Drawing up programs for servicing weekend tours. How to start a business organizing individual tours? Weekend tour definition

*Calculations use average data for Russia

100,000 ₽


6 months




Organization of equestrian and hiking- a relatively new direction in the field of tourism in our country, which, nevertheless, is assessed by experts as promising and profitable for beginning entrepreneurs.

The main disadvantage of this type of business is its pronounced seasonality. But, on the other hand, such a business, as a rule, “grows” out of a hobby, which allows you to combine business with pleasure. And, besides, it does not require a large start-up capital to start it. So at first it can be combined with work and considered solely as a hobby.

Classification of tourist routes

So, if you are going to make a living by conducting tourist trips in the format of a “weekend tour” or a multi-day trip with a rich program, first of all, you need to decide on the routes. There are several different classifications tourist routes for various reasons.

    thematic routes, in which excursions are provided and, in general, educational orientation predominates;

    physical education and recreational activities with mandatory inclusion in the program of sports and physical education and recreational activities (these also include the now fashionable yoga tours);

    combined, which combine elements of the above types of routes.

Routes are also divided according to seasonality into year-round, or off-season and seasonal (for a certain time of year - skiing, mountain, water, etc.). According to the structure of the route, routes can be divided into linear with a mandatory visit to one or several points along the way from the point of departure to the destination; radial (stationary) with a visit to one point on the route; circular (crossing tours) with the same starting and ending points of the route and visiting several points along the route.

In addition, experts divide routes by duration into multi-day routes (from two weeks to a month), weekend routes (1-3 days) and excursions (lasting several hours). On the route you can use your own transport, or transport rented from other organizations, or personal transport tourists (for example, if we are talking about bicycle trips, then providing each tourist with a bicycle would be quite expensive).

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Depending on the type of movement, pedestrians are distinguished tourist routes or walks, the length of which can range from 2 to 50 km, depending on the preparation of the participants; routes with transportation by animals (for example, horses, less often - deer and dogs); railway routes (the least common option now, when travelers live on a train, spend the night in carriages, and visit places of interest during the day); air transport(the most expensive tour option), water routes on boats of various types, yachts and other small watercraft, as well as watercraft, including rafts and rowing or motor boats. There are also combined types of transportation using several at once within one tour. various types transport.

It is advisable that your campaign has one goal, clearly and clearly formulated. This could be, for example, hunting or fishing, visiting certain memorable places, relaxing in the mountains, etc. One of the promising, although difficult, areas for work is extreme tourism, which involves active modes of transportation (sports games, rock climbing, rafting, underwater tourism, safaris, etc.).

The difficulty lies in the increased risks - danger to the health and even life of the participants in such a tour. One of the types of active tours is adventure travel. Such tours are rare in our country, due to the complexity of their organization. These include, for example, visiting various exotic places, often using non-traditional Vehicle. Of course, in our country there are many options for adventure tours. Folk tales, tales and legends, local legends, etc. can be taken as a basis for developing a program for such a trip.

Depending on the main purpose of the trip, the following types of tours can be called: a tour for hunting, fishing, trips to nature or to nature reserves to observe animals in their natural habitat, photo hunting; tour with visits to military facilities, training grounds, prisons, etc.; disaster site tours; tours for the purpose of searching for various treasures (refer to adventure and entertainment tours).

Ecotourism program

Make a detailed program for it, down to the hourly schedule. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to keep it as accurate as possible, but your participants will have an idea of ​​what they will get in the end. Adequately assess the level of training and capabilities of people. We must strive to ensure that this level is approximately the same for all participants.

In practice, this turns out to be difficult to achieve, especially when it comes to trips with a more general theme (for example, to places of interest or in the case of weekend tours). Among your clients there will be both young active people and older people; more resilient and physically prepared and people not accustomed to increased stress. You need to try to make sure that both are equally interested in participating in your hiking trips.

Ready ideas for your business

Weekend tours, as a rule, are held either in the same area where you live and where you will recruit like-minded clients, or in nearby regions (so that the journey to your destination does not take more than 3-5 hours). “Full-scale” trips are carried out outside a certain region and usually take ten days or more. The latter option requires more serious preparation, as well as good knowledge of the chosen routes and/or the presence of a reliable guide.

Groups for participation in tourist trips are recruited in two main ways. In the first case, the purpose of the hike is first determined, and then the search for participants is carried out. You can search for them through travel companies, by placing advertisements in print media (not the most effective and at the same time quite expensive way), through local websites, forums, groups in in social networks(best option). In the second case, one or several groups are first recruited, goals are outlined for each of them, and a schedule of trips is drawn up. This option is suitable if you have several partners - guides who can replace you. In this case, you perform mainly the functions of an organizer.

Ready ideas for your business

The program of your tour should include detailed information about the purpose of the trip, route, duration, conditions and, of course, cost. In amateur hikes, as a rule, there is one organizer, and the participants have equal responsibilities. In commercial hikes, the organizer not only takes care of all organizational issues, but also tries to provide the most comfortable conditions for the hike participants.

For example, instead of setting up camp in the most suitable location, campsites or even guest houses are rented. Don’t be confused by the fact that professionals who have extensive experience in participating in hiking trips consider such events more like a parody of a real hike. In most cases, among your clients there will be beginners and amateurs who have been hiking in their youth and are not ready for either difficult living conditions or serious physical exertion.

After you decide on the purpose of the hike and the composition of your group, you need to choose and develop a route. If you do not have much experience in organizing hikes, then it is better to start with short excursions and trips around native land. To begin, carefully study the tourist resources along the selected route of your route, determine the type of route, build its sketch model and route, draw up a travel schedule and a group movement schedule. Think about where your group will stay, where you will prepare food and spend the night. Be sure to take a test hike along the chosen route, making changes to the program of your tour based on its results.

Start with routes that go along good roads, does not require special equipment and cartographic material (so that there are enough road signs and overview diagrams for orientation on the terrain), without long rests. In the future, it will be possible to offer more experienced travelers routes along forest paths and clearings, river banks, through swamps, mountains and passes with long stops and overnight stays.

Ready ideas for your business

Carefully approach the issue of planning your travel route. To do this, you can and should use several sources at once - reference books, guidebooks and cartographic material. Even if you use ready-made schemes, try to find some additional “tricks” of your own. The routes you choose must necessarily be consistent with the transport schedule, operating hours of museums, admission to nature reserves, etc. If you decide to open your own travel company, then you will need to coordinate and approve the route passport, which is used when creating tours.

Rules for organizing a successful trip

First of all, the route you choose for a day's trek should be suitable in complexity and length for all members of your group. Ideally, it is better to use your own transport to move between objects (this will help avoid annoying misunderstandings and conflicts), but you can also use local transport.

Places for long halts and overnight stays should be equipped with a supply of fuel and food, and should also preferably be equipped with emergency communications. If possible, give preference for long stops to guest houses and hotels where you can relax. When planning your route, be sure to take into account the time reserve in case of various unforeseen circumstances and delays on the road.

To organize hikes you will need special equipment, which is divided into personal, group and special. Personal equipment includes wearable items - sleeping and washing supplies, other personal items (backpacks, mugs, bowls, spoons, etc.). Group equipment includes tents, tools (for example, axes), cooking utensils, route materials, etc.

Special equipment includes items determined by the specifics of the route you have chosen - from life jackets and ropes to ice axes and insect nets. You will have to purchase group and special equipment yourself based on the number of group members plus 1-2 people (if something suddenly gets lost or breaks down during the hike).

Ensure the safety of your participants, especially if you are hiking in areas where dangerous wild animals live. However, people can also pose a danger, which also needs to be taken into account. If you are doing multi-day hikes, you will need at least one (or preferably two) assistants.

As your business grows, you should think about expanding your staff. So, you may need rescuers, medical personnel, additional guides, translators, experienced hunters and fishermen. Additional expenses will be required to provide transportation, from SUVs and boats to bicycles and horses. All this is usually rented at the starting point of the hike.

The most promising place to start such a business is villages near closed protected areas. Some companies organize campsites or even entire mini-villages for tourists with log cabins, the rental of which can become an additional (and very significant) source of income.

Sysoeva Lilia

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Even if you have long ago decided who and how will organize travel for you, when you are going on a weekend tour for the first time, it is worth reconsidering your usual settings. Based on the goals of the express voyage, your budget and other important details, we will suggest the best the best option.


A travel operator or agency is the easiest way to quickly, without major costs and extra effort, organize a short trip. If you, in general, don’t care where to go, as long as it’s quicker and cheaper, get on your phone (or computer) and start methodically researching the market for weekend tours.

Operators, as a rule, receive very cheap air tickets and advantageous hotel deals on popular resorts, so that they are able to formulate an inexpensive travel package. It will also include transfer from and to the airport. Taxi in developed countries- a rather serious expense item, and if you are planning 200-300 euros for a trip, an extra 50-70 euros for travel to and from the hotel is a rather offensive waste.

Be sure to pay attention to last minute tours and special offers from tour operators. This is a real chance to relax for $100-200. However, catching tourist freebies is a labor-intensive process. Make it a rule to browse the websites of major tour operators and thematic communities on the Internet at least twice a day, keep your passport, money and suitcase ready - after all, you may have to go to the airport tomorrow.

So, let’s list the advantages that friendship with a travel agency promises:

  • Spontaneity, - perhaps the most pleasant thing;
  • Cheapness– but only if you’re lucky;
  • No effort on your part– absolutely all worries can be transferred to the shoulders of the agent.

Where to go with a travel agency

To seaside resorts and popular European capitals– London, Paris, Prague, Helsinki. And also on cruises and bus tours.

Themselves with a mustache!

If your goal is not trivial, is not interesting to most of your compatriots, and is also difficult to achieve, a travel agency will not help you. And if it does help, it will be for a very decent reward. So you’ll either have to fork out the cash or deal with organizational issues yourself.

The main rule for those traveling under the motto “your own operator” is to do everything in advance. By planning a summer tour in early spring, you will be able to book the most favorable hotels, find time to buy an air ticket at some sale and have time to get a visa (sometimes this takes at least a month).

Want an inexpensive trip? – then forget about countries located further than Austria and Germany. Cheap tickets to Berlin, Budapest, Warsaw, Vienna, Riga can be bought on sales or low-cost airline websites (here, however, problems may arise with tickets for specific dates). Hotels in these cities are also very cheap. And if three of you go, you can easily get by with 10-15 euros per person per day.

What is the article about?

Business on organization individual tours - this is the know-how of the tourism business in Russia. In foreign countries for a long time travel companies We offer each client a tour based on his personal preferences, hobbies and lifestyle. Russia, in this regard, has remained one step behind; tour operators offer everyone the same routes and attractions, both in Russia and abroad.

Individual tour - what is it?

First, let's define what is hidden behind the phrase “individual tour”.

Imagine that you, as a client, came to agency X, wanting to visit St. Petersburg. It would seem, why do you need an agency? Buy a ticket and hit the road to famous sights and memorable places. But you have already seen Peterhof and the Hermitage and were shaking with horror in the Kunstkamera, and now you want to explore St. Petersburg from the other side: visit restaurants, exhibitions, visit bars, clubs. Organizing a vacation for you exactly as you have planned and imagined, and not going beyond the established budget, is an individual approach.

Organization of individual tours must take into account the client’s wishes, his budget and the time allocated for rest. Here, more than anywhere else, the principle “The client’s desire is the law” should work - within the legal framework, of course. In fact, organizing such a trip is possible for anyone who is able to use the Internet, telephone and knows how to listen and hear the client.

If you have not yet been inspired by the idea and have not planned out the whole labor process independently, we will tell you how to organize a business, what is needed for this and how quickly to expect results.

Where to begin?

Step one. Starting a business from scratch requires a preliminary analysis of the consumer market and collection of information about competing companies: directions, prices, how many years on the market. Determine whether there is a demand for a similar service in your region and who your potential consumer is. Identifying demand involves the use of different methods; for individual tours, you can launch an online survey; the method is quite effective and inexpensive.

Step two. If you already own a travel agency and simply want to expand the range of services, you will not have to go through the procedure of legalizing your activities again.

If this is your first business venture, then you need to register an organization, choose a taxation system, open a current account for the organization. To begin with, we recommend registering as an individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system (tax is 6%).

The whole procedure will cost you 800 rubles in state duty, which will need to be paid upon registration.

Step three. Registration was successful, but no matter how much you like your own last name, the name IP Vasechkin, Sokolov, Petrov or Sidorov is not the best option for such an organization. Think about the name, involve relatives and friends to help, or use the naming service, popular on many freelance exchanges.

Step four. It's time to look for a room. You don’t need a huge office and hundreds of employees, but you also don’t need counters in shopping centers won't fit either. We advise you to rent an office no more than 20 square meters close to the offices of well-known tour operators in your region. Why exactly next to competitors? It’s simple: there is already a consumer, he wants to relax, and the tour operator again offers him template solutions. And here we will come in very handy with our personal approach.

For renting premises at an average cost of 1 sq. m equal to 1200 rubles (except for Moscow and St. Petersburg) monthly you need to save 24,000 rubles plus variable rent(light, water) approximately 2500. In total, the premises will cost you 26,500 rubles monthly.

Step five. It is necessary to think over the design of the office, furnish it and install the necessary equipment. To start workplace there can only be one, and it will be yours. Having worked on your own, you can then correctly convey the idea and specifics of your business to future staff.

Office design should be memorable, non-trivial, but not annoying; show your imagination and bring the idea to life. If you are not creative, use the help of professional designers, but be prepared for considerable expenses. Don’t be like everyone else - you’re an innovator in the tourism business, let you have rocking chairs instead of ordinary sofas, and let the fluffy carpet, if you wish, cover the boring parquet. To get started, 50,000 rubles will be enough for decoration and furnishings. Plus, don’t forget about technology: computer, printer, phone, router. Their purchase will also cost you about 50,000.

If the start-up capital allows, you can install a projector in the office, which will help in the presentation of each tour.

Step six. Everything is ready to go, but what to offer to clients? There is no need to reinvent the wheel here; you can take standard directions from tour operators, but do not offer the client the usual excursions, but create a personal route and entertainment plan. The scheme of work is as follows:

  • The client voices a desire to relax in an unusual way.
  • You specify the budget, duration of vacation, number of people, which vacation is preferable - active or passive.
  • Then, within 1 day, prepare several tour options for the client and invite him to a presentation.
  • After the client chooses a destination, you decide all organizational issues of the trip: transport, accommodation, food, entertainment.
  • The client pays for the tour, taking into account your commission in the office, and you already transfer the funds to all organizations involved in the trip. The remaining funds are your proceeds.

How much did we spend?

An algorithm for organizing individual tours as a business has been developed and is ready to start. Let's calculate the amount of investment that will be required to bring the idea to life:

  1. Legalization - 800 rub.
  2. Premises - 26,500 rub.
  3. “Stuffing” of the office - furniture, design, equipment - 100,000 rubles.
  4. Stationery - 1,000 rub.
  5. Advertising - 10,000 rub.

To implement the idea, 138,300 rubles are needed.

How soon will the money be returned?

Profitability According to experts, investments for this area range from 20 to 30%, that is, for every thousand rubles invested, there is from 200 to 300 rubles of profit. The tourism business is seasonal, so it will be economically more efficient to open a business in March-April, then payback period The project can last from 6 months to 1 year.

Starting a project in the fall, on the contrary, will increase the period for returning the funds spent and may shake your confidence in the project, because in Russia this time is considered unsuitable for vacation.

A year has passed

The first year of work is the most difficult, you are tormented by doubts, profitable or not your brainchild. But the investment paid off, and profits finally began to flow into your pocket. Furs, jewelry, apartments and cars are certainly great. However, do not forget that the market does not stand still, and for successful work in the long term it is necessary to develop and grow further. Think about new directions, create your own website, hold competitions, open regional branches. Everything is in your hands, go for it!