Color of passports of different countries. How to get a service passport

Have you ever noticed that there are only four colors for passport covers? Each country has its own, but in total there are only four different colors for these documents.

The main ones are black, red, green and blue, which are used in various shades.

A small study found out why governments different countries chose one color or another for the main document of citizens.

Red passport

Red passports are the most common. They are preferred by countries with a communist past or present. Citizens of Slovenia, China, Serbia, Russia, Latvia, Romania, Poland and Georgia have red passports. In addition, the countries of the European Union (with the exception of Croatia), Turkey, Macedonia, Albania and the countries of the Andean Community also have red passports.

Blue passport

The blue cover symbolizes " new world" 15 countries Caribbean issue citizens with a document of this color. In South America, the countries of Mercosur (Common Market of Countries South America) also have a blue passport.

Green passport

This is the color of passports in most Muslim countries. Green passports in Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. It is believed to be the color of the Prophet Muhammad. Citizens of some African countries also have a green passport - for example, those who are members of ECOWAS (Economic Community of Countries West Africa).

Black passport

This color is used very rarely. New Zealand citizens are issued passports of this color, which symbolizes their land (plus, everyone here is black!). Citizens of some African countries also have a black passport - these are Botswana, Zambia, Burundi, Gabon, Angola, Chad, Congo, Malawi.

This map shows countries divided by the color of their passports (including some shades)

Main photo: dailymail

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Concepts of civil and foreign passport known to everyone. These are documents that prove a person's identity. But not everyone knows that in addition to the above, there is also a citizen’s service passport Russian Federation. This article will help you understand what it is and in what cases it is issued.

In essence, a service passport of Ukraine or the Russian Federation is no different from. This is the same travel document that is used to cross foreign borders. Its only difference is that it is extremely difficult to obtain such a document, because it is intended for business trips to persons who have a special relationship with the state. It is impossible to obtain such a document for travel for the purpose of traveling or visiting relatives abroad. This is illegal.

Externally this passport differs only in color. It is blue. Like regular passports, service travel documents come in two types:

  • Old style.
  • A new type with a built-in chip on which basic information about the owner of the document is “recorded”.

Regardless of the type of document, a service passport of Ukraine or Russia serves as an identification document for its owner outside the home republic. This document is also confirmation that the person is staying in the territory of a foreign state on a working visit.

It is worth noting that if a person’s foreign passport is his personal property, which he has the right to dispose of at will, then the service travel document belongs directly to the republic in whose territory it was issued. The person to whom it is registered does not have the right to dispose of this document on his own initiative.

As previously noted, this travel document can only be obtained by people of certain specialties and professions. Such passports are made for them to travel outside the state for the purpose of a foreign business trip. Upon returning to their homeland, the holder of the travel document is obliged to deposit the passport with the organization that applied for its registration.

A service passport has a limited validity period - only five years. This document cannot be obtained from migration service or multifunctional centers. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs alone is responsible for issuing such travel documents.

This organization has the right to issue such documents to both residents of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens who are employed in Russian companies.

Who can get a service passport

As previously noted, it is impossible to obtain a service passport at will. It is issued exclusively at the request and petition of the organization, enterprise or company where the person is officially employed.

But not everyone can receive this document, but only people working in the following structures:

  1. Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
  2. The State Duma.
  3. Council of the Federation.
  4. Government apparatus.
  5. Constitutional Court. But all employees of this department have the right to receive a service passport. Only members (judges) of the Constitutional Court have this privilege.
  6. Supreme Court. Only members of this organization have the right to apply for a service travel document.
  7. Arbitration court. All employees of this department have the right to apply for this document.
  8. Central Bank. All employees have the right to receive.
  9. State corporations:
  • "Deposit Insurance Agency".
  • "Vnesheconombank"
  • "Rusnano".
  • "Roscosmos".
  • "Rosatom".
  • "Rostec".
  • State corporation engaged in the construction of Olympic facilities.
  • State corporation engaged in reforming housing and communal services.

Also, potential owners of a “blue” passport can be:

  • People who are military personnel. But in this case, it is worth noting that the person must be in service in the Russian Federation, but serve it outside the republic, that is, in another country.
  • Family members of all people who are eligible to apply for a service passport due to their duty of service. But in this case there is one caveat. Family members of employees of the above-mentioned organizations cannot simply receive this document. It is issued only if the employee’s business trip period exceeds one calendar year.

Registration of a service travel document

To obtain this travel document, the company sends an application to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation with an explanation that an employee of their company is planning to travel abroad on a working visit at such and such a time.

In addition to the application, a package of documents is also submitted, consisting of:

  1. Statements. The document indicates the full name of the company, the number under which it is registered in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the personal data of the person for whom the “blue” passport is supposed to be issued.
  2. Account card. This card contains the following information:
    • Purpose of the trip.
    • Estimated duration of travel and duration of stay in another republic.
    • Countries that an employee of a company or organization intends to visit.
  3. Certificates with photographs. This document must include the following information:
  • Last name, first name, patronymic of the person for whom the travel document is “ordered”.
  • Address of his actual residence and registration.
  • Information from a civil passport: number, series, by whom and when issued.
  • Information regarding the presence of other nationalities in foreign countries.
  • Information regarding access to information that is encrypted as “secret”.
  • Information about a potential obstacle to the departure of a company employee.
  • Information about the last foreign business trip (if any).
  • Information from a valid foreign passport: series, number, who issued it and when, expiration date.
  • Information regarding recent places of employment, training, and military service over the past ten years inclusive.

Each country has its own reasons for choosing the cover color of this document.

It turns out that there are only four main passport colors in the world. And each country has its own reasons for choosing the color of the cover of this document. decided to find out what it depends on.


The most common color. Passports with a red cover are chosen by countries with a communist past or present. Citizens of China, Serbia, and Russia have red-skinned books. Members of the European Union, except Croatia, also use burgundy and other shades of red passports. Countries interested in joining the EU, such as Turkey, Macedonia and Albania, changed their passport colors to red several years ago. The Andean Community of Nations - Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru - also have burgundy passports.


The next most common color. 15 Caribbean countries have blue passports. For the bloc of South American countries, the blue color of the passport symbolizes its connection with Mercosur, a trade union. These are Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay.


Most Muslim countries have green passports. For example, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan. Green is considered the favorite color of the Prophet Muhammad and is a symbol of nature and life. Citizens of West Africa, for example, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Niger, Berega also have documents in various shades of green Ivory and Senegal. In their case, the color indicates affiliation with ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States).


The rarest passports are those with a black cover. Citizens of some African countries have these - Botswana, Zambia, Burundi, Gabon, Angola, Chad, Congo, Malawi and others. New Zealanders also have black passports because black is the national color of New Zealand.

On this map, countries are colored in the colors of their citizens' passports.

Most passports in the world are blue, red or green, although there are a huge number of shade variations.

Red passports

Ruby red passports are issued both in Russia and in the countries of the European Union, as well as in those states that are interested in joining the EU. Perhaps Turkey at one time changed the color of its passport from green to red just in the hope of joining the EU. Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru have burgundy passports. The Swiss passport has the coloring of the country's flag - it is bright red with a white plus.There is an opinion that the red tint Russian passport is a legacy of USSR communism.

Blue passports

WITHCaribbean countries such as Cuba and the Dominican Republic tend to use blue, although it is not unique to them. In South American countries- Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay - residents have blue passports. Ukraine's document has a heavenly hue, which is also a reference to the color of its national flag.

The United States passport only became dark blue in 1976. Before, in the 1930s, passports were hgreen, then burgundy and even black in the 1970s.

Green passports

Most Islamic countries use green passports due to the color's significance in their religion. Green, according to legend,was the favorite color of the Prophet Muhammad andsymbolized nature and life.A cover of this color can be seen on the passport of residents of Middle Eastern countries where Islam predominates. Shadesgreen colors are also chosen for passport covers by members of the Economic Community of West African Countries, for example, Niger and Senegal.

Black passports

Black color is the most practical when choosing a passport cover: dark documents (even deep shades of blue and red) are less likely to get dirty. Black documents are issued in the Republic of Botswana, Zambia and New Zealand (the latter has black as one of the country's national colors).

Passport creative

Passports haven't changed much over the past decades, but some countries have begun to get creative with their main document.

For example, the Finnish passport is made like a FlipBook - if you quickly turn the pages, you can see a moose strolling.

The UK has a unique type of passport - the Queen's Diplomatic Courier Passport, which serves as identification for workers delivering important information to consulates and embassies in other countries. A passport gives you unhindered travel around the world, first class flights and meetings with influential people.

In addition to the four main colors, others are occasionally used for passports. CitizensCanada, for example, issues white passportsas temporary documents.Norway offerspassports in various shades with minimalist design.