river flows out - the Neva.
  • There are 660 islands on the lake, the most famous of them is Valaam, on which there is a monastery.
  • Ladoga is a very turbulent lake, strong storms are frequent here, so for navigation, first the Staraya Ladoga and later the Novoladoga canals were built, stretching from Shlisselburg to Novaya Ladoga.
  • From September 12, 1941 to March 1943, the Road of Life ran along Lake Ladoga - the only transport route connecting besieged Leningrad with the country.

Lake Ladoga on the map

Lake Ladoga is restless and stormy, huge and deep. On its banks there are cities: Shlisselburg, Priozersk, Novaya Ladoga (Leningrad region), Sortavala, Lakhdenpokhya (Karelia). Sights of Lake Ladoga are beautiful nature, ancient fortified cities and monasteries, national natural parks, as well as the “Road of Life” memorial and the Green Belt of Glory.

It was once called the Venice of the north because of the canals built here for shipping, as an alternative to the capricious and stormy Lake Ladoga. Now the Staraya Ladoga Canal, created according to the plans of Peter I, is abandoned, dry and overgrown, the locks are dilapidated. The Novoladozhsky Canal, built under Alexander II to replace the shallowed Star Ladoga Canal, continues to be used.

Shlisselburg is surrounded by Lake Ladoga and the Neva River flowing from it. During the Great Patriotic War, it was captured by the Germans (September 8, 1941) - the front passed along the Neva River, and Soviet troops were located on the opposite bank. The time of the occupation of Shlisselburg was the blockade of Leningrad, which was broken with the liberation of the city - Operation Iskra. Not far from Shlisselburg there is a museum-reserve “Breaking the Siege of Leningrad”, dedicated to this event. There is a diorama and panorama that immerse you in the atmosphere of January 1943.

About 300 meters from the shore of Shlisselburg there is Orekhovy Island, on which the heroic island is located. Built back in 1323 by the Novgorodians, it has an important strategic location - at the source of the Neva, at the entrance to Ladoga. It was captured by the Swedes, but 90 years later returned by the army of Peter I, who named it Shlisselburg (key city from German).

Shlisselburg fortress was turned into terrible prison for political prisoners. The fortress on the island, located near St. Petersburg, was a convenient dungeon for the enemies of the emperor or empress. Here the deposed infant sovereign John Antonovich languished for 8 years until he was stabbed to death by his jailers while trying to free him. People's Volunteers, participants in the assassination attempt on Alexander II and Alexander III and other high officials, served their sentences here.

Memorial "Oath" in the ruins of St. John's Cathedral

Oreshek again earned the military glory of the hero fortress during the Great Patriotic War. The garrison of the fortress heroically defended the Road of Life and the right bank of the Neva for almost 500 days. The Germans subjected the ancient fortress to constant artillery and mortar fire, but were unable to capture it. Oreshek was almost completely destroyed; after the war, only a small part of its buildings was restored. Now there is a branch of the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg here.

A small Karelian town on the shores of Ladoga is located near tourist city Sortavala. Here you can go to the military museum “Mount Owl”, located in the rock and admire the Finnish churches.

Located on the shores of Lake Ladoga and divided by Lake Läppäjärvi into two parts, connected by the Karelian Bridge. Sortavala is called a small architectural encyclopedia; about 200 buildings of various styles, built from the end of the 20th century to 1939 by Finnish architects, have been preserved here. The pride of the city is the Kronid Gogolev Museum, with its unique works - paintings carved from wood.

Near Sortavala there is a former marble quarry, and now the Ruskeala mountain park is one of the most popular places in the Republic of Karelia. The Ruskeala waterfalls are also located here - low, but very picturesque. From the Sortavala pier, ships go to the island of Valaam.

In the northern part of the lake there is the Valaam archipelago, which consists of 50 islands. The largest of them is . The sights of Lake Ladoga on the island of Valaam attract many travelers every year. These are the Valaam Monastery, Gethsemane, Nikolsky, Vladimir, Ilyinsky and other monasteries. As well as the stunning northern nature of the island, glorified by many famous artists.

The city of Novaya Ladoga is located at the mouth of the Volkhov River. In 1702, Peter the Great ordered to surround the land of the Nikolsko-Medvedsky Monastery with a moat, and to create the Novoladoga shipyard at the place where the Volkhov flows into Lake Ladoga. Two years later, Novaya Ladoga was founded on this site.

The city is rich in attractions, including cultural heritage. This is the ensemble of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, the Memorial to the Heroes of Ladoga, Gostiny Dvor and so on.

Priozersk is a city between Lake Ladoga and Lake Vuoksa. Located 145 kilometers from St. Petersburg. This area has many cultural treasures that attract tourists from all over the world. For example, the Old Fortress, which was repeatedly stormed and attacked. People interested in faith will find it interesting to visit the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God or Lutheran Church. Also in the city there are monuments to Mowgli and Peter the Great.

The Korela Fortress is a stone fortress located in the city of Priozersk; it played a significant role for the Karelian Isthmus. In the Middle Ages, Korela was the most northwestern city of Rus'. At the end of the 13th - beginning of the 14th centuries, this fortress was built to defend the state from the Swedes. It was originally made of wood, but after a fire in 1310, stone buildings appeared.

For a century (1611-1710) the fortress belonged to Sweden and bore the name Kexholm. It was returned during the Northern War. It is now in a partially destroyed state.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Road of Life was the only transport route to Leningrad. Food, medicine, and weapons were transported along it to the city; people exhausted from hunger were evacuated from the city.

In winter, when Lake Ladoga froze, the road became icy, and cargo was transported to Leningrad on the famous semi-trucks. Drivers, despite severe frosts, did not close the car door or even removed it in order to have time to jump out if the car went under the ice. This can be clearly seen from the surviving photographs.

The monuments installed on the Road of Life are included in the Green Belt of Glory.

Green Belt of Glory

Broken ring

The Green Belt of Glory is a memorial complex erected in 1965-1968 in memory of the people who defended Leningrad during its siege in 1941-1944. Its creation was initiated by Mikhail Dudin, a Soviet poet, and designed by a group of architects led by G.N. Buldakova. The belt is located exactly where the enemy was stopped in those dark days.

The complex was built using the folk method: with the help of residents and Leningrad organizations. 200 kilometers - this is the length of this attraction, which consists of two blockade rings - Small and Large.

Konevsky Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery is an Orthodox male monastery located on the island of Konevets and founded by Arseny Konevsky (Reverend) with the goal of converting Karelians to Christianity. It is often called the twin of the Valaam Monastery, located on the island of Valaam. Every year tourists interested in culture and religion, as well as simply believers, flock here.

The lake is surrounded by many cities historical significance, however, the attractions of Lake Ladoga are not limited to culturally important cities. Thus, on the territory of Ladoga there now exists the Nizhne-Svirsky State Nature Reserve for waterfowl, as a place for their nesting. Refers to wetlands. 256 species of different birds have been recorded in the area.

In addition to them, a variety of plants, reptiles and even large mammals live here: brown bears, moose. Birds listed in the Red Book also live here: osprey, black stork, howl and other birds.

Twelve centuries of crow's vestments,

Features and cuts of Noah's tribes.

Normans, Fryags, Rus, Finns,

Khazar Bazaar at the Sloven Marketplace

A. Chernov

In Europe, Lake Ladoga is the SECOND in size after the Caspian Sea, ranks 4th in depth (215 m), and has been known since ancient times as very rich in FISH. There are 53 species of fish here, including valuable commercial ones: slingshot, salmon, trout, palia, whitefish, vendace, smelt, bream, raw fish, bluefish, silver bream, rudd, asp, catfish, pike perch, roach, perch, pike, burbot. The lake is home to the only representative of pinnipeds, the Ladoga ringed seal, its population is estimated at 4000-5000 heads (2000); 256 bird species are regularly found in lakeside areas; in ancient times, the fauna and flora (forests) of the lake were more numerous and diverse.

A) Existing etymology
Root: Ladog-; ending: -a.
Common name for Lake Ladoga; an ancient Russian city located on the banks of the Volkhov River not far from its confluence with Lake Ladoga, now the village of Staraya Ladoga in the Leningrad Region.
Etymology according to Max Vasmer
“Derived from ancient Russian. Ladoga in both meanings, often in Novgorod. gram. XIV century; Ladoga residents (Suzd. chronicle); other Scand. Aldeigjuborg. This name was previously explained as the original. designation of the lake and was derived from the Finnish. aaldokas, aallokas “worried” - from aalto “wave”. A different etymology is given by Mikkola, who explains the name of the lake from the name of the city, and the latter from the tributary of the same name of the lower Volkhov, ultimately from the Finnish. Alodejoki - from алode, aloe “low area”. Apparently, from a phonetic point of view, preference should be given to the old ones. etymology. It is not clear how the name of an insignificant river could be transferred to the BIG LAKE.”

In other etymological and explanatory dictionaries there is no interpretation of the name; there is no such name in foreign dictionaries.

Ladoga, today Staraya Ladoga (until 1703 Ladoga) is a village in the Volkhov district of the Leningrad region on the banks of the Volkhov River; the city was known as part of the route from the “Varangians to the Greeks”; the first treasure of Arab dirhams found in Ladoga dates back to 786. The city was first mentioned in the chronicle in 862 as one of ten ancient cities Rus', until 864 the Varangian king Rurik ruled here, who subsequently moved the princely residence to the future Novgorod. Found by archaeologists ancient settlements Scandinavians (c. 753), in 760 it was destroyed by the Ilmen Slovenes, their settlement lasted until 830 and was captured by the Varangians; “There was a lack of CONTINUITY between the first inhabitants of Ladoga and the subsequent population who had different cultural traditions” (Wikipedia).

origin of name
The Old Norse name is Aldeigja, Aldeigjuborg (Old Norse Aldeigja, Aldeigjuborg).
The name Ladoga is a river, a lake and a city, but it is not determined which of the names is the primary one; the name of the city was derived from the name of Lake Ladoga (from the Finnish aaldokas, aallokas “worried” - from aalto “wave”), or from the name of the Ladoga River (now Ladozhka, from the Finnish Alode-joki, where alode, aloe - “low terrain” and jok(k)i - “river”).
T. N. Jackson believes that: “by now it can be considered almost proven that the name of the river first arose, then the city and only then the lake”; She considers the primary hydronym Ladoga, from ancient Finnish. Alode-jogi (joki) "lower river". The name of the city of Old Norse comes from the name of the river. Aldeigja, and it was already borrowed by the Slavic population and transformed with the help of metathesis ald; lad in other Russian Ladoga. T. N. Jackson suggests a Scandinavian mediation between the Finnish and Old Russian words: the Scandinavians first appeared on Ladoga in the early 750s, that is, a couple of decades earlier than the Slavs.
E. A. Khelimsky, on the contrary, proposes a German etymology; in his opinion, the primary name is the name of the lake - from Old Scand. Aldauga "an old spring like the open sea." This hydronym is associated with the name of the Neva (which flows from Lake Ladoga) in Germanic languages ​​- “new”. Through the intermediate form Aldaugja this word was given to Old Norse. Aldeigja "Ladoga (city)".

- Max Vasmer expresses bewilderment: “It is not clear how the name of an insignificant river could be transferred to a BIG LAKE”;
- Aldeigja, Aldeigjuborg – Old Icelandic names;
- the lake has long been famous for its FISH RESERVES;
- There are no such words-concepts in the Russian language.
- the name LADOGA must contain information about the BIG lake(quality category, space, size);
- the name must contain information about large fish stocks.

B) Interpretation of names using HEBREW
1) LA + DOGA = LA accessory + DOG, DAG fish, fish; fish; “The lake is rich in fish,” commercial fishing for salmon, trout, sturgeon and other types of fish is still ongoing (TSB).
2) LADOGA = A + GODAL (vice versa) = GADAL to be big, GADOL to be big; this root forms the concepts: greatness, glory, importance, nobility.
3) other-isl. Aldeigja; AL top, upper lake+ ARC fish; or read the word the other way around and highlight the root: ALDEIGJA = AJ+GIEDLA = TELLING to be big.

Related Concepts

Lake Nevo, Neva River
Lake Ladoga (according to the Nevo chronicles, until the 13th century) - NIVE open; those. open water; or NAVA flow out; hence the name of the Neva River - it flows from Ladoga.

The Volkhov River often has a reverse flow, connecting two large lakes(Ladoga, Ilmen) - depending on the water level in the lakes, it flows in one direction or the other, this fact is noted in the chronicles: “Again the Volkhov flows upstream for 5 days” - record of 1176 (Zhekulin V.S. Historical Geography. M., 1982); “Volkhov went back 5 days” (PVL, under 1063);
VO + LH + OV = BO (VO root) to come, arrive + LEH to leave + AB main, main (river route).

The Tale of Bygone Years - "Ezera Ilmer" (Ilmen)
- There is a legend where the Volkhov River appears in the form of Ilmen - a widower; Hebrew - ILMEN to leave a widower;
- LAKE = AZAR to encircle, the main feature of a lake is a closed reservoir, the shores encircle the lake, in contrast to a river (river) - stripes, RAC stripe;
- lakes Ilmen and Ladoga are connected by the Volkhov River (rapids), where the flow is often reversed, depending on the water level in the lakes, the name is a direct indication of the navigation regime and water balance - the inflow is equal to the source: ILMER (Ilmen) = IL (IEL) balanced + M from, from + EPA connect; IEL balanced, in balance + MEUAN to reinforce. According to V. Dahl, Ilmen is a lake into which a river flows and flows out; let's read the name backwards - NEMLI = NAMAL port, harbor; those. Novgorod, located 4 km from Lake Ilmen.

Thus, by pulling the “tip”, the word-concept LADOGA, we pulled out from the toponymy of the region a rich “catch” of HEBREW VOCABULARY, and this can only mean one thing - during colonization (8th century) there was a significant JEWISH POPULATION here, THERE WERE JEWS ORGANIZERS and CONSTRUCTORS of trade routes “from the Varangians to the Greeks” and “from the Varangians to the Khazars.” All previous Slavic-Finnish, Scandinavian and other etymologies are from the Evil One.

Lake Ladoga is the largest freshwater body of water in Europe and the second in Russia after Lake Baikal. The first settlements appeared here in the 7th century, and two centuries later an important section of the Varangian trade route was built. The territories of the Ladoga region have more than once become the scene of military operations. Novgorodians, Swedes, Finns and Russian troops fought for them with varying success.

The lake was marked on geographical maps back in the middle of the 16th century. Subsequently, handwritten diagrams were drawn up, on the basis of which at the beginning of the 19th century. Quite detailed drawings of Ladoga and the surrounding area were developed and published.

During the siege of Leningrad (1941-44), Lake Ladoga became a link between the besieged city and the mainland. The Road of Life passed through the reservoir, in winter - along the ice cover, and during the navigation period - along the water. Today Ladoga is used for recreational and economic purposes. On its banks there are many villages, holiday homes, tourist centers, children's health camps, as well as natural, religious and architectural and historical attractions.

Holidays on Lake Ladoga 2020

Popular in the Ladoga region hiking, kayaking, water travel and competitions, bicycle and car tours, “wild” and beach holidays, pilgrimages, skiing and fishing. Not only Russians come here, but also citizens of other countries. Routes are selected based on your own preferences, the allocated period of time, and the location of the starting, base or ending point. As a rule, holidays on Lake Ladoga are combined with cultural programs.

Since 1996, major international off-road competitions “Ladoga Trophy” have been held in the vicinity of the reservoir. Crews using SUVs, all-terrain vehicles and specially prepared equipment take part in them. There are tracks for lightweight vehicles.

Every year, competitions are organized on the Vuoksi river rapids. extreme species water sports. They attract thousands of participants and fans.


Places suitable for beach holiday, are located in the southern and southwestern parts of Lake Ladoga. They are characterized by a gentle slope into the water, narrow sandy and rocky spits. There are wide beaches eastern islands Mantsinsaari and Lunkulansaari. The northern and northwestern shores of Ladoga are not intended for swimming.

Around Lake Ladoga

Many independent tourists go on a circular trip around Ladoga for several days. There are circular roads around the reservoir, along which you can drive from one settlement to another. But it should be remembered that not all of them have good coverage, so on rainy days it can be difficult to overcome some areas.

Trips around Lake Ladoga on bicycles and motor vehicles are no less eventful and memorable.

Recreation centers

In the vicinity of the reservoir there are a huge number of tourist centers - from budget options to luxury ones. Many of them operate year-round. Guests are offered to stay in separate houses, 2-3-story buildings with all amenities, or in tents on a landscaped area. Rates depend on living conditions and the range of services provided.

In addition, there are fishing, hunting, ski bases and ski resorts on Ladoga.


On Lake Ladoga, vacationers can stay in guest houses, family hotels And hotel complexes. Prices correspond to the level of comfort and location of the facility.

Shore of Lake Ladoga

The southern part of the reservoir is characterized by low, gently sloping shores, shoals, banks and reefs. The northwestern line is cut by fjords, skerries and dotted with numerous islands, separated by a complex network of straits. From Priozersk to Pitkäranta there are mainly rocky, elevated shores and an uneven, deep bottom. From the east and west the water line is smooth.

In the surrounding area there are many ponds and marshy areas with characteristic vegetation. The lake is surrounded by mixed forests, mostly coniferous. Reed thickets dominate its shores. Representatives of the middle taiga fauna live in the forests, mushrooms and berries grow. More than 250 species of birds are found in the district.

The largest bays are located in the southern part of the lake. This is Petrokrepost Bay and two lips - Volkhovskaya and Svirskaya.

  • The area of ​​the lake with islands is more than 18,000 square meters. km.
  • Dimensions: length - about 220 km, width - up to 138 km.
  • The length of the coastline is more than 1.5 thousand km.
  • Height above sea level - 4.84 m.
  • Depth: average - 47 m, maximum - 230 m.
  • The volume of water is almost 910 cubic meters. km.

Along south coast Even under Peter I, the construction of a bypass shipping canal began. In the middle of the 19th century. A new waterway was built along it, since the old one not only became shallow, but also did not cope with the increased load on it. Today the Ladoga Canal is used for the passage of small and medium-sized ships. It consists of three sections - Novo-Ladozhsky, Novo-Syassky and Novo-Svirsky. They stretched from the mouth of the Neva to the mouth of the Svir.

The shores and water area of ​​Ladoga are divided between 9 municipal districts, 5 of which belong to the Leningrad region, and 4 to Karelia.


In the waters of Lake Ladoga there are a huge number of islands, concentrated mainly in the northwestern part of the reservoir. Some of them are inhabited, but most remain uninhabited.


The most famous island of Ladoga and the largest in the Valaam archipelago. Here is the settlement of the same name and the Valaam Monastery (XI-XII centuries). The surrounding islands are marked as places of mass occurrence of the Ladoga ringed seal.


Located southwest of Valaam. The local Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery, founded at the end of the 14th century, is often called the twin of the Valaam Monastery. The Horse-Stone, which was once used for pagan rituals, has stood on the island for a long time. The chapel was erected above it at the end of the 19th century.

Riekkala (Riekkalansaari)

The largest island in the waters of Lake Ladoga. There are several here settlements, connected by dirt roads. It is connected to the mainland by a pontoon bridge leading to Sortavala.


Located off the northeastern coast of Ladoga. During the Second World War, the island was held by the Finns until the signing of the general surrender. Under Khrushchev, a massive outflow of population began from Mantsinsaari, and by the end of the last century it was completely empty. Nearby is the island of Lunkulansaari, separated from the mainland by a small channel.

Most famous islands Ladoga skerries - Kilpola, Kukhta, Sorolansaari, Lauvatsaari, as well as Putsaari - the island of St. Sergius, which for a long time served as a place for mining granite stone. The material was used for the construction of the Valaam Monastery and cladding of buildings in St. Petersburg.


Lake Ladoga is fed by river tributaries, precipitation and groundwater. More than 30 rivers flow into it, the main of which are:

  • Svir - stems from Lake Onega;
  • Volkhov - carries water from Lake Ilmen;
  • Vuoksa is the most large river Karelian Isthmus.

The only drainage is the Neva River.


The Ladoga region is located in the zone of influence of the marine temperate and continental climate. There are significant temperature fluctuations, cloudiness, high humidity, fog and insignificant amounts of precipitation. In winter it is moderately cold, windy and cloudy. Sudden invasions of Arctic masses contribute to a sharp cooling. Frosts recede in early April, but snow can also fall in May.

Summer on Ladoga is moderately warm. There are fewer cloudy days, but the amount of precipitation increases slightly. Sunny days there are about 60-65 per year. From late May to mid-July, “white nights” dominate here.

The warmest month is July, the coldest are January and February. Average air temperatures at this time are +16.5 °C and -9 °C. The absolute maximum and absolute minimum were recorded between +31.7 °C and -42.8 °C.


Strong winds often blow on Ladoga, changing direction sharply. Their duration can reach 5 days, and their speed can be more than 15 m/s. The most dangerous storms occur in October. Maximum wind gusts are up to 84 m/s.

Depth map

There are two versions of the origin of the lake basin. The first, classical, implies its glacial-tectonic origin, and the second assumes the fall of a giant cosmic body to Earth. Proponents of the latter interpretation are based on the unusual bottom topography, reminiscent of a deep funnel in the northern part of the reservoir, as indicated by the map of the depths of Lake Ladoga. As additional arguments, huge boulders scattered on the flat terrain and, of course, anomalous phenomena are cited - underwater lightning, sudden seething of water, mirages and barrantids (deep sounds). However, scientists argue that tectonic faults, the movement of lithospheric plates and, as a result, underwater seismic activity are to blame.

The depth map shows that the bottom of the lake deepens from south to north. The smallest areas, up to 3-4 m, are observed in the southern and eastern shores(near the island of Mantsinsaari and the village of Salmi). Next comes a strip of depths of 5-10 m, then up to 20 and up to 50 m. In the middle of the reservoir, measurements show 51-99 m, and closer to the north - 100-186 m. The deepest holes are located west of Valaam - 215, 221 and 228 m.

Fish of Lake Ladoga

The reservoir is home to more than 60 species of fish, including pike perch, smelt, sturgeon, burbot, sterlet, salmon, whitefish, trout, bream, perch, pike, etc. Both small and large specimens are found here (lake salmon reaches weight up to 10 kg). Most of the fish are native species, but some migrate from the Gulf of Finland, inflowing rivers and neighboring lakes.


Fishing enthusiasts come to Ladoga in summer and winter. They are located in quiet backwaters on the southern or southeastern shore of the reservoir. Trophy fishing is popular on Lake Ladoga, the purpose of which is to catch large specimens of certain species of fish. For real professionals, this is a sport and a game of chance at the same time.

Water in Lake Ladoga

The water level in the reservoir changes periodically. During the observation period, an increase of 2 m and a decrease of 1.5 m relative to the average was recorded, although seasonal fluctuations are small. Experts claim that the water in the lake is completely renewed every 12 years.

Ladoga water is homogeneous, slightly mineralized and soft. On average, the concentration of salts is 55 mg/l, which is almost twice as high as that of Lake Onega and almost two times lower than the salinity of water in Lake Baikal. The homogeneity of the composition is associated with vertical circulations, temporary and permanent currents. The softness of water allows it to be used for industrial and domestic purposes.

A feature of the reservoir is the color of the water, which takes on the shades of reflections of the sky and shores, as well as the bottom in relatively small areas. This is why Lagoda looks different in cloudy weather than in clear weather.

Water clarity:

  • in the center - 4.5 m;
  • at west coast— 2.5 m;
  • at river mouths - about 1 m;
  • at maximum depths - up to 10 m.

Water temperature

Great depths have a significant impact on the temperature regime of lake water. Even in hot weather it remains cool. The reservoir warms up for a long time and cools down slowly.

At the beginning of spring, the temperature in shallow waters rises to +4 °C. By mid-July, about +20 °C is recorded on the surface, rarely +24 °C, but a little deeper the temperature is lower. By the beginning of September, the reservoir begins to cool; in winter it is covered with an ice shell, but not every year it is completely covered with it. The average ice thickness reaches 60 cm. Freeze-up occurs in December - February. The autopsy takes place in May.

Svirskaya Bay is considered the warmest part of Ladoga.

Where is Lake Ladoga located?

The reservoir is located on the territory of two subjects Russian Federation. Its northeastern part belongs to Karelia, and the south, west and southeast belong to the Leningrad region.

The shortest distances to the nearest shores are from:

  • St. Petersburg - 40 km;
  • Vyborg - 85 km;
  • Petrozavodsk - 125 km;
  • Veliky Novgorod - 150 km;
  • Moscow - 580 km;
  • border with Finland - 30-35 km.


On the shores of Lake Ladoga there are religious, archaeological, military-historical, architectural and geological monuments, as well as nature reserves, reserves and natural parks. The most famous and popular attraction of Ladoga is the complex of the Valaam Monastery. No less famous is the Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery on Konevets Island.

The city of Sortavala is interesting for its historical buildings of the 1930s. in a style characteristic of Northern European Art Nouveau and Neoclassicism. 20 km from it, in the Ruskeala mountain park, there is a cascade of Ruskeala waterfalls and former royal quarries. Lined with marble mined here